city-of-longevity · 11 months
City of Longevity – the Barcelona Meet-up take away.
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At the Smart City Expo World Congress—attended by more than 25,000 people from 800 cities—we partnered with the Barcelona City Council to host a special offsite event, the Barcelona Meetup, for some of the founding members of the City of Longevity global community. This community was established during the inaugural City of Longevity conference in Newcastle in July 2023.
The purpose of the meetup was to provide updates on the progress of the City of Longevity initiative and to gather feedback and insights from city delegates supporting the program. Additionally, our host, the City of Barcelona, shared their strategic plan and the outcomes of key interventions, with a special focus on the impact of Superilles (or superblocks) on longevity.
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Here are our takeaways:
1.The format: We engage with the city and its citizens.
Thanks to the support of the Barcelona City Council, we held our meeting at the Sant Antoni market, in the heart of the city. As is our tradition, we aimed to eliminate the divide between 'stage' and 'audience,' fostering a discussion where learning comes through dialogue. The topic of longevity is often confined to cultural domains that overlook behavioural patterns, social circumstances, and environmental factors as key determinants of healthy longevity, where "healthy" is closely tied to quality of life. It’s time to place biology and geography on equal footing. Ultimately, the City of Longevity must be embedded within the city to fully absorb and reflect the cultural norms of the host city.
2. Why do we need a City of Longevity? Because we have no choice.
As noted by Joachim Rautter from Berlin: According to the UN, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, and not smoking can reduce the risk of developing the most common and deadly chronic diseases by up to 80%. Both our lifespan and healthspan—the period during which we’re not just alive but healthy and enjoying a good quality of life—are significantly influenced by our lifestyle, and lifestyles are shaped by the places we live. Cities are the engine that can help citizens improve their lifestyles from the ground up, as Sally Herbert from Newcastle added.
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3. Is urban planning a driver for healthy longevity?
The Sant Antoni Market is the epicentre of the Superilles (or superblocks), one of the urban redevelopment projects underway in Barcelona that are literally revolutionizing the concept of public urban spaces, reclaiming for citizens what once seemed to be immovable elements of urban architecture: streets, intersections, and sidewalks.
Much has already been said about Superilles. One of the first studies on their impact suggests that they can contribute to health by reducing both air and noise pollution. However, another study does not confirm whether this strategy encourages people to be more active. It’s too early to draw definitive conclusions. The Superilles still need to transition from being a novelty to becoming a part of everyday life. Thanks to Ariadna Miquel Amengual's enlightening presentation and Daniel Alsina Torra's guided tour of the Superilles, these are our takeaways:
There’s no need to (necessarily) build new spaces; one can intelligently reinvent the existing ones. This is great news for the cities of old Europe, and beyond.
Reinventing existing spaces with people at the centre can foster relationships, encourage walkability, reduce traffic, develop green and cooling areas, expand shared spaces, offer rest and support opportunities, enhance urban connectivity, and reduce air and noise pollution. In our City of Longevity framework, we describe the city as a discreet partner, and the Superilles are a tangible example of this concept.
Changing the architectural context of a space drives behavioural change, affecting both drivers and pedestrians. Pedestrian spaces can be created without demonizing cars or creating ghettos for cyclists, which may be more sustainable and feasible on a larger scale than attempting to completely seal off cities from vehicles.
We’ve likely focused too much on the proximity of services. Proximity also, and perhaps more importantly, means human connection, relationships, and presence. Redesigning spaces is crucial to stimulate this.
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4. There is (free) time ahead.
We’ve spent a lot of energy discussing the "15-minute city," but what about the 50 trillion hours of free time we have ahead of us? Collectively, that’s 195 billion hours of leisure per year for those aged 65+ and about 3.9 trillion hours over the next 20 years in the U.S. alone. Considering this phenomenon globally, that's around 50 trillion hours of time affluence—time that needs to be filled with fun, stimulating, nourishing, purposeful, and even transformative activities.
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5. Involving citizens is not only right, but also possible.
The experiences of all the cities participating in the debate underscored how citizen involvement and participatory platforms are essential to any discourse on the City of Longevity. It seems obvious, but it’s not always practiced. As Professor Peter Madden said, "Almost none of the innovations on display at the adjacent Smart City World Expo Congress were citizen-driven; there is still a lot of rebalancing to be done." But when done correctly, the benefits to the population and their healthy life expectancy are evident.
