#superior starker
anonoite · 1 year
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that meme but with sim tony & peter
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statisticalcats2 · 4 months
All the multi-verse chaos in NWH pulls Superior Iron Man!Tony into the MCU verse. He's wandering around, seeing murals of himself, figures out pretty quickly he's ended up in some parallel universe, is about to investigate more, when he's found by Spider-Man. He knows the Spider-Man in his own universe, knows he's Peter Parker, because he's Tony Stark and he knows everything, but there's not really any connection between them.
But this Spider-Man, this Peter, sees SIM!Tony and immediately pulls his mask off, revealing the most adoring, worshipful face SIM!Tony has ever seen, matched in tone by the sweetest voice softly calling in hopeful disbelief, "Mr. Stark? Tony?" And SIM!Tony has to stick around this guy for at least a little while now, this living example of the reverence he deserves.
So he sticks with Peter, who defends him from a suspicious Doctor Strange, and he stays with him as he actively goes against the wizard and sets off on some redemption quest for the gaggle of villains from other universes that have also ended up here. And he also gets to work on the side learning about his counterpart from this universe. It's already clear this world's Tony is dead and SIM!Tony is disappointed to learn it was some foolish sacrifice for the masses he should have ruled if he had been smarter.
But as he gets access to Tony's old systems and finds archives and archives documenting his private work and thoughts, SIM!Tony starts seeing a different picture. It had already been obvious that Peter adored this Tony but now SIM!Tony could see that Tony was obsessed with Peter in return. And he learns about Thanos and the Snap and the time travel plot and the Blip, and maybe this Tony never got around to reaching as high as he should have, but he's still Tony Stark, and SIM!Tony knows his mind, and it's clear to him that everything, everything, was for Peter. Not the trillions of other people and sapient lifeforms that had been Snapped. Only Peter. Tony wouldn't have done it at all if Peter hadn't been lost to him.
And Tony can make all the moral platitudes he wants, but no version of Tony Stark is stupid enough to think there would be any way to do what he did with absolutely no risk to the timeline or the present day. SIM!Tony knows that and he also knows Tony was still willing to risk it all just to get Peter back.
And now SIM!Tony's feeling an even stronger urge to stick around in this universe, with Peter, and see for himself what's so special about this boy that this world's Tony was willing to do, create, and destroy anything and everything for. Yeah, he's abandoning his own world, but this world's Tony clearly would have done the same thing. Peter must really be worth it.
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winterspiderpurrs · 6 months
Okay okay... but Spiderman making cookies giving them to SIM...
Like maybe Peter noticed the lack of Christmas decor at the tower; because of his internship. The limited number of friends Tony Stark had. And knows that Rhodey and Pepper were both off with family.
Peter knows what it feels like to be alone on Christmas.
So he makes his way to the tower. He stays out of SIMs way most of the time(as spiderman). It's like an agreement. He stays out of the way, he gets to keep up his Spiderman gig.
Tony was not expecting Jarvis to alert him that Spiderman was on the roof. Even more so of the sugar cookies with melted Hersey kisses on top.
But it was the " Hey Mr. Stark" That made Tony realize that Spiderman was the intern he has been watching. Well, isn't that just interesting.
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pretty-bratty · 3 months
I woke up to a whole string of SIM!Tony posts, and now he lives rent-free in my head, with a burning desire to write a ficlet brewing.
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vaguelyparker · 4 months
Recently been rotting my brain with the thought of Tony coming back to life post nwh and it’s been a month and he already has this pretty young thing hanging off his arm. Like they knew coming back from the dead couldn’t have been good for his mental health especially not with the divorce and Pepper having someone else but they’re all just so disappointed with Tony going back to his old ways. And he’s completely shameless about it, they both are, Peter walks around wearing nothing but one of Tony’s shirts bruises mottling his skin, Tony will pull him into his lap while the others are around, it’s uncomfortable. Of course it’s worse than they can imagine because when Peters whimpering Mr.Stark right where they can hear has more meaning they can imagine. Anyways just shameless starker getting off to how taboo it all is and getting to flaunt it in everyone’s faces because none of them know. Actually the more taboo the better so fuck it sprinkle in a little starkercest.
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khalixascorner · 3 months
im having a hard time finding sim!tony starker fics... any recommendations? thank u in advance!
Ok so I have a lot of recommendations lol.
If you enjoy dark (and I mean dark) SIM, then Basil has a ton of short fics. The whole collection is here.
Highlander_II writes a lot of canon aligned SIM, found here.
I also write a fair amount of SIM (all different flavors) if you want to just browse my profile (found here).
The Darkness in Me is a fun/dark two part where there's SIM, Tony, and Peter.
@authoressofdarkness has a lot I really like but the ones that come to mind for SIM both are WIPs.
Guide Me Safely to Shore is a soul mate story and Beauty and the Beast. Both feature a villainous Tony and hero Peter.
Baby Bats has a ton as well so just check their profile but mind the tags depending on your preference. @babybatscreationsv2 is a talented writer who writes across the spectrum of tags and genres.
@the-mad-starker and @graceful-starker have both written a few as well that are all really good so I'll just drop their profile links too. (hopefully the filter sort stayed on the link, but if not, just filter for superior iron man).
Mads. Gracie
@ursafootprints has one that's ongoing that I'm dying for the resolution. Mind the tags though because it's a dark incest fic. Double Blind
Late addition because I was rushing. Askmyknives also writes sim and you can find them here.
Ready is a hot little coffee shop AU one shot.
Devotion, absolution, desire is a really good dark smutty piece.
Blinding lights is a vampire soul mate AU that I adore.
Collared Innocence by StarkerKeyz is a super hot and also kinda cute soul mate story. I reread it regularly.
Anyways, if I forgot anyone, I'm sorry but these are some of what comes to mind!
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the-mad-starker · 5 months
Starker Smut: Dubconned Into True Love
For @khalixascorner ! This was supposed to be a bday present and it ended up being a belated bday, Xmas, reward thing 😂🥲 Hope you enjoy it!
Summary: Villain Omega Tony capturing alpha Peter and deciding to keep him. Aka Reversed Wife stealing plot where the omega steals the alpha
Notes: some version of SIM!Tony, omega Tony Stark, Bottom Tony Stark, alpha Peter Parker, intersex omegas, non/dub con of the heat/rut variety, heat sex, breeding, knotting, biting, vaginal sex
WC: 8431
Note 2: Inspo for Tony's outfit is in Ao3 cause Tumblr doesn't like it 😤
"Um… Mr. Superior…?"
Tony ignores the tied up alpha. As far as he's concerned, the kid has been neutralized and Tony's gotten what he wanted so there's no need to interact.
Except… the alpha pup is stubborn. He continues to try to get the Superior's attention and he's doing it so politely that Tony actually feels something (not bad, there's no way he feels bad about anything).
He crosses out the emotions based on the process of elimination.
Annoyance? Not really. He's too amused at the situation to be annoyed.
"Excuse me, Mr. Stark? …Sir…?"
With a huff, Tony turns away from the interface, brilliant blue eyes calculating.
"Yes, dear?" he croons, his voice coming out sarcastic and cool.
