hells-angel · 4 years
A day with the Devil
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing:  Lucifer x Reader
Word count: 1808
Summary: Spending a day with the devil turns into helping you get over your fear of heights.
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It was just a normal day after a very tiring hunt, all you wanted to do was to eat and sleep. With the Winchesters going on another world with Jack. You were left alone to take care of the bunker and going on a few hunts.
What you didn't expect was to see the supposedly stuck on another world Devil asking for spare coins to passersby on the side of the streets.
For a minute you doubt your eyes but after taking a good long look on his blond hair and that very familiar face, you were sure it was none other than Lucifer himself.
Deep down something tells you to run and immediately report it to the Winchesters, but seeing him clutching himself to keep himself warm was enough to convince yourself to walk towards him.
"do you have spare coins? Or maybe just your jacket?" The devil said, demanding a passerby who barely gave him a glance.
"is this your new kind of scheme to get people's souls?" You asked, Lucifer quickly whipping his head in your direction. An amused grim quickly making into his face.
"the Winchesters other pet, fancy seeing you here" he grinned as he stands up from where he were, the cup he was holding all forgotten.
"stay there! I have an angel blade" you warned, stepping back as you put your hand inside your jacket grabbing the angel blade.
"we both know that won't work on me"
"yeah but it'll hurt really bad"
"Fair point" he calmly shrugs "but you don't want these humans to see you kill a very innocent and a very handsome man" he said as he easily closes the gap between you two. You glance around to see a few people looking in your direction so you hesitate to take out your blade and just hide it inside you jacket for now.
"I'm harmless...for now" he said with a frown on his face but was quickly masked up as he grinned at you again.
"what do you mean?" You asked more calmly but was still on guard.
"a very angry brother of mine almost drained my grace, and now I'm reduced to this" he disgustly explained as he mentions to himself, hungry and cold. Almost like the humans he despite.
" and I'm supposed to take pity on you?" You replied glaring at him.
"you can take all you anger out of me another time. First I need food" Lucifer said as he took your wrist and drag you towards a diner.
"hey! Let me go! I'll yell!" You threatened but it remains unheard by the devil, in the end you found yourself seating across the devil.
"and what can I get for the lovely couple?" The waitress giddily said.
"were not a couple!" You immediately disagree as Lucifer took the liberty to order food for himself.
"oh and she's gonna pay" he said to the waitress as he smiled and winked at you which you just responded with an eye roll.
You watch as Lucifer ate but you never let your guard down. From a distance he looks like a normal human being enjoying their food, no one would have thought that the devil himself was eating just meters away from them and that's why looks can be deceiving.
In the end you reluctantly paid for the meal after Lucifer threatened to tell that your cards were all fakes and hacked, he even persuaded you to buy him some jacket after playing his victim act on you.
"Sam and Dean is gonna kill me if they found out about this" you whispered under your breath as you walked around the busy street along with Lucifer trailing behind you.
"what they don't know won't kill them" he hummed
"and I'm sure I'll do the world a favor if I kill you right now" you said, irritation present on your face as you stop walking.
"I'm weak and defenseless, can you still kill me?" He asked while looking at you like a weak puppy, but you'll be dammed to believe that.
"oh come on, admit it you like me" he whined which you just replied with an eye roll.
"I don't"
But Lucifer’s attention shifted unto something that suddenly light up as the sun sets and the night arrives.
"hey what's that thing?" He asked pointing into the Giant wheel as you take a glance at it then back at him again.
"you've live longer than me, shouldn't you know what's that thing?" You asked
"well first of all, what you humans create or built doesn't interest me and second I spent all those long lives in a cage" he explained before stuffing his hands back in his jacket.
Lucifer was actually acting different than usual maybe because he was on the brink of becoming human that he felt more emotions than usual or just the fact that he felt comfortable around you.
"you just ate human food like hours ago" you said as a matter of fact.
"not related"
With a sigh you sat at the nearest bench, Lucifer taking the seat beside you, curiosity present on his eyes.
"it's called a Ferris wheel" you explained "it goes round and round while carrying people inside"
"hmmmmm" he hummed in thoughts as he glances at the Ferris wheel again " sounds boring"
"how would I know" you grumbled but Lucifer heard it anyway.
"you never rode it?" He asked in disbelief
"...I'm scared of heights" you confess a little bit embarrass, his head snapping back at you.
"what really? Now that's new" he amused
"a lot of people is scared of heights" you defended practically shouting at his face.
"I mean your killing monsters yet your scared of a simple thing?" He provokes a sly grin on his face as he was obviously teasing you.
"it's not a simple thing! So what if I'm scared?! Sam is scared of clowns and Dean is scared of planes" you said then you realize what you just said, you just confess the Winchesters weaknesses to the devil.
"shouldn't have told you that"
But Lucifer is not really listening that much he was in deep thoughts as he stared at you, making you a little bit uncomfortable.
