#susan henking
atlanticcanada · 1 year
Strawberry season struggles across the Maritimes
Right inside the door of Trish and Henk’s Quality Produce is a sure sign of summer, but despite the table full of bright red, locally grown, fresh strawberries, this growing season has been anything but easy.
“This wet weather sure is not helping at all because it causes more diseases that we didn’t expect, the berries are starting to rot too early or too fast,” said Henk Tepper.
He has been growing berries for eight or nine years now and this season has seen a few snags.
“It has been pretty slow. The weather was cold to start with and now we’re having lots of rain, so the fields are very wet,” he said.
Right now their fields are currently even too wet to offer u-pick strawberries, but they are picking daily to salvage the crop and provide the produce to the community.
“I feel that strawberries this year are going to be scarce because of the weather and we’ve had no sun,” said Trish Moses.
“They’re soaked and they’re not liking it, but what we do have they’re delicious, they’re local, we know what we’re putting in the ground, we eat them for our family as well and we want to share them with everybody, so our prices are going to be lower.”
Right now, the locally owned store is offering their berries for $6.50 a box, which is helping draw in customers.
“My mom is in the local nursing home and loves fresh strawberries so I’m on Facebook with Trish and Henk’s and saw they have a great price on their berries, so I decided to stop here and pick up three boxes,” said Susan Dryden, a local resident.
“One of me, one for dad and one for my mom.”
While finding ways to manage the problematic forecast, experts say this years challenges actually started earlier across the Maritimes.
“It was definitely a slow start and that was definitely in part due to the cold weather that we had early on,” said Jordan Eyamie, the vice president of Horticulture Nova Scotia.
“I guess if you were to compare it to last year, last year was so hot, like from May to June, and this year we were getting barely in the 20s and last year our first pick was like 300 flats and this year our first pick was 12, so it’s a very very slow start.”
Eyamie says she is also struggling with the wet conditions. She says strawberries can’t be picked during the rain, making it challenging to plan ahead and she is also seeing more disease pressures this season.
“Recently, like in the last few days, it hasn’t been as bad,” she said.
“The forecast has been calling for rain so everyone’s kind of on edge, watching the radar whether on your phone or your computer or watching the news, but it’s just stressful that way.”
While the growers are currently struggling with too much rain, Eyamie says it was a different story in the early spring.
“I did ask the former owners of this farm if they’d ever seen a spring like this and they said never, like we’ve never seen weather this dry at this time of year,” she said.
“You know, April showers bring May flowers and we weren’t getting any showers.”
However, right now experts in both New Brunswick and Nova Scotia say that sun is needed for the rest of the strawberry season.
In terms of prices, both Eyamie and Tepper say they are on par with last year.
“Prices are always higher in the start of the season, they will go down as the berries will grow more and we have more,” said Tepper.
“It’s always supply and demand.”
However, some strawberry lovers remember how things used to be.
“I’m old and I remember 50 cent boxes, so it’s a little hard as you see them go up, but everything’s going up so if you want a good summer treat, it’s worth paying for,” said Dryden.
For more New Brunswick news visit our dedicated provincial page.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/ivSKlJX
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64bitgamer · 1 year
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uvzbfine · 2 years
Henke's Med-Math: Dosage Calculation, Preparation, Administration - Susan W. Buchholz
EPUB & PDF Ebook Henke's Med-Math: Dosage Calculation, Preparation, Administration | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD
by Susan W. Buchholz.
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Ebook PDF Henke's Med-Math: Dosage Calculation, Preparation, Administration | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD Hello Book lovers, If you want to download free Ebook, you are in the right place to download Ebook. Ebook Henke's Med-Math: Dosage Calculation, Preparation, Administration EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD in English is available for free here, Click on the download LINK below to download Ebook Henke's Med-Math: Dosage Calculation, Preparation, Administration 2020 PDF Download in English by Susan W. Buchholz (Author).
 Description Book: 
This best-selling text features a highly visual, hands-on approach to learning dosage calculation and principles of drug administration. With the step-by-step approach to solving problems and in-chapter exercises, provides the opportunity for students to gain ability and confidence in the material before proceeding to the next concept. Over 70 Calculations in Action Animations provide step-by-step demonstrations of how to solve equations presented in the text.
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jurjenkvanderhoek · 3 years
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Donderdag 30 september hoopt kunstenaar Jentsje Popma 100 jaar te worden. Daar diverse mensen uit de Friese kunstwereld van mening zijn dat al te lang wordt gewacht om de éminence grise een overzichtstentoonstelling in het Fries Museum te geven, wordt met dit eeuwfeest extra aandacht aan Popma gegeven. In de zomer is er een tentoonstelling in de Grote Kerk Leeuwarden, terwijl in het najaar in de Radboudkerk van Jorwert een verkooptentoonstelling met werken van Popma zal plaats vinden. En er is een boek, Jentsje Popma kunstenaar met een missie. In dat boek veel voorbeelden uit zijn omvangrijke oeuvre. Een tweetal schrijvers gaan in op leven en werken van de eeuweling. Na een rijk kunstenaarsleven legde Popma zijn palet en penselen zes jaar geleden aan de kant. Hij doneerde zijn atelier, materiaal en kunstwerken aan de Stifting Nijkleaster met de intentie de realisatie van een fysiek kloostergebouw midden op het Friese platteland. Met de bouw van dat gebouw waar stilte, bezinning en verbinding de centrale noties zullen zijn is dit jaar begonnen.  
Popma deelt met Nijkleaster het verlangen naar een plek waar mensen die in geestelijke spanningen verkeren tot rust en bezinning kunnen komen. Hoewel de kunstenaar niet uit een religieus nest komt, hij liet zich op latere leeftijd dopen, waren godsdienstige thema’s leidraad in zijn werk. De kunstenaar is een zachtaardig mens, maar staat wel op tegen onrecht gedaan aan de kunst en zijn werk. Diverse van zijn ruimtelijke werken, in opdracht gemaakt veelal via de 1%regeling, gingen onder de slopershamer omdat gebouwen zijn verkocht en een andere eigenaar en bestemming kregen. Ingezonden stukken naar kranten van zijn hand logen er dan ook niet om, tot aan de rechter heeft hij zijn gelijk gehaald. Een goed voorbeeld daarvan is het reliëf in chamotteklei, nu aan de gevel van de Bisschop Müller Stichting destijds gemaakt voor de Katholieke Nijverheidsschool voor meisjes in Leeuwarden. Het Anker wordt gezien als een afspiegeling van de levensloop van Jentsje Popma. De keramische wandsculptuur werd in 1965 door hem aangebracht en in 1990 door hem gerestaureerd. Eigenhandig redde hij het werk maar amper van de slopershamer. Het was zo beschadigd dat hij een nieuwe versie maakte. Nog wel herkenbaar, maar volgens zijn door de tijd gewijzigde opvattingen.
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Jentsje Popma is klassiek geschoold en eigenlijk in zijn hele oeuvre dat ook gebleven. Met twee kunstdiploma’s op zak verliet hij in een tijd dat er stevige veranderingen optraden in de kunst van de academie. Hij had geleerd dat kunst dienend moet zijn, niet autonoom. Maar de tijdgeest is zijn tegenstander, oprukkend modernisme zet zijn klassieke en traditionele vorm van kunstenaarschap als achterhaald en ouderwets aan de kant. Maar de kunstenaar houdt vast aan zijn eigen principes. Hij blijft geliefd onder vakbroeders en -zusters om zijn ruimhartigheid en inlevingsvermogen. Niet in de laatste plaats omdat hij werk koopt van beginnende kunstenaars, collega’s waar nodig met materiaal helpt, zijn atelier uitleent en bemiddelt bij instanties. Hij betrekt collega-kunstenaars bij monumentaal werk en speelt opdrachten door. Popma ondersteunt nieuwe initiatieven.
Zowel historicus Erik Betten als freelance tekstschrijver Susan van den Berg gaan in het boek in op leven en werk van de kunstenaar. Betten beschrijft het vanuit maatschappelijk perspectief en artistieke context. De verschillende aspecten van Popma’s werk worden behandeld door Van den Berg. Maar beide aspecten kunnen niet los staan van biografische inzichten, dus stippen de auteurs de levensloop aan en kan de lezer in de twee hoofdstukken dezelfde voorvallen in lijn tegenkomen. De derde tekst is die van emeritus predikant Jan Henk Hamoen. Hij is eindredacteur van het boek en beschrijft in zijn bijdrage de bijzondere band tussen Popma en Nijkleaster.
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Het leven van Popma staat in het teken van de kunst. Ooit had hij als droom meesterschilder te worden. Ik en de andere lezers met mij mogen uitmaken of hij dit inderdaad geworden is. Aan de hand van het boek blader ik door zijn oeuvre, waarvan het betere beste is opgenomen. Geen gemakkelijke keuze om uit een rijk werkbaar leven de meest aansprekende voorbeelden te selecteren. Tekeningen, beelden en reliëfs, ramen en schilderijen. Popma is een veelzijdig kunstenaar. Naast werken in het atelier geeft hij les aan kunstacademie Minerva en maakt daarvoor eigen lesmateriaal. Daarin blijft hij trouw aan zijn academische principes. Op een klassieke manier met anatomische kennis naar schildermodellen te werken. Zijn portretten ademen dan ook een nuchtere werkwijze van waarnemen en weergeven, observeren en registreren. Wat zijn geestesoog ziet daarvan maakt hij een visuele vertaling. Op latere leeftijd mengt Popma elementen van impressionisme met het expressionisme, maar zijn werk blijft altijd gekoppeld aan de realiteit. Abstract wordt het nooit, de figuratie wordt versimpeld. Naast zijn ruimtelijke werk en de glaskunst is hij altijd blijven schilderen. In de reeks van portretten en naakten vallen de landschappen het meest op.
In 1985 stopt hij met lesgeven en een jaar later voltooid hij zijn laatste kunstwerk in de openbare ruimte: Piet Paaltjens in Leeuwarden. Hoewel de restauratie van Anker in 1990 zijn echte laatste ruimtelijke werk is, hij maakt noodgedwongen een heel nieuw werk naar de oude tekening. Daarna is hij definitief vrij schilderend kunstenaar. En profileert zich gaandeweg als voorvechter van milieu- en landschapsbescherming. Door middel van landschapschilderijen drukt hij dit uit. Van den Berg noemt het ‘schuldige’ landschappen. In het door hemzelf als ‘productielandschap’ betitelde werken zie ik geen stinkende sloten of verloederde natuurtaferelen, maar toegankelijke landschappen in frisse kleuren. Het is de omgeving zoals het was, maar gaandeweg uit beeld verdwijnt wanneer er niets aan behoud wordt gedaan. Popma ziet zijn werk niet als eerbetoon aan de natuur, maar als een aanklacht: Gods schepping is bezoedeld geraakt.
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De kunstenaar haalt zijn voldoening uit wat hij heeft bereikt en gedaan: “Een overzichtstentoonstelling hoeft voor mij niet, omdat ik zo oud geworden ben. Als ik kom te overlijden, dan weten ze over tien jaar niet meer wie Jentsje Popma is.” Ik trek dat in twijfel, want de herwaardering voor zijn werk neemt serieuze vormen aan. Het is een omvangrijk oeuvre wat hij zal nalaten. Zeker te rekenen tot de parels van de Friese kunsthistorie. Naast andere grote namen zal zijn naam niet vergeten worden. Ook al niet dankzij dit boek dat tot stand kwam met steun van Stifting Nijkleaster. Ik eindig met de laatste woorden van voorzitter Alex Riemersma: “Dat de lezer en kijker van dit boek en de tentoonstelling (opnieuw) getroffen wordt door zijn kunst en geraakt wordt door de gemeenschappelijke missie van Jentsje Popma en van Nijkleaster.”
Jentsje Popma, kunstenaar met een missie. Tekstbijdragen van Erik Betten, Susan van den Berg en Jan Henk Hamoen. Inleiding van Alex Riemersma. Uitgave Noordboek, 2021.