Tony immediately feels like a jerk when the alpha pup perks up at the attention, a hesitant smile pulling his lips up into an easy smile.
They have a deal where Tony would keep the muzzle off as long as the kid doesn't yell or scream or do any of those other annoying things hostages tend to do. And well, he isn't yelling or screaming or even pleading to be let go. Instead, he's trying to play nice with his captor while Tony’s watching the frantic little bugs called Shield scurry around on the video feeds.
It's interrupting Tony's fun but he figures the kid's owed at least some attention.
The Superior has kidnapped him after all.
"You know I'm an alpha, right?" the kidnapped superhero asks curiously.
Usually, a stupid question like that would have Tony rolling his eyes and immediately snapping the muzzle back in place. For some reason though, something about the pup's tone sounds genuine as though he's actually confused why someone like Tony would grab him.
Oh. Right. Spider-Man is a kid. Well, barely. He’s eighteen, according to the files, but in terms of superhero and villain business, he's still so green. So green that it makes the Superior feel a twinge of not-so-villainy guilt.
"Peter Parker," Tony states as he swirls around in his chair.
One nimble leg crosses over the other. His white suit pants are form-fitting but not enough to be indecently tight. He has nanotech woven into an actual suit, all white of course. He’s comfy and sexy, comfort being a priority. The open white blazer is styled specifically for male omegas, broad around the shoulders but narrow around the hips. Underneath that, he isn't wearing anything which leaves the lean muscles of his chest exposed but not bare.
He has gleaming jewelry that drips in languid chains from the delicate collar around his neck. More nanotech, this time fashioned into something like precious diamonds. They sparkle brilliantly in the light but they're so much more than just pretty rocks.
What he’s wearing right now isn't even the most risque thing he’s ever worn but it's meant to catch the eye and it definitely catches Peter's.
Tony likes to wear his armor best like this. It's so easy to masquerade one of his deadliest weapons as elegant pieces of art that bring attention to his best assets. And because alphas are such knotheads, that's all they care to see.
No matter what Tony wears, there are eyes always being drawn to him. It amuses him when the supposedly good guys can't take their eyes away from him. Then again, Tony's always enjoyed being the center of attention, whether it's as the most eligible omega in the world or the cold-hearted Merchant of Death. It's something his instincts purr at, the attention being directed at him.
Even when he has no intention to entice or seduce, Tony uses the natural allure of being an omega because it's just too easy to.
The Superior lifts a perfectly manicured hand to his chest, fingertips casually trailing down the sparkles of nanotech diamonds. They're linked piece by piece with delicate chains, also meticulously crafted to add to the deception of a beautiful pampered but weak omega.
No one has been fooled by his facade in years but some alphas still fall hard for Tony’s handsome face and his unique mouthwatering scent.
Seeing the way Peter Parker's gaze follows the movement of his fingers, his eyes drinking in the sight of exposed tan skin instead of the shine of the tech…
Tony smirks, ego rightfully stroked.
He snaps the fingers on his other hand, breaking his own spell over the cute alpha pup.
Immediately, Peter's wide eyes shoot up. When he meets Tony’s knowing gaze and his face flushes an endearing pink because he knows he's been caught looking. Caught lusting over one of the bad guys.
"Alpha," Tony coos and whether the kid takes it as Tony confirming the knowledge he has or is calling for him… Ah, yes, the latter. The pup's eyes go a little hazy, as though being called alpha is actually making his dick hard.
Peter quickly looks away but like a shark scenting blood, Tony’s already caught it.
There's a high possibility that something as simple as getting called alpha by an attractive omega would do it for him. The kid is green, after all, and Tony remembers being 18. All those hormones…
Even with the mandatory suppressants that alphas and omegas are subjected to, the instincts are still there, quietly simmering just under the skin, always so easy to mess with. Having an omega's attention makes alphas so weak to influence. Having Tony's attention pretty much guaranteed their ruin back in those days
Hmm. Tony wonders if this kid's ever even experienced an unsuppressed rut.
He clicks his tongue at the thought and uncrossing his legs, he stands. The jewelry makes a soft tinkling sound, like bells, as he walks towards the bound alpha. He places a finger under the pup's chin and tilts his face up so their eyes meet.
"I know everything about you," Tony tells him sweetly.
He's read the reports and he admits to himself that the information there has been enough to interest him. Intrigue him, if he wants to be truly honest.
The Superior looks at the kid and he's intrigued. How unfortunate for him that he’s been caught in Tony’s crosshairs. He hadn't planned to do anything about it just yet, but with the opportunity presenting itself, why not?
Peter doesn't seem surprised by his words and yet, he's still perplexed.
"Then… Why did you kidnap me?" he asks. His eyebrows scrunch down as he mutters thoughtfully, "I'm an alpha and alphas don't get stolen… Especially by an omega, it's…"
Unorthodox. Radical. Untraditional.
Words that are often used to describe the kind of omega that Tony is.
Here, Tony does roll his eyes and he steps back. The retreat has the alpha cautiously looking at him again. Tony smiles and catches the jump in Peter’s heartbeat.
"Look, just cause I'm a 'mega doesn't mean I can't do alpha things," Tony tells him, "Or well, I can definitely act like one. If I want to steal myself a pretty wife, I definitely can."
"You're not making much sense," the kid says. He completely ignores the wife comment that references him in this scenario. "Shouldn't you have stolen the omega so that I can, uhm, rescue them…?”
Tony laughs, actually laughs. It's bright and free. He's entertained and he's always in a good mood when he's being entertained.
“We’re not in some cliche superhero story, kid,” Tony grins at him, omega fangs peeking out. “I'm not some… typical villain and you… Nah, kid, you're not saving some damsel in distress here… If anything, you're the one in distress.”
Peter only looks more puzzled. “I'm not though.”
“Oh?” Tony encourages him to answer.
“I mean, besides being tied up to a chair– which, by the way, is a very cliche supervillain thing to do–” Peter gives him a look that only amuses Tony even more. “You've been pretty decent to me, Mr. Stark.”
Tony rolls his eyes.
“Interrogation when I don't need anything is tedious,” the Superior says distastefully. “Besides, I got what I wanted so anything else is just a tasty bonus.”
Peter hums indulgently and Tony is suddenly feeling a little vindictive. He already has Shield scrambling to find them so as he said, everything else is just a bonus.
Tony is in a good mood. He wants to keep being in a good mood and therefore, he wants to have fun. He wants to poke and prod at this intriguing alpha and see if it’s worth keeping the muzzle off. He wants to see if the alpha could be… something worth keeping.
"If I stole the omega," the Superior returns to the previous topic, "they'd just find you another omega."
He shrugs, a smooth roll of his shoulder, and lets his gaze take in his prize. All joking aside, he has an alpha in his hands that, scientifically speaking, is a good match for him.
His prospects for a mate that won't break under his attention are rather limited. He doesn't need a mate, but one look, one interaction with this alpha makes him think of all those possibilities that he's pushed away in the past.
And if it turns out that this kid isn't what the Superior wants, well. He at least knows what fun he wants to have with him.
Peter is cute, a cute alpha pup just growing into his body. Tony can see very clearly that he’ll be a handsome man with a sharp jawline and lips perfect for begging. He’d probably make some omega very happy, with his heart of gold and his alpha cock. If the kid hadn't gotten involved with Shield, the Superior thinks he could've flown under his radar and possibly lived a perfectly boring normal life.
