#surf lagos
marcofuentes63 · 1 year
Sector Marítimo, Portuario y Logístico Nacional e Internacional. #INTERNACIONALES Rusia y Argelia acuerdan profundizar cooperación. Más en: Telesur Tilapia panameña registra buena calidad gracias a los controles sanitarios implementados durante su cultivo. Más en: hub INIDEP realizó un video divulgativo sobre buenas prácticas de devolución de peces cartilaginosos Más en:…
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saintabbonpromo · 2 years
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A ilha de Saint Abbon de Fleury; ambientação! De praias paradisíacas a encostas violentas, vales abertos repletos de carneiros e gado a florestas fechadas e exuberantes, a oscilação do terreno da ilha é proporcional aos sentimentos que ela pode despertar ao longo dos meses.
Eu fiz um mapa (sim, eu sei que é apenas uma pesquisa e esse rp pode nem ir adiante, mas se a empolgação é um crime, arrest me!) para dar uma ideia geral do que eu imagino da ilha e acredito que isso dá uma experiência mais realista muito benéfica, por se tratar de um lugar fictício. Vou deixar o mapa (ainda não finalizado) com a descrição de duas regiões que eu particularmente gosto bastante, abaixo do read more.
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Magdalene O centro comercial, lotado de lojas, cafés e restaurantes, estabelecimentos em geral. Há ali uma loja de antiguidades e uma confeitaria que, eu diria, são especialmente queridas. O hospital da ilha também fica em Magdalene, porém está um pouco mais afastado, mais em direção ao Lago Magdalene, enquanto o centro comercial está mais próximo ao porto de Magdalene. O Lago em si é rodeado por uma área arborizada, com um jardim sempre florido e pequenos animais. Piqueniques são muito apreciados por ali, como meditação, e até mesmo algumas lutas características da ilha. Algumas ruas são mais residenciais, também, essas em direção ao porto de Myriani, sendo esse o ponto de referência para o início de Alenia. O porto de Myriani, no entanto, não é tão movimentado quanto o anterior, apesar de também ser muito utilizado para a pesca.
Au Tabor Junto com Alenia e Pont-Ciel, Au Tabor está no pódio pelas melhores praias da ilha. Há quem defenda não haver comparação com as anteriores, porém os que possuem tal opinião são justamente seus moradores, o que os torna nada imparciais. Fato é que suas praias são as menos instáveis e de areia mais fina, muito apreciadas para o surfe, especialmente em dias de lua cheia, mas ótimas também para banho e mergulho. A população dessa região é conhecida por ser mais carefree, e os idosos costumam olhar feio para suas tatuagens. As praias favoritas em Au Tabor são: Leilatha, a preferida para o surfe; a pequena Loredana-sur-Mer (ou apenas Lore, para os íntimos); a gigantesca Trois Riviére, paradisíaca por seu encontro do mar com os três rios (e recebe muitas celebrações de casamento! Acredita-se que banhar-se nessas águas, do oceano e três de seus filhos, traz fertilidade) e a badalada Ludivine, casa de quiosques e bares, com suas espreguiçadeiras e guarda-sóis, e até uma casa noturna. 
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5 praias paradisíacas no Brasil
O Brasil é um país recheado de praias paradisíacas… Com tantas opções fica bem difícil escolher quais conhecer. Pensando em te ajudar nessa missão, reunimos aqui 5 praias paradisíacas no Brasil que você precisa conhecer. São lugares belíssimos que te deixarão ainda mais apaixonados por nosso país. praias mais bonitas de Arraial D'Ajuda.
Arraial D’Ajuda na Bahia
Arraial D’Ajuda é um distrito de Porto Seguro, que fica no litoral sul da Bahia. 
É um destino super charmoso, que conta com belíssimas praias, restaurantes, bares e até um dos melhores parques aquáticos do Brasil. 
As praias mais bonitas de Arraial são: Praia da Pitinga, Praia do Taípe e Praia do Mucugê. Tem ainda a Praia do Apaga Fogo, de onde é possível ter uma vista panorâmica da cidade de Porto Seguro. 
Arraial conta com uma vasta rede hoteleira com opções para todos os gostos, desde resorts, a pousadas e também imóveis para temporada. 
Numa viagem para Arraial você conseguirá conhecer ainda Porto Seguro, Trancoso e Caraíva, lugares onde estão localizadas as praias mais bonitas da Bahia. 
Descubra o que fazer em Arraial D’Ajuda, onde se hospedar e muitas dicas para aproveitar sua viagem. 
Arraial do Cabo no Rio de Janeiro
Arraial do Cabo fica localizada na belíssima Região dos Lagos, a 165 km de distância do Rio de Janeiro. A região possui praias paradisíacas e Arraial é o destino mais procurado pelos turistas. 
As praias de Arraial são tão belas, que são conhecidas como “Caribe brasileiro”. No ano de 2022 a Praia do Farol, ficou na lista das 10 melhores praias da América do Sul, de acordo com a avaliação do site TripAdvisor.
Estando em Arraial é imprescindível fazer um passeio de barco pelas praias da região e um passeio de buggy. 
A Praia do Forno, a Prainha, a Praia Brava e a Praia Grande são as praias mais bonitas de Arraial do Cabo. Não deixe de conhecê-las.
Estando em Arraial aproveite para conhecer outras cidades como Cabo Frio e Búzios, que ficam bem pertinho de lá. 
Maragogi em Alagoas
Maragogi em Alagoas é outro destino supercobiçado no Brasil e conta com praias belíssimas… Maragogi também tem o carinhoso apelido de Caribe Brasileiro, por conta de suas praias paradisíacas e da cor azul turquesa de seu mar. 
Praia do Antunes, Praia de Barra Grande, Praia de Peroba, Praia do Xaréu e Praia Ponta do Mangue são as mais belas da região, não deixe de conhecer. 
Numa viagem para Maragogi é bem tranquilo conhecer outros destinos como Maceió e Porto de Galinhas, por conta da proximidade. 
Ao programar uma viagem para Maragogi é importante consultar antes o calendário e programar sua viagem para a época da maré baixa, assim você poderá conhecer suas belíssimas piscinas naturais e aproveitar melhor sua viagem. 
Fernando de Noronha em Pernambuco
Conhecer Fernando de Noronha é o sonho de muitos brasileiros… Também pudera a Ilha é um verdadeiro paraíso. 
Fernando de Noronha está frequentemente nas listas que citam as praias mais bonitas do Brasil. 
No ano de 2023 a Baía do Sancho foi eleita como a melhor praia do mundo!!! Dá pra acreditar? O título foi dado pelo site TripAdvissor, na premiação Traveller’sChoice.  
Em Fernando de Noronha existe uma variedade de praias paradisíacas. O que as diferencia é que algumas são mais propícias para banho, outras para surf e snorkel, e algumas somente para se contemplar.
Estando na Ilha, não deixe de conhecer a Praia da Biboca, a Praia do Meio, a praia da Cacimba do Padre, a Baía dos Porcos e é claro a Baía do Sancho que é a mais bonita. 
Jericoacoara no Ceará
O vilarejo de Jericoacoara fica localizado no município de Jijoca de Jericoacoara a 300 km de distância de Fortaleza. 
É um destino rústico recheado de belas paisagens. Em Jeri, você curtirá praias e também lagoas. 
A Lagoa do Paraíso é um dos principais cartões postais de Jeri, suas águas mansas e cristalinas e suas areias branquinhas é um cenário perfeito para contemplar e relaxar. 
Outro destino super procurado em Jeri é a Praia das Conchas, pois é por meio dela que se chega até a Pedra Furada, símbolo da Vila. 
Buraco Azul, Praia do Preá e Praia do Guriú são outros lugares que merecem estar no seu roteiro. 
Jeri faz parte da Rota das Emoções, que engloba ainda os Lençóis Maranhenses, Delta do Parnaíba e outras cidades do Maranhão e Piauí. Quem sabe você não se programa para conhecer todos esses belos destinos?
Gostaram de nossas dicas? Conhecem essas praias ou ainda está nos seus planos conhecer? Conta pra gente… Vamos adorar saber!
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daydream-studyblr · 2 years
Southern summer challenge, días faltantes/missing days
respuestas en español primero, answers in english below
Me atrasé muchísimo en el reto, pero definitivamente quiero contestar todas las preguntas antes de que acabe enero.
I'm way behind on the challenge, but I definitely want to answer all the questions before the end of January.
5 de Diciembre • ¿Qué tan caluroso es el lugar donde vives?
En general no es muy caluroso. Sin embargo, este verano realmente se siente como el sol quema durante las mañanas.
6 de Diciembre • ¿Cuál es tu actividad de verano favorita?
Diría que lo que más me gusta es leer, tomar clases de natación y salir con mis amigos (es genial que nuestras vacaciones coincidan).
7 de Diciembre • ¿Cuáles son tus planes de verano?
Tengo muchas ideas acerca de lo que quiero hacer en verano. Leer un montón, practicar otra vez con mi guitarra acústica, tomar clases de natación, aprender oratoria, aprender a coser y a hacer crochet, empezar un anime journal, y más. Me emociona tener tanto tiempo libre.
8 de Diciembre • ¿Cuál es tu bebida de verano favorita?
Definitivamente milkshakes. Aunque también puedo tomarlos en invierno, es mejor aprovechar el calor.
9 de Diciembre • ¿Tienes planes de viajar durante este verano?
Quiero hacer un viaje de un día con mis amigos y también ir a un campamento.
10 de Diciembre • Eso es para mis amigos latinoamericanos: ¿café frío durante el verano o café caliente sin importar qué?
La verdad no tomo demasiado café por problemas en el estómago, pero me gusta más el café caliente porque puedo manejar la cantidad de azúcar que le pongo. De cualquier manera, igual me gustaría probar café frío.
11 de Diciembre • ¿Tienes algún “ritual de verano”?
Tomar clases de natación y armar una lista de verano con mis amigas (la cual casi nunca cumplimos). El resto de cosas que hago durante el verano también las hago el resto del año, sólo que con un espíritu veraniego.
12 de Diciembre • Si pudieras elegir un curso para hacer durante el verano, ¿cuál sería?
Creo que tomaría un curso de surf o de biología. Respecto a ámbitos más cercanos a mi carrera, me gustaría tomar un curso de metodología de investigación.
13 de Diciembre • ¿Usted y/o su familia celebran alguna festividad durante el verano?
Mi cumpleaños, el cumpleaños de mi papá y el de mi abuela. Tenemos un verano lleno de cumpleaños.