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godzilla-reads · 4 years
The Big List of Cat Literature
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Nonfiction Books About Cats
“The Tribe of Tiger” by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
“On Cats” by Doris Lessing
“Cat Sense” by John Bradshaw
“The Cat: A Natural History” by Sarah Brown
“Secrets of the Cat” by Barbara Holland
“Cathedral Cats” by Richard Surman
“Cat Confidential” by Vicky Halls
Catty Children’s Books
“Splat the Cat” by Rob Scotton
“Six Dinner Sid” by Inga Moore
“Millions of Cats” by  Wanda Gág
“Comet’s Nine Lives” by Jan Brett
“The Tale of Tom Kitten” by Beatrix Potter
“Kitten’s First Full Moon” by Kevin Henkes
“Pete the Cat” by Eric Litwin and James Dean
“They All Saw a Cat” by Brendan Wenzel
“Mog the Forgetful Cat” by Judith Kerr
“The Chinese Siamese Cat” by Amy Tan
Middle Reader Books for Cat Lovers
“Warriors: Into the Wild” by Erin Hunter
“Adventures of a Cat-Whiskered Girl” by Daniel Manus Pinkwater
“Travels of Suki the Adventure Cat” by Martina Gutfreund and Leigh-Anne Ingram
“Royal Rescues: The Naughty Kitten” by Paula Harrison
“Varjak Paw” by S.F. Said
“The Cat Who Came in Off the Roof” by Annie M.G. Schmidt
“Catlantis” by Anna Starobinets 
“Crenshaw” by Katherine Applegate
“Catwings” by Ursula K. Le Guin
“The Witches of Worm” by Zilpha Keatley Snyder
“Carbonel: The King of the Cats” by Barbara Sleigh
Feline Classics
“Classic Cat Stories” edited by Becky Brown
“The Cat in the Hat” by Dr. Seuss
“Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats” by T.S. Eliot
“The Guest Cat” by Takashi Hiraide
“The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe
“The Cats of Ulthar” by H.P. Lovecraft
“Jenny and the Cat Club” by Esther Averill
Cat Literature
“Tailchaser’s Song” by Tad Williams
“Felidae” by Akif  Pirinçci
“Thomasina: The Cat Who Thought She Was God” by Paul Gallico
“How to Tell if Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You” by The Oatmeal
“The Cat Who Could Read Backwards” by Lilian Jackson Braun
“The Book of Night With Moon” by Diane Duane
“Catfantastic” edited by Martin H. Greenberg and Andre Norton
“The Incredible Journey” by Sheila Burnford
“Alfie” by Rachel Wells
“Of Cats and Men” by Sam Kalda
True Cat Stories
“Homer’s Odyssey: A Fearless Feline Tale” by Gwen Cooper
“Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World” by Vicki Myron and Bret Witter
“The Dalai Lama’s Cat” by David Michie
“A Street Cat Named Bob: How One Man and His Cat Found Hope On the Streets” by James Bowen
“Cat Stories” by James Herriot
“Making Rounds with Oscar: The Extraordinary Gift of an Ordinary Cat” by David Dosa
“Casper the Commuting Cat: The True Story of the Cat Who Rode the Bus and Stole Our Hearts” by Susan Finden
“Oscar the Bionic Cat” by Kate Allan
“The Cat Inside” by William S. Burroughs
Cat Poetry
“Hate That Cat” by Shannon Creech
“The Owl and the Pussy Cat” by Edward Lear
“I’m Not Sorry: Poems by Cats” by Rosa Silva
“Poetry for Cats: The Definitive Anthology of Distinguished Feline Verse” by Henry Beard
“Cat Poems” by Elizabeth Bishop
“The Great Cat: Poems About Cats” edited by Emily Fragos
“On Cats” by Charles Bukowski
Three Cat Documentaries on Netflix
The Tigers of Scotland (2017)
Catwalk: Tales From the Cat Show Circuit (2018)
#CATS_The_Mewvie (2020)
Famous Authors’ Cats
Mark Twain and Bambino
Ernest Hemingway and Snowball
Stephen King and Smucky
Alice Walker and Frida Kahlo
Doris Lessing and El Magnifico
William S. Burroughs and Smoke
Haruki Murakami and Sundance
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art-now-germany · 3 years
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- SOLD - Swamp Forest, Collection: S. Ribbe,, Wolfgang Schmidt
Swamp Forest - Sumpfwald Sincerely to: Andy Hall, Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Paul Allen, Edythe L. and Eli Broad, Rosa and Carlos de la Cruz, Patricia and Gustavo Phelps de Cisneros (Venezuela and Dominican Republic), Donald and Mera Rubell, Steven A. Cohen, Theo Danjuma, Maria Baibakova, Adrian Cheng, Ingvild Goetz (München), Victoria and David Beckham, Leonardo Dicaprio, Alan Lau, Camilla Barella, Ralph DeLuca, Arthur de Ganay, Ramin Salsali, Moises Cosio, Pedro Barbosa, Monique and Max Burger, Joaquin Diez-Cascon, Luciano Benetton, Roman Abramovich and Dasha Zhukova (Russia), Robbie Antonio (Philippines), Hélène and Bernard Arnault (France), Maria and Bill Bell (United States), Peter Benedek (United States), Debra and Leon Black (United States), Christian and Karen Boros (Germany), Irma and Norman Braman (United States), Peter Brant (United States), Basma Al Sulaiman, Marc Andreessen, Laura and John Arnold, Camilla Barella, Swizz Beatz, Claudia Beck, Andrew Gruft, Robert and Renée Belfer, Lawrence Benenson, Frieder Burda (Germany), Richard Chang (United States), Kim Chang-il (Korea), David Chau and Kelly Ying (China), Pierre T.M. Chen (Taiwan), Adrian Cheng (China), Kemal Has Cingillioglu (United Kingdom), Nicolas Berggruen, Jill and Jay Bernstein, Ernesto Bertarelli, James Brett, Jim Breyer, Christian Bührle, Valentino D. Carlotti, Edouard Carmignac, Trudy and Paul Cejas, Dimitris Daskalopoulos (Greece), Zöe and Joel Dictrow (United States), George Economou (Greece), Alan Faena (Argentina), Mark Falcone and Ellen Bruss (United States), Amy and Vernon Faulconer (United States), Howard and Patricia Farber (United States), Larry and Marilyn Fields (United States), Marie Chaix, Michael and Eva Chow, Frank Cohen, Michael and Eileen Cohen, Isabel and Agustín Coppel, Anthony D'Offay, Hélène and Michel David-Weill, Antoine de Galbert, Ralph DeLuca, Amanda and Glenn Fuhrman (United States), Danielle and David Ganek (United States), Ken Griffin (United States), Agnes Gund (United States), Steven and Kathy Guttman (United States), Andrew and Christine Hall (United States), Lin Han (China), Henk and Victoria de Heus-Zomer (Holland), Grant Hill (United States), Maja Hoffmann (Switzerland), Erika Hoffmann-Koenige (Germany), Tiqui Atencio Demirdjian, Beth Rudin DeWoody, Eric Diefenbach and JK Brown, David C. Driskell, Mandy and Cliff Einstein, Rebecca and Martin Eisenberg, Ginevra Elkann, Tim and Gina Fairfax, Dana Farouki, Michael and Susan Hort (United States), Guillaume Houzé (France), Wang Jianlin (China), Dakis Joannou (Greece), Alan Lau (China), Joseph Lau (China), Melva Bucksbaum and Raymond Learsy (United States), Agnes and Edward Lee (United Kingdom), Aaron and Barbara Levine (United States), Adam Lindemann (United States), Eugenio López (Mexico), Jho Low (China), Susan and Leonard Feinstein, Nicoletta Fiorucci, Josée and Marc Gensollen, Alan and Jenny Gibbs, Noam Gottesman, Florence and Daniel Guerlain, Paul Harris, Barbara and Axel Haubrok, Alan Howard, Fatima and Eskandar Maleki (United Kingdom), Martin Margulies (United States), Peter Marino (United States), Donald Marron (United States), David MartÍnez (United Kingdom and Mexico), Raymond J. McGuire (United States), Rodney M. Miller Sr. (United States), Simon and Catriona Mordant (Australia), Arif Naqvi (United Kingdom), Peter Norton (United States), Shi Jian, Elton John, Tomislav Kličko, Mo Koyfman, Jan Kulczyk, Svetlana Kuzmicheva-Uspenskaya, Pierre Lagrange, Eric and Liz Lefkofsky, Robert Lehrman, François Odermatt (Canada), Bernardo de Mello Paz (Brazil), José Olympio & Andréa Pereira (Brazil), Catherine Petitgas (United Kingdom), Victor Pinchuk (Ukraine), Alden and Janelle Pinnell (United States),Ron and Ann Pizzuti (United States), Michael Platt (Switzerland), Miuccia Prada and Patrizio Bertelli (Italy), Howard and Cindy Rachofsky (United States), Mitchell and Emily Rales (United States), Dan Loeb, George Lucas, Ninah and Michael Lynne, Lewis Manilow, Marissa Mayer, David Mirvish, Lakshmi Mittal, Valeria Napoleone, John Paulson, Amy and John Phelan, Ellen and Michael Ringier (Switzerland), David Roberts (United Kingdom), Hilary and Wilbur L. Ross Jr. (United States), Dmitry Rybolovlev (Russia), Lily Safra (Brazil),Tony Salamé (Lebanon), Patrizia Sandretto (Italy), Eric Schmidt (United States), Alison Pincus, Heather Podesta, Colette and Michel Poitevin, Thomas J. and Margot Pritzker, Bob Rennie, Craig Robins, Deedie and Rusty Rose, Stephen Ross, Alex Sainsbury, Alain Servais (Belgium), Carlos Slim (Mexico), Julia Stoschek (Germany), Budi Tek (Indonesia), Janine and J. Tomilson Hill III (United States), Trevor Traina (United States), Alice Walton (United States), Robert & Nicky Wilson (United Kingdom), Elaine Wynn (United States), Lu Xun (China), Muriel and Freddy Salem, Denise and Andrew Saul, Steven A. Schwarzman, Carole Server and Oliver Frankel, Ramin Salsali, David Shuman, Stefan Simchowitz, Elizabeth and Frederick Singer, Jay Smith and Laura Rapp, Jeffrey and Catherine Soros, Jerry Yang and Akiko Young (United States), Liu Yiqian and Wang Wei (China), Anita and Poju Zabludowicz (United Kingdom), Jochen Zeitz (South Africa), Qiao Zhibing (China), Jerry Speyer and Katherine G. Farley, Susana and Ricardo Steinbruch, Kai van Hasselt, Francesca von Habsburg, David Walsh, Artur Walther, Derek and Christen Wilson, Michael Wilson, Owen Wilson, Zhou Chong, Doris and Donald Fisher, Ronnie and Samuel Heyman, Marie-Josee and Henry R. Kravis, Evelyn and Leonard Lauder, Jo Carole and Ronald S. Laude, Francois Pinault (France), Udo Brandhost (Köln), Harald Falckenberg (Hamburg), Anna and Joseph Froehlich (Stuttgart), Hans Grothe (Bremen), UN Knecht (Stuttgart), Arendt Oetker (Köln), Inge Rodenstock (Grünwald), Ute and Rudolf Scharpff (Stuttgart), Reiner Speck (Köln), Eleonore and Michael Stoffel (Köln), Reinhold Würth (Niedernhall), Wilhelm and Gaby Schürmann, Ivo Wessel, Heiner and Celine Bastian, Friedrich Karl Flick, Monique and Jean-Paul Barbier-Mueller (Genf), Christa and Thomas Bechtler (Zürich), David Bowie (Lausanne), Ulla and Richard Dreyfus (Binningen und Gstaad), Georges Embiricos (Jouxtens and Gstaad), Friedrich Christian "Mick" Flick (Hergiswil and Gstaad), Esther Grether (Bottmingen), Donald Hess (Bolligen), Elsa and Theo Hotz (Meilen), Baroness Marion and Baron Philippe Lambert (Genf), Gabi and Werner Merzbacher (Zürich), Robert Miller (Gstaad), Philip Niarchos (St. Moritz), Jacqueline and Philippe Nordmann (Genf), Maja Oeri and Hans Bodenmann (Basel), George Ortiz (Vandoeuvres), Graf and Gräfin Giuseppe Panza di Biumo (Massagno), Ellen and Michael Ringier (Zürich), Andrew Loyd Webber, Steve Martin, Gerhard Lenz, Elisabeth and Rudolf Leopold.