"why are you looking at me like that?" You asked, getting a little bit suspicious.
"I have a great idea" he grinned "come with me"
"what? No!"
But before you know it, in the blink of an eye you heard the familiar flutter of wings then you were on another place.
"oh God!" You exclaimed as you found yourself at least 830 meters above ground. You were on top of the tallest building in the world, the Burj khalifa.
Your face drained of blood as you realize where you were.
With your instincts kicking in, you immediately cling into Lucifer for dear life. Your hands wrap tightly around him, your head buried on his chest with Your eyes clutch shut.
"I don't think calling for my father is gonna help you right now" he chuckled as his hands snake around your waist and pulled you closer.
"Lucifer this is not funny" your voice muffled and trembling.
"is it? I think it's amusing" he chuckled, he can feel your heartbeat thumping so loudly against him.
Your whole body was trembling from fear yet he didn't find any amusement from it, instead he wanted to comfort you. A feeling so foreign at him.
"I swear to Chuck, I'll murder you after this" you barely let out as you realize you’re barely standing on a tin metal and the only thing keeping you balanced right now was because of Lucifer.
"a nice threat but you can't get out of here without me" he sang as he enjoyed the feeling of your body clinging into him, though he would never admit it.
"...Please" you weakly whispered against his shirt, you swallowed your pride, right now fear wins over everything. Lucifer can feel your hands trembling, a deathly grip on him, his sure your nails had dug against his skin.
For some reason, seeing your vulnerable side was more interesting than anything, you always trail around the Winchesters, looking like a badass you are but right now, you were defenseless, so small, so...adorable.
A minute pass by in silence, the only thing you can hear was your own heartbeat and your rigged breaths.
Your hugging the devil himself right now but you didn't care, you were scared yet not of him but the height beneath you. Though it was his fault anyways.
"try opening your eyes" he suddenly mumbled
"I can't"
"too bad your missing out"
"just try opening them" he sighs but still you made no attempt to open your eyes.
" I won't let go" he suddenly whispered, it was undeniably softer than any words he spoke, even Lucifer himself was surprised to hear his own voice.
You know his the enemy, his Lucifer for Chuck's sake, but in that moment a voice inside your head keeps screaming that it's okay to take his words.
You bite your trembling lips as you carefully opened your eyes preparing for the worst but instead you saw something incredible.
Different Lights filled the dark city like fireflies, the cold wind blows followed by the sounds of the cars and the busy streets below.
It was dazzling.
No words left your mouth as you admire the view, slowly you stop trembling and you start to calm down but your grip on Lucifer didn't loosen.
"told you" he proudly grinned his eyes focused on your wide ones, the city lights reflecting on it.
"it's so beautiful" you mumbled under your breath, Lucifer humming in approval, a small but genuine smile on his lips.
With a flutter of wings, the scenery changes into something more familiar, you now look around to notice you were now in front of the bunker.
"you can let go now, the grounds not gonna eat you up" he amusedly said smirking down at you, still clinging into him for dear life.
"whatever" you immediately detached yourself from him, your face still red "listen, don't tell a soul about what happened today okay"
"whatever kitten"
With a flutter of wings, he disappeared and you were left alone outside of the bunker with a red face.
After calming down your heart, you went inside the bunker the loud opening of the door echoing on the silent place.
But as you descended down the stairs you were greeted by three men, Sam seating on the chair, hands place on the table, Dean was leaning against the pillar with hands cross against his chest while Castiel stand behind Dean his hands on his side.
All of them were looking at you intently.
"where have you been?"
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hells-angel · 4 years
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The very image of you on his arms, bloody and lifeless was too much for the king. Despite the Winchesters plead to take your body and sent you off with a hunters funeral, the king took your body and did everything on his power to bring you back.
Fluttering your eyes open, you were met with a very familiar scent and a very warm and comforting arms embracing you.
"Crowley?" You softly called weakly, voice hoarse.
"I'm here my love, I won't let you die again" he mumbled, you pulled back from crowley as you remember the blood, the tears and most importantly heaven.
"Crowley, what did you do?" You accused, you knew you've died and you knew more than anyone the cause of bringing someone back from the dead, you know that much from the Winchesters.
"I..Bid my own soul" he said but you know he was lying.
"We both know you don't have a soul, so what did you do?" You suspiciously asked, narrowing your eyes at him.
"What I did, is nothing compared to your life" he said as he pulled you back to him in an embrace, tight but gentle as if he was afraid that you will disappear again.
"We'll talk about it again later, for now don't leave me alone" you mumbled.
"I don't plan for it" he replied, pulling you closer to him as much as he can.
"You know, I was in heaven for quite a long time " you said as you remember every detail of what your heaven looks like.
"Do tell me" he hummed as he stroked your hair fondly, Crowley surely missed your touch and scent more than anything, he was ready to give up his position as a king of hell or even the entire hell if possible, if it means having you back.