14 de Diciembre • ¡Su "música de verano" real (o lista de reproducción de verano) por favor!
Este verano he escuchado muy seguido Solar Power de Lorde, y los singles de Teenage Dream de Katy Perry. También he estado escuchando muchas playlists de verano.
15 de Diciembre • ¿Crees que estudias mejor durante el verano?
Usualmente no estudio durante las vacaciones de verano, pero cuando lo hago diría que me siento más tranquila y animada. Voy a concentrarme en estudiar en Febrero y trataré de hacerlo relajante.
16 de Diciembre • ¡Recomiéndanos una “película de verano”!
Recomendaré dos porque las películas son geniales. Una película que vi muchas veces cuando era más joven es Judy Moody y un Verano que Promete, es súper divertida. La otra película que me gustaría recomendar es Palabras que burbujean como un refresco; la vi en invierno y me encantó, quiero verla de nuevo este verano,
17 de Diciembre • ¿Te gusta ir a tomar baños de sol?
Usualmente no lo hago, pero me gustaría hacerlo este año aunque sea por unos minutos. Definitivamente hay algo energizante en sentir la luz solar.
18 de Diciembre • ¿Te gustan los baños de playa, río, lago o piscina?
Nunca he nadado en el mar, ni en un río o un lago, pero me encantaría hacerlo. Me gusta mucho nadar en piscinas, es relajante y divertido.
19 de Diciembre • ¡Cuéntanos algo que te emocione mucho hacer durante este verano!
Volver a hacer journaling e ir a la playa. También pintar y salir un montón. Quiero hacer un millón de cosas este verano.
20 de Diciembre • ¿Planeas ir a alguna escuela de verano/corredor de cursos de verano de tu universidad o escuela?
Tomé un curso de la universidad que no es parte de mi malla curricular pero es obligatorio. Era virtual, así que no lo sentí mucho.
21 de Diciembre • ¡Dos cosas que te gustan y dos que no te gustan del verano!
Las dos cosas que me gustan son cómo el ambiente se ve más bonito bajo el sol de verano y que los días son más largos. Las dos cosas que no me gustan son el calor que no te deja dormir y como el sol quema la piel.
22 de Diciembre • ¿Alguna idea para propósitos de año nuevo?
El Año Nuevo me encanta, así como armar propósitos de año nuevo. Quiero aprender a hacer crochet, leer muchos mangas y avanzar mi tesis.
23 de Diciembre • ¿Cuántos libros has leído hasta ahora?
Contándo los mangas, creo que aproximadamente serían 30, aunque tal vez estoy siendo demasiado optimista.
24 de Diciembre • Si tu familia celebra la Navidad, ¿la celebran la noche del 24 o el día del 25? (Les latines entenderán jajaja)
Celebramos el 24 con mi familia paterna y a veces visito a mi familia materna el 25. Y sí, celebrar el 24 es lo mejor.
25 de Diciembre • ¿Cuáles son tus metas para el próximo año?
Mi lista completa es: leer todos los shoujo mangas para principiantes, hacer 7 proyectos de crochet, tener un borrador de la tesis (pero un borrador bastante corregido), leer 10 libros de metodología de tesis, terminar libros que tengo en físico, aprender programación, aprender a usar SPSS, mantener hábitos saludables, poder sacar las notas de un canción al oído y ser capaz de coser sin indicaciones. Esperemos que funcionen.
26 de Diciembre • ¿Hay algo de lo que te arrepientas? (Hacer o no hacer)
Me arrepiento de no haber practicado más con la guitarra. Siempre tengo ese objetivo, pero sigo sin cumplirlo. En general, no quiero pensar mucho en arrepentimientos.
27 de Diciembre • ¿Cómo fue tu último día de clases en 2022?
Mi último día de clases presencial fue caótico porque hubo una convulsión política, por lo que el último día del ciclo se hizo de forma virtual. Fue tranquilo y aprobé mi examen final con facilidad.
28 de Diciembre • ¿Algún plan para la víspera de Año Nuevo?
Mi plan para la víspera de Año Nuevo era hacer una pijamada, al final no se pudo y cambió a tener una reunión con mis padres.
29 de Diciembre • Di algunos buenos recuerdos sobre 2022 :)
Ir al concierto de Harry Styles en Lima con mis amigas, la vez que llevé a mi novio al cumpleaños de un familiar, todas las salidas con mi novio, ir a la biblioteca de la universidad con mis amigos y mi fiesta de cumpleaños.
30 de Diciembre �� Solo tómate el día para recordar quién eras este año. ¿Estás contento con lo que ves?
Diría que no estoy totalmente contenta, pero estoy más contenta que antes y creo que eso es lo importante.
31 de Diciembre • ¡La última noche! Pide un deseo al 2023 ❤️
Mi deseo es tener un gran año, organizarme más y que a mis seres queridos les salga bien.
1 de Enero • ¿Cómo estuvo tu víspera de Año Nuevo?
Al final fue aburrido porque mis padres se durmieron antes de las 12, aunque me encantó cenar con ellos. A medianoche, salí sola a ver los fuegos artificiales y llamé a mi novio, lo cual también fue bonito.
2 de Enero • ¿Sueles hacer lista de objetivos? ¡Haz una mini lista de metas académicas y “para toda la vida” para este año!
Suelo hacer metas de objetivos tanto diarias como mensuales y anuales (incluso hago listas para cada estación). Mi lista de objetivos académicos es tener un borrador de tesis corregido, leer varios libros de teoría sociológica y escribir un par de ensayo de práctica. Los objetivos para toda la vida son aprender crochet, guitarra y a programar.
3 de Enero • ¿Cuáles fueron tus "primicias de año nuevo"? (Primera lectura, primera música, primer baño de lluvia, etc.)
Mi primera lectura terminada fue El perfume, mi primer álbum fue Un verano sin ti y mi primera película en cines fue Willaq Piqra. No estoy muy segura de qué más agregar, pero en general estoy feliz por mi inicio de año.
4 de Enero • ¿Cuándo comienzan tus clases?
Mis clases comienzan el de marzo. La verdad es que me quedan muchas vacaciones y creo que eso es genial.
5 de Enero • ¿Tu fruta de verano favorita?
Definitivamente mango. El mango es realmente superior. Pero también me encantan las sandías. En general, adoro las ensaladas de fruta.
6 de Enero • ¿Qué color vinculas con el verano?
El color amarillo, por el sol. En general, también me parece que es un color que está presente en muchos aesthetics asociados con el verano, como cottagecore, coastal grandma summer y sufjan stevens summer.
7 de Enero • ¿Estudiaste/estudiaste durante las vacaciones?
Estudié un curso de informática obligatorio que da mi universidad y he estado leyendo un poco de metodología. El curso de informática ya acabó, pero voy a continuar leyendo por mi cuenta sobre temas relacionados al siguiente ciclo.
8 de Enero: ¡Se acabó la primera semana de 2023! ¿Cómo te sientes?
Estoy contestando esta pregunta tarde, pero en mi primera semana me sentí súper animada porque tuve un intercambio de regalos atrasado con mis amigos de universidad. Fue una semana muy bonita.
9 de Enero • ¿Te gustan las lluvias de verano?
La verdad no porque tengo miedo a enfermarme, pero este verano quiero intentar dar un paseo en medio de una lluvia de verano.
10 de Enero • Nombre una cosa para cada sentido humano que le recuerde el verano
Para el olfato, es el olor a piscina. Para el tacto, es la luz solar. Para la vista, son las playas o un campo. Para el gusto, son ensaladas de frutas. Para el oido, es el sonido del mar. Amé esta pregunta. Mencioné cosas que ya estaban presentes en mis anteriores respuestas, pero la verdad es que son mis cosas favoritas del verano.
11 de Enero • ¿Has terminado algún libro(s) todavía? ¿Cual?
Hasta ahora solo he terminado El perfume. Es un libro muy bueno, lo recomiendo.
12 de Enero • Cuéntanos algo que te entusiasme mucho este año.
La nueva película de Wes Anderson y The Eras tour. También estoy súper emocionada por iniciar mi tesis. Tengo un nivel de emoción normal pero igual sé que será un año genial.
13 de Enero • ¡UN VIERNES 13 A PRINCIPIOS DE AÑO! ¿Crees que es algo bueno, algo malo o simplemente eres indiferente?
Soy bastante indiferente, aunque algún día me gustaría ver la película Viernes 13 en la fecha del mismo nombre.
14 de Enero • Si pudieras hacer un viaje de verano a cualquier lugar con tus amigos (o solo o con un ser querido), con todo pagado, ¿a dónde irías?
Va a sonar muy típico, pero a algún país del Mediterráneo, como Grecia o Italia. Nadar en el mar mediterráneo durante el verano debe ser algo maravilloso. También me gustaría experimentar el verano en un país que normalmente es muy frío.
15 de Enero • ¡Sabores de helado favoritos!
Vainilla junto a lúcuma y fresa o chocolate, mango, maracuya y vainilla con chocochips. Adoro los helados.
16 de Enero • ¿Cómo sueles vestirte durante el verano?
Uso vestidos largos, pantalones delgados y holgados o shorts con tops de flores o de colores claros. Este verano me han empezado a gustar los sombreros.
17 de Enero • Cuéntanos algo nuevo que hayas aprendido este año
Con la convulsión política actual, aprendí a confiar aún menos en los medios de comunicación tradicionales.
18 de Enero • ¿Te sientes ansioso por volver a la universidad?
No mucho. No quiero tampoco empezar a estudiar otra vez pero quiero estar de vacaciones eternamente. Incluso hay momentos en los que siento que ya quiero que empiecen las clases.
19 de Enero • ¿Fiesta en la piscina, luau o barbacoa?
Fiestas de piscina. He estado sólo en una y no pude entrar a la piscina, pero me encantaría estar en otra y poder disfrutarla al máximo.
20 de Enero • ¿Intentó un nuevo pasatiempo este verano? ¿Cual?
Estoy aprendiendo a hacer crochet y me encanta, es más fácil de lo que pensaba. Tengo planes de hacer una bufanda para el otoño. También jugó más videojuegos, empezó a practicar oratoria y a usar libros para colorear.
21 de Enero • ¿Cuál es la primera película que viste este año?
La primera película que vi fue Willaq Piqra. La vi en el cine y me encantó. Es una película peruana grabada en quechua. La muchísimo, tiene un mensaje muy poderoso sobre la infancia y el cine.
22 de Enero • ¿Ya escogiste las clases de tu universidad o escuela?