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lauralot89 · 6 years
And now, apropos of nothing, some of my favorite picture books:
Bread and Jam for Frances (and all sequels) by Russell and Lillian Hoban
Mary’s Tiger by Rex Harley and Sue Porter
Umbrella by Taro Yashima
The Monster at the End of This Book by Jon Stone and Michael Smollin
All works by Dr. Seuss, particularly Fox in Socks and What Was I Scared Of?
Julius, The Baby of the World by Kevin Henkes
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr., John Archambault, and Lois Ehlert
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith
Just My Size by May Garelick and William Pène du Bois
Go, Dog. Go! by P.D. Eastman
Strega Nona (and all sequels) by Tomie dePaola
The Poky Little Puppy by Janette Sebring Lowrey and Gustaf Tenggren
Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt by Deborah Hopkinson and James Ransome
Curious George by H.A. and Margret Rey
Stone Soup by Marcia Brown
The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch and Michael Martchenko
Annabelle Swift, Kindergartner by Amy Schwartz
Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes
The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister
The Little Critter series by Mercer Mayer
The Art Lesson by Tomie dePaola
The Story about Ping by Marjorie Flack and Kurt Wiese
Night Tree by Eve Bunting and Ted Rand
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
The Rough-Face Girl by Rafe Martin and David Shannon
One Morning in Maine by Robert McCloskey
There’s a Monster Under My Bed by James Howe and David Rose
I Want My Hat Back by John Klassen (Yes, that’s me reading it)
Erandi’s Braids by Antonio Hernandez Madrigal and Tomie dePaola
The Stinky Cheese Man and other Fairly Stupid Tales by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith
Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes
The Wolf’s Chicken Stew by Keiko Kasza
Six-Dinner Sid by Inga Moore
Corduroy by Don Freeman
Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastman
Pat the Bunny by Dorothy Kunhardt
Perfect the Pig by Susan Jeschke
Baby Beluga by Raffi and Ashley Wolff
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readbooko · 2 years
Henke's Med-Math Dosage Calculation Preparation & Administration 9th Edition by Susan Buchholz PDF EBOOK EPUB
Henke’s Med-Math Dosage Calculation Preparation & Administration 9th Edition by Susan Buchholz PDF EBOOK EPUB
Henke’s Med-Math Dosage Calculation Preparation & Administration 9th Edition by Susan Buchholz PDF EBOOK EPUB This best-selling text features a highly visual, hands-on approach to learning dosage calculation and principles of drug administration. With the step-by-step approach to solving problems and in-chapter exercises, provides the opportunity for students to gain ability and confidence in the…
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leveragehunters · 6 years
Rules: Name your top ten favorite female characters from different fandoms. Then tag ten people. I was tagged by @trinkitthecat - thank you for the tag!
Okay, so this starts in order (and are all from books, hmm), and degenerates into randomness as the list progresses:
Tarma shena Tale'sedrin - Vows and Honor series & By the Sword by Mercedes Lackey
Honor Harrington - Honor Harrington series by David Weber
Michelle ‘Mike’ Henke - Honor Harrington-verse by David Weber et al (shh, it totally counts as two different fandoms)
Cordelia Naismith -  Vorkosigan series by Lois McMaster Bujold
Harry Crewe - The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley
October Daye - October Daye series by Seanan McGuire
Mary Russell - Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes Mysteries by Laurie R King
Susan Sto Helit- Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett
Jago - Foreigner series by CJ Cherryh 
Vicky ‘Victory’ Nelson - Blood Books series by Tanya Huff
Aaaand I’m gonna tag @emyrys, @dsudis, @galwednesday, @gryphye, @whtaft, @thelittleblackfox, @koreanrage, @alessariel, @elvashayam, @kiriei! Standard disclaimers apply, void where prohibited. If you do not consent to tagging, tagging was not applied. May cause drowsiness; do not operate heavy machinery or drive a vehicle while under the influence of tags. 
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smashpages · 6 years
Nominees for the 2018 Eisner Awards announced
Comic-Con International has announced the nominees for the 2018 Eisner Awards, presented annually in San Diego at the convention.
Monstress by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda and My Favorite Thing Is Monsters by Emil Ferris each received five nominations across various categories; other comics with multiple nominations included Mister Miracle, Black Hammer, The Flintstones, Grass Kings, Eartha and Hawkeye.
Check out the complete list of nominees below.
Best Short Story
“Ethel Byrne,” by Cecil Castelluci and Scott Chantler, in Mine: A Celebration of Liberty and Freedom for All Benefiting Planned Parenthood (ComicMix) “Forgotten Princess,” by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Antonio Sandoval, in Adventure Time Comics #13 (kaboom!) ”A Life in Comics: The Graphic Adventures of Karen Green,” by Nick Sousanis, in Columbia Magazine (Summer 2017), https://ift.tt/2I41VPy “Small Mistakes Make Big Problems,” by Sophia Foster-Dimino, in Comics for Choice (Hazel Newlevant) “Trans Plant,” by Megan Rose Gedris, in Enough Space for Everyone Else (Bedside Press)
Best Single Issue/One-Shot
Barbara, by Nicole Miles (ShortBox) Hellboy: Krampusnacht, by Mike Mignola and Adam Hughes (Dark Horse) Pope Hats #5, by Ethan Rilly (AdHouse Books) The Spotted Stone, by Rick Veitch (Sun Comics) What Is Left, by Rosemary Valero-O’Connell (ShortBox)
Best Continuing Series
Black Hammer, by Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston, and David Rubín (Dark Horse) Giant Days, by John Allison, Max Sarin, and Liz Fleming (BOOM! Box) Hawkeye, by Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero, and Mike Walsh (Marvel) Monstress, by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda (Image) The Wicked + The Divine, by Kieron Gillen & Jamie McKelvie (Image)
Best Limited Series
Black Panther: World of Wakanda, by Roxane Gay, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and Alitha E. Martinez (Marvel) Extremity, by Daniel Warren Johnson (Image/Skybound) The Flintstones, by Mark Russell, Steve Pugh, Rick Leonardi, and Scott Hanna (DC) Mister Miracle, by Tom King and Mitch Gerads (DC) X-Men: Grand Design, by Ed Piskor (Marvel)
Best New Series
Black Bolt, by Saladin Ahmed and Christian Ward (Marvel) Grass Kings, by Matt Kindt and Tyler Jenkins (BOOM! Studios) Maestros, by Steve Skroce (Image) Redlands, by Jordie Belaire and Vanesa Del Rey (Image) Royal City, by Jeff Lemire (Image)
Best Publication for Early Readers (up to age 8)
Adele in Sand Land, by Claude Ponti, translated by Skeeter Grant and Françoise Mouly (Toon Books) Arthur and the Golden Rope, by Joe Todd-Stanton (Flying Eye/Nobrow) Egg, by Kevin Henkes (Greenwillow Books) Good Night, Planet, by Liniers (Toon Books) Little Tails in the Savannah, by Frederic Brrémaud and Federico Bertolucci, translated by Mike Kennedy (Lion Forge/Magnetic)
Best Publication for Kids (ages 9–12)
Bolivar, by Sean Rubin (Archaia) Home Time (Book One): Under the River, by Campbell Whyte (Top Shelf) Nightlights, by Lorena Alvarez (Nobrow) The Tea Dragon Society, by Katie O’Neill (Oni) Wallace the Brave, by Will Henry (Andrews McMeel) Best Publication for Teens (ages 13-17)
The Dam Keeper, by Robert Kondo and Dice Tsutsumi (First Second/Tonko House) Jane, by Aline Brosh McKenna and Ramón K. Pérez (Archaia) Louis Undercover, by Fanny Britt and Isabelle Arsenault, translated by Christelle Morelli and Susan Ouriou (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi) Monstress, by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda (Image) Spinning, by Tillie Walden (First Second)
Best Humor Publication
Baking with Kafka, by Tom Gauld (Drawn & Quarterly) Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1, by Tom King, Lee Weeks, and Byron Vaughn (DC) The Flintstones, by Mark Russell, Steve Pugh, Rick Leonardi, and Scott Hanna (DC) Rock Candy Mountain, by Kyle Starks (Image) Wallace the Brave, by Will Henry (Andrews McMeel)
Best Anthology
A Bunch of Jews (and Other Stuff): A Minyen Yidn, by Max B. Perlson, Trina Robbins et al. (Bedside Press) A Castle in England, by Jamie Rhodes et al. (Nobrow) Elements: Fire, A Comic Anthology by Creators of Color, edited by Taneka Stotts (Beyond Press) Now #1, edited by Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics) The Spirit Anthology, edited by Sean Phillips (Lakes International Comic Art Festival)
Best Reality-Based Work
Audubon: On the Wings of the World, by Fabien Grolleau and Jerémie Royer, translated by Etienne Gilfillan (Nobrow) The Best We Could Do, by Thi Bui (Abrams ComicArts) Calamity Jane: The Calamitous Life of Martha Jane Cannary, 1852–1903, by Christian Perrissin and Matthieu Blanchin, translated by Diana Schutz and Brandon Kander (IDW) Lennon: The New York Years, by David Foenkinos, Corbeyran, and Horne, translated by Ivanka Hahnenberger (IDW) Spinning, by Tillie Walden (First Second)
Best Graphic Album—New
Crawl Space, by Jesse Jacobs (Koyama Press) Eartha, by Cathy Malkasian (Fantagraphics) My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, by Emil Ferris (Fantagraphics) Stages of Rot, by Linnea Sterte (Peow) The Story of Jezebel, by Elijah Brubaker (Uncivilized Books)
Best Graphic Album—Reprint
Boundless, by Jillian Tamaki (Drawn & Quarterly) Fantagraphics Studio Edition: Black Hole by Charles Burns, edited by Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics) Small Favors: The Definitive Girly Porno Collection, by Colleen Coover (Oni/Limerence) Sticks Angelica, Folk Hero, by Michael DeForge (Drawn & Quarterly) Unreal City, by D. J. Bryant (Fantagraphics)
Best Adaptation from Another Medium
Beowulf, adapted by Santiago García and David Rubín (Image) H. P. Lovecraft’s The Hound and Other Stories, adapted by Gou Tanabe, translated by Zack Davisson (Dark Horse) Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, adapted by Christophe Chabouté, translated by Laure Dupont (Dark Horse) Kindred, by Octavia Butler, adapted by Damian Duffy and John Jennings (Abrams ComicArts)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material
Audubon: On the Wings of the World, by Fabien Grolleau and Jerémie Royer, translated by Etienne Gilfillan (Nobrow) Flight of the Raven, by Jean-Pierre Gibrat, translated by Diana Schutz and Brandon Kander (EuroComics/IDW) FUN, by Paolo Bacilieri, translated by Jamie Richards (SelfMadeHero) Ghost of Gaudi, by El Torres and Jesús Alonso Iglesias, translated by Esther Villardón Grande (Lion Forge/Magnetic) The Ladies-in-Waiting, by Santiago García and Javier Olivares, translated by Erica Mena (Fantagraphics) Run for It: Stories of Slaves Who Fought for the Freedom, by Marcelo D’Salete, translated by Andrea Rosenberg (Fantagraphics)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material—Asia
Furari, by Jiro Taniguchi, translated by Kumar Sivasubramanian (Fanfare/Ponent Mon) Golden Kamuy, by Satoru Noda, translated by Eiji Yasuda (VIZ Media) My Brother’s Husband, vol. 1, by Gengoroh Tagame, translated by Anne Ishii (Pantheon) Otherworld Barbara, vol. 2, by Moto Hagio, translated by Matt Thorn (Fantagraphics) Shiver: Junji Ito Selected Stories, by Junji Ito translated by Jocelyne Allen (VIZ Media)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Strips
Celebrating Snoopy, by Charles M. Shulz, edited by Alexis E. Fajardo and Dorothy O’Brien (Andrews McMeel) Crazy Quilt: Scraps and Panels on the Way to Gasoline Alley, by Frank King, edited by Peter Maresca (Sunday Press) Foolish Questions and Other Odd Observations, by Rube Goldberg, edited by Peter Maresca and Paul C. Tumey (Sunday Press Books) Sky Masters of the Space Force: The Complete Dailies, by Jack Kirby, Wally Wood et al., edited by Daniel Herman (Hermes Press) Star Wars: The Classic Newspaper Strips, vol. 1, by Russ Manning et al., edited by Dean Mullaney (LOAC/IDW)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Comic Books
