#supplements for men
supplementsvillaworld · 10 months
Supplement Safety: Making Informed Choices for Your Health
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In a world brimming with dietary supplements, it's crucial to navigate with caution and knowledge. Our comprehensive guide, "Supplement Safety: Making Informed Choices for Your Health," is your trusted companion on the journey to optimizing your well-being through supplementation.
This enlightening resource equips you with the tools you need to make educated decisions about incorporating supplements into your daily routine. We delve into the intricacies of supplement safety, shedding light on how to identify high-quality products, understand proper dosages, and recognize potential interactions.
Explore the science behind supplement formulations and learn about the rigorous testing procedures that reputable manufacturers adhere to. Gain insights into the importance of transparency in labeling and the significance of third-party certifications that validate a supplement's quality and potency.
With a focus on evidence-based information, "Supplement Safety" arms you with the knowledge to discern between fact and fiction in the supplement realm. We address common misconceptions and provide practical tips for consulting with healthcare professionals to create a personalized and safe supplement plan tailored to your unique needs.
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gym-supplements23 · 5 days
Aimcise Review: Enhancing Performance and Focus for the Avid Shooter
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In the world of competitive shooting and high-intensity activities, maintaining peak performance is crucial. Aimcise, a line of supplements specifically designed for shooters and athletes, has gained recognition for its potential to enhance focus, energy, and overall well-being. Having personally experienced the benefits of Aimcise, I am eager to share my comprehensive review, delving into its unique formulation, scientific backing, and my own transformative experience.
Understanding Aimcise's Targeted Formulation
Aimcise offers a range of supplements tailored to the specific needs of shooters and athletes. Their flagship product, Aimcise Ready, boasts a blend of natural ingredients designed to promote focus, mental clarity, and sustained energy without the jitters or crashes associated with traditional stimulants. Key ingredients include:
Dynamine™: A methylliberine compound known for its smooth and sustained energy release, enhancing alertness and focus without causing anxiety or jitters.
TeaCrine®: A theacrine compound that works synergistically with caffeine to provide a longer-lasting energy boost and improve mood.
L-Theanine: An amino acid found in tea leaves, renowned for its ability to promote relaxation and reduce stress without causing drowsiness.
Huperzine A: A natural nootropic that supports cognitive function, memory, and learning.
Alpha-GPC: A choline compound that enhances mental focus, reaction time, and power output.
The Science Behind Aimcise's Effectiveness
Aimcise's effectiveness is not merely anecdotal; it is backed by scientific research. Studies have shown that the combination of Dynamine™, TeaCrine®, and L-Theanine can provide a sustained energy boost, improve mental clarity, and reduce stress without the negative side effects associated with other stimulants. Huperzine A has been shown to enhance cognitive function and memory, while Alpha-GPC has been linked to improved mental focus and physical performance. Aimcise's formulation is designed to optimize these benefits, providing a comprehensive solution for enhancing performance and well-being.
My Transformational Journey with Aimcise
Before incorporating Aimcise into my routine, I often struggled with maintaining focus and energy during long shooting sessions or intense workouts. I would experience mental fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and a decline in performance. However, after consistently using Aimcise Ready, I noticed a remarkable difference. My focus sharpened, my energy levels remained stable throughout the day, and my overall performance improved significantly. I felt more alert, motivated, and able to push myself further. This product became an integral part of my training regimen, helping me achieve my goals and reach new levels of performance.
Beyond Shooting: A Versatile Supplement
While Aimcise is primarily marketed towards shooters and athletes, its benefits extend to anyone seeking to enhance their focus, energy, and overall well-being. Students, professionals, and individuals with demanding lifestyles can all benefit from this product's unique formulation. It can help improve productivity, reduce stress, and promote mental clarity, making it a valuable tool for anyone looking to optimize their performance in any area of life.
In conclusion, Aimcise has proven to be a game-changer for me, providing a safe and effective way to enhance my focus, energy, and overall performance. Its targeted formulation, scientific backing, and transformative results make it a standout product in the market. Whether you're a competitive shooter, athlete, or simply someone looking to optimize your well-being, I wholeheartedly recommend giving this product a try. It could be the missing piece in your journey towards peak performance and enhanced focus.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article! I hope you found the information insightful and helpful. If you enjoyed this type of content, please consider subscribing to our newsletter or joining our community. We’d love to have you! Feel free to share this article with your friends and family, who might also find it interesting.
Read This Also: LipoSlend Review: My Slim-Line To Confidence And Energy
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Lean Bliss Supplements - Health
Leaning into Success: My Review of Lean Bliss Supplements
I've always struggled with maintaining a healthy weight. Tried every fad diet under the sun, from cabbage soup concoctions to grapefruit marathons, but nothing seemed to stick. Feeling disheartened and sluggish, I decided to explore a more natural approach. That's when I stumbled upon Lean Bliss Supplements, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer!
Natural Ingredients for Natural Results
Lean Bliss boasts a formula packed with natural goodness. We're talking ingredients like Berberine, a plant extract known for regulating blood sugar, and Chromium, a mineral that aids insulin sensitivity. There's also a sprinkle of Cinnamon, which not only adds a delightful touch but also helps manage blood sugar levels. These are just a few of the goodies Lean Bliss brings to the table, all free from GMOs and nasties.