"My heaven was hell" you giggled, that catch the attention of the king.
"I mean, my heaven was with you in hell, it was quite ironic that a room in heaven is in hell" you chuckled slightly looking up to catch the king's eyes on you.
"I couldn't ask for more
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hells-angel · 4 years
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It was a good hunt, people were saved and the witch was dead. You could say it went well, except Sam taking a little bit of the aftermath.
A spell hit him. Currently, the three of you dined at the nearest diner while waiting for Rowena to lift the spell.
"I'll have bacon cheeseburger " Dean ordered as he winked at the waitress.
"add some pie with that and maybe your number" Dean flirted while you and Sam shake your head in disapproval.
"how about you, what do you want?" You asked Sam, taking a sip of your water.
"I would love to have 'the sex' with you" he suddenly said, startling you causing you to spit your water to Dean and the waitress giving you guys a weird look.
"easy there big boy" Dean teased his brother after giving you the bitch face and wiping his face.
"he didn't mean it that way" you panickedly explained to the waitress, but Sam only made it worse.
"I meant it that way" he said causing you to widen you eyes.
"just shut up" you hissed, then smiled to the waitress
"he'll have salad and I'll have coffee please"
the waitress left with your orders after giving you weird looks, Dean was laughing his butt off while you and Sam kept quiet out of embarrassment and acwkardness.
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hells-angel · 4 years
A Little Help
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing:  Arthur Ketch x Reader
Word count: 1k
Warning/s: just some curse words
Summary: when things turn bad and the Winchesters are not available, you knew who you got to call for help. 
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Sam had always said that when going on a hunt, one must always be prepared. as a hunter you always make sure that you had enough bullets or blades to fight monsters. what you didn’t prepared for is getting caught by the police.
so here you are, seating in an interrogation room, your weapons, multiple cellphones, fake IDs and credit cards laid in front of you. 
“Multiple count of Homicide, trespassing, hacked cards, fake identity.... FBI, Sheriff and even animal control” the police officer said looking over your various IDs. 
“is Y/N even your real name?” he continued while you remain quite, your hands bind by hand cuffs. the agent, rounded the table between you two and sat on top of it while glaring down at you.
“silent treatment huh? you know there’s no going out of this, you’ll rot in jail for all your crimes so better talk now and confess!” He intimidates, fortunately being a hunter comes in handy, especially when you’re with the Winchester.
“can I at least have a phone call?” you calmly asked, looking directly at the agent’s eyes, who clearly gritted his teeth in annoyance. 
“you think getting a lawyer will help you out? we have evidence!” The agent shouted, slamming his hands on the table, but you remained calm.
“I won’t talk until I make a phone call” 
in the end, you were granted a phone call. you have your phone in your hand, Deans name on the contact information but you contemplate whether to call him or not. 
Sam and Dean are probably more wanted than you and getting them involved would only worsen the situation. you thought of Jody, but with the FBI already involve in your case, you would only burden her. 
you were stuck, you had no one to call, you could pray to Castiel for help but the angel would surely just turn to Sam and Dean for help. however, when all hope seems lost, you remember someone, more powerful than the police and probably the FBI.
you dug out the slick black calling card hiding behind your phone case. the name Mick Davies written clearly on it. taking a deep sigh, you dialed the number, after a few rings a heavy accent voice answered. 
“is this Mick Davies?”
you knew contacting the British men of letters that kidnapped and tortured Sam, and Dean who repeatedly told you to stay away from is a very grave mistake, but you’re the type of person that acts now and thinks later.
The FBI agent kept you inside the interrogation room, he kept asking questions which you ignored. it was a good hour when the door opened, you expected the British man but instead a man with a bigger built in a fancy suit confidently walked in, confusing you and the agent.
“you’re not allowed in here” the agent said. 
“as a matter of fact, I have every right to be in here, from now on Miss L/N’s case is mine” he said with a very familiar British accent, his eyes trialing towards you, offering you a smile. 
“what?! I’ve been following her for years, you can’t just take her like that, who are you anyway?” The agent demanded, but the mysterious man remained calm as he took out his phone, dialed a number and gave it to the agent.
then the man walked towards you and took out a key for your hand cuffs.
“who are you?” you suspiciously asked as you rub your wrist. 
“Arthur Ketch, British man of letters, Mick sent me” he mumbled while you took your things and stuff them all inside your jacket and making your way out of the police station following behind Ketch. 
“why did you come?” you asked him as you stuffed yourself with a very expensive beef, Ketch kindly bought for you. 
“I believe you needed our help to bail you out?” he commented, a very amused grin on his face as he watches you eat.
“I know I called for help but I didn’t think the British men of letters would bother help me after all the drama that happened with Sam and your lady agent” you said 
“that was our mistake and we’re completely trying to compensate for it, staring with you” he said, his eyes never leaving yours for even a second, as if he was trying to read your soul or something. 