Akira 35th Anniversary Edition, by Katsuhiro Otomo, edited by Haruko Hashimoto, Ajani Oloye, and Lauren Scanlan (Kodansha) Behaving MADly, edited by Craig Yoe (Yoe Books/IDW) The Collected Neil the Horse, by Arn Saba/Katherine Collins, edited by Andy Brown (Conundrum) Fantagraphics Studio Edition: Jaime Hernandez, edited by Gary Groth (Fantagraphics) Will Eisner: The Centennial Celebration, 1917-2017, by Paul Gravett, Denis Kitchen, and John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Writer
Tom King, Batman, Batman Annual #2, Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1, Mister Miracle (DC) Matt Kindt, Grass Kings (BOOM! Studios); Ether (Dark Horse); Eternity, X-O Manowar (Valiant) Jeff Lemire, Black Hammer (Dark Horse); Descender (Image) Marjorie Liu, Monstress (Image) Mark Russell, The Flintstones (DC)
Best Writer/Artist
Lorena Alvarez, Night Lights (Nobrow) Chabouté, Moby Dick (Dark Horse); Alone, Park Bench (Gallery 13/Simon & Schuster) Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics) Cathy Malkasian, Eartha (Fantagraphics) Jiro Taniguchi, Furari, Louis Vuitton Travel Guide: Venice (Fanfare/Ponent Mon)
Best Penciller/Inker or Penciller/Inker Team
Isabelle Arsenault, Louis Undercover (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi) Mitch Gerads, Mister Miracle (DC) Gary Gianni, Hellboy: Into the Silent Sea (Dark Horse) Ramón K. Perez, Jane (Archaia) David Rubín, Black Hammer #9 & #12, Ether, Sherlock Frankenstein #1–3 (Dark Horse); Beowulf (Image)
Best Painter/Multimedia Artist (interior art)
Federico Bertolucci, Love: The Dinosaur, Little Tails (Lion Forge/Magnetic) EFA, Monet: Itinerant of Light (NBM) Jean-Pierre Gibrat, Flight of the Raven (EuroComics/IDW) Cyril Pedrosa, Portugal (NBM) Sana Takeda, Monstress (Image)
Best Cover Artist
Jorge Corona, No. 1 with a Bullet (Image) Nick Derington, Mister Miracle (DC); Doom Patrol (DC Young Animal) Brian Stelfreeze, Black Panther (Marvel) Sana Takeda, Monstress (Image) Julian Totino Tedesco, Hawkeye (Marvel)
Best Coloring
Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics) Mitch Gerads, Mister Miracle (DC) Ed Piskor, X-Men: Grand Design (Marvel) David Rubín, Ether, Black Hammer, Sherlock Frankenstein (Dark Horse); Beowulf (Image) Dave Stewart, Black Hammer, BPRD: Devil You Know, Hellboy: Into the Silent Sea, Sherlock Frankenstein, Shaolin Cowboy (Dark Horse); Maestros (Image) Rosemary Valero-O’Connell, What Is Left (ShortBox)
Best Lettering
Isabelle Arsenault, Louis Undercover (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi) Clayton Cowles, Bitch Planet: Triple Feature, Redlands, The Wicked + The Divine (Image); Black Bolt, Spider-Gwen, Astonishing X-Men, Star Wars (Marvel) Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics) Stan Sakai, Usagi Yojimbo, Groo: Slay of the Gods (Dark Horse) John Workman, Mother Panic (DC Young Animal); Ragnorok (IDW)
Best Comics-Related Periodical/Journalism
Alter Ego, edited by Roy Thomas (TwoMorrows) The Comics Journal, edited by Dan Nadel, Timothy Hodler, and Tucker Stone, tcj.com (Fantagraphics) Hogan’s Alley, edited by Tom Heintjes Jack Kirby Collector, edited by John Morrow (TwoMorrows) PanelXPanel magazine, edited by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, panelxpanel.com
Best Comics-Related Book
Deconstructing the Incal by Alejandro Jodorowsky and Moebius, by Jean Annestay and Christophe Quillien (Humanoids) How Comics Work, by Dave Gibbons and Tim Pilcher (Wellfleet Press/Quarto Group) How to Read Nancy: The Elements of Comics in Three Easy Panels, by Paul Karasik and Mark Newgarden (Fantagraphics) Line of Beauty: The Art of Wendy Pini, by Richard Pini (Flesk) Monograph, by Chris Ware (Rizzoli) To Laugh That We May Not Weep: The Life and Times of Art Young, by Glenn Bray and Frank M. Young (Fantagraphics)
Best Academic/Scholarly Work
The Comics of Charles Schulz: The Good Grief of Modern Life, edited by Jared Gardner and Ian Gordon (University Press of Mississippi) Ethics in the Gutter: Empathy and Historical Fiction in Comics, by Kate Polak (Ohio State University Press) Latinx Superheroes in Mainstream Comics, by Frederick Luis Aldama (University of Arizona Press) Neon Visions: The Comics of Howard Chaykin, by Brannon Costello (LSU Press) Picturing Childhood: Youth in Transnational Comics, edited by Mark Heimermann and Brittany Tullis (University of Texas Press)
Best Publication Design
Akira 35th Anniversary Edition, designed by Phil Balsman, Akira Saito (Veia), NORMA Editorial, and MASH•ROOM (Kodansha) Celebrating Snoopy, designed by Spencer Williams and Julie Phillips (Andrews McMeel) Monograph, designed by Chris Ware (Rizzoli) My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, designed by Jacob Covey (Fantagraphics) Will Eisner: The Centennial Celebration, 1917-2017, designed by John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Digital Comic
Bandette, by Paul Tobin and Colleen Coover (Monkeybrain/comiXology) Barrier, by Brian K. Vaughan and Marcos Martin (Panel Syndicate) The Carpet Merchant of Konstaniniyya, by Reimena Yee (reimenayee.com/the-carpet-merchant) Contact High, by James F. Wright and Josh Eckert (gumroad.com/l/YnxSm) Harvey Kurtzman’s Marley’s Ghost, by Harvey Kurtzman, Josh O’Neill, Shannon Wheeler, and Gideon Kendall (comiXology Originals/Kitchen, Lind & Associates) Quince, by Sebastian Kadlecik, Kit Steinkellner, and Emma Steinkellner, translated by Valeria Tranier (Fanbase Press/comiXology)
Best Webcomic
Awaiting a Wave, by Dale Carpenter and Nate Powell, features.weather.com/us-climate-change/arkansas (The Weather Channel Digital) Brothers Bond, by Kevin Grevioux and Ryan Benjamin, www.webtoons.com/en/action/brothers-bond/list?title_no=1191 (LINE Webtoon) Dispatch from a Sanctuary City, by Mike Dawson, https://thenib.com/dispatch-from-a-sanctuary-city (The Nib) The Tea Dragon Society, by Katie O’Neill, teadragonsociety.com (Oni Press) Welcome to the New World, by Jake Halpern and Michael Sloan, www.michaelsloan.net/welcome-to-the-new-world/ (New York Times Sunday Review)
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atasteofbulgaria · 4 years
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starwarsnewsit · 6 years
Eisner Awards 2018: poco "Star Wars" tra le nomination
New Post has been published on http://www.starwarsnews.it/2018/04/27/eisner-awards-2018-star-wars/
Eisner Awards 2018: poco "Star Wars" tra le nomination
Eisner Awards 2018. Verrà assegnato a breve uno dei premi più importanti del panorama fumettistico. Quest’anno tra le varie nomination c’è anche qualcosa legata a Star Wars, ma veramente poco…
Eisner Awards 2018 – Tutte le nomination
Best Short Story
“Ethel Byrne,” by Cecil Castelluci and Scott Chantler, in Mine: A Celebration of Liberty and Freedom for All Benefiting Planned Parenthood (ComicMix)
“Forgotten Princess,” by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Antonio Sandoval, in Adventure Time Comics #13 (kaboom!)
”A Life in Comics: The Graphic Adventures of Karen Green,” by Nick Sousanis, in Columbia Magazine (Summer 2017), http://magazine.columbia.edu/features/summer-2017/life-comics?page=0,0
“Small Mistakes Make Big Problems,” by Sophia Foster-Dimino, in Comics for Choice (Hazel Newlevant)
“Trans Plant,” by Megan Rose Gedris, in Enough Space for Everyone Else (Bedside Press)
Best Single Issue/One-Shot
Barbara, by Nicole Miles (ShortBox)
Hellboy: Krampusnacht, by Mike Mignola and Adam Hughes (Dark Horse)
Pope Hats #5, by Ethan Rilly (AdHouse Books)
The Spotted Stone, by Rick Veitch (Sun Comics)
What Is Left, by Rosemary Valero-O’Connell (ShortBox)
Best Continuing Series
Black Hammer, by Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston, and David Rubín (Dark Horse)
Giant Days, by John Allison, Max Sarin, and Liz Fleming (BOOM! Box)
Hawkeye, by Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero, and Mike Walsh (Marvel)
Monstress, by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda (Image)
The Wicked + The Divine, by Kieron Gillen & Jamie McKelvie (Image)
Best Limited Series
Black Panther: World of Wakanda, by Roxane Gay, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and Alitha E. Martinez (Marvel)
Extremity, by Daniel Warren Johnson (Image/Skybound)
The Flintstones, by Mark Russell, Steve Pugh, Rick Leonardi, and Scott Hanna (DC)
Mister Miracle, by Tom King and Mitch Gerads (DC)
X-Men: Grand Design, by Ed Piskor (Marvel)
Best New Series
Black Bolt, by Saladin Ahmed and Christian Ward (Marvel)
Grass Kings, by Matt Kindt and Tyler Jenkins (BOOM! Studios)
Maestros, by Steve Skroce (Image)
Redlands, by Jordie Belaire and Vanesa Del Rey (Image)
Royal City, by Jeff Lemire (Image)
Best Publication for Early Readers (up to age 8)
Adele in Sand Land, by Claude Ponti, translated by Skeeter Grant and Françoise Mouly (Toon Books)
Arthur and the Golden Rope, by Joe Todd-Stanton (Flying Eye/Nobrow)
Egg, by Kevin Henkes (Greenwillow Books)
Good Night, Planet, by Liniers (Toon Books)
Little Tails in the Savannah, by Frederic Brrémaud and Federico Bertolucci, translated by Mike Kennedy (Lion Forge/Magnetic)
Best Publication for Kids (ages 9–12)
Bolivar, by Sean Rubin (Archaia)
Home Time (Book One): Under the River, by Campbell Whyte (Top Shelf)
Nightlights, by Lorena Alvarez (Nobrow)
The Tea Dragon Society, by Katie O’Neill (Oni)
Wallace the Brave, by Will Henry (Andrews McMeel)
Best Publication for Teens (ages 13-17)
The Dam Keeper, by Robert Kondo and Dice Tsutsumi (First Second/Tonko House)
Jane, by Aline Brosh McKenna and Ramón K. Pérez (Archaia)
Louis Undercover, by Fanny Britt and Isabelle Arsenault, translated by Christelle Morelli and Susan Ouriou (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi)
Monstress, by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda (Image)
Spinning, by Tillie Walden (First Second)
Best Humor Publication
Baking with Kafka, by Tom Gauld (Drawn & Quarterly)
Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1, by Tom King, Lee Weeks, and Byron Vaughn (DC)
The Flintstones, by Mark Russell, Steve Pugh, Rick Leonardi, and Scott Hanna (DC)
Rock Candy Mountain, by Kyle Starks (Image)
Wallace the Brave, by Will Henry (Andrews McMeel)
Best Anthology
A Bunch of Jews (and Other Stuff): A Minyen Yidn, by Max B. Perlson, Trina Robbins et al. (Bedside Press)
A Castle in England, by Jamie Rhodes et al. (Nobrow)
Elements: Fire, A Comic Anthology by Creators of Color, edited by Taneka Stotts (Beyond Press)
Now #1, edited by Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics)
The Spirit Anthology, edited by Sean Phillips (Lakes International Comic Art Festival)
Best Reality-Based Work
Audubon: On the Wings of the World, by Fabien Grolleau and Jerémie Royer, translated by Etienne Gilfillan (Nobrow)
The Best We Could Do, by Thi Bui (Abrams ComicArts)
Calamity Jane: The Calamitous Life of Martha Jane Cannary, 1852–1903, by Christian Perrissin and Matthieu Blanchin, translated by Diana Schutz and Brandon Kander (IDW)
Lennon: The New York Years, by David Foenkinos, Corbeyran, and Horne, translated by Ivanka Hahnenberger (IDW)
Spinning, by Tillie Walden (First Second)
Best Graphic Album—New
Crawl Space, by Jesse Jacobs (Koyama Press)
Eartha, by Cathy Malkasian (Fantagraphics)
My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, by Emil Ferris (Fantagraphics)
Stages of Rot, by Linnea Sterte (Peow)
The Story of Jezebel, by Elijah Brubaker (Uncivilized Books)
Best Graphic Album—Reprint
Boundless, by Jillian Tamaki (Drawn & Quarterly)
Fantagraphics Studio Edition: Black Hole by Charles Burns, edited by Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics)
Small Favors: The Definitive Girly Porno Collection, by Colleen Coover (Oni/Limerence)
Sticks Angelica, Folk Hero, by Michael DeForge (Drawn & Quarterly)
Unreal City, by D. J. Bryant (Fantagraphics)
Best Adaptation from Another Medium
Beowulf, adapted by Santiago García and David Rubín (Image)
H. P. Lovecraft’s The Hound and Other Stories, adapted by Gou Tanabe, translated by Zack Davisson (Dark Horse)
Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, adapted by Christophe Chabouté, translated by Laure Dupont (Dark Horse)
