#susana navarro
femininitysworld · 2 years
Susana Navarro🇨🇷
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roadwatcheu · 3 months
65 Years Making Spanish Roads Safer
The Guardia Civil Traffic Group celebrated its 65 years on the roads of Spain since its creation in a special event in Madrid. The event was chaired by the Secretary of State for Security, Rafael Pérez, who was accompanied by the general director of the Guardia Civil, Leonardo Marcos; the Undersecretary of the Interior, Susana Crisóstomo; the general director of Traffic, Pere Navarro; and the…
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circulodecronopias · 3 months
10 diciembre 2023
1. Investigaciones Elena comparte algunos libros para la investigación, que quedan a disposición de las Cronopias para quien necesite consultarlos. 
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- Contra el arte y el artista. Colectivo Desfase. Ed. La Neurosis o las Barricadas. (PDF) - Arte Inútil. Daniel Gasol. Ed. El Rayo Verde. - Internacional Situacionista. Libro 1. Literatura Gris. - Clase cultural. Arte y gentrificación. Martha Rosler. - Transformación urbana y conflictividad social. Gea La Corrala. Ed. BS Quero. (PDF) - Cartografía de la ciudad capitalista. Gea La Corrala. - Alta cultura descafeinada. Alberto Santamaría. Ed. SXXI. - Espacios Okupados, espacios Liberados. Ed. Ateneo Libertario El Acebuche. - Walkscapes. El andar como práctica estética. Francesco Careri. - Capital y Terruño. Valeriano López y Susana Vellarino. Ed. Ciengramos. 
- Conocer desde otra posición: principios de una investigación autónoma. - Utopías artísticas de revuelta. - El paseo de Jane. Tejiendo redes a pie de calle. (Web + Cómo hacer) - Muerte y vida de las grandes ciudades. Jane Jacobs. Ed. Capitan Swing. - Industrias Mikuerpo. Un proyecto de gestión cultural independiente. Luis Navarro.
2. Mediación
C aporta un resumen con sus impresiones de la Mesa redonda, coloquio y debate de la Asociación de Vecinos del Casco Antiguo en el Ateneo de Málaga a la que acudió el 1 de diciembre. Considera que no están en contra del Turismo, sino en un punto intermedio. No tienen conciencia política. Falta de conocimiento jurídico sobre sostenibilidad. Clara tiene el contacto de M y perfil de Twitter. Vecinos Málaga. Tienen interés en conectar con los jóvenes. Se explica el origen. Comienzo en el Ateneo. Abandono del centro. Les interesan problemas como terrazas, aparcamiento, acústica, espacio público. ¿Qué podemos hacer en esa ayuda? Herramienta potente pero peligrosa, no eficiente.
Reflexionamos acerca de la imposibilidad de sumarnos a todas las luchas. La nuestra es una herramienta más, una suma. Apoyo, algo más que aportar. Sí podemos crear un pequeño espacio de reflexión entre nosotras y el barrio, con una perspectiva más íntima. Una gran lucha o grandes pretensiones requieren una energía y capacidad que no tenemos. 
R propone la creación de un archivo de contactos a disposición de otros colectivos. E piensa que podemos ver si existe un archivo parecido (por ejemplo Sindicato de Inquilinos) para no comenzar algo que ya está hecho. Le preguntaremos a D. Las conversaciones con el espacio de reunión (E) y la librería (R) las tendremos ya después de fiestas. E comenta que podríamos hablar también con la Asociación Zambra, están muy implicados con los barrios, se reúnen en la zona de el Molinillo.
3. Acción
R trae un mapa del Centro de Málaga, para delimitar zonas. Hablamos también del manifiesto. E comenta que en realidad lo que estamos haciendo, de establecer un mapa artístico social y personal, es interesante, y recuerda un cuento filosófico, “El puzzle del mundo”. R propone crear también Textos académicos colaborativos. E habla de la Revista de educación y análisis social crítico Mañé, Ferrrer y Swartz, conoce al director y se podría colaborar. R piensa en nuestro proyecto con un Título/ Subtítulo: "Espacio de pensamiento artístico y resistencia cultural". Le ha inspirado lo que hablamos con B y piensa en el arte y la estética como herramienta diferenciadora. ¿Cómo llevar las acciones a que todo lo que hagas sea arte?. Propone, por ejemplo: -Buzoneo = Mail Art -Hablar = Happening, Performance o Arte Relacional.
E piensa que es útil como recurso, pero no encorsetarlo o forzarlo como fin. Para que no se diluya la potencia política. En Fotografía y ciudad hay un apartado en el que hace un análisis sobre artivismo. La experiencia de uno de los libros aportados, “Utopías de revuelta”, piensa que peca precisamente de priorizar lo espectacular sobre lo político, y acaba diluyéndose. 
S piensa que podríamos crear algo desde nuestro estilo artístico: Sutil, evocador, estética no punk sino desde nuestras estéticas personales. Igual llama más la atención por ser diferente.
E está de acuerdo, piensa que deberíamos sentarnos a consensuar nuestra identidad e imagen de marca.
Archivo de acciones, material. Todo una coherencia. Se asocia a nosotras. Generar identidad. En coherencia con el manifiesto. No forzar sino tenerlo claro. Premisa base.
R propone una idea inspirada en Radiopika, crear un formato podcast. Debatir vecinos sobre experiencias artísticas. E dice que debemos pensar en nuestras propias energías y no replicar, sino aprovechar y conectar con algo que ya exista, con otros colectivos, por ejemplo ¿Radio Suburbia?. Conceptos clave: nuestra postura frente a la democratización de la experiencia estética. Marco contextual. Acotar investigación pasos pequeños con objetivos para no desmotivar. Conexión mapa personal con social. Ver en la próxima reunión.
Acotamos zona de mapeo: 
- Lagunillas-Mangas verdes. - Molinillo (concretar y luego ya ir ampliando).
Quedamos en concretar una fecha para hacer deriva y pasear, no perder ese punto lúdico, que no sea un trabajo. Después del 14 de enero. Ver qué fecha nos viene mejor.
S habla de una asociación de teatro que conoce que, para acercarse al público realiza pequeñas obras de teatro al aire libre. Se habla también de una herramienta de dibujo del camino mientras se anda. Se podría investigar con una aplicación móvil. R reflexiona sobre las NN.TT. para hacer el arte más accesible. Arte electrónico colaborativo a través de la web. Traerá el libro "Experiencias estéticas en las NN.TT." el próximo día.
E quiere hacer un Resumen del Manual de Mapeo Colectivo + Paseo de Jane.
ACCIONES PENDIENTES Manifiesto: comenzar Rocío. Texto acción: No se ha definido. Mapeo: acotar la zona. Pictogramas. Deriva. ¿Para qué el mapeo? Colectivos//Vecinos buzoneo//Arte ¿antes o después? Diseño cartel espacios. Investigación previa análisis de la realidad.
-Correo, Instagram, Web (Blog Tumblr) Ya están creados: [email protected] https://www.instagram.com/circulodecronopias https://www.tumblr.com/blog/circulodecronopias R Hace correo. S: Hace Tumbrl. C: hace IG.
4. Próximas reuniones
Quedamos en que en la reunión del 14 de enero  se abordaría la propuesta 2 haciendo una especie de puzzle-mural poniendo en común nuestro mapa visual para comenzar a trabajar juntas nuestros momentos creativos individuales, para establecer así un punto de partida del trabajo de creación colaborativa y apoyo mutuo en los procesos creativos particulares. 
Cada una traerá en lo que está trabajando ahora mismo. Proceso de trabajo, investigación, metodologías pero también referentes, para crear nuestro mapa visual actual y nuestra manera de trabajar. Traer Moodboard en papel para hacer el puzzle.
Para la reunión de febrero abordaremos el mapeado. 
S propone trazar un mapa más de lo que caminamos + inventado. Cómo te mueves por Málaga, cómo lo concibes. Trazados de recorrido. Nos parece muy buena idea. 
R reflexiona acerca de cómo se cambian los recorridos de la gente para modificar el uso de determinados espacios, como estrategias de gentrificación. Y aporta a la idea el proyecto Bellas Vallas del colectivo Enmedio: cómo estamos sintiendo el barrio, conocer transitando. Concretamos que el texto de la actividad lo extraeremos de la experiencia de mapeo y del manifiesto (que comenzará Rocío).
R propone crear un Cronograma para ir marcando hitos con color. Nos parece perfecto.
5. Personal
C quiere contarnos un proyecto sobre la desvanescencia de lo autóctono en Tolox. Identifica ciertas cosas en las que indagar. Cohabitan culturas, tema de inmigración, enfrentamientos.
Pensamos en cómo aportar ideas a Clara. R hace algunas preguntas: -¿Es un problema identificado por C? Sí. -¿La inquietud es de C? También del pueblo. Gente que lo quiere solucionar. C tiene una conexión intuitiva con Tolox. Tras ir de pequeña al balneario. E comenta sobre algunos ejemplos de dinámica colectiva: Espai Veïnal o colaboración entre barrios, tiene algunos ejemplos en una presentación sobre gentrificación, los aportará cuando los encuentre.  R habla del documental “Taller audiovisual para viajeros” Lo importante es encontrar ámbitos de similitud: La infancia. La comida. Relación cultura-clase.
