#supernatural dean winchester ofc deanxofc
idreamofhazeleyes · 1 month
@impala-dreamer @mrswhozeewhatsis @squirrelnotsam @idreamofplaid @winchestergirl-13 @spnfanficpond
15x20 is going to be re-written from what we got in the show. What follows is a possible scenerio in that re-write.
Aeryn’s POV 
I stumbled up to the nurses’ station just as my leg gave out on me. The local police officer was feet behind me saying something I couldn’t register. I barely registered the nurse was Alex. The look on her face was a mix of shock with an “oh, shit”. She moved around the counter, waving the officer away just as I put two fingers to my neck. Immediately, Alex got me into a private triage room and disappeared. Voices carried in between her and another nurse; arguing over needing to do proper triage and paperwork before taking back a patient. Alex argued that given how much blood was on me and the state of shock I was in, taking me in first without paperwork was proper triage procedure. She came back in a few minutes later with a rolling cart. 
“I called Jody,” she said as she pulled out a pair of scissors and started cutting away the bloody and ripped clothes. “She’s gonna call Sam and Dean.” 
A mental sigh of relief washed over me. Knowing Dean, he would be red lining Baby until he got here. I winced in pain as Alex peeled off my shirt and bra. A light touch to where a large gash was on my back gained a face contorting wince of pain. Damn, why did I have to pick up Dean’s sense of hiding the pain.  
“How the hell did you walk in?” Alex asked just before a cold piece of cloth was placed on the wound. 
I hissed at the stinging sensation of the cleaning liquid. “Determination and sheer willpower. You know, the fundamentals of being a Winchester.” My body slumped forward, pulling at the back wound. “A patrol car came up and got me and the two boys in. I’m surprised I managed it with a dislocated hip. I walked the cop through how to pop it back into place.” 
I hoped that the other nurses were taking care of them and working on finding their parents. The officer was bound to be doing the latter. A nurse came in with items for a blood draw. 
“Can I do a draw?” she asked. “Standard for patients.” 
It wasn’t, yet I agreed. Done within a few minutes, the nurse collected the vials and truncate. Alex asked if a hospital gown could be brought around. The nurse agreed to pass the message on. Alex continued to work on cleaning off the blood and patching up the wounds I gained from the vampire fight and escape. Eventually a second nurse came around with a gown and blanket. After sitting for a while, my body revolted in moving to shed my tattered clothes and put the gown on. Even my boots came off.  
“I’ll be back in a while,” Alex said, gathering the cart. “Get some rest.” 
A hand reached for the blanket, and I managed to unfold it before laying down. Alex came back in with a saline bag and got it hooked up. I could feel the cool liquid enter the top of my hand; getting necessary fluid into my body. She adjusted the blanket before stepping out. I wasn’t sure how much time passed before familiar voices drifted into the room.  
Heavy footsteps headed toward my curtained off room. My head turned just enough as the person entered. At first I couldn’t fully register who I saw. He must have either been in the area or raced from the Bunker to the hospital. 
“Dean?” My voice was low. I wanted to get up to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating. I started to sit up. 
“Yes, love.”  
He hadn’t used that nickname in ... A wave of pain starting from my lower abdomen washed over my body. Those pains had been happening for the past few days. I had ignored them thinking they were bad menstrual cramps. 
“Lay down. I’m here.” 
Dean gave me a light hut before helping me adjust back onto the bed. He adjusted the blanket before pulling the lone chair over and sat next to me. 
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there,” he started. “I should have ...” 
“It was a simple case that turned sideways,” I cut in. “When do we ever get lucky on big cases?” 
Another wave of pain shot through my body. Everything contorted from the pain. A soft whimper escaped even as I heard Dean say something. The pain passed as a light cough came. 
“Sorry to disturb you,” a male voice said.  
My gaze went to the curtain to see a doctor standing there with a tablet in hand. 
“We got the blood test results back,” the doctor said. “Everything looks good. Though something came up. Is there any possibility that you are, or were, pregnant?” 
The cramps weren’t menstrual. My face turned and buried into the pillow. Dean took hold of a hand. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t sensed it before. Death had said I was able to sense unborn infants. Apparently there was a point where I couldn’t. Dean leaned over and planted a kiss on my cheek. The doctor said something about pain meds and discharge papers. I didn’t care about that. I just wanted to get out of the hospital. 
“Hey. Hey. Hey.” Dean leaned over and planted a gentle kiss on my cheek. “It’s alright. We’ll get you back to the Bunker and ...” 
I shook my head. The last place I wanted to be was the Bunker. “I wanna go to Jody’s.” 
I heard footsteps and Jody’s voice asking if everything was okay. Dean asked if we could crash at her place. She agreed and disappeared just as someone else walked in. 
“Clothes for Aeryn,” Sam said.  
I felt a weight being put onto the bed, most likely a duffel bag.  
“Sorry, Aeryn. It’s some of our things.” 
I turned my head. “S’okay. Thanks, Sam.” 
He ducked out as the doctor came in with the discharge papers and instructions for care and to follow up with my general practitioner. I eased into a sitting position even as Dean started pulling out what appeared to be his clothes. I grabbed the boxers as he came around to help shed the hospital gown, stopping to see the gauze on my back. A light touch around that spot gained a hiss of pain. I managed to get the boxers onto my knees before Dean came around and helped with the sweatpants. 
One hand held onto him for a few minutes once on my feet while the other held onto the sweats and boxers. Dean stood there holding me until I was comfortable keeping my balance. He helped with putting the tee shirt on, gently pulling it down to avoid my back wound. I wrapped an arm around his as we left the curtained off room as Dean carried the duffel bag and papers. I was done hunting. The back wound from the rebar had been too close for comfort. 
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The Hand That Reaches for God -Chapter 18
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Chapter Eighteen
“You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars.” - E.E. Cummings
-26 Days After-
Emerson turned away from him, gripping the edge of the wall. She shimmied down side, her foot hooking in the crack that they used to get up in the first place.
“It isn’t ruined. How can you say it’s already ruined?” Dean asked, staring at her hard.
Her feet hit the ground.
“Em, hey, wait.” His feet hit the ground behind her, and he reached out a hand for her.
“What, Dean?” She asked, turning to him. “What?”
“You really think that it’s over? Because of this? Because of Lis?”
“Dean have you ever thought that it isn’t supposed to be like this?”
He frowned and stepped toward her, but she stepped away. Distance was best for them, she decided.
“Like what?” He asked quietly.
“So goddamn hard? It isn’t supposed to be this hard... all of this back and forth. The will they won’t they. Dean, it isn’t supposed to hurt like this. It isn’t like this for Pheli and Sam.”
“We aren’t Pheli and Sam.”
“I know.” Emerson said, but it sounded to Dean like she didn’t know. She couldn’t know, because if she knew, then wouldn’t she know that being Ophelia and Sam wasn’t the goal? They were the goal. Him and her. There was no one else he would rather be. “But since we are us... we will always be this way. We will always be in the in between. You said I was the sky, in not so many words. But you’ve only ever looked at the sky at night. I’ve only let you see it at night. If you’re going to be with someone you can’t be with them half way, you know? I’m not blaming you. It isn’t your fault. It isn’t Lisa... I just see her, and I know that with her you could have all of it. You’ll never have that with me. So it’s better that it all ends now, before it ever really begins. I can’t give you the day and the night. I can’t, and I won’t.”
She turned away to hide the pain on her face. Endings were always the hardest part, and they’d always been running downhill toward this end. She knew it from the beginning. She was tripping and falling the whole way down.
“Em, wait.”
“What?” She asked before turning her head. “What else could you possibly have to say?”
He wanted to fight. He knew that’s what Sam would do. He wouldn’t walk away, but Sam was a goddamn doormat. Emerson was right. They weren’t Ophelia and Sam. If she didn’t want to be with him he couldn’t make her. He wouldn’t make her. All pushing does is hurt. He didn’t want to hurt her anymore than he already had. “Nothing.” He forced a smile, like everything inside wasn’t crumbling. As if a small breeze wouldn’t make him fall apart. “Just wanted to make sure you’d still be around. Just in the normal way. Friends and all that.”
“Of course I will be around. You’re Dean. Don’t think I can completely cut you out. That’d be wrong.”
“And you’re Emerson.”
“Just like I always was.” She turned her head again to go, but he stopped her one last time.
“Sky is beautiful tonight though, ain’t it?”
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and you always did have pretty eyes, Dean Winchester.”
She shut the book, just like that, and he let her. He released the line between them, and when she walked away he didn’t stop her. He just watched her disappear back toward the camp, his hand over his chest, as if the pressure would stop his heart from breaking.
“Phel we need to talk.” Emerson said, stepping into the tent. It was dark inside, but she could make out her sister from the lantern that was lit.
“I see you got out of the tent today.” Pheli said with a wide smile. “I’m really glad.”
“We need to talk.”
“Jeez, okay. You’ve got your serious face on, what’s up?”
“You said... you said you took care of it. What do you mean by that, Phel?”
Ophelia pulled her knees to her chest. “You really want to get into this?”
“I do.” Emerson frowned. “What? You thought I’d just accept that answer with a grain of salt and never bring it up again?”
“I kind of hoped you would.”
“What did you do, Ophelia?” Emerson asked, lowering herself to a seated position in front of her sister. She took Pheli’s hands in her own. “Tell me.”
“I... I took care of him. I want on a supply run with some of the guys...”
“You did what? Are you fucking crazy? When?”
“This morning.”
Emerson’s head throbbed. She knew that there was a huge chance that she could’ve lost her sister while she was asleep, while she was talking to Lisa. It made her want to throw up. “That was really fucking stupid.”
“That’s exactly why I didn’t tell you I volunteered. I’m capable, Em.”
“It isn’t about being capable! This isn’t the school musical or a homecoming committee, Phel. This is life and death.”
“You think I don’t know that?” Pheli hissed through clenched teeth. “I know that. Trust me.” She instinctively rubbed the hand print scar on her ankle from where she was grabbed.
Emerson let the anger that welled up inside of her calm a bit. Everything was okay. Pheli came out unscathed as far as she could tell. “So, you went on a supply run. Then what happened?”
“I was partners with Gordon. I wanted to confront him.”
Em curled her hands into fists, her nails digging into her palms as her heart rate skyrocketed. “You could’ve been hurt.”
“I was armed.”
“So was he, and he’s strong Phel...”
Pheli reached forward and grabbed her sisters hands. “I know, Em. I just... he needed to pay.”
She nodded and wiped the tears off her cheek with the back of her hand. “You were partners.”
“We went up to the roof and he latched the door. He wanted to talk.”
“About what?”
“He assumed I was there to confront him. He just... he said horrible things, Em. He is a disgusting person. I just... I had my gun and suddenly I hit him. I was pointing it at him.” She pressed her lips together, her hands trembling.
“You killed him.”
Pheli avoided her eyes.