Todavía no porque quiero esperar a descubrir cuáles son los profesores para cada curso y qué cursos van a tomar mis amigos. Suelo decidir una semana antes de la fecha de matrícula.
23 de Enero • Rápido: una idea de cita amigable para el verano. ¡Vamos!
Tomar una clase de surf juntos. Suena divertido, aunque lleno de caídas. Y la propia actividad grita verano.
24 de Enero • ¿Cuál es tu primer recuerdo del horario de verano?
Mi primer recuerdo de verano son ir a la piscina durante las vacaciones. En ese entonces no me gustó, pero definitivamente marcó la manera en la que veo el verano ahora.
25 de Enero • El primer mes del año está por terminar… ¿Cómo te sientes al respecto?
No demasiado bien. Siento que debería haber hecho más cosas. Pero también trato de recordarme a mí mismo que es imposible ser una persona super productiva todo el tiempo.
26 de Enero • ¿Amanecer o atardecer?
El atardecer. En general, siempre lo he tenido más romantizado porque donde vivo se puede ver un atardecer muy hermoso en la playa. Además, no me levanto lo suficientemente temprano para ver al sol salir.
27 de Enero • Si el verano fuera una criatura mítica, ¿cuál crees que sería?
Creo que podría ser un dragón acuático azul y amarillo. Esta pregunta es demasiado maravillosa, gracias.
28 de Enero • Te desafío a leer o escribir una poesía sobre el verano. ¡Vamos!
Pondré un poema de Pablo Neruda:
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29 de Enero • ¿Cómo te gusta pasar los días de verano?
Me gusta (al menos en teoría) despertar temprano y leer mucho, o hacer actividades relajantess. Después, me encanta salir en la tarde con mis amigos o mi familia, y regresar tarde en la noche. Por último, leer o ver una película y después ir a dormir.
30 de Enero • ¡Cuéntanos un dato divertido sobre tu relación con el verano!
Ha sido muy cambiante durante estos años. Primero, me gustó porque significaba vacaciones y mi cumpleaños. Después, lo empecé a odiar porque no podía soportar el calor. Ahora, me encanta por lo hermoso que se ve el ambiente durante el verano y porque tengo mucho tiempo libre. Suelo tener melancolía de verano, pero ahora trato de centrarme en lo positivo.
December 5th. • How hot is the place you live?
In general it is not very hot. However, this summer it really feels like the sun is burning in the mornings.
December 6th. • What’s your favourite summer activity?
I would say that what I like the most is reading, taking swimming lessons and hanging out with my friends (it's great that our vacations coincide).
December 7th. • What are your summer plans?
I have many ideas about what I want to do in summer. Reading a lot, practicing my acoustic guitar again, taking swimming lessons, learning public speaking, learning to sew and crochet, starting an anime journal, and more. I'm excited to have so much free time.
December 8th. • What’s your favourite summer drink?
Definitely milkshakes. Although I can also take them in winter, it is better to take advantage of the heat.
December 9th. • Do you have any plans to travelling during this summer?
I want to take a day trip with my friends and also go to a camping.
December 10th. • That’s for my latam fellas: cold coffee during summer or hot coffee no matter what?
I don't really drink too much coffee because of stomach problems, but I like hot coffee better because I can handle the amount of sugar I put in it. Either way, I'd still like to try cold brew.
December 11th. • Do you have any “summer ritual”?
Taking swimming lessons and putting together a summer list with my friends (which we almost never keep). The rest of the things I do during the summer I also do them the rest of the year, but keeping a summer spirit.
December 12th. • If you could choose a course to do during the summer, what would be?
I think I would take a course in surfing or biology. Regarding areas closer to my career, I would like to take a course in research methodology.
December 13th. • Do you and/or your family celebrate any holiday during summer?
My birthday, my dad's birthday and my grandmother's. We have a summer full of birthdays.
December 14th. • Your actual “summer music” (or summer playlist) please!
This summer I listened to Lorde's Solar Power a lot, and the singles from Katy Perry's Teenage Dream. I've also been listening to a lot of summer playlists.
December 15th. • Do you think you study better during summer?
I usually don't study during the summer holidays, but when I do I would say that I feel more calm and lively. I am going to concentrate on studying in February and I will try to make it relaxing.
December 16th. • Recommend us a “summer movie”!
I will recommend two because the movies are great. A movie that I watched a lot when I was younger is Judy Moody and the not Bummer Summer, it's super fun. The other movie I'd like to recommend is Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop; I saw it in winter and I loved it, I want to see it again this summer,
December 17th. • Do you like to go take sunbaths?
I don't usually do it, but I would like to do it this year even for a few minutes. There is definitely something energizing about feeling the sunlight.
December 18th. • Do you like beach, river, lake or pool baths?
I have never swum in the sea, nor in a river or a lake, but I would love to do it. I really like swimming in pools, it's relaxing and fun.
December 19th. • Tell us something you’re very excited about doing during this summer!
Go back to journaling and go to the beach. Also paint and go out a lot. I want to do a million things this summer.
December 20th. • Do you plan go to any summer school/summer course runner by your college or school?
I took a college course that is not part of my curriculum but is required. It was virtual, so I didn't feel it much.
December 21st. • Two things you like and two you dislike about summer!
The two things I like are how the environment looks prettier in the summer sun and that the days are longer. The two things I don't like are the heat that doesn't let you sleep and how the sun burns your skin.
December 22nd. • Any New Year’s resolutions ideas yet?
I love the New Year, as well as making New Year's resolutions. I want to learn how to crochet, read a lot of manga and advance my thesis.
December 23rd. • How many books you read so far?
Counting the manga, I think it would be approximately 30, although maybe I'm being too optimistic.
December 24th. • If your family celebrates Christmas, they celebrate at 24th’s night or 25th’s day? (Latines will understand lol)
We celebrate at 24th with my paternal family and sometimes I visit my maternal family at 25th. And yes, celebrating at the 24th is the best.
December 25th. • What are your goals to next year?
My complete list is: read all shoujo mangas for beginners, do 7 crochet projects, have a draft of the thesis (but a fairly corrected draft), read 10 books of thesis methodology, finish books that I have in physical, learn programming, learn to use SPSS, maintain healthy habits, being able to learn the notes of a song by ear and being able to sew without instructions. Let's hope they work.
December 26th. • There’s something you regret off? (Doing or not doing)
I regret not having practiced more with the guitar. I always have that goal, but I still don't meet it. In general, I don't want to think too much about regrets.
December 27th. • How it was your last day of classes in 2022?
My last day of face-to-face classes was chaotic because there was a political upheaval, so the last day of the semester was done virtually. It was smooth and I passed my final exam with ease.
December 28th. • Any plans for New Year's Eve?
My plan for New Year's Eve was to have a sleepover, in the end it didn't work out and it changed to having a meeting with my parents.
December 29th. • Say some good memories about 2022 :)
Going to the Harry Styles concert in Lima with my friends, the time I took my boyfriend to a relative's birthday, all the outings with my boyfriend, going to the university library with my friends and my birthday party.
December 30th. • Just take the day to look back to who you were this year. Are you happy with what you see?
I would say that I'm not totally happy, but I'm happier than before and I think that's what's important.
December 31st. • The last night! Make a wish to 2023 ❤️
My wish is to have a great year, organize myself more and that my loved ones do well.
January 1st. • How was your New Year's Eve?
In the end it was boring because my parents fell asleep before 12, although I loved having dinner with them. At midnight, I went out alone to watch the fireworks and called my boyfriend, which was nice too.
January 2nd. • Do you usually do goals list? Do an academic and “for life” mini goals list for this year!
I usually make goal goals both daily and monthly and yearly (I even make lists for each season). My list of academic goals is to have a corrected thesis draft, read several books on sociological theory, and write a couple of practice essays. Lifelong goals are to learn crochet, guitar and programming.
January 3rd. • What were your “new year’s firsts”? (First read, first music, first rain bath etc.)
My first finished reading was Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, my first album was Un verano sin ti, and my first theatrical movie was Willaq Piqra. I'm not quite sure what else to add, but overall I'm happy about my start to the year.
January 4th. • When your classes start?
My classes start on March. The truth is that I have many vacations left and I think that's great.
January 5th. • Your fav summer fruit?
Definitely mango. The handle is really superior. But I also love watermelons. In general, I love fruit salads.
January 6th. • What color you link with summer?
The yellow color, by the sun. In general, I also find it to be a color that is present in many aesthetics associated with summer, such as cottagecore, coastal grandma summer and sufjan stevens summer.
January 7th. • You study/studied during vacations?
I studied a compulsory computer science course given by my university and I have been reading a bit about methodology. The computer course is over, but I'm going to continue reading on my own about topics related to the next cycle.
January 8: The first week of 2023 is over! How do you feel?
I'm answering this question late, but my first week I was super pumped because I had a late gift exchange with my college friends. It was a very nice week.
January 9th. • Do you like summer rains?
Not really because I'm afraid of getting sick, but this summer I want to try taking a walk in the middle of a summer rain.
January 10th. • Name one thing for each human senses that reminds you of summer
For the smell, it is the smell of the pool. For touch, it is sunlight. For the view, it is the beaches or a field. To taste, they are fruit salads. To the ear, it is the sound of the sea. I loved this question. I mentioned things that were already present in my previous answers, but the truth is that they are my favorite things of the summer.
January 11th. • Have you finished any book(s) yet? Which?
So far I have only finished Perfume: The Story of a Murderer. It is a very good book, I recommend it.
January 12th. • Tell us something you’re really excited about this year
Wes Anderson's new movie and The Eras tour. I am also super excited to start my thesis. I have a normal level of excitement but I still know it's going to be a great year.
January 13th. • A FRIDAY 13TH RIGHT IN THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR! You think it’s a good thing, a bad thing or are you just indifferent?
I am quite indifferent, although someday I would like to see the movie Friday the 13th on the date of the same name.
January 14th. • If you could have a summer trip to anywhere with your friends (or alone or with a loved one), with everything payed, where would you go?
It's going to sound very typical, but to a Mediterranean country, like Greece or Italy. Swimming in the Mediterranean Sea during the summer must be something wonderful. I would also like to experience summer in a country that is normally very cold.
January 15th. • Favourite ice cream flavours!
Vanilla with lucuma and strawberry or chocolate, mango, passion fruit and vanilla with chocochips. I adore ice creams.
January 16th. • How you usually dress yourself during summer?
I wear long dresses, skinny baggy pants or shorts with floral or light colored tops. This summer I have started to like hats.
