smurny · 13 days
rmbr when C.S Pacat was writing Captive Prince on some fan fiction site under the name S.U Pacat?
pepperidge farm rmbrs
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aresdifesa · 6 hours
Nuovi Jackal Mk 3 HMT 6x6 per il British Army Babcock, in collaborazione con Supacat, ha annunciato di aver ottenuto un contratto per la costruzione di 53 nuovi veicoli Jackal Mk 3 High Mobility Transporter (HMT) per il British Army
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A rare video of a AIM-132 ASRAAM anti-aircraft missile complex transferred by Great Britain to the AFU on a Supacat HMT platform. Date not mentioned
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randomkposts · 5 months
So I read something on LiveJournal about flirting and sex in japan from a forginers POV for fanfic reasons, and found something that made me think about Hinata Hyuga.
So first I should post something for context
"and mostly, if you are Japanese and you like someone, you embark on a series of subtle, indirect stealth manoeuvres, because liking prohibits action, especially for women, but also for men. 
Why is this the case? Japanese social interaction is all about intuiting the other person’s wishes without discussing them openly, at the same time that they are intuiting your wishes without discussing them openly, so that although nothing is ever verbalised, the two of you will always exist in a compromise position of equilibrium. If you like someone, that intuitive part goes into overdrive, because you should be able to understand everything about that person without them ever telling you, and you should be able to please them without ever asking how, even more than you would with a normal person. So it’s more important than ever to be indirect."
Negotiating through a third party, is more relevent to final fantasy 8 and Squall and Riona's romance, which I might table and come back to sometime in the future. Hinatas too introverted to use that method effectively anyways.
So to get to the point.
"Subtle signals
- Shyness. Pronounced shyness is form of flirting, since it’s a sign of liking, especially from girls, but also from guys. She interacts with everyone else more than him, she doesn’t sit next to him, she doesn’t talk much to him, she doesn’t initiate anything with him. - Attentiveness. You make life easier for the other person without being asked to. For example, when you got to a restaurant in Japan it’s normal to share food, so flirting means not ordering what you like, but ordering what s/he likes, which you already know without asking, because you’re observant. Stuff like that.- Eye contact. It’s the opposite to the west, where you gaze deeply into someone’s eyes if you like them. Direct eye contact is a bit rude in Japan at the best of times. If you’re flirting you look down and away a lot.- Indirect compliments. I can’t think of a good example. It’s pretty rare to give direct compliments and even more rare to compliment someone’s looks. (It’s especially rare for guys to compliment girls directly.)"
So by that standard Hinata might be trying hard to flirt with Naruto, but their love languages are different cultures. And by that I mean Naruto is a social outcast and orphan who starts the series pranking people to get attention in his life that he otherwise lacks, would not pick up on Hinata's crush this way, and in contrast Hinata was raised to be the future leader of a nobel clan- regardless of her temperment- and so is taught these rules of indirect flirting.
Sex surprised me even more, more about that under the gif
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"The biggest difference is that sex in Japan is not a mutual sharing experience with both partners spontaneously doing whatever they feel like or enjoy whenever they feel like doing it. Sex has rules and sex has roles just as every social interaction in Japan has rules and roles. There is an active partner and a passive partner. Active means moving; passive means unmoving. In heterosexual sex, the active partner is always male, and the passive partner is always female. In gay sex you work out your roles beforehand: the seme is active, the uke is passive (for gay guys); the tachi is active, the neko is passive (for gay women). If you are familiar with seme/uke conventions from yaoi manga, you can use them as a way of relating to what I’m talking about, because those conventions are not a fictional construct, randomly decided upon by a group of yaoi mangaka. Straight people have sex like that too, in reality. 
So there is an active partner and a passive partner, which causes various flow on effects. You can’t have “Whoo-hoo! Go for it!” sex because both partners are constrained by their roles. The passive partner (obviously) because she can’t move, and the active partner because he has to take care of the passive partner, instructing her on what to do and exerting himself so that she has a good time. 