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chrancecriber · 2 years
Radio NET Bulgaria (December 15, 2022)
23:56 RHYTHM JETS - This Christmas 23:52 ELAN TROTMAN - West Coastin' (feat. The Regiment Horns) 23:48 REZA KHAN, NILS - Drop of faith 23:43 BUTCH, RHONDA COLEMAN - Bean's Groove 23:40 CHRIS GODBER - Courageous 23:35 OLI SILK - Just Can't Resist 23:31 HOPE DIAMOND - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas 23:25 KIM SCOTT - What You Stank About This 23:21 GREGG KARUKAS - London Underground 23:16 EUGE GROOVE - The Last Song 23:12 KEN NAVARRO - Summer Smiles 23:08 KIM WATERS - Christmas Day 23:04 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - Stay Romantic 23:00 PETER WHITE - Festival 22:59 SHAUN ESCOFFERY - Into the Blue (Mark de Clive-Lowe Mix) 22:50 MARIO BASANOV VIDIS, JAZZU - Give It A Try 22:46 ANDAIN - Beautiful Things (Andain Piano Version) 22:41 GROOVE THIEVERY - Killer 22:37 HOKKAIDO, DEBBIE DIGITAL - Sigh For The Beauty (El Gambrero Remix) 22:31 VLAD ZHUKOV - Nothing (W&D Chill Out Vocal Mix) 22:25 ALBERT ST. BARTH - Balearic Treasure 22:20 351 LAKE SHORE DRIVE - Summernights 22:17 KIDNAP, LEO STANNARD - Grow (Submotion Orchestra Remix) 22:13 TOKYO COUNTERPOINT - To The Sky (Lemongrass Free Bird Remix) 22:08 JOSEPHINE SINCLAR - My Private Island 22:03 EMILIA DE PORET - Weightless (Chillout Mix) 22:00 SEAL - Ooh Baby Baby 21:57 SUSANA, TENISHIA - Never Let You Down (Chill Out Mix) 21:52 ANURAG NANDVANSHI - Soul of India (Chill Out) 21:47 LITE ELECTRONIC, THREE FACES, AMY K - Firefly (Seven24 & S.A.T Chillout Remix) 21:42 THE DO - Too Insistent (Trentemoller Remix) 21:37 BLANK & JONES - Coming Home (Afterlife Mix) 21:34 COSMIC GATE, EMMA HEWITT - Be Your Sound (Live Acoustic Version) 21:30 VINTAGE - Eva (Roman B & Vova Baggage Slow Mix) 21:24 JULIAN VINCENT, CATHY BURTON - Certainty (Andy Prinz Chillout Mix) 21:20 MIRAGE OF DEEP, JOHANNES HUPPERTZ - Yesterdays 21:17 INGO HERRMANN - Cumulus 21:14 MOTIF, LENA BELGART - Halo (Original Mix) 21:08 LOUNGE DELUXE - Beautiful Man feat. Jeela (Sunset Session Edit) 21:03 TENISHIA, TIFF LACEY - Burning From The Inside (Tenishia Frozen Mix) 20:59 MANDEL TURNER - Come Into My Life 20:56 DEEP'N PURE, RADBOY - R We Ever Gonna Be (Original Mix) 20:52 UNCLUBBED, JUSTINE SUISSA - Missing 20:46 LAZY HAMMOCK - You Light My Mind 20:42 BLANK & JONES, DELERIUM, RANI - Fallen (Chillout Mix) 20:39 SEPTEMBER - Cry For You (Candlelight Remix) 20:35 JULIAN VINCENT, SHANNON HURLEY - Lost In Space (Lovers & Poets Remix) 20:32 METAHARMONIKS - Doors 20:26 ASTRID SURYANTO - Distant Bar (Original Mix) 20:22 ANDY MOOR, SUE McLAREN - Fight The Fire (Masoud Chillout Mix) 20:17 PIXALEND - Maritime Sadness 20:13 HIATUS & SHURA - Fortune's Fool 20:10 RAZ NITZAN, MARIA NAYLER - Echo Of My Soul (Chill Out Mix) 20:02 BANCO DE GAIA - Tempra (Original Mix) 19:58 CAPA - Julian 19:54 ROMA BABANOV - Flight 19:51 HEADSTRONG, HELENA WARD - Broken Ice (Acoustic & Strings Chillout Mix) 19:44 KIRSTY HAWKSHAW, TENISHIA - Invisible (Kopi Luwka Mix) 19:38 TWENTYEIGHT - Monday Night 19:32 SOARSWEEP - Losing Rays (Original Mix) 19:28 TIESTO FEAT. JES - Everything (Acoustic) 19:24 EXIMINDS, AELYN - I Feel You (Chillout Version) 19:22 ORJAN NILSEN - Drink To Forget (Original Chill Out Mix) 19:15 THE SHAPESHIFTERS - Lola's Theme (Lola's Loungin' Mix) 19:10 INDIGO SUN - You Don't Fool Me (Tango Cafe Mix) 19:04 LEMONGRASS - Ocean Kisses (Original Mix) 19:00 ENIGMA, SARAH BRIGHTMAN - La Mer 18:55 FRED HYAS - Meet Dawn (Rework) 18:51 CHRIS REECE - Overflow 18:46 BARCLAY & CREAM - You're Not Alone (Alexander Metzger Mix) 18:40 LA CAINA - I Gotta Know Now 18:35 SCHILLER, KATE HAVNEVIK - Don't Go 18:30 MICHAEL E - Promise 18:26 ARTENOVUM - When You Fall Asleep (Slow Coach Mix) 18:21 DELERIUM, SARAH McLACHLAN - Silence (Acoustic Mix) 18:16 NITIN SAWHNEY - Breathing Light 18:11 KENNY FONTANA - U R The Sun (Toni Rivera Mix) 18:07 LUSTRAL - I Wonder Where You Are (Original Mix) 18:03 DUB MARS - Slow Witted 17:58 RICHARD DURAND - Wide Awake (Zetandel Chill Remix) 17:54 SYLVERING - Just An Illusion 17:49 REY SALINERO - Total Delight 17:43 RAYAN MYERS - Pleasant Calmness (Original Mix) 17:39 LP - Lost On You (Elk Road Remix) 17:36 ATB PRESENTS FLANDERS - Behind (ATB's Ambient Version) 17:30 LIFE AUDIENCE - Vanilla 17:28 HARDWELL, COLLIN McLOUGHLIN - Call Me A Spaceman (Unplugged Version) 17:24 SUNLESS - Love A Touch (K.S. Project Remix) 17:20 ZETANDEL - Glowing Spots (Original Mix) 17:16 ROMAN MESSER, ROBIN VANE - Someday (Paul Echo Chillout Remix) 17:12 JAY SEAN - Maybe (The Xtreme Chillout Remix) 17:07 ALY, FILA, TIFF LACEY - Paradise (Original Mix) 17:03 FABERLIQUE, SYNTHETICSAX, K.S.PROJECT - Fantasy 17:00 SAGI REI - Rhythm Is A Dancer (Verano Chill Out Mix) 16:55 VINCENT INGALA - Night Flight 16:51 KIM WATERS - Heart Seeker 16:46 BRIAN BROMBERG - Saul Goode 16:42 RHYTHM JETS - We Wish You a Merry Christmas 16:38 NILS - In The Moment 16:32 JOEL DEL ROSARIO - Coastside 16:29 NICK DUKAS - This Is Christmas 16:24 MARCUS JOHNSON - New Beginnings 16:19 NAJEE - Trip To The Moon 16:16 PAUL TUVMAN - For No One 16:12 DAVE BRADSHAW JR. - Jumpstep 16:09 CHRISTMAS CAROLS - Oh Tannenbaum 16:05 EUGE GROOVE - Sunday Morning 16:00 PEET PROJECT - Overseas 15:56 JAREZ - Love Like This 15:52 PAUL DOZIER - All My Love for You 15:48 JESSY J - Tequila Moon 15:43 DANIEL D. - Jingle Bell Groove 15:38 ANDY SNITZER - September '79 15:33 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - Emotion 15:28 DAVID GARFIELD - The Christmas Song 15:24 WILL SUMNER - Jolon Road 15:19 GREGG KARUKAS - Too Cool (To Be Hot) 15:14 PATRICK BRADLEY - Can You Hear Me (feat. Dave Koz) 15:10 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Marvelous 15:08 HERB ALPERT - Silent Night 15:04 BRIAN SIMPSON, STEVE OLIVER - Celestial Body 15:00 ESTYLE - Keep It Simple (feat. Magdalena Chovancova, Robert Fertl & Damon Dae) 14:56 DAMIEN ESCOBAR - Awaken 14:52 KIM WATERS - Deep In Love 14:47 MARCUS JOHNSON - Just Doing What I Do 14:44 ANDRE DELANO - Bring a Torch Jeanette, Isabella 14:40 LASHAWN D. GARY - Transitions 14:36 KEN NAVARRO - No Other Way 14:32 BEN TANKARD - Angels We Have Heard On High 14:28 PAUL BROWN - Just Chillin' 14:24 NELSON RANGELL - Scenario 14:20 CHRIS GODBER - Living Water (feat. Bob Baldwin) 14:14 JOYCE COOLING - Mildred's Attraction 14:04 ROCCO VENTRELLA - Alleria 14:00 DEON YATES - The Night 13:55 PIECES OF A DREAM - For Real 13:50 NATE WHITE - Kupenda 13:46 MARCUS JOHNSON - Side Steppin 13:42 JUSTIN YOUNG - Sleight Ride 13:38 BRETTINA - Simple Pleasures 13:33 VANN BURCHFIELD - Through the Fire 13:30 DAVE KOZ - Another Silent Night (feat. Richard Marx) 13:25 AVENUE BLUE - Seventh Heaven (feat. Jeff Golub) 13:21 JEFFERY SMITH - Natural High 2020 13:17 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Dancing Galaxies 13:13 FREDDIE FOX - Strawberry 13:07 DAVID PETROSYAN - Christmas Eve 13:04 FUNKTASTIC PLAYERS - Glad I Met You Tonight 13:00 NILS - I Like the Way You Do It 12:56 VINCENT INGALA - Let's Go Back 12:52 RHYTHM LOGIC - Full Speed 12:47 REGGIE CORDINGTON - Through It All 12:42 JIM ADKINS - See the Light 12:39 SMOOTH SOUL HOLIDAY - Jolly Old St. Nicholas 12:34 TONY SAUNDERS - Summertime Love 12:31 BRANDON WILLIS - Fire It Up 12:28 JAY PATTEN - Special Kind of Christmas (w. Crystal, Gayle) 12:24 THREESTYLE - SteppinÂ'up (feat. Magdalena Chovancova & Robert Fertl) 12:20 JAZZ HOLDOUTS - Morning Breeze 12:16 SHAUN LABELLE - Drive Time 12:12 ERIC DARIUS - Soulful Stride 12:09 PEGGY DUQUESNEL - Silent Night 12:05 PETER WHITE - If Only For You 12:00 RICK BRAUN - Amor de mi vida (Love of my Life) 11:56 KEN NAVARRO - Magic 11:52 RICK HABANA - Journey 11:47 MADOCA - Illusions Of Love 11:43 NELSON RANGELL - Somethin's Goin' On 11:40 DREW DAVIDSEN - Joy To the World 11:36 RICHARD ELLIOT - Work All Night 11:33 SLOW - You Move Me 11:29 HANK BILAL - Jingle Bells 11:26 ILYA SEROV - Just Friends 11:21 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - On the Move 11:16 PIECES OF A DREAM - Anywhere You Are 11:13 JAY KING - Breathe (Cami's Song) 11:09 JAY ROWE - O Come, All Ye Faithful 11:05 MARCUS JOHNSON - Urban Trust 11:00 ROD BEST - Peaceful 10:57 PHIL DENNY, ANNA STEVENSON - When I Think 10:52 J. WHITE - I Like It 10:47 DAVE KOZ - You Are Me, I Am You (feat. Marc Antoine) 10:42 JUSTIN YOUNG - Silver Bells 10:38 SPONTANEOUS GROOVIN' COMBUSTION - Kickin' It (Remastered) 10:34 MAX HIGHSTEIN - Gratitune 10:29 SHIN GIWON CHRISTMAS CAROL COLLECTION - Santa Clause Is Coming To Town 10:25 BRAD ALEXANDER - You Are My Lady 10:21 STEVE WATSON - Stones Throw 10:17 BRIAN SIMPSON - Nightfall 10:13 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - Everywhere I Go 10:09 GIORGIA PAPASIDERO - Oh Happy Day 10:05 MICHAEL ROSS - We Slept in the Rain 10:00 KIM SCOTT - Poolside 09:56 JAMES LLOYD - Within Reach 09:51 NAJEE - Noche Romantica 09:47 NILS - Dance With Me 09:42 SONNY FAIRLEY - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas 09:38 CHRISTOPHE GOZE - The Nightfly (2022 Version) 09:34 BLUE SIX - Aquarian Angel 09:29 PETER WHITE - The Christmas Song 09:24 GREGG KARUKAS - First Love 09:20 BRIAN SIMPSON - Speechless 09:16 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Electric 09:11 CHASE HUNA - Mirage 09:08 RONNY SMITH - Go Tell It on the Mountain 09:04 DIDIER LABOSSIERE - VTB Wings 09:00 SAM BASSMAN