#supercharger kits
Supercharge Your Business Knowledge with Xpert Kits: Ebooks for Busy Entrepreneurs
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As an entrepreneur, time is always of the essence. Between managing day-to-day operations, strategizing for the future, and networking, finding the time to acquire new skills and knowledge can feel nearly impossible. That's where Xpert Kits: Digital - Ebooks comes in. This innovative product from Xpert Kits has become my go-to resource for quickly and efficiently learning about new business topics.Comprehensive and Concise Content:I've used several online courses and tutorials in the past, but many suffer from being overly long or lacking in substance. Xpert Kits: Ebooks takes a different approach. The ebooks are concise and to the point, focusing on delivering the most essential information on a specific business topic. This makes them perfect for busy entrepreneurs who can't afford to spend hours glued to a screen.For instance, I recently downloaded the ebook on "Social Media Marketing for Beginners." In under an hour, I gained a solid understanding of the major social media platforms, best practices for content creation, and strategies for engaging with my target audience. The ebook was packed with actionable tips and insights that I could immediately implement into my own social media strategy.Variety of Topics:The beauty of Xpert Kits: Ebooks is the sheer variety of topics covered. Whether you're looking to brush up on your marketing fundamentals, learn about the latest SEO trends, or delve into the world of financial management, there's an ebook to suit your needs. This allows me to target specific areas where I want to improve my knowledge and skillset, rather than getting bogged down in generic information.For example, I'm currently considering expanding into a new market. To prepare myself, I downloaded the ebooks on "Market Research for Startups" and "Understanding International Business." These ebooks provided me with a strong foundation for conducting market research, identifying potential opportunities, and navigating the complexities of international trade.Accessible and Affordable:Xpert Kits: Ebooks are not only informative but also incredibly affordable. Compared to the high cost of traditional business courses and conferences, Xpert Kits offers a much more budget-friendly way to acquire valuable knowledge. This makes it a great option for entrepreneurs of all stages, from bootstrapped startups to established businesses.The easy-to-download format is another plus. I can access the ebooks on any device, allowing me to learn on the go during my commute or breaks between meetings. This flexibility ensures that I can continue my professional development even when my schedule is jam-packed.In Conclusion:If you're an entrepreneur looking for a way to gain valuable business knowledge quickly, efficiently, and affordably, then Xpert Kits: Ebooks is a fantastic option. With its comprehensive yet concise content, wide range of topics, and accessible format, Xpert Kits has become an essential tool in my entrepreneurial journey. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to stay ahead of the curve and take their business to the next level.tunesharemore_vertexpand_contentadd_photo_alternatephoto_cameramicsend
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As an entrepreneur, time is always of the essence. Between managing day-to-day operations, strategizing for the future, and networking, finding the time to acquire new skills and knowledge can feel nearly impossible. That's where Xpert Kits: Digital - Ebooks comes in. This innovative product from Xpert Kits has become my go-to resource for quickly and efficiently learning about new business topics.Comprehensive and Concise Content:I've used several online courses and tutorials in the past, but many suffer from being overly long or lacking in substance. Xpert Kits: Ebooks takes a different approach. The ebooks are concise and to the point, focusing on delivering the most essential information on a specific business topic. This makes them perfect for busy entrepreneurs who can't afford to spend hours glued to a screen.For instance, I recently downloaded the ebook on "Social Media Marketing for Beginners." In under an hour, I gained a solid understanding of the major social media platforms, best practices for content creation, and strategies for engaging with my target audience. The ebook was packed with actionable tips and insights that I could immediately implement into my own social media strategy.Variety of Topics:The beauty of Xpert Kits: Ebooks is the sheer variety of topics covered. Whether you're looking to brush up on your marketing fundamentals, learn about the latest SEO trends, or delve into the world of financial management, there's an ebook to suit your needs. This allows me to target specific areas where I want to improve my knowledge and skillset, rather than getting bogged down in generic information.For example, I'm currently considering expanding into a new market. To prepare myself, I downloaded the ebooks on "Market Research for Startups" and "Understanding International Business." These ebooks provided me with a strong foundation for conducting market research, identifying potential opportunities, and navigating the complexities of international trade.Accessible and Affordable:Xpert Kits: Ebooks are not only informative but also incredibly affordable. Compared to the high cost of traditional business courses and conferences, Xpert Kits offers a much more budget-friendly way to acquire valuable knowledge. This makes it a great option for entrepreneurs of all stages, from bootstrapped startups to established businesses.The easy-to-download format is another plus. I can access the ebooks on any device, allowing me to learn on the go during my commute or breaks between meetings. This flexibility ensures that I can continue my professional development even when my schedule is jam-packed.In Conclusion:If you're an entrepreneur looking for a way to gain valuable business knowledge quickly, efficiently, and affordably, then Xpert Kits: Ebooks is a fantastic option. With its comprehensive yet concise content, wide range of topics, and accessible format, Xpert Kits has become an essential tool in my entrepreneurial journey. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to stay ahead of the curve and take their business to the next level.tunesharemore_vertexpand_contentadd_photo_alternatephoto_cameramicsend
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SeaDoo Supercharger Rebuild Kit
Seadoo personal watercraft (PWC) are renowned for their thrilling speed and performance, largely owing to their innovative supercharger systems. These superchargers, often found in Seadoo’s performance models, provide an exhilarating boost to your PWC’s power. However, like all mechanical components, superchargers require regular maintenance and eventual rebuilding to ensure optimal performance. That’s where the Seadoo Supercharger Rebuild Kit comes into play.
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grudgemotorsports · 2 years
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seat-safety-switch · 3 months
In the evening, it's not unusual around here to hear a lot of birdsong. Once the heat of the day begins to break, all the little robins and chickadees head out for some delicious grubs and worms. And I'm no different, except I head to the garage. Recently, though, I've felt like a bit of a landlord. Not just because I earn money without doing much work through an artisanally-arranged combination of government-endorsed financial scams, but because I'm building affordable housing for birdie tenants.
It all started when I was shoplifting tools at Home Depot. Loss Prevention had hired a new lady, and she was fast. So fast, in fact, that she was going to catch me if I didn't do something. I ducked into a nearby display, which turned out to be some kind of odd gathering. "Father's Day Build-A-Birdhouse Workshop," it advertised. There were dozens of children and presumably their fathers in attendance, all working hard to construct a simulacra of a human house for a bird to enjoy later.
To throw the Loss Preventionatrix off even more, I swiped an unused apron and started helping out the less capable dads. We all need a little bit of assistance sometime, even if it's something as basic as "which end of the hammer do you use?" (just hit it with a socket wrench, coward) and "do you have something with which to medicate my child?" (model airplane glue.) I found the entire experience fascinating, and it gave me a real urge to do some amateur carpentry of my very own. Not all the dads had shown up, so I helped myself to the several dozen unbuilt kits and headed for the fire exit.
Now, I have a utopian backyard. Our avian friends flit through the air, bringing new life into the world. They feast on the seeds dropped by the frankly ridiculous amount of overgrown plants, supercharged by iron-oxide-rich water falling out of my shitboxes. My fence sags under the weight of fifty-plus tiny little homes. Birdsong fills the air to such a degree that my neighbours all wear hearing protection to bed.
As well, the local news has noticed: did a whole profile on me on the evening news, in between the red-faced screaming at federal politicians for eating the wrong kind of cheese. Speaking of, we managed to leverage the positive coverage into a pretty good-sized cheque from the city government, too, enough for another Volare, because they forgot to specify in their homebuilding incentives that "affordable housing" should be human-sized. Better luck next time.
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btsmosphere · 3 months
Supercharged | JJK
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Chapter 12: Into The Depths
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🗲summary: It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens? 🗲this chapter: If you aren't cut out to be part of the group, then you’ll just have to go it alone.
🗲pairing: jungkook x female reader 🗲word count: 7.7k 🗲genre: angst, action, eventual fluff, enemies to lovers, slow burn, superheroes/villains au, found family 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: violence with superpowers, also physical violence, swearing, guilt, arguing, self-doubt, blood, injury, near-drowning
a/n: the warnings on this chapter may tell you that there's quite a lot in store... and after you all loved last week's found family wholesomeness last week, I really hope you're not mad😅
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You were beginning to think Kuyang had had it very lucky. The current ‘lab’ you occupied looked more like a bunker to you.
No windows in sight, you instead had to stare at an array of screens displaying the outside world. Waiting.
You moved your fingers idly, blue static crackling between each one. Though you trained your eyes attentively on the ‘view’ beyond the heavy concrete wall, you couldn’t suppress the itch. You knew you weren’t the only one. You had trained, you could fight, but still all you were able to do was react to Bolt’s every whim with no way to anticipate him.
That was Namjoon’s department, though.
Only a tap of your toes belied your otherwise calm, level gaze as you scanned the images.
At the very least, you were here in advance this time. No rushing halfway across the city on an emergency call. This lab housed some kind of weapon, the ‘shield rifle’, and though you had seen it only in pictures, you had to admit it looked a useful piece of kit. The forcefield spheres it fired could be used both for attack and defence. Something you wanted kept on your side. So, for whatever connection had tipped you off this time, you tried to be grateful.