January 17th. • Tell us something new you learned this year
With the current political upheaval, I have learned to trust the traditional media even less.
January 18th. • Do you feel anxious about going back to college?
Not much. I don't want to start studying again but I also don't want to be on vacation forever. There are even moments when I feel like I already want classes to start.
January 19th. • Pool party, luau or barbecue?
Pool parties. I've only been in one and I couldn't get into the pool, but I would love to be in another and be able to enjoy it to the fullest.
January 20th. • Did you try a new hobby this summer? Which?
I'm learning to crochet and I love it, it's easier than I thought. I have plans to make a scarf for the fall. I have also played more video games, started practicing public speaking and using coloring books.
January 21th. • What’s the first movie you saw this year?
The first movie I saw was Willaq Piqra. I saw it in theaters and loved it. It is a Peruvian film recorded in Quechua. I highly recommend it, it has a very powerful message about childhood and cinema.
January 22th. • Did you chose your college or school classes already?
Not yet because I want to wait to find out who the teachers are for each course and what courses my friends are going to take. I usually decide a week before the registration date.
January 23th. • Quick: a summer-friendly date idea. Go!
Take a surf lesson together. It sounds like fun, although full of falls. And the activity itself screams summer.
January 24th. • What’s your very first memory of summer time?
My first memory of summer is going to the pool during the holidays. I didn't like it back then, but it definitely shaped the way I see summer now.
January 25th. • The first month of the year is almost over… How do you feel about this?
Not too good. I feel like she should have done more things. But I also try to remind myself that it's impossible to be a super productive person all the time.
January 26th. • Sunrise or sunset?
The sunset. In general, I have always had it more romanticized because where I live you can see a very beautiful sunset on the beach. Also, I don't get up early enough to see the sun rise.
January 27th. • If summer was a mythical creature, which one you think it would be?
I think it could be a blue and yellow water dragon. This question is too wonderful, thank you.
January 28th. • I challenge you to read or write a poetry about summer. Go!
I will put a poem by Pablo Neruda:
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January 29th. • How do you like to spent you summer days?
I like (at least in theory) to wake up early and read a lot, or do relaxing activities. Afterwards, I love to go out in the afternoon with my friends or my family, and come back late at night. Lastly, read or watch a movie and then go to sleep.
January 30th. • Tell us a fun fact about your relationship with summer!
It has been very changeable during these years. First, I liked it because it meant vacations and my birthday. Later, I started to hate him because he couldn't take the heat. Now, I love it because of how beautiful the environment looks during the summer and because I have a lot of free time. I usually have summer blues, but now I try to focus on the positive.
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goalhofer · 4 days
2024 olympics Mexico roster
Matías Grande (Ciudad Mexico)
Bruno Martínez (Ciudad Mexico)
Carlos Rojas (Ciudad Mexico)
Ángela Ruiz (Saltillo)
Alejandra Valencia (Hermosillo)
Ana Vázquez (Ramos Arizpe)
José Doctor (Ciudad Mexico)
Ricardo Ortiz (Ciudad Mexico)
Jesús López (Hermosillo)
Noel Chama (Chipata)
Ever Palma (Zitácuaro)
Uziel Muñoz (Nuevos Casas Grandes)
Edgar Rivera (Ciudad Agua Prieta)
Erick Portillo (Cuauhtémoc)
Diego Del Real (Monterrey)
Alma Cortés (Monterrey)
Citlali Cristian (San Juan De Los Lagos)
Cecilia Tamayo (León De Los Aldama)
Paola Morán (Guadalajara)
Laura Galván (La Sauceda)
Margarita Hernández (Toluca De Lerdo)
Alegna González (Ojinaga)
Ilse Guerrero (Guadalupe)
Alejandra Ortega (Ciudad Mexico)
Luis Garrido (Monterrey)
Miguel Martínez (El Salto)
Marco Verde (Mazatlán)
Fátima Herrera (San Luis Potosí)
Citlalli Ortiz (Mexicali)
Sofía Reinoso (Tlapacoyan)
Karina Alanís (Monterrey)
Beatriz Briones (Tijuana)
Ricardo Peña (La Paz)
Adair Gutierrez (Rincón De Romos)
Erika Rodríguez (Guadalajara)
Marcela Prieto (Aguascalientes)
Luz Gaxiola (Culiacán Rosales)
Yuli Verdugo (La Paz)
Jessica Salazar (Guadalajara)
Victoria Velasco (Monterrey)
Kevin Muñoz (León)
Osmar Olvera (Ciudad Mexico)
Juan Celaya (San Nicolás De Los Garza)
Kevin Berlín (Heroica Veracruz)
Randal Willars (Ciudad Mexico)
Alejandra Estudillo (Ixtacomitán)
Aranza Vázquez (La Paz)
Gabriela Agúndez (La Paz)
Alejandra Orozco (Zapopan)
Federico Fernández (Nopalucan)
Eugenio Garza (Monterrey)
Andrés Azcárraga (Ciudad Mexico)
Carlos Hank III (Ciudad Mexico)
Gibrán Zea (Ciudad Mexico)
Carlos Ortiz (Dallas, Texas)
Abe Ancer (San Antonio, Texas)
Maria López (Ciudad Mexico)
María Fassi (Pachuca)
Natalia Escalera (Ensenada)
Alexa Moreno (Mexicali)
Ahtziri Sandoval (Guadalajara)
Dalia Alcocer (Mérida)
Ana Flores (Saltillo)
Julia Gutierrez (Mérida)
Kimberley Salazar (Xalapa-Enríquez)
Adirem Tejada (Mérida)
Paulina Martínez (Guadalajara)
Prisca Awiti (London, U.K.)
Duilio Carrillo (Guadalajara)
Emiliano Hernández (Cuernavaca)
Mariana Arceo (Guadalajara)
Mayan Oliver (Cuautitlán)
Miguel Carballo (Ciudad Mexico)
Alex López (San Felipe)
Kenia Lechuga (Santiago)
Mariana Aguilar (Ciudad Mexico)
Elena Oetling (Chapala)
Carlos Quezada (Ciudad Mexico)
Edson Ramírez (Ciudad Victoria)
Goretti Zumaya (Salamanca)
Alejandra Zavala (Guadalajara)
Gabriela Rodríguez (Monterrey)
Alan Cleland; Jr. (Boca De Pascuales)
Jorge Iga (San Luis Potosí)
Paulo Strehlke (Cuernavaca)
Gabriel Castaño (Monterrey)
Miguel De Lara (Ciudad Torreón)
Regina Alférez (Ciudad Mexico)
Marla Arellano (Ciudad Mexico)
Itzamary González (Ciudad Mexico)
Luisa Rodríguez (Ciudad Mexico)
Jessica Sobrino (Houston, Texas)
Pamela Toscano (Ciudad Mexico)
Nuria Diosdado (Guadalajara)
Joana Jiménez (Ecatepec De Morelos)
Celia Pulido (Guanajuato)
Martha Gustafson (Toronto, Ontario)
Table tennis
Marcos Madrid (Heroica Puebla De Zaragoza)
Arantxa Cossío (Tototlan)
Carlos Sansores (Chetumal)
Daniela Souza (Tijuana)
Aram Peñaflor (Toluco De Lerdo)
Crisanto Grajales (Xalapa-Enríquez)
Rosa Tapia (Ciudad Mexico)
Lizeth Rueda (Guadalajara)
Janeth Gómez (Guadalajara)
Roman Bravo-Young (Tucson, Arizona)
Austin Gomez (Bloomingdale Township, Illinois)
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recentlyheardcom · 20 days
90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days - Loren Is Leaving Las Vegas for Love - Recap [S07E01]
On the new season of 90 Day Fiance, Loren leaves behind his eccentric life of drag queens and couch surfing for Faith, his long-distance love in the Philippines. Tigerlily Taylor heads to Jordan to marry Adnan Abdelfattah the very first day they meet. Rayne heads to Lagos, Nigeria to prove love can definitely be blind. And Brian seeks love in Brazil in spite of his obstacles. Fire up your hot pot…
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meloinaw · 2 months
The Truth on Lago Maggiore Camping
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Cannobio is the ideal location for your Cannobio Camping vacation on Lake Maggiore's shores. The warm atmosphere and picturesque setting, this town accommodates campers of all types - be they family groups, friends in groups alone travelers, or even solo tourists looking to experience something new. Whatever their reasons for a vacation the city of Cannobio will cater to all of your needs, and will provide an unforgettable holiday experience to all visitors.
Cannobio offers an abundance of lodging options, ranging from campgrounds catering to caravanners as well as campers. There are electricity hook-ups along with the ability to dispose of waste, as for amenities like the private beach with parking to Holiday homes, self-catering and holiday apartments that come with fully-equipped kitchens, patios or terrace and restaurants nearby.
At Lake There are a variety of activities to do both on or off of the water. Some of them include swimming, sailing, kayaking and Camping Cannobio . For those seeking more relaxing ways to spend their time, there's hiking pathways through the mountain ranges or less strenuous cycling trails to select from. Furthermore, there is also an outdoor public area to where water sports are possible. All those interested in knowing more about Cannobio Camping, they can visit here.
Cannobio is a great spot for a hike. Its surrounding hills are home to an array of difficult paths and bike tracks along a riverbank, while automobile tours or guides provide a means in exploring this region of Italy.
Are you an animal enthusiast? There's an aquarium close by that's bound to delight kids and adults alike. attraction with over 100 kinds of marine life including reptiles and amphibians. They also have a myriad of interactive exhibits that are sure to delight anyone old or young alike! Lake Maggiore offers watersport enthusiasts an incredible water park, which includes windsurfing and sailing to kite surfing and diving. You can also enjoy tranquil cruises along the Locarno Island ferry service, or go to one of the three castles dating back to medieval times nearby.
Cannobio which is situated near the Swiss line it is a famous vacation spot with Italian as well as Swiss visitors alike. From spending time by the sea or exploring its awe-inspiring heritage and art, the town has something to offer every traveler, whether it's relaxing on the beach, exploring modern architecture, exploring historical streets similar to those in Venice or wandering and admiring amazing structures, such as those at Santa Pieta Sanctuary - Cannobio has much to offer both Italians as well as Swiss alike! Family vacations with children are a breeze. you can choose from a myriad of sights like aqua parks as well as zoos, botanical gardens, and even zoos as well as many others! It is best to click here or go to our official site to know about Campingplatz Lago Maggiore .
