#sursion kina
oddcryptidwrites · 1 year
15 Questions
@unmellowyellowfellow tagged me in this and I'm gonna leave it as an open tag so I can get more of these tag games done! if you see this and want to play, consider yourself tagged!
For this one, I'm feeling spicy and I'm going to switch to a different WIP. Let's meet Onila and Sursia Kina, two siblings who work with the rebel group, the Watchers. Onila is the Kain (leader) of the Watchers and Sursia is the Watcher General and former Director of DragonKnights.
(From World of Ateine! @thetruearchmagos you might want to see this one)
1. Are you named after anyone?
Onila: I was apparently named after a grandmother somewhere in my lineage. Onila is a relatively common name on Ateine though, but everyone knows me as THE Onila Kina. Sursia: Like Onila, i was named after a distant relative and Sursia is a pretty common name. However, we've made a pretty good name for ourselves. Kina is not common.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Onila: I will admit, I get emotional a lot quicker than I used to. It was probably a week or so ago. I don't remember exactly. Sursia: Three or four days ago? There was a new clutch of pygmy fire dragon eggs found near Dragonsbreath. The population has been dwindling due to poaching and the Knights were able to go in and relocate the nest further from the city. One of the older dragons I used to work with was a pygmy fire dragon from that area and it reminded me of her.
3. Do you have kids?
Onila: I have a daughter, Acceber. She's currently 8 orbits old, and currently studying in the primary school at Base Sky. She stays with me in my loft. Sursia: Unless you count the sheer amount of dragons I've helped raise and train over the years, no. I don't think I'd want any either. my niece is enough.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Onila: I use it a lot in day to day conversation, but when doing Kain-related things, I have to be pretty straightforward. Sursia: Sarcasm isn't used often in the Knight's Sign, so it's not something I naturally tend to use. I can pick it up pretty well...sometimes...
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Onila: Allegiance. It's easy to take one look at someone and tell by the clothes the wear, the way they hold themself, and how they react to me. Sursia: Probably if they choose to try and speak to me or if they just speak to Onila or Larepo or whoever else I'm with.
6. What's your eye color?
Onila: I'm a coreblood, meaning I have lineage from four partages, and one of them is red-blood fiend. My eyes are technically brown, but they have an odd reddish tint from that red-blood fiend partage. Sursia: Same as Onila.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Onila: Scary movies! Sursia: Happy endings. We have enough scary shit going on in our world.
8. Any special talents?
Onila: I am an AMAZING shot when it comes to arrows, probably the best of the Watchers but I suck ASS when it comes to guns. Sursia: I can lift over [800 pounds] of dead weight over my head, if that counts. Other than that, I think most people would say Knight's Sign is a special talent, although it's the language I use. It's shared amongst the Dragon Knights, as most of us are deaf from dealing with the dragons (which are insanely loud, by the way. I could get my hearing fixed if I wanted to.
9. Where were you born?
Onila: I was born in the Lakaj region, one of the southernmost regions on Ateine. It was the dead of winter, we were snowed in, and dad was on duty, so it was just mom and Sursia who had come to visit and help mom once I'd been born. Sursia: I very vividly remember Onila's birth because we were snowed in for the next eight days afterwards. I was born in a hospital in the Asaf region, which is in the big central mountain range on Ateine. Dad was working in the Heart of Hell at the time.
10. What are your hobbies?
Onila: I don't have time for many hobbies but I have been spending a LOT of free time trying to read through the entirety of the Holy Books. You'd think I'd be done by now but there's a LOT of them (like hundreds) and they're all super dense and super long. Sursia: I spend most of my free time at Dragonsbreath, which is about [4 hours] from Base Sky where I'm stationed. It's usually assisting the new Director or just taking care of the Dragons.
11. Do you have any pets?
Onila: His name is Rebme and he's a pygmy fire dragon from the same clutch of eggs as Sursia's Terme. He's about the [size of a Great Dane] and while he technically is supposed to stay over near Dragonsbreath...but he escapes and flies over pretty often. I visit him whenever I can and one of my old friends takes care of him. Sursia: I used to have Terme, but he was poached for his scales. He was still a baby too. I still care for many of the dragons at Dragonsbreath although I don't consider them pets, really.
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
Onila: Combat simulators are a favorite of mine, but I also played a lot of [a sport similar to soccer] when I was a kid. I rode dragons a lot while working with the Dragon Knights, but I never got into professional soldier level type stuff. Sursia: Unlike Onila, I've spent almost fifty years at Dragonsbreath and rode dragons as a Knight for many many years. It takes a lot of strength and willpower to control them. I've also done some [rodeo-]style riding to saddle break new dragons.
13. How tall are you?
Onila: [5'11"] from the top of my head to my feet, [6'5"] if you count the top of the wings and I'm holding them all the way folded. Sursia: I'm a little shorter, at [5'8"], from head to feet, but I've got larger wings, so I'm also [6'5"] when they're folded. I used to be very clumsy. That's a lie. I still am.
14. Favorite subject in school?
Onila: I actually enjoyed my religions courses most. History was a close second, but only because they related back to a lot of my religion courses. I didn't really get into politics until I got into the Watchers' government. Sursia: I sucked at academics, but if I had to choose, it'd probably be animal biology. It prepared me for some of my Dragon Knight work.
15. Dream job?
Onila: While I enjoy being Kain (leader of the Watchers) I'd love to go back and join the Dragon Knights. Or (don't tell anyone) in an alternate universe, I could have joined the Sanctum. I was super religious as a kid, but it's faded as I've gotten older. Sursia: I think once I'm done with this General thing I'm going to go back to being the Director of the Dragon Knights.
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