That is, if the threat turned out to be real after all.
A dart of movement made you blink not a second later, half convinced it had been a figment of your restless mind. But no. It was like they had been waiting for your doubt to begin so they could laugh at you.
Hastily regathering your focus, more figures crept into the frame, confirming what you had first seen. A hungry smirk quirked your mouth as you lifted your receiver to your lips.
“I can see four people outside exit C,” you told them, “don’t think they’ve spotted us, though.”
“Copy that. Anyone else got movement?” Jin asked swiftly after.
“Nothing yet.” Jimin.
“Hm, Yoongi, can you get around to Y/N?” Namjoon instructed, “I’m not seeing any other action yet. But stay alert.”
“On the way,” Yoongi said simply.
Beside the screens was a thick door, barely distinguishable from the blank wall. Eager eyes glancing towards it, your feet couldn’t resist a step closer to where action soon promised to bloom.
Were they really that clueless? You almost felt sorry for Bolt’s warriors as you saw them sneak closer, oblivious to the fact they were already unders surveillance, directly in your line of sight. One of them crouched, producing some kind of tool.
You rolled your neck. So they were going to break down the door? They sure were making it simple for you; maybe you could be persuaded to go easy on them.
“You seeing this?” you asked the receiver.
“You ready?” was Namjoon’s response.
Before you could respond, the screens went dark. Smart move – or it would be, if you hadn’t already clocked them.
Yoongi couldn’t be far away. Another confident step took you towards the door, your powers now thrumming in your veins.
Sure enough, the door juddered, before rising from the ground. A bracing breath and you were ready, on your toes. The intruders didn’t fire yet, though. You would have to let them come for you.
“Wait!” a cry crackled through the radio on your hip. Cursing, you snatched at it, hoping your position hadn’t been given away.
“There’s someone else-”
No sooner had you time to frown than a cacophonous crash sounded, somewhere distantly on your left. Even through all the layers of concrete, it rumbled, stirring horror low in your chest.
Backing away several paces, your eyes darted urgently between the slowly raising doorway and the far end of the corridor, beyond which something bigger had just happened.
What was that? The question was on your lips without you thinking it, the only clear thing among a rush of panic that brought your friends’ faces spinning through your mind. Your hallway suddenly felt so isolated, its darkness stretching out either side of you.
But the words never passed your lips.
The moment your receiver was at your mouth, it exploded with noise again.
“Shit-” you had never heard Hope curse before, “Monsoon’s here.”
Your eyes widened. That was a name you had yet to make an acquaintance with. But you knew it alright. Monsoon was a title you had only ever read side-by-side with Bolt in the papers.
“Y/N,” Namjoon’s decisive tone cut through your reeling thoughts, “deal with the first lot. Everyone else, get to exit A and get this fucker out.”
So you stalked forwards, impatiently lifting one arm to finish the door’s ascent. As your powers met the resistance of the concrete, you gritted your teeth and pushed through, lightning gushing from your palm to haul the door aside, leaving you framed in the doorway.
The people from earlier backed away from the door as you finally faced them.
They clutched familiar weapons. The one closest to your shifted their gun defensively, drawing your attention.
“Please, let’s not,” you said flatly, “I have better things to be doing. Though I’m sure you know that.”
It crossed your mind that this lot had likely been a purposeful distraction. Yet more of Bolt’s fodder.
One of them shot a nervous glance to their neighbour. That was the only movement, making you scowl, eyes rolling.
“That yours?” you asked blithely, tilting your head to a van a short way to the right.
You watched with dark amusement as their heads followed your direction. And then your patience snapped. Letting loose a burst of blue power, an extension of you, it closed like a fist around the van and tossed it skywards with an ease that made you smile.
It arced over the group, suspended, for a moment.
Then you brought it slamming back to earth, right at their feet. Close enough to force them scrambling back, away from you. The force cracked the road, blue sparks skittering through trenches carved from impact.
You glared at them through the blue trails of light leaping and sparking from the wrecked vehicle.
They ran.
Feet still planted in the same spot, you waited just long enough to be sure they were really going for good, before you caved to what you had been itching for this whole time.
Turning on your heel, you raced back inside. Yoongi had probably already passed you by, hidden safely until he needed to be. A restless force took you tearing through the place alone towards the main entrance, where Monsoon must have attacked. Looked like they weren’t going for subtlety with this one.
Another abandoned doorway was a blur as you raced on. Another corner and noise reached your ears. Another step, and you were forced to a skidding halt.
Up ahead, a door slammed shut.
Hurriedly shooting a lightning blast at the solid surface, you were poised to run straight through – but nothing moved.
Behind it, you could hear crashes, a brief roar like flames, a rush like waves. When something collided directly with the other side of the door, you slammed your palms against it in frustration. You needed to get in there, help your team!
The communications had dissolved, an incomprehensible exchange blaring back and forth through your radio. Some instructions from Jin, cut off by a cry by Jimin, before a breathless Hope only got half a sentence out. Clearly called back by the fray. You couldn’t bear to be so close, yet helpless.
Giving it one more try, you watched your powers glide fruitlessly around the doorway’s seams, fizzling out.
Grabbing at the receiver, you called into it.
“I can’t get through! How do I open this thing?!”
Namjoon’s voice of reason never answered you. No-one answered you.
Just the echoing collisions of things you couldn’t see, beyond this unfeeling barrier. You were panting harder than ever despite having stopped running. Were they ok?
You needed to get in there.
Breathing out harshly, you stepped back and squared your shoulders. With the strength of your worry filling you, your impatience to help, you summoned as much as you could muster-
And fired.
Jungkook’s familiar shouts from the training room steeled your mind even more. You had honed this power with him, and now you could use it.
The shock of blue connected this time, illuminated your face and the corridor like welding fire as you concentrated it on your obstacle. You felt the kickback but leaned into it, only digging your heels in harder.
For one moment, the electricity grew taught between you and the door, straining like it was solid-
Then it gave way.
The door smashed inwards. Without a second’s hesitation, you strode forwards into the carnage laid out before you.
The space you had entered earlier was in ruins, chunks of the wall lying on the ground in rippling pools of water, electricals hanging, frayed and sparking, from the ceiling. Daylight was thrown inside from the wide open main door, though the smaller ones around the space still lay shut. Oddly, there was none of the purple fire that your group usually left in your wake.
You were about to find out why.
You had quickly scoped out the figures dotted throughout the space: some running, some firing, some just staggering up from the ground. And only one you didn’t recognise.
The hero wore white, starkly standing out against the battered bunker.
In the opposite corner, a fierce plume of purple flame roared to life, silhouetting the stranger. The next instant, the man struck, a torrent of water following his movements and drenching the fire to ash.
V was leaping out of its path, caught mid-air by the blurred form of Hobi. V was dropped to safety on a pile of rubble in a blink. Then Hope kicked off the wall in a one-eighty, landing with one hand on the ground in front on Monsoon.
Then Hoseok charged. Monsoon staggered and dodged, struggling to track the man who ran circles around him. Suddenly, the hero held his arms out, stumbling even more cluelessly. In your hurry towards the action, you spotted a cloud of shadow hovering at his eyes. Yoongi.
Monsoon stopped.
Then the tsunami hit.
Throwing his arms out, Monsoon summoned a ring of water that frothed with white. It hurtled straight for you – straight for everyone – knocking you back in a winding blow. Hobi was struck from the air, even his lightning pace unable to outrun the wall of waves.
Your back never even hit the ground. Churning water turned you over, and you found yourself stumbling to your feet, running in the total opposite direction.
Gasping from the unexpected impact, you collided with something else.
Hands grasped your upper arms firmly, keeping you on your feet as you blinked away the slew of water. You looked up into the face of Jungkook.
Brows drawn, he scanned you swiftly. Then he was pulling you back, both of you retreating from Monsoon, who stood taller in the centre once more. His mask gleamed white again, eyes now rid of darkness.
Misguidedly, your eyes hunted for Yoongi. Of course, you didn’t find him. You hoped him being invisible meant he was still alive in here somewhere.
Jungkook’s hands loosened, making you glance back to him. His eyes had left you, focussed somewhere distant.
“What the…?”
Following his look, words stopped in your throat too.
The small doors, the ones which led inside, to the very lab you were defending… were sliding open.
All of them.
“What… ppening…?” your waterlogged radio spit out panicked fragments of Jin’s voice, “I locked these-”
And as you noticed, Monsoon was not far behind.
Hobi was first off the mark, already in front of the man. He dodged one canon-like column of water, successfully knocking Monsoon to the side, but he wasn’t so lucky the second time. Hurrying to support him, a boulder flew overhead, and you were running.
Jungkook’s hand at your back urged you on before you disconnected, running in step towards the enemy.
Jimin’s projectile found its mark, landing solidly in the doorway Monsoon headed for, but the man simply lifted his palms and a flood carried it away before the next could pile up. And the same flood gathered around the hero, carrying him on faster as he deflected another blow from Hope.
Behind him, you plunged forwards into ankle-high water which only deepened the closer you got to the man himself.