Lago Maggiore Camping can be the ideal way to relax and let go of your day-to-day obligations. It also gives you time to unwind, camping in nature can mean connecting with nature and breathing in fresh air, especially when your camp is near the waters of Lago Maggiore.
Lakes, and their surrounding area, offer an abundance of activities for recreation. Cannobio which is a prime example offers a myriad of bars and restaurants for you to enjoy; individuals who enjoy arts and culture would particularly appreciate Villa Taranto in Gordola with its sculpture park as also the Museum of Artefacts in Bellinzona which has a large collection.
Whatever it is, one of our cozy encampments with breathtaking views of Lake Maggiore or in one of our comfortable Mobilheimen, Lake Maggiore will provide you with a memorable holiday. Therefore, start planning to plan your Camping Lago Maggiore adventure now by selecting the type and accommodation. When you reach your desired location, all you need in order to really enjoy your getaway is to relax and unwind!
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gamboagarcia · 2 months
Gracias de antemano por sus comentarios Las increíbles actividades que ofrece la Republica de Palaos La República de Palaos es un lugar muy poco concurrido, sin embargo eso no quita que cuente con lugares paradisiacos, como lo son sus playas y sus lagos, donde puedes disfrutar de actividades como son el snorkel, surf, nadar con medusas o simplemente relajarte. Ciudad Juárez, Chih. (ADN / Ximena Gamboa) – Republica de Palaos es un de... Sigue leyendo: https://www.adiario.mx/de-viaje/las-increibles-actividades-que-ofrece-la-republica-de-palaos/?feed_id=164269&_unique_id=66946fe7b9265
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algarvevillaselection · 2 months
Exploring the Best Locations for Luxury Villa Rentals in Algarve
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When it comes to luxury villa rentals in Algarve, the region offers a diverse array of stunning locations that cater to every traveler's preference. Algarve Villa Selection, based in Bolton, England, presents a curated collection of exclusive properties in these prime locations, ensuring an unforgettable holiday experience.
Quinta do Lago
Quinta do Lago stands out as one of the most prestigious areas in Algarve, known for its upscale resorts and championship golf courses. Villa rentals here often boast panoramic views of the Ria Formosa Natural Park and luxurious amenities such as private pools, tennis courts, and easy access to golden beaches.
Famed for its vibrant marina and world-class amenities, Vilamoura offers a blend of sophistication and relaxation. Luxury villas in Vilamoura feature contemporary designs, spacious interiors, and proximity to exclusive boutiques, fine dining restaurants, and the renowned Vilamoura Golf Courses.
For those seeking tranquility and natural beauty, Carvoeiro provides a picturesque setting with stunning cliffs, sandy coves, and crystal-clear waters. Villas in Carvoeiro often feature traditional Portuguese architecture, private gardens, and breathtaking ocean views, ideal for families or romantic getaways.
Albufeira combines historical charm with vibrant nightlife and beautiful beaches, making it a popular choice for villa rentals. Guests can choose from modern villas with sea views, private terraces, and easy access to Albufeira's bustling Old Town, where local cuisine and cultural attractions await.
Lagos offers a blend of rich history, stunning beaches, and lively atmosphere. Luxury villas in Lagos often feature proximity to the iconic Ponta da Piedade cliffs, private pools, and spacious terraces perfect for enjoying panoramic sunsets over the Atlantic Ocean.
Portimão appeals to travelers seeking a blend of authenticity and modern comfort. Villas here offer proximity to Portimão's marina, waterfront promenade, and historic sites, coupled with private pools, landscaped gardens, and easy access to nearby beaches.
For those interested in a more secluded and rugged landscape, Sagres is an excellent choice. Villas in Sagres offer unparalleled views of dramatic cliffs, pristine beaches, and opportunities for surfing and outdoor activities, providing a peaceful retreat away from the crowds.
Alvor charms visitors with its quaint fishing village atmosphere, golden beaches, and serene lagoon. Villas in Alvor feature traditional Algarvian architecture, private terraces with sea views, and access to local seafood restaurants and picturesque waterfront promenades.
Loulé offers a glimpse into Algarve's cultural heritage with its historic market, festivals, and traditional craftsmanship. Villas in Loulé often feature expansive gardens, infinity pools, and proximity to the charming town center where local artisans showcase their craft.
Tavira boasts an authentic Algarvian ambiance with its historic architecture, cobbled streets, and proximity to the serene Ria Formosa Natural Park. Villas in Tavira offer a tranquil escape with private gardens, infinity pools, and easy access to Tavira's cultural attractions and pristine beaches.
Algarve Villa Selection invites you to explore these exceptional locations for luxury villa rentals in Algarve, each offering its unique charm and beauty. Whether you seek golf courses, vibrant nightlife, serene beaches, or cultural exploration, Algarve promises an unforgettable holiday experience. Contact Algarve Villa Selection based in Bolton, England, to discover your perfect villa rental and embark on a journey to the heart of Algarve's allure.
Plan your dream vacation today with Algarve Villa Selection and indulge in luxury amidst Portugal's stunning southern coast.
Author : Dawn Patterson
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Booking with Algarve Villa Selection gives confidence and peace of mind that you will have a personalised customer service experience, from your very first enquiry, to the moment you return home from your amazing holiday.
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140 Lee Lane, Bolton, BL6 7AF, United Kingdom
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algarvekitesurfing · 3 months
The Best Time of Year for Kite Surfing in Algarve
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Kite surfing fans flock to Algarve, Portugal, yr-round, drawn with the aid of its pristine beaches, dependable winds, and scenic shoreline. However, information the first-rate instances to visit can notably beautify your revel in at the waves. Whether you are a pro seasoned or a amateur looking to dip your toes into this exhilarating sport, here’s your ultimate guide to timing your Algarve kitesurfing adventure.
Understanding the Seasons
Algarve enjoys a Mediterranean weather, characterized with the aid of warm, dry summers and moderate winters. The place reports wonderful seasons, each providing unique conditions for kite browsing:
1. Summer (June-August)
Summer is peak season for tourists in Algarve, thanks to its heat temperatures and clean skies. From June through August, kite surfers can anticipate steady thermal winds blowing predominantly from the northwest.
Average wind speeds variety from 15 to twenty-five knots, developing best conditions for riders of all stages. The sea temperature during this era is effortlessly heat, averaging round 20°C (sixty eight°F), making it ideal for prolonged classes at the water.
2. Autumn (September-November)
Autumn ushers in slightly cooler temperatures and less crowds as compared to the summer season months. Despite the waning vacationer season, kite surfers can nevertheless experience favorable wind conditions, in particular in September and October.
The wind has a tendency to be greater reliable earlier within the season, with common speeds starting from 15 to 20 knots. As the season progresses into November, wind patterns become extra variable, requiring a bit extra flexibility in making plans periods. However, the water stays particularly warm properly into October, providing cushty driving situations.
3. Winter (December-February)
Winter in Algarve brings cooler temperatures and occasional rainfall, yet it remains a possible season for kite browsing. The vicinity studies frontal structures from the Atlantic, that could carry strong and constant winds.
Kite surfers inclined to brave the cooler air temperatures (round 10-15°C / 50-59°F) will locate profitable situations with average wind speeds starting from 20 to 30 knots. The sea temperature drops for the duration of this season, averaging round 15°C (fifty nine°F), so wetsuits are essential for prolonged sessions.
4. Spring (March-May)
Spring marks the transition into hotter climate and extended sunshine, heralding the beginning of the kite surfing season. March and April can still enjoy some variability in wind patterns, however via May, conditions stabilize, presenting dependable thermal winds from the northwest.
Average wind speeds variety from 15 to 20 knots, gradually growing as summer time procedures. The sea temperature starts offevolved to upward thrust again, making it greater cushty for prolonged sessions at the water.
Choosing the Right Spot
Algarve boasts several kite surfing hotspots, each offering precise blessings relying in your talent level and preferences:
1. Lagos: Located in western Algarve, Lagos is renowned for its picturesque shoreline and dependable summer season winds. Meia Praia and Ponta da Piedade are famous spots offering expansive beaches and constant wind conditions.
2. Alvor: Situated near Portimão, Alvor is right for beginners and intermediate riders. The sheltered lagoon presents calm waters and constant winds, making it ideal for talent development.
3. Sagres: For the ones searching for more difficult situations, Sagres gives strong winds and powerful waves. Praia do Martinhal and Praia do Tonel are desired by skilled kite surfers searching to check their competencies.
Safety Tips
While kite surfing in Algarve promises exciting adventures, it’s crucial to prioritize protection always:
1. Weather Awareness: Stay informed approximately climate forecasts and wind situations before heading out. Sudden modifications in wind velocity or course can effect your protection on the water.
2. Equipment Check: Regularly check out your tools for any signs of wear or harm. Ensure your kite, lines, and harness are in right circumstance earlier than each consultation.
3. Respect Local Rules: Familiarize yourself with nearby guidelines and targeted kite surfing zones. Respect different beachgoers and hold a safe distance from swimmers and surfers.
Also Read: Why Algarve is the Perfect Destination for Wingfoiling?
Choosing the fine time of year for kite surfing in Algarve depends for your talent level, choices, and tolerance for extraordinary weather conditions. Whether you choose the bustling seashores of summer or the tough winds of wintry weather, Algarve offers some thing for every kite surfing fanatic.
By knowledge the seasonal nuances and choosing the right spot, you could maximize your revel in and create lasting memories at the waves of this beautiful Portuguese shoreline. Plan your journey wisely, pick Your tools, and get prepared for an unforgettable kite browsing adventure in Algarve!
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tourmyholidayholiday · 3 months
Affordable Family Holiday Packages for 2024
Planning a family holiday can be an exciting yet challenging task, especially when you're trying to find options that are both affordable and enjoyable for everyone. The key is to choose destinations that offer a mix of relaxation, adventure, cultural experiences, and family-friendly activities, all while staying within your budget. In 2024, there are numerous destinations around the world that cater to these needs. This guide will explore some of the top affordable family holiday packages for 2024, detailing what makes each location unique, the best attractions, activities to enjoy, and tips for planning your perfect family getaway.
1. Bali, Indonesia
Overview: Bali is a tropical paradise that offers a perfect mix of cultural experiences, beautiful beaches, and adventure activities. It's an affordable destination that provides a range of family-friendly accommodations and activities.
Top Attractions:
Ubud Monkey Forest: A sanctuary home to hundreds of monkeys and ancient temples.
Waterbom Bali: A top-rated water park with slides and pools suitable for all ages.