Now, I'm a bit of a cynic when it comes to "natural" supplements, but I have to say, I felt a noticeable difference after a few weeks. My energy levels soared, those afternoon slumps became a distant memory. Plus, I found myself reaching for sugary snacks far less often.
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Curbing Cravings and Boosting Metabolism
Lean Bliss claims to curb cravings and boost metabolism, and I can definitely vouch for that. Gone are the days of battling biscuit cravings – I simply don't feel the same urge to indulge. I believe this is due to the blood sugar regulation aspect. When my blood sugar's stable, I don't experience those dramatic dips that send me scrambling for a sugary pick-me-up.
As for the metabolism boost, well, that translates to more whooshes in the gym! I noticed I could push myself further during workouts, burning more calories in the process. It's a fantastic feeling to see your hard work pay off, and Lean Bliss definitely contributes to that.
A Gentle Nudge in the Right Direction
It's important to remember that Lean Bliss isn't a magic bullet. It works best alongside a healthy diet and regular exercise. Think of it as a gentle nudge in the right direction. It provides that extra support you need to manage cravings, maintain healthy blood sugar levels, and potentially experience an energy boost.
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In my experience, Lean Bliss has been a fantastic addition to my health and wellness routine. It's helped me feel more energised, manage my weight more effectively, and on top of that, it even tastes pleasant – a bonus for someone who struggles to swallow pills! If you're looking for a natural way to support your weight management journey, I highly recommend giving Lean Bliss a try. Remember, consult your doctor before starting any new supplement, but for me, Lean Bliss has been a delightful discovery.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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The Role of Superfoods in Hormonal Balance and Weight Management
Hormones act as messengers in the body, regulating various physiological processes, including metabolism and appetite. When hormones are in balance, the body functions optimally, making it easier to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Imbalances, however, can disrupt normal body processes, leading to weight gain and difficulty shedding excess pounds. In this blog, we will help you understand the role of food supplements or superfoods in balancing hormones, which in turn helps with weight management.
What are superfoods?
Superfoods are nutrient-dense foods packed with an optimum quantity of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to offer exceptional health benefits. Their rich nutritional profile and accurate amount of ingredients make them a valuable product for hormonal balance, resulting in weight management. They promote satiety, help control appetite, and reduce overall caloric intake. They often contain high fibre, aiding digestion and supporting a feeling of fullness. Incorporating nutrient supplements for men, women, and kids into their diet can enhance metabolism, provide essential nutrients, and contribute to a sustainable, healthy weight management strategy.
Hero Ingredients in Superfoods
Chia Seeds: Fibre and Hormonal Satiety
Chia seeds are a nutritional powerhouse, packed with fibre, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids. The high fibre content aids in balancing blood sugar levels and promoting a feeling of fullness, which can be instrumental in preventing overeating. Its presence in superfoods stabilises blood sugar levels, contributing to hormonal equilibrium and supporting weight management efforts.
Khajoor: For Hormonal Regulation
Packed with fibre, khajoor or dates contribute to a prolonged feeling of fullness, preventing overeating. Their natural sugars provide a quick energy boost, ideal for pre- or post-workout snacks. Additionally, dates contain essential minerals, including potassium and magnesium, promoting electrolyte balance. These minerals, in turn, support hormonal function and contribute to overall metabolic health. Khajoor in Patanjali Nutrela Men's Superfood harnesses its nutritional benefits, fostering hormonal equilibrium and aiding in effective weight management in men.
Brahmi Extract: Against Hormonal Imbalance
Brahmi extract, known for its adaptogenic properties, helps mitigate stress, a key factor in hormonal imbalance and weight gain. It supports the endocrine system, fostering hormonal harmony. Additionally, Brahmi may enhance cognitive function, aiding in mindful eating habits. By incorporating Brahmi extract into the Kids' regimen via Patanjali Nutrela Kids Superfood, mood swings and stress-related hormonal fluctuations in their growing age can be well managed. It promotes a more balanced internal environment conducive to weight maintenance.
Shankh Pushpi: Stress Management
Shankh Pushpi is also an herb that is widely known for its medicinal properties. It is believed to have a calming effect on the nervous system, reducing stress-related hormonal fluctuations that can contribute to weight gain. Shankh Pushpi supports thyroid function, which aids in the regulation of metabolism and hormones, a type of imbalance frequently found in women. Thus, it has emerged as a valuable ingredient in Patanjali Nutrela Superfood Supplements for Women for hormonal balance and weight management.
Almonds: Regulates Craving
Along with fiber, and protein, almonds are also rich in monounsaturated fats. They provide essential nutrients like magnesium and vitamin E that influence metabolic health and regulate hormonal flow. Almonds in superfoods provide a well-rounded diet to individuals that harness benefits such as fostering hormonal equilibrium and aiding in weight control.
By understanding the role of ingredients, you can very well realise the importance of superfoods in our diet. You can instantly make informed dietary choices with Patanjali Nutrela Superfoods, which are made to help you attain a happy life with good health. 
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 29
“Neil, why do you have Smith’s phone?” Andrew asks as the two of them are setting out plates for lunch. Neil startled and looked down at the phone that he had just sat at the table and furrowed his brow.