“so what do you want? I know for a fact the British men of letters didn’t waste their precious resources for nothing” you start as you narrowed your eyes to him trying to savor the look of the mysterious man in front of you. 
“and I know a top operative like you who only follows orders wouldn’t take me out for a dinner just to chat, so what’s the catch?” you asked raising an eye brow at him. 
“first, the British men of letters is out of the picture, Mick didn’t send me I volunteered for this” he said his tone heavy with accent. there was something about him that seems to drag you towards him.
“second, I asked you for a dinner without a hidden agenda, I’m purely seating here because I want to” he continued as he take a sip of his very expensive and very difficult to pronounce beverage. 
“but you do owe me one” he said as he leaned forwards the table and grinned at your fluster face. 
“what do you want?” you asked
“hmmm I wonder” he amused as his eyes trail down your face down your body. realizing what he meant, you quickly cover yourself with your hands.
“screw you! touch a single strand of my hair and I’ll skin you alive!” you argued, all fondness for the so called gentlemen gone in an instant. 
“don’t jump to conclusion, I’m not that kind of man” he said raising both his hands in the air, while you calm down. 
“I’ll just pay you and then were good, I’ll get going, Sam and Dean’s probably worried” you said as you gather your things and prepared to leave but Ketch beat you to it.
“I don’t need your money, I want your time for my little help, a Dinner next week, same time same place, see you then” he said as he smoothly leaned down and captured you lips in a quick kiss then turned around to leave. 
while you stand there dumbfounded, with a red face and quick beating heart.
“Gentleman my ass”
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hells-angel · 4 years
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GIF not mine
"I'm going to the ladies room" you muttered to Dean as you stand up and leave, Dean humming in response.
Currently, you and Dean were on a bar celebrating a good hunt. Nothing taste good than liquor after smashing a monsters brain apparently.
"get your hands off of me" you dangerously said to the drunk guy, groping you from behind.
This gained Dean's attention as he slammed down his glass on the wooden table and was about to beat the crap out of the jerk, when you skillfully grip the drunks arm and flip him down the ground, hard.
"I hate scums like you" you said as you dust off your hands and leave, stepping on the guy pass out on the ground.
Dean watch you in amazement as his mouth quirks into a grin upon meeting your eyes. He playfully wink at you and put both his hands in a thumbs up.
"just so you know I was coming to save you" he said as you join him on the bar again like nothing happened. Sarcastically grinning back at him.
"sure you were"
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hells-angel · 4 years
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For the last couple of weeks, you and Castiel had been going on hunts after hunts, which starts to bother Balthazar.
One time when you were packing for another hunt, the sound of fluttering wings sounded behind you.
"Cas your earl-" you said as you turn around to face the angel but stop mid sentence as it wasn't the innocent angel but the rogue angel.
"oh I'm sorry, you have me confused with the other angel. The one with a dirty trenchcoat, whose in love with you." Balthazar muttered, his eyes narrowing at you and your packed bag.
"first, it's good to see you, second Cas is not in love with me" you said chuckling and walking towards the angel.
"and third you don't have to be so jealous, his your brother right?" You said as you wrap your arms around his neck, while Balthazar averted his eyes away from you.
"trust me, I'm not jealous" he defended
"just worried that one day you'll chose him over me" he confessed as he stare down at your eyes.
"Love, you don't have to worry. I'll always choose you no matter what" you reassured him as you flash him a smile before tip toing and giving him a kiss.
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hells-angel · 4 years
Fandom: Supernatural 
Pairing:  Dean Winchester x Reader
Word count: 358
Warning/s: angst (so I hope it to be)
Summary:  Dean moves on while the reader watches him become happier.
'I love you'
That was his words, his promise, his oath. But just how long can a person forget his own words? A week? A month? A year?
For Dean Winchester he seems to easily forget just in a couple of days.
A few days ago, before Sam said yes to Lucifer, Before the supposed to be apocalypse, Dean had promise to love you until the end, no matter what happened.
"but Dean, if the apocalypse will come, if it will be our last time I want you to know I love you so much" You fondly muttered as you rest your head into his chest, while Dean stroke your hair slowly.
"I'll make sure it won't be the end and even if it is, then I'll love you until my last breath" he said a grin adorning his face.
In the end, it was easy to say words when you don't mean them.
The day of the apocalypse, the day you all dreaded, Sam said yes to Lucifer, Adam said yes to Michael, Castiel got reduce to nothing, Bobby died and Michael pulled you along with him in the pit.
Dean was devastated, his brother, his step father, His best friend and the woman he loves so deeply was all gone.
But for some reason, Bobby and Castiel returned but you didn't and neither his brother. Buried by grief and pain, Dean left the hunting life and turned to someone he never thought he will ever turn into.
