#support: reyson
swiftlance · 4 months
* a kiss on the back of their hand, formal yet intimate
She did not spend much time with the heron prince durin' the war; he always felt mighty intimidatin' to be around. Like he was angry 'bout somethin'---even after rescuin' Princess Leanne.
Nephenee tried avoidin' the finer points of laguz politics, seein' as how fragile it all were. Betrayals were commonplace, leastaways durin' the war, and she had more important things t'focus on instead of stickin' her nose where it don't belong.
Still, she came to this school to learn; mayhap she can also fill in the gaps of her own knowledge 'bout things back home. Pure luck both the Heron Prince and King of Kilvas happened to be here at the same time.
(Though she'd as like shout at King Naesala as hold a polite conversation.)
Anyhow, she greets Prince Reyson, surprised by the whole hand kiss thing. Ain't that only for fancy noble ladies? Clearing her throat, she blinks at him, hand still caught in his delicate grip.
"...Nice t'see you, too, Your Highness." Her face feels warm. "How's your sister?"
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gloamvonhrym · 3 months
every human ruler in tellius needs an emotional support bird. elincia gets to cry on leanne. micaiah gets to hug rafiel. sanaki gets to…… dunk on naesala
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cleversteel · 2 years
freckle cream sauce
sword +1 starter for @cadenzardea
This isn't looking very good...
is what the faint of heart would say! But Colm is a seasoned war veteran and the like, so he'd definitely seen much worse.
Like Darkling Woods! And the Tower of Valni! Those places were WAYYYYYYYYYYY creepier than these dusty old ruins.
Colm quickly sidesteps an encroaching vine, flashing a confident smile that says, 'Too slow!' He knows that the vines are pissed off at him now, but it's not like they can hit him!
On the topic of knowing things, Colm knows his partner, that bird guy ('Reyson' was his name, assuming Colm's memory was as good as his eyes) had grown up around plants! Or really close to them at least. Colm did too! They were perfect for the mission.
"Hey, Reyson!" Colm shouts back, cutting his way through a couple of particularly thick vines. "How are you holding up back there?"
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femblem-emblem · 2 months
Reyson is not angry enough in FEH. Where's my fuming, almost-mass-murdering twink at? Where's his iconic glare?? Don't give me "he had character development" that man held a grudge for decades and only let it go because his sister told him off
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mikotosredqueen · 1 year
The last two banners I’ve pulled on that were MTC centric, both Jyuto and Rio came home before Samatoki so I have to wonder if the little shit is doing this on purpose.
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randomnameless · 7 months
I just saw the screenshot of Bernadetta, as an Adrestian field commander in Hopes, running away in fear and leaving her troops to fend for themselves the second a battle begins on Dimiclaudeblaigan's blog, and i have to concur with her criticisms of the scene; how in the actual fuck did Bernadetta get into such an important position in the army if her crippling anxiety was never solved and she's just going to bolt the second a fight starts??
It's a funny joke, sure, but the only way this makes any sense is if Edelgard gave Bernadetta the position literally just because they were friends and she felt like doing a bit of nepotism by giving her a high-ranking job she was throughly unqualified for, and even that doesn't really work logically; surely there were safer jobs she could have had Bernadetta work on that wouldn't inevitably end with a not-insignificant portion of Adrestia's army getting decimated, especially when she never does anything this (militarily) idiotic anywhere else in the game.
I've seen it too lol
But anon, it applies to Bernie but to any member of the BESF in general, they're joke characters.
Bernie's anxiety and agoraphobia is treated as a joke in those games, and if the shitstorm around Grégoire's support was any indication, she was never supposed to be a character with a serious trauma that will later be explored, like Felix and his teenage rebellion against his Father and/or "chivalry" or Dimitri.
Grégoire tying Bernie to a chair to force her to listen to a lecture is a joke, the "tie to a chair" is the same joke Tibarn uses when he says he tied Reyson to a bed to force him to rest (kinky stuff aside) - it was never about irl abuse. Sure, it doesn't land right most of the times, but again, Bernie (and the BESF in general?) aren't supposed to be taken seriously, they have quirks for funsies and FEH gacha purposes, but Bernie isn't supposed to be a proper call out to the real life situation and "problem" in Japan that are hikikomoris.
Just like Linhardt's haematophobia - do you realise Naruto, with the treatment we all know and hate of its female characters, managed to tackle the issue of a "healer with haematophobia" better something that was released in 2019?