Or maybe not.
The kid’s brains and whatever projects he’d end up in would have certainly made waves in the world. Logically, the Superior would have found him, sooner or later.
Is that fate or just Tony’s luck?
The Superior’s lips stretch into a kind of smile that's had the Winter Soldier twitching for his guns.
The mood shifts and Peter, the smart pup that he is, senses it immediately. There's a stillness to him that reminds Tony of prey sensing a predator’s presence. The alpha becomes uneasy, uncertain of where a volatile omega like Tony Stark is going to take this.
Tony smiles again, sweetly. Peter doesn't buy it but Tony pounces anyway.
The omega presses his palm right above Peter's heart. He can feel it beating harshly right there beneath the firm muscle and hard bone.
Ta-dump. Ta-dump. Tadumptadump…
“Are you nervous, pup?” Tony drawls, “Have you finally realized that I’m not interested in some Shield lackey… That I’m interested in you, alpha. Shield was practically begging me to crash the party. Who am I to disappoint?”
Peter’s mouth opens, maybe a little shocked at Tony’s forwardness. Maybe such a cute pup can't imagine someone like Tony outright declaring their interest but the blush on his face… He wants Tony's attention just like Tony wants his. It's already shaping up to be a good match.
He likes this. He wants it. Tony can smell it on him, his interest and a hint of fresh arousal that's distinct from the usual musk that teenage alphas like him carry. He can see the physical effect he has on Peter too but the omega doesn't bring attention to that little detail just yet.
Peter just doesn't think he's allowed to have it because…? Who knows. No matter the reason, he’s restraining himself, hovering between what his instincts want and what his mind is saying.
Tony doesn't care for the reason, he’ll pick it apart with either words or his body. He's good at using both.
Another shudder, another minute shake of Peter’s head in denial but the Superior knows. He now has Spider-Man intrigued.
Tony strikes while the iron’s hot and gracefully sprawls himself on the top of the alpha. The pup squeaks in surprise and jerks when Tony’s ass settles on top of his lap. There's a bulge there that nudges up almost perfectly where Tony’s nanotech suit covers his pussy.
It feels hot, the shape of it– Oh… it's getting bigger. Tony’s eyelashes flutter as heat ignites in his belly, making his empty insides clench in anticipation.
He's going to have this alpha and he's going to enjoy it. Immensely.
The Superior grinds down on the pup's swelling cock, assessing without looking. The kid’s essentially wearing a spandex onesie and the material is stretching tight over the alpha pup’s hard cock. He feels hot and big– Tony pauses, feeling the delicious heat emanating from beneath him and hmm… the girth of his cock… Very nice. Tony can tell that it's thick, maybe thicker than his favorite dildo.
Oh, what a stretch Tony’s in for…
“S-Sir…!” the pup splutters, drawing Tony’s attention. He pets the boy’s cheek, soothing and distressing the alpha at the same time.
"I can see potential and oh, Peter… what a waste, what a sad sad waste," Tony purrs and wraps an arm around the kid's flushed neck which he presses his lips to. "You know, Shield basically neuters their underlings. Not physically, of course, but they go on and on about control and not falling prey to instincts… It's such bullshit.”
There’s a look that crosses Peter’s face, disgruntled, but Tony knows he's right. In this moment of vulnerability, Peter’s instincts are going wild under Tony’s influence and the omega can see the fight going on inside his pretty little head. Maybe the kid wouldn't have been able to show such an emotion if he was in the right mind.
Tony feels a sense of satisfaction that even without kn, he can still predict this in an alpha he’s interested in. His instincts, after all, are rarely ever wrong.
“You must've thrown them for a loop… Did you have to pretend, kid?” the Superior doesn't have to pretend to sympathize. At one point in his life, he, too, was forced to adhere to others and their control.
The kid’s breathing has escalated and his wide honey-brown eyes are staring straight ahead. See no evil, hear no evil, huh?
Peter's clinging tight to denial, Tony knows. Mouth parted, fast shallow breaths… Poor kid. Tony is too much to handle for an organization like Shield on a good day and here he is, pitting himself against someone as green, as innocent, as this baby hero.
“You don't have to answer that. I know.” Tony licks his lips. He can taste the alpha pup’s scent on his tongue. “If Shield tries to tie you down to some loyal lackey so that those feral instincts of yours calm down… I wonder what’ll happen…”
He leaves it suggestive but they both know.
It won't work.
It hadn't worked on Tony’s instincts even before extremis. It won't work on an alpha of Peter’s caliber.
“That's not what happened…” Peter says weakly, finally breaking his silence.
It's to defend Shield but Tony still considers it a win to have the kid responding to him. He presses closer, his scent rich and distracting.
“Isn't it? Did meeting that sweet natured omega calm your instincts? You don't feel calm,” Tony says rather seriously while grinding on the alpha pup’s lap.
Tony had snatched him just as Peter met Shield’s potential mate for him. The Superior had heard just enough that he couldn't bear watching the awkward encounter for a second later.
Peter hadn't gone willingly and a short-lived scuffle had occurred. Spider-Man had prioritized shielding the omega Shield agent without realizing that he was the true target until it was too late.
The Superior had a good time carrying the alpha in his arms like a bride being brought home.
Tony had planned this just for shits and giggles, another flippant middle finger to Shield for thinking they can keep this kid hidden away from Tony. He’d snatched the alpha right from under Shield’s nose and now, he’s making his own claim because he wants.
With the rocking of his hips and the scent he’s breathing in… With what Tony knows about the kid from Shield’s files though none of them mentioned the nice surprise the alpha’s packing between his legs.
Tony wants to keep him. Just a minute ago, it was just a possibility. Keep the kid if he can satisfy Tony but now, even if Peter’s performance leaves him unsatisfied, Tony won't let him go. He can just train the alpha into what he wants.
From Shield’s files, Peter’s been noted to be very eager to please. Tony purrs as he recalls this information and he leans forward, placing his lips on the alpha’s pulse and sucking hard.
Yes. Even if Peter performs well, Tony can train him regardless. Refine that potential of his into something truly… Superior.
Peter’s hips jerk up, grinding against Tony's receptive body even as the alpha throws his head back to groan.
In this position, Tony’s pants are stretched tight over his ass. The heat between their bodies is building and it's only going to get messy. Sex between an alpha and omega is always deliciously messy.
The omega pulls himself away from the nice hickey he’d made on Peter's neck. In front of his very eyes, he sees the molted skin heal itself, the bruise going from dark to red to yellow then fading away like someone hit a fast-forward button on just that patch of skin. It's fascinating like everything else about the pup.
It makes him think even as the baby alpha’s scent floods out of him and reaches for Tony. Tony breathes it in, knowing it could make him lose his mind if he lets it.
“Do their suppressants even work on someone like you?” Tony wonders out loud in a contented sigh.
Even if the pup’s scent isn't affecting him, it still smells so good… Like rolling around in freshly laundered blankets, so warm and inviting.
He runs his hands over the trembling muscles of the alpha’s shoulders. The way Peter’s reacting to him tells Tony that whatever suppressants Shield has been giving him isn't working.
