#supernatural drabble DeanxOFC
idreamofhazeleyes · 1 month
@impala-dreamer @mrswhozeewhatsis @squirrelnotsam @idreamofplaid @winchestergirl-13 @spnfanficpond
15x20 is going to be re-written from what we got in the show. What follows is a possible scenerio in that re-write.
Aeryn’s POV 
I stumbled up to the nurses’ station just as my leg gave out on me. The local police officer was feet behind me saying something I couldn’t register. I barely registered the nurse was Alex. The look on her face was a mix of shock with an “oh, shit”. She moved around the counter, waving the officer away just as I put two fingers to my neck. Immediately, Alex got me into a private triage room and disappeared. Voices carried in between her and another nurse; arguing over needing to do proper triage and paperwork before taking back a patient. Alex argued that given how much blood was on me and the state of shock I was in, taking me in first without paperwork was proper triage procedure. She came back in a few minutes later with a rolling cart. 
“I called Jody,” she said as she pulled out a pair of scissors and started cutting away the bloody and ripped clothes. “She’s gonna call Sam and Dean.” 
A mental sigh of relief washed over me. Knowing Dean, he would be red lining Baby until he got here. I winced in pain as Alex peeled off my shirt and bra. A light touch to where a large gash was on my back gained a face contorting wince of pain. Damn, why did I have to pick up Dean’s sense of hiding the pain.  
“How the hell did you walk in?” Alex asked just before a cold piece of cloth was placed on the wound. 
I hissed at the stinging sensation of the cleaning liquid. “Determination and sheer willpower. You know, the fundamentals of being a Winchester.” My body slumped forward, pulling at the back wound. “A patrol car came up and got me and the two boys in. I’m surprised I managed it with a dislocated hip. I walked the cop through how to pop it back into place.” 
I hoped that the other nurses were taking care of them and working on finding their parents. The officer was bound to be doing the latter. A nurse came in with items for a blood draw. 
“Can I do a draw?” she asked. “Standard for patients.” 
It wasn’t, yet I agreed. Done within a few minutes, the nurse collected the vials and truncate. Alex asked if a hospital gown could be brought around. The nurse agreed to pass the message on. Alex continued to work on cleaning off the blood and patching up the wounds I gained from the vampire fight and escape. Eventually a second nurse came around with a gown and blanket. After sitting for a while, my body revolted in moving to shed my tattered clothes and put the gown on. Even my boots came off.  
“I’ll be back in a while,” Alex said, gathering the cart. “Get some rest.” 
A hand reached for the blanket, and I managed to unfold it before laying down. Alex came back in with a saline bag and got it hooked up. I could feel the cool liquid enter the top of my hand; getting necessary fluid into my body. She adjusted the blanket before stepping out. I wasn’t sure how much time passed before familiar voices drifted into the room.  
Heavy footsteps headed toward my curtained off room. My head turned just enough as the person entered. At first I couldn’t fully register who I saw. He must have either been in the area or raced from the Bunker to the hospital. 
“Dean?” My voice was low. I wanted to get up to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating. I started to sit up. 
“Yes, love.”  
He hadn’t used that nickname in ... A wave of pain starting from my lower abdomen washed over my body. Those pains had been happening for the past few days. I had ignored them thinking they were bad menstrual cramps. 
“Lay down. I’m here.” 
Dean gave me a light hut before helping me adjust back onto the bed. He adjusted the blanket before pulling the lone chair over and sat next to me. 
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there,” he started. “I should have ...” 
“It was a simple case that turned sideways,” I cut in. “When do we ever get lucky on big cases?” 
Another wave of pain shot through my body. Everything contorted from the pain. A soft whimper escaped even as I heard Dean say something. The pain passed as a light cough came. 
“Sorry to disturb you,” a male voice said.  
My gaze went to the curtain to see a doctor standing there with a tablet in hand. 
“We got the blood test results back,” the doctor said. “Everything looks good. Though something came up. Is there any possibility that you are, or were, pregnant?” 