Given how Supremely Aware Supreme Leader is sometimes, I wonder if she didn't saw anything wrong about Bernie being a commander even when Bernie still panics and has a lot of anxiety.
Maybe it was something the devs made on purpose - like yes, it is nepotism (which is WAY better than people being appointed based on their ascendance, right??) and it's another example of "do what I say but not what I do" from supreme Leader, or it was just for a joke because at times the devs seem to consider war as something funny to do between two teatime parties.
In a more serious setting though... Bernie's anxiety would still exist, but be subdued by her choice to fight in this battle (isn't this what we see from Bernie in FE16?) - so maybe this line wasn't added to poke fun at Supreme Leader or have fun at Bernie's expense, but to show how she reacts in a war situation if Billy had never been there to help her?
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enbyleighlines · 7 months
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FE Twitter has been sharing their Hot Takes regarding all the possible paired endings in Radiant Dawn, so I thought I’d do that, too. I’ll go top to bottom, left to right, and rank each pairing out of 5.
Micaiah/Sothe: 4.5/5
Controversial opinion, but I like this pairing! I know it’s Problematic™️ because of the pseudo-incest, but as far as I’m concerned, this pairing is downright tame according to Fire Emblem standards. Plus I just like their interactions. I like that Sothe is like the only person that Micaiah gets all snarky with. I like that Micaiah gets so irrationally jealous over Sothe interacting with or mentioning anyone who isn’t her. Usually Micaiah is just the picture perfect heroine: virtuous, soft-spoken, self-sacrificial, compassionate. But with Sothe, Micaiah allows herself to be jealous and petty, and I love that.
Ike/Ranulf: 4.5/5
Wonderful pairing! Honestly, I only deducted points because, if you choose to go for the Ike/Ranulf paired ending, it locks the player out of some really cool content in the final chapters. I really wish Ike was allowed to have both paired endings. As much as I love Ike/Soren, I also adore how fun and flirtatious Ike and Ranulf’s interactions can be. Ike is usually such a serious person, but Ranulf helps to bring out Ike’s sense of humor, showing us a side of Ike we don’t see otherwise. The chemistry between the two of them is so good.
Ike/Soren: 5/5
The OTP. Perfection in every way. Some people complain that they’re too co-dependent, but damn, isn’t that the appeal? They’re literally the definition of soulmates. And it’s not one-sided, Ike needs Soren as much as Soren needs Ike. They’re a powerful duo, sharing similar values while also complementing one another. Ike is action-oriented and thinks of the big picture, forever striving towards what he wants to achieve. Soren is detail-oriented, and carefully considers every option. The trust between them is so strong. And even then, their relationship isn’t perfect. The arc they go through together, especially in PoR, is so bittersweet. Grief, past trauma, and new revelations put a strain on their friendship, causing Soren to become distant, and Ike frequently mentions it to anyone who will listen. In fact, if you don’t do all three Ike/Soren support conversations, then that plot thread just seemingly resolves itself off-screen, which I have always found funny. Even the game wants you to pair them together.
Jill/Haar: 0/5
The worst paired ending in Tellius. Haar is like twice her age and also long-time friends with Jill’s dad. Haar probably knew Jill when she was in diapers. Moving on…
Astrid/Makalov: 0.5/5
If their paired ending didn’t explicitly state that Makalov never changed his ways, then this pairing might not be so bad. I can sort of understand the appeal of a couple where one person is hated by everyone and the other is the one person who believes in them, but… as it is, it just serves to paint Astrid as a moron for consistently putting up with Makalov’s crap.
Leanne/Naesala: 4.5/5
Very cute pairing! I love that they were childhood friends, and I love that Naesala has a soft spot for her. I love that Leanne is the only person who can see how much Naesala is suffering. And I love that, for all her sweet and naive nature, Leanne has a weakness for bad boys. It’s not too surprising, once you translate all her dialogue. Leanne can be very sassy! Reyson isn’t the only royal heron with a rebellious streak. Just a great pairing all around.
Mist/Boyd: 5/5
I’ll admit, I am a big fan of this pairing. I just love the three brothers, and their role in the Greil Mercs, and that includes the unique dynamic between Mist and Boyd! It’s established from the first chapter of PoR that Boyd’s love language is dunking on people. He’s the perfect encapsulation of 2000’s teens, just constantly trying to bond with people through sick burns. It’s a good thing that Boyd is surrounded by people who are excellent at throwing shade right back at him. But no one is as good at it as Mist. Mist dunks on Boyd like she’s getting paid to do it. Their constant back-and-forth is so fun. And yet, even with all their bickering, it’s still made clear that Boyd and Mist care a lot about one another. I love them so much.