He rubs his cheek against the alpha's and tilts his face up while shifting his body up so that he's no longer warming up Peter's straining cock.
It puts his neck in a dangerous position, right where the alpha’s fangs are. Technically, Peter could stop all this now by shoving him off. It's another simple test to see how hard Peter’s alpha instincts are riding him. How much more Tony will have to push.
He doesn't disappoint.
Peter turns his face towards Tony’s neck. The alpha sucks in a deep breath of Tony’s scent as though he’s ravenous for it. The pup’s scent may not be affecting Tony but his is definitely influencing Peter’s.
He growls at the protection that Tony’s nanotech collar provides but he doesn't let it stop him. Right above the omega's protected mating gland, the flat of a tongue licks at the soft skin there. That spot– even if it's not the gland directly– it’s still sensitive and vulnerable. It should be setting off alarm bells in the omega's mind and yet, it has the Superior sighing in pleasure.
“Hmm…” Tony moans in approval.
The alpha drags his tongue lower, licking desperately at gaps between the chains just to get a taste of him.
There are teeth involved now! Sharp alpha fangs try to close down around Tony’s nanotech collar to get to that soft vulnerable skin. He can hear the gnashing and grinding of teeth against the metal and the omega laughs breathlessly, not at all worried that his tech will fail him.
“Oh… Bad alpha,” Tony groans and presses closer. “Were you going to try to bite me without permission? What a brute.”
He pulls back, the collar seamlessly melting away where it's caught on the alpha’s teeth. The nanotech forms back into its proper shape around his neck without a single scratch.
When Tony looks into the pup's eyes, he coos at what he finds. Just a little bit of sniffing and the pup is now drunk off the Superior’s scent.
“S-Sorry– I don't…” Peter squeezes his eyes shut, mortified. “I don’t understand w-what's happening… Why–”
Poor baby alpha’s trying to regain control but Tony won't give him the chance to. He likes this alpha all scent drunk and horny for him.
“Oh, you poor thing,” Tony purrs at the pup, caressing his flushed cheeks. He comes to a realization watching the pup’s eyes glaze over even as his mouth pants open.
He had been wrong. It isn't that Shield’s suprassants aren't working. It's just that whatever drugs they have Peter on is nothing compared to the Superior.
Their compatibility is too strong. Perhaps Shield hadn't thought that Tony would ever take a mate. He’s killed and maimed enough alphas that have tried. Then again, none of them has ever been Peter Parker.
“I'll take care of you, sweetheart,” the omega promises with a sweet purr in his throat.
The kid‘s scent is going into overdrive, growing in strength. He has a desirable compatible omega on his lap, probably the only omega that can take everything his enhanced body can dish out. It’s trying to pull Tony under too so they end up in a mess of sweaty bodies and irreversible bonds.
Tony aches to respond in kind. It makes his mouth water but it doesn't quite trigger his instincts the way a normal omega’s would.
He wants to let loose. He wants the nanotech regulating his body to retreat and leave him to his instincts, a wildfire raging and leaving destruction in its path.
Tony would be a very very dangerous omega to handle during a heat. He strokes the alpha's cheek again, cooing at the glazed look in Peter’s eyes.
Soon. Soon… But first… He has a mate to claim.
With a single command, the nanotech suit melts away in a rush of silver. It leaves only the omega jewelry and the silver stilettos he’d been wearing. The cool air on his exposed flesh does nothing to ease the heat being roused in his belly.
At another thought, his tech forms into sharp tipped claws at his fingertips and he quickly shreds the pup’s pants. The upside of using his tech is that he has complete control. Once they meet flesh, they blunt themselves to leave his pet unharmed.
The fabric is so easy to destroy though. Tony would have to fix that later once he has the alpha bonded to him.
“Look at you…” Tony purrs when he gets his hands on the alpha’s cock.
It's perfect. Long and thick with a pretty flushed tip that's perfect for sinking onto.
Tony can't wait.
And yet, once the alpha pup realizes what's happened, his head jerks down and looks in horror at his exposed erection. His cheeks turn such a ruddy red that Tony wonders how it's possible when all the blood is certainly flowing southwards.
“W-Wait…!” A bit of clarity seeps into those glazed over eyes and then the alpha confesses, “I’ve never done this before!”
“Good,” Tony tells him before he gets his hands on that eager cock. “Even if you have, I’ll be the last.”
Peter’s mouth drops open, just a little. He stares at the Superior with disbelief and then struggles in his bonds. In a last ditch effort, he desperately says, “Can’t we talk about this first?”
The Superior ignores it.
“Don't come,” is the only reply Tony gives him when he begins to stroke, getting a feel for Peter's dick. It twitches in his hand, so eager for his touch. Tony firms his grip and makes sure to catalog the alpha's response, honing in to what feels best for him.
He wonders how much experience the kid’s had, if any. Not much, Tony determines, when Peter’s hips give a harsh aborted jerk.
“We s-shouldnt…” Peter whines, his eyes squeezing shut.
Another stroke and Tony’s hand closes around the fat head, squeezing out a drop of precum.
“Oh? You can still think?” Tony teases when he drags his hand down the hot length, spreading the wetness around. It makes it easier to jerk him off. The alpha gasps, his eyes only squeezing shut harder.
“I… I’m…” his speech fails and Tony chuckles in amusement.
The alpha breathes in but then chokes on his breath when Tony starts again. Just a little more… Tony observes with bright blue eyes, his glance switching between the kid’s facial expressions to the cock he’s stroking. Both are fascinating to him.
Peter lasts longer than he expects and he's surprised to find his own patience running thin instead.
“We don't even… know each other…” Peter pants out, scrabbling for control and failing. “I haven't even courted you and you're… you’re… Oh God, sir, you're gonna make me– mm…!”
Courting? The thought takes Tony by surprise but he finds that he's charmed by the alpha’s priorities. He clamps down on the base, letting the kid have a breather because he's not done yet.
Poor kid pants out a breath or two before Tony rises on his knees. There’s slick wetting his trembling thighs as he positions the alpha pup’s cockhead right where he wants it. Just feeling the tip there, rubbing against his pussy, makes the Superior so eager to swallow the alpha up.
“You can court me after,” Tony promises him with a curl of his lips. “‘Till then, behave.”
“After…?” Peter questions, eyes peering through slits before flying wide open when he sees what Tony’s about to do.
“Mhmm… After,” Tony declares just as he sinks down on the alpha’s cock.
“W-Wait…!” Peter cries out but it's too late.
Tony groans as the thick head pops in, the slick making it easy for the engorged glans to slip in. It feels as good as he thought it would. The flared tip really makes him feel it.
Beneath him, the alpha moans, his eyes wide in disbelief before they cloud over in pleasure. His mouth is trembling, the shock evident even as pleasure makes his jaw go slack.
Tony allows him to focus on his pleasure, specifically the point where their bodies are joined. He hasn't even fingered himself open so he knows his pussy is especially tight for the alpha pup. He, himself, likes to feel the ache of a good stretch, and the pup’s thick cock had promised him that and it delivers.