The cramps weren’t menstrual. My face turned and buried into the pillow. Dean took hold of a hand. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t sensed it before. Death had said I was able to sense unborn infants. Apparently there was a point where I couldn’t. Dean leaned over and planted a kiss on my cheek. The doctor said something about pain meds and discharge papers. I didn’t care about that. I just wanted to get out of the hospital. 
“Hey. Hey. Hey.” Dean leaned over and planted a gentle kiss on my cheek. “It’s alright. We’ll get you back to the Bunker and ...” 
I shook my head. The last place I wanted to be was the Bunker. “I wanna go to Jody’s.” 
I heard footsteps and Jody’s voice asking if everything was okay. Dean asked if we could crash at her place. She agreed and disappeared just as someone else walked in. 
“Clothes for Aeryn,” Sam said.  
I felt a weight being put onto the bed, most likely a duffel bag.  
“Sorry, Aeryn. It’s some of our things.” 
I turned my head. “S’okay. Thanks, Sam.” 
He ducked out as the doctor came in with the discharge papers and instructions for care and to follow up with my general practitioner. I eased into a sitting position even as Dean started pulling out what appeared to be his clothes. I grabbed the boxers as he came around to help shed the hospital gown, stopping to see the gauze on my back. A light touch around that spot gained a hiss of pain. I managed to get the boxers onto my knees before Dean came around and helped with the sweatpants. 
One hand held onto him for a few minutes once on my feet while the other held onto the sweats and boxers. Dean stood there holding me until I was comfortable keeping my balance. He helped with putting the tee shirt on, gently pulling it down to avoid my back wound. I wrapped an arm around his as we left the curtained off room as Dean carried the duffel bag and papers. I was done hunting. The back wound from the rebar had been too close for comfort. 
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notsofly · 6 years
TIB Drabble -- Drowning
@mrswhozeewhatsis @impala-dreamer @percussiongirl2017 @idreamofplaid @winchestergirl-13 @squirrelnotsam
Aaliyah finished making the journal entry about alt Kaia and the events around her and Dean’s new scar and put the leather bound book on the headboard. The past couple days had been a whirlwind. Between meeting with the few angels still on earth and Dean being back, Aaliyah wasn’t sure what to expect. Working herself to her feet, Aaliyah ambled to her dresser and pulled out sweatpants and a clean tank top. She looked to the door when a knock came. It opened as she pulled on the sweatpants. Dean appeared on the other side, a look on his face Aaliyah wasn’t fully able to read; but knew something was wrong.
“What’s up, Dean?” She pulled her shirt up and over her head before tossing it into her pile of dirty clothes. Spending years with the brothers, and countless mutual wound stitching sessions, Aaliyah had no issue standing there in a sports bra and sweatpants.
Dean shifted his weight before stepping into the room, closing the door behind him. “Can I ask you something?”
“Like what?” She grabbed her tank even as Dean sat on the bed.
“What’s it like? When Raziel takes control?”
Aaliyah half squinted in thought as she sat next to him. “It’s hard to explain. They share what’s happened, but it feels … It feels like there’s a weight there, but not heavy because Raziel’s there.”
“You don’t feel like you’re drowning?” Dean turned his eyes to his hands. “That you’re … You’re not strong enough to cast Raziel out if you wanted?”
Aaliyah shook her head even as she attempted to piece the conversation together. “There’s been times I felt like I couldn’t pull them back. Usually after a serious hunt, but that’s nothing. Seriously, Dean. What’s going on?” She sat there with Raziel on the edge of her mind. The sensation from the angel told Aaliyah this was a new thing; an arch angel leaving their vessel without being cast out.
“I couldn’t do it,” Dean’s voice was low, as if he couldn’t admit what he was saying. “The whole time it felt like I was drowning. Couldn’t get enough air to breath. I…I wasn’t strong enough.”
Aaliyah moved a hand in the attempt to reassure him, but Raziel stopped her.
