#support Israel
that-rad-jewish-girl · 9 months
The video vs. the comments: Part One
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An American Jew posts about a family outing with her husband and child. You comment about her being a genocidal maniac.
Truly showing how there is a separation between Jews and the state of Israel. I totally believe you when you say your problem is with Zionists and not Jews. 🙄
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neonlol-xe · 5 months
Support Israel!
Alright, first of all, the 'Free Palestine' shit is pissing me off. People don't realize that Israel isn't committing genocide, they're at war. Plus, I do recall Palestine holding Americans hostage... So why in the LIVING HELL would you side with Palestine? I say support Israel, death to Palestine. Reblog if you agree with me. (And I don't care if I'm offending you, @dorkasaurus-club)
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Get this trending, plz. Israel should be supported in this war, but not many Americans are supportive. If you don't agree with me, then you may as well just unfollow me.
(I usually wouldn't speak politics on social media, but I felt like I had to say this because COME ON! Palestine are terrorists! And no, this doesn't mean I'm Conservative. I take opinions from both sides.)
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iloveisrael · 3 months
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user08762662727272 · 8 months
Never stop talking about Palestine, even if your friends or family support israel. even if every post of yours has zionists discouraging you, even if your account keep getting banned, even if everyone forgets about Palestine never stop talking
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dimplecki · 1 year
My country is under attack. Over 600 innocent lives taken. 2500 injured. Women and children raped and murdered in the streets. Hundreds kidnapped. I feel sick seeing posts supporting those terrorist animals, you have no clue what's going on besides the fake propaganda you read on your phones. You support people who celebrate on the streets over murder of innocent people. Fuck you. fucking sheep. You're all victims of psychological warfare by the Hamas. Stay out of things you have no clue over. If you want come here to Israel and see for yourselves what's its like to live here. I promise you wouldn't last a day.
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myserioussideblog · 9 months
it gives me a good laugh when i see a pro-palestine post which likens hamas to idk some freedom fighters or something.
because then i'll go to their profile, and see that little emoji.
that multicoloured rectangle.
the fucking pride flag.
YOU support....? HAMAS? REALLY.
You just TRY walking in with your pride flag badge and your neopronouns or whatever is the latest fad in the scene. You could be there to provide aid. You could have been their fiercest fighter. You could have fucking paid every fucking penny out of your pocket to help them.
YOU, my dear, will be tortured and killed. Because that's Islam. And that's Hamas.
Your little posts on Instagram and Tumblr and X are going to do jackshit if you're supporting those whose main goal is to commit global jihad and result in a global caliphate, kill all those who do not follow their religion, and, of course... the LGBTQ+ people. YOU.
I'm not saying Israel is perfect (gay marriages abroad are recognised, but gay marriages cannot be conducted on Israeli soil, which is understandable, it is a Jewish country) but it has a strict policy against discrimination against LGBTQ+ people.
Logic, common sense and sanity suggest steering clear of being murdered for who they are.
When have the "wokes" ever had any of those things?
But the fact that these are the same people who have just begun to realise that a hijab isn't a choice doesn't give me much hope that this will go through their thick heads. Where is the outrage over CPL Noa Marciano?? She was MURDERED by a religion that not only justifies but rewards it.
What is happening to civilians on both sides is monstrous, but the focus should be on eradicating the parasite that is Hamas (and all other jihadi groups) from the face of the earth.
It is borderline pathetic that you are so terrified of offending someone that you will support them, even if they spit on and rape and murder you because of something you didn't choose.
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proudzionist · 3 months
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ameicalovesisrael · 2 months
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True Americans love and support Israel 🇺🇸🇮🇱🫂
We love you Israel 🇮🇱💙🤍🫂
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krazysworld · 3 months
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aussielight · 1 year
The Israel & Palestine War
First of all I want to say:
I support the Palestinians who want peace.
I support the Israelians who want peace, and speak out against or towards their government to stop their oppression and find a compromise to achieve peaceful resolutions for both sides.
However -
The amount of people defending the kidnapping, hostage taking, the slaughter of innocents & children - especially if they're Jewish, along with the RAPE of the women kidnapped & pulled from their cars, homes, vehicles, birthday parties, raves and other places is disgusting.