JENKINS - That's The Way Of The World 08:55 NATE HARASIM - Open Mic 08:53 PETER WHITE - When I'm Alone 08:48 EDGARDO CINTRON - People Get Ready 08:45 ARIEL B - Candy Cane Love 08:41 MICHAEL LEMMO - Chandler Boulevard 08:36 EUGE GROOVE - Good Night 08:30 SAM LEVINE - Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus 08:26 MARCUS JOHNSON - 18Th & M 08:22 BROOKE ALFORD - On the Move 08:17 JEFFERY SMITH - In the Moment 08:13 PIECES OF A DREAM - Under the Influence (of Pieces) 08:09 DAVE KOZ - O Come All Ye Faithful 08:05 PATRICK YANDALL - Dawn Patrol 08:00 KIM WATERS - Smoothness 07:57 EARL KLUGH - I'm Ready For Your Love 07:53 MARION MEADOWS - Andalusian Sunset 07:48 RICHARD SMITH - Groove Assets 07:45 STEVE OLIVER - The Game Is On 07:41 CARL ANDERSON - O, Holy Night 07:36 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - Lullaby 07:32 RON KING - Cascade 07:29 JAREZ - Santa Claus Is Coming to Town 07:25 PAUL BROWN - Side Steppin' 07:21 JEFF KASHIWA - Voices 07:17 SHAUN LABELLE - Desert Nights 07:13 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Look to the Sky 2020 07:08 TONY LINDSAY - Merry Christmas 07:04 NILS - Jump Start 07:00 RYAN LA VALETTE - Another Day In Paradise 06:56 RICHARD ELLIOT - Sake For Two 06:51 PATRICK YANDALL - It's Our Time 06:47 JEFF RYAN - Up and Up 06:44 CHRIS 'BIG DOG' DAVIS - White Christmas 06:39 3RD FORCE - You Are The One 06:34 JAMES SAXSMO GATES - Airwaves (feat. Fabian Lance & Carl Lester-El) 06:30 RONNY SMITH - What Child is This 06:25 JAMHUNTERS - Tah-Two 06:21 FUNKTASTIC PLAYERS - Summer Winds 06:17 DAVE BRADSHAW JR. - Nothin' But Groove 06:13 SPONTANEOUS GROOVIN' COMBUSTION - Spy vs Spy 06:09 XAVIER GORDON - Christmas Without You 06:05 DARRON COOKIE - Red Moon 06:00 EUGE GROOVE - Gimme 6 05:55 ROBERT HARRIS - Keys to My Heart 05:52 CHRIS GODBER - Sizzle (feat. Adam Hawley) 05:47 MARK JAIMES - Peak Too Soon 05:43 BROOKE ALFORD, DAN BARASZU - Christmas Time Is Here (With Love and Strings) 05:39 KIM WATERS - A Song for Dana 05:35 GERALD ALBRIGHT - G-Wiggle 05:30 ARIEL B - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 05:26 ERIC DARIUS - All Around The World 05:21 MICHAEL ROSS - Four Seasons to Cross 05:17 MARION MEADOWS - Life In The Clouds 05:12 GREGG KARUKAS - Love Is In Your Own Backyard 05:09 JOHNNY JOHNSON - O Come All Ye Faithful 05:04 REGGIE CORDINGTON - Living The Dream 05:00 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - Day In Day Out 04:56 STEVE OLIVER - Fun in the Sun 04:52 RON OTIS - Miles Like 04:48 VASSAL BENFORD - Melody Man 04:45 MARSHALL CHARLOFF - HipNautic 04:41 BRADLEY LEIGHTON - Santa Clause Is Coming To Town 04:36 PHILIPPE SAISSE - The Dolphin 04:32 BRIAN SIMPSON, STEVE OLIVER - Unified 04:29 JODY MAYFIELD - The Little Drummer Boy 04:24 KIM WATERS - Water's Edge 04:20 MEKIEL REUBEN - No Where Love 04:16 RICHARD ELLIOT - Say It's So 04:12 PETER WHITE - One On One 04:08 TONY CRADDOCK JR. - Deck The Halls 04:03 DARREN MOTAMEDY - This Love 04:00 LES SABLER - Keep Pushin' 03:56 KIM WATERS - Fireflies (feat. Zandaya) 03:52 WILL SUMNER - Where We Go 03:48 ROB TARDIK - Perserverance (feat. Roberto Vally) 03:44 CHRIS 'BIG DOG' DAVIS - Focus 03:41 CHRISTMAS CAROLS - Christmas Bells 03:38 SAM BASSMAN JENKINS - Bassin 03:33 PAUL JACKSON JR. - Down the Road 03:30 SYLVIA BENNETT - Silent Night 03:25 CAL HARRIS JR., TED BELLEDIN - Bella Nova 03:20 ADAM HAWLEY - While You Were Dreaming (Feat. Michael Lington) 03:16 CHILLAXING JAZZ KOLLEKTION - Speak Life 03:12 JONATHAN FRITZEN - A Funky Night 03:08 NATHAN WOODWARD - Jingle Bells 03:04 PATRICK YANDALL - Smile For Today 03:00 NAJEE - Center of the Heart 02:55 OLI SILK - Every Single Way (feat. Holly Petrie) 02:51 THE SAX PACK - Like Old Times 02:47 TIM BOWMAN - All My Life 02:44 DAVE KOZ - It's All Love 02:38 BRIAN BROMBERG - Wonderful Christmastime 02:35 DANIEL CHIA - Malibu Drive 02:31 J. WHITE - Mr. Nugroove 02:27 ART FOUR SALE - O Come All Ye Faithful 02:24 KONSTANTIN KLASHTORNI - Hookin' Up 02:20 ENNY - What's Love Got to Do with It (feat. Marcus Anderson & Matt Cusson) 02:17 PEET PROJECT - On My Way 02:12 JEFF KASHIWA - Because of You 02:09 STEVE OLIVER - Watching the Snowfall 02:05 HERB PARTLOW - Drop It! 02:00 JEFFERY SMITH - What's Your Flavor 01:57 BRANDON WILLIS - All I Need 01:53 NILS - Nine2Five 01:48 KIM WATERS - I'm Not the Only One 01:45 DEAN GRECH - What Do You Want This Year For Christmas 01:41 RICHARD ELLIOT - Seven Sacred Pools 01:37 PETER WHITE - Windy City 01:32 MEKIEL REUBEN - Zoraida (A Feel for Hope) 01:28 FREDDIE FOX - From The Heart 01:25 SHARMOND SMITH - Deck The Halls 01:22 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN, JULIAN VAUGHN - Make You Feel 01:18 MARC ANTOINE - Spooky 01:14 CHRIS GODBER - Summer Solstice 01:10 NICK COLIONNE - Call Me Love 01:07 ART MORRIS - Baby It's Cold Outside 01:04 EUGE GROOVE - Lay It Down 01:00 SAM BASSMAN JENKINS - On The Move 00:56 GARY HONOR - Way Back When 00:53 RYAN LA VALETTE - Don't Stop Believing 00:50 VINCENT INGALA - Merry Christmas, Darling 00:46 RONNY SMITH - Laid Back (Remix) 00:40 CHAZZY GREEN - Love to Be With You 00:35 JEFF RYAN - Embrace 00:32 PAUL BROWN - Ain't No Sunshine 00:29 PEGGY DUQUESNEL - I Wonder as I Wander 00:25 NAJEE - One Night In Soho 00:19 OLI SILK - Didn't Know About Love 00:16 FUNKTASTIC PLAYERS - Mj's Groove 00:12 PIECES OF A DREAM - Steppers D Lite 00:08 ANDRE DELANO - Jolly Old Saint Nicholas 00:04 DAVE KOZ - Love Changes Everything (feat. Brian McKnight) 00:00 PATRICK LAMB - I See it in Your Eyes
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art-now-argentina · 3 years
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Otras Formas, Guillermo Jones
A work of project codes. The work is accompanied by a 90 mm lens diameter (Imagen digital. + lupa Ø 90 mm.) series of 5. In 60 it occurs in Argentina discussed between form and content of the works of art related to ideological factors. In the background of this work I use scans of the leaves of the minutes of 1979 declassified, published by the Ministry of Defence in 2013. Where you can see people classified as "formula 4", that rate implies "Register Marxist ideological background that make it advisable entry and / or stay in the public administration. it did not provide collaboration. be sponsored by the state. Etc. " Among the names that are in this work include: Aciar Mario Edgardo, Profesor Artes Plástica Acosta Armín Norberto, Locutor Agosti Héctor Pablo, Profesor-periodista Agüero Ydelfonso, Pintor Aguirre Margarita Sofía de Aráoz Alfaro, Escritora Aguirre Serafín José, Periodista Aisemberg Hugo Saúl, Concertista de piano Alberti Blas Manuel, Escritor-sociólogo Alcón Alfredo, Actor Aldonate Julio Alberto, Periodista Aleandro Norma, Actriz Aleandro Pedro, Actor Alezzo Agustín, Director Teatral Alfaro Emilio (Real: Vallarino Gaspar Emilio), Actor Alonso Carlos, Artista Plástico Alsina Bea Ernesto, Periodista Alterio Héctor, Actor Alvarez Diana Elena, Abogada Alvarez Joaquín, Periodista Alvarez Leandro Néstor, Profesor-Escritor-Periodista Alvarez Rubén Alberto, Profesor Bellas Artes Antiguez Arístides Alexis, Artista-Titiritero Aráoz Anzoátegui Raúl Manuel, Periodista-Poeta Ares, Julio, Periodista-Locutor Arnedo Alvarez Gerónimo, Escritor-Periodista Arrigorriaga Rodolfo Benjamín, Periodista-Escritor Asquini Pedro, Actor Astesano Eduardo Bartolo, Abogado-Escritor Ayala Gauna Velmiro Bienvenido, Profesor-Escritor-Argumentista de Cine, TV y Radio Averbach Reinaldo, Locutor-Publicista-Periodista radial Bader Oscar Ricardo, Periodista Bagú Sergio José, Periodista-Profesor Universitario Bajour Szymsia, Músico Barragán Isidro Julio, Pintor-Plástico Bayer Osvaldo Jorge, Gremialista-Periodista Benavente Saulo, Escenógrafo Berenguer Elsa, Actriz Bermúdez José, Docente-Dibujante-Artista Plástico Bernetti Jorge Luis, Periodista Berni Delisio Antonio, Pintor Bianchi Marta, Actriz Bidón Chanal Daniel Rodolfo, Artista Bidón Chanal Jorge Julio, Artista Biscione Carlos, Escultor Boero Alejandra (Real: Digiano Viera Boero Ofelia), Actriz Bonardo Augusto Domingo, Periodista-Comentarista-Locutor-Productor de TV. (Autorizado a actuar. Antes de nuevas contrataciones consultar SIP) Brandoni Luis, Actor Brindisi Rodolfo, Actor Brisky Norman, Actor Bruno Víctor, Actor Bruzzone Alberto Tito, Artista Plástico Butinof Roberto Leo, Artista de Variedades-Titiritero Cali Didio Rosario Américo, Abogado-Escritor Calvo Carlos Mauricio Andrés, Periodista Canto Alba Estela, Escritora Carella Carlos, Actor Carlen María Adela, Locutora Carlino Alfredo Vicente, Poeta-Periodista Casal Helio Marcial, Artista Plástico Castillo Abelardo Luis, Periodista Cavano Miguel Angel, Redactor-Periodista Cazes Camareco Pedro Luis, Periodista Cedrón Juan Carlos, Músico-Compositor Cidade Ramón Gumersindo, Artista Córdoba Iturburu Cayetano Policinio, Periodista-Escritor-Crítico de Arte Cortázar Julio, Escritor Cossa Roberto Mario, Escritor Teatral Crilla Hedy, Directora Teatral Cristaldo Adolfo, Redactor Cúneo Enrique Dardo, Periodista Cuzzani Agustín Antonio, Escritor-Abogado Dávalos Jaime, Guitarrista-Compositor-Poeta-Folklorista-Músico D’Atri Raúl Celso, Periodista Delgado Graciela Susana, Corresponsal Dell’Acqua Amadeo, Pintor Plástico (peruano) Di Mauro Eduardo Francisco, Artista-Educador-Titiritero Di Mauro Héctor Antonio, Titiritero Domínguez de Castro Ricardo, Periodista