Elincia/Geoffrey: 3.5/5
I honestly don’t have strong feelings about this pairing, but it is perfectly wholesome and cute. I like that Geoffrey is normally pretty calm and capable, but he becomes a worrywart when it comes to Elincia’s safety. He does have some good malewife potential, ngl. And so yeah, Geoffrey is kinda boring, but he makes Elincia happy, and Elincia deserves to be happy.
Lucia/Bastian: 1.5/5
Now, I do like that their relationship isn’t explicitly romantic. Their paired ending specifically mentions Lucia having a continuous “affair” with Bastian, which suggests a more friends with benefits situation. However, I’m still not a fan, especially with the way their dynamic in-game seems to be Bastian just trying to wear Lucia down like a self-proclaimed nice guy who complains about being friendzoned. I mean, he’s more classy about it, but still. Lucia deserves better.
So yeah! That’s my final ranking on every paired ending in Radiant Dawn. To end this post, I’m just gonna list some ships that I think should have gotten a paired ending:
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk!
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dominicsorel · 2 years
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Tibarn and Reyson’s A Support Dialogues
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I really love Tellius (it's my favorite in the series), but with the exception of Ike, its paired endings, weirdly enough, range from mid to just bad. Micaiah and Sothe is... uncomfortable, to say the least; Elincia and Geoffery feels milquetoast compared to the heavy yuri vibes between Elincia and Lucia (and Lucia's paired ending with Bastion is just a nothingburger); Jill and Haar also feels weird due to their relationship in Path of Radiance; Astrid and Makalov are upsetting because she deserves better and the game makes her into the butt of the joke for it; Leanne and Naesala feels kinda mid compared to Reyson/Naesala and/or whatever weird bird boy polycule they have with Tibarn; and Mist and Boyd is fine, I guess. Only Ike has one of two actually good A-support endings, and I know I'm not the only one in the Ike has two hands camp. Just weird how a game that shines in so many other wonderful ways utterly missed the landing on paired endings.
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slyfire · 1 year
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was thinking about reyson (my beloved) again, and then an epiphany hit me.
alfred & reyson are very similar, character concept wise.
while their personalities are quite different, they are similar in a few things... [spoilers ahead]
homeland's association with 'green' nature. IDK really how to word it, but how firene is full of lush fields and such, and herons resided in serenes forest. both homelands were associated with peace, and would eventually go aflame.
homeland's association with 'green' nature. IDK really how to word it, but how firene is full of lush fields and such, and herons resided in serenes forest. both homelands were associated with peace, and would eventually go aflame.
desire to overcome their physical nature. this one was the key thing that made me think about their similarities. reyson's 'issue' comes from his own physicality/biology of being a heron laguz. heron laguz are pretty fragile. reyson simply punching oliver that didn't give serious damage to the latter, resulted in reyson fracturing the bones in his hand. even bad vibes can make him sick... alfred on the other hand is held back by his illness that he's had ever since he was a child. both characters wish to overcome this, and both have a similar 'ideal' they desire to achieve...muscles. alfred is allllll about muscles and training. most of his supports are about this fact. reyson is a bit more lowkey about it, but it's clear he thinks of tibarn as his ideal. "I wanted so much to be like Tibarn. Big body, strong wings…" (from feh, but i know the 'big body strong wings' is a thing from the actual duology somewhere, i just can't remember where). reyson even tries eating like tibarn, which almost gets him killed. both reyson & alfred cannot achieve their desired state because of their 'physical nature', but they do try.
related to the last point kinda, but both are noted to act atypical of their expected decorum (side note i really like the word decorum idk why). reyson is noted to not act typical of herons. wanting revenge & violence at first at those who burned his home down, acting more aggressive. it makes sense when you consider who he lived with after the serenes massacre... it's also noted how rafiel acts like what's expected of herons, which is contrasted by how reyson acts...well not. for alfred, he is described as 'a barbarian in prince's clothing' by céline. his diamant c support also had diamant doing prince™ things, and alfred's all like "what's your fav muscle 😁."
their designs are also very (very) pretty & on the more feminine side, but their ideals lay more 'typically masculine'. reyson has an androgynous appearance, while alfred has flower motifs + frills and such. these contrasts with reyson's more 'fiery' & 'aggressive' personality, and alfred's thing with muscles (both things are typically associated with masculinity.)
and uhhh yeah. mini analysis over! i've always loved reyson, and alfred just got better the more i got to know him. like i said, they do differ in personality in a lot of ways, but it's cool how two characters with similar setups can be so distinctive.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 4 months
Are people who think Shinon is racist but still like him safe from your wrath? :0 I do not wish to be smitten by the wrath of JD!