Tegallalang Rice Terraces: Stunning terraced fields that provide a great spot for family photos.
Beach Days: Relax on the sandy shores of Kuta, Seminyak, and Nusa Dua.
Cultural Tours: Visit temples like Tanah Lot and Uluwatu, and watch traditional Balinese dance performances.
Adventure Sports: Try snorkeling, diving, or take a family surfing lesson.
Look for family-friendly resorts that offer kids' clubs and activities.
Eat at local warungs (small restaurants) to save on food costs.
2. Algarve, Portugal
Overview: The Algarve region in Portugal is known for its stunning coastline, charming towns, and affordable holiday options. It's a great destination for families looking to enjoy sun, sea, and sand.
Top Attractions:
Zoomarine Algarve: A marine park with dolphin shows, water slides, and an aquarium.
Praia da Rocha: A beautiful beach with plenty of space for kids to play.
Lagos Zoo: A small, family-friendly zoo with a variety of animals.
Boat Tours: Explore the stunning caves and coastline on a family boat trip.
Water Parks: Visit popular water parks like Slide & Splash or Aqualand.
Hiking: Enjoy family-friendly hikes in the Ria Formosa Natural Park.
Book accommodations early to get the best deals, especially during the summer months.
Rent a car to easily explore different parts of the Algarve.
3. Orlando, Florida, USA
Overview: Orlando is a world-renowned destination for family holidays, thanks to its theme parks and family-friendly attractions. While some aspects can be pricey, there are ways to make an Orlando vacation more affordable.
Top Attractions:
Walt Disney World: A must-visit for families with its magical theme parks and attractions.
Universal Studios: Another popular theme park with exciting rides and shows.
Kennedy Space Center: An educational and fascinating experience for kids and adults alike.
Theme Park Visits: Plan your days to visit different theme parks while taking advantage of multi-day passes.
Water Parks: Cool off at water parks like Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon or Volcano Bay.
Shopping and Dining: Explore family-friendly shopping centers and dining options in Disney Springs or Universal CityWalk.
Look for vacation packages that include accommodations, park tickets, and meal plans.
Visit during off-peak times to avoid crowds and take advantage of lower prices.
4. Phuket, Thailand
Overview: Phuket is an affordable tropical destination that offers beautiful beaches, cultural attractions, and a variety of family-friendly activities. It's a great spot for families looking to experience a mix of relaxation and adventure.
Top Attractions:
Phuket FantaSea: A cultural theme park with shows, games, and activities for all ages.
Big Buddha: A massive statue offering panoramic views of the island.
Phuket Aquarium: A family-friendly aquarium with a variety of marine life.
Beach Days: Spend time on popular beaches like Patong, Kata, and Karon.
Snorkeling and Diving: Explore the rich marine life around the island.
Elephant Sanctuaries: Visit ethical sanctuaries where you can learn about and interact with elephants.
Stay in family-friendly resorts that offer activities for children.
Use local transport or rent a scooter to explore the island on a budget.
5. Barcelona, Spain
Overview: Barcelona is a vibrant city that offers a mix of cultural experiences, beautiful beaches, and family-friendly attractions. It's an affordable destination with a range of accommodations and activities suitable for families.
Top Attractions:
Sagrada Familia: Gaudí’s masterpiece, a must-visit for its stunning architecture.
Park Güell: A whimsical park with colorful mosaics and great views of the city.
Barcelona Aquarium: One of the largest aquariums in Europe, perfect for kids.
Beach Days: Relax on the sandy shores of Barceloneta Beach.
Museums and Parks: Visit kid-friendly museums like the CosmoCaixa science museum and explore the city’s parks.
Food Tours: Enjoy tapas and other local delicacies on a family food tour.
Use public transport to get around the city efficiently and affordably.
Look for free or discounted entry to attractions for children.
6. Marrakech, Morocco
Overview: Marrakech is a fascinating destination that offers a rich cultural experience, vibrant markets, and beautiful gardens. It's an affordable option for families looking to explore a unique and exotic location.
Top Attractions:
Jemaa el-Fnaa: The main square with street performers, food stalls, and shops.
Majorelle Garden: A beautiful garden offering a peaceful escape in the city.
Bahia Palace: A stunning palace with intricate architecture and gardens.
Market Tours: Explore the bustling souks and learn about local crafts.
Camel Rides: Take a camel ride in the nearby desert or palm groves.
Cultural Experiences: Visit traditional Moroccan hammams and enjoy local cuisine.
Stay in riads (traditional Moroccan houses) for an authentic experience.
Bargain when shopping in the markets to get the best prices.
7. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Overview: Kuala Lumpur is a modern city that offers a mix of cultural attractions, shopping, and family-friendly activities. It's an affordable destination with plenty to see and do for families.
Top Attractions:
Petronas Twin Towers: Iconic towers offering great views and an interactive science center.
Batu Caves: A limestone hill with caves and temples, easily accessible from the city.
Sunway Lagoon: A large theme park with water rides, wildlife, and adventure zones.
Aquaria KLCC: A large aquarium with a variety of marine life.
Bird Park: Visit the world’s largest free-flight walk-in aviary.
Cultural Tours: Explore the city’s diverse cultural heritage through its temples, mosques, and markets.
Use public transport, such as the monorail and buses, to get around the city.
Look for family-friendly hotels that offer amenities like pools and play areas.
8. Dubrovnik, Croatia
Overview: Dubrovnik, often called the "Pearl of the Adriatic," is a historic city with stunning architecture, beautiful beaches, and family-friendly activities. It’s an affordable European destination perfect for families.
Top Attractions:
Old Town: Explore the well-preserved medieval city with its historic walls and charming streets.
Dubrovnik Walls: Walk along the city walls for panoramic views of the Adriatic Sea.
Lokrum Island: A short boat ride away, this island offers beautiful gardens, beaches, and historic ruins.
Kayaking Tours: Paddle around the city walls and explore nearby caves.
Beach Days: Relax on popular beaches like Banje Beach and Sveti Jakov Beach.
Game of Thrones Tours: Visit filming locations from the famous TV series.
Visit popular attractions early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid crowds.
Try local dishes such as seafood risotto and black risotto.
9. Sydney, Australia
Overview: Sydney, Australia’s largest city, is known for its iconic landmarks, beautiful beaches, and vibrant culture. It’s a great destination for those looking to experience city life and coastal relaxation.
Top Attractions:
Sydney Opera House: Take a tour of this iconic landmark or attend a performance.
Sydney Harbour Bridge: Climb the bridge for stunning views of the city and harbor.
Bondi Beach: One of the world’s most famous beaches, perfect for surfing and sunbathing.
Coastal Walks: Take the scenic Bondi to Coogee coastal walk for beautiful views and hidden beaches.
Wildlife Tours: Visit Taronga Zoo or take a day trip to see kangaroos and koalas in the wild.
Dining: Enjoy fresh seafood and multicultural cuisine in the city’s numerous restaurants.
Use public transport, including ferries, to get around the city efficiently.
Look for free or discounted entry to attractions for children and families.
10. Cape Town, South Africa
Overview: Cape Town is a vibrant city that offers stunning landscapes, cultural experiences, and a range of family-friendly activities. It’s an affordable destination with something for everyone.
Top Attractions:
Table Mountain: Take the cable car or hike to the top for panoramic views.
V&A Waterfront: A bustling area with shops, restaurants, and entertainment.
Boulders Beach: Visit the famous penguin colony and enjoy the beach.
Robben Island: Take a tour of this historic site where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned.
Cape Point: Explore the dramatic landscapes and see where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet.
Beaches: Relax on family-friendly beaches like Camps Bay and Clifton.
Hire a car to explore the city and surrounding areas at your own pace.
Book tours and activities in advance to secure the best rates and availability.
Finding affordable family holiday packages for 2024 is possible with careful planning and consideration of destinations that offer a mix of attractions and activities suitable for all ages. From the tropical paradise of Bali to the historic charm of Dubrovnik, and from the vibrant city life of Sydney to the cultural richness of Marrakech, there are plenty of options to choose from. By taking advantage of family-friendly accommodations, local cuisine, and public transport, you can create unforgettable memories without breaking the bank. Whether you're looking for adventure, relaxation, or cultural experiences, these top destinations promise an enriching and enjoyable family holiday experience in 2024.
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gokitetour · 3 months
The 7 best beach destinations to visit in Europe
Europe boasts numerous coastlines that beckon vacationers with their adorable beaches, azure waters, and fascinating seashore towns. From the sun-soaked wet seashores of the Mediterranean to the rugged cliffs of the Atlantic, the continent offers an array of beach places brilliant for every shape of traveller. Whether you are looking for the vibrant nightlife of Ibiza, the serene splendour of the Greek islands, or the historic allure of Croatia's Adriatic coast, Europe's beaches offer the right setting for a memorable getaway.
Each of the continent's important seaside places gives its very own unique aggregate of herbal beauty, cultural richness, and leisure sports activities. Picture yourself lounging on the golden sands of Portugal's Algarve, exploring the hidden coves of Italy's Amalfi Coast, or diving into the crystal-smooth waters of Cyprus. In this manual, we're able to discover the seven super seashore locations in Europe, highlighting the lovable landscapes, nearby attractions, and unforgettable studies that make each place a must-visit for beach lovers.
Europe's coastline is a treasure trove of beautiful beach destinations, each presenting a unique mixture of natural beauty, cultural history, and entertainment sports. From the sun-kissed shorelines of the Mediterranean to the dramatic cliffs of the Atlantic, here are the seven great beach locations in Europe that promise unforgettable reports.
The 7 best beach destinations to visit in Europe
1. Algarve, Portugal
The Algarve, located in southern Portugal, is famed for its breath taking shoreline dotted with golden sandy seashores, hidden coves, and hanging rock formations. Praia da Marinha regularly lists some of the sector's most cute beaches, crystal-smooth waters, and dramatic limestone cliffs. The area's slight weather and over three hundred days of light a year make it a twelve-month-spherical destination. Visitors can discover charming fishing villages like Albufeira and Lagos, revel in easy seafood, and interact in activities that include surfing, sailing, and golfing.
2. Amalfi Coast, Italy
The Amalfi Coast, a UNESCO World Heritage site online, is famous for its picturesque coastal environment, fascinating towns, and steeply priced beaches. Positano, with its pastel-colored homes cascading down the cliffs to the ocean, has lovely pebble beaches like Spiaggia Grande and Fornillo. Amalfi and Ravello, with their stunning perspectives and historical sites, provide an ideal mix of rest and tradition. Visitors can take scenic boat journeys, find out about the Grotta dello Smeraldo (Emerald Grotto), and have fun with Italian delicacies at cliffside-consuming locations.