“What do you mean? This is mine?” Neil asks. He knows his phone even if he’s not really the best with them.
The one that Andrew had given him his Freshman year had died after it got run over by the Maserati when Neil left it on the roof of the car by accident. The second one Andrew had gotten him had been destroyed in rather spectacular fashion earlier in the year when he’d had a bit of a freak out on January 19th. The team knew better than to text him on that particular day now but Andrew had said that he’d take custody of his phone this year. Wymack had stepped in with a phone that same day before Andrew could buy him a new one and that phone had been launched at the Baseball captain that summer.
All this to say, Neil is now looking at the phone in concern because it is highly likely he swapped his with FF’s.
“No it’s not.” Andrew sighs and points to a corner, “You cracked yours up here.” He opens the phone and then the contacts and sure enough Neil doesn’t see his own contacts but the ones that Nicky had programmed into FF’s the day before.
“Oh, I guess I switched them at the hospital.” He says with an embarrassed blush. Maybe he should get a little accessory to differentiate his phone from the other ones that Wymack has gotten.
There’s a slight commotion in the kitchen, “Kevin, stop trying to add vanilla protein powder to Smithy’s soup!” Nicky shouts.
“He needs protein to heal properly! That nutritionist might just feed him a loaf of bread since he is using an outdated model!” Kevin argues back.
“Kevin the doctor said clear soup also do you want to make Smiths sick? Vanilla protein powder and chicken broth?” Aaron asks disgust evident.
“I’d use unflavored but this is all that’s in the house and I am not going shopping until this weekend is over.” Kevin argues back.
“Smiths went out shopping on Black Friday and came back unscathed. He even went out into the worst of it just to get some groceries for baking and breakfast.” Aaron says with a huff.
“He still got stabbed!” Kevin returns.
“Kevin, he was definitely not grocery shopping when he got stabbed.” Nicky shoots back.
“He needs-“
“Przywiążę cię do krzesła.” Neil hears Smith’s Grandma cut Kevin off. Her tone is so sweet just like it has been the last couple times she has interrupted an argument between them all. She really has warmed up to them since Andrew confessed.
Nicky lets out a loud bark of laughter.
“Are you okay?” Aaron asks.
“Yeah, cutting onions make me laugh.” Nicky returns quickly.
Kevin walks out of the Kitchen with the same gooey expression he’s gotten every time Smith’s Grandma has said something sweet to him but considering how often and how hard Nicky laughs at what she says he wonders if she’s just sassing him in a sweet tone.
He really needs to pick up a phrase book.
He might like her even more if his theory is correct.
“It shouldn’t be a big problem.” Neil says but he is a bit more careful as he moves FF’s phone away from where it could get damaged. “Smith is definitely asleep. He looked really tired.” Neil says and it twists his own stomach to think about how FF looked in his hospital bed. FF wouldn’t take anything more than the bare minimum when it came to pain medication.
Each “I’m fine.” He gave had him coming to a deeper and deeper understanding of how frustrating it is to have someone who is CLEARLY not fine say they are.
“I’m more concerned about who might text you.” Andrew says.
Neil shrugs, “Ichirou is more the type to just show up.” Because it’s true. Every time he’s met Ichirou there had been very little warning.
Andrew frowns but then Nicky is coming out with lunch. It was nothing fancy but a home cooked meal always made Neil feel warm. Smith’s grandma had just been using what was in their pantry so far but the two other meals (and her pie) had been amazing.
“Lunch is ready. We’ll head back to the hospital afterwards to see when Smithy can get discharged.” Nicky says putting a large bowl of pasta in the center of the table. Aaron came out a moment later with the Parmesan shaker and the protein powder bottle.
“Here you go Kevin, add as much as you want to your own meal.” Aaron says in a sweet tone just like Smith’s Grandma.
“Eat shit Aaron.” Kevin scowls now knocked out of his gooey expression as fills his plate with pasta and reaches for the Parmesan.
Neil can’t help but let out a puff of laughter at the interaction and lets the worry of being away from his phone slide away. FF was sleeping, he was safe, and Ichirou had not expressed any interest in talking to him.
“Pass that to me when you’re done.” Neil asks pointing at the Parmesan as he fills his and Andrew’s plates.
There had been a plan.
Nathaniel Wesninski was supposed to be at this hospital at least according to his cell phone location. His future investment was not the best at keeping that device on him though so he was willing to wait when there were no signs of the Wesninski. There would, of course, be a cost for his patience. He had his men go seek out the uninvolved civilian. If Wesninski came back and found his friend threatened due to his lackadaisical nature with his phone perhaps he’d remember to keep it on him.
Except now that very uninvolved civilian is sitting in front of him. The ’Smith’ that Wesninski had spoken of.
He sees Wesninski’s phone sat on the table and his eyes go back to the young man in front of him. He wonders if this was some ploy by Wesninski, some statement. This young man in front of him took out one of the Butcher’s top men on his own.
He’d confirmed it when he’d gone to see Jackson earlier that day. He went to remind them what would happen if they tried to turn over anything to the Federal agents and to see how two of his biggest headaches had been taken out so suddenly.