Of course! The difference is that the plain ol' haters are the ones who see nothing but "he's racist". They don't consider all the other aspect of him and don't care to. He IS racist, and primarily at the beginning of PoR. My issue is when people refuse to acknowledge he gets better about it even if he's never perfect about it.
There are people who won't even acknowledge his development and act like he's nothing but a racist jerk with zero actual character or consider why he acts like an asshole. I see comments like "he's just a racist asshole" and that's extremely misleading for anyone getting into these games not already knowing who he is. It paints a certain expectation over him that people are more likely to feed into because it's the first thing they heard, which is also super unfortunate that people don't think for themselves, but sadly as we know, media literacy is dead... and with Shinon, it always has been.
I've known people who don't like him but are able to recognize that "he's racist" is not the only trait he has. Soren is racist too, but imagine if I went around saying it's the only trait he has aside from being an asshole? Because frankly, yes, Soren is a racist asshole. I love him and he's one of my favorites in Tellius, but Soren is inarguably worse about it than Shinon is because he only tries to be more polite toward laguz for someone else (i.e. Ike, not even a laguz) rather than getting better through his own relationships with laguz or just in general growing as a person.
And look how beloved he is by the fandom. The same fandom that will smite Shinon for the same issue. And you know why? Because he doesn't like Ike. Because he's not queer coded enough. Because he's not the "gay twink" in love with another male. Soren only gets past it and people overlook it because he's mlm representation, whereas Shinon's mlm representation needs a magnifier (and even then he's not a standard macho straight man in any regard).
Soren gets away with it and gets away with actually having almost attacked Mordecai (not even Lethe, and even I was pissed off by Lethe in that scene lol but no way in hell could ever condone attacking Mordecai). Shinon doesn't... ever actually raise a weapon to his allies. Him and Janaff quite mutually threaten to whack each other and then both stand down.
Shinon and Janaff are extremely similar, including that Janaff was and still kind of is racist at that time in PoR, but since he's a laguz and racist toward the big bad humans, he gets away with it (same reason Reyson, Tibarn and Ulki never get called out for it in the fandom! And because they're uwu cool characters "who got better". Yeah, you know what I'm about to say to that).
My problem is when people just look at him and reduce him to a horrible trait and refuse to acknowledge he's... really not that bad, because a really bad person would not want to get better. They would not want to acknowledge they're wrong in any capacity. Shinon struggles, but he improves. His racism is based on ignorance (and from not meeting a laguz properly prior and not having laguz allies), and once that ignorance is proven wrong, he starts to get better (and that's why I clamor on and on about how important his supports with Janaff are).
Most people who leave hateful comments abt him (especially in tags about him) are the ones who base his entire character on racism alone and nothing else. If you did that to the gay twink Soren, the fandom would beat you down for it and probably call you homophobic to boot!
Also, a bit of a side tangent, but...
I also hate the Bitch Ass Stupid meme of Claude and Shinon, with the whole CEO of ending racism and CEO of racism, because actually no, I think they'd have very interesting interactions. I think Claude would want to understand where this perception comes from and work to improve it, because Shinon is very loving and very much a protector parent type (between both Rolf and the GMs as a whole).
To see someone like that have so much hate for a race he doesn't even know or understand would probably be confusing to Claude and even be personal to him. I think he'd want to understand the problem and try to help improve it both for the laguz and for Shinon. I do not at all think he'd hate Shinon if he actually knew Shinon. I think he'd see an ally in him who could be even more amazing if he could get past those bad habits and that ignorance.
Claude's whole character arc is to try to get good people to understand other races, not to hate those people and turn them away (or he would've left Fodlan a long time ago when he realized how fucking racist Leicester as a whole was, regardless of "whose fault" it is, which is another discussion in itself). I think the two of them would have a lot to talk about and a lot of introspection together.