He sinks down with some effort, taking Peter’s cock in several thrusts, his body rising up and down to take it inch by inch. He's wet, so wet… The slick helps, and the sheer abundance of it makes the slide easier but his pussy is too tight. He has to work himself open.
Peter’s lost in it. There's a look of wonder in those honey brown eyes compared to before and Tony coos at the alpha, leaning in close and letting his scent steal his senses once more. The poor baby alpha gets the heavy brunt of it, drowning in it. Even then, Peter’s mouth pants open like he's trying to drink it all down.
The alpha shudders but there's no fight in him, only a growing desperation that Tony understands so well.
“You feel it too, don't you, pup?” Tony asks, keeping his own instincts in check even while it's fighting against his control.
This thing between them can't be stopped now and they both know it.
He digs his fingers in the boy’s too cute curls, wrenching Peter’s face closer so he's staring directly into Tony’s brilliant blue eyes.
The alpha beneath him struggles against his bonds but the scent Tony breathes in is so sweet. The kid is still scent-drunk, probably desperate to get his hands on Tony.
“Are you wishing your hands were free?” Tony nibbles on his ear. “Wishing you could push me down, fuck me as hard as you want instead of this…?”
“This” is the slow rise and drop of Tony's hips, the carefully controlled rhythm that the omega knows isn't enough for an alpha. It isn't enough for him either but he likes this, likes making the alpha ache for him.
His pussy is aching too, hungry for something only this alpha can give him. His knot.
For now, he settles for the way Peter's cock opens him up, making space inside his tight little body that even breathing feels a little difficult. It… feels good… The way Peter's cock fills him up, the fat length of it is a struggle to take. Tony’s legs tremble and he sits down on the alpha’s cock, dragging in a breath even as sweat drips from his temple.
“I’ll let you have it…” Tony promises him as he nuzzles the alpha’s neck, his nose brushing against Peter’s mating gland. The alpha freezes, holding stock still even as his cock throbs inside Tony’s pussy.
Just like how omegas don't steal their mates, omegas also don't bite their mates. Only omegas get bitten.
Unorthodox. Radical. Untraditional.
Those are the words that Tony’s been described as and he doesn't regret it, not one bit. It lets him act without second guessing so when he sinks his sharp omega fangs into his chosen mate, he has no regrets.
Peter jerks underneath him, his hips pushing that last stubborn inch of his cock into Tony’s already stuffed pussy. It presses in so deep…! And yet, the omega doesn't release, only bites down harder even when his eyes threaten to roll to the back of his head. The alpha’s cockhead is nestled against something that's never been touched before and it gives Tony a kind of deep aching pleasure he's never felt until now.
The taste of blood fills his mouth. Tangy metallic blood. It barely registers, his entire body squeezing around the alpha’s cock.
If Tony was in heat, it would be a deep mating bite. Without his heat, it's just a bite but one that rouses Peter’s instincts into a frenzy. Even the promise of a mating bite has the alpha you g wild beneath him.
“Ah…!” Tony finally releases his mouthful, gasping when something else catches his attention. He feels the growing presence inside him. Peter’s knot– “Oh… fuck… fuck…!”
The knot pops, expanding quickly and stretching Tony’s insides until he's gasping at the sheer presence of it inside him. The Superior trembles in ecstasy, feeling as though his body is working to accommodate the alpha, and for once, he wonders if it's too much.
The knot grows and grows, leaving no space untouched, every bit of it claimed by the alpha. The omega's clawed fingertips press into Peter’s shoulders and leave little pinpricks of pain as he breathes through the knotting.
Not that Peter feels it. In the high of his orgasm, the alpha is trying his best to give Tony those short desperate thrusts even while he's restrained. Tony feels it when the pup comes. Unrestrained, nothing between them… It's like a torrent of heat flooding an already tightly filled space. Tony feels every pulse, every desperate twitch of the alpha's cock as he pumps him full.
Tony should be pissed. He told the alpha not to come and yet, he ends up chuckling against the bite.
His hips start a slow grind, feeling the shift of the knot in the clutch of his body. It's gotten so big that it's rubbing right against a sweet spot… His cocklet is also getting some sweet friction against the alpha’s toned stomach.
The combined sensations are too much and he's being filled up. His stomach feels like it's bloating with the loads being pumped into him.
Tony’s breath goes ragged. He feels that heavy anticipation in the pit of his stomach, condensing– growing tighter and tighter, that pinnacle of pleasure just within reach… so close… His toes curl and his claws dig into the meat of Peter’s shoulder, deepening the scent of metallic tanginess in the heavy mix of alpha and omega.
Tony bites again as he tips over, clinging to the alpha pup that's brought him so much pleasure. He clamps down on the swollen knot and Peter cries out again, tugging at his bonds.
Wetness spurts between them as Tony comes.
There’s an audible snap, even amongst the pleasured moans and ragged breaths, but it doesn't register what's happened until they go tumbling to the ground. Tony, himself, feels the back of his head knock against the floor but it barely phases him.
The alpha’s newly freed hands grasp Tony’s hips tight in his grip. He covers Tony’s sprawled fucked out body with his own, instincts wild with the urge to mate and breed.
Tony’s physically trapped, caged in by Peter’s body. Some other omega may have panicked but not Tony.
No, the older omega laughs and then he lets go.
He’s never suppressed his scent, not since he became Superior. No one's ever been able to take him down, to mate him, to own him.
This baby alpha though… Tony is going to own him instead.
His scent deepens, the notes in it becoming sharper and wilder. There are hints of metal now emerging, blending so well with his already sweet omega scent. Blending in with Peter’s, it's an entirely new mix and it's intoxicating because it's them.
Just as Tony's claimed the alpha, he's allowing himself to be claimed by his instincts.
This alpha… He’s going to be the Superior's in every sense of the word. And the only way for the bonding to take place is if the Superior goes into heat. The only way he would go into heat is by letting this baby alpha trigger it.
A thrill of the excitement blazes through him and the Superior lets Peter’s rich enticing scent curl into his lungs. It reaches even further inside him and strokes to life a need that Tony hasn't felt in so… so… long…
The Superior begins to ache and oh, what an exciting feeling it is… His instincts heighten even more so, becoming razor sharp even as his body starts to go all buttery soft and warm inside. His thighs tighten around the alpha’s hips.
He’s becoming too hot.
Being fucked, being knotted… Their bodies are joined so intimately, Tony’s omega body eagerly accepting the loads of cum being fucked into him. The regulations his nanotech provides are put to sleep, overwritten, and Tony finally responds in the way his instincts want him to.
It feels like the heat brings his very blood to a simmer then a quick boil. He feels hot all over and his legs come to wrap around the alpha’s waist as he arches his back.
The jewelry stays, the collar being the only safeguard against the alpha mating him. He hasn't earned it yet.
It's the last restraint he leaves but everything else…
They've given themselves over to their instincts.
Tony’s heat, given free rein by the omega himself. Peter’s rut, triggered by the omega’s scent.
There is no fight except the clashing of their bodies, desperate and wild. Sweat and slick, and cum. Peter grinds into him as though his knot isn't being tightly squeezed already, as though he hadn't just fucked the Superior full.
When the knot softens, Tony flips the alpha onto his back. He rocks against the alpha, back arching so that the light catches his jewelry, drawing the alpha's attention once more.