Kindred, by Octavia Butler, adapted by Damian Duffy and John Jennings (Abrams ComicArts)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material
Audubon: On the Wings of the World, by Fabien Grolleau and Jerémie Royer, translated by Etienne Gilfillan (Nobrow)
Flight of the Raven, by Jean-Pierre Gibrat, translated by Diana Schutz and Brandon Kander (EuroComics/IDW)
FUN, by Paolo Bacilieri, translated by Jamie Richards (SelfMadeHero)
Ghost of Gaudi, by El Torres and Jesús Alonso Iglesias, translated by Esther Villardón Grande (Lion Forge/Magnetic)
The Ladies-in-Waiting, by Santiago García and Javier Olivares, translated by Erica Mena (Fantagraphics)
Run for It: Stories of Slaves Who Fought for the Freedom, by Marcelo D’Salete, translated by Andrea Rosenberg (Fantagraphics)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material—Asia
Furari, by Jiro Taniguchi, translated by Kumar Sivasubramanian (Fanfare/Ponent Mon)
Golden Kamuy, by Satoru Noda, translated by Eiji Yasuda (VIZ Media)
My Brother’s Husband, vol. 1, by Gengoroh Tagame, translated by Anne Ishii (Pantheon)
Otherworld Barbara, vol. 2, by Moto Hagio, translated by Matt Thorn (Fantagraphics)
Shiver: Junji Ito Selected Stories, by Junji Itotranslated by Jocelyne Allen (VIZ Media)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Strips
Celebrating Snoopy, by Charles M. Shulz, edited by Alexis E. Fajardo and Dorothy O’Brien (Andrews McMeel)
Crazy Quilt: Scraps and Panels on the Way to Gasoline Alley, by Frank King, edited by Peter Maresca (Sunday Press)
Foolish Questions and Other Odd Observations, by Rube Goldberg, edited by Peter Maresca and Paul C. Tumey (Sunday Press Books)
Sky Masters of the Space Force: The Complete Dailies, by Jack Kirby, Wally Wood et al., edited by Daniel Herman (Hermes Press)
Star Wars: The Classic Newspaper Strips, vol. 1, by Russ Manning et al., edited by Dean Mullaney (LOAC/IDW)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Comic Books
Akira 35th Anniversary Edition, by Katsuhiro Otomo, edited by Haruko Hashimoto, Ajani Oloye, and Lauren Scanlan (Kodansha)
Behaving MADly, edited by Craig Yoe (Yoe Books/IDW)
The Collected Neil the Horse, by Arn Saba/Katherine Collins, edited by Andy Brown (Conundrum)
Fantagraphics Studio Edition: Jaime Hernandez, edited by Gary Groth (Fantagraphics)
Will Eisner: The Centennial Celebration, 1917-2017, by Paul Gravett, Denis Kitchen, and John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Writer
Tom King, Batman, Batman Annual #2, Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1, Mister Miracle (DC)
Matt Kindt, Grass Kings (BOOM! Studios); Ether (Dark Horse); Eternity, X-O Manowar (Valiant)
Jeff Lemire, Black Hammer (Dark Horse); Descender (Image)
Marjorie Liu, Monstress (Image)
Mark Russell, The Flintstones (DC)
Best Writer/Artist
Lorena Alvarez, Night Lights (Nobrow)
Chabouté, Moby Dick (Dark Horse); Alone, The Park Bench (Gallery 13/Simon & Schuster)
Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics)
Cathy Malkasian, Eartha (Fantagraphics)
Jiro Taniguchi, Furari, Louis Vuitton Travel Guide: Venice (Fanfare/Ponent Mon)
Best Penciller/Inker or Penciller/Inker Team
Isabelle Arsenault, Louis Undercover (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi)
Mitch Gerads, Mister Miracle (DC)
Gary Gianni, Hellboy: Into the Silent Sea (Dark Horse)
Ramón K. Perez, Jane (Archaia)
David Rubín, Black Hammer #9 & #12, Ether, Sherlock Frankenstein #1–3 (Dark Horse); Beowulf (Image)
Best Painter/Multimedia Artist (interior art)
Federico Bertolucci, Love: The Dinosaur, Little Tails (Lion Forge/Magnetic)
EFA, Monet: Itinerant of Light (NBM)
Jean-Pierre Gibrat, Flight of the Raven (EuroComics/IDW)
Cyril Pedrosa, Portugal (NBM)
Sana Takeda, Monstress (Image)
Best Cover Artist
Jorge Corona, No. 1 with a Bullet (Image)
Nick Derington, Mister Miracle (DC); Doom Patrol (DC Young Animal)
Brian Stelfreeze, Black Panther (Marvel)
Sana Takeda, Monstress (Image)
Julian Totino Tedesco, Hawkeye (Marvel)
Best Coloring
Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics)
Mitch Gerads, Mister Miracle (DC)
Ed Piskor, X-Men: Grand Design (Marvel)
David Rubín, Ether, Black Hammer, Sherlock Frankenstein (Dark Horse); Beowulf (Image)
Dave Stewart, Black Hammer, BPRD: Devil You Know, Hellboy: Into the Silent Sea, Sherlock Frankenstein, Shaolin Cowboy (Dark Horse); Maestros (Image)
Rosemary Valero-O’Connell, What Is Left (ShortBox)
Best Lettering
Isabelle Arsenault, Louis Undercover (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi)
Clayton Cowles, Bitch Planet: Triple Feature, Redlands, The Wicked + The Divine (Image); Black Bolt, Spider-Gwen, Astonishing X-Men, Star Wars (Marvel)
Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics)
Stan Sakai, Usagi Yojimbo, Groo: Slay of the Gods (Dark Horse)
John Workman, Mother Panic (DC Young Animal); Ragnorak (IDW)
Best Comics-Related Periodical/Journalism
Alter Ego, edited by Roy Thomas (TwoMorrows)
The Comics Journal, edited by Dan Nadel, Timothy Hodler, and Tucker Stone, tcj.com (Fantagraphics)
Hogan’s Alley, edited by Tom Heintjes
Jack Kirby Collector, edited by John Morrow (TwoMorrows)
PanelXPanel magazine, edited by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, panelxpanel.com
Best Comics-Related Book
Deconstructing the Incal by Alejandro Jodorowsky and Moebius, by Jean Annestay and Christophe Quillien (Humanoids)
How Comics Work, by Dave Gibbons and Tim Pilcher (Wellfleet Press/Quarto Group)
How to Read Nancy: The Elements of Comics in Three Easy Panels, by Paul Karasik and Mark Newgarden (Fantagraphics)
Line of Beauty: The Art of Wendy Pini, by Richard Pini (Flesk)
Monograph, by Chris Ware (Rizzoli)
To Laugh That We May Not Weep: The Life and Times of Art Young, by Glenn Bray and Frank M. Young (Fantagraphics)
Best Academic/Scholarly Work
The Comics of Charles Schulz: The Good Grief of Modern Life, edited by Jared Gardner and Ian Gordon (University Press of Mississippi)
Ethics in the Gutter: Empathy and Historical Fiction in Comics, by Kate Polak (Ohio State University Press)
Latinx Superheroes in Mainstream Comics, by Frederick Luis Aldama (University of Arizona Press)
Neon Visions: The Comics of Howard Chaykin, by Brannon Costello (LSU Press)
Picturing Childhood: Youth in Transnational Comics, edited by Mark Heimermann and Brittany Tullis (University of Texas Press)
Best Publication Design
Akira 35th Anniversary Edition, designed by Phil Balsman, Akira Saito (Veia), NORMA Editorial, and MASH•ROOM (Kodansha)
Celebrating Snoopy, designed by Spencer Williams and Julie Phillips (Andrews McMeel)
Monograph, designed by Chris Ware (Rizzoli)
My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, designed by Jacob Covey (Fantagraphics)
Will Eisner: The Centennial Celebration, 1917-2017, designed by John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Digital Comic
Bandette, by Paul Tobin and Colleen Coover (Monkeybrain/comiXology)
Barrier, by Brian K. Vaughan and Marcos Martin (Panel Syndicate)
The Carpet Merchant of Konstaniniyya, by Reimena Yee (reimenayee.com/the-carpet-merchant)
Contact High, by James F. Wright and Josh Eckert (gumroad.com/l/YnxSm)
Harvey Kurtzman’s Marley’s Ghost, by Harvey Kurtzman, Josh O’Neill, Shannon Wheeler, and Gideo Kendall (comiXology Originals/Kitchen, Lind & Associates)
Quince, by Sebastian Kadlecik, Kit Steinkellner, and Emma Steinkellner, translated by Valeria Tranier (Fanbase Press/comiXology)
Best Webcomic
Awaiting a Wave, by Dale Carpenter and Nate Powell, features.weather.com/us-climate-change/arkansas (The Weather Channel Digital)
Brothers Bond, by Kevin Grevioux and Ryan Benjamin, www.webtoons.com/en/action/brothers-bond/list?title_no=1191 (LINE Webtoon)
Dispatch from a Sanctuary City, by Mike Dawson, https://thenib.com/dispatch-from-a-sanctuary-city (The Nib)
The Tea Dragon Society, by Katie O’Neill, teadragonsociety.com
Welcome to the New World, by Jake Halpern and Michael Sloan, www.michaelsloan.net/welcome-to-the-new-world/ (New York Times Sunday Review)
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art-now-germany · 3 years
Tumblr media
Quiff,, Wolfgang Schmidt
Sincerely to: Andy Hall, Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Paul Allen, Edythe L. and Eli Broad, Rosa and Carlos de la Cruz, Patricia and Gustavo Phelps de Cisneros (Venezuela and Dominican Republic), Donald and Mera Rubell, Steven A. Cohen, Theo Danjuma, Maria Baibakova, Adrian Cheng, Ingvild Goetz (München), Victoria and David Beckham, Leonardo Dicaprio, Alan Lau, Camilla Barella, Ralph DeLuca, Arthur de Ganay, Ramin Salsali, Moises Cosio, Pedro Barbosa, Monique and Max Burger, Joaquin Diez-Cascon, Luciano Benetton, Roman Abramovich and Dasha Zhukova (Russia), Robbie Antonio (Philippines), Hélène and Bernard Arnault (France), Maria and Bill Bell (United States), Peter Benedek (United States), Debra and Leon Black (United States), Christian and Karen Boros (Germany), Irma and Norman Braman (United States), Peter Brant (United States), Basma Al Sulaiman, Marc Andreessen, Laura and John Arnold, Camilla Barella, Swizz Beatz, Claudia Beck, Andrew Gruft, Robert and Renée Belfer, Lawrence Benenson, Frieder Burda (Germany), Richard Chang (United States), Kim Chang-il (Korea), David Chau and Kelly Ying (China), Pierre T.M. 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Driskell, Mandy and Cliff Einstein, Rebecca and Martin Eisenberg, Ginevra Elkann, Tim and Gina Fairfax, Dana Farouki, Michael and Susan Hort (United States), Guillaume Houzé (France), Wang Jianlin (China), Dakis Joannou (Greece), Alan Lau (China), Joseph Lau (China), Melva Bucksbaum and Raymond Learsy (United States), Agnes and Edward Lee (United Kingdom), Aaron and Barbara Levine (United States), Adam Lindemann (United States), Eugenio López (Mexico), Jho Low (China), Susan and Leonard Feinstein, Nicoletta Fiorucci, Josée and Marc Gensollen, Alan and Jenny Gibbs, Noam Gottesman, Florence and Daniel Guerlain, Paul Harris, Barbara and Axel Haubrok, Alan Howard, Fatima and Eskandar Maleki (United Kingdom), Martin Margulies (United States), Peter Marino (United States), Donald Marron (United States), David MartÍnez (United Kingdom and Mexico), Raymond J. McGuire (United States), Rodney M. 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Schwarzman, Carole Server and Oliver Frankel, Ramin Salsali, David Shuman, Stefan Simchowitz, Elizabeth and Frederick Singer, Jay Smith and Laura Rapp, Jeffrey and Catherine Soros, Jerry Yang and Akiko Young (United States), Liu Yiqian and Wang Wei (China), Anita and Poju Zabludowicz (United Kingdom), Jochen Zeitz (South Africa), Qiao Zhibing (China), Jerry Speyer and Katherine G. Farley, Susana and Ricardo Steinbruch, Kai van Hasselt, Francesca von Habsburg, David Walsh, Artur Walther, Derek and Christen Wilson, Michael Wilson, Owen Wilson, Zhou Chong, Doris and Donald Fisher, Ronnie and Samuel Heyman, Marie-Josee and Henry R. Kravis, Evelyn and Leonard Lauder, Jo Carole and Ronald S. Laude, Francois Pinault (France), Udo Brandhost (Köln), Harald Falckenberg (Hamburg), Anna and Joseph Froehlich (Stuttgart), Hans Grothe (Bremen), UN Knecht (Stuttgart), Arendt Oetker (Köln), Inge Rodenstock (Grünwald), Ute and Rudolf Scharpff (Stuttgart), Reiner Speck (Köln), Eleonore and Michael Stoffel (Köln), Reinhold Würth (Niedernhall), Wilhelm and Gaby Schürmann, Ivo Wessel, Heiner and Celine Bastian, Friedrich Karl Flick, Monique and Jean-Paul Barbier-Mueller (Genf), Christa and Thomas Bechtler (Zürich), David Bowie (Lausanne), Ulla and Richard Dreyfus (Binningen und Gstaad), Georges Embiricos (Jouxtens and Gstaad), Friedrich Christian "Mick" Flick (Hergiswil and Gstaad), Esther Grether (Bottmingen), Donald Hess (Bolligen), Elsa and Theo Hotz (Meilen), Baroness Marion and Baron Philippe Lambert (Genf), Gabi and Werner Merzbacher (Zürich), Robert Miller (Gstaad), Philip Niarchos (St. Moritz), Jacqueline and Philippe Nordmann (Genf), Maja Oeri and Hans Bodenmann (Basel), George Ortiz (Vandoeuvres), Graf and Gräfin Giuseppe Panza di Biumo (Massagno), Ellen and Michael Ringier (Zürich), Andrew Loyd Webber, Steve Martin, Gerhard Lenz, Elisabeth and Rudolf Leopold.