A sharp golden streak caught Monsoon unawares. Falling sideways, off-course, he was slammed against the wall beside the opening. Jungkook leapt into the air a moment later, Monsoon’s next shot falling between the two of you.
While you dived out of its path onto the ground, Jungkook took to the air and fired again, again.
But Monsoon was prepared now he had his assailant in sight. He caught each blow with a splash of water in mid-air. His retaliation avenged him, a cannon-like blast of water sending Jungkook crashing against the wall.
Wincing, you watched him slide to the ground clutching an arm. The way his face twisted, teeth bared with pain, had fire bubbling anew within you.
Something else stole your attention first.
Pushing yourself to sit, your ear came close to your receiver where it had fallen. Almost unheard in the chaos of the fight, Jin was trying to figure out the cause of the error.
“I’ve lost the system… ‘s offline.. disturbance started- section C… one of the door- shorted-”
A door shorted the system? In… section C?
Realisation hit you in slow motion, and it was all too fast. Washing over you, heat prickled menacingly, spreading across your skin. A trapdoor opened up for your stomach to fall through, robbing you of more breath than the impact of Monsoon’s freak wave.
It had been you.
Finally struggling to his feet and unopposed, Monsoon dragged himself through the empty doorway. You should stop him. You should-
Numb, you looked up. It wasn’t the bright white of Monsoon that grabbed your eyes. It was another gaze, looking right back at you through the wall of water.
The wave Monsoon had created to tide him through your attacks sunk slowly, seeping back into shallow puddles around where you lay. As it deflated, Jungkook’s eyes came into sharper focus. His pain forgotten, still slumped against the far wall, he suddenly seemed so much closer than he was. You had seen that glare before; why did it drive such a burning poker through your chest now?
Your own guilt pushed it deeper. His eyes only reflected the piercing regret now surging through you.
The world tilted unnaturally as you forced your legs beneath you. Your own breaths thundered through your skull as you twisted, feet leaden as you tried to catch sight of your friends, counting the shapes of bodies… Losing count…
Then you were at Jungkook’s side. On your knees.
“Jungkook,” you breathed, voice far away, “are you-?”
He didn’t wait for you to finish.
Shoving away your outstretched hand, he was on his feet. You rose too, steps falling away from him with rising dread.
“That was- that was you?! You were watching over section C, right? …Right?”
You flinched at his raised voice, breathing coming faster.
“Hey,” a sharp snap cut him off.
Whipping around, you found Hope standing just a pace away. His eyes fell over both of you. Cold.
They lingered on you for only a second, as if he couldn’t bear to look at you, before they rested on Monsoon’s escape path.
“We should be chasing after him.”
But he got no further.
All the lights shut off at once, plunging the space into near-darkness. Only fading daylight from the entrance behind you maintained your sight. The lot of you jumped.
Head snapping up, you whirled around, searching the space. When you faced the outside doorway, the cause made itself known.
Marching inside was Namjoon. His footsteps echoed like gunshots in the silence after the battle.
You physically felt your heart jolting lower with every step he took. Tension radiated from your leader. Instinct had you stepping back as he passed, fists clenched, and disappeared through the door.
You gulped when a flash of red came from the darkness beyond.
Shame burned your eyes. At least the darkness could hide that.
Again, you turned, slower this time. There was V climbing down from the rubble, Jimin taking his hand to help him. You still didn’t see Yoongi, but perhaps that was by design. His absence would have been noted by now if not one of you could see him.
You swallowed harder, dipping your head. You had thought you could help… Instead, you had caused all this? Swayed an already losing battle in favour of the enemy?
No wonder Yoongi wouldn’t grace your sight right now. And Hobi didn’t even want to look at you. And Jungkook-
Jungkook’s rage screamed loud enough through his eyes. You thought you had been used to this, but all of a sudden you couldn’t stomach the thought of the venom in his gaze.
It reminded you of the time you hadn’t known him. When he had been all brick walls and disdain… and you had just watched those barriers slam back up in real time.
It shouldn’t be the thing that stuck in your throat.
He shouldn’t be the one you desperately wanted to take it back for.
Taking a firm breath in through your nose, you stamped on the feeling. It couldn’t make you feel any shittier, tossing it on the steaming pile of shame and ugly humiliation already festering in your gut.
A new flash made you blink back to the outside world. Namjoon stood in front of you all.
“He’s gone… with the shield rifle. The doors are open all the way to the other side.”
When his eyes landed on you, you wished your powers would burn you up from the inside.
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That journey home was probably the most you had ever understood Jungkook’s need to lose himself in the gym in moments of frustration.
The silence of the car locked you in, even your halting breaths feeling like too much movement. Your presence felt like a neon sign, advertising your monumental failure to your friends, drawing their eyes without asking for it. If only the seat could swallow you up, render you truly invisible.
And while you sat still, your insides only rioted more.
So the moment you got home, you broke away from the subdued group heading for the living room. And they let you. Even as you walked away, you couldn’t relax, every step controlled. You wished your footsteps would be quiet.
Your footfalls rang out faster and faster on the staircase as you finally began to give in to your bottled-up impatience to move.
Sights set on the entrance to the gym, you already ached for the burn in your muscles. Any hope of dodging the storm of guilt currently bombarding you full-force. By now, your pace was ready to burst into a run, eyes desperately fixed on the approaching door-
A hand caught your arm, roughly wheeling you around.
Before you even noticed it was Jungkook, you had ripped your arm back from his grasp. Trying to reign in your breathing, you shot him a blazing look.
“Jungkook, please leave me alone-”
“You think you can just walk away from this? What was that, back there?”
You breathed in harshly, unprepared for his exclamation. Turning your face to glare hard at the floor, you ground your teeth together.
“I’m not walking away. Just… can it wait?” Your question came out flat.
His brows only drew tighter, disgust rapidly etching into his features.
“Just like you could wait to come barging in to fight Monsoon?” his voice was cutting, “you wanted a piece of the action then! But now you’re the one who gets to decide when we deal with this? It affects all of us.”
Face pinching, you flinched back from his relentless rain of accusations.
With what you told yourself was a steadying breath, in and out, you tried to swallow down your rising irritation.
“I didn’t know it would fry the circuit-”
“What did you think our power does again?!” Jungkook cut you off, incredulous, throwing his arms out.
Shutting your mouth with a snap, you breathed through your nose. Maybe both of you needed to cool off. It wasn’t like you had wanted this to happen!
And yet he was back to treating you like a child, like he was above you-
Shaking his head, a scowl took over Jungkook’s mouth. His glare slipped back into angry disdain so easily, and with a scoff he backed away.
“I knew I was right about you.”
For a terrifying second, the space between you teetered in silence so steep you wondered if you could hear the shaking of your tense muscles. And then-
Something within you snapped.
“What exactly is your problem?” you yelled, not allowing him to turn his back on you, eyes snapping up and ready to meet his fire this time. “Tell me! Ever since I got here you’ve hated me, wanted me gone. Even though the others never-”
Jungkook responded in kind without blinking, eyes hardening and foot stepping sharply forwards.
“They are my brothers,” he spat, “but unlike them, I’m not ready to trust just anyone who walks through the door with powers-”
“I had no other choice!” you cried, arms flying out.
“And that’s supposed to make it better?”
Jungkook pressed closer with the force of his shouting.
You gritted your teeth, stood your ground.
“Listen: I am not Bolt. Have I not proved that to you?”
“The only thing you’ve proved is that we can’t rely on you!”
“It was a mistake, Jungkook! People make mistakes!”
“We can’t afford to make mistakes!” his anger slid then into something darker, lowering in volume but losing no ferocity. “They are all I have in this world.”
“And you don’t think that’s the same for me?!”
His anger boiled over again in an instant.
“You haven’t gone through what we have! You don’t know what it’s like out there for people like us!” Now toe-to-toe, he jabbed a finger at your chest. “You were picked up straight away when you got powers, and we all held your hand through it! How can I really know we’re fighting for the same cause?”
“So that’s it, huh? I have to suffer in order for you to trust me?” you scoffed.
A heavier frown flickered along Jungkook’s brow, but when his mouth opened it was only to scowl. Had you finally rendered him speechless?
Eyes locked, barely inches apart, you both breathed heavily. Not one breaking away. Not one backing down. Jungkook’s jaw ticked. A similar spasm struck you, only it was a searing swipe of hurt through your chest.
Stirring up the power that dwelt there.
The crackle of lightning was audible, albeit only a single strand of static that escaped your palm. Reflected back in Jungkook’s eyes, your own bright flash of blue.
As if it had burnt him, he jerked away, severing eye contact.
Hurriedly putting distance between you, he looked back up once more. Gone was the hardened glare. Face slack, his expression was wide open with something so raw…
In one motion, the frown shifted his features once more. With a final, chilling look, he turned stiffly and stalked away. The change had almost been quick enough to convince you you never saw him look so wounded just a moment before.
His steps rang out on the stairs, and were gone.
Like a string had been cut, you deflated, finally allowing yourself a few reeling steps back.
You paused there. Staring hollowly ahead, you never turned back to the gym. All your previous intentions of escape had done just that and fled.