“Phel you killed him? My god.” Emerson covered her mouth and stood up. She paced for a second before turning back to her sister. “I didn’t want... I just can’t believe... god...”
“I wanted to protect you.” Pheli was crying now. Her hands were shaking. “I knew what I had to do. He would’ve done it again...”
“I am an adult, Phel. I can handle my own problems! I can’t believe you did this... confronted him. That was so risky, and what about now? What happens now?”
“I know you can, but you’d do it for me. We protect each other. I just saw you so broken... he ruined everything. You were finally happy, and Dean keeps begging me to see you...”
“That’s over.” Emerson crossed her arms.
“I hoped... I hoped getting rid of Gordon would change that.”
“It isn’t just about him.” She said, wincing at the sound of his name. She knew that she wouldn’t be sleeping that night. “Dean and I... not everyone gets happily ever after. It’s just not in the cards. I couldn’t give him enough of me before the assault. Now there’s nothing left to give. He deserves more than that.”
“You deserve more than this.”
Emerson locked eyes with her sister. “I do.” She agreed. “But people keep taking my choices away from me. So I’m just left with this. This is the end, Phel. It’s time we just accept that.”
“How’d it go?” Sam asked his brother as he walked up to their original tree. Sam sat below it, cleaning their guns. He didn’t know what else to do with his time. He had a new sensation for the first time since being pre-law, he was bored.
“It’s over, man.” Dean said, slumping down next to his brother.
“Yup. C’est la vie.”
Sam put down the piece he was cleaning and turned toward Dean. “That’s bullshit. No way.”
“You like to hear me repeat myself, Sammy? Come on, give a guy a break.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. He was getting a headache.
“What happened?”
“Dunno. She claims that it’s not about Lis. She said she doesn’t want it. She doesn’t want me. Can’t make her want me, man, no matter how much I want her to.”
“I just... after all this time, man, I was sure that she wanted to be with you. I thought the back and forth was just a game. I really did.”
Dean sighed. “So did I. Deep down, ya know? Just me thinkin I’m not good enough and her pushin me away. Maybe she was keeping me at arms length, because she really wanted me to stay away from her? I can’t take a fuckin hint, apparently.”
“Maybe Phel can...”
“Nah. I don’t want her to. I want to respect Em’s choices. I should be the good guy, for once.”
Sam slapped his brothers shoulder and squeezed. “You’re always a good guy, Dean. Pain in the ass, but you’re a good guy. What about Lisa?”
“What about her?”
“She still wants you. That’s pretty obvious.”
“I don’t want her, though.” Dean said, digging in his jacket for his flask. There wasn’t much left, but being rejected so completely made him ache for something to numb his senses, even for just a second. “She’s not the one. She never was the one.”
-5 Years Before-
It was Emerson’s first day of senior year. Sam woke up early and surprised Pheli with breakfast, it was their first day tradition. That left Emerson to a cold breakfast burrito and a languid walk to school. It wasn’t a big deal. She could’ve taken the bus, but she had a lot to mull over. Her head still pounded from the party on the pier. She wrapped her arms around herself. She’d done such a good job of keeping Dean out of the soft places within her, but somehow he still got in. He wiggled in through the cracks and made them bigger. She was spilling out of them.
She turned a corner toward the school when she felt a yank on her backpack, sending her flying backwards. She screamed, high and quick from shock. Her back was pressed against a tree, and when her eyes finally focused she saw that she was nose to nose with Dean Winchester. “Christ!” She said, slapping his chest. “You scared me.”
“Skip school today.”
She frowned, eyeing him. “It’s my first day. I can’t.”
“It’s your first day, you can.” He insisted, eagerly. “You won’t have any homework. You won’t miss anything.”
She could smell cigarettes on his breath and it made her nose curl up. “I might. I can’t skip.”
“You can.” He sighed, resting his palm next to her head. “But you won’t.”
“Yeah, okay. I won’t. What’s so wrong with that? I value my education... I value...” My heart. She thought, selfishly.
“I get it.” He sighed, moving his arm back to his side.
She grabbed his forearm and bore her eyes into his. “Why do you want me to skip today?”
His tongue darted out across his bottom lip, like he was trying to find the right words. “I’m runnin out of time, okay?”
Emerson couldn’t help but smile. His eyes looked so green next to the grass and the leaves from the tree. The nature framed him like a picture. “And you couldn’t get any of your other girlfriends to spend the day with you?”
He frowned, his eyebrows coming together. “Don’t have any other girlfriends.”
“You? Come on, Dean. You don’t have to keep pretending...”
“Whose pretending?”
She let go of his forearm, his skin white for a beat as her tight grip disappeared. “Why me? Can’t be just because of Phel and Sam.”
He smiled, letting out a breath. “You... it’s you, because when we were kids, I tried to touch your butt, and you punched me in the face. You broke my goddamn nose. You were this little scrappy thing with braces. You didn’t take my shit, and you don’t take it now. You’re just special, Em.”
She searched his face and as far as she could tell he was being genuine. “One day.” She agreed. “Just fucking one. So don’t screw it up.”
“Yes m’am.” He said with a grin, taking her hand in his. He lead her to the Impala and opened the passenger door for her.
She slid in and tossed her backpack into the backseat. He slid in next to her and started the car. “Where are we going?” She asked him.
“It’s called a surprise, Em.”
She rolled her eyes. “I hate surprises, Dean.”
“Lighten up.” He popped in a cassette tape and sang along.
Emerson smiled and kicked off her converse, placing her bare feet on the dash. She rolled down the window and let the warm air cover her. She wasn’t the kind of girl that went with the flow, but she decided that day would be different.
He got on the highway near the beach and drove along the coast. Emerson breathed in the warm, salty air. She turned and caught him looking at her. “What?”
“I like you like this.”
“Like what?”
“Relaxed. It’s a good look on you.”
Emerson waived him off dismissively and turned back to the blue of the ocean. She could look at it forever. She always felt the most at peace near the water. She closed her eyes, to let the heat of the sun soak into her skin, and the ocean waves rock her to sleep.
“Hey.” Dean whispered. “We’re here.”
“Hm?” She asked, sitting up slowly, blinking. Where the hell was she?
She looked around. They were on a bridge in what looked like the middle of nowhere. She squinted at Dean, and then it all came back to her. He convinced her to skip school. Shit. She sat up straight, alarmed. “Where are we?”
“Come on.” He said, with a smile. He offered her a hand, as he got out of the car.
He guided her out to the bridge where she found more people gathered at the edge of the bridge. They were strapping a man around his ankles and hips. “What’s going on?” Emerson asked.
“Ready!” The man said, with a huge grin, as he hoisted himself over the railing of the bridge.
Emerson’s eyes widened and she grabbed Deans hand instinctively. “What the...”
The man screamed as he let himself tumble over the edge. Emerson let go of Deans hand and ran to the edge. She watched the man dive down, dip into the river and bounce back up from the bungee cord. He was laughing hysterically and wiggling.
“Oh my god.” She exhaled in relief. Dean appeared behind her, resting a hand on her lower back.
“Amazing, ain’t it?”
“We’re next.” He grinned.
“Excuse me?” She looked at him with horror.
Dean pushed her hair behind her ears and held her face. “You weren’t scared to jump this weekend.”
“That wasn’t this high up.”
“I’ll be right there with you. Do it with me, Em. Let’s just do something fucking crazy.”
The breeze off the river was cool. It was September, but the heat of the Summer lingered well into October. Emerson stepped into her hip harness and allowed herself to be strapped in. Her ankles were pressed together and strapped in place. She wrapped her arms around Dean after he snapped their hips together. They stood on the ledge outside of the bridge, up against the railing. His strong arms held them in place.
“I can’t believe you talked me into this.” She said, looking up at him.
He smiled brightly, his eyes lighting up. “You’re telling me.”
Somehow anything felt possible in that moment. Emerson half expected him to sprout wings and fly away. The breeze tickled her cheek, and she gripped his shirt in her fingers. Their eyes locked, and she thought that she would kiss him. She thought that maybe she finally would give in. She raised her heels, hearing their hip gear jangle between them as she slowly closed the space between them.
He was crazy. He was wild and unpredictable. He wasn’t like Sam. Things with him were complicated and mixed up, but when she was so close to him, things just made sense. She wasn’t the girl who had to take care of her mom. She didn’t have to shoulder the responsibilities of an impossible disease and a sister who needed a parent more than ever. She didn’t have to be the angry, guarded girl whose father walked out and took away her trust. She was just a girl. She was completely herself.
Their lips were a breath apart when Dean let go of the railing. They fell backwards, and his arms wrapped around her tightly. It was a fast fall, despite the height, she screamed, and he laughed. Their lips brushed from the impact of the fall. It wasn’t a kiss. It wasn’t anything, really. It was a reaction, chained onto another action.
Their heads dipped below the water and they came out laughing and swinging by their ankles. “That was incredible!” She shouter, squeezing him tightly. “That was amazing, god I could just...”
“Just what?” He asked, looking into her eyes. He was still grinning widely and panting from the breath that was ripped from his chest.
Dean reached down and uncoupled their ankles, causing them to fall into the river. She came up, breaking the water, and she spit some at him. “Hey, ass!”
He smiled at her warmly. “Come on. I heard there are leaches in this river.” He said, swimming toward the shore.
“What?” She squealed, swimming after him.
“Just kidding.” He laughed as he settled onto the bank of the river.
“You’re such an ass.” She complained, settling down next to him.
“So I’ve heard.” He grinned, laying on his back and staring at the sky.
Emerson followed his lead and laid on her back. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For bringing me. I wouldn’t have done that in a million years.”
“You gotta keep doin that, Em.”
“Jumping off bridges?” She laughed.
“Taking risks. I don’t want you to live in  shell.” He reached forward and poked your side. “You look alive.”
“What do I normally look like?” She asked him, propping herself up on her elbows. “A zombie?”
“Kinda.” He laughed.
“You’re just asking to get your nose broken again, Winchester.” She eyed him.
“No.” He said, rolling onto his side. “Just want you to be happy.”
“I am happy.” She assured him. “In this moment... I am happy.”
Dean rolled back over and looked at the sky. He rested on his arm like a pillow, watching the clouds.
Emerson watched him. There was a peace in him that she hadn’t seen before, and she suddenly wished it could always be like that. She missed him so deeply in that moment. She mourned for the moment in time that she possessed. So mourned it before she even let it pass. Her heart ached, because she knew that they would never be able to replicate that day that they spent by the river. Her heart ached, because she knew in that moment that she would never love another person like she loved Dean Winchester.
Chapter Nineteen
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huntershelper25 · 5 years
Path of the Chosen Master List
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Summary: Brooke is a 21-year-old girl who’s life is flipped upside down when she receives a phone call from someone she hasn’t heard from in years. This phone call leads to events that cause her to get sucked back into the lives of two young men whom she hasn’t spoken to in 4 years. Her life is never the same. Along the way, she learns a secret about herself that not even her father had known. She is forced to face her destiny. Which path will she choose: duty or family?