3. Santorini, Greece
Santorini, one of the Cyclades islands inside the Aegean Sea, is well known for its iconic white-washed homes with blue domes, lovely sunsets, and unique volcanic sea shores. Red Beach, near the historic website of Akrotiri, is famed for its red and black volcanic sands and dramatic cliffs. Kamari and Perissa seashores offer black sand shorelines and a colorful seaside tradition with numerous bars, restaurants, and water sports activities. The island’s rich history, captivating villages like Oia and Fira, and great nearby wines add to its charm.
4. Ibiza, Spain
Ibiza, a part of Spain’s Balearic Islands, is known for its active nightlife, but it additionally boasts some of the Mediterranean's most adorable seashores. Cala Comte, with its turquoise waters and lovable sunsets, is a favourite amongst traffic. Beyond the seashores, Ibiza's historical Dalt Vila (Old Town), a UNESCO World Heritage net internet web page, and the tranquil nation-state dotted with almond timber and olive groves provide a balance between relaxation and pride.
5.  Côte d'Azur, France
The Côte d'Azur, or French Riviera, stretches alongside the Mediterranean coast and is synonymous with glamour and luxury. Beaches in cities like Cannes, Nice, and Saint-Tropez are famed for their azure waters and upscale offerings. Plage de Pampelonne in Saint-Tropez is a popular spot for celebrities and has a colorful seaside membership scene. The area’s combo of lovely seashores, charming coastal villages, and cultural events just like the Cannes Film Festival make it a top European vacation spot.
6. Dubrovnik, Croatia
Dubrovnik, frequently referred to as the Pearl of the Adriatic," offers a stunning coastline with pristine seashores and crystal-clear waters. Banje Beach, located close to the historical metropolis walls, presents astonishing perspectives of Dubrovnik's Old Town. Lokrum Island, just a short boat trip away, has secluded seashores and luxurious botanical gardens. Visitors can discover the UNESCO-indexed Old Town, walk along the ancient metropolis partitions, and experience nearby delicacies like fresh seafood and Dalmatian wines.
7. Cyprus
Cyprus, placed in the eastern Mediterranean, is famed for its sun-soaked beaches, historical history, and warm hospitality. Nissi Beach in Ayia Napa is well-known for its soft white sands and vibrant birthday party ecosystem. Fig Tree Bay in Protaras offers crystal-clean waters and amazing water sports activity centers. Beyond the beaches, visitors can explore archaeological sites just like the Tombs of the Kings in Paphos, hike within the Trodos Mountains, and enjoy conventional Cypriot culture in captivating villages.
Exploring Europe’s best coastal destinations offers an unparalleled blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and experiences, making it a must on any Europe tour. Dive into the golden sands of Portugal’s Algarve and discover Italy’s Amalfi. Enjoy the romantic beach scenery, and enjoy the cozy atmosphere. Ibiza, Spain Whether you discover the historic charm of Dubrovnik, Croatia, every destination offers something uniquely stunning for From the scenic French Riviera to the volcanic beaches of Santorini in Greece and the sun-baked coast of Cyprus, these stunning The coastal gems encapsulate the essence of the perfect European getaway, ensuring every traveller gets his or her own slice of paradise.
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to-travel-smart · 4 months
Exploring the Algarve, Portugal : The Algarve, located in southern Portugal, is famed for its breathtaking beaches, dramatic sea cliffs, and charming fishing villages that dot the coastline. Covering an expansive area of 4,997 km² (1,929 sq mi) along the west coast of Portugal, the Algarve offers an array of activities that can make deciding where to start quite overwhelming. This comprehensive guide will help you navigate the myriad of adventures awaiting you in this stunning region.   Renting a car in Lisbon and driving down the western coast of Portugal is one of the best ways to experience the Algarve. This road trip allows you the freedom to stop at your leisure, discover hidden beaches, and fully immerse yourself in the region's natural beauty. For the best car rental rates, visit RentalCars.com. 2. Hiking the Seven Hanging Valleys Trail One of the top activities in the Algarve is hiking the Seven Hanging Valleys Trail. This 5.7 km trail stretches from Vale Centeanes to Praia da Marinha and offers spectacular views of the Atlantic Ocean, stunning beaches, and dramatic limestone cliffs. Starting at Praia da Marinha, our hotel, The Tivoli Carvoeiro, provided complimentary tuk-tuk rides to the trailhead. The hike, rated as moderate, requires sturdy hiking shoes and plenty of water. For a guided experience, consider a tour from Albufeira that includes cliff jumping at Algar Seco. 3. Visiting the Benagil Cave Accessing the Benagil Cave has become a bit more complicated. While motorboats were previously the only option, kayaks or SUPs are now preferred. Regardless, booking a guided boat tour is essential to visit this iconic cave. You can only enter by boat as visitors are not allowed to set foot on the beach within the cave to preserve its natural beauty. Tours often depart from Portimão, with transfers available from Carvoeiro or Lagos. 4. Discovering Ponta da Piedade Near Lagos, Ponta da Piedade is renowned for its stunning sunset views and picturesque coastline featuring impressive cliffs, rock formations, and sea stacks. Spend a day exploring by hiking from Lagos or taking a boat tour to appreciate it from the sea. The area is accessible by boardwalks and staircases leading down to the Atlantic Ocean, offering various viewpoints perfect for photography. 5. Surfing in the Algarve The Algarve is a popular destination for surfers of all skill levels. Amado Beach, with its calm waves and sandy sea floor, is ideal for beginners. Algarve Surf School offers lessons and surf camps, while Mareta Beach in Sagres and Praia da Rocha in Portimão are also excellent spots for novice surfers. For seasoned surfers, the Algarve’s sea caves and protected coves provide exciting challenges. 6. Relaxing on Algarve's Finest Beaches Praia da Marinha Beach is among the world's most beautiful beaches, surrounded by striking limestone cliffs and rock formations. Staying nearby, like at the Tivoli Carvoeiro, ensures easy access. Alternatively, catch a local bus, taxi, or boat tour to admire this beach's beauty from the water. Other notable beaches include Benagil Beach, Praia Dona Ana, and Ponta de Estudantes, each offering unique attractions from dramatic cliffs to historic bridges. 7. Enjoying Nature and Wildlife The Ria Formosa Natural Park is a protected area spanning 60 km from Ancão Peninsula to Manta Rota. It’s a birdwatcher’s paradise and offers boat tours to see flamingos and traditional fishing villages. The islands within the park, like Ilha de Faro and Ilha da Culatra, boast some of the Algarve’s most pristine beaches. Dolphin-watching tours are also popular, departing from Vilamoura or Albufeira. 8. Exploring Enchanting Villages The Algarve’s towns and villages are picturesque, with white houses on hilly terrain near the ocean cliffs. Lagos, known for its beautiful beaches and coastal views, offers activities ranging from beach relaxation to exploring the historic Old Town. Carvoeiro, with its traditional charm, is perfect for discovering
local culture, while Tavira and Albufeira offer historical and vibrant nightlife experiences. 9. Discovering Historical Landmarks The Algarve's rich history is evident in sites like Lagos Old Town, with its cobblestone streets and historical landmarks such as the Church of St. Anthony and the ancient castle walls. The Cape St. Vincent Lighthouse, located at Europe’s southernmost point, offers stunning ocean views and is an excellent spot for sunset watching. Silves Castle provides a glimpse into the region's Moorish past with its well-preserved ramparts and archaeological museum. 10. Savoring Local Cuisine The Algarve is famous for its fresh seafood. Traditional dishes like cataplana (seafood stew) and grilled sardines are must-tries. Visit local markets in Olhão and Lagos for an authentic taste of Portuguese seafood. Additionally, the region produces high-quality wines. Consider a wine tour in Lagoa to sample local varieties and enjoy a tasting session with scenic vineyard views. 11. Attending Festivals and Events The Algarve hosts numerous festivals, especially during the summer. The Faro International Motorcycle Rally in July attracts bikers from around the world, while the Loulé Carnival in February offers vibrant parades and music. In August, Silves transforms into a medieval market with reenactments and traditional music during its Medieval Festival. 12. Top Accommodation Options **Tivoli Carvoeiro**: Ideal for exploring the Seven Hanging Valleys Trail and nearby beaches.**Four Seasons Vilamoura**: Offers luxurious accommodations near golf courses.**Monicca Collection Suites & Residences**: Perfect for large groups seeking luxury in Albufeira.**Marina Club Lagos Resort**: Provides self-catering apartments in central Lagos. For more detailed information on where to stay, check out our guide on the top 5 areas to stay in the Algarve. 13. Getting to and Around the Algarve Faro International Airport (FAO) is the main gateway to the Algarve, with direct flights from many European cities. From the airport, you can rent a car, take a taxi, or use shuttle services. The Portuguese railway system also connects the Algarve to Lisbon, offering a scenic travel option. Driving from Lisbon takes about two and a half hours on the A2 motorway, while the A22 motorway facilitates travel within the Algarve. Renting a car is highly recommended for exploring the region. It provides the flexibility to visit small fishing villages, go on hikes, and arrive at beaches early. Starting from Lisbon Airport, you can even cross Europe’s longest bridge along your journey. Conclusion The Algarve is a diverse and captivating destination that caters to all types of travelers. Whether you seek adventure, relaxation, cultural experiences, or delicious cuisine, the Algarve has it all. Start planning your trip to this stunning region and discover why it's one of Portugal’s most beloved destinations.   Vacation Packages That Will Blow Your Mind! https://totravelsmart.com/travel-smart-this-summer-top-destinations-2024
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topviral · 4 months
Top 10 Cities to Live in Africa: A Vibrant Journey!
Top 10 Cities to Live in Africa: A Vibrant Journey! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TVpvLgmDgQ Discover Africa's vibrant and diverse cities in our latest travel video, "Top Ten Cities in Africa to Live!" Explore beyond the typical stereotypes of lions and safaris and dive into the bustling urban life, rich history, and mouthwatering culinary scenes these cities offer. From the stunning natural vistas and cosmopolitan vibe of Cape Town to the historical depth of Cairo and the lively streets of Lagos, this video showcases a side of Africa that's often overlooked. Enjoy the mix of traditional and modern as you stroll through the Medina's colorful alleys, surf the waves in Durban, or unwind on Luanda's serene beaches. Each city promises a unique blend of culture, food, and music, making them excellent travel destinations and living places. Like and share this video to spread the word about these amazing African cities! 🌍🏙️✈️ #travelafrica #citylife #exploreafrica #culturalheritage #africancuisine via Top Viral https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClbTtzALtMT8AsToyJnTRGA May 24, 2024 at 02:00AM
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oviedocartagena · 6 months
¿Cuál es la mejor época del año para visitar la playa en Chicago?