I also can’t emphasise enough just how passive the passive partner is. The way a woman kisses is by submissively opening her mouth, not moving her tongue unless she is cued to do so; if she’s really feminine she won’t open her mouth at all, until she’s told to. Sometimes women will move around a (very) little during sex, but mostly not at all. "
And I'm thinking ' I thought the Seme/Uke thing was some kind of story narrative trend, like ABO is today. I had no idea that was a real way people had sex. '
That sure was a culture shock. Am glad someone talked about it on the internet as thats one of those unspoken culture things people get unconfortable talking about, and would probably be hard to find out even if I knew how to read or speak Japanese.
Finding it really hard to picture some of the ships I ship with one of the parties being unresponsive durring sex, particularly ships involving Rivals like Sasuke and Naruto, or Joker and Akechi (it is hard to be in the P5 fandom without finding at least one Akeshu fic you like).
Also important in Japan, is showers. That is the signal for someone asking you if you want to have sex with them.
"Shower is important. You should shower directly before and after you have sex. Before is more important than after. This makes me sound like I only ever dated people with OCD, but it’s the norm"
Which shows up in scenes like below
Not having a shower before is considered gross (even if you had one before you came to visit)
To end it off on a paraphrased quote from one of the writers boyfriends
"Seiji told me much later that dating me made him feel like he was gay, because I was active in bed, and he couldn’t connect that with anything except masculinity."
And now the link to the article in question so you can read it in full for your fanfic or travel reasearch
Last thing to keep in mind, this thing was posted years ago, I do not know what modern Japanese dating culture is up to, but it does shead some light on Japanese media I grew up around such as Naruto, and offer new insight to parts of it I didn't pick up on the significance of.
Such as for instance, final fantasy VIII features (among other things) a Japanese romance, and this offers insight into cultural differences of romance that I had no idea about.
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ao-fc · 7 months
The skies of Ukraine
Ukraine Supacat-ASRAAM air defense system shoots down a Russian ZALA reconnaissance drone.
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tradmais · 3 days
A Supacat, que tem uma grande presença na Austrália, exibiu publicamente sua nova plataforma de Veículo Utilitário Médio (MUV) na Land Forces 2024. Em exposição estava uma variante 6×6, embora uma configuração 4×4 também esteja disponível para os clientes.O veículo de classe leve-média foi projetado para se encaixar entre a Plataforma Móvel Todo-o-Terreno (ATMP) e o Transporte de Alta Mobilidade (HMT) na linha de produtos da Supacat em termos de tamanho, capacidade e preço. O veículo é uma colaboração entre as filiais australiana e britânica da Supacat.O MUV modular de alta mobilidade tem um peso bruto de veículo de 6,5 toneladas, que inclui uma capacidade de carga útil de 3,5 toneladas. A principal clientela alvo são as forças de operações especiais, mas aplicações potenciais alternativas são transportadores de tropas, transportadores de armas e tarefas utilitárias, como instalação de cabos de comunicação.Matthew Grech, chefe de negócios futuros da Supacat, disse Revisão Militar Asiática que o MUV é baseado em uma plataforma comercial Toyota Hilux. No entanto, o MUV utiliza um chassi construído para esse propósito, ao qual uma cabine Hilux, motor e mecânica são adicionados.Supacat declarou: “A disponibilidade e a confiabilidade do veículo são aprimoradas pela maximização do uso de peças comerciais prontas para uso na linha de transmissão, o que significa que a disponibilidade e a capacidade de manutenção das peças são robustas em quase qualquer teatro operacional.” Sua linhagem comercial significa que os militares devem ser mais capazes de dar suporte aos seus MUVs usando a infraestrutura existente no país.O protótipo movido a diesel em exibição na Land Forces foi equipado com uma estação de armas remota Kongsberg, câmeras de vigilância da Visionary Machines e