Dragún Osvaldo, Escritor-Dramaturgo Edelman Luis Carlos, Escritor Teatral Eichelbaum Edmundo, Periodista-Escritor Escope Enrique, Profesor de Actuación Escardó Florencio, Médico Pediatra-Profesor-Escritor Escudero María, Actriz Estévez Mildred Clara de Fernández, Cantante-Profesora de Coro Fabiján Carlos Emilio, Escultor Favio Leonardo (Real: Jury Fuad Jorge), Director de Teatro-Director de Cine-Actor-Cantante-Autor Fernández de Rosa Alberto Francisco, Actor Fernández Marcos Ovidio, Músico-Gráfico Ferrari Juan Carlos, Periodista-Autor teatral Ferraro Ariel (Real: Pereyra Escudero José Humberto), Escritor Ferrigno Oscar, Actor Fígoli Sergio Hugo, Estudiante-Actor Figueroa Francisco, Integrante de Los Trovadores Filipelli Eugenio, Actor teatral Flores Julio Argentino, Profesor de Arte Escénico Fontana Rubén, Publicista Francia Juan Manuel, Periodista Fuertes Nicanor, Periodista Fux María Ana, Profesora de Danzas Gaete Nicolás Eufracio, Titiritero Gam Martha, Actriz Gambaro Griselda, Escritora de teatro Gambini Hugo Alfredo, Escritor-periodista Gandolfo Carlos, Director de teatro García Delia Amadora de Zavalía, Actriz García Lupo Rogelio Juan Miguel, Periodista Garo Carlos (Real: Derhairabedian Carlos), Locutor-Abogado Gené Juan Carlos, Actor-Director Teatral Germany Gino, Profesor de Psicología-Periodista Getino Justo Octavio, Publicista de Cine Ghioldi Orestes Tomás, Periodista Giacosa Luis Victorio, Periodista Giberti Eva Evelina de Escardó, Psicóloga-Escritora Gilbert Isidoro, Periodista Giudice Ernesto, Periodista Goldman Luis Jaime, Escritor Gómez Alfón Antonio, Músico Gómez Eduardo Hernán, Músico Gómez Rufino, Periodista Gorostiza Carlos, Escenógrafo González Cañas Hernán Enrique, Pintor González Ernesto, Periodista González Raúl, Periodista-Escritor Gowza Juan Guillermo, Periodista Granouers Carlos César, Locutor Grassi Italo, Pintor Artístico Greco Edgardo Horacio, Periodista Guarany Horacio (Real: Rodríguez Eraclio Catalín), Cantante Folklórico Guastavino Carlos Vicente, Compositor-Pianista Gueñol Zelmar (Real: Guegnolle Zelmar José Daniel), Actor Guerghdig Bera de Pichel, Periodista Guerrieri Espartaco, Locutor-Comentarista radial Guerrieri Salvador, Actividad gremial y televisiva Guerrieri Ulises, Locutor Guevara Nacha (Real: Acosta Clotilde), Actriz-Cantante Guillén Sawz Abraham, Escritor-Periodista Gutiérrez José María, Actor Guzmán Miguel Angel, Artista Plástico Halac Ricardo, Escritor Teatral Harris Alberto Angel, Periodista Herrera Orfilio Mario Blas, Periodista Higa Juan Carlos, Periodista-Traductor Hoffman Israel, Escultor Hughes Galeano Eduardo Germán María, Periodista-Director de la Revista “CRISIS” Ibáñez Fanto Genaro, Corresponsal Inchausti Guillermo Faustino, Músico Irigoyen José Miguel, Periodista Iscaro Rubens Libertario, Periodista Isella César, Cantante-Compositor Itzcovich Marta, Comentarista Radial Jacovkis Fanny de Edelman, Profesora de Música Jitrik Noé, Actor Juane Osvaldo Amelio, Pintor Artístico Juárez Fernando Evaristo, Locutor Radial Jurcich Milenko Juan, Periodista Katz Zulema, Actriz Khun Rodolfo, Escritor Teatral-Director Cinematográfico Kogan Jaime, Actor-Director Teatral Kohon David José, Cinematografista Kordon Bernardo, Periodista Kraiselburd Daniel Norman, Periodista Labuckas Pedro Raúl, Locutor Lago Virginia, Actriz Lamaison Lidia, Actriz Laplace Víctor, Actor Laragione Raúl, Escritor Lasalle Ana María de Mayol,Escritora-Periodista Ledesma Inda (Real: Rodríguez Inda de Salazar), Actriz León María Teresa de Alberti, Escritora Levy Claude Leopold, Periodista Liberman Zelonka Jacobo, Periodista Lima Quintana Hamlet, Escritor-Poeta Lincovsky Cipe, Actriz Lipzer Luis, Agente de Publicidad Gráfico Lizarraga Andrés, Actor Lovero Onofre, Actor Lozza Elbio Raúl, Crítico de Arte-Pintor-Escritor Luciani Mario, Contador-Actor Luppi Federico, Actor Macaio Rómulo Félix, Artista Plástico Maddomri Derlis Oscar, Pintor Plástico Manauta Juan José, Profesor de Letras Marangoni Pedro Raúl, Escritor-Poeta Márbiz Julio (Real: Mahárbiz Julio Ernesto), Productor-Animador-Locutor Marcial Alejandro (Real: Navone Jorge Renée), Actor Marino Pedro, Periodista Martín Olga Nélida de Hammar, Periodista Martínez Gabriel, Locutor Martínez Miguel Angel, Pintor Artístico Martínez Tomás Eloy, Periodista-Crítico de Cine Mathe Alfredo Víctor Rafael, Periodista Mattar Beatriz, Actriz Marzio Duilio (Real: Peraucio Duilio Bruno), Actor Mayor Edgardo José, Locutor Mazzeo Francisco, Músico Mazzitelli Francisco, Músico Mazzitelli Pascual, Músico Mechetti Martínez Selear, Escultor-Dibujante-Periodista Medina Alfredo Omar, Publicista Merchensky Marcos, Periodista Midón Hugo Rodolfo, Actor Mindlin Adolfo, Escritor-Músico Mirón Vicente, Escultor Mombru María Clemencia de Escope, Poetisa-Escritora-Profesora de Arte Escénico Montemayor Rafael, Pintor Artístico Montenegro Adelmo Ramón, Periodista Montenegro José Oscar, Periodista Montero Rodolfo, Periodista Monti Ricardo José, Autor Teatral Monteverde Mario Roberto, Periodista Moreno Julio César, Cronista Radial Moyano Daniel, Periodista-Escritor Mujica Bárbara (Real: Moinelo Bárbara de Rovito), Actriz Murúa Lautaro, Actor Navarro Lider Samuel, Publicista Nervi Juan Ricardo, Poeta-Escritor-Pintor Noriega Bernardo Francisco, Músico Onzari Juan José, Músico Orgambide Pedro, Escritor Teatral Ortiz Evar Nildo, Músico Otero Jorge Evaristo, Músico Oyerzábal Nilfredo Anselmo José, Locutor Radial Padilla Haydée, Actriz Paoletti Alipio Eduardo, Periodista Paoletti Mario Argentino, Periodista Pasik Inés Beatriz, Pintora Passano Ricardo (padre), Director Teatral Pavón Villarreal Nicanor, Artista Plástico Peco José María, Periodista Peluffo, Laura Julia de Roveda, Folklorista Pelypenko Alejo, Escritor-Sacerdote Ortodoxo Ucraniano Penon Arturo José, Músico Petroni Adema, Pintora Piccione Carlos Hugo, Músico Pipino Alberto Omar, Escritor-Periodista-Dibujante Plouchouk León Daniel, Locutor Politti Luis, Actor Pondal Ríos Sixto, Escritor-Periodista-Director de Cine-Argumentista Cine Portantiero Juan Carlos, Periodista-Profesor de Filosofía y Letras de la UNBA Pugliese Osvaldo Pedro, Músico-Director de Orquesta Puiggrós Rodolfo José, Periodista-Político-Historiador Raccagni Mirta Cecilia, Pintora Ramos Jorge Abelardo, Periodista-Escritor-Historiador Rasello Omar Rubén, Director Teatral Reyna Jorge Emilio, Dibujante Publicista Rivera López Jorge (Real: Retorta Jorge José), Actor Rivero Ernesto Hugo, Corresponsal Robles Nilda Elena, Locutora Rocha José Ricardo, Periodista Rodríguez Horacio Daniel, Periodista Rodríguez Miguel Emilio, Periodista-Corresponsal Romagnoli Jorge Armando, Locutor Romero Roberto, Periodista Romeu Alberto Félix, Cantante de Coro Rosen Rosa (Real: Roseen Gregoria de Ferrari), Actriz Ross Marilina (Real: Parrondo María Celina), Actriz Rotger Gustavo Adolfo, Locutor Saavedra Juan, Bailarín Folklórico Sáenz Dalmiro, Escritor Said Samuel, Periodista Saltauskas Estanislao, Periodista Samet Jacobo, Escritor-Editor Sánchez Enrique Eduardo, Locutor Sanguinetti Ricardo, Periodista-Fotógrafo San Martín Rafael, Periodista Santángelo Simón Héctor Ambrosio, Artista-Periodista Santos Angélica Ignacia de Nanio, Profesora de Música Scalco Juan, Artista Plástico (brasilero) They also appear in the list: Schmidtt Giomar de Klachlo, Directora del Periódico “COMBATE” (P.R.T.) Schojed Raquel Luisa, Pianista Selser Gregorio, Periodista Simón Marcelo, Libretista Simonetti Enrique Marcelo (hijo), Productor Cine y TV Simpson Tomás Moro, Pintor Sinay Rubén, Periodista Sluguer Sara, Periodista Soba Susana Esther de Barroso, Escritora-Poetisa Solanas Fernando, Cineasta Soruco Barba Luis, Periodista Sosa Mercedes, Cantante Stampone Antonio Atilio Julio, Músico-Compositor Stivel David (Real: Stivelberg David), Director Teatral Suárez Edgardo, Actor-Locutor Szpunberg Alberto, Periodista Tealdi Héctor, Actor Tejada Gómez Armando, Escritor-Poeta Tesolín Nélida, Actriz de TV y Teatro Timerman Jacobo, Periodista Tirri Enrique Néstor, Escritor (ensayista) Tischkovsky Pablo (Alias: Pablo Palan o Marcelo Herrán), Periodista-Escritor Todoro Antonio, Músico Tomaselli Víctor Manuel, Periodista-Locutor Torre Eddi Julio, Profesor de Pintura y Grabado Triani Osidire, Periodista Trunpes Vladimiro Francisco, Músico Urondo Francisco, Escritor-Periodista Valencia Rómulo Oscar, Músico Valinceti Vicente Hugo, Artista Plástico Vallejos Carlos Martín, Músico Vaner María (Real: Aleandro Robledo María Josefa Angela), Actriz Varela Alfredo Martín Pedro, Escritor-Periodista Vázquez Aníbal Abelardo, Escritor-Periodista Vergara Federico Eduardo, Periodista Viguerchio Carlos Alberto, Periodista Villalba Welsh Alfredo, Periodista Villegas Juan Carlos Emilio, Periodista Viñas David, Escritor Teatral-Periodista Voldkin Isidro, Locutor-Periodista Voltaire José Cosentino, Periodista Wolcoff Brillante Aarón, Periodista Yanover Héctor, Escritor Yupanqui Atahualpa (Real: Chavero Héctor Roberto), Músico-Compositor- Cantante Folklórico Yussem Samuel, Periodista Zaldarriaga Roberto Alejandro, Periodista
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#HailCaesar #BirtherInChief #CorpMedia #Idiocracy #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #DemExit
Stop the aggressions against the Zapatistas! - Manifesto signed by Noam Chomsky, Boaventura De Sousa, Raúl Zibechi, Enzo Traverso, Gilberto López y Rivas and more.