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¿Cuál es la mejor época del año para visitar la playa en Chicago?
Clima en Chicago para visitar la playa
El clima en Chicago es un factor determinante a la hora de planificar una visita a la playa en esta ciudad. Si bien Chicago es conocida por su clima frío y ventoso, durante los meses de verano, especialmente entre junio y agosto, las temperaturas pueden elevarse lo suficiente como para disfrutar de un día soleado en la playa.
Las temperaturas medias durante el verano suelen rondar los 25-30 grados Celsius, lo que resulta ideal para tomar el sol, nadar en el lago Míchigan o simplemente relajarse en la arena. Sin embargo, es importante tener en cuenta que el clima en Chicago puede ser variable, por lo que es recomendable verificar el pronóstico del tiempo antes de planificar tu día en la playa.
Además de las temperaturas agradables, la ciudad ofrece una amplia variedad de playas a lo largo de la costa del lago Míchigan, como la popular North Avenue Beach o la tranquila 12th Street Beach. Estas playas cuentan con instalaciones como áreas de picnic, canchas de voleibol y senderos para andar en bicicleta, por lo que hay opciones para todos los gustos.
En resumen, si estás planeando visitar la playa en Chicago, el verano es la mejor época para hacerlo. Con temperaturas cálidas y una gran variedad de playas para elegir, disfrutarás de un día inolvidable bajo el sol en la Ciudad de los Vientos. ¡No olvides tu protector solar y tu toalla y prepárate para disfrutar de un día de playa en Chicago!
Mejores meses para ir a la playa en Chicago
Los mejores meses para disfrutar de las playas en Chicago suelen ser de junio a agosto, cuando el clima es más cálido y agradable. Durante estos meses, las temperaturas suelen oscilar entre los 20°C y los 30°C, lo que hace que sea ideal para tomar el sol, nadar o simplemente relajarse en la playa.
Una de las playas más populares en Chicago es la North Avenue Beach, que ofrece impresionantes vistas del horizonte de la ciudad y una amplia extensión de arena donde puedes tomar el sol o jugar voleibol de playa. Otra opción es Oak Street Beach, que es perfecta para los amantes de los deportes acuáticos y ofrece alquiler de equipos para practicar paddleboarding o jet ski.
Además de disfrutar del sol y la arena, durante los meses de verano también se organizan numerosos eventos y festivales a lo largo de la costa de Chicago. Desde conciertos al aire libre hasta proyecciones de películas en la playa, siempre hay algo emocionante que hacer en la playa durante esta época del año.
En resumen, los meses de junio a agosto son sin duda los mejores para ir a la playa en Chicago y aprovechar al máximo todo lo que la ciudad tiene para ofrecer en términos de diversión bajo el sol. ¡Así que no esperes más y planifica tu escapada a la playa en la Ciudad de los Vientos!
Temporada alta en las playas de Chicago
Durante la temporada alta, las playas de Chicago se convierten en destinos populares para residentes y turistas que buscan disfrutar del sol, la arena y el agua fresca del lago Michigan. Con la llegada del verano, las playas de la ciudad se llenan de visitantes que aprovechan para relajarse, nadar y participar en diversas actividades recreativas.
La temporada alta en las playas de Chicago suele ser desde mediados de junio hasta principios de septiembre, cuando las temperaturas alcanzan su punto máximo y las condiciones climáticas son ideales para pasar el día al aire libre. Durante este período, es común ver a familias, grupos de amigos y parejas disfrutando de picnics en la playa, practicando deportes acuáticos como el paddle surf o simplemente tomando el sol.
Además de las actividades típicas de playa, como construir castillos de arena o jugar a las palas, las playas de Chicago ofrecen una variedad de servicios y comodidades para los visitantes, como alquiler de sombrillas, tumbonas y equipos deportivos. También es posible encontrar puestos de comida y bebida donde degustar deliciosos snacks y refrescantes bebidas para combatir el calor.
En resumen, la temporada alta en las playas de Chicago es una época vibrante y animada, perfecta para disfrutar del verano en un entorno único y refrescante. Ya sea que busques relajarte en la arena, practicar deportes acuáticos o simplemente contemplar la belleza del lago Michigan, las playas de esta ciudad te ofrecen un sinfín de opciones para pasar momentos inolvidables bajo el sol. ¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de vivir la experiencia de la temporada alta en las playas de Chicago!
Condiciones climáticas para visitar la playa en Chicago
Para aquellos que desean visitar la playa en Chicago, es importante tener en cuenta las condiciones climáticas para disfrutar al máximo de la experiencia. Debido a su ubicación en el noreste de Estados Unidos, las temperaturas en Chicago tienden a ser frescas, especialmente durante la primavera y el otoño. Esto significa que los días soleados en la playa pueden ser más escasos en comparación con destinos más cálidos.
Durante el verano, Chicago experimenta un clima más cálido y húmedo, lo que lo convierte en la temporada más popular para visitar la playa. Las temperaturas suelen oscilar entre los 25°C y los 30°C, lo que hace que sea ideal para disfrutar de un día de relax en la arena. Sin embargo, es importante tener en cuenta que el viento del lago puede hacer que la temperatura se sienta más fresca de lo que indica el termómetro.
Durante el invierno, las condiciones climáticas en Chicago son frías y nevadas, por lo que la playa suele estar desierta. Sin embargo, algunos valientes optan por disfrutar de vistas impresionantes del lago congelado. En general, la primavera y el otoño son épocas intermedias para visitar la playa en Chicago, ya que las temperaturas pueden variar y es posible que se necesite un abrigo ligero.
En resumen, si planeas visitar la playa en Chicago, la mejor época para hacerlo es durante el verano, cuando podrás disfrutar de temperaturas cálidas y días soleados. Recuerda siempre consultar el pronóstico del tiempo antes de salir y prepárate para disfrutar de hermosas vistas del lago Michigan en cualquier época del año.
Epoca recomendada para disfrutar de la playa en Chicago
La playa en Chicago es un lugar hermoso para disfrutar durante los meses de verano. La época recomendada para visitar y disfrutar plenamente de la playa en Chicago es desde finales de mayo hasta principios de septiembre. Durante estos meses, las temperaturas son cálidas y agradables, lo que permite a los visitantes disfrutar del sol y el agua refrescante del lago Michigan.
Uno de los mejores momentos para visitar la playa en Chicago es durante los meses de julio y agosto, cuando las temperaturas suelen ser las más altas y la playa está llena de actividades, eventos y gente disfrutando del clima veraniego. Desde tomar el sol, nadar en el lago, hacer deportes acuáticos o simplemente relajarse en la arena, hay algo para todos los gustos en la playa de Chicago.
Además, durante los meses de verano, la ciudad organiza una serie de festivales y eventos en las playas, lo que hace que la experiencia sea aún más emocionante y divertida. También hay una gran cantidad de restaurantes, bares y tiendas cerca de la playa, por lo que siempre hay algo que hacer después de un día de diversión bajo el sol.
En resumen, la época recomendada para disfrutar de la playa en Chicago es durante los meses de verano, especialmente desde finales de mayo hasta principios de septiembre. ¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de disfrutar de todo lo que la playa de Chicago tiene para ofrecer durante esta época del año!
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raftingmurcia · 6 months
Qué es el Paddle Surf
El paddle surf, también conocido como stand up paddle (SUP), es una actividad acuática que ha ganado popularidad en los últimos años debido a su accesibilidad y beneficios para la salud. Consiste en remar de pie sobre una tabla de surf con la ayuda de un remo, lo que permite desplazarse por el agua y disfrutar de la naturaleza de una manera única.
Orígenes del Paddle Surf
El paddle surf tiene sus raíces en la cultura polinesia, donde era utilizado por pescadores y surfistas para desplazarse por el agua. Con el tiempo, esta práctica evolucionó hasta convertirse en un deporte recreativo y competitivo en todo el mundo.
Beneficios para la Salud
Practicar paddle surf ofrece una serie de beneficios para la salud física y mental. Ayuda a mejorar la fuerza muscular, especialmente en brazos, piernas y abdomen, al mismo tiempo que se trabaja el equilibrio y la coordinación. Además, pasar tiempo al aire libre y en contacto con el agua contribuye a reducir el estrés y mejorar el bienestar emocional.
Equipo Necesario
Para practicar paddle surf de forma segura, es necesario contar con el equipo adecuado. Esto incluye una tabla de paddle surf, un remo ajustado a tu altura, un leash para sujetar el remo a la tabla y, en algunos casos, un chaleco salvavidas. Es importante también utilizar protector solar y llevar agua para mantenerse hidratado durante la actividad.
Lugares Recomendados
El paddle surf se puede practicar en una variedad de entornos acuáticos, desde lagos tranquilos hasta olas en el mar. Algunos lugares recomendados para disfrutar de esta actividad son lagos, ríos tranquilos o incluso en la costa donde las condiciones sean adecuadas para principiantes.
Las técnicas básicas para practicar paddle surf
1. Posición y Equilibrio: Antes de subir a la tabla, es crucial mantener los pies paralelos y separados a la distancia de los hombros en el centro de la tabla, con las rodillas ligeramente flexionadas y el peso equilibrado para garantizar estabilidad.
2. Remado Básico: Para desplazarte en paddle surf, es fundamental dominar la técnica básica de remado. Sujeta el remo con ambas manos, mantén los brazos extendidos y utiliza el torso para remar, no solo los brazos. Combina el movimiento del torso con el de los brazos para una remada eficaz.
3. Giro: Para girar en paddle surf, existen técnicas sencillas. Por ejemplo, si deseas girar hacia la izquierda, puedes realizar movimientos específicos para dirigir la tabla en la dirección deseada.
Estas técnicas básicas son fundamentales para iniciarte en el paddle surf de manera segura y efectiva, permitiéndote disfrutar al máximo de esta emocionante actividad acuática.
El paddle surf es una actividad emocionante que combina ejercicio físico con conexión con la naturaleza. Ya sea que busques relajarte en aguas tranquilas o desafiar las olas del mar, el paddle surf ofrece una experiencia única que vale la pena probar. ¡Anímate a descubrir este apasionante deporte acuático!
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