um sistema anti-UAS Droneshield. Este MUV é o único protótipo presente na Austrália, mas o Reino Unido também tem pelo menos um exemplo.O MUV 6×6 tem 6,2 pés (1,915 metros) de comprimento e 6,1 pés (1,855 m) de largura, enquanto a configuração 4×4 tem 17,8 pés (5,45 m de comprimento). Ele pode apresentar uma cabine simples ou cabine dupla, o que obviamente afeta o comprimento da bandeja de carga traseira. Ele também está disponível em configurações de direção à direita ou à esquerda.O veículo também pode ser reforçado com blindagem balística, enquanto outras opções incluem um guincho de autorrecuperação, lançadores de granadas de fumaça, iluminação blackout, portas de lona, ​​sistema elétrico de 12 V ou 24 V e para-brisa de policarbonato removível.Grech disse que a região Ásia-Pacífico é um mercado potencial para o novo MUV. Supacat concluiu: “O MUV é realmente uma opção acessível durante todo o ciclo de vida.”As forças especiais australianas já usam o HMT Extenda Mk1 e Mk2 da Supacat, embora formações de infantaria regulares, como a 1ª Brigada, também os estejam utilizando atualmente, em sua transição para uma missão leve no litoral.por Gordon Arthur, Melbourne
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tradeemais · 3 days
A Supacat, que tem uma grande presença na Austrália, exibiu publicamente sua nova plataforma de Veículo Utilitário Médio (MUV) na Land Forces 2024. Em exposição estava uma variante 6×6, embora uma configuração 4×4 também esteja disponível para os clientes.O veículo de classe leve-média foi projetado para se encaixar entre a Plataforma Móvel Todo-o-Terreno (ATMP) e o Transporte de Alta Mobilidade (HMT) na linha de produtos da Supacat em termos de tamanho, capacidade e preço. O veículo é uma colaboração entre as filiais australiana e britânica da Supacat.O MUV modular de alta mobilidade tem um peso bruto de veículo de 6,5 toneladas, que inclui uma capacidade de carga útil de 3,5 toneladas. A principal clientela alvo são as forças de operações especiais, mas aplicações potenciais alternativas são transportadores de tropas, transportadores de armas e tarefas utilitárias, como instalação de cabos de comunicação.Matthew Grech, chefe de negócios futuros da Supacat, disse Revisão Militar Asiática que o MUV é baseado em uma plataforma comercial Toyota Hilux. No entanto, o MUV utiliza um chassi construído para esse propósito, ao qual uma cabine Hilux, motor e mecânica são adicionados.Supacat declarou: “A disponibilidade e a confiabilidade do veículo são aprimoradas pela maximização do uso de peças comerciais prontas para uso na linha de transmissão, o que significa que a disponibilidade e a capacidade de manutenção das peças são robustas em quase qualquer teatro operacional.” Sua linhagem comercial significa que os militares devem ser mais capazes de dar suporte aos seus MUVs usando a infraestrutura existente no país.O protótipo movido a diesel em exibição na Land Forces foi equipado com uma estação de armas remota Kongsberg, câmeras de vigilância da Visionary Machines e um sistema anti-UAS Droneshield. Este MUV é o único protótipo presente na Austrália, mas o Reino Unido também tem pelo menos um exemplo.O MUV 6×6 tem 6,2 pés (1,915 metros) de comprimento e 6,1 pés (1,855 m) de largura, enquanto a configuração 4×4 tem 17,8 pés (5,45 m de comprimento). Ele pode apresentar uma cabine simples ou cabine dupla, o que obviamente afeta o comprimento da bandeja de carga traseira. Ele também está disponível em configurações de direção à direita ou à esquerda.O veículo também pode ser reforçado com blindagem balística, enquanto outras opções incluem um guincho de autorrecuperação, lançadores de granadas de fumaça, iluminação blackout, portas de lona, ​​sistema elétrico de 12 V ou 24 V e para-brisa de policarbonato removível.Grech disse que a região Ásia-Pacífico é um mercado potencial para o novo MUV. Supacat concluiu: “O MUV é realmente uma opção acessível durante todo o ciclo de vida.”As forças especiais australianas já usam o HMT Extenda Mk1 e Mk2 da Supacat, embora formações de infantaria regulares, como a 1ª Brigada, também os estejam utilizando atualmente, em sua transição para uma missão leve no litoral.por Gordon Arthur, Melbourne
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nawapon17 · 5 days