“Let him…”
“Shut up. It was hard enough for him to open up at all.” Aaliyah sensed Raziel pull away just enough not to intrude. “Can I tell you something? You’re stronger thank you believe.” She chuckled when Dean shot her a ‘Did you just give me a clichéd’ look. “I’m being honest. How’d you think I managed on my own?”
“Amanda or Xander.”
Aaliyah held up a finger. “On occasion. It’s from you guys. Not only everything on hunting, but how to survive on my own. Sure, there were times I nearly died, but that didn’t mean I was weaker. It just meant I got outsmarted. Or had gone stupid.” Aaliyah looked at Dean, the feeling her little pep talk was more talk and less pep. “I’ve seen you guys bounce back from anything. All that apaco…”
“Stop.” Dean pushed himself to his feet and stepped away from the bed. “I’m…I’m not strong enough.” He sighed. “Never was. I couldn’t go without Sammy. Can’t … Can’t…”
Aaliyah eased over to Dean and felt his arm muscle tense when she put her hand on it. She met his gaze when he finally turned toward her. The green eyes she swore changed hue at any time during the day shone a green apple hue. There was something else in those eyes. Fear for sure. That fear went deeper than she wanted to admit.
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idreamofhazeleyes · 1 month
@impala-dreamer @mrswhozeewhatsis @squirrelnotsam @idreamofplaid @winchestergirl-13 @spnfanficpond
The same scene as "Lost". Originall the idea/scene was in Dean's POV. This is Dean's pov of the same scene.
Dean’s POV 
I rushed through the halls, mind narrowed on finding Jody. She had called saying that Aeryn had stumbled into the hospital in a state worse than she’s ever seen. Sam’s voice was distant behind me as I turned the corner. Jody stood there talking with Alex. 
“Jody, Alex,” I greeted as I stepped up to them. 
“Oh, thank God,” Jody breathed as she came in for a hug.  
I accepted the hug, feeling the tension in her slip a little. Something definitely wasn’t right if she went right for the hug. “What is it? How bad is she?” 
“A patrol found her shuffling down the side of the road covered in blood and in real bad shape. Her hip was dislocated, a serious back injury that came really damn close to a permanent spinal injury. Alex…” Jody glanced to the other nurse at the station and gestured me away. “Alex said something Aeryn putting two fingers to her neck. Like a bite.” 
My mind snapped to one thing. Vampire. It made sense as it was the case Aeryn had gone to work on solo. “Can I see her?” 
Jody nodded and led the way to the room Aeryn was in. 
She was curled up on the bed dressed in a hospital gown, covered by a blanket. An IV line linked her to a saline bag. The blood had been washed away but the wounds remained. Of all the times we’ve been beaten and wounded, I’ve never seen her like this. Sure we had bad cases that set us back. Not like this.  
I stepped over to her, lightly touching her leg. Aeryn snapped into motion away from the touch, half curled in fear at the head of the bed. Time passed slowly until she seemed to realize I stood there.  
“Dean?” Her voice was low, as if she still didn’t believe her eyes. She started to move to sit up. 
“Yes, love.” I moved to her side as she moved slowly. Her face contorted in pain. I wanted to take it from her. I couldn’t. “Lay down, I’m here.”  
I gave her a light hug before helping her to lay down and adjusted the blanket. My arm reached for the lone chair in the room and pulled it over to sit beside her.  
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there,” I apologized. “I should have …” 
“It was a simple case that turned sideways,” Aeryn said. “When do we ever get lucky on big cases?” 
Her face contorted in pain followed by a whimper. My body moved from the chair as panic flooded my mind. “Aeryn, what is it? Aeryn?” 
A light throat clearing cough came from partially behind me. A look showed the doctor standing there with a tablet in hand. 
“Sorry to disturb you,” he started. “We got the blood test results back. Everything looks good. Though something came up. Is there any possibility that you are, or were, pregnant?” 
My mind froze. Aeryn had gone on the case while pregnant. I did my best to figure out the time line and she must have gotten pregnant a month or so ago.  