6. There is a need for "relationship doctors."
This idea was suggested by Gianluca Galimberti from Cremona. Despite the endemic shortage of doctors, there may be a need to invent new professional roles—relationship doctors, relationship nurses—professionals capable of fostering relationships between citizens when architecture alone is not enough. This role is even more necessary in light of the integration of other cultures into our own.
7. Schools are engines for healthy longevity.
As both Ariadna and Margarita Cejas from Buenos Aires emphasized, schools are not only vital for education but also as spaces for gathering, relationship-building, and fostering the role of children as actors and ambassadors of behavioural change within their families.
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8. Who pays for it?
An orchestrated longevity program needs a budget, and this budget comes from hybrid interactions among all stakeholders. Interventions such as the Superilles yield a return on investment, primarily in society (and, in the long run, by reducing healthcare costs) and in the economy—both local, which benefits from the reclaimed space, and global, which can finally see the trillion-dollar promise of the longevity economy materialize in specific locations. Finally, there’s the data economy. It’s time to engage citizens in a serious discussion about how they can own their digital identity and decide how, and whether, to monetize it. The city must act as an intermediary in this contract, which could revolutionize both the speed of innovation and its sustainability.
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oliviawebsite · 7 months
i suck at promoting my music bc its not just a fun thing u can listen to whenever. its not something you listen to while driving to work ya know? weird production and jagged midisysnths and me wailing thru a voice modulator it was made basically just for me but a dozen or so people have also spoken very highly of it so im generally happy with that. im sure it resonates a lot with other mentally superill trannys!
check it out perhaps :)
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cinnabargirl · 1 year
Algú em sabria explicar per què hi ha tant de tarat que creu que el projecte de les superilles/peatonalització de Barcelona portarà a una hiper gentrificació de la ciutat i d'on collons surt esta idea??
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lesfoteses · 2 years
Moderant el caos
30 de gener del 2023
He moderat una xerrada que ha acabat amb els Mossos emportant-se els ponents. M'explico. Ja fa un temps em van trucar d'una revista on fa anys col·laborava escrivint textos sobre arquitectura. I diràs: "tu en saps, d'arquitectura?". I òbviament la resposta és que no, però soc periodista, es tracta de fingir que pots parlar de tot si saps trobar amb qui. Total, que em van trucar fa un temps dient-me si em venia de gust moderar una conversa entre dos arquitectes amb l'objectiu que reflexionessin sobre l'urbanisme del futur. Me la paguen, així que vaig dir que sí, perquè ara que m'acosto als 30 m'he tornat més pessetera (i pobre). La cosa era senzilla: la conversa havia de durar com a molt tres quarts d'hora, per això sortia a tres o quatre preguntes pels dos ponents: una així més genèrica, dues perquè s'enganxessin una mica (és a dir que hi pogués haver una mica de debat) i una ja més típica, del pal "quins reptes tenim". Puntualitzo que no soc de les que fa aquesta merda de preguntes, tipo "l'habitatge cooperatiu, què?", o "i la visió de gènere, què?".
Ha començat bé, o almenys m'ho ha semblat al principi. Han fet una exposició sobre el panorama actual, han citat el model Colau i les superilles, han parlat de la transició ecològica... Tot anava sobre el previst, sí. I de cop quan he encetat el següent tema sobre quins aspectes socials determinen l'arquitectura de les ciutats, s'han enganxat. Els anomenaré Fulano i Mengano, per por de les represàlies (a veure si els arriba aquest text i encara em quedaré sense cobrar, que de moment no m'han pagat). El Fulano s'ha sentit agredit, textualment "insultat", perquè el Mengano -segons Fulano- ha insinuat que la mobilitat no era més que una derivada de l'empobriment general de la societat. La meva cara mentre això passava era de pòquer total, no sabia molt bé on mirar, així que primer he mirat l'ampolla d'aigua mig buida, i quan la conversa s'ha escalfat he mirat el rellotge per certificar que encara quedava més de la meitat de l'estona prevista. M'he cagat en Déu internament i els he demanat als dos que per favor respectessin els torns de paraules i que no es faltessin el respecte. Murmuris generals per part del públic, enfadat amb els dos arquitectes ferits d'ego, que continuaven retraient-se coses por lo bajini. Sorprenentment, m'han fet cas tant el Fulano com el Mengano i han callat. Però només havia fet que començar el drama.