Jackson talked about how Wesninski’s friend hadn’t seemed surprised to find him in the alley, had seemed like he had been expecting it and how swiftly he had been taken out. Wesninski’s guard dog had gone out afterwards and they’d lead Romero into a trap that resulted in his arrest and this civilian swearing up and down that Romero was the one that stabbed him even though Romero asserts that he never had a firm grip on the knife.
A great way to ensure he was held by the police while they were fully investigated. They wouldn’t have much time to investigate either of the Butcher’s remnants. Ichirou was only offering the choice between something painful or something easy.
The young man in front of him offered nothing, waiting for Ichirou to begin the talks. His expression clearly showing that he’d happily wait Ichirou out as if he was long used to tense silences. There is no doubt that this man in front of him knows exactly who he is but he still has the audacity to wait him out.
“Where is Wesninski?” He tightens his fist at having to ask first.
“That’s not Captain Neil’s last name anymore.” FF returns with the first hint of expression on his face being a frown.
The first piece of information given. So, loyal to Nathaniel and not to the Wesninski line. Loyal to Captain Neil.
“Captain Neil is getting lunch.” He answers, “I’m the only one here for you to talk to right now.” He adds after a moment putting his hands on the table.
Ichirou can understand what isn’t being said.
“Does, Josten, realize you’re here?” He asks taking care to use Wesninski’s new last name knowing he wouldn’t get his answers otherwise. He has a hard time imagining the man who was so loyal to his friends purposefully leaving this one to act as defense for him.
Wesninski had been very clear during his brief phone conversation with him, “Smith was just caught up in all of this. He’s not a threat to you Lord Moriyama.” He had said voice steady and without a hint of a lie.
“In the hospital? Of course.” He returns, “Down here talking to you? He’ll probably be upset.” he says after a moment.
“And yet, you’re here.” He says mirroring the man’s own relaxed posture.
Loyal but willing to do something that might displease the one he is loyal to if it would keep them safe. Ichirou stops himself from looking to his left where his most loyal man stood. Connor had stepped in front of threats he hadn’t seen coming plenty of times, had questioned him even when Ichirou had threatened to cut out his tongue for it, and had always had the courage to look Ichirou in the eye when he explained himself no matter how injured he was or how irate Ichirou was.
It’s something rare and it seems like it is something Wesninski has found unknowingly.
“Yes, I’m here to talk about Friday night.” He says, “I assume you’ve already spoken with Romero and Jackson.” He says moving the conversation away from Wesninski. Bringing Ichirou’s attention and possible ire to himself.
A truly rare find in his world.
“Yes, let’s talk about Friday night.” He agrees.
What was it about the Smith family and making great food?
It was just a simple combination of canned tomatoes, butter, pasta, onions, cheese, spices and garlic but it had Neil going for a third serving. Smith’s Grandma had really made enough to feed an army and when he’d commented Nicky had just reached over and tried to pinch his cheek fat only for his fingers to find little to grab onto, “You’re too thin! Eat more!” He exclaimed before repeating it to Smith’s Grandma in Polish who nodded earnestly.
Wymack was at the table after he took a shower. Kevin was still trying to convince Aaron of all people that he should be allowed to put protein powder into the clear soup that was simmering on the stove top for FF. The dietary restrictions someone faced while they were healing from stomach surgery was no joke.
The other Dealer had dropped despite Wymack and Neil’s best attempts to get Lisa to stay. Seemed determined to head back to her small town and rejoin the family cult she had escaped from. He’d been worried about her going home but she had insisted she’d be back.
It was unfortunate but it was also Lisa’s choice.
His stomach twists wondering if FF is going to go back to Washington with his Grandma when he gets released. There had barely been a whisper of danger from Neil’s past since Ichirou had put that bullet in Riko’s head and now one of his few friends that had been entirely uninvolved in that nightmare was in the hospital because of him.
Andrew elbows him.
Neil turns to look and Andrew is carefully putting a penne pasta on each prong of his fork, “I can hear you worrying.” He says in Russian.
“What if Smith leaves?” He responds back in the same language.
“He has the right to.” Andrew shrugs and shoves the pasta into his mouth.
“I don’t want him to.” Neil admits, FF is a friend. A good friend.
“He still can leave even if you don’t want him to.” Andrew says as he proceeds to once again put a penne pasta on each of his fork’s prongs. “I don’t think he will though.” He adds before shoving his fork into his mouth again.
Neil blinks, “Why?” He asks.
FF isn’t like how Neil was his Freshman year, he’s steady and sure but Neil wouldn’t blame the Freshman if ‘possibly being killed off by remnants of my Captain’s crime family’ is a step too far for FF. Wouldn’t blame FF if he runs.
“He still calls you Captain Neil.” He says reaching over and squeezing Neil’s knee with his hand.
Neil blinks.
He thinks.
FF laid out on the concrete as Andrew worked to stem the blood from his stab wound, “It’s a weird sex alley Captain Neil! I don’t know WHAT to tell you!” He exclaims ready to make a joke even as he’s bleeding because of a situation Neil’s existence put him in.
FF still floating from the initial large amount of pain medication he was on pulling on Neil’s sleeve, “I’m glad you’re okay Captain Neil.” Before falling back into his drugged sleep.