Now a Few days later, you stand beside Sam across the street where the both of you can see Dean through the window, happy and content with his new normal life with Lisa and Ben.
"Don't you want to go in there?" Sam said never taking his eyes off his brother.
"I want to..." You whispered as you stare at Dean with cold eyes and a broken heart, was it that easy to forget you or did he even love you in the first place.
"...but he seems happier this way" you said as you look at him one last time and turned around to leave.
"let's go Sam"
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hells-angel · 4 years
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GIF not mine
"I'll call it a day, night guys" you bid good bye to the Winchesters as you make your way towards your room. However, you were stop by a weird sound followed by groans coming from Jacks room.
You rounded the corner and peak through his open door, just to see Jack repeatedly stabbing himself.
"what the actual hell are you doing?!" You called out as you burst through his door and grab the knife out of him.
You quickly throw the Knife on the sink. You were ready to get mad and scold him but your eyes soften as you took in his appearance.
His white shirt has multiple rips, covered in blood but no wounds or cuts to be found.
"I just wanted to know what he hell am I ?" Jack defeatedly said, looking down on his body.
"you don't have to stab yourself to find out what you are, if I stab myself would you be happy about it?" You softly said, fondly staring at him, despite what Dean said about him being Lucifers son, in the end of the day he was just like a kid.
"no, but why would you stab yourself? You don't understand what I'm going through" he sadly said, confuse.
"you're right, I don't know what you're going through. The least I can do is help you feel better. Come here" you called as you pulled him in for a hug, your face buried on his chest while you wrap your arms around him while he stood stiff in your arms.
"come on, wrap your arms around me" you giggled, while he did as he was told. He ackwardly put his arms around your waist seemingly enjoying it.
"what are we doing?" He innocently asked as he leaned in more towards you. Warmth spreading throughout his body.
"this is called a hug, we do this to comfort the other and sometimes express our affection" you explained while Jack took in the new information, his arms tigthing around you.
"I like it" he cheerfully said no intention of letting you go.
"I'm sure you do, everyone likes hugs. if you ever feel sad or you feel like hurting yourself again come find me and I'll give you a very tight hug alright" you said as you slightly pulled back to look up and meet his eyes.
"I will, can we stay like this for a little longer?" He asked his eyes shining with innocence and purity.
"as much as you need"
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hells-angel · 4 years
Happy Accidents
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Word count: 534
Warning/s: ---
Summary:  Not all accidents are necessarily bad.
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"good morning" you tiredly greeted the two occupants of the kitchen followed by a yawned as you walk in straight to where the coffee is.
"rough night?" A familiar yet someone you didn't expect to hear said prompting you to turn around.
"Charlie? What are you doing here so early in the morning?" You asked, pouring yourself some coffee before joining them on the table.
"it's already afternoon" she chuckled
"really?" You asked then glance at Sam who nodded in affirmation.
"where the hell have you been? you stink buddy" Charlie teases, pinching the bridge of her nose playfully, while Sam grins in the background.
"I chase a werewolf all-day yesterday" you said before taking a sip of your coffee "I went straight to bed"
"well drink your coffee and take a bath" Sam suggested followed by Charlie's giggles.
"you bet I will then I'll spend the rest of the day in my room" you said, then downed your coffee in one shot "just me and my bed all day"
"here have some bacon before you go" Sam said pushing the plate of bacon towards you.
"thanks" you mumbled before taking a piece but as soon as you took a bite, you frowned.
"This is fake bacon" you whined followed by Sam and Charlie's laughs.
"it's vegan bacon it's good for your health" he added as you shake your head and made your way out of the kitchen.
Humming to yourself, you were preparing yourself to take a long nice bath. You headed inside the bathroom and put your stuff down the sink but as you were half way through unbuttoning your shirt, the shower curtains opened to reveal a very naked Dean, fresh out of the showers.
For a second your eyes were naturally drawn to his pentagram tattoo at his chest but your eyes can't help but trail downward causing you to let out a surprise squeal, catching Dean's attention who slightly flinch and scrambled around to find a towel, while you turn around only to face a mirror giving you a full view of his naked butt, when he failed to find a towel he just went back and close the shower curtains.
"I-I-I'm sorry! I thought it was empty" you said your voice unnaturally high pitched.
"uh..yeah, should have lock the door or something" he mumbled behind the shower curtains, still naked.
An awkward silence passed by before you realize that you have been frozen on the same spot.
"I-I'll go! I'm sorry! " you screamed before hurriedly gathering your stuff on your arms and practically tearing off the bathroom’s door as you raced out.
As the bathroom door closes you rest your head on the door, trying to calm your racing heart and your burning face, trying to take the image on your head, his very naked image.
You were brought back to reality as you heard giggles coming from the other end of the hallway.
"how was it?" Charlie snickered, but judging from your reaction she already knew how it went.