“I’ll prescribe some pain medicine and advise rest for the next several days,” the doctor said. “I’ll be back soon with the discharge papers.” 
My hand reached for hers even as she buried her face in the pillow. Every little conversation and what if scenario in the weeks before the case made sense. She knew even if there hadn’t been any actual sign. Death had said she was able to sense every human. Even those in the womb.  
“Hey. Hey. Hey.” I adjusted so I was able to give a gentle kiss on a cheek. “It’s alright. We’ll get you back to the Bunker and ...” I stopped when her head shook.  
“I wanna go to Jody’s.” 
Footsteps came and the curtain moved before Jody peered in. “Everything okay?” 
“Is it okay if we crash at your place for a while?” I asked.  
“You don’t ... Sure. We’ll head there when Aeryn’s discharged.” She disappeared as Sam appeared with a duffel bag. 
“Clothes for Aeryn,” he said, setting the bag on the bed. “Sorry, Aeryn. It's some of our things.” 
“S’okay,” she said, voice low. “Thanks, Sam.” 
He lingered for a few seconds before ducking out. The doctor came in with the discharge papers and gave instructions for general care and follow ups with her general practitioner. He left and I started pulling out the clothes, finding it was my sweats, a change of boxers, and an old tee shirt.  
Aeryn had eased herself into a sitting position and I helped shed the gown; seeing the gauze over half of her back. My hands brushed against the skin around it, gaining a hiss from her. She moved to attempt to get the boxers on, stopping at her knees. It was a team effort with the sweat pants. My hands held onto her while she stood there for a moment until she was comfortable on her feet. Tee shirt on as carefully as possible, we left the room behind, empty duffel bag in hand. Aeryn stepped in close, her arm wrapped with mine. Maybe it was time to step back from hunting. 
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idreamofhazeleyes · 7 months
Changing Bandages
@squirrelnotsam @impala-dreamer @mrswhozeewhatsis @idreamofplaid @winchestergirl-13 @spnfanficpond
Summery: Dean checks on Aeryn after the fight with Ketch. Aeryn sustained a leg injury and Dean had a dislocated shoulder from their escape attempt with the rocket launcher.
Aeryn POV
Between 12x22 and 12x23
I leaned against the wall of the bunker in the attempt to ease the weight off my bad leg. The knee had been cramping for hours despite keeping off of it. If I could just get to my room and change the dressing Alex put on, I should be fine. Pushing off the wall, I managed a few feet before the leg threatened to buckle.
“Aeryn?” Dean’s voice called through the halls.
He and Sam had taken care of Ketch before coming back into the library to help clean. My mind kept going back to the moment Ketch held me with a gun to my head while cleaning. Something the back of my mind knew it was going to be a long night.
One. Two. Three more steps before my leg finally buckled and gave out. The wall was just out of reach to keep my footing despite catching it to slide down to the floor. Dean’s boots echoed slightly as he came around the corner. Those hastened as he closed the gap between us. I sat there, eyes closed, as a hand came to rest on my arm.
“Come on. Let’s get you up.”
I sensed Dean moving from my side before cracking open my eyes. His hand out stretched to help me up. Part of me wanted to remain on the floor. But I knew Dean wouldn’t leave until I got to my feet. We grasped wrists and eased me to my feet. He walked beside me, hand light on my back, as we made the last few feet to my room. Dean closed the door behind us.
“Sit,” he instructed even as he pulled out my medkit. 
I eased off my jeans and boots before finding the bed. Once there, the old bandage came off even as Dean knelt.
“You okay?” he asked as he started cleaning the wound.
I winced at the sharp sting. The wound was still open and was in the beginning stages of healing. “Honestly? No. We’ve come close to dying before; hell we’ve all died at one point. But this was ... We all expect to go out against monsters.” My body started to relax as Dean’s fingers brushed over my knee and leg. 
“Humans can be monsters. Remember that back woods family some years ago? Where they hunted humans for sport?” He finished securing the bandage, a hand cupped my calf. He leaned over and ever so slightly kissed my knee; his breath causing my small hairs to stand on end.