So yeah, tl;dr, if you recognize Shinon is written as a person with flaws and not just one bad trait while willfully ignoring every single blatant positive aspect of him, you're fine lol. It's the people who purposely wall themselves off from seeing anything else about his character and hating him not for who he is, but because of one single trait that plenty of other characters either exhibit at some point in the story (Naesala is a big one, but he's another fandom beloved so he gets away with it, and he's not a big bad human), with one of them being Soren himself.
And yes, I recognize Soren has trauma. That's another discussion for another post, but fact is, even despite knowing good people and knowing Ike's perception, he does not in fact ever get that much better. Shinon gets past him in that regard if you've seen all his content, which I've written about in depth. Soren uses the term "laguz" for Ike's sake, because need I remind you, he refers to them as "sub-humans" before Ike actually knows about them. He does not bother correcting Shinon in the forest in chapter six because he does not want to - because he agrees with it (he refers to them as laguz one time in that conv iirc as the "it's the more neutral/proper term", but not as the "this is my preference" term). He only begins to correct himself when Ike gets pissed off at him. That's not growth - that's a selfish and personal reason to do it and one he felt forced to have to do to keep Ike happy and not angry at him.
And would you look at that, Soren has an entire character outside of that.
Well I'll be.
tl;dr you're safe bby.
I'm not even read more-ing this. For reasons you all already know.
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reprisalet · 8 months
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reprisalet -> pinned !
•°. *࿐ reyson from fe9/10 (post-game canon, with full knowledge of all events that he can be present for), affiliated with the officers academy. knight of seiros. written and adored by ruaidhrí.
i use small text whenever possible for my own readability (better chance of a whole reply being able to fit on my screen without needing to copy/paste it elsewhere), and generally prefer it. but: if you need me to switch to regular-sized text do not hesitate to let me know.
dossier. interview. supports.
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gloamvonhrym · 1 month
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some birds with some basic bird conservation tips for earth day! 🥰
(ETA: managed to post this with a slide missing. it’s fixed now!)
alt text & relevant links below the cut
[a series of images with Serenes Forest as a backdrop, also featuring reyson, leanne, and rafiel from the fire emblem tellius games.
slide 1: reyson crouches singing to various songbirds. transcription: happy earth day! bird populations in North America have declined by nearly 3 billion in the last 50 years. habitat loss, pesticides, human infrastructure, and loss of food sources all contribute to decline. climate change is a thread multiplier. here are some simple actions you can take to help birds!
slide 2: leanne sits beside a window, nursing a head injury. transcription: windows! an estimated 1 billion birds suffer window collisions every year in the US and canada. lights can confuse birds - help by turning off your lights or drawing curtains at night. further birdproof your windows by using decals, tape, or paint to disrupt the reflections! (you can purchase window decals just for this purpose!)
slide 3: reyson recoils dramatically from ranulf in cat form, who mutters “bro I am just sitting here.” transcription: cats. domestic cats are not natural predators in north america, and kill 1-4 billion birds each year. many of these cats are feral or stray: support local shelters and rescues with trap/neuter/release programs to reduce feral cat populations. if you own a cat, don’t let your cat outside unsupervised! leash train your boi or build a catio.
slide 4: rafiel ruefully holds yune the bird in his hands; she is lying stunned. transcription: beware pesticides. insecticides are the biggest bird killer. neonicotinoids (or “neonics”), deveoped since the ban of DDT, are used everywhere in the US - farms, cities, and suburbs. they infect entire food chains systemically. avoid neonics in your own home and garden: if you buy plants, read labels to avoid neonic-treated specimens. buy organic produce if you can. the EU has banned outdoor use of many neonics, but the US has not - support local and national initiatives to regulate insecticide use!
slide 5: get involved! this is all bigger than the individual. climate change is a big issue and we can’t fight it alone. seek resources for native plants, bird feeding, and bird monitoring efforts in your area. be sure to look up: your local audubon society; conservation orgs in your area; and climate action plans by indigenous communities near you.
final slide: sources and resources to look up:
bird populations: https://www.birds.cornell.edu/home/bring-birds-back/ pesticides: https://chicagobirdalliance.org/blog/2023/5/20/year-of-helping-birds-avoid-pesticides cats: https://abcbirds.org/program/cats-indoors/ windows: https://www.fws.gov/library/collections/threats-birds-collisions
cornell ornithology lab: birds.cornell.edu american bird conservancy: abcbirds.org national audubon: audubon.org hawkwatch international: hawkwatch.org
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etoilerrante · 10 months
munday - toa anniversary edition!
repost, don't reblog. tagging the rest of toa <3 ty neffi for the template!