Today those who defend the environment are slaughtered every day. At a time like the one that the planet lives in which the protection of those who defend it is required, the opposite happens. Those who have resisted this destruction by the powerful have not stopped saying NO, they have always done so, although the current administration does not want to have memory.
The murder in the community of Amilcingo, Morelos of Samir Flores, a member of the resistance against the Comprehensive Plan Morelos, its gas pipeline and thermoelectric plants that put the life and territory of Nahua communities in Puebla and Morelos at risk; the massacre of 15 Ikoot indigenous people in San Mateo del Mar, Oaxaca, one of the regions that has opposed the Trans-isthmian Corridor projects; the growing paramilitary violence in Chiapas, with 56 attacks in the municipality of Aldama alone, and the kidnapping in February of members of the National Indigenous Council (CNI) of the municipality of Chenalhó are proof that the war continues.
Now the violence is becoming more and more explicit against the Zapatista communities. The growth of the activity of paramilitary groups such as “Los Chinchulines” or the Regional Organization of Coffee Growers of Ocosingo (ORCAO), as well as the appearance of new groups, is exacerbating tension in the region. The theft and burning of warehouses and houses of the Moisés Ghandi community, of the Autonomous Rebel Zapatista Municipality “Lucio Cabañas”, (in the official municipality of Ocosingo), show the increase in the intensity of the aggressions and provocations against the Zapatista Army of National Liberation. The EZLN has respected the ceasefire for years and has focused on strengthening its autonomous organizational processes with schools, clinics, and justice systems. It is serious that one of the ethical references of resistance and construction of concrete and viable alternatives for the planet continues to be under siege, and it is even more serious that the response of those who seek to “transform Mexico” is complicity or oblivion in the face of these extermination attempts. .
It is extremely worrying that this occurs in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, that there are those who seek to take advantage of the vulnerability in which everyone finds themselves to fuel their ambitions for money and power. It is more worrisome when those who are supposedly in charge of preventing such abuses allow and therefore favor them.
Beyond the erroneous or successful changes of the executive power, which shows this escalation of violence in indigenous areas, and the worsening of paramilitary attacks in the Zapatista territory in Chiapas, is the continuity of the racist, colonial and paternalistic vision of the governments. liberals and conservatives, left and right. Projects such as the Mayan Train show the idea of ​​bringing "development" to indigenous peoples by turning them into cheap labor and contributing only the folkloric image of the Mexican indigenous.
The violence and dispossession of indigenous territories that megaprojects such as the Trans-isthmian Corridor or the Mayan Train imply and require are the ethical breaking point of the current Mexican government, it is where the moral stature that President López Obrador has awarded in front of its predecessors begins to collapse.
Those of us who signed this letter are watching carefully what is happening in Mexico, what is happening in the Zapatista communities that for decades have been a benchmark for other ways of living, health, education, justice, politics. We will not allow the extermination of indigenous peoples with the recurring excuse of development.
International firms
Noam Chomsky (USA)
Saskia Sassen (USA)
Raúl Zibechi (Uruguay)
Marcos Roitman (Spanish State)
Oscar Olivera (Bolivia)
Hugo Blanco Galdos (Peru)
Boaventura De Sousa Santos (Portugal)
Michael Hardt (USA)
Yvon Le Bot (France)
Philippe Corcuff (France)
Jaime Pastor (Spanish State)
Manuel Garí Ramos. Economist. Member of Anticapitalistas (Spanish State)
Juan Wahren (Argentina)
Sabrina Melenotte (France)
Daniel Mato (Argentina)
John Gibler (USA)
José Angel Quintero Weir - Wainjirawa Indigenous Organization (Venezuela)
Roberto Ojeda Escalante (Cusco, Peru)
Pepe Mejía, journalist, social activist, Correspondent for Indigenous Struggle in Europe
Pierluigi Sullo (Italy)
Enzo Traverso (Italy)
Derly Constanza Cuetia Dagua (Nasa People, Colombia)
Vilma Rocío Almendra (Colombia)
Manuel Rozental (Colombia)
Raúl Camargo. Former deputy of Madrid. Spokesperson for Anticapitalistas (Spanish State)
Genaro Raboso Saelices. Unionist of Workers' Commissions (Spanish State)
Ana María Gordaliza Fernández. Psychoanalyst. (Spanish state)
Ana Barba. Pharmaceutical (Spanish State)
Marià Delás Briefcase. Journalist (Spanish State)
Lurdes Lucia. Editor Feminist. (Spanish state)
José Vicente Barcia. Ecologist (Spanish State)
Rocío Van Der Heide García. Anti-capitalists. Social worker (Spanish State)
Patri Amaya. Feminist. LGTBI Movement (Spanish State)
Fernando Cabrerizo. Multimedia Technician (Spanish State)
Pablo Pérez Garfonina. Member of Adelante Andalucía (Spanish State)
Ramon Gorriz Vitalla, union member of Workers' Commissions (Spanish State)
Roberto Montoya Batiz. Journalist (Spanish State)
Laura Lucía Pérez Ruano. Jurist. Teacher. Former deputy of Navarra (Spanish State)
Carmen San José Pérez. Family doctor. Unionist of the Assembly Movement of Health Workers (MATS) (Spanish State)
Juan Hernández Zubizarreta. College professor. Member of the Observatory of Multinationals of Latin America. (Spanish state)
Lorena Garrón Rincón. Councilor of the Cádiz City Council. (Spanish state)
Alicia López Hernando. Feminist Movement (Spanish State)
Ángela Aguilera Clavijo, deputy spokesperson of the Adelante Andalucía group in the Andalusian Parliament (Spanish State)
Demetrio Quirós. Councilor of the Cádiz City Council (Spanish State)
Jorge Riechmann Fernández. Professor at the Autonomous University of
Madrid and writer (Spanish State)
Mónica Rocha Medina, Bolivian Center for Popular Studies (Bolivia)
Huáscar Salazar Lohman, Bolivian Center for Popular Studies (Bolivia)
Patrick Silberstein (France)
Tomas Astelarra, journalist (Argentina)
Mexican firms
Paul Hersch Martinez
Alicia Castellanos Guerrero, UAM-I
Gilberto López y Rivas, INAH- Morelos
Juan Carlos Rulfo. Filmmaker. Mexico City.
Margara Millán, professor, UNAM
Fernanda Navarro
Paul Leduc
Magdalena Gomez
Francisco Barrios "El Cress"
Eduardo Almeida Acosta
Maria Eugenia Sánchez Díaz de Rivera
Graciela Mijares López
Alexander Varas
Volga De Pina, defender of Human Rights.
Marta De Cea. Cultural Promoter. Mexico
Mariana Mora, CIESAS CDMX and Red de Feminismos Descoloniales
Bruno Baronnet, Universidad Veracruzana
Isidoro Moreno. Emeritus Professor of Anthropology. Sevilla University. Andalusia
Francisco Morfin Otero. Instituto Superior Intercultural Ayuuk ISIA
Kathia Núñez Patiño Faculty of Social Sciences C-III. A CH
Richard Stahler-Sholk Eastern Michigan University, USA
Jean Robert Architect, Professor at La Salle University
Sylvia Marcos, Network of decolonial Feminisms, Professor at the Ibero-American University
Servando Gaja, Cinematographer
Inés Durán Matute, sociologist.
Mariana favela
Barbara Zamora
Susana Vázquez Vidal, PhD at CIESAS Occidente.
Orb Larisa
Antonio Sarmiento
Hector Zetina
Raúl Romero, sociologist, Mexico.
Raúl Gutiérrez Narváez, Intercultural Inductive Education Network and CIESAS, Chiapas
Sergio Tischler
Fernando Matamoros Ponce, Research Professor, Postgraduate in Sociology (ICSyH-BUAP)
Joaquín Osorio G. ITESO
Rubén Martin, freelance journalist, Guadalajara
Lucia Linsalata
Ana Maria Vera
Isis Samaniego-Poet
Bertha Melendez «Yuhcatla»
Maria Luisa Arroyo Rodriguez
Epifanio Flores and Manzola
Amparo Seville
J. Jesus Maria Serna Moreno
Sergio Hernández / Uci, Zautla, Puebla
Paulino Alvarado
Erika Sánchez Cruz, professor at BUAP
Irma Zentle Colotl, Social Economist
Wullfrano Ramírez, Dr. Artificial Intelligence
Mirna Valdés, Poet
Horacio Torres de Ita
Alejandra Jiménez, Rural Teacher
Ana Melissa Valenzuela, Educator
Zitlalli López Mendoza, Educator
Cristian Añorve, Student
Roxana Bolio
Jose Meza Rosas
Luis Saracho de María y Campos
Florina Mendoza Jimenez
Leonel Lopez
María de Lourdes Mejía, Mother of Carlos Sinuhé Cuevas Mejía
Angel Benhumea Salazar
Roberto Rodríguez Contreras "Cat"
Isabel Maldonado Hernandez
Omar Abrego Torres
Alfredo Velarde Saracho, professor at the Faculty of Economics
Ana Laura Suarez Lima
Azael Soriano Sanchez
Cecilia Zeledon
Diana Patricia González Ferreira, ICSYH Sociology Teacher
Colectivo La Resistencia (Los Angeles, USA)
Solidarity with the Mexican people - Málaga (Spanish State)
Union Communiste libertaire (Marseille, France)
Union syndicale Solidaires, (France)
Vocesenlucha - Popular Communication (Spanish State)
Collectif Paris-Ayotzinapa (France)
Towns in Camino (Colombia)
Éditions Syllepse (France)
Network of Brotherhood and Solidarity with Colombia (Colombia)
International Commission of the People's Congress (Colombia)
Network Against Repression and for Solidarity (RvsR)
Human Rights Node (NODHO)
Errant Etcetera
Labor and Socialist Unity (UníoS!)
Union of Neighbors and Victims "September 19" (UVyd-19)
Community Communication Research Center A.C. (CICC A.C.)
Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca Ricardo Flores Magón (CIPO-RFM)
Indigenous and Popular Council of Guerrero - Emiliano Zapata (CIPOG-EZ)
Guardians and Guardians of the Metlapanapa River
Otomí Indigenous Community residing in CDMX
Support network for the CNI-CIG Ibero Puebla
Xalapa Resistance and Rebellion Network
2140/5000 Resistance and Rebellion Network in support of the CNI-CIG of the Port of Veracruz
La Otra Tuxtla Resistance and Rebellion Network
Network of Rebellion and Resistrenzas-Puebla
Metropolitan, Anticapitalist and Antipatriarchal Coordination with the CIG
Network of decolonial feminisms
Paper picnic area
Compas Arriba !, Xalapa, Veracruz.
Mexicali Resists
Binational Network of Women Who Fight
Nativitas Zacapan for the Defense of the Land and Water.
Radio Tlanixco
The Collective Against Torture and Impunity
Colectivo Feminista Cihuatlahtolli A.C.
The Voice of the Anahuac.