A shaky breath transformed into an embarrassing sniff. Gritting your teeth, you did your best to swallow down the sob that tried to break from your throat.
Breaths coming choppily, your eyes tracked the path Jungkook had just walked away from you. Your lips couldn’t resist the harsh downwards tug as his words fed the storm of your thoughts.
There was no brushing off Jungkook’s comments, like you had often done in spats past. There was no hand on your shoulder telling you not to mind him – no, that would have to come from one of the people you had just put in danger. Whose plans you had ruined…
Jungkook may be the only one up to saying it, but they must all agree with him by now.
His words hadn’t bounced off a shield this time. They had split your flesh and buried deep inside you, writhing in the current of regret dragging you off your feet.
He didn’t think you were on the same side? You had thought you had earned their trust, but now you couldn’t blame them for their doubt in you, after such a monumental fuck-up.
You twisted your fingers into a fist to prevent your hand from clutching your head. This was no time for self-pity. You weren’t the one who deserved comfort here. It was you who should be making things right.
With a shallow breath, you rolled your shoulders. Chose to dig your feet in against the stream of ugly emotions.
Some workout wouldn’t fix this.
You would.
At that promise, the waters settled around you, content with being given direction at last. The resolution may have granted a tenuous peace, the mess of shame still swirling below the surface, but at least you could breathe easier. At least you could move your feet, a new ease to your movements at the prospect of redeeming this catastrophe.
The odd sensation of walking a high wire remained nonetheless. Controlling each breath, aware not to make a sound, you cracked open the door at the head of the stairs.
Silence met you.
If you were lucky, the boys may have dispersed already. If they had, though, you had no guarantee as to how long they would stay away. It wasn’t like them to totally split. Knowing them the way you did, you had seen the way they got through things together, sticking by each other’s side after the hardships just as much as the victories.
A bitter weight settled in your heart. You had hoped to be part of that. Their care as a group was the reason you fought, the very people you had now jeopardised.
Stepping into the hallway, the guilt never left you behind, but you forced it to the back of your mind as you emerged, scanning the place. You heard a shower running on your way down the hall. It made sense that they would be recovering, regrouping.
A quick sweep of the living space showed it bare.
Or so you thought. One more step and your breath caught in your throat, catching the top of a head which had previously been obscured by sofa cushions.
Freezing as if you had been caught in headlights, it took you a moment to realise he was asleep. It was V, a faint line over his brows as he dozed. You glanced once more around you; if V was here, it wasn’t like Jimin to leave him alone, particularly in a vulnerable state like this.
You suddenly had to fight down a lump in your throat at the thought that you could be seen as the threat.
Which was why you had to do this; prove yourself anew.
No one was here. You had to move.
Marching fast as you dared, you made it soundlessly to the stairs. You had seen Jin and Jungkook on separate occasions getting the keys, and swiped one from the inconspicuous row of hooks below the counter.
You had never been the one with the keys, but you found you had watched the others long enough to know by instinct the button to open the front door. The instant you could squeeze through the gap, you closed it right behind you again.
Jogging on light feet, you made it to the smallest car they kept here. Another press of the keys showed you had managed to pick the right key, and you slid into the driver’s seat.
A flex of your fingers on the steering wheel, and you were set. You gave yourself no time to think before pulling away. All you would find was an array of thoughts competing for the best way to torment you.
It had been your short-sightedness, selfish impatience, that had brought Bolt one step closer to what he wanted. You had single-handedly put everyone in danger.
And all you had wanted to do this entire time was help.
Sparse rain greeted you outside, swiping heavy droplets against the windows.
The city passed in a blur, each grey road forgotten the moment you turned to the next. You were too stuck in your own mind. Maybe it should have bothered you how much of Jungkook you found there. But with your memories taking you on a wild goose chase – after some vague hope of seeing where it all went wrong, if he had seen the truth about you from the beginning – questioning why his words suddenly meant so much to you wasn’t something you had room to entertain.
Everything he said replayed as you neared your destination.
You haven’t gone through what we have.
What had he meant by that? The rest was clear enough, unpleasant as it was. But this? A brand new stake of guilt twisted at the dawning realisation. The boys all knew how you had gained your powers; they had all been there. But as for the rest of them…
Had you really been so blind? You hadn’t thought of it as easy, but when you walked into this life it had been laid out for you… Had you been thoughtless? Did you take your new friends for granted?
Of course you had wondered… How they had come to be there, how they had ended up together.
You tried to cling onto some hope in the form of, well, Hope, and of course V, who had each wanted to tell you their stories. But now you hardly felt like you had deserved their candidness. Why had they even told you? Had it been out of pity? That conversation had followed yet another of your fuckups... The thought made you wince, and your doubts were accompanied by a sharp needle of guilt for having them in the first place.
Such warring thoughts about your friends only propeled the spiral further. Perhaps you had assumed you would be let in on other stories when the time came. But now you saw you had never been close enough to know, to be deigned worthy. Your arrogance sickened you.
Tearing yourself forcefully from yet another well of self-depreciation, you blinked through the windscreen.
Hurriedly indicating, you pulled off. This was it. The docks showed themselves at the end of the road, and you pulled over in the shadow of a building.
Though the car stopped, you held onto the wheel for another moment, breathing deeply. If your worries had almost made you miss your turning, you knew you ought to be more careful with what you were about to do. Being off the ball could be disastrous.
Attacking any of the top dogs was off the table for bangtan for obvious reasons. Didn’t stop them having tabs on where they hung out. You had clocked it on a map Jin had shown you when he was explaining the various movements they were planning with their partners.
To be fair, you probably could have guessed by yourself that Monsoon would be by the biggest supply of water in town.
Okay, make this as simple as possible. Worrying about the boys wouldn’t help you make it up to them. Probably the opposite was true, in fact.
Stepping from the car, you shut the door softly. Stuck to the shadows as you moved towards the river, not flinching despite the rain against your face.
The river was high in its banks, a great mass roiling downstream, churned by wind you hadn’t previously noticed. Now that you reached the exposed plain of the docks, it pulled at your hair ferociously.
You didn’t mind. It covered you better, no longer afraid to make a sound as you moved, eyes constantly scanning.
Monsoon’s lair was close.
The light was fading fast, the blue of twilight well-established already. This time of day, it seemed the docks were mostly empty. Darting past a couple of warehouses, you saw no signs to direct you to your target, but were not dissuaded.
You used a stack of shipping containers ahead as your shield to sneak up to the river’s edge. Peering over the railings, you squinted at what little you could see of the concrete bank. Black water crashed at the edges, occasional spray joining the raindrops beating thinly at your skin.
Gripping tighter to the cold metal of the railing, you leaned further out. This time, you were rewarded. A little way up, a blue light glistened just above the waves, out of line with the white ones lining the docks’ edge.
Daring to let a smile lift your mouth, you crept nearer.
When you were almost on top of it, a darker patch of shadow fell away in the path, revealing a stairwell. The unassuming concrete steps would have passed you by at any other time, but it was exactly what you were hunting for now.
You hurried down.
It seemed you had hit the jackpot. What simple workman’s entrance would have such a high-tech control panel to get in?
Stepping up to it, you saw no sign of a camera, but that was no guarantee. Placing your hand over the panel, you covered the blue light glowing from the screen. This shouldn’t be too hard for you… But the similar situation mere hours ago had your heart racing a beat too fast in your chest. Aside from the others, you had to prove to yourself that you had the control needed.
Tentatively engaging your powers, you extended just enough to blow out this lock. The blue of the screen was joined by your own light, seeping between your fingers, and then both died.
You hoped you had been quick enough in your caution, not allowed Monsoon time to be alerted of your intrusion.
With the lock disarmed, the door fell open a crack. Just waiting for you.
It slid seamlessly open at your touch. The hallway beyond was dark, but it was clearly the right direction. While the construction was plain as the docks outside, flat walls leading you on, this was not built with identical concrete.
Summoning a ball of glowing light to guide you on, the brightness reflected startlingly back at you. From walls made of marble.
Dimming the light in your palm, you blinked in surprise for a moment. Eyebrows raised, you shook your head and pressed on. Monsoon was really in the lap of luxury here. What more did he want to achieve by stealing weapons?
If you were in a situation to build an entrance hall out of marble, you reckoned you would be calling it quits on any kind of work.
The impression was only elevated when you reached the end of the corridor. Peering around the next door, you were forced to expand your light source again. The room it lit up was vast and lavish. Set into the far wall was a huge window, giving you a view of the rippling water beyond. So you were below the river level here.
Stepping further inside, your blue light glimmered back at you from the depths.
You barely turned your eye over the living space as you stepped on a plush rug between stately sofas. What you were here for was right in front of you.
Laid out before the window, a clear cabinet sat full of various devices. Monsoon kept these weapons like trophies.
Near the bottom, you spied the shield gun he had secured today. You should have taken it and gone, right then.
But as you cast your eyes upwards, they stuck on the gun that took up pride of place. White casing held a clear, spherical centre. Needles of pale lightning darted inside. It froze you where you stood, a paralysing memory of cold and dread crashing over you for a second too long.
“Who the hell are you?”
You weren’t proud of the way you jumped. You instantly shut off your blue light, a second later being dazzled by white flooding the space as the main light was flicked on.