A hand reached out and ran through Dean’s hair. He looked up and I could see the fear in his eyes. The fear of losing me. I leaned down to him, hoping for a kiss. Dean reached up and met me. I worked his flannel off and fumbled with the black tee. Dean broke off the kiss and pulled the tee over his head while I freed my shirt off. He stepped back and looked me over. 
Insecurity washed over me just then. In all the years since Cas pulled him from Hell, it was a first. I was comfortable with him being a flirt and getting around, we both got tested every time. But this was different. It didn’t go away even as I watched him untie his boots and work off his jeans. I adjusted back on the bed even as Dean rejoined me. 
Hands gently slid up my thighs, fingers grasping at my boy shorts. Those were barely free of my hips before hot breath warmed my skin. 
My eyes fluttered close as Dean’s tongue swirled and lapped. A groan escaped as a couple fingers curled inside my core. One of my hands found its way to a breast and squeezed.
Dean pulled away and planted kisses along the way, lingering over all the scars I gained over the years. My legs moved to accommodate his body. He lined himself up as his kisses reached the tail end of the claw marks from the werewolf. He hesitated at the shoulder before pecking at the side of my neck.
“I ... lo..” he started in a whispered.
“I know.” 
He sheathed to the hilt, gaining a satisfying groan from me. At some point my body arched into Dean’s. A moan from him vibrated my shoulder. My arms and legs wrapped around his body, wanting to have him to be as close as possible. My hips moved in the attempt to gain more friction between us, my climax close. Dean must have sensed it as he quickened. 
“I can’t ... Aeryn...” Dean couldn’t finish his words before he went taunt. He attempted to make a thrust or two before his body relaxed with the release of dopamine. 
Dopamine coursed through my own body as we laid there in the after glow for several moments. Eventually Dean freed himself and moved to gather his clothes. I propped myself up on my elbows and watched him.
“Dean,” I said. I don’t know what expression was on my face, maybe one that pled with him to stay. 
He came back over and with a kiss to my forehead, moved the covers to climb in first. I managed to get to my feet and slid in after Dean; nesting against him. His arm wrapped around me as I settled. For the night, I was safe from the nightmares of Ketch pulling the trigger.
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notsofly · 6 years
Steak Out
@mrswhozeewhatsis @impala-dreamer @percussiongirl2017 @squirrelnotsam @winchestergirl-13
Warning: Smut
Aaliyah traced her knee and leg with an index finger in her attempt to stay focused on the mission. She was well into hour six of a stake out related to the case she and the boys were working on. Dean had gone out for a quick supply run with the promise he wouldn’t be gone long. A rap at a window startled Aaliyah into reaching for her hand gun before recognizing it was Dean.
“Got your choice of energy drinks and other caffeinated beverages,” he said as he slid into the front of Baby. “And of course, pie.”
Aaliyah smirked as she reached for the first of energy drinks. “Apple or cherry?”
“Apple, just like mom used to make.” Dean flipped open the plastic container and pulled out a fork before digging in.
“Don’t think I’ve ever had pie,” Aaliyah let slip before sipping her drink. She panicked a little when Dean seemed to choke on the bite he had just taken.
“Never had pie?”
Aaliyah shook her head. “Not much food in the house growing up, remember?”
“Here, try a bite,” Dean said with a bite in his mouth.
Aaliyah turned to see him forking a piece of apple pie and turning it around to her. Dean hadn’t been to give up any of his food, especially pie, ever since she had known him. So why would he change it up now? She reached out to take the fork from him, only for him to pull it away. Aaliyah narrowed her eyes at him. Why offer a bite only to take it away? She reached out again, shifting in the reach. Still, Dean refused to give the bite. One more reach …
The kiss was quick enough Aaliyah hadn’t been sure it actually happened. She looked into the dark green eyes that stared back to her mismatched eyes. It happened alright. Aaliyah lunged for Dean, her lips on his. He didn’t pull away, one hand still holding the pie container and the other on her cheek.