A/N: I suck at summaries. I started writing this fic YEARS ago. It was posted here on Tumblr, but I have made some edits recently and have decided to repost it. This requires some introduction though. I had a thought one day of what the show would look like if there was a female character that was brought in that actually stuck around for longer than a season or two. And because the thought wouldn’t go away this story and Brooke were born. I had a lot of good feedback the last time I posted this years ago so I decided to repost it for my new followers with some edits.
Disclaimer: There is a LOT of direct quotes and scenes from the show. I do not own any of it. I only claim the character of Brooke and how she fits into the story. All else is credited to the writers and copyright holders of the show Supernatural
Warning: There is some smut thrown in randomly for the first 5 chapters as flashbacks to establish a timeline, character building, and relationships, but after that, the smut dies off. Also, let’s just assume condoms are implied. They aren’t mentioned, but let’s assume they are used.
Pairings (through the entire story): Dean/Brooke (OFC), Sam/Brooke (OFC)
This story can be found HERE
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woods2006gal · 7 years
The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragon Tattoo
“Yeah, I hear you,” Sam says, pacing around Rufus’ cabin. All the research that had been done on Dick Roman was hanging on one of the walls. Addison was sitting on the couch with her laptop while Dean was reviewing what they had found so far. “All right. Well, thanks for looking. Yep. Bye.” Sam hangs up his phone and takes a seat next to Addison. “So, Nora didn’t see any pattern to the dig sites either.”
“Yeah, cause they got nothing in common,” Dean replies, sitting on the arm of the couch. “And I got nothing from local lore fifty miles in every direction of all of them. I mean, it’s like they’re just…old dirt. What’s Dick looking for?” He pulls out the flask and takes a swig.
The lights in the room flicker. The boys stand up, pulling out their guns. Bobby appears and they aim their guns at him. “Hey, hey,” Bobby greets. “Go easy, you idjits.” The boys lower their guns. “Sorry for the jump scare.”
“So how does this work? I leave the cap off and you just genie your way out?”
“I wish it were that easy. The thing—” Bobby’s cut off when he vanishes suddenly.
The boys exchange a look as Addison glances around the room. “Bobby,” Sam calls out.
Bobby reappears in the kitchen of the cabin. “Damn it,” he lets out. “It’s hard to stay focused. I’m still kind of worn out.”
“You’ve been pretty busy for a dead guy,” Dean tells him.
“All right, listen. I don’t know how long before my next ghost nap, so let’s just skip to the skinny. Those numbers I gave you—”
“The empty lot in Cheeseville?”
“Yeah, well, it ain’t gonna be empty for long. I got a gander at Dick’s big plan, right before he Lincolned me. They’re breaking ground…” Bobby frowns. “What month is this?”
“April,” Addison answers.
Bobby sighs. “Ground’s broke. They’re building as we’re yammering. Check it out yourself. It’s all right. You guys missed it because you’ve been kind of busy killing ghosts the past few days. But Dick is about to get into the Soylent Green business.” Sam sits down at the table with his laptop. “That site will show you they’re building a biotech lab. Right? Biotech my ass. That suck is a state of the art slaughterhouse. And we’re the beef.”
“Don’t you think that’s a little bold, even for Dick,” Sam questions.
“I bet you no one will even notice. Cause first, he’s gonna dumb us all down with turducken style munchies. Make us docile.”
“Yeah, we haven’t been to Biggerson’s since that whole fiasco,” Dean tells him.
“Biggerson’s? He’s brought a list of joints ten pages long.” Dean nods, sitting down at the table with Sam. “Next, he’s gonna cure us.”
“Cure us,” Addison asks.
“All the biggies. Cancer, AIDS, heart disease. Let’s just say they got an affinity for stem cell research.”
“The, uh, leviathan real estate mooks, building that cancer center,” Dean reminds.
“They’re not hunting anymore. They’re engineering the perfect herd. Now, we’ve gone up against plenty that liked to eat a few folk in the woods. This ain’t that. This is about knocking us off the top of the food chain. This about them Levis living here forever, one percenter style, while we march our dopey, fat asses down to the shiny new death camps at every corner.”
A beep comes from Addison’s computer. She frowns, reading the notification in the corner. “Guys, we got an email from Frank,” she tells them, opening the email.
“Frank’s alive,” Dean asks, moving to stand behind her.
“That jackass, always stealing my thunder,” Bobby jokingly complains.
“‘Addison, Sam, and Dean, if you’re reading this I’m dead…or worse. This email was sent because some prince is trying to hack into my hard drive right this second. So unless it’s you, you got trouble,’” Addison reads. “Lovely. ‘My drive is full of comprising info. Your new aliases, hangouts, where you stored your car—”
“Baby,” Dean asks.
“Your car is probably fine,” Addison reassures. “Despite the fact that Frank encrypted his hard drive, we should assume that someone will eventually hack it. Oh. He put a tracking device in it.” She clicks the link and a new website with a satellite map opens. She zooms in on the pin to reveal that Frank’s hard drive was at Richard Roman Enterprises.
“Perfect,” Dean says. “It’s in the middle of the Death Star. All right, well, off to Chicago.”
“No, wait,” Bobby says as Dean stands up. “You three can’t just break in. They know your mugs. What if we mailed in the flask? Then I could ghost through the joint. I mean, it’s not like Dick can kill me twice.” The trio exchanges a look. “What, you got a better plan? Come on. Just because I’m dead doesn’t mean I don’t know how to do my damn job.”
Sam sighs. “Bobby, that’s Dick’s office.”
“I think what Sam’s trying to say is, what happens if you run into Dick and, you know, go vengeful. You know, it’s not something you can just shake off,” Dean clarifies.
“Come on,” Bobby argues. “Give me some credit. What? I’m supposed to just ride the pine?”
“Sorry, Bobby,” Sam tells him, closing his laptop and walking away. Addison shoots the former hunter an apologetic smile before closing her laptop and disappearing towards the bedrooms. Dean sighs, following them. ~*~ “This is such a bad idea,” Addison mutters as they walk up to the apartment of Charlene Bradbury. She ignores the annoyed look Dean sends her. She had barely missed the fact that Frank’s hard drive had managed to hack the web-cam of the hacker decrypting his hard drive. They reach the apartment and Sam kneels down in front of the door. After picking the lock, they quietly slip in. Addison smiles, seeing the shelf of Star Wars bobble heads. Hearing a voice, they duck into a nearby room.
Dean steps out of the hiding spot as a red headed woman opens the door. Her hair was a couple shades darker than Addison’s and she was about the same height as the hunter. Dean presses down on the door, slamming it shut. “It’s all right. I’m not gonna hurt you.”
The woman grabs a sword off a display next to the door. “Get away from me, you…shapeshifter.”
“We’re not shapeshifters,” Sam says, walking over to them. Charlie slams the sword into Sam’s side and it breaks in half.
“This is why we should always go with my plan,” Addison mutters, moving around Dean.
Dean glares at her. He grabs the fake sword out of the woman’s hand and tosses it behind him. “We’re not leviathans. Okay. You want us to prove it?” He pulls the bottle of industrial cleaner out of his jacket. “You know what borax does to them?”
“Yeah,” Charlie timidly replies.
“Sam? Ads?” They each hold out a hand and Dean splashes a bit of the cleaner on them before splashing some on his own hand. “Your turn.” Charlie takes the cleaner from and splashes some on her hand. “Good,” Dean replies, taking the bottle back.
“Who the hell are you guys,” Charlie asks, looking between the three of them.
Addison shoots her a soft smile. “I’m Addison Sloan and these are Sam and Dean Winchester,” she introduces, pointing out who was who as they sit down in Charlie’s living room. “And…we hunt monsters. If you can imagine it up, we’ve probably killed it.”
“So, you’re saying that you guys are monster hunters? So there are other monsters,” Charlie questions, pacing. Dean opens his mouth to answer. “Stop. Never mind. Just…Okay, I get how you tracked the drive. Straight GPS. But it’s still at the office. How did you find me?” Sam clears his throat and opens Addison’s laptop. He pulls up a video of Charlie sitting at her desk. “Ugh. Son of a gun jacked my webcam?”
“Welcome to Frank,” Dean tells her.
“That’s creepy, but I’ll give it to him. So, you’re telling me everything he had on his drive is true?”
“That and more.”
“Wait,” Sam asks. “How long did it take you to crack into Frank’s drive?”
“A day or so.”
“Is there anything you can’t hack into?”
“Not yet.”
“How about Dick Roman’s email?”
“Why would I…” Charlie trails off in realization. “Oh. He’s one of them.”
“No. Uh, he’s their leader.”
“So, what’s the end game? Steal our resources, make us some slaves?”
“Planet wide value meal,” Dean answers. “We’re the meat.”
“You can’t be…serious. Okay. All right. Let’s do this. What am I looking for?”
Charlie sits down at her kitchen table and the trio joins her. Addison smiles seeing the Lord of the Ring character on her desktop. “Well, for starters, uh, anything about archaeological dig sites,” Dean tells her.
“Like Indiana Jones stuff?”
"All we know is that Dick’s been digging all over the world and we need to know what he’s looking for.”
“You know, I was having a really good week. I met someone. Downloaded the new Robyn album. Everything was coming up me. Oh, crap.”
“Look,” Sam begins. “We get it sucks—”
“No, not that. This. Dick’s email isn’t on the company server. It’s on a private one. In his office.”
“Meaning,” Dean questions.
“You can’t get in it unless you have his phone or you’re at his desk.”
“So, you’re saying that if we’re inside Dick’s office, then we can hack into his email?”
“You can’t. Only someone like…” Charlie trials off. “But I sure as hell ain’t doing it. I am doing my job and…what are the chances I see everything on that drive and Dick lets me live anyway?”
“I think you know the answer to that,” Addison softly says.
“So I erase the drive first, protect me and you. Then I go back to my old life, right?” The trio exchanges a look. “What?”
“It’s not that easy,” Dean tells the hacker. “You’re on Dick’s radar, which means you don’t have an old life anymore.”
“I’m gonna die. I should have taken that job at Google.”
Sam sighs. “Look, Charlie, it’s okay if you can’t do it. I mean, you didn’t volunteer for this.”
“Totally. Exactly. But now I volunteer.”
Sam stares. “What?”
“I got to go back in anyways to wipe Frank’s drive. Might as well break into Dick’s office too.”
Addison frowns. “Charlie, are you sure about this?”
“No. But these things are gonna eat everyone I know. What kind of douchebag stands by for that? However, I have never broken into anything in real life before, so, plan?”
“You got a Bluetooth,” Dean asks.
“Yeah,” Charlie answers as the trio joins her at her small dining room table.
“Security system, can you get into that?”
“I can reroute any surveillance cameras we need.”
“All right. Let’s start with that.”
“Do you have a keycard to get into the building,” Sam questions.