Name: Red!
Pronouns: She/Her
Birthday (no year): October 13th
Where are you from? What is your time zone? I’m from the Midwest of the US, but I’m moving to New York in- less than a week! 
Roleplay experience: God... overall maybe 8 years? I’ve been playing D+D for about the same time :) 
Got any pets? Parents have 5 Adam Driver cats (which I post frequently) and two dogs. I’d like to have my own betta fish again after I’m settled in. 
Favorite time of year: Fall! I'm a halloween girl.
Some interests and things you like: D+D, Vocaloid, birdwatching
Some funfacts & trivia about you: I’ve been singing almost my entire life. I picked it up after my parents tried to get me to play piano but my hands would not cooperate. Also, I read tarot cards. 
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Pikmin, Project Diva/Sekai, Honkai Star Rail, Taiko no Tatsujin
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Flying type and Umbreon. 
How did you get into Fire Emblem? My friend was playing 3 Houses and told me he loved it. I had gotten some money for Easter and decided to use it on 3h. I didn’t really get into Fire Emblem until I pulled Reyson in FEH and instantly fell in love with his design. 
What Fire Emblem games have you played? I’ve only ever finished Engage and it’s my biggest shame. 
First Fire Emblem game: 3 Houses
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Tellius 
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 you know this already
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays?- Awakening: I have plans to S-support Stahl because he took a crit for my Robin. Fairytale romance imo- Three Houses: Claude - Engage: Kagetsu!!! Silly guy... 
Favorite Fire Emblem class: Dancer
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? Dancer again
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Golden Deer 
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? SIGURD!!!!! :DDD 
How did you find TOA? I wanted to RP Reyson, so I went looking for somewhere with openings. 
Current TOA muses: Just Phina for now. 
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Reyson. I would like to drabble with him again, but I feel his muse is pretty dead and it makes me happy to see other people writing him with such care. 
Have you had any other TOA muses? Yeah... I’ve had an embarrassing amount of muses here. Reyson, Janaff, Plumeria, Sanaki, Midir, Kagetsu. Most of their blogs are still up and their URLs are on my about page on Phina’s blog. 
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? People in love and The Horrors. Recently I’ve really wanted to write about the horrors. 
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? It changes all the time! I find my favorite writing happens when I'm in sync with where the muse is at, for better or worse.
Favorite TOA-related memory: I'll never forget the friendship between Barely's Ophelia and my Janaff.
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔tee-oh-ay. Like the letters. But I do call everyone the Toasters. Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day that you’d like to share? 😉 I thought about writing Nephenee for a while? Weird. I also have an Embla blog lying around...
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aimlessarchery · 10 months
TOA Anniversary Munday!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
tagging: anybody/everybody!
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Name: Maddie
Pronouns: they/she
Birthday (no year): January 12
Where are you from? What is your time zone? US East Coast, EST
Roleplay experience: probably about ~10 years on-and-off between forums, chat rp, and tumblr
Got any pets? two dogs! Seamus is an Australian Shepherd, and Keegan is a rescue mutt. I love them both very dearly
Favorite time of year: Fall
Some interests and things you like: drawing/painting, RPGS, video game music (listening to, finding notation of + transcribing for piano)
Some funfacts & trivia about you: i'm left-handed and an eldest sibling, which means i accidentally taught my younger sister how to play guitar hero backwards
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? oh man. childhood favorites that stick with me are Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts, and Final Fantasy. I've dipped into Tales of, though the only one I've completed is Vesperia (beloved game). Octopath Traveler 1 and 2 are both amazing. Splatoon is my favorite shooter. I've gotten lost in Pillars of Eternity for hundreds of hours. I think my fav Elder Scrolls game has become Oblivion for some reason. Sometimes I dive into sim games like Planet Zoo or Two Point Hospital for a bit. I like video games!!
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: hard to pick a type, but some of my favs are Ampharos, Ivysaur, and Furret!
