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Black hole sun
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parolerandagie · 25 days
Cibi surreali - 13
Birra Anal-colica: bevanda a base di malto e luppolo che, seppur priva di alcol, è foriera di spiacevolissimi effetti collaterali, esplicati dal nome stesso.
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theaskew · 3 months
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Sam Francis (American 1923 - 1994), Untitled, 1946. Oil and casein on Masonite panel, 50.8 x 36.7 cm. 
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sabinastent · 1 year
Happy Birthday, Remedios Varo!
One of my favourite artists, I adore and am forever spellbound by this extraordinary para-surrealist, Art Witch, and cat lover 💫🐈‍⬛
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jalynckie · 4 months
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storia d'amore scritto in caps un tocco di classe grazie netflix bisogna sempre sottolineare la verità
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itsrobinsparkles · 6 months
sbaglio io a trovare un senso perché ormai niente ce l’ha in questa serie, ma sto cercando di capire se son seri o meno con questa storia tra Manuel e Nina perché o Damiano ha odiato sta storyline e questo spiega le sue facce perennemente scazzate ogni volta che si parlano o è intenzionale, ma gli autori mi sa che non son così intelligenti. Inizialmente pensavo fosse costruita male apposta, ma sto iniziando a dubitare. Forse loro ci credono sul serio eppure questa coppia è nata dal nulla e sta andando avanti con il nulla perché almeno Mimmo e Simone si parlano, si confidano e l’affetto e l’interesse lo vedo più genuino ma qui…? * balle di fieno che rotolano *
Parlano poco e quando parlano si limita il discorso alla figlia di lei. Se entro fine s2 dovessero cacciare fuori un ti amo da parte sua sarebbe surreale. CHI CI CREDE. Lasciamo stare i Simuel un attimo ma c’è una differenza MICIDIALE anche rispetto a come si poneva con Alice. Lui ne era davvero preso glielo leggevi in faccia e nei modi di porsi. Qui sembra starci per noia e per dovere con la bambina. E continuo a dire che secondo me è così perché non vedo come possa essere altrimenti…? Boh non so più che pensare.
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LIVING, WALKING DOOR MISS ALICE ALL'GHT!! She's a baby, and those big pupil eyes of her are what caused the spread of the Black Eyed Children urban legend, at least in my lore.
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geekynerfherder · 6 days
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'Glacier Bay' by DULK.
65cm x 85cm 24 colour screen print on 300gsm Somerset Satin paper with flouroescent Glow In The Dark inks, in a signed and numbered limited edition of 88 for £295.
On sale Thursday May 30 at 5pm UK through Graffiti Prints.
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Zdzisław Beksiński
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conformi · 2 years
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Paolo Sorrentino, Il divo, 2008 VS René Magritte, Le Principe du plaisir, 1937
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Non ci sono più quelle belle domande così divertenti di un tempo?
...per non parlare delle mezze stagioni, che non ci sono più nemmeno quelle.
E quelle belle canzoni che un tempo si sentivano a Sanremo? Sparite, anche loro, insieme alle vere atmosfere natalizie, al ruolo del libero nel calcio, al pesto con l’aglio, al pane e cioccolata a merenda, ai tedeschi in vacanza in Riviera, all’estate dei 16 anni, ai cinema all’aperto, al blocco sovietico, alle mele che, consumate una al giorno, toglievano i medici di torno...e delle tre civette sul comò, hai più avuto notizie tu? io no, e nemmeno della figlia del dottore, che tra l’altro si diceva fosse una facile...
...è che tutto passa, caro anonimo, e nulla, o proprio proprio poco, resta...
...tocca farsene una ragione e continuare ad apprezzare quello che c’è e che ancora non è svanito, fino a quando, prima o poi, svaniremo noi.
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coffeenuts · 1 year
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" Scene with Red Rose " by Marcel Caram https://flic.kr/p/2o4vwYn
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jardaddy-a · 2 years
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ok so what if i told you these five kids are responsible for the fate of the entire world , would you trust them ?      you should , you have no other choice - / j 
LEFT TO RIGHT: Rosered, Magnolia, Marigold, Myosotis, Jonquil
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portalurania · 1 year
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As pessoas que procuram por significados simbólicos não entendem a poesia inerente e o mistério da imagem. Sem duvida elas sentem o mistério, mas elas desejam se livrar dele. Elas têm medo. Ao perguntar “O que isso significa?” elas expressam um desejo de que tudo se entendível. 
René Magritte.
People who look for symbolic meanings fail to grasp the inherent poetry and mystery of the image. No doubt they sense this mystery, but they wish to get rid of it. They are afraid. By asking, 'What does it mean? they express a wish that everything be understandable.