Autonomous Student Renovation Collective
Coordinator of Students and Collectives of the FD-UNAM
Zapatista Neza Collective, Café "Zapata Vive"
Radio Regeneration
UPREZ Benito Juárez
Collective Aequus.- Promotion and defense of Human Rights
Coordination of Relatives of Students Victims of Violence
Voices of the Wind
Poetry and Singing
Collective Las Sureñas in resistance and rebellion
Popular Free Media Laboratory
Stomping Free Media
Plantón for 43
La Ceiba Collective
Zapatista Pantitlán Health Brigade
Sector of Workers Adhering to the Sixth Declaration
Front of Workers for the Right to Health and Social Security
Women who Fight, Resist and Organize
Rebel Bazaar
Community Dentistry Collective Sowing Smiles
Otomí Autonomous School
Residents of the Honorable National Student House.
Community Radio Totopo de Juchitán, Istmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca
Green Tide High Mountains
Circle of Marxist Studies, Mexico City
The Other Juaritox
Collective ADA
Karuzo Cultural Forum
They are from the Máiz
Sixth Theater
El Torito Collective
Collective of Profes in the Sixth
Xochitlanezi Community
Tlanezi Calli Community
Compass Red
Zapatista Coffee Table of the UAM-Iztapalapa Below and to the Left of Building E
Gavilanas Collective
Collective Common Notebook
Iztapalapa Sexta Support Network
Colectivos del Sur Adherent to the Sixth
University of the Earth in Puebla (UnitierraPuebla)
Collective Utopia Puebla
The Zenzontle
House of the Peoples-Mexico
Autonomous Brigades of Mutual Support
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blogentupantalla · 4 years
'Loco por ella': Tráiler de la nueva película de Dani de la Orden
¡Tráiler de #LocoPorElla! La nueva película de Dani de la Orden llegará a @NetflixES el 26 de febrero.
Netflix lanza el tráiler de Loco por ella, la nueva producción de Dani de la Orden que llegará a la plataforma el próximo 26 de febrero. Protagonizada por el recientemente nominado al Goya a Mejor actor de reparto por Adú Álvaro Cervantes y Susana Abaitua (Patria), la película narra una emocionante y divertida historia, escrita por Natalia Durán y Eric Navarro. ¡Aquí os dejamos el tráiler! Tras…
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notimundo · 3 years
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New Post has been published on https://notimundo.com.mx/politica/mesa-directiva-dio-cuenta-de-oficios-de-diputadas-y-diputados/
Mesa Directiva dio cuenta de oficios de diputadas y diputados.
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Mesa Directiva dio cuenta de oficios de diputadas y diputados que participarán en elección consecutiva.
La diputada Sauri Riancho dijo que en términos del último párrafo del sexto resolutivo del “Acuerdo de los órganos de gobierno de la Cámara de Diputados, por el que se establecen disposiciones internas aplicables a diputadas y diputados federales que opten por la elección consecutiva en el proceso electoral 2020-2021”, manifiestan su voluntad de renunciar a los apoyos económicos a los que tienen derecho.
Enseguida, pidió a la secretaría de la Mesa Directiva dar lectura a los nombres de las diputadas y los diputados.
Por MC, Mario Alberto Rodríguez Carrillo y Juan Martín Espinoza Cárdenas.
Del PVEM, Leticia Mariana Gómez Ordaz, Lilia Villafuerte Zavala y Roberto Antonio Rubio Montejo.
De Encuentro Social, Manuel de Jesús Baldenebro Arredondo, Irma María Terán Villalobos, Jorge Arturo Argüelles Victorero, Esmeralda de los Ángeles Moreno Medina, Leticia Arlett Aguilar Molina y Nancy Claudia Reséndiz Hernández.
Por Acción Nacional, Justino Eugenio Arriaga Rojas, Juan Carlos Romero Hicks, Luis Alberto Mendoza Acevedo, Karen Michel González Márquez, José Salvador Rosas Quintanilla, Gloria Romero León y Patricia Terrazas Baca.
Del PRI, Alfredo Villegas Arreola, Frinné Azuara Yarzábal, Brasil Alberto Acosta Peña, Cynthia Iliana López Castro, Pablo Guillermo Angulo Briceño, Laura Barrera Fortoul, Ricardo Aguilar Castillo, María Ester Alonzo Morales e Ismael Alfredo Hernández Deras.
Por el PT, Ana Karina Rojo Pimentel, María de Jesús Rosete Sánchez, José Gerardo Rodolfo Fernández Noroña, Francisco Favela Peñuñuri, Alfredo Porras Domínguez, Claudia Angélica Domínguez Vázquez, Margarita García García, Luis Enrique Martínez Ventura, Jesús Fernando García Hernández, Alfredo Femat Bañuelos, Clementina Marta Dekker Gómez, Óscar González Yáñez y Dionicia Vázquez García.
También, José Luis Montalvo Luna, Elba Lorena Torres Díaz, María Teresa Marú Mejía, José Luis García Duque, Francisco Javier Huacus Esquivel, Armando Reyes Ledesma, Santiago González Soto, Olga Juliana Elizondo Guerra, Maribel Martínez Ruiz, Ángel Benjamín Robles Montoya, Hildelisa González Morales, Ana Laura Bernal Camarena, Mauricio Alonso Toledo Gutiérrez y Nelly Maceda Carrera.
Por Morena, Heriberto Marcelo Aguilar Castillo, Maribel Aguilera Ch��irez, Aleida Alavez Ruiz, María Isabel Alfaro Morales, Karla Yuritzi Almazán Burgos, Guillermina Alvarado Moreno, José Guadalupe Ambrocio Gachuz, Socorro Irma Andazola Gómez, Carol Antonio Altamirano, Reyna Celeste Ascencio Ortega, María del Carmen Bautista Peláez, Rosa María Bayardo Cabrera, Francisco Javier Borrego Adame, Wendy Briceño Zuloaga, Susana Cano González, Olegaria Carrazco Macías, Alejandro Carvajal Hidalgo, Katia Alejandra Castillo Lozano, María Chávez Pérez, Miguel Ángel Chico Herrera, Gustavo Contreras Montes y Flora Tania Cruz Santos.
Asimismo, Diego Eduardo del Bosque Villarreal, Rosalinda Domínguez Flores, Roberto Ángel Domínguez Rodríguez, José Luis Elorza Flores, Brenda Espinoza López, María Bertha Espinoza Segura, Melba Farías Zambrano, Lidia García Anaya, Martha Olivia García Vidaña, Pablo Gómez Álvarez, Sandra Paola González Castañeda, Erasmo González Robledo, Juanita Guerra Mena, Yolanda Guerrero Barrera, Óscar Eugenio Gutiérrez Camacho, Daniel Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Sergio Carlos Gutiérrez Luna, César Agustín Hernández Pérez, María Eugenia Hernández Pérez, Arturo Roberto Hernández Tapia, Rafael Hernández Villalpando, Javier Hidalgo Ponce, Benjamín Saúl Huerta Corona y María de los Ángeles Huerta del Río.
También, Miguel Pável Jarero Velázquez, Irma Juan Carlos, Claudia López Rayón, Adriana Lozano Rodríguez, Mirna Zabeida Maldonado Tapia, Sergio Mayer Breton, Jorge Luis Montes Nieves, Carmen Mora García, Alma Delia Navarrete Rivera, Manuela del Carmen Obrador Narváez, Aracely Ocampo Manzanares, Sandra Simey Olvera Bautista, Alejandra Pani Barragán, Inés Parra Juárez, Jaime Humberto Pérez Bernabe, Beatriz Dominga Pérez López, Laura Imelda Pérez Segura, Miguel Ángel Prado de los Santos, Verónica Ramos Cruz, Guadalupe Ramos Sotelo y Valentín Reyes López.
Además, Fortunato Rivera Castillo, Beatriz Robles Gutiérrez, Martha Robles Ortiz, Manuel Rodríguez González, Ana María Rodríguez Ruiz, María Guadalupe Román Ávila, Carlos Sánchez Barrios, Graciela Sánchez Ortiz, Juan Pablo Sánchez Rodríguez, Azael Santiago Chepi, Yadira Santiago Marcos, Claudia Tello Espinoza, Rosalba Valencia Cruz, Lorenia Iveth Valles Sampedro, Víctor Gabriel Varela López, Teresita de Jesús Vargas Meraz, Julieta Kristal Vences Valencia, Alberto Villa Villegas y Silvia Lorena Villavicencio Ayala.
También, Dulce María Corina Villegas Guarneros, Casimiro Zamora Valdez, Erika Vanessa del Castillo Ibarra, Evaristo Lenin Pérez Rivera, Paola Tenorio Adame, Emmanuel Reyes Carmona, Irán Santiago Manuel, Nayeli Salvatori Bojalil, Vicente Alberto Onofre Vázquez, Francisco Elizondo Garrido, Ulises Murguía Soto, Laura Mónica Guerra Navarro, Nayeli Arlen Fernández Cruz, Moisés Ignacio Mier Velazco y Alfonso Ramírez Cuéllar.
Conforme a dichos oficios, renuncian al apoyo económico correspondiente a asistencia legislativa, atención ciudadana, transporte y hospedaje y al informe de actividades legislativas, por el periodo que comprende del 1 de abril al 15 de junio del año en curso.
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" Alicia y la fragilidad del espejo" en conversatorio con Susana Silva @susanasilva1307 autora de la novela Café Toscana. " Alicia y la fragilidad del espejo" Sábado 4 de Mayo‼️ 🎭🎨 19:30 HRS. 🕣 En la Galería " La Silvestre Atelier" José Alvarado No.7 Col. Roma📌 Cerca MB Sonora 🚌 Alicia y la fragilidad del espejo🔲♥️ Autoría y dirección : Adriana Sánchez-Navarro @la_wera.sn 🎉 Con: Abril Garza @abrilgarza8 👌Y Berna Kinoc Producción: Matari Theatre y Airá creación , producción y difusión artística @airacreacionydifusionart y la galería La Silvestre Atelier @lasilvestreatelier Basado en la obra del artista Marco Zamudio @marco__zamudio y en la obra original de Les Carroll. ¿Que realidad deseas vivir? Video : Yvette Hernández @talimsherow Preventa $200 ⬇️ 🎟️https://alicia.boletia.com/ #teatro #México #exposición #AliciaYLaFragilidadDelEspejo #AliceInTheDarkness #pintura #artesplasticas #artesescenicas #arte #cultura #galería #performance #theater #art #culture #escenacontemporanea #CDMX #actriz #actress #actorslife #actor #Alicia #nuevosescenarios #amor #ama #amar #blanco #rojo #teatro #México #exposición #AliciaYLaFragilidadDelEspejo #AliceInTheDarkness #pintura #artesplasticas #artesescenicas #arte #cultura #galería #performance #theater #art #culture #escenacontemporanea #CDMX #actriz #actress #actorslife #actor #Alicia #nuevosescenarios #amor #ama #amar #blanco #rojo #escritora #novela #CafeToscana #cafe #toscana (en La Silvestre) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw8DyQUDbny/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11u3ankzl89d
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entrepalabrasmx · 2 years
Premio Crónica: La Promoción de Valores Nacionales
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Grupo Editorial Crónica anuncia la creación de la Fundación Premio Crónica, que estará integrada por los personajes e instituciones distinguidos con este premio desde el año 2010.
Su objetivo principal es reunir a hombres, mujeres e instituciones sobresalientes en la vida académica, cultural y científica de México para contribuir con la difusión del conocimiento y promoción de valores.