How did you get into Fire Emblem? downloaded the Awakening demo and played it like 10 times in a row. decided that buying myself the game was going to be my first "treat yourself" purchase when i moved out for college
What Fire Emblem games have you played? completed: Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Awakening, Shadows of Valentia, Three Houses (VW, CF, most of AM) actively in progress: Blazing Blade, Three Hopes, Silver Snow route of 3H started, but only barely: Gaiden, Genealogy, Shadow Dragon (DS), New Mystery of the Emblem
First Fire Emblem game: Awakening
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Tellius Duology (hard to separate them for me haha), with SOV as a strong contender as well
Any Fire Emblem crushes? ...and if I was also a little aquiver with python from lukas's performance in the SOV DLC what of it
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? - Awakening: Stahl - Fates: Azama - Three Houses: Shamir
Favorite Fire Emblem class: hmm...archers and mages, maybe. it's always satisfying when the chip damage is enough to save a front liner from retaliation, and even more satisfying when a crit or adept procs and the ranged unit is like "nah dw i got this"
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? my gut says wind mage. idk why tho besides the lack of athleticism needed for a physical class lol
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Golden Deer!
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? I have not played engage but i want a ghost ike to be my bestie...
How did you find TOA? Lucius was over at my house and pitched it to me one night while we were reminiscing about FERP on tumblr. pulled up the rank chart on my computer to explain it to me and everything lmao
Current TOA muses: Python and Caspar
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Python was my first! He's definitely the one I'm most confident in, and I see him as kind of my "bedrock muse" for now.
Have you had any other TOA muses? I had Reyson for a short-ish time!
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? I think I'm still feeling out the difference between "types of characters i gravitate toward liking" and "types of characters I gravitate toward writing". I do think I feel most comfortable writing supporting characters with enough backstory for me to tease out and build up from there!
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? I love character connection. Whether it's spoken aloud or not, I like little moments where I can have my muse compare a character to someone else they know, or see each other in a different way. I also love when characters have conflicting views and motivations and have to deal with that in one way or another!
Favorite TOA-related memory: KKE Team Guard coming together for that crazy rapid-fire chat that Ree sprung on us for the finale is definitely a strong one! It was so fun seeing different characters shine throughout the conversations, and on my own end I loved having an opportunity to let Python lose his cool for once >:3
How do you pronounce TOA? each letter pronounced individually: tee-oh-ay
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? I've only got fleeting thoughts that I would have to let simmer longer, especially when I would have to let someone go to fill the slot (I have accepted that 2 is my personal limit). That said, I've got a few guys hidden behind my back on the off-chance that I feel like it's time for a change ;0
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folternis · 10 months
TOA Munday hehe
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
tagging: all. grisps you.
Name: nicolai!
Pronouns: he/him
Birthday (no year): october 25
Where are you from? What is your time zone? colorado (near denver) MST
Roleplay experience: long time. many years. livejournal aol etc. i’m old i guess. tumblr rp on and off since 2013 or so 😬
Got any pets? two cats (gabriel and john hancock) and one dog (simon)
Favorite time of year: early spring!
Some interests and things you like: birdwatching…..
Some funfacts & trivia about you: oh gosh. i’m a historian forced to do IT work. i’m obsessed with vampires. i make better coffee than anyone i’ve ever known.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? story of seasons!!
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: steel type!! fav pokemon is a tie between mawile and alakazam
How did you get into Fire Emblem? friend’s cool older brother 🥲
What Fire Emblem games have you played? everything except gba games (but i’ve seen let’s plays so i know them dw!)
First Fire Emblem game: genealogy of the holy war of all things…..
Favorite Fire Emblem game: por/rd forever!!
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 titiana…. ma’am….
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? first EVER? okay lemme think… - Awakening: sumia - Fates: xander - Three Houses: seteth - Engage: pandreo
Favorite Fire Emblem class: like to use? pegasus knights
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? dark flier….
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? hmm maybe black eagles!
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? hmm camilla
How did you find TOA? browsing tumblr tags looking for a place to rp !
Current TOA muses: niles, reyson
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? m!robin first…. if the stars aligned i could play him, i’m just really persnickety
Have you had any other TOA muses? none other than those listed
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? yeah i like mean guys and haughty girls
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? dialogue! back-and-forth dialogue esp between characters with no canon connection really scratch my brain!
Favorite TOA-related memory: i’m still new but i haven’t had a bad one 🥺
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔 toe-ah
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day that you’d like to share? 😉 lewyn. virion. shinon. almedha. clair. otr. uhhhh KYZA
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