FF’s eyes softening as Neil offered to get a nurse to give him more pain medication, “Really Captain Neil, I’m fine.” He says.
He lays his own hand over Andrew’s.
“I guess he does.” He offers a small tentative smile.
“Eat your pasta Junkie.” Andrew says in English now.
“You’re too thin!” Nicky reminds him and Smith’s Grandma must have picked up on the terminology since she nods earnestly in agreement as the two of them were packing up leftovers and the soup Smith’s Grandma had made for him so they could head back to the hospital to keep FF company.
“Why did you go out into the alley?” Ichirou asks.
“Isn’t it better that I was in the alley?” The man across from him asks with a raised brow, as if Ichirou was asking a strange question. “If I had stayed in the club, who knows what would have happened or how many people would have been hurt.” He explains without Ichirou needing to lower himself to asking.
There’s truth to that.
It’s been on the news that the remaining Wesninski inner-circle had been captured but since there’d only been one injury it had been largely overshadowed by news regarding the mass injury incidents surrounding Black Friday. If Romero had started had gotten the general public involved this would be much harder for him to silence the ones involved.
“This has caused me quite a bit of trouble. It does not look good that I am not the one who found them.” He says because there’d been talks from some of the old men he had yet to rid himself of from his Father’s time. They had wanted the remaining Wesninski men to be brought back into the fold but there was little chance of that happening now. Ichirou planned on disposing them after showing that they were worthless and using it as an excuse to start removing some of the dead weight from his father’s time.
Ichirou was not a man who tolerated incompetence.
“Isn’t it better that they were taken into custody like this?” The man across from him asks, “They were some of the Butcher’s best from what Captain Neil has told me. The fact that it only resulted in me going to the hospital and they were taken out by Andrew and I is one of the better outcomes.” He says.
Ichirou pauses and considers it.
The two men that those relics had wanted for their ‘competence’ and ‘ability’ had been taken out in a way that showcased what Ichirou had thought of them. They were sloppy, they were over-confident, and worst of all they were incompetent.
“Before I forget.” Smith says and his hand goes to the bulge in his jacket pocket.
Ichirou can feel Conner tense behind him and he wonders where this had gone wrong or how the conversation had broken down but he doesn’t have long to wonder about it as Smith pulled something out that was unmistakable as a toy with it’s bright yellow coloring. Smith sets it on the table between them and Ichirou cannot help the confusion that must show on his face despite his many years of training to keep his face blank.
“What is that?” Conner asks sounding utterly bewildered behind him.
“I used this to temporarily blind Jackson during our fight. I figure it would be useful evidence for you.” Smith says.
He hears a bark of laughter to his right as Michael reaches for the toy.
Useful evidence indeed.
It would be easy to show this as a sign that those relics could hardly be trusted to have an opinion in how he ran his empire. Those men they so prized taken out by a children’s toy.
This has gone to his benefit.
“So it would seem.” He finally says, “I will make sure to reward your assistance.” He says wanting a stronger hold over the man in front of him, a tie of some sort to the Moriyama family.
Smith shakes his head in the negative. “I didn’t do anything noteworthy. Whatever it is should go to Captain Neil.” He argues.
Rare find indeed.
“It will be done.” He says and figures with the additional cash flow eliminating the search for the Wesninski men, the removal of his father’s hanger-ons, and the blood he can squeeze from the family Romero and Jackson had intended to go to ( a supposedly allied family) he could more than afford to drop what his three Exy investments owed him as a percent.
His eyes shift over to Smith across from him and finds that he was even more willing to lower those percentages if he could not only drop the dead weight of his father’s empire but perhaps gain someone useful. “Still, I like to reward those who have directly benefitted me. We will take care of any and all hospital fees related to this incident.” He looks to his right and Michael nods.
Smith’s face doesn’t give much away, his pokerface was quite exceptional.
“Thank you." He accepts and says nothing else so Ichirou decides to make his offer.
“I have heard that you are studying languages.” He says.
“I am.” Smith says.
“Which ones do you know?” He asks.
Smith blinks, surprised by the question, “Fluently? French, German, Spanish, Polish, Dutch, Italian, R-“ he pauses and shakes his head, “Recently, I’ve been studying Japanese, Chinese, and some Korean.” He says strangely stumbling over a word for the first time this entire conversation.
A useful skill.
“If you ever find yourself looking for work,” Ichirou snaps his fingers and Conner had a card in his hand in an instant, consider reaching out.” He says before he offers it with both hands and is pleased when Smith accepts it with a slight bow before taking it with both hands. “I see you are also studying the etiquette.” He adds.
Smith looks up from the business card and he looks paler but Ichirou chalks it up to the fact that bowing slightly with his current stomach status likely hurt far more than he had let on. “If you don’t know the etiquette you only know half of the language.” He says and Ichirou quite likes the sentiment.
“Tell Josten that I no longer need to speak with him. Our conversation was satisfactory.” Ichirou says as he rises to his feet.
“I will do that…Lord Moriyama.” Smith says bowing his head politely.
The sight of Ichirou Moriyama was always going to be one that made Neil nervous.