“We shouldn’t,” he told her once they parted for a breath.
“Yeah, sure.” Aaliyah returned to the passenger seat, a leg tucked under the other. She searched for the energy drink to find she had dropped it. It was something to clean up when given the chance. She finished off what was left and set the can in the backseat. Her finger picked up the leg tracing from earlier. Keeping her eyes directed to the area she and Dean were staking out, Aaliyah couldn’t keep her mind from the kiss.
She dared to glance over to Dean. He had put the pie up on the dash and stared out the window. A thought popped into Aaliyah’s mind. She reached over for the container even as Dean shot her a look. She ignored the look and removed some of the pie with a couple fingers. With a glance up to Dean, Aaliyah reached out and put what was on her fingers on Dean’s face.
He snapped his head around, his nose flared in mild anger. Aaliyah silenced any verbal argument from him by latching her lips onto his. She shifted to resting on a knee on the seat and a foot on the floorboard. Aaliyah pulled away just enough to see what expression graced Dean’s face. Shock mixed with … something she couldn’t place just yet. Aaliyah teased him by eating the pie she put on his face off.
A calloused hand teased at the hem of her shirt.
Aaliyah pulled away as she lifted her shirt from her body, her head getting stuck for a brief moment. She watched Dean lean over, shifting toward her. She pulled her legs out from under her as he stopped just long enough to strip his own shirt off. It gave her time to shed the sports bra that had seen better days.
Dean worked his way over, settling his hips between her legs.
Aaliyah’s eyelids half fluttered as he started at the spot where her neck merged with a shoulder. She worked her hands over his back as he worked his way down, a hand teasing an already pert nipple and his mouth on the other. Muscles worked away as she grew wet.
Down over her stomach, Dean turned a little as he placed kisses on the scars Aaliyah gained from the werewolf years ago.
“Dean …” she half moaned. Her hands moved between them, unbuckling her belt.
A third hand came in and finished what she started before sliding in. There was little play now as a finger found her bud and circled it.
Aaliyah closed her eyes as her torso rose up on her shoulders. A mouth found the other breast as the hand found the source of her wetness. She kicked off her shoes as her hands located Dean’s pants. She scrambled a little in her haste to open them. She had just managed to pull the zipper down after the button before Dean pulled away. Aaliyah was about to protest when cool air hit her legs. Her pants were a lost thought as her body spazzed when a tongue made contact with her bud.
Her hips moved on their own accord as Dean worked her up to the point of release. Nearly there, she looked down to see Dean freeing himself from his pants. He shifted around, sitting to pull the jeans from his bowlegs.
Aaliyah took in the sight of Dean being fully erect and took the chance. She curled herself around and latched her mouth on Dean’s to prevent him from saying anything before straddling him. He started to fight before relaxing when she straddled him. Aaliyah pulled back just enough to look at him, a question in her eyes. A nod was all she needed. A few small adjustments and she lowered herself onto Dean. Her breath caught a couple times as she sunk down on him.
His arms wrapped around her, holding her close to him. Aaliyah rocked her hips, working both of them. Her head rolled back, revealing her chest to Dean. He planted kisses on her exposed skin, teasing down her valley.
Her release was close, oh so close. Aaliyah fought it off as much as she could.
“Aaliyah.” Dean’s voice had grown husky. “Stop, wait.”
She heard the plea, wanted to feel him in her as she came.
A hip roll.
Once more. Nearly there. Her arms wrapped around his neck.
She tightened, her body flooded with dopamine and filled with warm juices. Aaliyah rested her forehead on Dean’s, allowing her body to come down from the high, staying straddled on Dean’s lap. He didn’t fight her off, holding her to him. There was an odd sort of comfort that Aaliyah felt before she finally removed herself from Dean. Her mind moved slow as she moved around the car, gathering her clothes and dressing. She leaned over to Dean and gave him a lingering kiss.
“We’d have to do this more often.”
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