Out of the tourists and relatives of those, deaths aside – All those who speak of the extreme hostage situations or utmost vile acts imposed upon them (rape, murder of their family, being hunted etc) only speak of the Hamas terrorists taking them & doing such ... Which is a very, very dumb play to make from a strategic point of view ... Like, did they not consider - To stop and think, how countries are gonna retaliate when they see their citizens taken hostage or terrorised by a foreign armed force?
Jews are slaughtered, raped and tormented.
Queers are slaughtered, raped and tormented.
Innocents who just want to live their lives are slaughtered, raped and tormented.
This isn't opinion, or propaganda - This is fact. There's mountains of evidence at this point in time to demonstrate such, along with even admitted or outright posted by the terrorisers themselves via media outlets who're cheering and bragging about it.
The extremists of the war & the Hamas supporters can bang their chest and say “Who cares? We are the best!” or some other self-justifying BS excuses – but when they have half the world raining down on them to take vengeance in the name of their kin, they’re going to quickly realise just how large the world actually is – and how truly small they are.
“The silent killer of great countries and civilisations of high achievement – is hubris.”
“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people are so full of doubts.”
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euinia · 7 months
genuine question. i don’t know too much about the Israel & Palestine issue but why is everyone mad at Israel? I know they have done terrible things (thats war obviously) but so has Palestine? didn’t Palestine bomb Israel first? why is everyone surprised Israel bombed back?
I’m not on either side as I don’t know full details but that bit just confuses me.
also is it just another trend to support Palestine? everyone moved on and forgot about Ukraine and Russia as well as Congo and the other countries that were “trending” a while back to support. people have just changed their pfp and the emojis in their username from supporting those countries to Palestine.
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bostonwalks · 22 days
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takadasaiko · 1 year
When you break into homes, slaughter children and their families, and perform the atrocities that hamas has been bragging about, you don’t have any moral high ground. It’s not even in sight.
My heart is breaking for Israel.
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user08762662727272 · 8 months
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simplysiriuslyjoking · 6 months
just reminding you (with regards to anon earlier today) that the vast majority of us diaspora jews do support israel, do care about being jewish, and are currently incredibly scared by the drastically rising antisemitism that we are facing.
So I realised my other message could have sounded anti diaspora. It was meant for those who claim to be jews and support Palestine and are anti Israel.
You who support Israel are saints for the amazing things and they way you also risk your lives!! What you are going through is a horror show and I respect your courage to stand for Israel! I salut you.
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deborahdeshoftim5779 · 10 months
My friend did not leave his house after over 12 hours to get his parent a needed medicine, passing the streets seeing countless of bodies on the sidelines of the streets, for people to say the masscare didn't happen.
My other friend did not go to 10 funerals last week for people to say the masscare didn't happen.
My TV isn't full of families begging to have their voice heard to return their familes from being held hostage by Hamas, for people to say that the kidnapped people are "fake news".
I didn't have a part of a rocket hitting the building next to mine (we're a total civilian area), while I squeezed into a bomb shelter with 14 more people, for people to think that "Hamas are freedom fighters".
People should have some shame for tearing down pictures of the hostages. And if someone so little as think "look how Hamas are treating and releasing people!" they forget the "who they kidnapped from their homes brutality!". Even more stupid - Hamas who they defend who tries to look more human (we know it's just PR) claim themselves to return the hostages "for humanitarian need".
Really. Some people are so stupid even with actual evidence from both sides in front of their eyes.
You're absolutely correct, and I can only say how deeply sorry I am for the trauma you and other Israelis are facing.
It's worse than stupidity. It's outright malice motivated solely by a deep hatred and contempt for Jews. That's the only reason they deny the massacre and downplay Hamas Nazism. If this were just a political dispute, nobody would hesitate to stand with Israel after October 7.
When the Russians committed war crimes against the Ukrainians in Bucha and other cities, millions condemned Russian soldiers. There was no debate. The fact that even worse terrorism against Jews has produced celebration, obfuscation, denial, and worse, equivocation, shows how many people worldwide are antisemitic.
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