The only good thing about seeing him right now was that Kevin had gone with Coach and Aaron in a separate car so that the two of them could continue their argument about protein powder in FF’s soup and Andrew had snagged a spot up front while Coach would have to park farther back.
“Lord Moriyama, I did not expect to see you here.” He greets head down and he almost goes to his knees if it wouldn’t have attracted the sort of attention that Ichirou hated from the public. He just hopes that Andrew isn’t scowling and that Nicky and Smith’s Grandma can keep quiet.
“Perhaps if you kept your phone with you then my appearance would not be such a surprise.” Ichirou comments idly, “Though I suppose I did have a very beneficial conversation with Smith. Quite a bright young man you have as a friend.” He compliments and Neil’s head shoots up in surprise at it.
Ichirou had spoken with FF.
FF who was fading in and out of consciousness.
“I have faith that he will not reveal anything.” Ichirou adds and Neil clenches his fist and wants desperately to ask what happened. Wants to know what state he’s going to find his friend in. “I have not done anything to harm him, you are lucky to have a…friend like that.” Ichirou says as if physical damage was the only thing that Ichirou Moriyama was capable of.
“Yes Lord Moriyama, he is a very talented and skilled defenseman.” He says hoping that if nothing else Ichirou’s desire for Neil and Kevin’s future profitability would have him reconsider doing anything in the future to FF to ensure they would have good showings for the professional teams.
“Yes, he was quite talented in your defense.” Ichirou nods, “I will reach out with details of our new deal once some affairs have settled. Take care of your friend, Josten.” Ichirou says before continuing out of the hospital.
New Deal?
Neil banished the thought from his head. They needed to get up to FF’s room and he needed to make sure his friend was okay and find out what exactly had happened.
Andrew’s hand came to the back of his neck and squeezed, “Calm down.” Andrew ordered voice soothingly blank even if Neil could feel the way his grip stuttered. “Let’s go.”
The Nurses were saying something about ‘aggravating stitches’ and ‘lucky nothing tore’ but it was all white noise to FF as he continues to think about the business card burning a hole in his pocket.
Ichirou Moriyama.
He’d just had an entire conversation with Ichirou Moriyama.
His stomach was already hurting from his ill advised walk but the moment he’d seen that name on the business card he had accepted his insides had been pure acid. He missed his Pepto Bismol more than anything right now, what he would give for just a single hit of the sweet pink relief.
He couldn’t figure out what was worse.
The fact that he had given over EVIDENCE to the head of a Yakuza group (was it a yakuza group or was it a mafia group?).
The fact that he’d been right in his thoughts from the abyss that the man in the cafeteria looked like a Yakuza member (was it a Yakuza or Mafia?).
The fact that he’d just seen a Japanese guy and thought ‘Oh, must be the Japanese FBI guy I’m supposed to talk to’ which means he’d still been kind of racist.
The fact that he just realized that he had Captain Neil’s phone and not his own meaning that Ichirou had been telling Captain Neil to come to the cafeteria and FF just showed up like a dipshit trying to pitch their lie about the alley.
Finally there was the fact that Ichirou Moriyama had apparently been impressed enough to offer him a spot within his Yakuza group (Yakuza or Mafia?)
Would it be weird to ask during the interview process? Is there an interview process to join organized crime? Do they have benefits? Wait a crime family is paying for his hospital stay right now. This is too much.
He considers asking the nurse to yes please crank up the pain killers and just let him slip into a nice not embarrassing coma but then Captain Neil and Andrew were rushing into his room. “Smith!” Captain Neil exclaims.
Well, too late to ask for that coma.
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@i-have-three-feelings​ @blep-23​ @dreamerking27​ @andreilsmyreligion @belodensetdust​ @rainbowpineapplebottle @yarn-ace​ @iwouldlikesometea @lily-s-world​ @obscureshipsandchips​ @booklover242​ @whataboutmyfries​ @sahturnos​ @pluto-pepsi​ @dreamerthinker​ @passinhosdetartaruga​ @leftunknownheart​ @aro-manita-muscaria @hologramsaredead​ @Chaoticgremlinswishtheycouldbeme @tntwme​ @tayspots @nick-scar​ @crazy-fangirl2524​ @blue-jos10​ @stabbyfoxandrew​ @splishsplashyouropinionistrash​ @sammichly​ @the-broken-pen​ @bitchesdoweknowu​ @very-small-flower​ @ghostlyboiii​ @its-a-paxycab​ @bisexual-genderfluid-fan​ @cheesecookie​ @theoneandonlylostsock​ @foxsoulcourt​ @blueleys @adverbialstarlight​ @elia-nna​ @can-i-just-stay-in-the-corner​ @nikodiangel​ @foxandcrow-inatrenchcoat​ @hallucinatedjosten​ @satanic-foxhole-court​ @vexingcosmos​ @chalilodimun​ @insectsgetcooked​ @angry-kid-with-no-money​ @queer-crows​ @lillyndra​ @themundanemudperson​ @readertodeath​ @apileofpillows​ @mortalsbowbeforeme​ @hellomynameismoo​ @next-level-mess @youreonlylow​ @interstellarfig​ @notprocrastinatingatalltoday​ @percyjacksonfan3​ @queenofcrazy27​ @bsmr261 @ghostlyscares​ @spencellio @adinthedarkroom​ @harpymoth​ @sufferingjustalilbit​ @anxietymoss​ @oddgreyhound​ @ohno-myhyperfixation-itsbroken​ @ken22789​ @atiredvampire​ @isoldescorner​ @not--a--pipedream​ @azure-wing​ @bushbees​  @roonilwazlib-main​ @crumplelush​ @foldedaces-paperbirds​ @thesenseinnonsense​ @let-tyrants-fear​ @ketchupandfries​ @legowerewolf​ @deadlydodos​ @but-we-respect-his-craft​ @cariniqe @zanypersonapricotbiscuit​ @lesbian-blackbeard​ @lesbiansupernatural​ @silvermasquerade​ @thepeachfuzz​ @minniemariex​ @kazoo-the-demjin​ @gaypomegranate​ @ji-nk-ies​ @neilimfinejosten​ @omgrubelangel​ @itsyouitsmeorpheuseurydice​ @percabethotplove​ @cozyrosykay​ @foxyatlas​ @theoneandonlylostsock​ @cindersapsecrets​ @scornedethnographer​ @hugemotherfuckingnerd​ @givemethedamnflowers​
The  requests to be added to the tag list keep being spread out across a few  different areas. If I missed you please just ask again in the replies I  promise I just missed you.