Peter’s fangs flash before the omega leans down and placates him with a kiss.
Their first kiss and it's just as wild as their first fuck.
Peter chases after the Superior's lips when he pulls away, bringing their mouths together in another hungry kiss.
“Mm… mmm!” Peter is inexperienced, that much is clear when one of his alpha fangs cut into Tony’s bottom lip. It gives their kiss a hint of iron to it which only has Tony pressing forward.
Tony licks the drop of blood from the corner of his lips, blue eyes flashing in excitement. The hint of pain quickly passed, his body healing instantly. The memory of it, though, has ignited even more heat in Tony’s body and he starts rolling his hips, the pup’s soft cock growing hard inside him.
He takes control of the kiss, claw tipped fingers digging into the alpha’s hair and pressing into his scalp. Peter rightfully becomes submissive beneath him, giving control to the experienced omega.
A purr rumbles out of Tony before it cuts off. His tongue enters between Peter’s lips and he finds the kid eager.
It takes only a little bit of encouragement before Peter's leaning into him, his tongue stroking Tony’s. The Superior is glad that Shield’s notes were correct. Peter is a fast learner.
His hands wander over the alpha’s shoulders, caressing down his bound arms before slipping between their bodies. When his hand squeezes Peter’s balls, the alpha shudders and whines, hips once more bucking.
So eager.
Tony pulls away and is satisfied with the kissed bruised plumpness of Peter’s lips. His own kissed swollen mouth curved up into a smirk.
He presses his hands down on the alpha’s chest in a silent command but it isn't needed. The rise and fall of his hips has the alpha mesmerized and Peter groans when he catches flashes of his wet cock between Tony's slick thighs.
The Superior strikes once more, just as Peter gasps out a stuttered “C-coming…!”
This time, when Tony’s bite sinks into Peter’s mating gland, it takes and forever bonds the alpha to the omega as Peter breeds him full.
Once more, they're lost in lust and need, their minds ravaged by their instincts.
As Tony’s being fucked–
As he rides the alpha’s cock–
As he’s bent over the table, the hacked video feeds of SHIELD still looking for Peter–
Peter’s teeth bite down on the collar multiple times. He wants to sink his teeth into his omega but Tony distracts him with kisses, with his clever hands pumping his aching cock, with his sweet lips as he mouths the pup’s soft knot…
It all passes in a blur of sex, their bodies well matched. Peter’s youthful stamina is bested by the Superior's experience and enhancements.
Their last mating is in Tony’s bed with the entire building on lockdown. An alert has shown that Shield has finally caught onto Tony but the pair are locked away in a secured nest of their own.
Peter holds him tight, the thumping of his heart a resounding beat against Tony’s back. One of the alpha's hands is fondling his cocklet while the other holds the omega’s leg up in the crook of his elbow, his hips slapping against Tony’s ass in a harsh desperate rhythm.
The mess of cum and slick leaking out of his pussy and ass is ignored as Peter pants heated breaths against his ear. The Superior, too, has his head thrown back, claws digging into the meat of Peter's thighs as he urges him to finish.
“Alpha…” Tony sighs, exhausted but heavily satisfied.
The pup nuzzles against his neck, long used to the fact that the jewelry is there. It's enough… Tony’s wet pussy clamped on him, his sweet mouth calling him alpha… It’s enough…
His cock sinks in with a sloppy squelch and it's wet and hot inside Tony’s pussy… He's been fucked loose, but with the omega’s orgasm, the flutter of his insides along the alpha's cock has the pup whimpering as he gets close once more.
“Gonna come…” Peter gasps out. His cock throbs in its tight little home and his balls pull up taut, ready to deliver.
The omega moans, his body tightening down in further encouragement.
“Give it to me… Give me all of it…” Tony‘s voice is rough but still commanding.
Peter buries his face against Tony's shoulder and with a low groan, he gives in.
Tony closes his eyes and savors the now familiar feeling of being bred. Compared to their first mating, this one won't last as long. He feels the twitching of Peter’s cock inside him as it unloads, the nice stretch of his knot as it fills him again… One load, two… three… then a weaker pulse.
It's still a lot for an alpha but not as much as before. Their heat and rut are winding down but the bond will still be there.
“You’re mine, alpha,” Tony murmurs when they finally settle in.
Unwillingly or not. Everything that is Peter’s is now his. His kisses. His attention. His cock.
He turns in the alpha's arms and Peter nuzzles into his embrace, still in the grips of a mating afterglow.
He's not sure what the morning will bring. How Peter will react, but he knows for certain that he won't let the pup go now or ever.
“Mine,” the omega murmurs and Peter rumbles in contentment.
A soft purr joins him as the night finally ends.
Peter wakes up in increments.
He’s warm and comfortable and the most relaxed he's ever been. His limbs feel like they're weighted down, heavy with relaxation. He hasn't felt this content since before the bite, since before Uncle Ben’s passing.
It's unusual but he clings hard to this weightless sense of contentment. His arms tighten around his pillow, bringing it closer, and it's only then that his brain comes online.
He's not hugging a pillow.
His eyes snap open and he comes face to face with New York’s most dangerous omega. He expects adrenaline to kick in hard and for shock/surprise/horror to crash into him, but instead, he's calm.
Calm and something else… His face grows hot while something else beneath the warm blanket grows thick and hard.
He should… should…
The Superior smells so good… And even though most of their activities last night are blurred, Peter remembers. He remembers heat and passion, the tight silky clutch of the older omega’s pussy as it locked on his knot, squeezing down so exquisitely that Peter had to sink his teeth into something to withstand the sheer pleasure he had felt.
Peter’s breath catches in his throat at the memory. He swallows down the influx of saliva that had flooded his mouth and tries to calm down enough that he's not sporting a hard on but it's… It's impossible.
Wait. He had bitten Tony in his lust induced rut. Had he hurt him?!
Peter pulls back, withdrawing his arms as carefully as he can to avoid waking the omega.
The covers get pulled back and Tony– the Superior, the CEO of Stark Industries, the most eligible and most dangerous omega in the country… He curls up like a sleepy kitten, mouth pouting as the warmth from their shared body heat leaves him cold.
Peter’s hit with the instinct to care for him and raise the covers so he's tucked in, nice and warm.
He stops himself because it's only then he can see the damage he’s done to the omega.
Bite marks litter his previously flawless skin. The only thing that had survived was the jewelry the omega had been wearing. So he didn't bite Tony…
He raises his hand to his own mating gland and his fingers come away with flakes of dried blood.
The bite throbs too but it's already healed a lot.
For some reason, the alpha doesn't find himself conflicted about being bonded against his will, even if it's a one-sided mating. He wonders if it's the post mating emotions talking or if the bond linking him to Tony is influencing him.
He’ll never know and he finds that… he's okay with it. At least at this moment.
Looking at the sleeping omega, at his sleeping mate, Peter tries to recall more of what happened.
Peter doesn't remember what happened to his clothing but he can imagine tearing them off in his desperation.
The bite marks, of course, are from him. He remembers, in not so vivid detail, how he'd scraped his fangs over the omega's neck. How he’d settled his mouth over his chest, tongue laving at the omega's nipple and the other hand pinching and twisting the other nipple.