Quan he volgut obrir el següent meló sobre la relació amb la perifèria de les ciutats, s'han tirat els plats pel cap. El Mengano venia escalfat de casa, es notava que buscava el merder des que s'ha assegut al sofà des d'on presumptament havien de defensar les seves tesis com a persones educades i desenvolupades que s'espera que siguin. I quan dic que s'ha escalfat, vull dir que al pavo no se li acut res millor que llençar un zasca al Fulano, dient-li "pringat". Pringat. És que a sobre escull aquesta paraula, que és de ser pringat voler-te ficar amb algú dient-li pringat. Total, que el Fulano s'ha enfadat de veritat i s'ha aixecat de cop del sofà: "Què m'has dit, subnormal?". Subnormal. Pel meu gust, ha escalat massa ràpid aquest emprenyament, no té cap sentit passar de 'pringat' a 'subnormal' només a la primera rèplica. És de P3 de baralles, no? En fi, que el Mengano s'ha aixecat també al moment. No he reaccionat. I el Mengano li pregunta: "m'estàs dient subnormal?", mentre li posa les mans a la camisa agafant-lo del coll. I ja tot després ha sigut molt ràpid. El primer que he fet ha estat apartar-me, perquè el Fulano li ha fotut un cop de puny a la cara que quasi el tira a terra i de pas, em tira a mi a terra. La gent del públic cridava "pareu, pareu", i llavors han començat com els crits i corredisses entre els assistents. I de cop a sobre de l'escenari ja hi havia dos homes de l'organització, intentant-los separar. I el Fulano vinga a cridar: "que sé on vius, rata", i l'altre "calla, desgraciat, o et trenco la cara". Coses així.
I de cop, els Mossos. No sé què collons hi fotien allà dos Mossos, però allà estaven. Un agent: "Senyors, siusplau. Parin". I llavors passa el que fa rodona la tarda més esperpèntica que conec: el Fulano empeny el Mosso i el Mengano li diu al poli: "Tu calla, que no pinteu res aquí". I mare meva la que s'ha liat. El Mosso dient-li que callés, que no pot desafiar l'autoritat, que el denunciaria, i el Mengano vinga anar dient que els deixessin trencar-se la cara en pau, que marxessin si no volien acabar apallissats i no sé quines coses més. "Vine, sortim d'aquí", de cop un dels de l'organització ha vingut a per mi i m'ha tret d'allà.
Un cop fora, s'ha encès un cigarro i me n'ha ofert un mentre em deia: "Em sap greu, no entenc què ha passat. És veritat que el Fulano i el Mengano tenen perspectives diferents, era la gràcia de la conversa, però no m'imaginava que fos tant". Jo tampoc, li he dit, "Perdona'ns aquest show. Et pagarem 100 euros més per les molèsties". No li he dit res, he acceptat el cigarro i crec que amb això ja he fet el dia.
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Barcelona lidera el camino hacia ciudades más humanas y sostenibles con las 'superilles’
Las ‘superilles’ de Barcelona se convierten en referente internacional para humanizar las ciudades y reducir las emisiones — Leer en www.publico.es/espana/superilles-barcelona-convierten-referente-internacional-humanizar-ciudades-reducir-emisiones.html
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fatlace · 5 years
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SuperILL in Seattle going down. come thru. so many nice cars here. #SuperILL #illest #fatlace (at LeMay - America's Car Museum) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1CODTtnFsw/?igshid=1ft9q4ae8x5he
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renownusa · 5 years
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Hope everyone is enjoying the live build with #Nakai-san and the #RWB Family in Seattle today at #Superill. Thankful to see the Renown x RWB USA 100 V2 inside. Congrats to @phantasykolors. Long time coming! 🍻 #911 📷 @cw_unit | @rwb_usa #993 #RoughWorld 💯 (at Renownusa.com San Francisco) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1CywlOnNG0/?igshid=hq158ageo0tc
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thesaraplife · 6 years
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The first ever SuperiLL Hawaii Part One. Enjoy! 