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roarformeprettylion · 7 years
List of Banned Books
How Many Have You Read?
Children’s Books:
Allan, Nicholas. Where Willy Went
Allard, Harry. Bumps in the Night
Allard, Harry. The Stupids series
Allington, Richard. Once Upon a Hippo
Ancona, George. Cuban Kids
Avi. The Fighting Ground
Babbitt, Natalie. The Devil’s Storybook
Bailey, Jacqui, and Jan McCafferty. Sex, Puberty, and All That Stuff: A Guide to Growing Up
Bannerman, Helen. Little Black Sambo
Birdseye, Tom. Attack of the Mutant Underwear
Blume, Judy. Are You There, God? It’s Me, Margaret
Blume, Judy. Blubber
Brannen, Sarah S. Uncle Bobby’s Wedding
Brittain, Bill. The Wish Giver
Brown, Laurie Krasny, and Marc Brown. What’s the Big Secret? Talking about Sex with Girls and Boys
Brown, Marc Tolon. Buster’s Sugartime
Butler, Dori Hillestad. My Mom’s Having a Baby! A Kid’s Month-by-Month Guide to Pregnancy
Carle, Eric. Draw Me a Star
Christensen, James, C., Renwick St. James and Alan Dean Foster. Voyage of the Basset
Clutton-Brock, Juliet. Horse (DK)
Cohen, Daniel. Ghostly Warnings
Cohen, Daniel. Phantom Animals
Cole, Babette. Mommy Laid An Egg
Cole, Joanna. Asking About Sex and Growing Up
Collier, James Lincoln, and Christopher Collier. Jump Ship to Freedom
Collier, James Lincoln, and Christopher Collier. My Brother Sam is Dead
Collier, James Lincoln, and Christopher Collier. With Every Drop of Blood
Cormier, Robert. The Chocolate War
Coupe, Peter. The Beginner’s Guide to Drawing Cartoons
Curtis, Christopher Paul. The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963
Dahl, Roald. James and the Giant Peach
Dahl, Roald. The Witches
de Haan, Linda. King & King
DeClements, Barthe. Sixth Grade Can Really Kill You
Elliot, David. An Alphabet for Rotten Kids
Fierstein, Harvey. The Sissy Duckling
Fogelin, Adrian. My Brother’s Hero
Fox, Mem. Guess What?
Fox, Paula. The Slave Dancer
Garden, Nancy. Holly’s Secret
Geisel, Theodor Seuss. Hop on Pop: The Simplest Seuss for Youngest Use
Geisel, Theodor Seuss. If I Ran the Zoo
George, Jean Craighead. Julie of the Wolves
Gordon, Sharon. Cuba
Grove, Vicki. The Starplace
Hahn, Mary Downing. The Dead Man in Indian Creek
Hanford, Martin. Where’s Waldo?
Harper, Charise Mericle. Flashcards of My Life
Harper, Kathryn. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Harris, Robie. It’s Perfectly Normal: Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex, and Sexual Health
Harris, Robie. It’s So Amazing!: A Book about Eggs, Sperm, Birth, Babies, and Families
Harris, Robie. Who’s In My Family?: All About Families (Let’s Talk About You and Me)
Henkes, Kevin. Olive’s Ocean
Henson, Jim. For Every Child a Better World
Hergé [Georges Remi]. Tintin in America
Hergé [Georges Remi]. Tintin in the Congo
Herthel, Jessica, and Jazz Jennings. I Am Jazz
Hill, Douglas Arthur. Witches and Magic-Makers
Homes, A.M. Jack
Ignatow, Amy. The Popularity Papers
Jukes, Mavis. It’s a Girl Thing: How to Stay Healthy, Safe and in Charge
Kehret, Peg. Stolen Children
Kellogg, Steven. Pinkerton, Behave!
Kilodavis, Cheryl. My Princess Boy: A Mom’s Story About a Young Boy Who Loves to Dress Up
Kotzwinkle, William, and Glenn Murray. Walter the Farting Dog
L’Engle, Madeleine. A Wrinkle in Time
Lewis, Richard, comp. There Are Two Lives: Poems by Children of Japan
Lindgren, Astrid. The Runaway Sleigh Ride
Lowry, Lois. Anastasia Krupnik series
Lowry, Lois. The Giver.
Madaras, Linda. What’s Happening to My Body? Book for Boys: A Growing-Up Guide for Parents & Sons
Madaras, Linda. What’s Happening to My Body? Book for Girls: A Growing-Up Guide for Parents & Daughters
Martin, Michael. Kurt Cobain
Mayle, Peter. Where Did I Come From?
Mercado, Nancy E., ed. Tripping Over the Lunch Lady and Other Short Stories
Merriam, Eve. Halloween ABC
Merriam, Eve. The Inner City Mother Goose
Mochizuki, Ken. Baseball Saved Us
Nelson, O.T. The Girl Who Owned a City
Newman, Leslea. Heather Has Two Mommies
Okimoto, Jean Davies, and Elaine M. Aoki. The White Swan Express: A Story About Adoption
Opie, Iona. I Saw Esau
Orgel, Doris. The Devil in Vienna
Pardi, Francesca, and Tullio F. Altan. Little Egg (Piccolo uovo)
Park, Barbara. Junie B. Jones (
Parr, Todd. The Family Book
Paterson, Katherine. Bridge to Terabithia
Paterson, Katherine. The Great Gilly Hopkins
Perritano, John. Amityville
Peters, Lisa Westberg. Our Family Tree: An Evolution Story
Pilkey, Dav. The Adventures of Super Diaper Baby: The First Graphic Novel
Pilkey, Dav. Captain Underpants series
Pittman, Gayle E. This Day in June
Polacco, Patricia. In Our Mothers’ House
Pullman, Philip. His Dark Materials series
Quinlan, Patricia. Tiger Flowers
Reavin, Sam. The Hunters Are Coming
Richardson, Justin, and Peter Parnell. And Tango Makes Three
Rodgers, Mary. Freaky Friday
Rosen, Lucy. I Am Bane
Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter series
Ruby, Laura. Lily’s Ghosts
Sachar, Louis. The Boy Who Lost His Face
Sachar, Louis. Marvin Redpost: Is He a Girl?
Schniedewind, Nancy. Open Minds to Equality: A Sourcebook of Learning Activities to Affirm Diversity and Promote Equity
Schreier, Alta. Vamos a Cuba ( A Vist to Cuba)
Schwartz, Alvin. And the Green Grass Grew All Around
Schwartz, Alvin. Cross Your Fingers, Spit in Your Hat
Schwartz, Alvin. Ghosts! Ghost Stories in Folklore
Schwartz, Alvin. Scary Stories series
Sendak, Maurice. In the Night Kitchen
Sherman, Josepha, and T.K.F. Weisskopf. Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts
Silverstein, Shel. A Light in the Attic
Smith, Jeff. Bone series
Snyder, Zilpha Keatley. The Egypt Game
Speare, Elizabeth George. The Sign of the Beaver
Steer, Dugald. Wizardology: The Book of the Secrets of Merlin
Stine, R.L. Goosebumps series
Stroud, Jonathan. The Amulet of Samarkand
Stroud, Jonathan. The Golem’s Eye
Stroud, Jonathan. Ptolemy’s Gate
Tamaki, Mariko, and Jillian Tamaki. This One Summer
Taylor, Mildred D. The Land
Taylor, Mildred D. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Telgemeier, Raina. Drama
Texier, Ophélie. Jean Has Two Moms (Jean a deux mamans)
Toriyama, Akira. Dragon Ball: The Monkey King
Willhoite, Michael. Daddy’s Roommate
Winter, Jeanette. The Librarian of Basra: A True Story from Iraq
Winter, Jeanette. Nasreen’s Secret School: A True Story from Afghanistan
Yep, Laurence. Dragonwings
Young Adult Books:
Adler, C.S. The Shell Lady’s Daughter
Alexie, Sherman. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Alva0rez, Julia. In the Time of the Butterflies
Anaya, Rudolfo A. Bless Me, Ultima
Anderson, Laurie Halse. Speak
Anderson, Laurie Halse. Twisted
Anderson, M.T. Feed
Angelou, Maya. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Anonymous. Go Ask Alice
Asher, Jay. Thirteen Reasons Why
Atkins, Catherine. Alt Ed
Atkins, Catherine. When Jeff Comes Home
Atwood, Margaret. The Handmaid’s Tale
Barnes, Derrick. The Making of Dr. Truelove
Barron, T.A. The Great Tree of Avalon: Child of the Dark Prophecy
Baskin, Julia, Lindsey Newman, Sophie Pollitt-Cohen, and Courtney Toombs. The Notebook Girls: Four Friends, One Diary, Real Life
Bauer, Marion Dane. On My Honor
Bauer, Marion Dane, ed. Am I Blue? Coming Out from the Silence
Benioff, David. City of Thieves
Block, Francesca Lia. Baby Be-Bop
Block, Francesca Lia. Girl Goddess
Block, Francesca Lia. I Was a Teenage Fairy
Block, Francesca Lia. The Rose and the Beast: Fairy Tales Retold
Block, Francesca Lia. Witch Baby
Blume, Judy. Deenie
Blume, Judy. Forever
Blume, Judy. Here’s to You, Rachel Robinson
Blume, Judy. Tiger Eyes
Bode, Janet, and Stan Mack. Heartbreak and Roses: Real Life Stories of Troubled Love
Bower, Bert, and Jim Lobdell. History Alive! The Medieval World and Beyond
Boyle, T. Coraghessan. The Tortilla Curtain
Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451
Brashares, Ann. Forever in Blue, the Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood
Burgess, Melvin. Doing It
Card, Orson Scott. Ender’s Game
Cart, Michael. My Father’s Scar
Cast, P.C., and Kristin Cast. House of Night series
Chambers, Aidan. Dance on My Grave: A Life and Death in Four Parts
Chbosky, Stephen. The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Choldenko, Gennifer. Al Capone Does My Shirts
Clerc, Charles, and Louis Leiter, comp. Seven Contemporary Short Novels
Cohen, Susan, and Daniel Cohen. When Someone You Know is Gay
Clinton, Cathryn. A Stone in My Hand
Colasanti, Susane. When It Happens
Cole, Brock. The Facts Speak for Themselves
Cole, Brock. The Goats
Colfer, Eoin. The Supernaturalist
Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games Trilogy
Conly, Jane. Crazy Lady
Cooney, Caroline. The Face on the Milk Carton
Cooney, Caroline. The Terrorist
Cormier, Robert. After the First Death
Cormier, Robert. Beyond the Chocolate War
Cormier, Robert. Fade
Cormier, Robert. Heroes
Cormier, Robert. I Am the Cheese
Cormier, Robert. Tenderness
Cormier, Robert. We All Fall Down
Coville, Bruce. Am I Blue?