He remembers sinking in deep, slick heat enveloping his cock, a growl in his throat. He remembers using all his strength to fuck the omega senseless, hands leaving bruises on the Superior’s hips, bone hard under the pad of his thumb.
He remembers… the Superior moaning and egging him on, his lips curved in a delighted smile, his lips panting open… He remembers fucking that mouth and spurting a thick load over that sinful mouth.
He sees all the signs of everything they’d done and his cock throbs.
Peter’s eyes gravitate to the Superior’s long tanned legs and it's like something takes control. His hands reach forward, gently settling on top of the omega's knees and then he's pulling them apart.
The Superior’s cocklet is soft against his thigh. His pussy is still puffy and reddened from the hours of mating… Peter had been insatiable, he recalls with a heavy blush. Long hours of slow fucking, his cock plowing through cum and slick… And short quickies that added up to an equal amount of time, Peter humping and grinding, his knot barely softening before he was stuffing the omega full again.
Peter had been truly an alpha lost in rut… he feels an echo of that desperation and wonders if he's still in rut now… He can't take his eyes away from the sight in front of him and his cock is already hard…
Peter’s heart is pounding and he's so excited. Is this what it feels like to be with an omega? There are butterflies in his stomach, he feels lightheaded just looking at Tony… Is he… in love...? He can't be, they don't even know each other! But his heart is in his throat and he wants it so badly… Wants Tony…
A shaking hand reaches out and he pulls those puffy lips apart.
He pushes a finger inside, cock twitching when the sleeping omega moans. Inside, it's hot and wet, just as he remembered it.
What breaks the fragile hold he has on his control is that when he pulls his finger out, creamy white covers it.
He can't take it. He can't–
Before he realizes it, the tip of his cock is pushing its way past the omega’s entrance. He doesn't wait– can't wait– and then he's thrusting into the slick, cum filled pussy of the most dangerous omega he's ever met.
He’s fucking the Superior raw. Does it even matter though? When there's evidence of Peter having already came inside him?
His mind doesn't care even though there's a tiny voice somewhere screaming about what he's doing. Not even about yesterday but what he's doing now. Tony isn't even awake…
It's too good– he can't stop. He doesn't want to stop. He’s had a taste of what it feels like, of what being with the Superior is like. His silly boyish dream of finding a nice gentle mate is nothing compared to the fire the Superior's ignited inside him.
He braces himself over the omega, his snapping with determination and making such obscene wet sounds as his cock moves through cum and slick.
Breedbreedbreed… mate…
The pleasure builds and he can't stop himself. He wants to come inside again… His lips pull up, bearing teeth and sharp alpha fangs. Why can't he control himself…?
He's right at the precipice, his knot growing from soft to hard when Tony wakes up.
He knows because he’s shoved hard enough that he’s knocked into the ceiling to floor windows in front of the bed. They don't shatter, only rattle at the impact.
He slumps to the floor, naked and dazed.
The Superior rises from the bed, brilliant blue eyes aglow as he walks to him, equally naked. Cum trails down his thighs which momentarily distracts Peter until his eyes snap up back to the omega approaching him.
“I'm sorry, I shouldn't have…” Peter stutters, his mind finally clear.
“Fucked me while I was sleeping?” The Superior finishes his sentence.
He looks at Peter with that cold gaze, mouth twitching when he finds Peter’s erection still hard.
Peter doesn't even dare to move when the Superior lifts a delicate foot. He steps down on the alpha’s cock and all Peter does is shudder, feeling humiliated but still so, so turned on. After fucking the omega, his cock is wet with Tony’s slick… and he’d been close to coming that even the pain of being knocked into the wall hadn't phased him. The friction of Tony stepping down on such a sensitive part of his body… Shame makes his face burn even when his cock twitches.
The omega can clearly feel it but he only presses down harder, adding more weight which only makes Peter tremble harder.
“I don't mind that so much, but you were going to come,” the omega says with hooded eyes. “It looks like you’ll need a lot more training.”
He finally steps back but instead of leaving Peter in a humiliated slump on the ground, he slides himself into the alpha’s lap in a single graceful movement. He straddles Peter’s lap and the alpha’s breath catches in his throat when Tony positions his cock at the entrance of his pussy.
He shudders, hands clenching at his sides when Tony sinks down, throwing his head back as the alpha’s cock stretches his insides with its wide girth.
“Hmm… Already learning… Good boy…” the Superior praises him.
Peter doesn't know what he did right but all he does is stare in stupefied wonder as the omega fucks himself on Peter’s cock.
“Don't make me do all the work,” the omega commands and takes Peter's hands and places them on his hips. “Fuck me. And don't come until I say you can.”
“Yes, sir…”
Now that he's given permission and he knows the omega won't eviscerate him, Peter eagerly joins in. His hands grip the omega's hips, finding a familiar hold and fucking the omega just as he ordered. He mouths at the bruises he'd left on Tony’s collarbones, adding even more and appeasing his instinct to mark and claim.
“Maybe if you're good… I’ll let you bite me where it counts…” the words are whispered in his ear.
Bite…? Peter almost comes on the spot.
To mate the Superior…
Peter’s eyes go hazy as lust takes over. When Tony tilts his chin up, he eagerly offers his mouth, moaning when the omega kisses him breathless.
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starker-sorbet · 1 year
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You see what happened with extremis was a miracle Peter. Oh I don't mean how it saved me after the snap, that was incredible obviously, but I mean how it opened my eyes. To just what it could do. All it took was a bit more tinkering to make a new strain what could do what I wanted it too.
So as soon as you calm down and let me do what I have to do we can be together. Forever. Without anything being able to take you away from me ever again. Because this strain of extremis I gave myself and am about to give you, it'll makes us immortal Peter. It makes us better than before, better than anyone else on this planet.
It makes us Superior.
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starkly · 3 months
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Mafia Boss/SIM Tony for @khalixascorner for the @starkerfestivals Valentines Event!
CW: Gun, light injuries (bruise and small cuts)
Valentines exchange for <@333346533535645697> ! :3
Asked for Dark/Sim/Mafia boss/Dubcon into true love
My idea for the backstory on this is either:
Dark: Tony's people finally capture Spiderman, who's been interfering in their business, and bring him to the boss. Tony wont let him leave.
Fluffy: Peter gets hurt, possibly because of family financial debt, and goes begging to tony for help. Tony cant resist, and Peter quickly finds a new home there.
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starkwub · 5 months
(Spoilers for Superior Iron Man comics?)
But I just got done reading them (1-9, gosh why did I not read them earlier XD also, what's going on with that ambiguous ending??)
I couldn't help but imagine a SIM!Tony before all of the madness happened with Daredevil and such, were Peter is the young innocent son of some woman that regularly starts going to Stark Island to lounge and "work" (though the latter was according to Peter's wishful thinking).
Tony takes a shine to the kid and feels oddly protective over him--perhaps recognizing the innocence that plagued the boy and not wanting to tarnish it. Kind of a "He's superior in a field that I can never attain a status in, thus, he is special." sorta thing. Perhaps he's a little (a lot) obsessed with him ha!