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djpivotik · 2 years
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Big big shout out and thanks to Kevin @donutroidz for hooking me up with this beautiful wheels. Brand new 18x10.5 +22 Volk Racing TE37 SL's in Blast Bronze. These wheels look super amazing and also super light weight. Seeing it in person is just ahhhh🥰...If you are in the market for Volk Racing wheels, hit up my boy Kevin. Highly recommended he might have the sizes you want in stock. Needed some good rubber that will not fail on me. So i went back to my friend Simon @iamsimongates at @barneystireandwheeltemecula and went ahead with the 255/35/18's Yokohama Advan Neova AD08 R's. Awesome grippy tires for those track heads. Also they look so damn good. Im more of a toyo tires fan but i'll give these a try haha. If you are in the Temecula area and looking for tires, hit up Simon at Barney's Tire & Wheels. Tell him rsx mike sent ya. Big thanks to the homie g @miss.lexiss for the referral. #barneystiresandwheels #barneystireandwheeltemecula #yokohama #yokohamatire #volksracing #te37sl #volkracing #RealWheelGang #SuperStreet #superill #stancenation #CarPorn #wheels #instacars #te37 #jdmwheels #jdmdaily #racing #racecar #acurarsx #Dc5 #hondadc5 #TeamElevate #DailyDriven #fyp #explorerpage (at Temecula, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CghkMgTJLeK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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MiataGang.0 Owner: @slowkartz Camera: Nikon D3400 •••••••••••••••••••• Event Hosts @tunedintokyo_ @r1concepts •••••••••••••••••••• Follow For Car Show Coverage Car Meets Giveaways •••••••••••••••••••• #stance #jdmgram #stanced #stancenation #stanceworks #camber #cambergang #carswithoutlimits #superstreet #superill #boosted #boostbrigade #loweredlifestyle #carlifestyle #caroftheday #carsofinstagram #carporn #fitment #bagged #tunedintokyo #stoppingtheworld #teamr1 #r1concepts #miata #na #nb #miatagang #miatadrift (at San Bernardino, California)
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dawoduinc · 4 years
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Thank You! #SuperiLL #POW https://www.instagram.com/p/CDc19RCH0VsCZMGYsjz1h06QUaeZMECv9dXLfY0/?igshid=1cflqrt4qdx8r
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fashionxhype · 7 years
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ig : zeuzxn tumblr : fashionxhype
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seancastrooo · 7 years
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jdmsportnation · 7 years
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#FDFriday Beautiful shot of this sexy FD atop #LosAngeles for @superstreet 's SuperiLL ! 😎🔥 📷: @s_o_g_n_a_r | @firm400 Owner: @infamous_fd3s JDMSportNation.com Follow to see more builds like this! #mazdarx7 #fd #superILL Got boost? If not JDM Sport has the turbo chargers & accessories you need! MORE coverage at Firm400.com ! JDM Sport has ALL your performance parts needs from intakes, exhaust, steering wheels, intercoolers, lowering springs, camber kits, subframe bars, 32-Way JDM Sport Coilovers, and more as featured at #sema2017 ! 😎 🔰 📷/owner: 👉 @s_o_g_n_a_r / @infamous_fd3s 👈 Follow: @jdmsportnation | @firm400 Get your JDM Sport performance products & accessories at YOUR local authorized dealer TODAY! If they don't HAVE IT - ask why and tell them to carry JDM Sport! Instagram : JDMSportNation Media/Photo: | Follow JDM Sport on social media: JDMSportNation.Tumblr.com Twitter: JDMSport YouTube: JDMSportNation JDMSportNation-com AUTHORIZED ONLINE DEALER for JDM Sports Performance Products and Accessories: AJDMParts-com AdvancedJDMParts Online Shop online 24/7 for 1000's of top automotive brands and ALL your tuner performance products! All Media / Content used are Properties of Original Owners / Creators respectfully More media at Firm400.com | JDM Sport TV | AdvanSpec Network #jdm #japan #jdmsport #jdmsporttv #jdmsportnation #firm400 #advanspecnetwork #formuladrift #illest #rx7 #honda #civic #drift #boost #mazda #importtuner #superstreet
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Plan Zoom
Cierto estudio
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fatlace · 5 years
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i appreciate the support and friendships throughout the years. it’s what motivates me to keep doing the things i love doing. i hope you have some time in the next couple months to come check out the different events, collaborations and pop ups we will be putting on at the space. Illest Los Angeles 7909 Rosewood Avenue #illestlosangeles #illest #SuperILL #superstreet (at Fairfax District, Los Angeles) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0hPywNHjUn/?igshid=1e4mrbs8wbc67
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