"Charlie" you called, catching her attention before putting both of your hands on a thumbs up, a wide and satisfied grin on your face.
"it was awesome"
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hells-angel · 4 years
The Princess of Hell - Part 1
This is my first time writing so I hope you guys like it. This will be a Supernatural x archangel reader. It will be a series that will start in season 10. So basically its about the reader being an archangel joining the supernatural. I’m still thinking if I should include romantic interest.
 " I still think this is an absurd idea!" Crowley argued, his frown and voice deeper than usual. As their footsteps echoed throughout the empty hallway in hell.
 "This is our only choice, if what Metatron said is true about it being God level magic, this is the only way"
 "I admit it's a risky plan but if it's the only thing that will help Dean..." Castiel said as they glance at the said man. Dean was remaining quiet throughout the whole ordeal, despite it concerning him.
"Do you know why no demons nor prince of hell dare wake her up? Because she's the damn princess of hell, hell’s angel, the next bad thing to Lucifer himself!" Crowley nearly shouted just to get his opinion drilled into the three idiots who might plan to release another evil in the world. Unfortunately those idiots are stubborn as hell.
"Is that the only reason Crowley? Or is it because she will threaten your position as the king of hell?" Sam suspiciously asked. All eyes then land on Crowley, who were walking in front of the group.
"...well, that’s another reason .....but that's not the point!" Crowley subtly explained before he realize what he was about to say to the younger Winchester.
 "as soon as we get what we want from her, we can just reverse the spell and let her fall asleep again” Sam said, letting Crowley’s remark slide as Crowley come into a complete stop in front of them.
"Here we are lads, it’s not too late to change your minds and run back” Crowley said as they all admire the double door, decorated in black gems and such in front of them.
"What are you waiting for? Open it" Dean impatiently said, his first words ever since they come into hell. Crowley just rolled his eyes and nonchalantly took out a key out of his pocket.
The moment Crowley twist open the key, the door made rumbling sounds as it creaks open revealing a hallway as torches light up one by one, leading to another door, but this time the door looks old and broken.
The group walk through the hallway in silence, all of them preparing for whatever that might greet them. Dean look back behind his shoulder, waiting Sam and Castiel’s nod of approval before he twists the doorknob open.
The door opened up to reveal a very large room contrary to the small door outside. And despite it being hell, the room was all white, with one bed in the middle. the only source of light in the room was the moon that can only be seen through the large window behind the bed.
But despite all this, the group's eyes only focus on the person or rather archangel sleeping on the bed. It was almost like the fairy tale, sleeping beauty. Her hair laid on the pillow carefully like a water flowing through. Her face held nothing but peacefulness and nothing more. The white sheets of the bed compliment her pale skin and red lips.
The group just stare at her for a half a second before they all snapped out of it.
"Well I'll be damned, Didn't expect the princess to be such a beauty" Crowley remark, his voice heavy with accent. He continued to stare at her, she was clearly different than what the rumors say about her. While the king of hell is busy admiring the archangel, the boys and the angel worked for the spell and trap.
"Are we ready?"
Sam asked as he look around the room. Checking one last time for everything. The handcuffs were secured on her hands, and a ring of burning holy fire surrounding the bed just in case and of course the ingredients and spell needed to wake her up.
Without further ado. Sam started the spell. Carefully and precisely saying each word, everyone held their breath as Sam spoke the last of word of the spell, they wait for something or anything to happen.
"Did you say the spell right?" Castiel asked when nothing un-ordinary seems to be happening.
"Yes! I don't know what went wrong" Sam said panicking as he read the spell one more time.
"I guess we're back to zero" Dean dejectedly said, disappointed. After all, she was their last chance on removing the mark. But when all hopes seems lost,a groan come from her, all eyes immediately shift towards her form on the bed.
You flutter your eyes open as a familiar ceiling greeted you and an unfamiliar burning sensation surrounding your body. With a groan you sat up on the bed only to find your hands bind together and the bed surround in what you assumed as a burning holy oil. Four unfamiliar beings surround you.
Two were humans, an angel and a demon.
"Who the hell dares to wake me up?!" You threaten as a yawn escape your mouth, then you glare at them causing them to stand stiff. All of them were on guard, but the heavy atmosphere disappeared as soon as you said your next words.
 "…is that what I'm supposed to say?" You playfully asked as you rub away your eyes of sleep. The Four men confuse or too stunned to even do anything. You certainly were not what they were expecting.
"What the hell’s going on? No pun intended. What year is it? Castiel? What are you doing in hell? What are you guys doing in here? Did you wake me up? Where's Azazel anyway? His supposed to keep anyone out of here"
 You fired questions one after another, as you look around the room. It looks exactly as the last time you remember it, except for the fire and the strangers.
 "We...ah....needed your help" Sam was the first to speak as he cleared his throat and asked you as he was the first one to recover from your bombardment of questions.