“Uh, yeah, I can’t duplicate it, but I can make a fake backing, so it’ll let me in but won’t be logged into the system,” Charlie tells them. ~*~ Addison runs a hand through her hair, pulling it into a messy ponytail as she waited with Sam in the back of a black van they had borrowed. The back door opens and she watches as Dean climbs into the van. “How’s it going,” he questions.
“Great, since she set all this up,” Sam answers, referring to the laptop that Charlie had set up. Multiple shots from the security cameras inside Roman Enterprises was displayed on the screen. “Um, look.” He brings up a static shot of one of the security feeds. “See this? I can put each camera on a prerecorded loop. Once I do that, she’ll have fifteen minutes.”
“Fifteen minutes ain’t a lot of time.”
“Charlie said that if it look her longer to hack his desktop, then she deserved to be eaten,” Addison explains.
Dean nods. “I like her.”
Addison shakes her head. “No.” Dean shoots her a disbelieving look and she shrugs. “What? I like her too. So, no, you can’t fuck this new found friendship we have with a hacker by trying to sleep with her. Even Sam agrees with me on this.”
“I’m staying out of this,” Sam tells them, holding his hands up.
Dean opens his mouth to argue, but stops upon noticing something on the security footage. “Wait. Is that…son of a bitch.”
Sam and Addison exchange a confused look. “What,” Sam asks.
“Look at her bag.”
Addison zooms in on the screen and they easily make out the flask in the side pocket of Charlie’s bag. “Bobby.”
“Wait. You think he, uh…” Sam trails off.
“Hitched a ride after we told him to cool his jets,” Dean finishes. “Yeah. What the fuck’s he thinking?”
“He’s not. So what do we do? Call the whole thing off?”
“This is our only chance,” Addison argues.
Dean picks up his phone and dials Charlie’s number. “Charlie, it’s Dean.” He frowns as a singing echoes through the van. “Are you singing?”
“I sing when I’m nervous,” Charlie tells them. “Don’t judge me.”
“Judgement free zone. Listen, uh, check the side pocket in your bag.”
Charlie search through her bag. “Oh. Thank you.” They watch as she pulls out the flask and takes a swig from it. “Mmm. Good idea.”
“Yeah, no problem. Look, that’s uh, kind of a family heirloom. It’s a good luck charm, okay, so don’t lose it.”
“Copy that. Okay. Let’s do this.”
The trio exchanges a look as Charlie remains still. “Um, Charlie,” Addison beings.
“I’m having a hard time moving.”
“You can do this,” Dean tells her.
“Uh, I’m not — I’m not a spy. No, I can’t do it. I can’t do it. I can’t do it. I can’t.”
Sam takes the phone out of Dean’s hand. “Charlie, hey, it’s Sam.”
“I’m sorry, Sam. I’m sorry. I — I just…”
“It’s okay. Uh, listen, w-who’s your favorite Harry Potter character?”
“Uh, Hermione.”
“Hermione. Well, uh, all right, did Hermione run when Sirius Black was in trouble or when Voldemort attacked Hogwarts?”
Dean and Addison stare at Sam. “Seriously,” Dean whispers.
“Shut up,” Sam snaps.
“No, of course not,” Charlie answers.
“What did she do?”
“She kicked ass. She actually saves Harry in practically every book. And then she ends up with the wrong person,” Charlie rambles.
“Damn straight,” Addison agrees, ignoring the look Dean sends her. “She should’ve ended up with Harry. Not Ron. Hell, even Draco—”
“Uh, stay on track, guys,” Sam interrupts. “Okay, so she kicked ass, right? So, then what are you gonna do?”
“I’m gonna kick it in the ass,” Charlie replies.”
Sam smiles. “Good girl.”
“Oh, you go, dumble-dorks,” Dean mutters. Addison lightly hits his arm and he shoots her an annoyed look. The trio grows quiet as they watch Charlie enter the building. Charlie makes her way to the elevator and goes to the floor she works on before stepping off. Sam hits a button on the hacker’s computer and they watch as she steps back into the elevator.
“I’m in,” Charlie says. “I’ve always wanted to say that.”
“You’re on the clock,” Dean reminds. “Move.”
They watch as Charlie rides the elevator up to the floor Dick Roman’s office was on and steps out. “Hey, there’s a big ass guard up here, blocking the door. What do I do,” Charlie quietly asks.
“Just wait him out.”
“He’s not going anywhere.”
“Okay, uh, you work there every day. Do you know the guy?”
Charlie shrugs on the camera. “I guess. I mean, I’ve seen him.I’ve never talked to him.”
“Okay, when you’ve seen him, does he look at you or does he just kind of slide his eyes by?”
“Um…eye contact? I don’t know. He always kind of smiles a bit. I don’t really—”
“Good. What you’re gonna do is you’re gonna walk right up to him and you’re gonna flirt your way past.”
“I can’t. He’s not my type.”
Dean closes his eyes. ”You're gonna have to play through.”
“As in he’s not a girl,” Charlie clarifies.
“Oh, oh," Dean replies, exchanging a look with Sam and Addison. “Pretend he has boobs.” Addison smacks Dean’s shoulder, shooting him a disbelieving look.
“Well, I don’t know. Um...do you have any tattoos? Give him a little sneak peek there. All tattoos are sexy."
“Mine is Princess Leia in a slave bikini straddling a twenty sided die. I was drunk. It was Comic Con.”
“We’ve all been there.” Dean takes a deep breath. He glances at his brother and Addison, but knows they’re not going to give him any help. “Okay, I’m gonna walk you through this. Start with a smile.” They watch as Charlie walks off screen. “Relax, Charlie. You just got home and Scarlett Johansson’s waiting for you.”
“Can I help you, miss,” the security guard asks over the phone.
“Hey…Bill. Charlie from I.T.,” Charlie replies.
“Oh. Burning the midnight oil, huh?”
“Just like you -  I mean, when you’re not at the gym. What, do you work out with all your free time,” Dean says and Charlie repeats to the guard. Addison exchanges an amused look with Sam.
“I try to get to the gym at least three days a week,” the guard replies. “Just trying to get back to my fighting weight, you know?”
“It shows. You look amazing,” Dean says. He covers the phone with his hand. “This never happened,” he whispers to them. He uncovers the phone. “Do you ever do anything else with your free time, like take a girl out for a drink?” Sam lets out a laugh. “Stop laughing, Sammy.”
“Stop laughing, Sammy,” Charlie says. “Um, you don’t know that bar, Stop Laughing Sammy? That place is bringing sexy back. Which is easy—”
“Stop talking, Charlie!”
“Cause they kept the receipt. Stop talking, Charlie,” Charlie continues, then winces in realization. “Right. So, um, you were saying about going out, drinks?”
“Um, yeah, yeah. That’d be great,” the guard awkwardly replies.
“Cool. Pencil that in,” Dean says then Charlie repeats it. “Hey, can I ask you a favor? The ladies’ room downstairs is nasty. Can I use the exec washroom to powder my nose?”
“Yeah, yeah. Why not? Um, it's right down the hall. It’s the first door on the right.”
“I feel dirty,” Charlie mutters as she walks past the ladies’ bathroom.
“You and me both, sister,” Dean tells her.
“The eagle is landing. Going radio silent.”
“Let us know when you’re out.”
“So, guess we just wait,” Sam asks, looking between Dean and Addison.
“Nice flirting with that guard,” Addison amusedly says. Dean shoots her an unamused look. “You’re definitely getting some after that.”
“Fuck you.”
“I don’t think your date for the night would like that very much.”
A silence settles over the van. Dean and Addison watch the security footage, waiting for Charlie to pop back up on screen while Sam busies himself with filling jars with cleaning solution. “Well, this is awesome,” Dean says, breaking the silence. “You know what? New plan. From now on, we just stay in the van and send in the ninety pound girl.”
“Dean, every chopper on Earth knows our face,” Sam argues. “How many do you think are in that building? We wouldn’t make it past the lobby.”
Dean sighs. “Yeah, I know. Doesn’t mean I got to be happy about sending in freaking Veronica Mars.”
“Dean, she’ll be fine,” Addison reassures. “And if not, then we’ll go in.”
“And get as far as we can. Damn right.”
“Hey, guys,” Charlie’s voice says over the speaker phone.
“Sending you all the flagged dig files now.”
“Charlie, you are a genius,” Sam exclaims as the files start appearing on the computer.
“I know. It’s a problem. Damn it.” The trio exchanges a confused look. “Hey, Pete! Guess we’re both on deadline, huh?”
“How’s it going,” a male voice asks.
“Good, good. I’ll give you a full progress report in a few hours.”
“Great. Hit that deadline, right? Well, holler if you need anything.”
“Hey, guys, you still there?”
“Yeah,” Dean replies. “What the hell was that?”
“Oh, just my manager, the monster.”
“I can’t. I got to act normal. I told him I was working. Let’s just finish this.” Sam starts looking through the files that Charlie had sent them. “Are you seeing this?”
“It looks like Dick stopped digging days ago,” Sam responds.
“Maybe he found what he was looking for,” Addison suggests.’
“Can you check," Dean questions.
“Way ahead of you,” Charlie tells them. “Looking at travel reports, expenses. Here we go. Something in his suitcase left Iran last week. Spent the last seventy-two hours in armored cars and private planes. Whatever it is, it’s coming here for Dick tonight. So, what the hell is it?”
“I don’t know. Whatever it is, he wants it bad, which means we got to grab it, end of story.”
“Well, it’s landing at a private airport near here. Crap. Right about now. A courier’s set to pick it up.”
“What’s the exact landing time?”
“Forty-two minutes. Can you make it?”
“We can try,” Dean replies as Sam looks at a map between their current location and the airport. “Uh, all right, Charlie, one more favor, and then get the hell out of there.”
“What do you need?”
“More time.”
“Then let’s get you some. Travel department’s e-mailing Dick. Suitcase still en route, but diverted by weather and will be thirty minutes late. I’ll finish mopping you guys off the drive and get the hell out of Dodge.”
“Call us when you’re clear.”
“Text you from the border, bro.” ~*~ Addison climbs out of the beat up car as the boys rejoin her. She had stayed behind while they went to retrieve the Dick Roman’s package. She opens the trunk and Dean drops the silver hardshell briefcase in the trunk. “So, what now,” she asks, looking between the boys.
“See what we’ve won,” Dean replies. He opens the briefcase and finds something wrapped in a black cloth. He uncovers it to reveal a hunk of clay.
“Did we just steal a - a hunk of red clay,” Sam questions.
“That’s a good question. Why don’t we answer that a few thousand miles away from here, though? Now, where is Charlie?”
Addison sighs. “She hasn’t called yet.”
The trio climbs into the car and races over to Dick Roman’s office building. They run up to the doors as they see Charlie fly across the room. They rush through the broken glass doors. “Dean, he’s one of them,” the hacker shouts. Dean tosses a jar of cleaning solution onto the other man. Brown smoke steams from the leviathan’s face. Sam punches the security guard as Addison runs over to Charlie.