René Magritte
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sangdelune-archive1 · 2 years
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✧ * º • –– @jardinae​​​​​ asked: ˗ˏˋ🍡❀┊ ( * THE SOMNOLENT STARGAZER ) ━  Normally... Stargazer was very delicate when it came to the dreams of children, there were moments when she had to use her powers to keep the nightmarish fiends away... but she was surprised by the number of hidden monsters that lurk within this boy's head. The two of them land in the city of Paris, realistically hand-drawn in crayon; the imitation almost looked genuine until the pair peered closer and noticed the surrealistic detail up close. Perhaps this trait merely hinted at the boy's youth. The dream world was bathed in the dead of night; a starless sky, but a full blue moon hovers overhead, it felt reminiscent of the artwork of Van Gogh but lacking the yellowed swirls.  They soon walked across a bridge that hung over a fabricated La Seine; Stargazer paused in her tracks once she spotted a pair of blurry silhouettes standing at the other side of the bridge. Their visages were obscured, but she could see two pairs of sapphire hues glinting in the darkness. The closer they drew near the more the distant figures become besmirched in charcoal,  Stargazer realized that the ground beneath them was beginning to collapse- The moment they were just close enough to see their faces, the bridge before them gave away. Stargazer pulled the boy back in panic before he could fall in. She turned her direction back to the pair of silhouettes... but alas, they were gone. ❝ ah... those two... they're very important to you, are they? ❞ // from the dream world inbox call !  
                                    ⮩      【      Unprompted.   】
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╰  ☾  ☆ * : ・   ⁞    —     ˗ˏˋ              THE DREAM HELD A STRANGE ILLUSION OF TRANQUILITY; portrayed by the picturesque vision of a bright, blue moon illuminating the Parisian streets. That moon gave him a sense of peace; a feeling that his FAMILY was still watching over him; no matter how alone he felt in this world was. That moon was the only thing he had now.
                There was something strange about this dream though; something that even the child could pick out. There was a GIRL; one that he swore he never once seen in his life. Perhaps they made EYE CONTACT upon the bustling sidewalks once before ? Or perhaps she was some nonexistent entity that his mind decided to conjure for SOME REASON OR ANOTHER. But she seemed nice enough so he simply allows the girl to accompany him.
                And it was a GOOD thing that he did.
                He should have KNOWN better. He and his family never dared to set foot back into Paris knowing of all the DANGERS within and all the ATROCITIES the city had committed upon them. Yet the very moment he sees those familiar silhouettes and the burning blue hues that only the three of them shared; he RUNS. Hardly does he even notice their forms becoming more and more obscured with the now SUFFOCATING darkness; nor does he pay any mind to the sounds of shifting and crumbling stone. All of these warnings were IGNORED; he has to get to his family at ANY COST.
                Those thin little legs COULDN’T carry him fast enough. With every hurried stride he took, the collapsing bridge only fell twice as fast. But he has to get to them. He has to get to them he has to get to them he has to get to them he has to - !
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                ‘ FATHER ! BROTHER - ! ‘ 
                The child STUMBLES as the ground underneath gave way. But he doesn’t fall into the dark, cold abyss. No, someone yanks him away from the gaping nothingness; pulling him back unto what little stable ground there was. The boy looks back; eyes still full of shock and trying to hold back tears that stung at his eyes. There was that SAME strange girl that was with him before. 
                He turns back to the ruined bridge; searching for the his family. But there was NOTHING. Nothing but the hubris the two had left behind.
                ‘ ... Yes ... those two are my FAMILY. That was my brother and my father. ‘
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                ‘ ... Thanks for saving me. ‘ 
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¿La Web del Surrealismo? Todd Schorr (1954 - )
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Todd Schorr (9 de enero 1954) es un artista estadounidense y uno de los prominentes miembros del movimiento artístico "Lowbrow art" o surrealismo pop. La combinación de una historieta influenciada de un vocabulario visual con una capacidad de técnica muy pulida, con base en los métodos exigentes de viejos maestros de la pintura, Schorr teje narraciones complejas que a menudo mordaz pero humorística en su comentario sobre la condición humana.  Mientras crecía como un niño en Nueva Jersey , Schorr mostró una compulsión para dibujar a una edad temprana y se inscribió en clases de arte por la mañana del sábado a la edad de cinco años. Profundamente afectado por las películas de fantasía, como el clásico de 1933 King Kong y los dibujos animados iniciales de Walt Disney y Max Fleischer, su influencia, junto con los cómics como Mad tendría un efecto duradero en el vocabulario visual de Schorr en vías de desarrollo.
Durante su visita a la Galería Uffizi en Italia en un viaje a Europa en el verano de 1970, Schorr comenzó a formular su idea de combinar su amor por los dibujos animados con las técnicas de los viejos maestros.
En 1972 ingresó en la Philadelphia College of Art (nombre actual "University of the Arts") queriendo ser pintor pero se le aconsejó seguir la ilustración. Schorr comenzó a trabajar ilustración profesional cuando aún estaba en la universidad, y poco después de graduarse en 1976, se trasladó a Nueva York donde produjo obras de los proyectos incluidos portadas de discos de AC/DC, carteles de la película de George Lucas y Francis Ford Coppola , y fundas para la revista Time que ahora residen en la colección permanente de la Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery en Washington, DC.
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