As stated before if you’re up here and I spelled it right but you didn’t get a notification there might be  something switched around in your settings that won’t let me tag you properly?
If you didn’t get notified on the last part it’s probably because I used tumblr mobile to post and our most beloved garbage fire site just didn’t like that.
Polish in this chapter:
Przywiążę cię do krzesła = I will tie you to a chair
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zillyblog · 5 months
I really think there was no right answer for who to cast for Murderbot.
Someone with darker skin? Not so great on a very deadly character with a high body count. Asian? Murderbot can be calculating and antisocial, that's a regressive stereotype. Any shade of white is a hard blow for representation.
I don't think we'd get anything that wouldn't be without a downside. Which is (one of many reasons) why I think Murderbot is so great at being a written story and not a visual TV show.
On the other hand, I do like the idea of seeing a white guy pull in a bunch of viewers with promises of sci-fi action, only for Murderbot to strip down toxic masculinity and force feed an it/its ace-aro agender character down their throats.
Not only that, but... What else says "mass produced bland face of violence from a corporate perspective" more than a white cis man?
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orcelito · 6 months
Like OK so I've been reading a fic with trans wolfwood in it that is so. HONEST. About how it affected him and still affects him. In a way that's very much not an average cis writer portrayal of a trans character.
Like. Either this writer is trans or did plenty of research, but it just feels REAL to me. And it has me thinking about my own way of writing trans Wolfwood.
I'm not there yet. But I've been thinking about it. The ways that what the EOM did fucked him up... but it also acted as HRT that affirmed his gender. So what do you do when you're in a body you don't recognize, but looks much more like a man than ever before? There's some gender euphoria in a way, but dysphoria at the same time bc you didn't grow into this. You didn't watch yourself transition. Suddenly you just Were this, and it's not you, but also it's nice to finally be seen as a man, but it also feels wrong to feel grateful for any part of what they did to you...
On and on and on
You see? This is what I want to think about with him. This is why trans Wolfwood is so compelling to me. It's just so Complicated, he'd have such Complicated feelings about his body and the way he lives with it. He learns this new body, it starts to feel more like his, but he also mourns the fact that he didn't get to watch it grow into this like he should've.
That kind of thing.
#speculation nation#itnl shit#tagging it bc these r things relevant to itnl ww. because. he is trans☺️#TRANS WOLFWOOD MY BELOVED!!!!!!!!!!#i wanna do more research into trans things. ive already done a lot. but like#into the actual physical side of it all. the effects of HRT. all those messy little details that people dont often focus on.#some months ago i skimmed thru this writing guide on how to write trans men. and i think i wanna revisit it#read it more slowly and thoroughly.#bc im confident in my ability to write trans characters. considering the fact that im not cis myself.#but im not a trans man. so there r some Things that i just dont know about by virtue of not having experience with HRT#so. research! supplementing my existing knowledge with the perspectives of the actual people im writing about.#and so it goes when ur writing about an experience that is not entirely your own.#it matters to me to make my writing of trans men as realistic as possible.#even with the messy details that people normally shy away from. Especially them.#i pride myself on my realism as much as is within my means of capturing it.#realistic emotions. realistic reactions. realistic bodies.#i am Going to write a trans wolfwood that is So realistic. as much as possible.#(i keep specifying ww with this even tho vash is trans also just bc vash is a bit more uhhhh not human lol#so the definition of what makes him trans is a bit more loose. still inferred by real life experiences#but he wouldnt have the same sorts of experiences with HRT. or gender expression in general#so i feel less of a pressure to capture it as fully accurate to the real life human experience as possible. if that makes sense.)