Su labor será integrar un foro para la difusión de las ciencias y la cultura mediante una serie de conferencias, exposiciones, recitales y talleres; así como promover acciones para apoyar jóvenes en actividades de investigación científica y desarrollo cultural, entre otras.
La Fundación emerge del Premio Crónica, instaurado en 2010 para reconocer a los científicos, académicos y artistas por sus aportes en beneficio del país; a los empresarios por su labor y compromiso social y a las instituciones y personajes de la comunicación por la difusión del conocimiento y las artes, donde sobresalen las universidades del país y su trabajo en favor de la sociedad.
Se trata de un paso más para completar el abanico de trabajo que tiene como punto de partida el periódico La Crónica de Hoy, en su interés de contribuir a la promoción de los valores nacionales y la educación.
La Fundación, iniciativa de don Jorge Kahwagi Gastine, quien la presidirá, buscará tener un espacio que le permita acercar a los ciudadanos, de manera presencial o bien a través de las redes sociales, a las manifestaciones culturales y los avances científicos y al conocimiento.
Se desea que sea un espacio permanente de encuentro con el saber y la belleza de las artes, dando a conocer a las mujeres, hombres e instituciones cuyo trabajo se traduce en beneficios para los mexicanos.
Los galardonados con el Premio Crónica a lo largo de 11 años son:
Ciencia y Tecnología Adolfo Martínez Palomo
Academia y Cultura Yoloxóchitl Bustamante Díez
Compromiso Social Lorenzo Servitje Sendra+
Comunicación Pública Rogelio Azcárraga Madero+
Ciencia y Tecnología José Antonio Ruiz de la Herrán
Academia y Cultura José Narro Robles
Compromiso Social Alfredo Harp Helú
Comunicación Pública Francisco Ibarra López
Ciencia y Tecnología Rafael Navarro González+
Academia y Cultura Enrique Fernández Fassnacht
Compromiso Social Roberto González Barrera+
Comunicación Pública Jacobo Zabludovsky Kraveski+
Ciencia y Tecnología Luis Herrera Estrella
Academia y Cultura Miguel León-Portilla+
Compromiso Social Miguel Alemán Velasco
Comunicación Pública Francisco González Sánchez
Ciencia y Tecnología Tessy María López Goerne
Academia y Cultura Carlos Prieto Jacqué
Compromiso Social José Carral Escalante+
Comunicación Pública Francisco Aguirre Gómez
Ciencia y Tecnología Octavio Obregón Díaz
Academia Ruy Pérez Tamayo+
Juan Villoro
Comunicación Pública Javier Pérez de Anda
Ciencia y Tecnología Pablo Rudomín Zevnovaty
Academia Linda Rosa Manzanilla Naim
Cultura Horacio Franco
Comunicación Pública Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Ciencia y Tecnología Antonio Lazcano Araujo
Academia Gerardo Herrera Corral
Cultura Eduardo Matos Moctezuma
Comunicación Pública Universidad de Guadalajara
Ciencia y Tecnología Manuel Peimbert Sierra
Academia José Sarukhán Kermez
Cultura María Katzarava
Comunicación Pública Fondo de cultura Económica
Ciencia y Tecnología Ranulfo Romo
Academia Alejandro Frank
Cultura Leonardo López Luján
Comunicación Pública Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Ciencia y Tecnología
Susana Lizano Soberón
Javier Garciadiego Dantán
Concepción Company Company
Comunicación Pública
Tecnológico de Monterrey.
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extraempresas1 · 3 years
“¿Cortar los lazos con Israel? Hay que potenciarlos, Barcelona y Tel-Aviv tienen que volver a colaborar”
El encuentro “Israel-España: Construyendo el futuro desde el Mediterráneo” ha puesto de manifiesto los puentes y las relaciones de amistad y cooperación existentes entre Barcelona y Tel-Aviv. El evento ha reunido a ciudadanos de diferentes edades y sectores profesionales y ha sido inaugurado por la embajadora de Israel en España, Rodica Radian-Gordona, que ha reclamado que “queda mucho por hacer, hay que aumentar el diálogo y los acuerdos y potenciar los lazos históricos”.
Los impulsores de este encuentro, Susana Beltrán, Martín Gurría y Blanca Navarro, consideran que el acuerdo que firmaron los ayuntamientos de Barcelona y Tel-Aviv en 2013 ha caído en el olvido y que ha llegado el momento de impulsarlo. En un manifiesto, dado a conocer durante el evento, la ISFA pide a los ayuntamientos de ambas ciudades que colaboren institucionalmente celebrando reuniones periódicas o promoviendo iniciativas conjuntas. Potenciar la cultura y el turismo, fomentar la innovación o promover encuentros entre colectivos LGTBI han sido otras de las propuestas defendidas.
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chrancecriber · 2 years
Radio NET Bulgaria (November 09, 2022)
23:56 GREGG KARUKAS - Napa Road 23:51 PETER WHITE - Together Again 23:45 CHRIS STANDRING - Liquid Soul 23:40 JIM ADKINS - So Far so Good 23:36 RICHARD ELLIOT - Still Sweet On You 23:32 NORMAN BROWN - Remember The Time 23:27 BLAIR BRYANT - Catamaran 23:24 THE SAX PACK - Sooner Or Later 23:20 KEN NAVARRO - Lost And Found 23:16 NILS - I Like the Way You Do It 23:12 PAUL BROWN - Mind Games 23:07 NICK COLIONNE - Nico's Ride 23:03 NICHOLAS COLE - In It to Win It 23:00 DARREN MOTAMEDY - I'll Give You What You Want 22:59 MEDINA - You & I (DJ Petroff Remix) 22:52 ANTURAGE - Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough (Original Mix) 22:48 MOORYC - Communication Breakdown 22:44 THE UNDERGROUND PROJECT - Summer Jam (Ivan Tretyakov ReChill) 22:40 DEEP DIVE CORP., RICOLOOP - Enjoy The Silence 22:36 NUERA - Breathing (Chillout Mix) 22:31 NADIA ALI - Fantasy (Original Mix) 22:25 TIESTO - I Will Be Here (Syntheticsax Ft. LiTa & R.I.J. Project Remix) 22:22 FILIPE NARCISO - Forbidden Love (Original Mix) 22:19 MOKITA - Monopoly (Acoustic Version) 22:16 JAVAH, STACEY MCCLEAN - You And Me (Damien Chillout) 22:10 AQUASCAPE - Sunrise 22:06 TYDI, TANIA ZYGAR - The Moment It Breaks (Original Mix) 22:02 THE UNDERDOG PROJECT - Summer Jam (Unplugged) 21:59 ARTENOVUM - When You Fall Asleep (Slow Coach Mix) 21:55 YURI KANE - Right Back (Chillout Mix) 21:51 WILDBOYZ, AMEERAH - The Sound Of Missing You (Tj's Candlelight Mix) 21:47 LIVING ROOM - Teneriffe 07 21:42 BLUE STAHLI - Corner (Ad Astra Remix) 21:38 INERTIA - Get Higher (Antares Chill Mix) 21:35 INGO HERRMANN - Cumulus 21:28 LAB OF MUSIC - Angel Vibes (Original Mix) 21:23 LIZ KAY - Castles In The Sky (Kenny Hayes Nitelite Mix) 21:17 YANNI - One Man's Dream (Hi-Res Audio, 4K-Ultra-HD) Ledovskiy Valeriy Remix 21:13 MRDISCLAIMER, MILA ZHAVROVA - Evening Sun 21:07 MY 7SKY - Time moment has stopped (original mix) 21:03 SHIBUMI - Gemini Love (Kinobe Remix) 20:56 VECHIGEN - No Fear (Summer Vibes Chill Mix) 20:48 EUPHONIC TRAVELLER - Crescent bay (original mix) 20:44 SIRENS OF LESBOS - I Got New Feelings (Pablo Nouvelle Remix) 20:41 MAXIGROOVE - Alone (Wellski ) 20:35 LOUNGAHOLIC - Careless Whisper 20:30 CIARA, JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE - Love Sex Magic (Chillout Mix) 20:25 JOHN O'CALLAGHAN, LO-FI SUGAR - Never Fade Away 20:20 DANITY KANE - Stay With Me (Van Immortal Remix) 20:15 JAMES BRIGHT, HELEN WALFORD - Time 20:12 SAJE - Lost Tonight 20:09 KOSMOPOLITANS, ATHENA ROUTSI - I Belong To You 20:05 BOB SINCLAR - World Hold On (Acoustic Version) 20:02 MARIO BASANOV VIDIS, JAZZU - Give It A Try 19:58 BON JOVI - It's My Life (Piano Version) 19:55 TINA COUSINS - Wonderful Life (Ballad Version) 19:51 SUSANA, DARK MATTERS - Sleepless Ocean (Extended Mix) 19:47 MARKUS GARDEWEG, MICHAEL FEINER - Fairplay (Let There Be Love) (Ambient Mix) 19:44 STONEBRIDGE - Don't Matter (Album Mix) 19:39 MARC PUIG, MARIA COLLADO - To Forget Me 19:35 NURKO, AUTREY - So Far Gone 19:30 FEINT - Clockwork Hearts (Fetch Remix) 19:24 ARCADO FEAT. ALLA MOON - One Day (Zetandel Chill Remix) 19:19 INUSA DAWUDA - Dreamily 19:12 AMBITUS - Answers 19:08 KEVIN SUNRAY - Stories Untold feat Gaia Barbero (Acoustic Dubstep Mix) 19:05 ETRO ANIME - Let It Go 19:03 CNBK - Burning skies (acoustic version) 18:57 LUDOVICO EINAUDI - Nuvole Bianche 18:50 JOHN DAHLBACK - Everywhere (D.O.N.S. vs. Tranquillo chill mix) 18:47 THE LIGHTNESS PROJECT, NICK FERA - Beautiful Dream 18:39 TARAS BAZEEV - Western 18:35 T.A.T.U - Show me love (Zetandel chill rmx) 18:30 YULIET TOPAZ - Frozen 18:26 HI-GATE - I Can Hear Voices (Chilled Mix) 18:23 SWEET EUPHONY - After We Close Our Eyes (Chillout Version) 18:17 SYNTHETICSAX - Beach (Dj Rostej Remix Chillout Dreams) 18:13 IGOR PUMPHONIA - Air (Original Mix) 18:07 INDIGO SUN - You Don't Fool Me (Tango Cafe Mix) 18:01 BOBINA, BETSIE LARKIN - You Belong To Me (El Gambrero Remix) 17:57 BOYCHILD, SOUNDMOUSE - Counting What Ifs (Original Mix) 17:53 MANDEL TURNER - Come Into My Life 17:48 MANDALAY - Beautiful (7'' Canny Mix) 17:45 DJ SALAMANDRA - I want it all (Dj Alatiz Remix) 17:41 MAZELONOSTRA - Twilight Room (Spanish Edit) 17:38 MAX STONE - Love Is... (W&D Chill Out Mix) 17:35 DJ PAULBASS, DJ GORODNEV & P.KOLVINKOVSKY - Call Me (Lounge Mix) 17:31 AURORA - Where Would You Go When It Starts To Rain (Original Mix) 17:27 MARGA SOL - Love Dust 17:23 DMITRY FILATOV - Sunlight (Incognet Chill