Cox, Elizabeth. Night Talk
Crawford, Brent. Carter Finally Gets It
Cruse, Howard. Stuck Rubber Baby
Crutcher, Chris. Athletic Shorts
Crutcher, Chris. Chinese Handcuffs
Crutcher, Chris. Deadline
Crutcher, Chris. In the Time I Get
Crutcher, Chris. Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes
Crutcher, Chris. Whale Talk
Daldry, Jeremy. The Teenage Guy’s Survival Guide
Dandicat, Edwidge. Krik! Krak!
Danforth, Emily M. The Miseducation of Cameron Post
Davis, Deborah. My Brother Has AIDS
Davis, Jenny. Sex Education
Dawe, Ted. Into the River
Dawson, James. This Book is Gay
Dessen, Sarah. Just Listen
Deuker, Carl. On the Devil’s Court
Doctorow, Cory. Little Brother
Dorfman, Ariel. Death and the Maiden
Dorris, Michael. A Yellow Raft in Blue Water
Draper, Sharon M., and Adam Lowenbein. Romiette and Julio
Drill, Esther. Deal With It! A Whole New Approach to Your Body, Brain, and Life as a gURL
Duncan, Lois. Daughters of Eve
Duncan, Lois. Killing Mr. Griffin
Eleveld, Mark, ed. The Spoken Word Revolution: Slam, Hip Hop & the Poetry of a New Generation
Elish, Dan. Born Too Short: The Confessions of an Eighth-Grade Basket Case
Ellis, Elisabeth Gaynor, and Anthony Esler. World History
Ellison, Ralph. Invisible Man
Erlbach, Arlene. The Middle School Survival Guide
Ferris, Jean. Eight Seconds
Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby
Forman, Gayle. Just One Day
Franco, Betsy. You Hear Me? Poems and Writings by Teenage Boys
Frank, Anne. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
Frank, E.R. America: A Novel
Frank, E.R. Life is Funny
Freedom Writers. The Freedom Writers Diary: How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used Writing to Change Themselves and the World Around Them
Freymann-Weyr, Garret. My Heartbeat
Friend, Natasha. Lush
Gaiman, Neil. Neverwhere
Gaines, Ernest. The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman
Garden, Nancy. Annie on My Mind
Garden, Nancy. Good Moon Rising
Gardner, John. Grendel
Giles, Gail. Shattering Glass
Glenn, Mel. Who Killed Mr. Chippendale?
Going, K.L. Fat Kid Rules the World
Golding, William. Lord of the Flies
Gould, Steven. Jumper
Gray, Heather M., and Samantha Phillips. Real Girl/Real World: Tools for Finding Your True Self
Green, John. An Abundance of Katherines
Green, John. The Fault in Our Stars
Green, John. Looking for Alaska
Green, John. Paper Towns
Greene, Bette. The Drowning of Stephan Jones
Greene, Bette. Summer of My German Solidier
Haddix, Margaret Peterson. Don’t You Dare Read This, Mrs. Dunphrey
Halpern, Julie. Get Well Soon
Hartinger, Brent. Geography Club
Hautzig, Deborah. Hey Dollface
Heller, Joseph. Catch-22
Hernandez, Gilbert. Palomar: The Heartbreak Soup Stories
Heron, Ann. Two Teenagers in Twenty
Hinton, S.E. The Outsiders
Hinton, S.E. Taming the Star Runner
Hinton, S.E. Tex
Hinton, S.E. That Was Then, This is Now
Holliday, Laurel. Children in the Holocaust and World War II: Their Secret Diaries
Holmes, Melisa, and Trish Hutchison. Hang-ups, Hook-ups, and Holding Out: Stuff You Need to Know about Your Body, Sex, and Dating
Hopkins, Ellen. Crank
Hopkins, Ellen. Identical
Horowitz, Anthony. Snakehead
Hosseini, Khaled. The Kite Runner
Howe, James. Totally Joe
Huegel, Kelly. GLBTQ: The Survival Guide for Queer and Questioning Teens
Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God
Hurwin, Davida. Time for Dancing
Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World
Hwa, Kim Dong. The Color of Earth series
Jahn-Clough, Lisa. Me, Penelope
Johnson, Maureen. The Bermudez Triangle
Jukes, Mavis. The Guy Book: An Owner’s Manual
Kehret, Peg. Abduction!
Kenan, Randall. James Baldwin
Keyes, Daniel. Flowers for Algernon
King, Stephen. Carrie
King, Stephen. Christine
Klause, Annette Curtis. Blood and Chocolate
Klein, Norma. Beginners’ Love
Klein, Norma. Family Secrets
Klein, Norma. Just Friends
Kleinbaum, N.H. Dead Poet’s Society
Knowles, Jo (Johanna Beth). Lessons from a Dead Girl
Koertge, Ron. Arizona Kid
Koertge, Ron. The Brimstone Journals
Koerge, Ron. Where the Kissing Never Stopped
Korman, Gordon. Jake Reinvented
Kuklin, Susan. Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out
LaCour, Nina. Hold Still
Larson, Rodger. What I Know Now
Lebert, Benjamin. Crazy: A Novel
Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird
Lester, Julius. When Dad Killed Mom
Levenkron, Steven. The Best Little Girl in the World
Levithan, David. Two Boys Kissing
Lipsyte, Robert. One Fat Summer
Locker, Sari. Sari Says: The Real Dirt on Everything from Sex to School
Lockhart, E. The Boy Book: A Study of Habits and Behaviors, Plus Techniques for Taming Them
London, Jack. The Call of the Wild
Lopez, Tiffany Ana. Growing Up Chicana/o
Loux, Matthew. SideScrollers
Lyga, Barry. I Hunt Killers
Lynch, Chris. Extreme Elvin
Lynch, Chris. The Iceman
Mackler, Carolyn. The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big, Round Things
Mackler, Carolyn. Love and Other Four Letter Words
Mackler, Carolyn. Tangled
Mackler, Carolyn. Vegan Virgin Valentine
Martin, W.K. Marlene Dietrich
Martinac, Paula. k.d. lang
Mazer, Harry. The Last Mission
McBain, Ed. Alice in Jeopardy
McCormick, Patricia. Cut
McCullers, Carson. The Member of the Wedding
McKissack, Fredrick, Jr. Shooting Star
McNally, John, ed. When I Was a Loser: True Stories of (Barely) Surviving High School by Today’s Top Writers
Mead, Richelle. Vampire Academy series
Meyer, Michael, ed. Bedford Introduction to Literature
Meyer, Stephenie. Twilight series
Morrison, Toni. Beloved
Morrison, Toni. The Bluest Eye
Morrison, Toni. Song of Solomon
Mungo, Raymond. Liberace
Myers, Walter Dean. Fallen Angels
Myers, Walter Dean. Hoops
Myracle, Lauren. ttyl; ttfn; l8r g8r series
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. Alice series
Nix, Garth. Shade’s Children
Nixon, Joan Lowery. Whispers from the Dead
Nunokawa, Jeff. Oscar Wilde
O’Brien, Sharon. Willa Cather
O’Brien, Tim. The Things They Carried
Oates, Joyce Carol. Sexy
Ockler, Sarah. Twenty Boy Summer
Oh, Minya. Bling: Hip Hop’s Crown Jewels
Orwell, George. 1984
Parish, James Robert. Whoopi Goldberg: Her Journey from Poverty to Mega-Stardom
Park, Barbara. Mick Harte Was Here
Parks, Gordon. The Learning Tree
Paulsen, Gary. Harris and Me
Peck, Robert Newton. A Day No Pigs Would Die
Pelzer, Dave. A Child Called It
Picoult, Jodi. Nineteen Minutes
Pike, Christopher. Bury Me Deep
Pike, Christopher. Chain Letter 2
Pike, Christopher. Die Softly
Pike, Christopher. Last Act
Pike, Christopher. The Listeners
Pike, Christopher. The Lost Mind
Pike, Christopher. The Midnight Club
Pike, Christopher. Remember Me 3
Pike, Christopher. The Star Group
Pike, Christopher. Witch
Plum-Ucci, Carol. The Body of Christopher Creed
Pomeroy, Wardell. Boys and Sex
Pomeroy, Wardell. Girls and Sex
Rapp, Adam. The Buffalo Tree
Reiss, Johanna. The Upstairs Room
Rennison, Louise. Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging
Rennison, Louise. Knocked Out By My Nunga-Nungas
Rennison, Louise. On the Bright Side, I’m Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God: Further Confessions of Georgia Nicolson
Reynolds, Marilyn. Detour for Emmy
Riley, Andy. The Book of Bunny Suicides: Little Fluffy Rabbits Who Just Don’t Want to Live Anymore
Rivera, Tomas. And the Earth Did Not Devour Him
Rowell, Rainbow. Eleanor & Park
Salinger, J.D. The Catcher in the Rye
Sanchez, Alex. Rainbow Boys
Santiago, Esmeralda. When I Was Puerto Rican
Sapphire [Ramona Lofton]. Push
Satrapi, Marjane. Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
Schouweiler, Thomas. The Devil: Opposing Viewpoints
Scott, Elizabeth. Living Dead Girl
Selzer, Adam. How to Get Suspended and Influence People
Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet (No Fear Shakespeare)
Shusterman, Neal. Unwind
Sidhwa, Bapsi. Cracking India
Sittenfeld, Curtis. Prep: A Novel
Skloot, Rebecca. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
Smith, Lee. Fair and Tender Ladies
Smith, Patrick. A Land Remembered
Snyder, Jane McIntosh. Sappho
Sones, Sonya. One of Those Hideous Books Where the Moher Dies
Sones, Sonya. What My Mother Doesn’t Know
Sonnie, Amy, ed. Revolutionary Voices: A Multicultural Queer Youth Anthology
Speare, Elizabeth George. The Witch of Blackbird Pond
Spies, Karen Bornemann. Everything You Need to Know About Incest
St. Stephen’s Community House. The Little Black Book for Girlz: A Book on Healthy Sexuality
Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath
Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men
Stine, R.L. Double Date
Stokstad, Marilyn. Art History: Eighteenth to Twenty-First Century Art, Third Edition
Stone, Tanya Lee. A Bad Boy Can Be Good for a Girl
Srasser, Todd. Give a Boy a Gun
Summers, Courtney. Some Girls Are
Tarbox, Katherine. A Girl’s Life Online
Taylor, Mildred D. Mississippi Bridge
Touchette, Charleen. It Stops With Me: Memoir of a Canuck Girl
Trueman, Terry. Stuck in Neutral
Twain, Mark [Samuel L. Clemens]. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Twain, Mark [Samuel L. Clemens]. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
von Ziegesar, Cecily. Gossip Girl series
Walker, Alice. The Color Purple
Walker, Kate. Peter
Watkins, Yoko. So Far From the Bamboo Grove
Wersba, Barbara. Whistle Me Home
Williams-Garcia, Rita. Like Sisters on the Homefront
Wittlinger, Ellen. Sandpiper
Wolfe, Daniel. T.E. Lawrence
Wolff, Tobias. This Boy’s Life: A Memoir
Wood, Maryrose. Sex Kittens and Horn Dawgs Fall in Love
Wright, Richard. Native Son
WritersCorps. Paint Me Like I Am: Teen Poems
Zindel, Paul. The Pigman
Zwerman, Gilda. Martina Navratilova
The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger
