kicktwine · 2 years
Hi yes hello I’m gonna ask before I chicken out: how do you get. Faster. At drawing? I draw and I’m always frustrated by how long it takes….I love seeing your style and how loose and lively it is! I imagine it just takes practice, I’m sure, but are there any particular exercises you would recommend or do?
Yes and no!!! I have a real answer to this! here is, legitimately, how I got faster at drawing without hating the drawings that came out that fast.
i had a class in high school I had to take at 6 in the morning that lasted 45 minutes. I got up at 5:30, flopped downstairs like a wet paper towel, and drove to school (WHICH WAS IN HINDSIGHT NOT A GOOD IDEA?). I didn’t have to pay… that much attention in that class, and they gave us a ton of handouts and a pen every morning, so to keep myself awake, I covered. Every single handout. in pen drawings. I have folders upon folders of papers and half sheets FILLED with doodles. They were lazy and so imperfect and just happened as I thought of ideas, squashed into 45 minutes, which was great in the long run because I straight up was only thinking half the time. And I did this for fooouurrr yeeears!!! Of JUST pages and pages of mistake-riddled, janky (but fun because I had funny ideas at 6 am) doodles.
half of the reason people draw slowly is because they don’t like making mistakes, or they don’t want to have a drawing they worked hard on that looks bad. But if you don’t spend time on it….. it’s fine that it looks bad! And it’s cool if it looks good. Try taking a small lined notebook and a pen (NO PENCILS. NO ERASING.) and just filling it. this is the garbage notebook, and you don’t have to show it to anyone. It’s already full of lines, it’ll make everything look weird, your job is NOT to make good drawings your job is to fill the notebook. With time, as you just draw and make stupid things and become more comfortable with the things you like to draw often, you’ll naturally get a little faster at drawing things that you think are kinda good! You can draw slow and thoughtfully when you’re doing studies, or illustrating. and if you draw something in the garbage notebook that you like, you can always redraw it better.
the other half is rly varied. It can come from not knowing the subject, not having drawn as much, the aforementioned don’t wanna make bad art, carefully plotting where your image is going to be, orrr like maybe not knowing where your line is going to go before you put it down! You kind of have to pin what that comes from yourself. When I got into college they really stressed gesture drawing — of course the 5 minute and 8 minute ones, but we always warmed up with like twenty 15- and 30-second ones. You GOTTA draw fast, so you kinda learn to prioritize longer, confident lines and which parts of the figure you really need to focus on instead of getting super caught up in One Fold. Gestures will also help with getting looser in that way ^
(when you gesture draw, try not to outline the figure or over-construct. what I mean by this is there’sa couple ways to go about understanding form and shape and such, when you practice, liiike drawing the general supersimplified shape before filling in where the head and torso and limbs are, drawing a flour sack as a torso and sticking arms and legs on it, drawing the line of action first, or drawing the torso/head, hands, feet, and then connecting them with arms and such. They will look kind of wonky, the legs will sometimes be uneven, but that’s supposed to happen)
so basically what it comes down to is practice, but the right kind of practice. Buy a garbage notebook, do gesture drawing in public so your subject moves before you’re ready, and make one billion bad art. And lastly this is all stuff that I learned that helped me, but you might find something else works for you better!
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poetryriot · 7 years
i am too much embroiled in the anxious individualism of confirmation bias loops & the inexorable logic of supersimplified narratives to have thoughts i think i think therefore i am feeding the system : selfie selfie in my hand who’s the likest in the land ? when i think what i like is thinking i like what i like when i see only what i like & now when i want what i like like like we do not have time for this i do like complexity that is the truth & the truth is irrelevant & in this room right here right now the truth is an elephant & the truth has no precedent & the truth has no president not my truth not my president literally tho literally ( when did literally come to mean figuratively ? ) we do not have time for this & it’s so important so impotent // so unimportant pivot upsidedown tumbleturn rabbithole ad absurdum we do not have time we use the same tools & supersimplify what do we do with this information ? & what do we do with this information ? & what do we do with misinformation ? _ _ _
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gormandgasp · 7 years
i am too much embroiled in the anxious individualism of confirmation bias loops & the inexorable logic of supersimplified narratives to have thoughts i think i think therefore i am feeding the system : selfie selfie in my hand who’s the likest in the land ? when i think what i like is thinking i like what i like when i see only what i like & now when i want what i like like like we do not have time for this i do like complexity that is the truth & the truth is irrelevant & in this room right here right now the truth is an elephant & the truth has no precedent & the truth has no president not my truth not my president literally tho literally  ( when did literally come to mean figuratively ? ) we do not have time for this & it’s so important so impotent // so unimportant pivot upsidedown tumbleturn rabbithole ad absurdum we do not have time we use the same tools & supersimplify what do we do with this information ? & what do we do with this information ? & what do we do with misinformation ? _ _ _
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