“That would explain it,” Dick mocks. “You’re having with the wrong crowd, kiddo.” Sam joins Addison and scoops up Charlie. They start towards the door but stop when Dick moves in front of them. Bobby appears and sends Dick flying across the room. Bobby flickers before vanishing. “All right, enough! Show yourself. Let’s do this like real monsters.”
“Dean, we need to go,” Addison says, grabbing his arm as an invisible force shoves Dick back onto the ground. They run out to the car and climb in before speeding away.
“Charlie, talk to us,” Dean says, glancing in the rearview mirror. Addison and Charlie were sitting in the backseat while Sam was in his customary seat in the front. “You okay?”
“No. Why didn’t you kill him,” Charlie asks.
“Cause we can’t yet,” Sam answers. “But we will.”
“The really evil ones always need a special sword. Oh, okay. I’m gonna pass out now.” Charlie gently falls onto Addison’s lap and the hunter lets out a sigh. ~*~ “I left your dumb flask on the back seat, by the way,” Charlie says as they walk out of the bus terminal. Her right arm was in a sling as the fall she had experience had fractured the bone. “Worst good luck charm ever.”
“Here you go,” Dean says, handing the hacker her duffle back.
“So, listen, um, we can’t thank you enough,” Sam tells her.
“Actually, you can. Never contact me again, like, ever. Deal?”
Addison laughs as she shakes Charlie’s hand. “Deal.”
“Keep your head down out there, okay,” Dean says, shaking her hand.
“This ain’t the first time I’ve disappeared. You think my name is really Charlie Bradbury? Please. So, good luck saving the world,” Charlie replies. She holds up a hand in the Vulcan salute. “Peace out, bitches.”
They watch as Charlie hands her back to the attendant stowing luggage before climbing onto the bus. “She’s kind of the like the little sister I never wanted,” Dean comments.
“We got to talk,” Sam says.
“What? You mean before we get back to the car and the flask?”
“Yeah. What exactly happened back in that lobby, Dean,” Addison questions.
“Man, if I had a free shot, I’d have bitch slapped the fuck out of Dick.”
“Yeah, but, I mean,” Sam trails off. “Charlie got her fucking arm broken.”
“He didn’t mean to do it.”
“Exactly. He’s not in control, not about Dick. That was vengeful spirit shit.”
“I know. But it’s still Bobby.”
“But if he really goes there, he won’t be anymore, and then we won’t be able to pull him back. And then what are we supposed to do?”
“I know. Look, let’s just figure out what that thing we stole is, and then we’ll figure out what the hell to do with Bobby.”
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kittycurly · 8 years
Remember - Part 3
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A couple days later we had found a case close by the bunker. It seemed to be a simple salt and burn and Sam already found everything only so we didn’t think it would be necessary to question people but instead we could burn the body immediately. That was until another hunter named Wally called and had ask the Winchesters for help to take one demon down. Dean thought about declining him since we already had a case on our hands but then I tried to convince him to go anyway. “Why don’t you and Sam go with Wally and help him out and I’ll do the salt and burn instead myself?”, I asked him and smiled. “Because I don’t want you to be all on yourself out there, Sweetheart.”, he answered with a soft voice and pulled me close. How could I ever forget how overprotective Dean could be? “Winchester…I’ll be fine and you know it. Just go and take that demon down with Sammy and then we’ll meet up after that.” We were standing in the kitchen when Sam walked in on us. “Aleah is right, Dean. We figured everything out by now. All she must do is salt and burn the body. That’s an easy one. I already called Wally and said we’d help.” Dean ran a hand over his face and sighed. I started smiling like a schoolgirl because I knew this look – he gave up! “Fine. Alright. You do that salt and burn but I want you to text me that you’re alright.” I beamed up and nodded rapidly. “I’ll be home before you know it.”, I said and planted a kiss on his cheek. He took my hand and gave me another kiss before he turned to leave the kitchen to pack. “Oh, and Aleah? Wipe that smile off your face before I change my mind.”, he grumbled and left. Cas came to help the brothers out as well and finally a couple’s hours later we were in the garage and ready to separate. “Be safe”, Sam said and gave me a hug. “You too”, I answered and gave Cas a hug too and saved Dean for last to kiss him.
The salt and burn was not exactly as easy as I thought. Turned out that the body was already cremated when they buried the man. So, I had to start all over again. I questioned the neighbors of the dead couple and it turned out that the wife had bought a necklace from the auction where they sold the dead men’s household. One of the neighbors also told me that Mr. Piercon, the supposed ghost, was a very greedy man during his lifetime and always afraid to be mugged. The ghost probably didn’t care that his belongings were legally sold at an auction. When I went into the dead’s couples house to find the necklace Mr. Piercon didn’t let me wait and attacked me as soon as I touched the necklace. “You’re stealing what’s mine”, he screamed before slamming me against a wall. Seriously? Why did most of the vengeful spirits became such swollen-headed dicks? After getting up, I reached out for my gun and when I finally got it, I didn’t hesitate to shoot him. He disappeared but I knew it wasn’t for long. So, I collected my bruised body and searched for the right place to burn the necklace. Soon I found a fireplace in the living room and salted the remaining wood inside it. Then I placed the necklace on the wood and lighted up a fire. Just when I did that Piercon showed up again and I prepared myself to be attacked again but right before he could reach me, he lit up in flames. After Piercon was gone I sat on the ground for a minute to catch my breath. Then I took my phone out of my pocket and texted Dean.
I’m safe. Don’t worry. Got him. A.
I waited for a response. But even after a couple minutes I got nothing back. Dean was probably busy and I just hoped that he was safe. Slowly I stood up and made my way to the car. I drove only three hours and arrived at the bunker. The bothers were nowhere to be seen. I figured it probably took them longer than thought or maybe they stayed overnight to catch some sleep. I took a shower, changed into some shirt and sweatpants and decided to watch TV until Dean and Sam would come back. I must’ve fallen asleep because the next thing I remember is waking up to the bunker door slammed shut. I got up and walk in the big hall. Sam, Dean, Cas and a blonde woman were coming down the stairs. They all looked pretty messed up. Sam excused himself as soon as he said hello and then vanished towards his room. I didn’t need to look twice to see that Dean was fuming but trying not to show it. “What happened?”, I asked him carefully.
“That was a freakin’ suicide squad!”, he blurted out. “There was more than just one demon and Wally got killed by one. After that we noticed we couldn’t kill the one we were after, because it turned out to be a yellow-eyed fucking prince of hell! Cas almost died and it’s a freaking miracle we didn’t get hurt as well.”
I looked at him and then I looked at Cas: “Are you alright?” He just nodded but also told us that he needed to go and with the flutter of his wings, he disappeared. The blonde woman didn’t say a word. I pulled Dean into a hug and he let his head rest on my forehead. “I’m glad you’re safe, Sweetheart.”, he told me and pulled me even closer. Finally, the woman stepped up to introduce herself. “I’m Mary Winchester. Dean’s mom.”, she said and held her hand out for me to shake it. Slowly I pulled away from Dean and took her hand.  “Nice to meet you, I’m Aleah Warren.” I didn’t feel like introducing me more than that, since I wasn’t sure what else to say. I could’ve said I was Dean’s girlfriend but to be honest, we hadn’t figured it ourselves out yet.  Since we came back from the witch hunt, we didn’t talk about the thing we had. Dean cleared his throat and I quickly looked at him. “I’m gonna take a shower. Is there anything to eat after?”, he asked me and I shook my head. “Not yet. But I’ll fix you something while you get cleaned up. It’s fine.” He gave me a quick kiss on my lips and grinned on his way to the shower. Before I went to the kitchen I asked Mary if she wanted to come as well. “Yeah, sure. Dinner sounds alright”, she said and followed me. In the kitchen, she offered her help but since I was just making some spaghetti, I told her just to sit down and relax after their hunt.  “So, you and my son?”, she asked. 
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winecatsandpizza · 6 years
Dean & Jensen
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Accidental Extras - RPF. Jensen x Misha x OFCs.
Lilly and Nicole go on vacation and end up as extras on Supernatural.  They end up hitting it off with Misha and Jensen.  Things naturally turn hot an heavy.
Extra Hours - Boss!DeanxOFC (Part 1)
Jessy gets a new job working for Dean Winchester.  Jessy desperately wants to keep her job by any means necessary.  
Oral Presentation - Boss!DeanxOFC (Part 2)
Jessy and Mr. Winchester continue to grow their working relationship.  Jessy starts to get a little too comfortable and lets some of herself be revealed.
A Mother’s Love - Dean x Mary
Mary gives her son the best 18th birthday present that Dean could have asked for.
After the Hunt - Wincest
Sam and Dean have a long, hard hunt that doesn’t go right. Sam knows what to do to help his big brother relax.
Game On: Level Two - sub!Dean x Plus Size!Reader - 
You ask Dean to play a simple game of tic tac toe.  Totally harmless, right?
Rockin’ Around - Destiel.
Castiel has a special plan for his first Christmas with his boyfriend.  He wants this Christmas to be Dean’s best one yet.
Santa Baby - Cockles
Misha has a Christmas surprise planned for Jensen to get him in the Christmas spirit.
Anything - Sam x Reader / Dean x Reader (No Wincest)
You’re a demon and find the only way to truly hurt the Winchesters. Forever.
Updated August 2, 2019
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Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Dean/OFC, Dean/Cas, Sam/OFC, Dean/Lisa, Sam/Jess, Dean/OMC, Sam Winchester & Castiel, Dean Winchester & Castiel, Sam Winchester & OFC, Dean Winchester & OFC, Sam Winchester & Dean Winchester, sam winchester & bobby singer, Dean Winchester & Bobby Singer, Castiel & Bobby Singer Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Bobby Singer, Ellen Harvelle, Joanna Harvelle, OFC, Crowley, John Winchester, Lucifer, Gabriel Additional Tags: Love, Lust, care, Hope, One-Shots, Fluff, Cuddles, best lady hunter ever known Summary:
Want a simple story of a girl best friend to spice up the lives of the man driven Winchester boys and their loved ones? You found the right fangirl. We have Destiel, Casby friendship, Samstiel friendship, DeanxOFC everything, SamxOFC everything and all of the family memories in between. I take any request outside of Wincest, it makes me vomit, no offense to fans.
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ao3feed-destiel · 5 years
Love, Life, and Being a Winchester (Supernatural One-shots)
Read it on AO3 here!http://bit.ly/2D4Q7LU
by ImagineMyReality22
Want a simple story of a girl best friend to spice up the lives of the man driven Winchester boys and their loved ones? You found the right fangirl. We have Destiel, Casby friendship, Samstiel friendship, DeanxOFC everything, SamxOFC everything and all of the family memories in between. I take any request outside of Wincest, it makes me vomit, no offense to fans.