Your eyes were quick to find him. In the corner near the vast window, emerging from another entrance in this impressive lair, was Monsoon. Presumably, in any case. He had no mask anymore, but who else could it be?
Instinct kicking in, you dived for the thing you had come for. One hand stretched out for the shield gun, the other raising to fire a panicked bolt his way.
It never hit.
Monsoon swept a hand forward. Before you could gasp, a globe of water had engulfed you, taking your feet from under you.
Your reaction never got further than a thought. Trying to lash out, your body didn’t respond. Through your watery prison, you saw Monsoon step forwards, lifting his arm to raise you higher from the ground in the bubble he had created – the bubble trapping your electricity in here with you. The current buzzing in the water was your own, you could feel it. But you couldn’t control it. Couldn’t move at all.
“A Bolt wannabe, are you?” his voice reached you, muffled by the water in your ears.
You could only glare back, terror clenching your muscles almost as much as the electric current. A burning ache crept agonisingly from your lungs.
“Did you forget those powers could hurt you, too?”
Through dark splotches rapidly dimming your vision, all you saw were cold, mirthful eyes. Your entire body screamed for air, but your mind was clouding. Vague images assaulted you, of a storm whirling around you as you fell, of blue cutting through the night. You were trapped in a nightmare, your own powers the ones attacking you again, not the thing you had grown to love, understand and use.
Faux sympathy brought Monsoon’s face into a mocking pout, but even the rage it stirred in you couldn’t hold a flame to the flood pushing you farther from consciousness-
Your bones collided with the floor. You were already coughing and gasping before the pain from your knees and head began to bloom.
Choking in blissful air, you forced your shuddering arms to raise you from the ground.
Glaring up at Monsoon, you brought your arm forward again. Your enraged powers were more than ready to strike him down.
In one step, the man stamped down on the wrist stretched towards him. Pressed down harder as his eyes burned into yours.
“You may have powers,” he spoke, ignoring the way you winced as your bone ground against the floor, “but we can still cook you from the inside if we try for long enough.”
Lunging forwards, he released your arm only to grasp your collar. Dragging you up, he left your weakened legs scrabbling on the ground. Then he sent a fist flying hard into your face.
The impact flung you backwards, the weapons cabinet rattling. One temple connected with a solid shelf, pain biting at your forehead. Hands finding the surface, you clung to it, felt blood slick beneath your fingers at the same moment as the warm liquid dripped into your eye.
Striding to close the distance once more, Monsoon towered over you. He rested one shoulder on the cabinet and gave a cocky tilt of his head.
“What is it you were after, hm?” his eyes dragged teasingly along the shelves, “I rather fancy these myself-”
You could only scramble backwards. It wasn’t enough to escape the blade he flung your way, and another. One struck your cheek, one your collar. Inches higher and it could have slit your throat.
Two metal stars clattered to the ground around you while you panted. How were you going to get out of this? Your powers didn’t mix with Monsoon’s.
Pulling your legs out of the way, you did the first thing you thought of. With your good arm, you fired again. Sending a sharp, but powerful, burst, you hit a different mark. Instead of going for Monsoon, you sent the cabinet crashing down over him.
With a shout, he was pushed to the floor among a rain of metal and glass. Your eyes followed one particular weapon as it rolled away, white light mercifully still contained.
Desperately wobbling to your feet, you fell against an armchair, clinging to it to stay upright while the world swam around you. You pushed off it towards a sofa, hands grabbing the back to support you as you staggered on towards the door you had entered through.
A scraping filled the air. Monsoon, throwing off the shelves that crushed him.
Before you could dive for the exit, a winding impact struck you, sending you headfirst over the couch. The wave dispersed, leaving you gasping again, this time on the sodden rug.
A fearful look over your shoulder showed Monsoon looming behind the sofa.
“Get out of my house,” he spat.
And then, as if in reverse, the water puddled around you was sucked inwards. Collecting into a rippling sphere, it carried you helplessly. This time, you could move your limbs, but the thrashing was useless against the force that sent you flying towards the window.
Screwing your eyes shut, you waited for the impact of shattering glass around you.
It never came.
That was no window. The water hadn’t been held back by glass.
Instead, you were plunged straight into the depths. Bitingly cold torrents enveloped you. The bright light of Monsoon’s abode flew from your sight as the raging river swept you downstream in its currents.
Your flailing arms fought a losing battle. The water consumed every bit of strength you exerted, and pushed back harder, flinging you over until you lost your bearings completely in the blinding darkness.
Raging in your ears, the river stretched out black below you and above you… although you couldn’t tell which was which. You were at the mercy of the current thrusting you further into the numbing depths, the water which battered at you stinging in your wounds.
Sapped of movement, the most you could do was bite down and try not to breathe. Your lungs burned; it was only a matter of time until involuntary instinct would take over, flood you from the inside.
The churning water flipped you over again. With the sickening lurch of your stomach, it took too long for your numb skin to register the air that slapped you round the face.
The waves had spat you out at the exact right moment. You hauled air into your lungs in a shuddering gasp, arms desperately pushing down at the waves around you in an attempt to keep your head above them.
There was no getting out of this with your powers, even if you could summon them in your current state. As a wave swiped at your face, sending you back under for a horrifying second, you longed for the ease of simply flying away with a boost from your powers.
Or even… someone blazing down from the sky in a shower of gold, always there when you needed him in battle.
But there was no one to save you. Twisting your head, every snatch of vision between the waves showed nothing but a lonely expanse of water so much bigger than you. The row of lights at the bank was too far away, glinting temptingly out of reach.
Another swell caught you, pushing your head under. Its power swamping you, you were rolled over, the cold clawing at you and forcing its way into your mouth. Each moment you surfaced was cut short, barely enough for a breath before the flow overwhelmed you once more. You couldn't even feel the rain which beat against your face.
As the storm tossed and toyed with you, your rapidly fogging mind only filled with your friends. Their care, their laughter, their loyalty. How you wished you could have been enough.
More waves, more snatches of air stolen away. You wondered if your body would have given out already had you not had powers to bolster your endurance, prolong the nightmare.
A harder impact set off a ringing in your ears.
That hadn’t been water.
Waves already tangled around you again, but the smallest spark of hope had you fighting to the surface. Your arm hit against something solid, the force of the water dragging you against it tearing grazes into your skin.
Somehow you had ended up at the edge, where the river slammed at its banks. Currents tugged in every direction as you scrabbled to grasp something, anything, of the concrete walling you in.
For one terrifying instant, a rebounding swell overwhelmed you, forcing your fingertips away from land-
The next surge crashed around your ears, flinging you back the other way. Upwards, it scaled the wall and you made your last push.
Colliding with brick and metal, you threw your arms around a pole. As the hungry water sucked at your limbs, clawing to drag you down again, you clung to that railing with all the strength you had left.
The water fell away.
Releasing your grip, you collapsed onto the stone. Ignorant to everything beyond your own heartbeat, you were ignorant to footsteps rapidly firing closer. You only closed your eyes. And finally breathed.
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Thank you for reading!💜💜
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carsthatnevermadeitetc · 11 months
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Ford Mustang FP800S Show Car, 2023. Making its debut at SEMA, a new supercharger kit courtesy of Ford Performance that boosts horse power from  480 to at least 800. The concept also has a lowered ride height, carbon-fibre aero elements, and it's fitted with stronger half-shafts.
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The Two Most Iconic Wheel Standers of All Time.
Hurst Hemi Under Glass
Hurst Hemi Under Glass is the name given to a series of exhibition drag racing cars campaigned by Hurst Performance between 1965 and 1970 across North America and ended with the '68 model year.
Each wheelstander was based on the current Plymouth Barracuda for the corresponding model year. The car was so named because the fuel injected Chrysler Hemi engine was placed under the Barracuda's exceptionally large rear window. The result of the rearward weight transfer was a "wheelie" down the length of the drag strip.
The Hemi Under Glass was developed by Hurst Corporation to showcase their products in the A/FX class - precursor to funny cars. In 1965, George Hurst hired Wild Bill Shrewsberry of Mansfield, OH, an accomplished drag racer who had raced for both Mickey Thompson and Jack Chrisman. After helping to pioneer it into the first wheelstanding exhibition car, Shrewsberry left at the end of the season to pursue his own project.
For the 1966 season, Bob Riggle, who was also from Mansfield, OH and was involved with Hurst as a mechanic and fabricator became the second driver of the Hurst Hemi Under Glass car and campaigned the cars with Hurst as the sponsor until later years when the Hurst Company was sold to Sunbeam. At that point, the car ran without the Hurst logo and was simply known as the "Hemi Under Glass." Riggle's career ended in 1975 with a devastating accident at US 30 Dragway in Gary, Indiana.