“You needed my help so you woke me up but here you were cuffing me with this and trapping me in fire?" You mumbled as you put up your hands and examined the handcuffs decorated with different runes, preventing you from using your grace. despite not speaking for a long time, your voice was not hoarse at all.
 "We can explain for that" Sam awkwardly mumbled and look at Castiel for help,
Castiel called you gaining your attention immediately. last time you met him his vessel was a woman.
"Castiel, it's been such a long time, I guess. As much as I want to catch up with you, may I asked first where’s Azazel?"
 "His dead...for a very long time" Castiel replied as they all watch your face turn from confusion into a cold one.
 "Hmm I see, that explain why you...ah ..things get in here, then whose in charge now?"
 "That would be me, darling. My names Crowley, the King of hell" Crowley proudly introduced himself as he step forward and smiled at you, all fear seems to have been lost with your carefree vibe.
 "I dont care either way who’s in charge in hell, my condition was simple. no one, and I mean no one bothers me, I made sure to tell every creature there is what would happen if they so much breath an air in this room, so why the actual hell are these puny things doing in here?”
 Your words suddenly turn cold and sends shivers down theirs spines, your eyes turn into red but soon fade due to the handcuffs, all the while you continue to glare at him, Crowley gulp and seems taken aback, he then look at the others with the ‘ I told you its a bad idea’ look.
 “Y/N, we didn’t mean to disturb you. We just need to asked you a question and after that we can put you back to sleep again”
 Castiel calmly explain as the flame start to died down. You stare at the angel for a long time, debating inside your head on what to do, Castiel was a soldier you can trust, that much you can assure. But not knowing what had been happening for so long and what the hell is happening, you can’t help but be suspicious.
 In the end you decided to trust your instinct, You took a deep sigh and close your eyes to calm down.
 “Alright, but first tell me whats have been happening while I was asleep?”
 “where do you want to start?”
 “did the apocalypse already happened? Or if not forget what I said”
 With the word apocalypse everyone exchange looks before they start explaining what happened for the last few years. Sam and Dean stopping the apocalypse, Castiel opening the purgatory,  the leviathans, the almost opening of gates of hell, the fall of the angels and of course the Mark of Cain, the very reason they woke you up in the first place.
 “..and Metatron said removing the mark is God level magic or Lucifer level, but we can’t exactly asked Lucifer for help, you’re the only archangel available”
 Sam finished, while he sat in front of you, Dean beside him taking a sip of a bottled beer and Catiel beside you listening the whole time. In the middle of Sam’s story of them saving the world countless times, Crowley got bored and decided to snap the four of you back to what they call bunker. And of course you’re still in handcuffs, the boys have too much trust issues to let you free.
 While everyone awaits for your reaction or any kind of response, you just blankly stared at the air, processing everything that had happened. They were expecting a response such as about your brothers death or a snarky remark but what come out of your mouth definitely was not what they expected.
 “What does demon blood taste like?”  You asked Sam, the seriousness and curiosity in your eyes catching them of guard.
 “he just told you everything and that’s what your gonna asked?” Castiel glance at you while you just shrug your shoulders and grinned at them.
 “what? I’m curious”
 “Told you shes another odd ball” Dean mumbled to Sam as he took another sip of his beer.
 “anyway, can you remove the mark?” Sam asked after giving his brother a bitch face.
 “are you crazy, Metatron just said its Lucifer level magic, do I look like Lucifer?”
 You wittingly remark as you took the bottle of beer and sniff it only to frown from the strong scent, while they exchange look, you were definitely different than your brothers.
 “but you know how? Right?” Sam carefully asked, his hope in saving his brother getting dimmer and dimmer every second.
 “hmm maybe? What in it for me?”  You tease as you grinned at them.
 “you tell us or we’ll send your dead body back to hell” Dean snapped as he slammed his hands into the table. Startling you a little, seeing the seriousness in everybody, you decided to help them out, besides you got a feeling that you shouldn’t get on Dean’s bad side.
 “That's not possible, If you even manage to kill me I’ll definitely go to the empty and what you’ll toss in hell is my vessel” You wittingly replied but one look from everybody, you immediately cleared your throat.
“ it’s actually fairly easy...” you started as everyone attentively listen. “...you just have to kill Sam”
 Everyone have been too stunned to say anything, the atmosphere had become heavy as Dean glance at Sam who also glace at him, as if their asking each other. But the tense atmosphere broke as your giggles filled the library.
 “I’m just joking”
 Dean was about to jump over the table and probably punch you, Luckily Sam and Cass stop him. Now Dean takes back what he though about you being different from your douche bags brothers, you’re just as annoying as your them.
 “Stop joking around!”
 “you can’t take a joke can you? I don’t really know about the mark in case you don’t know when I was created Lucifer already have that mark, can you believe that my first memory was my four brothers damn faces looking at me like I’m some kind of a dog and I was –“
“you’re getting side track, so you can’t remove the mark?” Castiel asked as he cut you off.