Words: 458, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Bobby Singer, Ellen Harvelle, Joanna Harvelle, OFC, Crowley, John Winchester, Lucifer, Gabriel
Relationships: Dean/OFC, Dean/Cas, Sam/OFC, Dean/Lisa, Sam/Jess, Dean/OMC, Sam Winchester & Castiel, Dean Winchester & Castiel, Sam Winchester & OFC, Dean Winchester & OFC, Sam Winchester & Dean Winchester, sam winchester & bobby singer, Dean Winchester & Bobby Singer, Castiel & Bobby Singer
Additional Tags: Love, Lust, care, Hope, One-Shots, Fluff, Cuddles, best lady hunter ever known
Link: http://bit.ly/2D4Q7LU
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ao3feed-wayward · 5 years
Love, Life, and Being a Winchester (Supernatural One-shots)
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2D4Q7LU
by ImagineMyReality22
Want a simple story of a girl best friend to spice up the lives of the man driven Winchester boys and their loved ones? You found the right fangirl. We have Destiel, Casby friendship, Samstiel friendship, DeanxOFC everything, SamxOFC everything and all of the family memories in between. I take any request outside of Wincest, it makes me vomit, no offense to fans.
Words: 458, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Bobby Singer, Ellen Harvelle, Joanna Harvelle, OFC, Crowley, John Winchester, Lucifer, Gabriel
Relationships: Dean/OFC, Dean/Cas, Sam/OFC, Dean/Lisa, Sam/Jess, Dean/OMC, Sam Winchester & Castiel, Dean Winchester & Castiel, Sam Winchester & OFC, Dean Winchester & OFC, Sam Winchester & Dean Winchester, sam winchester & bobby singer, Dean Winchester & Bobby Singer, Castiel & Bobby Singer
Additional Tags: Love, Lust, care, Hope, One-Shots, Fluff, Cuddles, best lady hunter ever known
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2D4Q7LU
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ao3feed-castiel · 5 years
Love, Life, and Being a Winchester (Supernatural One-shots)
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2D4Q7LU
by ImagineMyReality22
Want a simple story of a girl best friend to spice up the lives of the man driven Winchester boys and their loved ones? You found the right fangirl. We have Destiel, Casby friendship, Samstiel friendship, DeanxOFC everything, SamxOFC everything and all of the family memories in between. I take any request outside of Wincest, it makes me vomit, no offense to fans.
Words: 458, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Bobby Singer, Ellen Harvelle, Joanna Harvelle, OFC, Crowley, John Winchester, Lucifer, Gabriel
Relationships: Dean/OFC, Dean/Cas, Sam/OFC, Dean/Lisa, Sam/Jess, Dean/OMC, Sam Winchester & Castiel, Dean Winchester & Castiel, Sam Winchester & OFC, Dean Winchester & OFC, Sam Winchester & Dean Winchester, sam winchester & bobby singer, Dean Winchester & Bobby Singer, Castiel & Bobby Singer
Additional Tags: Love, Lust, care, Hope, One-Shots, Fluff, Cuddles, best lady hunter ever known
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2D4Q7LU
0 notes
idreamofhazeleyes · 1 month
@impala-dreamer @mrswhozeewhatsis @squirrelnotsam @idreamofplaid @winchestergirl-13 @spnfanficpond
The same scene as "Lost". Originall the idea/scene was in Dean's POV. This is Dean's pov of the same scene.
Dean’s POV 
I rushed through the halls, mind narrowed on finding Jody. She had called saying that Aeryn had stumbled into the hospital in a state worse than she’s ever seen. Sam’s voice was distant behind me as I turned the corner. Jody stood there talking with Alex. 
“Jody, Alex,” I greeted as I stepped up to them. 
“Oh, thank God,” Jody breathed as she came in for a hug.  
I accepted the hug, feeling the tension in her slip a little. Something definitely wasn’t right if she went right for the hug. “What is it? How bad is she?” 
“A patrol found her shuffling down the side of the road covered in blood and in real bad shape. Her hip was dislocated, a serious back injury that came really damn close to a permanent spinal injury. Alex…” Jody glanced to the other nurse at the station and gestured me away. “Alex said something Aeryn putting two fingers to her neck. Like a bite.” 
My mind snapped to one thing. Vampire. It made sense as it was the case Aeryn had gone to work on solo. “Can I see her?” 
Jody nodded and led the way to the room Aeryn was in. 
She was curled up on the bed dressed in a hospital gown, covered by a blanket. An IV line linked her to a saline bag. The blood had been washed away but the wounds remained. Of all the times we’ve been beaten and wounded, I’ve never seen her like this. Sure we had bad cases that set us back. Not like this.  
I stepped over to her, lightly touching her leg. Aeryn snapped into motion away from the touch, half curled in fear at the head of the bed. Time passed slowly until she seemed to realize I stood there.  
“Dean?” Her voice was low, as if she still didn’t believe her eyes. She started to move to sit up. 
“Yes, love.” I moved to her side as she moved slowly. Her face contorted in pain. I wanted to take it from her. I couldn’t. “Lay down, I’m here.”  
I gave her a light hug before helping her to lay down and adjusted the blanket. My arm reached for the lone chair in the room and pulled it over to sit beside her.  
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there,” I apologized. “I should have …” 
“It was a simple case that turned sideways,” Aeryn said. “When do we ever get lucky on big cases?” 
Her face contorted in pain followed by a whimper. My body moved from the chair as panic flooded my mind. “Aeryn, what is it? Aeryn?” 
A light throat clearing cough came from partially behind me. A look showed the doctor standing there with a tablet in hand. 
“Sorry to disturb you,” he started. “We got the blood test results back. Everything looks good. Though something came up. Is there any possibility that you are, or were, pregnant?” 
My mind froze. Aeryn had gone on the case while pregnant. I did my best to figure out the time line and she must have gotten pregnant a month or so ago.  
“I’ll prescribe some pain medicine and advise rest for the next several days,” the doctor said. “I’ll be back soon with the discharge papers.” 
My hand reached for hers even as she buried her face in the pillow. Every little conversation and what if scenario in the weeks before the case made sense. She knew even if there hadn’t been any actual sign. Death had said she was able to sense every human. Even those in the womb.  
“Hey. Hey. Hey.” I adjusted so I was able to give a gentle kiss on a cheek. “It’s alright. We’ll get you back to the Bunker and ...” I stopped when her head shook.  
“I wanna go to Jody’s.” 
Footsteps came and the curtain moved before Jody peered in. “Everything okay?” 
“Is it okay if we crash at your place for a while?” I asked.  
“You don’t ... Sure. We’ll head there when Aeryn’s discharged.” She disappeared as Sam appeared with a duffel bag. 
“Clothes for Aeryn,” he said, setting the bag on the bed. “Sorry, Aeryn. It's some of our things.” 
“S’okay,” she said, voice low. “Thanks, Sam.” 
He lingered for a few seconds before ducking out. The doctor came in with the discharge papers and gave instructions for general care and follow ups with her general practitioner. He left and I started pulling out the clothes, finding it was my sweats, a change of boxers, and an old tee shirt.  
Aeryn had eased herself into a sitting position and I helped shed the gown; seeing the gauze over half of her back. My hands brushed against the skin around it, gaining a hiss from her. She moved to attempt to get the boxers on, stopping at her knees. It was a team effort with the sweat pants. My hands held onto her while she stood there for a moment until she was comfortable on her feet. Tee shirt on as carefully as possible, we left the room behind, empty duffel bag in hand. Aeryn stepped in close, her arm wrapped with mine. Maybe it was time to step back from hunting. 
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ao3feed-crowley · 5 years
Love, Life, and Being a Winchester (Supernatural One-shots)
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2D4Q7LU
by ImagineMyReality22
Want a simple story of a girl best friend to spice up the lives of the man driven Winchester boys and their loved ones? You found the right fangirl. We have Destiel, Casby friendship, Samstiel friendship, DeanxOFC everything, SamxOFC everything and all of the family memories in between. I take any request outside of Wincest, it makes me vomit, no offense to fans.
Words: 458, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Bobby Singer, Ellen Harvelle, Joanna Harvelle, OFC, Crowley, John Winchester, Lucifer, Gabriel
Relationships: Dean/OFC, Dean/Cas, Sam/OFC, Dean/Lisa, Sam/Jess, Dean/OMC, Sam Winchester & Castiel, Dean Winchester & Castiel, Sam Winchester & OFC, Dean Winchester & OFC, Sam Winchester & Dean Winchester, sam winchester & bobby singer, Dean Winchester & Bobby Singer, Castiel & Bobby Singer
Additional Tags: Love, Lust, care, Hope, One-Shots, Fluff, Cuddles, best lady hunter ever known
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2D4Q7LU
0 notes
The Hand That Reaches for God -Chapter 16
Tumblr media
Warnings: Mention of rape, graphic violence, and language. 
Chapter Sixteen
“So we drove on toward death through the cooling twilight.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald
-26 Days After-
The morning was cool for June as Ophelia snapped her thigh holster in place. She slid her hand gun into place. She hoisted her shotgun over her shoulder and stuck her blade in her boot. She didn’t like guns, but after her last run in with the Rogues she wasn’t in a position to deny the necessity. Plus, she’d never felt so badass in her life. She left Emerson asleep, hugging her pillow, and made sure to give Sam a really big kiss goodnight. She left him breathless. His love wasn’t lost on her. She could tell that their hearts beat together every time he looked at her.
He wouldn’t approve of her going out in the field, but it wasn’t about him and her, it was about Emerson. At the end of the day it was the Maklen sisters. If they had to pick, it would always be each other. She had to do it for her sister.
Pheli leaned against the tree, waiting for the rest of the group. She sipped her coffee out of her canteen, and focused on the colors in the sky as the sun teased the horizon.  
“Well, Hell in a hand basket, you showed up after all.”
“Ash.” Pheli said with a smile. “Morning.”
“We had a bet runnin that you wouldn’t show up.” He flipped the bottom of his mullet over his shoulder.
She rolled her eyes. “And whys that?”
He shrugged. “Gender bias, probably.”
Ash was a serious genius. He didn’t look like much in his cut off flannel and mullet, but he went to MIT before it all went to shit. He made the water filter system in the camp and was solely responsible for the gate around the community. He was damn fun at get togethers, too. The first night by the fire he ended up buddying up with her and Sam singing along with Benny. He made a genuine fool out of himself, and that made him okay in Pheli’s book.
“So fucked up.”
“Agreed.” He said, adjusting his machete on his shoulder. “Let’s head to the Jeep. Gordon’s probably already there.”
“Who else is coming?” She asked as they began their walk to the gate where the Jeep was parked.
Ash shrugged, walking with a bit of a bounce in his step. “Hell if I know. People don’t tell me shit. Always be underestimated, Blondie. When you are, it’s really easy to surprise people.” He offered her a wide grin.
“I know exactly what you mean.” She said smoothly.
Her hair was in two braids down her back to keep her hair out of the way. There were no flowers in them that day. There was no time for glitter and pleasantries.