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asestgrin · 5 months
Российские военные уничтожили британскую экспериментальную систему ПВО
Российские войска уничтожили экспериментальную систему противовоздушной обороны, разработанную британскими инженерами специально для Вооруженных Сил Украины. Случай произошел на территории Донецкой Народной Республики, где комплекс был поражен барражирующим боеприпасом. Система ПВО была установлена на шасси бронированной многоцелевой машины Supacat HMT 600, адаптированной под военные нужды. Согласно опубликованным сообщениям, на этом шасси была размещена пусковая установка с двумя ракетами ASRA... Читать дальше »
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militaryleak · 8 months
Babcock and Supacat Launch Production on High Mobility Transporter (HMT) Jackal 3 for British Army
Babcock International Group (Babcock), the defence company and Supacat, a defence vehicle engineering company have officially launched production of 70 High Mobility Transporter (HMT) Jackal 3s for the British Army. An innovative manufacturing facility at Babcock’s Devonport site has been specially developed for this purpose and will produce 62 of the vehicles, with the remaining eight to be built at Supacat’s manufacturing facilities in Dunkeswell. Production of the new vehicles is planned to be completed by the summer of 2024. The project is one of the first contracts to deliver on the UK’s Land Industrial Strategy. Close working relationships between Babcock, Supacat the British Army and the Ministry of Defence’s (MOD), Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S) Team have ensured that the operational and safety requirements of the vehicle are fully met. In tribute to both the British Army and the Royal Navy, the new South West production facility has been named ‘The Raglan Building’ in recognition of the nearby Raglan Barracks which supported British soldiers on their way to overseas operations in the 1800s. The facility is future-proofed and is ready for subsequent build programmes. Transformational innovation and technology have been optimised throughout the production line and includes the use of bespoke ‘Pulse’ software which maximises efficiency during vehicle assembly. It is anticipated that the advantages of being located in the South Devon Freeport will benefit the future through-put of this production facility for years to come.
Babcock International Group (Babcock), the defence company and Supacat, a defence vehicle engineering company have officially launched production of 70 High Mobility Transporter (HMT) Jackal 3s for the British Army. An innovative manufacturing facility at Babcock’s Devonport site has been specially developed for this purpose and will produce 62 of the vehicles, with the remaining eight to be…
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wpristav · 8 months
Британия запускает производство «высокомобильных транспортеров» Jackal 3
Британские компании Babcock и Supacat официально запустили производство так называемых «высокомобильных транспортеров» (HMT) Jackal 3 для нужд британской армии. Выпуск 70 заказанных новых машин планируется завершить к лету 2024 года.Jackal 3 разрабатывался на протяжении более 10 лет на базе предыдущей версии Jackal 2. Новая модель получила ряд усовершенствований, включая улучшенную защиту экипажа ... Читать дальше »
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peoplemattertv · 1 year
As the British Army gears up to meet one of the MoD Land Industrial Strategy’s (LIS), Devon-based Supacat believes it will play a crucial ongoing role. The British Army seeks to rationalise its current fleet of land mobility platforms from 35 to 15 Supacat received an order from MOD for a further 70 of its HMT systems in February this year. These common base platforms can be fitted with mission…
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kragnir · 1 year
Leave it up to the Brits to take another important first step. Thanks, UK!
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uav-news · 2 years
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poppapeasy · 5 years
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philjoeo · 5 years
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Supacat loves to paint
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