jaimelagrenadine · 6 months
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📏10 mètres de "Morue" pour emballer le seum de tes haters📏
🛍️ > www.jaimelagrenadineshop.com
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information-2-0 · 7 months
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plumedepoete · 1 year
Un surnom qui lui va comme un gant ! - Brahim Boumedien
Un surnom qui lui va comme un gant ! – Brahim Boumedien
  Un surnom qui lui va comme un gant !   Il  y a des noms qui restent Parce que bien portés Celui qui suit l’atteste Et constitue sa fierté   Elle, c’est Wahida Cette femme unique Que son destin guida Et que son nom indique   En regardant sa fille Elle pense au père Ses grands yeux brillent Et son cœur se serre   L’ « Unique » est aujourd’hui Dans sa belle maison Elle qui avec lui Appréciait les…
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Mon père eut un sursaut en m'entendant imiter la voix du petit Nicolas, regarda fixement dans les airs, à côté de moi, comme s'il y voyait l'enfant en question et me gronda : « Ben alors, pourquoi tu l'traites de fantôme ? » comme si cette saleté de Fantôme venait de se plaindre à mon père que je l'embêtais ! « Parce que ! j'en ai marre, à la fin. Il est tout l'temps dans ma chambre. Tous les soirs, avant de m'endormir, j'peux jamais penser tranquillement, toute seule dans ma tête. Faut toujours qu'y la ramène. Alors, moi, j'lui dis : "Tu hantes ma chambre, c'est qu't'es un fantôme. Va-t'en !" extrait de Le Fantôme
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zeldabecameaqueen · 2 months
"favorite nickname for Pomme" poll 🔗
"favorite nickname for Pomme (troll version)" poll 🔗
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wolfsnape · 7 months
I'm sorry but how can people be so terrible when my friend always waits for me after lunch so we can get coffee together ? When we compare our handwritings to see what letters we write the same ? When she calls me to talk about her day and says "you inspired me to act up and be better" ? When we look at each other and try not to laugh when another person says something stupid ? When he says "I'll drive you to the train station" ? When she cries "I wish you wouldn't talk about yourself that way, because you are a good person" ? When she says "I used to take the bus but for you, I'll walk all the way home" ? When he's supposed to lend me just one book but gives me two because "I'm sure you'll love this one" and I do ? When she says "I'm very happy to be part of this group" ? When he says "I'm more confident since I met you" ? When she laughs until she cries at my jokes before I even tell them ?
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ciboulo · 9 months
Cette nuit j’ai appelé un enfant-patient du même surnom que j’utilise pour mon chat et je me suis dir que c’est le début de ma folie, je commence à voir les humains comme des chats
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la-cocotte-de-paris · 10 months
Bonsoir amie des orages ! 2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? 24: Do you have a collection of anything? 76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? please
Bonsoir ! ^.^
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Hmm, if the person would be living, then I actually don't know. Maybe Cate Blanchett or Isabelle Huppert? I really admire them. Maybe some friends that I haven't seen in a while but it's too difficult to reach them irl atm (but I get to catch up with some soon, so I'm excited for that <3). Maybe a former lover just to clear up some things that never saw appropriate closure.
If I could pick someone who has passed, the list of people I'd want to meet would be endless! Edwige, Cleopatra, Elizabeth I, Vivien Leigh, Sarah Bernhardt, Shakespeare, Jean Cocteau and Jean Marais, some family members who have moved onto the next realm (which would also be a long list and mostly male, interestingly enough).
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
A few things, I suppose! I own a few antique jewellery pieces (as in, like, maybe less than five pieces). Of course I am a NERD and own a shitload of books that I someday intend to read but haven't yet (I'm sorta slowly absorbing one of my uncle's libraries bc it turns out we would have had a LOT of similar interests). I also sort of have an accidental shine for Edwige?? It was never supposed to be like that but I just keep end up collecting random little pieces about her (I've literally barred myself from ebay sometimes lmfao), and when I finally have a more long-term place to live, I feel a whole section of my apartment could be dedicated to her alone, let alone all my other theatre/classic film interests! But for the Edwige things, the "collection" ranges from the books she wrote (one she signed :) ), a theatre programme, some film cards, magazines/magazine clippings, copies of films (duh), and vintage photos. <3
I also want to print out all the photos I've taken that I really like (either from my phone camera or my film camera), but that's a work in progress, ahahaha! :P I also own an increasing amount of unusual jewellery (which i LOVE) and some of it is rather stark or macabre. I own a variety of different hand-fans, too, for the summer. <3
I just KNOW I'm forgetting a really obvious collection I own - but I'm too tired to remember it now... -_-""
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
Oooooh, this is such a good question! To me, I think open and unwavering communication, honesty, trust are all of top-tier importance. Some similar interests, and good sense of humour also helps a lot. Being kind, understanding/compassionate, and passionate with your lover is also key. Being self-aware and having an understanding of yourself is also important to help a healthy relationship function (knowing your own emotional limits, etc. so then you don't end up breaking your lover's heart repeatedly due to a disparity neither of you knew about/something you can't handle yourself and something your partner cannot help you with). Also you need to have fun together! Share experiences together, be willing to work through the bad and celebrate the good together. Support one another if a partner is going through a period of difficulty, too. And, well, you must love one another and appreciate one another for what you each are! I'm sure I could go on, but those would be the most important factors.
Merci pour les questions ! <3
let's get personal.
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chaotictomtom · 5 months
un jeune à pole emploi qui m'aborde avec un "dis moi mon poulet" alors que je l'ai jamais vu à part viteuf croisé à la milo ça me buuuuute
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evanrosieroff · 2 years
Evan: Je n’est pas de petits noms affectueux pour Barty. C’est vraiment ridicule.
Dorcas: Ah bon ? Comment s’appelle le gâteau qu’on utilise pour une pièce montée ?
Evan *sûr de lui* : Choux
Dorcas *désespéré* : …
Evan: Tu pensais vraiment que ça aller marcher ?
Dorcas: Un peu quand même…
Evan *un peu plus fort* : Crétin !
Barty *sort de nul part* : Qu’est-ce qui a minus ?
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jaimelagrenadine · 6 months
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🎣Les inséparables🎣
🛍️ > www.jaimelagrenadineshop.com
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information-2-0 · 8 months
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🟢🇫🇷 SURNOMS ET HYPNOSE? Hypnose DCS unique au monde
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« Mort, Nicolas ? bredouillai-je. Mais quand ? Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé ? Comment ça s'fait qu't'es au courant ? Tu l'connaissais ? - Non, moi, j'en sais rien mais si tu dis qu'c'est un fantôme, c'est que tu le perçois comme étant mort, continua mon père sur le même petit ton délicat. - Mais non ! m'exclamai-je, c'est une blague. J'le surnomme le Fantôme parce qu'il aime pas que j'l'appelle comme ça mais il est pas mort, j'crois pas. J'ai pas l'impression d'le voir dans la mort. Il a l'air en pleine forme, en tout cas. Même, quand il a ses p'tits nerfs, y rouspète : "Chuis pas un fantôme ! J'existe et je m'appelle Nicolas !" » extrait de Le Fantôme
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zeldabecameaqueen · 2 months
she's called both the French Sniper ☠️ and Pomminette 🦋. That's her. That's our Pomme.
"favorite nickname for Pomme (troll version)" poll 🔗
"favorite affectionate nickname her family call her by" poll 🔗
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rarougrougrou · 2 years
Être débile c'est répondre à un appel de la daronne à l'intérieur d'un magasin micromania et sortir "oui jsuis à escromania qu'est ce qui a"
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