Ash was right. Gordon was already in the front seat, tapping the steering wheel impatiently. “Shot gun!” Ash called with a wide grin, breaking out into a funny, wobbling jog to the Jeep.
Pheli rolled her eyes and picked up her speed. She opened the back door and slid in.
“Surprised you made it.” Gordon grunted from the front seat.
“Lots of that going around.” She said, shifting her weight to keep her knife from digging into her calf.
The door to her right opened up and Dean slid in next to her, wearing a wide ear-to-ear grin. “Ready to go!”
Pheli started at him her heart rate leaping at the sight of him. “What the fuck are you doing here?” She hissed through clenched teeth.
“Cas mentioned your heroic volunteering. Couldn’t let you have all the fun.”
“Did you tell Sam?”
“And let him try to follow you? No fucking way.” Dean laughed breathlessly. He reached forward and patted Gordon’s arm, causing Pheli to flinch instinctively. “Come on, Buddy. Let’s get this show on the road.”
“Ash?” Gordon asked, starting the Jeep.
Ash leaned forward and pressed a garage door opener, causing the gates to spring to life. They opened with a creak and a groan. “Outward and onward.”
Gordon pulled out of the camp and headed back toward the city. “We don’t have many more runs to Dallas. It’s about picked dry.”
“And overrun.” Ash agreed.
“So.” Dean said, leaning close to Pheli. “What’s this about?”
“I wanted to wear the cute thigh holster.” She said, deadpanned.
“Oh, sure. Of course.” He said, not sounding at all convinced.
They sat in silence for a few minutes, before he poked her leg.
“God, what?”
“I go by Dean, actually.”
Pheli glared at him. “Was this your plan all along? Trap me in the backseat so I can’t run from you? You want to ask about her. We just talked yesterday. I said...”
“You said you’d talk to her. Did you?”
“She isn’t ready, Dean.”
“Isn’t ready for what?” He asked, weakly. “If you haven’t noticed the world is ending.” He said, gesturing to the wreckage outside the Jeep. “We are on sort of limited time here.”
Pheli sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “It’s not my place to tell you. It’s hers, if she wants to.” She said low enough for only him to hear it.
In the front seat Ash sang along to some old cassette tape that was jammed in the Jeep’s radio. It was loud enough to drown them out. She just hoped Gordon wasn’t paying attention.
“I don’t wanna lose her again.”
“You two are so fucking frustrating, you know?”
“Try being a part of it.” He said with a dry laugh, scratching the back of his head.
“We need to cut your hair.”
“What? The long hair is only cute on Sam?” He teased.
“Yes actually.”
“Hurtful, Phel. You’ve got a mean streak. Who would’ve known?”
Gordon turned down the radio and glanced at Dean and Pheli in the rear view mirror. “We are approaching our drop point. We will split in groups of two. Ash has maps of the places around the block that need to be searched and what’s expected to be found in each place. We have a list of supplies that we need, but if you see anything worthwhile grab it. And Ash that doesn’t include skin mags and more ball caps.”
“You have to have culture to have a functioning society, Gordon, you snob.” Ash complained.
“Everyone has been issued a watch. We are staying an hour. That means that when we exit the Jeep, it will be rolling out in sixty minutes. With or without all of us, so make sure you’re back and buckled in before that hour is up. If not, I hope you’re a good runner, because you’ll be footing it back to camp. Keep your guard up, and try not to shoot unless you have to. Sound attracts them. Any questions?”
“Just one.” Pheli said, leaning around the seat.
“What is it?”
“I want to team up with you.”
Gordon shrugged. “Fine.”
“Aw, my ego is fucking bruised, sister.” Dean complained.
“Don’t sister me, Winchester.”
“Alright get your fucking head in the game team.” Gordon said, pulling into downtown. Ash handed the maps along with the packs that were required to make the run.
“Everyone has the same list.” Ash explained. “Just get what you can. Use common sense and you’ll be fine.” He offered a smile before the Jeep rolled to a stop.
“Sixty minutes.” Gordon said, making eye contact with Ophelia in the mirror. “Let’s go.”
Emerson stretched out in bed, reaching out and missing her sisters warmth next to her. “Phel..” She groaned sleepily. When she didn’t get a response, she sat up slowly. The tent was empty.
She rubbed her eyes and stood up, still crouching so her head didn’t graze the top of the tent, and she wrapped her blanket around her. She expected to find her sister cuddled up with Sam, or getting her morning coffee. Pheli was all about her beauty sleep, but ever since the incident with Gordon neither girl was able to sleep well.
She poked her head out of the tent. The camp was quiet, still lulled in the early moments of morning.
She felt dead most of the time. Like Gordon reached up inside of her and pulled out the part of her that was human. The part of her that was alive. She wondered if it was how the Rogue’s felt. Sometimes she felt like she was on autopilot, just doing what was expected. She smiled when it was required, even though it never reached her eyes. She knew that Pheli had to see it, but she didn’t comment on it. She was giving Emerson space and that was truly all she could ask for. She’d successfully dodged Dean since that last moment that they had with Lisa. She couldn’t stand it, looking into his warm green eyes. She couldn’t have him look at her like he wanted to see the sky within her, because the fucking sky was dark. There were no more stars. There was no moon. There was nothing but darkness.
She squinted at the camp. The burning embers left in the fire showed the late night conversations had by old friends. It was the only sign that anyone lived there. Everything else was still.
She took advantage of the stillness to get some coffee and to just befor a bit. She wouldn’t have to act or pretend. She could just sit and fill the hole inside of her with black coffee and dark thoughts. She pulled her blanket tightly to her chest, closing herself into it, as she walked to the coffee cart. She didn’t care if it was last nights brew or if she had to brew it herself, she would suckle the caffeine and try to remember how to be a person, because every day that went by was harder and harder to remember how.
She reached the coffee stand, and picked up the insulated pitcher and poured into one of the available canteens.
“Pour me one?”
Her back stiffened and she turned to see Lisa standing with her baby strapped to her chest. “I was just up getting Ben back to sleep. He gets restless sometimes. A walk usually puts him right back down, but Mommy needs a pick me up.”
“Sure.” Emerson said, forcing a smile. She offered the canteen that she poured for herself. Suddenly coffee didn’t sound as good as it had before.
“Emerson, right?” She took the canteen, and gratefully sipped at it.
“That’s me.” She hugged her blanket around herself, like a protective layer.
“You came with Sam and Dean.”
“You’re observant.”
“You don’t like me much.”
“Very observant.”
Lisa shifted her weight, bouncing Ben. “You know Dean and me...”
“He’s all yours.” Emerson said quickly. “I won’t be standing in your way.” She caught a glimpse of little Bens freckled face, and she felt sick to her stomach.
“I don’t need your permission to pursue him.”
“But you’ve got it anyway.” She forced a smile. “Life is sometimes nice that way. I better get back to bed, Pheli will be looking for me.” She pushed past Lisa, trying to hold everything in. She was the little Dutch boy with her finger in the dam. Any minute now everything would come rushing out, and sweep her away.
“Emerson.” Lisa said, causing Em’s feet to plant in the dirt. She waited for whatever Lisa wanted to say. She didn’t know why. She didn’t owe the woman anything. She wasn’t the bad guy. She was backing down. What else was she expected to do? “It isn’t up to us, you know. Dean was always a complex man, but this part isn’t complicated. He either loves me or he doesn’t. There’s nothing else to it.”
Emerson smiled bitterly to herself. “If you really think that, you’re so much dumber than I thought.”
She didn’t wait for a response, and made her way back to her tent. She didn’t make it a habit of shitting on other women. It wasn’t the way she was raised. Women were allies. They had to stick together, but this time... this time was too much for her. She didn’t have the patience to rise above. She’d lost enough.
She curled up in her blankets, pulling them over her head. She sat under there, and she pulled out her bag. She dug all the way to the bottom and pulled out a notebook and her pen. It was getting close to the end of the notebook. Time had gotten away from her. She clicked the pen a few times, before flipping to an open page.
Dear Dean,
I want to go find you. I want to walk over to your tent, pull you out of bed, and shake you until you understand. I need you to understand. More than anything I need things to be different. I need all of this to not have happened. I’ve coped. Haven’t you watched me cope all this time? I got over you. (Am I seriously trying to lie? Way to go, Em) I was a kid when this all started. When I watched you walk away. But I coped. I’m still coping.
But still I want to go find you. I want to let you remind me what it feels like to be alive. He fucking hurt me, Dean. In a way a person should never have to be hurt. I thought the way that you hurt me was the worst thing I’d ever feel, but losing you... that hurt in my heart. This is different. He reached inside of me and cracked me open. He stole pieces that will not allow me to be whole ever again.
Part of me wants you to fix it. I know if I asked you to, you would crack pieces of yourself to put me back together, but what would that make me? I can’t give you what I need when I’m like this. Not when I still wake up in a cold sweat feeling his weight on me.
All I’ve ever been for you is complicated. Things have never been easy. It was never the right time. Who are we to think that this is the right time? During the fucking apocalypse, of all times. You deserve something better. You deserve what I wish I could let myself be.
I remember the night at the ocean before you left. I remember what I almost... you said you wanted it to be real. I’m not real, Dean. I’m not myself. Not anymore. I’m a shell with Emersons face. The girl you knew is dead.
I am so sorry for your loss.
She closed the notebook, shutting away her letter along with dozens of others from the years that she never sent. That she never had any intention to send. The wall around her heart was complete. Brick by brick. She was a princess in a tower of her own design. A tower with no escape hatch and even when the prince came... she would not let down her hair. She would ignore his calls and pray to a god that wasn’t listening that he would go away. That he will finally leave her to her poison thoughts and shackles. That he would finally leave her alone with the greatest monster of all, herself.
Pheli’s bag weighed heavily on her shoulders as she climbed a set of stairs behind Gordon. They spent the first forty-five minutes finding most things on the list. She’d scored with a huge bottle of low grade pain killers and several canned goods. There was soap and clean underwear tucked in the bottom of her bag. Gifts for Emerson. After everything was over Pheli wanted to burn her old ones. Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.
Gordon wasn’t in a chatty mood. Every time Pheli tried to get him to talk to her long enough to get anything from him, he would just grunt and move on to the next aisle. She was getting really fucking tired of it.
“So where are you from, Gordon?”
“Doesn’t matter. That’s all gone now. Look for some honey. Cas likes it.”
Pheli’s eyes narrowed as he rounded a corner to of sight. He knew she was circling him.
“Is there really more stuff up this high?” She asked, gripping the railing as they ascended the stair’s, climbing higher and higher.
“There’s somethin important up here.” He grunted out.
He unlatched the door, swinging it open. His boot crunched as he passed through the threshold. She followed him, stepping into the sunlight. They were on the roof. She frowned and turned to him, watching him latch the door again, locking them up there together.
She crossed her arms. “What the fuck are you doing, Gordon?”
“I’m not stupid, Ophelia. You volunteered because you have something to say to me. So have at it.”
“You presumptuous fuck.”