The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck
To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee
The Color Purple, by Alice Walker
Ulysses, by James Joyce
Beloved, by Toni Morrison
The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding
1984, by George Orwell
Lolita, by Vladmir Nabokov
Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck
Catch-22, by Joseph Heller
Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley
Animal Farm, by George Orwell
The Sun Also Rises, by Ernest Hemingway
As I Lay Dying, by William Faulkner
A Farewell to Arms, by Ernest Hemingway
Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston
Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison
Song of Solomon, by Toni Morrison
Gone with the Wind, by Margaret Mitchell
Native Son, by Richard Wright
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, by Ken Kesey
Slaughterhouse-Five, by Kurt Vonnegut
For Whom the Bell Tolls, by Ernest Hemingway
The Call of the Wild, by Jack London
Go Tell it on the Mountain, by James Baldwin
All the King's Men, by Robert Penn Warren
The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair
Lady Chatterley's Lover, by D.H. Lawrence
A Clockwork Orange, by Anthony Burgess
The Awakening, by Kate Chopin
In Cold Blood, by Truman Capote
The Satanic Verses, by Salman Rushdie
Sophie's Choice, by William Styron
 Sons and Lovers, by D.H. Lawrence
Cat's Cradle, by Kurt Vonnegut
A Separate Peace, by John Knowles
Naked Lunch, by William S. Burroughs
Brideshead Revisited, by Evelyn Waugh
Women in Love, by D.H. Lawrence
The Naked and the Dead, by Norman Mailer
Tropic of Cancer, by Henry Miller
An American Tragedy, by Theodore Dreiser
Rabbit, Run, by John Updike
Source: http://www.ala.org/advocacy/bbooks/frequentlychallengedbooks
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itunesbooks · 5 years
Fischer’s Mastery of Surgery - Josef E. Fischer, E. Christopher Ellison, Gilbert R. Upchurch, Susan Galandiuk, Jon C. Gould, V. Suzanne Klimberg, Peter K. Henke, Steven N. Hochwald & Gregory M. Tiao
Fischer’s Mastery of Surgery Volume 1: Seventh Edition Josef E. Fischer, E. Christopher Ellison, Gilbert R. Upchurch, Susan Galandiuk, Jon C. Gould, V. Suzanne Klimberg, Peter K. Henke, Steven N. Hochwald & Gregory M. Tiao Genre: Medical Price: $429.99 Publish Date: May 1, 2018 Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Health Seller: Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Here are the core procedures every general surgeon needs to master, in step-by-step detail with commentary from experts in the field. In two full-color volumes, Fischer’s Mastery of Surgery, Seventh Edition includes the essentials of diagnosis, anatomy, and pre-operative planning while maintaining a focus on clear, step-by-step depictions and descriptions of procedures. This thoroughly revised edition brings you up to date with evidence-based approaches for virtually any surgery you’ll be called upon to perform. http://bit.ly/2IkYt6o
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glassprism · 7 years
Ah, thank you for directing me to that. Forgive me for not even thinking to check there. Though I am looking for performances that can be found on YouTube (admittedly partially for convenience) and video quality isn't exactly a concern.
No problem, and since you’ve specified that you were looking specifically for YouTube, I can give a fuller answer, since that’s different than videos uploaded to MEGA accounts and such. I’m sometimes hesitant to link to YouTube videos though, since those accounts can get taken down fairly quickly, so what you might get in a couple of months is a post full of dead links, but here’s a couple that seem to have stayed online for a while:
1985, Sydmonton: Colm Wilkinson, Sarah Brightman, Clive Carter
1987, London: Michael Crawford, Rebecca Caine, Steve Barton
1988, Broadway: Michael Crawford, Sarah Brightman, Steve Barton
1988, Broadway: Michael Crawford, Dale Kristien, Steve Barton
1988, Tokyo: Masachika Ichimura, Ryoko Nomura, Yuichiro Yamaguchi
1988, Vienna: Alexander Goebel, Luzia Nistler, Alfred Pfeifer (proshot clips)
1989, Broadway: Cris Groenendaal, Rebecca Luker, Steve Barton
1989, Los Angeles: Michael Crawford, Dale Kristien, Steve Barton
1990, Los Angeles: Michael Crawford, Mary D’Arcy, Reece Holland
1990/1991/1992/1994/1995, Toronto/Canadian Tour: Todd Noel / Jeff Hyslop / Colm Wilkinson / Cris Groenendaael / Peter Karrie, Susan Cuthbert / Teresa DeZarn / Patti Cohenour, Byron Nease / David Rogers
1991, Vienna: Ernst-Dieter Suttheimer, Colleen Besett, Timothy Breese
1991, Stockholm: Mikael Samuelsson, Inger Olsson Moberg, Bengt Nordfors
1992/1993, US Tour: Kevin Gray, Dodie Pettit/Teri Bibb, Keith Buterbaugh/Nat Chandler (highlight videos)
1993, Vienna: Alexander Goebel, Luzia Nistler, Thorsten Tinney
1993, Los Angeles: Davis Gaines, Dale Kristien, Michael Piontek
1993, Scheveningen: Henk Poort, Joke de Kruijf, Peter de Smet
1994, Sapporo: Eiji Akutagawa, Hisako Hanaoka, Kanji Ishimaru
1995, London: Ethan Freeman, Jill Washington, Simon Bowman
1995, Broadway: Davis Gaines, Tracy Shayne, Ciaran Sheehan
1998, Broadway: Thomas James O’Leary, Sandra Joseph, Gary Mauer
1998, Toronto: Peter Karrie, Elizabeth DeGrazia, David Rodgers
1999, Toronto: Paul Stanley, Melissa Dye, Laird Mackintosh
1999; Broadway: Howard McGillin, Adrienne McEwan, Gary Mauer
2000, Mexico City: Saulo Vasconcelos, Irasema Terrazas, Jose Joel
2000, London: Scott Davies, Meredith Braun, Matthew Cammelle
2000, Hamburg: Ian Jon Bourg, Alison Kelly, Kyle Gonyea
2001, Hamburg: Ian Jon Bourg, Olivia Safe, Kyle Gonyea
2002, Madrid: Juan Carlos Barona, Julia Moller, Zenon Recalde
2003, Stuttgart: Roy Weissensteiner, Marion Wilmer, Carsten Lepper
2003, Budapest: Sandor Sasvari, Andrea Maho, Gabor Bot
2003, Broadway: Howard McGillin, Adrienne McEwan, Jim Weitzer
2003, Broadway: Hugh Panaro, Julie Hanson, Jim Weitzer
2003, US Tour: Brad Little, Lisa Vroman, Tim Martin Gleason
2004, US Tour: Brad Little, Rebecca Pitcher, Tim Martin Gleason
2004, Stuttgart: Thomas Schulze, Maike Switzer, Carsten Lepper
2005, London: John Owen-Jones, Rachel Barrell, Oliver Thornton
2005, Broadway: Hugh Panaro, Julie Hanson, John Cudia
2005, Broadway: James Romick, Marie Danvers, John Cudia
2005, Broadway: Tim Martin Gleason, Susan Owen, Stephen Buntrock
2005, Broadway: Hugh Panaro, Sandra Joseph, Tim Martin Gleason
2005, Essen: Thomas Borchert, Anne Gorner, Nikolaj A. Brucker
2005, Essen: Thomas Borchert, Sandra Danyella, Nikolaj A. Brucker
2006, London: Earl Carpenter, Rachel Barrell, David Shannon
2006, London: Matthew Cammelle, Rachel Barrell, David Shannon
2006; Essen: Ethan Freeman, Anne Gorner, Nikolaj A. Brucker
2006, Sao Paulo: Saulo Vasconcelos, Kiara Sasso, Nando Prado (audience recording)
2006, Sao Paulo: Saulo Vasconcelos, Kiara Sasso, Nando Prado (monitor video)
2006, US Tour: Gary Mauer, Elizabeth Southard, Jim Weitzer
2006, US Tour: John Cudia, Jennifer Hope Wills, Adam Monley
2006, Essen: Uwe Kroger, Beatrix Reiterer, Lucius Wolter
2006, Broadway: Howard McGillin, Rebecca Pitcher, Michael Shawn Lewis
2007, Broadway: Gary Mauer, Jennifer Hope Wills, Jason Mills
2008, World Tour: Simon Pryce, Ana Marina, Alexander Lewis
2008, Broadway: Howard McGillin, Elizabeth Loyacano, Jeremy Stolle
2008, Las Vegas: Anthony Crivello, Kristi Holden, Andrew Ragone
2008, Poland: Tomasz Steciuk, Kaja Mianowana, Lukasz Talik
2008, London: Ramin Karimloo, Gina Beck, Simon Bailey
2009; Australia: Anthony Warlow, Ana Marina, Alexander Lewis
2010, London: David Shannon, Gina Beck, Simon Bailey
2012, London: Marcus Lovett, Anna O’Byrne, Simon Thomas (highlights)
2012, UK Tour: Earl Carpenter, Olivia Brereton, Earl Carpenter
2012, Broadway: Hugh Panaro, Samantha Hill, Kyle Barisich
2013, Broadway: Hugh Panaro, Sierra Boggess, Kyle Barisich
2013, Broadway: Peter Joback, Marni Raab, Kyle Barisich
2014, World Tour: Brad Little, Claire Lyon, Anthony Downing
2014, Broadway: Jeremy Stolle, Mary Michael Patterson, Jeremy Hays
2014, Broadway: Paul A. Schaefer, Mary Michael Patterson, Jeremy Hays
2014; US Tour: Cooper Grodin, Julia Udine, Ben Jacoby
2014, US Tour: Cooper Grodin, Grace Morgan, Ben Jacoby
2014, Broadway: Greg Mills, Mary Michael Patterson, Jeremy Hays
2014, Broadway: Hugh Panaro, Elizabeth Welch, Jeremy Hays
2014, Broadway: Hugh Panaro, Mary Michael Patterson, Jeremy Hays
2014, Broadway: Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess, Jeremy Hays
2014, Broadway: Norm Lewis, Kaley Ann Voorhees, Jeremy Hays
2014, Broadway: Laird Mackintosh, Kaley Ann Voorhees, Jeremy Hays
2014, Hamburg: David Arnsperger, Valerie Link, Nicky Wuchinger
2014, Hamburg: David Arnsperger, Lauri Brons, Nicky Wuchinger
2015, Hamburg: Mathias Edenborn, Daniela Braun, Nicky Wuchinger
2015, US Tour: Chris Mann, Katie Travis, Storm Lineberger
2016, Moscow: Andrey Shkoldychenko, Elena Bahtiyarova, Evgeny Zaytsev
2016, Moscow: Ivan Ozhogin, Tamara Kotova, Rinat Albikov
2016, Broadway: Laird Mackintosh, Julia Udine, Jeremy Hays
2017, Stockholm: Peter Joback, Emmi Christensson, Anton Zetterholm
2017, Gothenburg: Fred Johanson, Sofie Asplund, John Martin Bengtsson (Act 1 only)
2018, Broadway: Ben Crawford, Ali Ewoldt, Jay Armstrong Johnson
2019, Copenhagen: Tomas Ambt Kofod, Sibylle Glosted, Christian Lund
2019, Sao Paulo: Fred Silveira, Lina Mendes, Henrique Moretzsohn
2019, Sao Paulo: Fred Silveira, Giulia Nadruz, Henrique Moretzsohn
2019, Sao Paulo: Thiago Arancam, Darua Goes, Fred Silveira
2019, Sao Paulo: Thiago Arancam, Giulia Nadruz, Fred Silveira
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