“let me finish, I can’t remove the mark but theirs this spell that specifically removes damnation, someone mentioned about it to me a very long time ago about a nun who went crazy and wrote spells with her own skin and blood”
“who told you about that?” Castiel asked his curiosity getting the best of him.
“My vessel was a nun, you know gossips between nuns"
You playfully grinned as Castiel nod in understanding while Dean watch in disgust with the exchange between you two.
 “you mean the book of the damned” Sam excitedly asked, seems like hope was definitely not loss.
 “bingo!” you cheerfully sang, reminding them of a certain archangel.
 “Charlie is on her way to check that out, I’ll give her a call” Sam excitedly asked as he stood up and went out of the library, leaving you with an angry Dean and a socially awkward angel.
“and your willing to tell us this because?” Dean asked suspiciously, narrowing his eyes on you.
“hmm I wonder”  You childishly answered back as you attempt to took a piece of a pie but Dean slap your hand away causing you to pout.
“give me one! I told you that valuable information you know!” you angrily snapped at him as you attempt to take another pie but Dean took the entire plate of pie away from you.
“nothing in this world is free, there must be some catch why you’re telling us this” he demanded, glaring back at you.
“you ungrateful brat, why can’t you just be thankful that I even told you that, drop dead!”
“that’s it! Cass take the spell, were gonna force her to sleep again” Dean said as he put the pie away from you and started to make his way towards you.
“what! No! I don’t want to!” your eyes widen as you heard his plan to bring you back to hell, so with all your strength you ran away from the opposite direction.
“calm down both of you!” Castiel intervene as Sam entered the the library to see you running away, hands bind in cuffs as Dean chase you away followed by Castiel.
“what the hells going on” Sam said asked in disbelief as you ran towards him and hide behind him, his towering height completely blocking you from Dean. Dean immediately getting his brother away from you.
“get away Sam, were gonna send that bitch back to sleep!” Dean angrily said while glaring daggers at you.
“I don’t want to!” you shouted back as you peak behind Sam. 
“wait Dean” Sam asked as he turn around to face you while Dean calm down, for now. 
“why don’t you want to go back to sleep? You got pretty angry when we woke you up” Sam softly asked. you don’t have any obligation to answer him but Sam’s puppy eyes and soft voice somehow convinces you that it’s okay. 
“I don’t have any reason to sleep anymore” You barely whispered but everyone still manage to hear. 
“why did you even sleep in the first place?” Cass asked
“...at that time, it was the most favorable option” you answered back while you took your original seat again.  
“what do you mean?” 
“you wouldn't understand”
“try us”
Sam urge you and somehow deep inside you, someone was telling you that’s it’s okay to tell them, that’s there is nothing to worry about. 
“I was scared, or more like traumatized. Seeing my brothers fight each other to death was too much” you started as you look down at your lap, remembering memories you thought you would never again have to remember. 
“If you’ve only seen how much hate they have with each other how much destruction they've cause. The apocalypse had been set for a very long time, it was inevitable...” you continued not noticing Sam glancing at Dean in understanding. 
“...and I didn’t think I can bear to watch them kill each other again, so I look for a spell to allow me to sleep for a very long time, with that I won’t have to watch them kill each other or watch the end of the world” you finish as you await everyone’s comment on how cowardly it was or whatever, but instead Sam’s comforting hands was place on your head, ruffling your hair.  
“you’re just like Gabriel”
you don’t know what or how,  but somehow your heart feels warm. The Winchesters think it was a good idea to keep you in the bunker rather than letting you free out there, after all, you’re still a fallen archangel, plus they’re not sure whether to trust you or not, especially Dean. 
“Sammy?!” Dean called, his voice echoing throughout the bunker. 
“In here!” Sam answered back, Dean followed his voice in the kitchen. 
“we have a cas-wait! Is that my shirt?! And my pie?!” he start but as soon as his eyes landed on you, his anger definitely skyrocketed. 
“ah yeah, I don’t have any clothes I don’t think you’ll appreciate me walking around naked” you calmly replied while being sarcastic. 
“Sam! She’s wearing my Clothes!” Dean complained to Sam, like a kid complaining to his mother. 
“Dean, it’s just a shirt, you have plenty of those” Sam explained, as he take his eyes away from his laptop for a second to look at the older Winchester. 
“why not your shirt?!” Dean depended, definitely not please of you wearing his clothes.
“my clothes are too big for her” 
“shes eating my pie, Sammy! Nobody eats my pie! Why are you even eating, you’re an angel, angels don’t eat!” Dean angrily said pointing at you. 
“correction, I’m an Archangel, we don’t eat but we can, this doesn’t taste like anything but I like the way it feels in my mouth, it’s soft” 
“Dean, it’s okay”
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