I'm not sure if that idea's been written about already since I've never indulged in too much SIM Tony content outside of the canon before this, but I'm probably going to do some brainstorming and flesh out the idea a little bit more incase anyone would enjoy that! :)
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laylayj · 7 months
I see a lot of people doing soft/shy peter but what about bold peter? Like him going up to tony and is just like "i need your cock inside me Anthony" or him just taking the dick for himself in front of everyone that tony is in a meeting with cause he's a little brat and doesn't care and tony just loves his baby boy.
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SIM Tony and MCU Tony both have Peters. MCU Peter switches bodies with his counterpart and they both have to navigate their different universes.
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muse-of-gods · 2 years
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Ever since Tony used the infinity gauntlet to defeat Thanos, Peter notices that something is different about his boyfriend. It starts with little things, like Tony spending more time in the lab alone or lashing out at their teammates when Peter gets hurt during a mission.
But when Tony starts spending all the time that he is not with Peter in the lab working on a secret project, Peter gets suspicious. So one night, while Tony is passed out in their bed, Peter sneaks down to the lab and opens the last project file that Tony was working on - it has the title Superior Iron Man.
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sthefystarker · 1 year
Holiday Gift Exchange for @starker-sorbet
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@starkerfestivals Holiday Gift Exchange for @starker-sorbet
Moodboard + drabble-ish? Hope you like it, darling! <3
*Warning: SIM, mentions of blood and violence.
Tony Stark didn't consider himself a romantic person, not at all.
Ever since the press had branded him as narcissistic, pedantic, and an arrogant power-monger (perhaps being arrogant was a major disadvantage of being an only child, he thought), Tony knew that being his father's son, carrying the family legacy and the stigma that was passed down from generation to generation, being able to carry the burden of the Stark name on his back, as he grew up, Tony had to build his emotional barriers and become what he had least wanted all along: to be a son of a bitch. Yet life itself demanded it of him. In order to survive.
The Mercenary of Death, that soulless egomaniac who just for the fun of it slept with everyone, but never discovered for himself, next to someone, what love really was. That was why, even if he didn't know it, Tony Stark felt incomplete.
Nevertheless, he was a very busy man. In his world, having money equaled having power. The more money he had, the more power he acquired. And Tony soon discovered that very few people wanted to get serious with him. This reality, often, in his lonely nights, the ones where his inner demons fought, made him laugh through his tears. Because everyone wanted something from Tony Stark, but no one seemed to really want him.
Little by little, Tony, by survival instinct, had to bury that soft part of him. The one where he put his selfishness aside, and focused on genuinely caring for the other person. In short, in a cruel corporate world, full of business deals and hidden tricks up his sleeve, Tony Stark's heart seemed to harden each time. A heart of iron, that seemed to resist every betrayal and stab in the back from people who claimed to call themselves, his friends. Rhodey, Happy and Pepper were the exception, of course. They were always his exception. And Tony believed for a moment that they would be, forever.
Until one fine day, after several years where Tony is not only a billionaire philanthropist but also a superhero, Iron Man meets a boy with curious eyes and brown hair, this young man just saved his life, while fighting with some dangerous criminals who wanted to steal one of his latest inventions: The Extremis.
He is very talkative, Tony notes, as this young man repeats to him over and over again that it is not necessary to get his money, that he had helped him because those men were doing evil, and it was the right thing to do. Tony, of course, didn't understand any of that. His life could be calculated in billions and billions of dollars and this guy had just saved him.
"Look, imagine I'm like the genie in a bottle: You just saved Tony Stark's life! You have 3 wishes." Tony told him with a serious expression, although with a certain humor in his voice.
The boy shook his head. "I still can't believe I'm talking to you," the young man guffawed, "it's just that, I'm your biggest fan!"
Oh. That piqued Tony's interest: the boy was gorgeous. Not only that, but he seemed to be a lot smarter than he looked. Tony wanted to test him.
And he wasn't disappointed.
Peter Parker far exceeded his expectations. In Tony's eyes, Peter was the purest being he had ever known. That terrified him, because he sensed that at any moment someone else would come along and take him away, or worse, taint him with evil.
And Tony, despite considering himself to be without goodness, wanted Peter to be his. For him alone. And so he confessed it to the young man, on a rainy night, because Tony could no longer keep it to himself.
"Don't be silly, Tony. If anything, it makes me love you even more. I'd be very happy if you'd go out with me." The young man told him, his cheeks flushed but with a firm look that made him rethink things.
Tony nodded, and took the first step, one that would completely change both of their lives: he approached the young man's face, gently stroked his hair, moving it a little away from his forehead, and kissed him."
From that moment on, Tony Stark's life would take a 180-degree turn. Weeks and months passed, and Peter remained by his side, unconditional. Making love to this young man was something that seemed otherworldly, and Tony swore he would protect him from all evil, and Peter, ecstatic, believed his promises. The young boy did not ask for much, except that Tony would only love him back.
Tony's hands were shaking, in his pocket he always carried a small box with him, waiting for the perfect moment to propose his hand.
Unfortunately, that moment never came. Because it was taken away from him.
When Tony found Peter on the floor one day, bleeding and with no chance of coming back to life, he went mad. Completely insane, because in his arms lay lifeless the reason for his sanity. He tried everything, he even turned to the Mystic Arts to see if he could bring him back to life, but his best friend, Strange (who just seemed to be going through the same situation with his ex-fiancée Christine), advised him to try something else, because handling the Mystic Arts took time and that, of course, was the last thing Tony wanted.
Tony just wanted to kill them all. He wanted to kill the culprit who destroyed the person he loved most in the world. Tony Stark wanted to carry out his revenge. So in a fit of rage, he began injecting himself with more Extremis than necessary and made an exclusive deal with Clea: he would jump between universes until he could find a Peter Parker who was just as lonely and broken as he was.
Although nothing and no one could ever replace his Peter, Tony had reached the breaking point, one where he couldn't be too picky: he just wanted to be with Peter Parker. No matter who he was, Tony was confident he could fall in love again. If all the Peter Parkers in the Multiverse shared the same soul, then it wouldn't take much for him to fall in love again.
Until one fine day, he found it.
"Mr. Stark…?" Ayoung man murmured. His hair was a bit more disheveled and his features were younger than I remembered. He was wearing a suit that looked much like the one he had once designed.
Tony could see the blood dripping from Peter Parker's fingers, that Peter Parker seemed to be very violent, judging by the pile of corpses lying at his feet.
He knew he would have no problem with that, figuring they could still say nice things to each other and make love-laden promises in their moments of intimacy.
He could see how disbelief was painted on Peter's face, as if Tony really was a ghost, or some figment of his imagination. It was there that Iron Man knew he had finally hit upon the right universe. After all, he couldn't be such a son of a bitch to himself and snatch the happiness of another Tony Stark in any universe. God knows they would need each other.
"Hello, Peter." Tony smiled, because he knew the man wouldn't put up much resistance if he proposed to destroy the world together.
And then, nothing and no one would separate them. Not again.
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90minsofscreentime · 1 year
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Superior Iron Man thinks you’re cool no matter what you celebrate 😌
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petxrpcrkedcar · 6 months
WHERE are the threesome fics with sim x peter x tony im literally CRAVING IM BARKING I NEED IT SO BAD
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