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greenishness · 8 months
my brother booked a flight to the us not two weeks after he begged 200 € off me to pay his debts to the bank and it's pissing me off bad ngl. i'm usually happy to give money to my siblings and friends but at this point he is using me it's not like i have that kind of money just lying around like i was struggling this month bc i gave it to him and he decides to invest into an impulsive trip to fucking arizona?? also don't get me started on the way he pulls the same shit on our sister. he heard that she was working full time and decided this was a good opportunity to ask her to cover his semester fees. asking his LITTLE SISTER for the money SHE earned working a job she hates because she was saving up for her own apartment... he really has no shame omfg
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sac-bestsupplements · 3 months
Creatine Benefits: What is it good for? The Shocking Effects of Monohydrate Powder & Pills Revealed
Discover our top 10 best creatine supplements ranking: https://super-achiever.com/best-creatine-supplements
Read more on our website: https://super-achiever.com/creatine-benefits
#creatine #creatinebenefits #creatinemonohydrate
Hey there, Achiever Fam! 🌟 Today's video is all about the wonders of creatine, the go-to supplement for athletes and health enthusiasts globally. 🏋️‍♂️🏃‍♀️ If you're curious about how it can boost your fitness and brainpower, you're in the right place! Don't forget to hit that subscribe button for more awesome content from the Super Achievers Club. Let’s dive in! 💥 Why Creatine? Ever wondered why creatine is a favorite among athletes? We're breaking down its incredible benefits, from muscle growth to mental sharpness. 🤔💪 Muscle Growth: It’s not just for show; creatine is a key player in muscle development, increasing cell volumization and accelerating protein synthesis for real muscle growth. 🏋️‍♂️💧 Enhanced Strength: More than just muscle size, creatine significantly boosts strength and power, translating to more effective workouts and daily life activities. 🏆🏋️‍♀️ Improved Exercise Performance: Creatine isn't limited to the gym; it enhances performance in various sports by replenishing ATP for longer, more intense activities. 🚴‍♂️🏊‍♀️ Cognitive Benefits: It’s brain fuel too! Creatine improves memory and reduces mental fatigue, ideal for those in demanding mental jobs or studying for exams. 🧠⚡ The Science Behind Creatine: At the heart of its power is phosphocreatine, crucial for rapid ATP replenishment in muscles, leading to increased strength and endurance.
🧪🔬 Who Should Use Creatine? Not just for athletes! It’s great for endurance sports, older adults, physically demanding jobs, and anyone looking to boost brain function. 🤸‍♂️👵👨‍💼 Creatine Caution: While generally safe, it’s not suitable for everyone. Those with health conditions, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and adolescents should consult a doctor first. 🚨👩‍⚕️ There you have it!
Creatine isn’t just a muscle-building supplement; it’s a versatile power-up for your body and mind. 🌟🏋️‍♀️🧠 Have you tried creatine? Share your experience in the comments below! And remember to subscribe for more empowering content. Catch you in the next video! 📹👋
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power-healthplus · 1 month
Unlocking Prostate Health: The Power of Prostadine Supplements.
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Prostadine supplements are revolutionizing the field of men's health, offering a holistic approach to prostate care and overall well-being. Engineered with a potent blend of natural ingredients and cutting-edge research, Prostadine supplements are meticulously crafted to support optimal prostate function, urinary health, and vitality.
The prostate gland plays a
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"Nori Yaki Extract Powder health"
Role in men's contributing to reproductive function and urinary control. However, as men age, the prostate gland may undergo changes that can impact quality of life. This is where Prostadine supplements shine, providing targeted support to maintain prostate health and alleviate common concerns associated with aging.
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Wakame Extract
At the heart of Prostadine supplements lies a
synergistic blend of clinically proven ingredients. Saw palmetto extract, a cornerstone of prostate health, works to inhibit the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone implicated in prostate enlargement. By modulating DHT levels, saw palmetto helps reduce the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), such as frequent urination and incomplete emptying of the bladder.
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Kelp Powder
Additionally, Prostadine supplements harness the
power of beta-sitosterol, a plant sterol with anti-inflammatory properties. Beta-sitosterol has been shown to improve urinary flow and alleviate discomfort associated with BPH, promoting greater urinary tract health and function.
But Prostadine supplements go beyond mere symptom management. They incorporate a blend of antioxidants, including lycopene and selenium, to combat oxidative stress and protect prostate cells from damage. By neutralizing free radicals, these antioxidants help maintain the structural integrity of the prostate gland and support its optimal function.
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Bladderwrack Powder
Moreover, Prostadine supplements are enriched with zinc, a mineral essential for prostate health and hormone regulation. Zinc plays a pivotal role in prostate tissue development and function, contributing to the maintenance of normal prostate size and structure.
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Saw Palmetto
What sets Prostadine supplements apart is their comprehensive approach to men's health. By addressing the underlying factors contributing to prostate dysfunction, they offer holistic support for urinary comfort, sexual function, and overall vitality. Whether you're looking to maintain prostate health or alleviate bothersome symptoms, Prostadine supplements provide a safe, natural solution backed by scientific research.
Experience the
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with Prostadine supplements and unlock the key to lifelong prostate wellness. Say goodbye to urinary urgency, nocturia, and other symptoms that compromise your quality of life. With Prostadine supplements, you can take charge of your prostate health and embrace a vibrant, active lifestyle. Embrace the power of Prostadine supplements today and rediscover the joys of optimal prostate function.
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Pomegranate Extract
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