Popular model kits of the car were produced in 1/32 scale by Aurora Plastics Corporation and in 1/25 scale by Model Products Corporation. A limited edition 1/18 scale diecast model of the 1966 car is currently available from Highway 61.[1]
Riggle returned to exhibition racing in 1992 with a 1966 injected version of the car and a 1968 supercharged version of the car.[2] The original 1965 car was stripped for its power train and parts in 1967 for the new Barracuda chassis/body style and no longer exists.[3][4]
While taping the June 26, 2016 episode of Jay Leno's Garage, Riggle, with Leno riding in the passenger seat, rolled a newly constructed '69 version of the Hemi Under Glass after turning sharply at the end of a wheelie run. Neither of the men were hurt, but the car sustained significant damage.[5] Leno was riding along to fulfill another item on his 'Bucket List.'
July, 2016, Mike Mantel of New Braunfels, TX was named as the new driver of the Hemi Under Glass. Mantel took over the '68 car which has the longest performing history of any Hemi Under Glass ever constructed and becomes the third official driver in the brand's 50+ year history.[6] Mantel was only 6 years old when the Hemi Under Glass first took to the track. He has a wide range of driving experience from drag cars, road race, and movie cars. Mantel's original hometown is the city of Hawthorne, CA.
Billy Lawrence Golden (December 31, 1933 – September 14, 2015),[1] nicknamed "Maverick", was an American drag racer. He is probably best known for driving the Little Red Wagon A/FX wheelstander pickup exhibition racer.
Little Red Wagon
Born in Shawnee Township, Illinois, Golden joined the US Marines and first became interested in drag racing while at Camp Pendleton.
Golden was given his "Maverick" nickname in the late 1950s by an announcer at a Southern California dragstrip, because he chose to drive an unconventional 361 cu in (5,920 cc)-powered Dodge Custom Royal. He started racing in AHRA Super Stock, driving Dodges for several years. He was one of the first drivers in AHRA S/S to successfully run an automatic transmission. In 1960, Chrysler offered to provide him parts, when he was driving a Dodge Phoenix, powered by a 330 hp (250 kW) 330 cu in (5.4 L) with twin Carter carburetors and cross-ram intake manifold; the car was capable of quarter-mile times of 13.7 seconds.
By 1962, he was a factory driver, driving an S/SA Dodge. At the 1962 AHRA Winternationals, driving his bright yellow hemi "Taxi Cab" Dodge 330, he scored a "stunning" victory over "Dyno Don" Nicholson's 409 cu in (6,700 cc) factory Chevrolet at Fontana Drag City, to take the Stock Eliminator title, Chrysler's only Nationals win for 1962.
In 1963, Golden worked with Jim Nelson of Dragmasters to improve the car, and won seven Super Stock races out of eight events, taking the Midwest Championship.
At the end of the 1964 season, Chrysler proposed Golden drive the Little Red Wagon A/FX pickup. which became drag racing's first wheelstanding truck.
Little Red Wagon's first outing, at the AHRA Grand American event at Lions Drag Strip, was an 11 second pass at 120 mph (190 km/h). The crowd's very enthusiastic reaction prompted Golden to turn the A/FX truck into a wheelstanding exhibition racer, which he developed a steering mechanism for himself, relying on experience from his day job at Douglas Aircraft Corporation. The wheelstander was wrecked in 1969, 1971, and 1975; the third crash was nearly fatal to Golden.
Golden retired in 2003. He died on September 14, 2015.[3]
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half-deadmagicperson · 2 months
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You wanted proof how I found his email? Well, this little screenshot tells the truth. It's him. It's literally Danny himself. Now I need to see him driving his Anki Overdrive supercar, which probably would be his dream car, which is this assassination beast that holds more power than anything that the cars they would own at Amity Park:
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Nuke phantom. With unmatched firepower, incredible speed and incredible defense, and great special attack, this car is an all-out kill machine. Here are the stacks of this thing, if you want it:
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Speed: good. Firepower: maxed out to be a kill machine. Special attack: Decent. Defense: Good.
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And yes, this thing has weapons, literal guns and bombs are hidden in this street machine. And when this thing opens fire, you better run cause you're gonna get possessed or shot or have your body exploded. Cause this thing was born to go into the kill. and undergo effective. It's also given this thing once and even a super boost kit. And this shows proof:
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Definitely. I bet you'll stay. This car is absolutely stick. My guess is this thing probably holds a big block V16 with four superchargers, and possibly a whopping 25,000 horsepower and 15,000 torque. This makes this thing probably more powerful than a Bugatti Veyron.
Wow that's cool! The car has some pretty decent stacks. The horsepower is the same as about 139 Cessna 172s, so that's a pretty high number. It also has a nice paint job.
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usafphantom2 · 4 months
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1st June, 1939. First flight of the Focke-Wulf 190 Würger (Shrike), arguably the most successful Luftwaffe aircraft of the Second World War. Almost 20,000 would be built, excelling both as a fighter and in the ground attack role. The Fw 190 also saw service as a bomber destroyer, ‘Wilde Sau’ night fighter and tactical reconnaissance aircraft.
First to see combat was the Fw 190A, which gave the RAF an unpleasant surprise in August 1941. This was by far the most numerous version, with a wide array of sub-variants and conversion kits. The A-3/U-3, for example, was the first Jagdbomber variant, able to carry a 500kg bomb. The A-4/U-4 had two cameras in the rear fuselage, while the A-5/U-12 was a specialised bomber destroyer, with six 20mm cannon and two machine guns. The A-5/R-11 night fighter carried Neptun radar and had flame-dampened exhausts. There were dozens of other possible combinations.
The Fw 190 F and G variants were specifically designed for ground attack missions, armed with a variety of bombs and cannon pods. They served primarily on the Eastern Front, though did also see use elsewhere. Some 190Fs were adapted to carry torpedoes but these weren’t used operationally. The 190G could carry 1x500kg and 2x250kg bombs, or a single weapon and two drop tanks for long range missions.
The main weakness of the Fw 190, especially as improved Allied fighters arrived, was its lack of high-altitude performance. The ‘Dora’ addressed this with a supercharged Jumo engine which made it a match for most opponents, but by the time sufficient aircraft were available, the Luftwaffe was in terminal decline. A number ended the war protecting Me 262 jet fighters during take off and landing at their airfields, when they were most vulnerable.
1) Focke-Wulf 190V1, which was first flown at Bremen by chief test pilot Hans Sander on 1st June 1939. It was an inauspicious start, with the engine overheating and exhaust fumes filling the cockpit.
📷 ospreypublishing.com
2) Fw 190As of 7./JG2 Richthofen at Morait, France, Summer 1942.
📷 prints-online.com Media ID 18396389
3) Fw 190F of Sclachtgeschwader 10 in Hungary, winter 1944-5. On the fuselage rack is a container for SD-2 or SD-10 cluster bombs. Note that the lower undercarriage doors have been removed to prevent mud clogging the wheels.
📷 ww2-weapons.com
4) Fw190D-9 of Jagdverband 44, Germany, 1945. The underside of this unit’s aircraft was painted red and white as an identification method for airfield flak gunners.