“Oh so you don’t have anything to say? I sleep with your sister and you don’t care. Great. I was worried that there was something off with you two, but maybe not.”
Bile rose in Pheli’s throat. It stung and bubbled like the rage within her. “You...You...”
“I fucked her. Yeah, I know. It was okay.” He shrugged. “Can’t be too picky around here.”
“You son of a bitch. You raped her.”
“She was flirting with me all night.” He said flatly, approaching Pheli slowly enough that she wasn’t preparing against it. “What was I supposed to do?”
“Leave her alone when she said no.”
“Gotta repopulate the human race. Can’t be so picky.” He shrugged smugly.
“And you can sleep at night with that logic?”
“Like a baby.”
It was so fucking wrong. It was wrong that he didn’t feel an ounce of guilt, while Emerson cried in her sleep. It was disgusting. She didn’t feel sick anymore. Her skin was hot, and she could hear her heartbeat in her ears. It wooshed like the sound of waves at the ocean.
“You fucking men think you can do whatever you want.” She said, closing the space between them.
He reached forward, pushing a loose hair behind her ear. “We don’t think, Princess.” He leaned in to her ear. “We know.”
Something possessed Ophelia in that moment. The girl who was made of cinnamon sugar got a hint of cayenne. Something sparked in her. Maybe it was his hot breath against her neck, or the smug sound of his voice, but something overwhelmed her. It was like she was watching her body from above as she grabbed the back of his neck and slammed her forehead into his, knocking him backwards.
He was taken off guard and he stumbled. Her head pounded in response, but her adrenaline kept her moving forward, her self defense class she took in college bubbling up to the surface. She pulled back and kicked him square in the chest, her leg aching from the strain in her muscle as he fell directly on his back.
His head smacked the concrete of the roof, and he looked up at her shock present on his full lips and wide eyes. “You’re going to regret that, you bitch!”
“I already do.” She said, pressing the heel of her boot to his throat. He gasped in response. “I regret not hitting you sooner. I think you’ve seriously made me stupider since I had to listen to you talk. Is it contagious, Gordon?”
He gurgled, unable to respond due to the boot pressed firmly against his Adam’s apple. He clawed at it, but she had the upper hand. “Tsk tsk. Better not. It doesn’t take much pressure at all to break that little ball in your throat. I wonder what the survival rate of that is in a post apocalyptic world?” She smiled, saying it all a little too sweetly, as she pulled his gun off the holder on his belt. She tossed it away, and it clanked as it skipped across the ground.
She pulled her shot gun off her shoulder and loaded it, cocking it into place with a sharp click. “Get on your fucking knees, and don’t try anything funny.” She said, removing her foot.
He immediately gasped, clawing at his throat as a breath flowed back through him.
“Now, you son of a bitch. Knees!”
He complied, climbing up to his knees. She pressed the shot gun barrel to his head, directly between his eyes. “No.” He muttered between snotty tears. His hands came up in front of his chest, his palms facing her in surrender. “D...don’t do it. I’ll apologize.”
“But you aren’t sorry, Gordon. That’s the problem. People like you just take what they fucking want no matter what the cost. You hurt my sister.”
“I did.” He sobbed, his voice trembling. Clear snot rolled down out of his nose and onto his lip.
There was no satisfaction for Pheli in his tears.
“You have to pay for that Gordon.”
“You aren’t a killer, Ophelia. Don’t do this.”
She laughed, causing the barrel of the gun to tremble against his skull. The cool metal leaving an indention on his skin. “Maybe not, but there’s no law anymore. There’s no justice. There are just people and monsters. The people kill the monsters, and from the little time I’ve known you, it’s pretty obvious to me what side you’re on.”
“I’m not a monster! I... I will be a better man...I’ll...”
“It’s too late for that, Gordon.” Pheli said, a tear rolling down her cheek. “Make peace with whatever god you believe in.”
There was something tragic about the loss of innocence. The loss of faith in humanity. The loss of hope. Pheli stared down the length of her shotgun and said goodbye to the part of her that was human. Because he was right. She wasn’t a killer, but if it was between her sister and her innocence it was an easy pick.
She wouldn’t be the girl with flowers in her hair anymore, but maybe that was okay. Maybe it was time for her to retire her braids and grow the fuck up.
She pulled the gun off his skin, just back far enough.
“Please...” He begged, as her finger rested on the trigger. “I had a sister, too. I lost her. I lost her. I lost...”
Chapter Seventeen
Get caught up!
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huntershelper25 · 6 years
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Mature (for the few chapters that will contain smut) Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Dean Winchester/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Originally Posted on Tumblr, Original Character-centric, POV Original Female Character Series: Part 1 of Path of the Chosen Summary:
Brooke is a 21 year old girl who’s life is flipped upside down when she receives a phone call from someone she hasn’t heard from in years which leads to events that cause her to get sucked back into the lives of two old friends. Along the way she learns secrets about herself and the truth about her family. She is forced to face her destiny. Which path will she choose: duty or family?
Author's note: There are some direct quotes and scenes from the show in my story. This is for continuity purposes and to show how Brooke fits into the story line. I had a dream about a girl who was part of the story and actually stuck around for longer than a season and my mind wouldn't shut up so this story was born. I do not claim anything that is directly from the show as my own. Brooke and her original story line is all that I claim as my own. There will be some smut in the beginning few chapters in the form of flashbacks to establish character development and relationships. After that the smut will die down and only pop up every once in a while. I will let you know when that is.
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woods2006gal · 7 years
A playlist for my Addison Sloan series. I hope you enjoy it.
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kittycurly · 8 years
Remember - Part 1
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We’ve met again before he forgot everything and we spent the night together. He told me he was after a witch but he also refused to let me help. We had spent some time at the bar and after that we decided to leave together and spend some more time in his hotel room. “So, long time, no see, hm?”, I asked him and laid my head on his chest. Before he answered, he pulled me closer and rested his arm around my waist to hold me. “Was always hopin’ to see you again, though.”, he said softly and placed a kiss on my forehead. We had a history together, which was basically the reason, we haven’t seen each other in so long. For a couple of years, we hunted together. Just me and him. Before his brother dragged out of college to join him. After that it was the three of us against the world. We stopped the Apocalypse and we fought against anything evil. I even lived with them in the bunker for a couple of years. I watched him go for Lisa years ago, and I watched him crush after demons tried to harm her and her son and when he had Cas remove their memory. I watched him lose Sam and get him back multiple times and I’ve seen him dying inside more than once. Though, when he decided to hunt the darkness down and sacrifice himself I couldn’t watch anymore. We’ve had an argument going on for days and when he still didn’t change his mind, I decided to leave. I didn’t want to be a part of this and watch my closest friend by then die. When Dean prepared to be the soulbomb I packed my stuff and drove as far away as I could. We haven’t seen each other since. I remember, it was an awful time. Even though I didn’t want to remember a thing, because the whole time had broken my heart into a million pieces. There was a last kiss, before I got into the car, all those months ago. He had begged me to understand and then he had kissed me. He never told me that he survived that day, nor that his mother was brought back from the death but he didn’t have to. I had enough hunters who kept me updated about how the Winchesters defeated the darkness without harming anyone and that Mary was back. Of course, she died long before I met Dean but I’ve met John and he never got tired of talking about her and how much he wanted the life he had with her before she died for his boys. Slowly I moved my head up to look at his face. There were so many unspoken things between us but I just couldn’t bring them up. Whatever that was between us, this night, it felt too fragile to touch anything underneath the surface. We were just laying there and holding on to each other. “You know there is still one thing I regret.”, he whispered after a long while of silence. I was not sure if I wanted to hear what he meant but he kept talking anyway. “It’s leaving you behind.” I must have had a surprised look on my face but I didn’t care. I didn’t want to talk about any of this. “Dean, it’s alright. It happened such a long time ago. At the end, it turned out to be the best for all of us.” He didn’t seem to be convinced. I started to draw some patterns on his exposed skin and tried so hard to concentrate on that and not to let his words sink in. “I’m serious. I never wanted to hurt you. But I did and I’m sorry for it. There are so many moments I wish you’d just come back with me. Start that life again and see where it leads us.”, he said quietly. I felt that specific knot forming in my throat. It wasn’t hard to imagine a future with him. Not hard at all, but if I gave in again it surely would mean that we would hurt each other again. I wasn’t ready for that but inside of my everything screamed for him. It always had. “Why would you bring that on again? We decided that it was for the best if you left and that I would never look back.”, I managed to say before I had to blink a few tears away. “We didn’t decide anything together. I did what had to be done and you never wanted to have anything to do with me after that.”, he said and clenched his jar tight. Anger started boiling inside of me. Was he seriously that blind or didn’t he want to see? “I was begging you to stay! And you still left me!”, I snapped. I looked up and saw hurt written all over his face. “What was I supposed to do?”, he finally asked me, sounding defeated. “I don’t know. Stay maybe? Don’t put the weight of the world on your shoulders again? Say a freaking single word to me after you made it out alive? Don’t speak to me in this fucking bar tonight after you recognized me? Don’t you see we’re just making it worse here?” Dean managed to sit up and moved a little bit away from me. His hurt was masked by anger now. “I was trying to save the world. It was my responsibility after the darkness was released into this world because I got rid of the Mark.” I wanted to leave so badly. I didn’t want to have this conversation with Dean and I didn’t want to remember any of this. After another look in his face I got up and started searching for my clothes. “It wasn’t your responsibility. It never was. You only THOUGHT it had to be. Because it was the only life you knew. We wanted a life together. Do you remember? And you ditched me for your so-called fate.” I found my shirt and put it on. After that I managed to turn my hair into a messy bun. “Don’t you think that would have been pretty selfish?”, he asked, his voice low and stern. “So, what?”, I yelled at him, “Don’t we have the right to be selfish sometimes too? Just one fucking time? I lost you and I thought you were dead!! I was crying myself to sleep for weeks! Maybe you believe that a Winchester has no right to be happy once but I did and I wanted it to be with you!” I was crying by now but I didn’t care. Let him see what he did with being a freaking Winchester again. By now I was fully dressed and ready to leave. “Goodbye Dean. Maybe you’ll find your happiness one day.” With that I opened the door and went outside. Dean didn’t move the whole time but now he was rushing to get in the way. “Why are you leaving? Look, I’m sorry I did that but you’re asking too much here, Sweetheart.” I shook my head and put my hand around the doorknob. But Dean just tried to stop me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me close. Tears ran down my face and probably soaked his shirt by now but he refused to let go. “I just tried to protect you. That’s why I never called. You were so full of anger and sadness, when I left that day, that I thought it’s for the best if I don’t drag you back into my life. But truth is, I don’t wanna be without you, Sweetheart. And when I saw you tonight in that bar, I had to try. Please stay with me.”  I couldn’t say anything. Instead I just enjoyed being held by him and disappear in his strong and warm embrace. We stood there for what felt like a long time but sooner or later I let him lead me inside again.
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