@jamieMctrusty via X
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forgeline · 5 months
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Smart choice. Continental Tire’s Chevrolet C8 Corvette project was built by the team at Lingenfelter’s Wixom facility. It’s equipped with Nowicki Autosport Design’s Concept 8 widebody kit with carbon fiber aero and wrapped with a distinctive Continental brand livery by Wixon, Michigan’s Artworks Design. It’s powered by Lingenfelter’s 700 HP supercharger system boosted by a Magnuson supercharger and rides on Continental Tire ExtremeContact Sport 02 Tires and 20x10/21x11.5 Forgeline one piece forged monoblock NW104 wheels finished in Carbon Flash with HTM! See more at: https://www.forgeline.com/customer-gallery-continental-tire/cgk2709
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pico-digital-studios · 3 months
Into, Across and Beyond!: Hypothetical Casting and Theme Songs
I was having a bit of a think about who might hypothetically voice the project's cast (yeah, I'm not truly hiring any VAs for the project), and with help from @becdoesthings and others, I've thought about these roles: (Any music themes picked out for the characters will be in brackets like this)
Blur Gang
William Corkery Jr. as OMT!Tails
Ryan Drummond/Jason Griffith as CR!Sonic
Linda Larkin (Jasmine; Aladdin) as OMT!Mina and EV!Sally
Jaleel White as Mini Sonic and Underground Sonic (alongside the other two cartoon Sonics)
MCStudioProductions / @mcgamejolter as Mr. Needlemouse
??? as EX!Alice
Pete Capella ('06 Silver) as D-Sides Mighty
Lisa Ortiz as Black Knight Amy
Drift & Miss (Sonic GT) as CU!Sonic
Natalia Wojcik (Annie, Little Einsteins) as CU!Sonia
Ashleigh Ball as Nine
Emma Watson (Hermione, Harry Potter) as CR!Sonia
Jake Lloyd (Anakin, Star Wars Episode I) as CR!Manik
Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) as Nitro/Chris Smith (Year 1 for every version of the character under 14, and Year 2+ for those aged 14 and over)
(Where Fire Lives from Natlan (Heosmin Remix); Nitro.DLL)
SFG1235 as Antho
??? as Ex-Prince Brian
Nominal Dingus as Hog
Sarah Grace Stiles (Spinel; Steven Universe) as Wacky
??? as Devy
??? as Smol Devy
Nicole Tompkins (Jack-O, Guilty Gear -Strive-) as Trip
Quill Society
Jason Griffith (Sonic (X to Unleashed)) as EV!Sonic and X!Sonic
Mae Whitman (Agent Xero; The Modifyers) as Tekno
??? as Amy Rouge
??? as Zonic
??? as CD Alt Ending Sonic
Lacey Chabert as E-21
Christopher Daniel Barnes (Miguel; Edge of Time) as Lost Memory Sonic
??? as Turbo
??? as Fiona
Alex Ness (Blaster-Tron; Skylanders) as Emperor Metallix
Roger Craig Smith as LEGO Sonic
@gemontumb as Tlels
Andi Lott as Carol Tea
??? as Sarah Henderson
??? as Barry
??? as Milly
Adam McArthur (Yuji Itadori; Jujutsu Kaiden) as Blitz!Tails
Martin Burke as Sonic.RAW
Lisa Ortiz as Superstars Amy
Bill Wise as OVA Knux
Martin Burke as OVA Sonic
??? as Rob O' the Hedge
??? as Water Sonic
??? as Fleetway Amy
??? as Stella the Cat
Ashleigh Ball (Applejack; My Little Pony FiM) as Bunnie Rabbot
??? as Nicky Parlouzer
Charles Martinet / Juno Songs as Somari
Abluemoon88 as Sara
Max "LandyRS" Henderson as Chaos Adventure Sonic
Mel Blanc as S1 Fang the Sniper
Kristin Fairlie (Bridgette; Total Dramarama) as Millie the Fox
One More Chance
Ike Amadi (The Darkness, Skylanders: Superchargers) as Sonic.OMT
One More Hero
@becdoesthings as Eggman Nega
??? as Shadow Emerl / Uma Arachnis
Stephanie Sheh as Zeena
Erica Mendez (Ryuko Matoi, Kill la Kill) as Surge
Christopher Pellegrini as Johnny
Prequel Points
Charlie Adler (both his Snively and Corroder roles) as Snively
Long John Baldry as Dr. Beeman and AOSTH Robotnik
More than One Universe
??? as Shalian
??? as Crossover Realm Corrupt
??? as Talrareth
??? as AVA!Corrupt
??? as Richard Ambersilve
@jordangaming101 as Sonath
??? as Curse
Into the Sonic-verse
??? as Dr. Finitevus
Phil Hayes as Scratch
Garry Chalk as Grounder
Ian James Corlett as Coconuts
Max "LandyRS" Henderson as Scourge
Suzy Finn as Rosy
Arion "MiiToons" Rashad as Walter Naugus
Maurice LaMarche as Sleet
Peter Wilds as Dingo
Matt Hoverman as Dark Oak
Kirk Thornton as Boom Shadow
Jacaris (Vs. Sonic.exe) as Fleetway Super Sonic
??? as Kit
Lee Majdoub as Agent Stone (who replaces Aaron Davis from Earth-199999)
??? as Superstars Fang
Many More Heroes / Cosmic Discoveries
??? as Gemerl / Anti-Miles
??? as Chaos Emerl / Speedy
??? as Crimtake
kkirby99 as most of the Hues of Metal
??? as Legends/Nexus Robotnik
Tails of Trials
??? as Dr. EggOmega
MaimyMayo as Original Sonic.exe
??? as Green Mountain Sonic/End
Into the SEGAVerse (and beyond)
??? as Kaiser Greedy
??? as Reala
Other stars
Roger Craig Smith as OMT!Sonic and Boom Sonic
Ryan Drummond as Superstars Sonic and SRB2 Sonic
Kate Higgins as EV!Tails
Corey Bringas as Superstars Tails
Connor Bringas as SRB2 Tails
Amy Palant as X!Tails
Travis Willingham as OMT!Knuckles and Boom Knuckles
Dave B. Mitchell as EV!Knuckles
Dan Green as Superstars Knuckles and X!Knuckles
Michael McGaharn as SRB2 Knuckles
Cindy Robinson as OMT!Amy, EV!Amy and Boom Amy
Jennifer Douillard as SRB2 Amy
Sarah Wulfeck as OMT!Cream
Michelle Ruff as EV!Cream
Kath Soucie (Sally's SatAM role) as OMT!Sally
Deem Bristow as OMT!Robotnik and SRB2 Robotnik
Arion "MiiToons" Rashad as most Eggmen in the multiverse, alongside Mr. Tinker
Max Mittleman (Arataki Itto, Genshin Impact) as several versions of Mighty
Issac Ryan Brown (Gus Porter, The Owl House) as several versions of Ray
Maurice Lamarche (Mortimer Mouse, House of Mouse) as most versions of Fang
Patrick Gilligan (Alex, Street Fighter 3) as all versions of Bark (who talk)
Lizzie Freeman (Yanfei, Genshin Impact) as all versions of Honey the Cat
Darkbox as Exeller and [REDACTED]
??? as XE!Sonic
Tom Hardy (Venom) as Xenomorphic
Clement von Franckenstein (Boss Cass, Ty the Tasmanian Tiger) as Grand Battle Kukku XV
ApocalypseTitan characters
Sarah Nicole Robles (Luz, The Owl House) as Kaede Titan/Detective Ghost
??? as Apocalypse Titan
??? as Max Cartwright
??? as Ms. Brenda Ciprianni
??? as Samuel Ciprianni
Mae Whitman (Amity, The Owl House) as Luna
??? as Olivia Kennedy
??? as Danny
Dee Bradley Baker (Fire Lord, Hero Factory) as Dr. Razereye
??? as Benny
??? as Abigail Razereye
My characters
??? as Lucia
??? as Karilvatch
??? as Amelia Walten
Benjamin L. Valic (Child Movie Sonic) as Evo Smith
Bella Ramsey (Hilda) as Rosie Smith
??? as Wade
??? as Mobiverse Tails
??? as Mobiverse Sonic
??? as Mobiverse Cream
Freedom Planet
Dawn M. Bennett as any version of Lilac
Aimee Smith as any version of Milla
??? as Carrie Mei
??? as Jett Capriasa
??? as Chiasa Sun
??? as Marshmallow
Undertale / Deltarune
ShyrennVA (Saying a Lot of Things) as Frisk (Glitchtale - Prepare Yourself)
wintermelon (Inverted Fate) as Chara
Sean Marquette (Mac, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends) as Asriel
Retrovisity as Kris (Deltarune)
FNF characters
Brady Noon (Raphael, TMNT: Mutant Mayhem) as Benjamin Miku
??? as Grace Dearest
??? as Pico N. Grounds
??? as ErrorSky
??? as IAB!Benjamin Fairest / IAB!Soft Benjamin
Bradley Pierce (Tails; Sonic SatAM) as Evan
@yuriharu567 as Holly
??? as Bently Forceloyed (Mr. Kitty - Glycerin)
??? as Isabella Fondsmith
Tracey Moore (Usagi Tsukino/Serena, Sailor Moon) as BluBuni
Funkinverse (only any that have spoken in my posts)
Jerry Jewell (Kusuo Saiki) as Agent Cam "Blueballs" Malicious
Laura Bailey (Injustice 2 Supergirl) as Gracie/SNS Girlfriend
Alex Hirsch (Bill Cipher) as Grimbo / The X
Greg Cipes (Omniverse Kevin Levin) as Kenji Tensei (Virtual-On - Sweet Tragedy of Dreams)
Ellen Wong (Knives Chau from Scott Pilgrim) as Aloe Mano (Virtual-On - High Ground (SoniNeko Mix))
??? as Nova the Hedgehog
??? as Daisy (The Wrath Soul)
Ben Schwartz as Movie Sonic
Colleen O'Shaughnessey as Movie Tails and Boom Tails
Idris Elba as Movie Knuckles
MCStudio as Max Chaos
Prime universe and Shatterverse
Deven Mack as Sonic Prime
Ian Hanlin as Shadow Prime, Big Prime and the Shatterverse Bigs
Ashleigh Ball as Tails Prime and the Shatterverse Tails's
Shannon Chan-Kent as Amy Prime and the Shatterverse Amys
Kazumi Evans as Rouge Prime and the Shatterverse Rouges
Brian Drummond as Eggman Prime and Mr. Dr. Eggman
Tara Strong (considered for Tekno and BluBuni, but her irl behaviour leaves a lot to be desired)
Mike Pollock (considered for most Eggman variants, but his controversial opinions on the Israeli-Arab Conflict made me scrap that plan)
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1solone · 11 months
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My wife is missing.
She went to rescue people from the flood yesterday and has not come home...
Sergeant at Police Station:
What is her height?
Gee, I'm not sure. A little over five-feet tall.
Don't know. Not slim, not really fat.
Color of eyes?
Sort of brown I think. Never really noticed.
Color of hair?
Changes a couple times a year.
Maybe dark brown now.
I can’t remember.
What was she wearing?
Could have been pants, or maybe a skirt or shorts. I don't know exactly.
What kind of car did she go in?
She went in my Jeep.
What kind of Jeep was it?
Husband: (sobbing)
It's a 2019 Rubicon with Sprintex Supercharger with Intercooler, DiabloSport T-1000 Trinity Programmer, Teraflex Falcon 3.3 Shocks ,1350 RE Reel Drive Shafts, Method 105 Bead Locks, Toyo 37" X 13.5" Tires, Custom Olympic Off Road Front Bumper, Olympic Off Road Smuggler Rear Bumper with tire carrier, Seward Radius 4s LED Light, Seward 12" LED Light bar, 50" LED Light bar with, sPod LED switch pod with Boost gage,, Rigid LED Lights, 15# Power Tank, Rock Hard Cage, Rock Hard Under Armor, Posion Spyder Sliders, Posion Spyder Crusher Fenders, Posion Spyder Evap Armor, Posion Spyder Extreme Duty Trans-Mount Cross Member, Bushwacker rear armor, 5.13 Gears, Magnum 44 Front Axle, Off Road Evolution "C" Gussets, Cobra 75 CB Radio, Warn 10K on Front and 8K Winch on Rear, Bartact Seat Covers, Delta Quad Bar Xenon Headlamps,Tantrum LED Offroad Rock Lights, Teraflex HD Tie Rod, Teraflex Falcon Steering Stabilizer, Teraflex Alpine Long Control Arms Front & Rear, Teraflex 4" springs, Teraflex JK Performance Slotted Big Rotor Kit, TeraFlex Monster HD Forged Front Adjustable Trackbar, Teraflex Front & Rear Brake Line Kit, Teraflex Bump Stops Front & Rear, Surprise Straps, Hothead Headliner, Teraflex D-44 Diff Covers, Wild Boar Grille, Rigid Ridge Hood, Drake Hood Latch's & a Tuffy Security Drawer......
(At this point, the sobbing has turned into a full cry.)
Don't worry buddy. We'll find your Jeep.
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bikebound · 2 years
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Blown Beauty: Supercharged, alcohol-fueled, mechanically fuel-injected 1956 Triumph 750cc drag bike by Jared Weems of @weemsmotorco.tampa: “The bike was inspired by my father who was a drag racer and was born in 1956.” Hand-built frame, Nikasil-lined aluminum 750cc big bore kit, rare Wal Phillips mechanical fuel injector, AMR supercharger running 6 lbs of boost, exposed rocker arms and pushrods, windowed timing cover, fins shaved since alcohol runs cool — engine lost 35.2 lbs from stock! Took home “Best Competition” at @bornfreeshow 13. Photos: Erick Runyon / @gearsandglory / @choppergent. More today on BikeBound.com, including video! ⚡️Link in Bio⚡️ https://instagr.am/p/CpsGISxO-14/
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ced-commerce · 4 months
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ajentmm · 7 months
'24 March Refine Review
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Mmmh delicious update. Here was my prediction and I did pretty good.
Okay, I predicted that Seiros was going to effectively have Atk/Def/Res+6 and omni breaker at all time. I did this by combining the player phase standard and enemy phase standard condition. FEH just gave her no condition at all. All this, plus Guard and Accelerate Special, all the time. Is this powercreep? At least her second part requires more than 25% HP, which is where we have the true damage based on foe's Res (I guessed that) and Dragon Wall (I guessed true dr based on Res), and 7 HP after combat (2 for 4). This behemoth combined with her support utility makes her an anchor of Aether Raids.
Dagr got a much tamer way of distributing [Pathfinder]. Rather than all allies, she only does 1, her support partner. This mean she can't be used with Arena / Aether Raid Defence teams, but that's likely what her sister will do. In Aether Raid Offence is where she is meant to be. Outside of that, she has Grand Strategy and Panic (For Atk/Spd/Def) during combat, true damage base on Atk (since her B slot already does Spd TD), and 40% DR (guessed that one). I really should have predicted Panic in combat since her other alts do that.
Wed! Micaiah got a proper broadleaf dagger effect in her base kit, meaning you don't need the Dou button, with omni breaker added in. She then has all the Chill tier 4 skills in one effect, making all the highest Atk, Spd, Def, Res foe penalized and [Sabotage], with foe's nearest also getting penalized so she can gain as much Atk during combat as possible. So if there is one enemy left, they will get 28 penalties turned into Atk for Micaiah. Also, DR halving makes it so tanks can get the true brunt of damage.
Annette got the extra turn after rallying like I predicted this weekend after making the theorycraft months earlier. It's funny that Silvan is getting an alt that does the same thing, but then buffs himself extra, rather than the target ally. Annette doesn't get the +1 movement, but she does get to move 4 spaces with that additional turn. After that, she has . . . tier 4 Seal Spd/Def/Res. That makes sense since she comes with Def/Res Ruse. The bonus is that if the foe has penalties already, she deals 15% of her Atk as true damage. I really thought it would be 20-10% of foe's Atk, as that's what Ash did, but ah well. Combined with 40% DR and this true adaptive damage, this might make up for the fact she needs her Ruse skill, that could be replaced with NFU or Tempo. Oh, and skill no +1 movement to ranged cavalry. Guess we can't mess. Hopefully you will just see her more in random event modes rather that high level play.
F!M!Corrin is much more powerful than his female counter part, but now realize on solo conditions to get the whooping 11 to all stats. Plus, he gets Guard and 7 HP healing after combat unconditional, just like . . . Serios? Is it just going to be dragons that get unconditional stuff? Maybe for now. He also gets Atk/Spd+6, [Dodge] and "neutralizes foe's bonuses" if he is < 2 units adjacent to him, at the start of turn. That pairs well with Rouse. Oh, and there's Spd TD.
Midori's Lucky Bow (surprise) doesn't have the [golden bar] mechanic, but still has the Spendthrift effect. It's now supercharged to 15% Atk TD and 15% Atk TDR, to make up for the +2 Special cooldown after combat. However, with the omni breaker in the second part, she might trigger moonbow (or noontime if you are feeling tanky). Oh, and she can heal and cleanse allies of penalties, like the apothecary she is. I'm glad she got a good weapon, and now I wait for when her and Eir get a harmonized alt together. I'm Kind of miffed we didn't get Mirabilis and Linhardt as a harmonized unit.
Finally, Gangrel, got the adapted damage we expected, but he also just inflict Spd/Res and [Guard] on the nearest foes in order to get his 20% Res TD. Also, in combat panic and 30% DR (no brave exceptions oddly)
Oh man, I'm going to need to speed up if I want to talk GHB units during their respective normal banner, since Jorge is next. What's that one? Oh, the long awaited Path of Radiance banner, Despair and Hope. This was when the power crept became noticeable with a Dragonflower jump and CYL4 just finishing. We have come so far. Thou, I could also just do all the Summer banner refines in one blog too. What do you think?
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mustangmaniaaus · 9 months
10 Must-Have Modifications for Your Mustang Convertible
Embarking on the journey of Mustang ownership is more than just a drive; it's a commitment to the exhilarating spirit of freedom and performance. At Mustang Mania, we understand the desire to make your Mustang Convertible truly yours. Here are the top 10 modifications that will elevate your driving experience and turn heads wherever the road takes you.
Performance Exhaust System:
Give your Mustang Convertible a roar that commands attention. Upgrading to a performance exhaust system not only enhances the auditory pleasure but also improves overall engine efficiency.
Custom Wheels and Tires:
Swap out the stock wheels for a set of mustang built that not only looks impressive but also enhances handling and performance. Choose a design that complements your Mustang's sleek lines for a personalized touch.
Suspension Upgrades:
Take your driving experience to the next level with suspension upgrades. Lowering kits or adjustable coilovers can improve handling and responsiveness, making every turn an exhilarating experience.
Cold Air Intake:
Boost your Mustang's horsepower by allowing it to breathe better. A cold air intake system provides a steady flow of cooler air to the engine, optimizing combustion and enhancing performance.
Performance Tuning:
Unlock the full potential of your modified Mustang with a performance tune. Customizable tuning can optimize fuel delivery, ignition timing, and other parameters, tailoring your ride to your preferences.
Brake Upgrades:
Ensure your Mustang stops as impressively as it accelerates. Upgrading to high-performance brake components enhances stopping power and improves overall safety.
Custom Interior:
Transform the cabin into a personal sanctuary with custom interior modifications. From premium upholstery to personalized accents, make your Mustang's interior as unique as its performance.
Convertible Top Upgrade:
Enhance the aesthetics and functionality of your Mustang Convertible with a top upgrade. Choose a high-quality, custom convertible top that not only looks sleek but also provides improved insulation and weather resistance.
Lighting Enhancements:
Illuminate the road in style with upgraded lighting. LED headlights, taillights, and interior lighting not only improve visibility but also add a modern touch to your Mustang's appearance.
Supercharger or Turbocharger Kit:
For the ultimate power boost, consider a supercharger or turbocharger kit. These modifications can significantly increase horsepower, delivering an adrenaline-pumping driving experience every time you hit the throttle.
Your Mustang Convertible is more than a car; it's an extension of your personality and passion for performance. At Mustang Mania, we believe in helping you unleash the full potential of your ride. These ten modifications are just the beginning of a thrilling journey towards personalizing your Mustang and ensuring every drive is a celebration of power, style, and the open road. Explore the possibilities and let your Mustang roar with individuality on the streets.
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