Out Mix, English Version) 17:18 NAOKI KENJI - Maripri 17:12 YOGEE, TWEET, MISSY ELLIOT - Thugman (Lounge Remix 2011) 17:06 LIFE AUDIENCE - Vanilla 17:00 NIGHT, FUNKAGENDA - Shogun (Mark Knight & Funkagenda's Average House Band Remix) 16:56 VINCENT INGALA - Baby I'm Hooked (Right Into Your Love) 16:52 RANDY SCOTT - Daydreams 16:48 RICK HABANA - Round We Go 16:44 ADAM HAWLEY - Anytime At All 16:39 CHRIS GODBER - Escuchame 16:34 BONEY JAMES - Seduction 16:30 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Flowin' with It 16:25 ROCCO VENTRELLA - I Receive Your Love (instrumental) 16:20 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Peace I Leave with You 16:16 JULIAN VAUGHN - Romance The Rain 16:11 TIM BOWMAN - Light of Love 16:07 DARREN RAHN - Into the Light 16:04 PEET PROJECT - Bipolar 16:00 MARION MEADOWS - Don't Wait Up 15:56 STEVE OLIVER - World Citizen 15:51 DAVE KOZ - Still Got It 15:47 AL DEGREGORIS - Resolutions 15:42 ROB TARDIK - Smoothy (feat. Davor Jordanovski) 15:38 KIM WATERS - Sumthin' Sumthin' 15:31 EUGE GROOVE - Rain Down On Me 15:25 JOYCE COOLING - Mildred's Attraction 15:21 PATRICK YANDALL - Your Satisfaction 15:17 THREESTYLE - Ready to Go 15:12 KIM SCOTT - The Look Of Love 15:08 JEFF KASHIWA - August Nights 15:04 ZOLBERT - Focus 15:00 TONY SAUNDERS - Push 14:57 WAYMAN TISDALE - Shape of Your Heart (feat. Jeff Lorber) 14:52 JACKIEM JOYNER - Big Step (feat. Gerald Albright) 14:48 MARCUS ANDERSON - Let's Groove 14:43 GREGG KARUKAS - Relentless 14:38 PETER WHITE - Another Rainy Day 14:34 CHRIS STANDRING - No Two Ways About It 14:30 JIM ADKINS - Straight Ahead 14:27 SAM BASSMAN JENKINS - After Hours 14:22 RICHARD ELLIOT - Moon Gazer 14:18 NORMAN BROWN - The King Is Here 14:13 BLAIR BRYANT - Footsteps in the Dark 14:09 THE SAX PACK - Shine On 14:04 KEN NAVARRO - Parallel Lives 14:00 NILS - Trip Me 13:56 PAUL BROWN - The Rhythm Method 13:52 NICK COLIONNE - Say What's on Your Mind 13:48 NICHOLAS COLE - Please Don't Say No (feat. Tim Bowman) 13:43 DARREN MOTAMEDY - This Love 13:40 VINCENT INGALA - This Time Baby 13:36 RANDY SCOTT - Mellow Flow 13:31 RICK HABANA - Paradise 13:26 ADAM HAWLEY - Shake 13:22 BEN TANKARD - Passionfruit 13:17 CHRIS GODBER - Chips 'n' Salsa 13:08 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Pride and Joy 13:04 ROCCO VENTRELLA - Keep in Touch 13:00 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Stars of Light 12:58 JULIAN VAUGHN - Over & Over 12:53 TIM BOWMAN - Table for Two 12:48 DARREN RAHN - D 12:45 PEET PROJECT - On My Way 12:41 MARION MEADOWS - The Thrill of Rain 12:35 STEVE OLIVER - Visions Of Light 12:31 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Let's Do It 12:25 DAVE KOZ - Careless Whisper (feat. Montell Jordan) 12:20 AL DEGREGORIS - The Other Night 12:16 ROB TARDIK - Get Up 12:07 KIM WATERS - Voyage To Atlantis 12:04 VANN BURCHFIELD - What's Love Got to Do With 12:00 JOYCE COOLING - Don't Mind if I Do 11:57 PATRICK YANDALL - Always There 11:53 THREESTYLE - Adriatic Flow 11:48 KIM SCOTT - What You Stank About This 11:43 JEFF KASHIWA - Show Me Love 11:40 ZOLBERT - The Time Has Come 11:36 TONY SAUNDERS - Uptown Jazz 11:32 WAYMAN TISDALE - Get Down On It 11:28 JACKIEM JOYNER - Secret Admirer 11:23 MARCUS ANDERSON - Du Witt 11:19 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - C 11:15 BLAKE AARON - Weekend in Paradise 11:10 GREGG KARUKAS - Heatwave 11:04 PETER WHITE - Temptation 11:00 CHRIS STANDRING - Yesterday's Heaven 10:58 JIM ADKINS - Come a Little Closer 10:54 RICHARD ELLIOT - On The Fly 10:50 NORMAN BROWN - Won't You Stay 10:46 BLAIR BRYANT - B's Bounce 10:42 THE SAX PACK - Smooth As Silk 10:37 KEN NAVARRO - Smooth Sensation 10:33 NILS - Up and Away 10:29 PAUL BROWN - On The Down Low 10:25 NICK COLIONNE - The Closer I Get To You 10:22 NICHOLAS COLE - 5th Avenue 10:17 DARREN MOTAMEDY - Man Of Leisure 10:13 VINCENT INGALA - Snap, Crackle, Pop 10:09 RANDY SCOTT - Affection 10:04 OLI SILK - L.A. To London 10:00 RICK HABANA - Lady Luck 09:58 SAM BASSMAN JENKINS - Can You Feel It 09:53 ADAM HAWLEY - Detroit 09:50 BEN TANKARD - Piano Hymn 09:46 CHRIS GODBER - Vibin' 09:42 BONEY JAMES - Sunset Boulevard 09:38 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Sexy Love 09:34 ROCCO VENTRELLA - Love 09:30 LOUIE FITZGERALD - When I Look into Your Eyes 09:26 JULIAN VAUGHN - All to Myself 09:22 TIM BOWMAN - All My Life 09:18 DARREN RAHN - One Step Ahead 09:15 PEET PROJECT - Bizd magad most ram 09:11 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - Who Knows 09:07 MARION MEADOWS - Lunchbox 09:03 STEVE OLIVER - Barcelo 09:00 ERIC DARIUS - Healin' 08:57 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Nobody But You (Feat. Billy Mondragon Of DW3) 08:53 DAVE KOZ - The Closer We Get 08:47 AL DEGREGORIS - Times and Travels 08:43 RYAN LA VALETTE - New Beginnings 08:39 ROB TARDIK - Perserverance (feat. Roberto Vally) 08:33 EUGE GROOVE - Get Em Goin' 08:29 KIM WATERS - Love's Melody 08:25 VANN BURCHFIELD - Friends 08:21 JOYCE COOLING - After Hours 08:17 PATRICK YANDALL - Whats Cookin 08:13 THREESTYLE - Missing You 08:09 KIM SCOTT - SHINE! (feat. Blake Aaron) 08:04 JEFF KASHIWA - Back To Love 08:00 ZOLBERT - A Song for You 07:58 TONY SAUNDERS - Celebrate You 07:55 WAYMAN TISDALE - The Turnaround 07:51 JACKIEM JOYNER - Don't Make Her Wait 07:47 MARCUS ANDERSON - Your Touch (Dedicated To Will & Maggie Shares) 07:42 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - Livin' In NYC 07:38 BLAKE AARON - Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing (feat. Kim Scott) 07:34 GREGG KARUKAS - Azure Dreaming 07:29 PETER WHITE - Autumn Day 07:26 DEE BROWN - Follow You 07:22 CHRIS STANDRING - The Gist of You 07:17 JIM ADKINS - Into the Storm 07:13 RICHARD ELLIOT - Chill Bill 07:08 BLAIR BRYANT - Caramel Dream 07:04 NORMAN BROWN - Heart To Heart 07:00 THE SAX PACK - The Pack Is Back 06:59 KEN NAVARRO - Summer Smiles 06:55 NILS - Stratmosphere 06:51 PAUL BROWN - Just Chillin' 06:47 NICK COLIONNE - Morning Call 06:43 NICHOLAS COLE - Crank It Up 06:36 DARREN MOTAMEDY - Makes Me Feel Young 06:32 VINCENT INGALA - Love Zone 06:29 RANDY SCOTT - Side Steppin' 06:23 OLI SILK - Lay Back and Think of England 06:19 RICK HABANA - Excursion 06:15 SAM BASSMAN JENKINS - It Makes Me Want You 06:11 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Hollywood Way 06:07 ADAM HAWLEY - Just Dance (Feat. Dave Koz) 06:03 BEN TANKARD - Rise! 06:00 FREDDIE FOX - Feelin' It 05:57 CHRIS GODBER - Can't Help Believin 05:53 BONEY JAMES - Powerhouse 05:48 UNDER THE LAKE - Have I Told You 05:45 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Colors 05:40 ROCCO VENTRELLA - Mediterranea 05:36 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Consuming Fire 05:30 JEFFERY SMITH - Turn It Up 05:26 JULIAN VAUGHN - Your Mine 05:21 TIM BOWMAN - Summer Groove 05:17 DARREN RAHN - Easy Does It 05:14 PEET PROJECT - Galaxies 05:08 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - Jamaica Heartbeat 05:04 MARION MEADOWS - Dream Catcher 05:00 STEVE OLIVER - Let it Go 04:59 ERIC DARIUS - Heaven Sent 04:55 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - I Love Your Smile 04:50 DAVE KOZ - Definition Of Beautiful (feat. Javier Colon) 04:46 AL DEGREGORIS - Connect the Dots 04:42 ROB TARDIK - Shakin' the House (feat. Darren Rahn) 04:38 EUGE GROOVE - Slam Dunkn 04:34 KIM WATERS - Nina In Tortola 04:31 VANN BURCHFIELD - Stay Strong 04:25 JOYCE COOLING - Daddy 04:21 PATRICK YANDALL - Chasing the Light 04:17 THREESTYLE - Good News 04:13 KIM SCOTT - Something Better 04:08 JEFF KASHIWA - The Good Life 04:04 ZOLBERT - Free 04:00 TONY SAUNDERS - Theme for Ellen 03:56 WAYMAN TISDALE - One on One 03:52 JACKIEM JOYNER - This Time Around 03:47 MARCUS ANDERSON - The Taste Of Passion 03:41 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - Bubba 03:37 BLAKE AARON - Dreamland 03:34 GREGG KARUKAS - Club Havana 03:29 PETER WHITE - Perfect Moment 03:25 CHRIS STANDRING - Face to Face 03:21 DEE BROWN - Pop The Question 03:17 JIM ADKINS - Get Over It 03:13 RICHARD ELLIOT - Sly 03:08 BLAIR BRYANT - Kiss of Life 03:04 RYAN LA VALETTE - Monday Swagger 03:00 NORMAN BROWN - It Keeps Coming Back 02:58 THE SAX PACK - Into You 02:54 KEN NAVARRO - Frenchmen Street 02:50 NILS - Fire of My Heart 02:45 PAUL BROWN - Winelight 02:40 NICHOLAS COLE - A Journey of One 02:35 ROBERT HARRIS - New Beginnings 02:31 NICK COLIONNE - There It Is 02:27 DARREN MOTAMEDY - Dance with My Father 02:23 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Cut Loose 02:19 VINCENT INGALA - Personal Touch 02:16 RANDY SCOTT - Step 02:11 OLI SILK - Didn't Know About Love 02:07 DEAN JAMES - Georgia On My Mind (feat. Salio) 02:03 RICK HABANA - Poolside (feat. Blake Aaron) 02:00 SAM BASSMAN JENKINS - Give It To Me 01:55 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - When The Time Comes 01:51 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Stand Together 01:46 ADAM HAWLEY - Hello (Feat. Kat Hawley) 01:43 BEN TANKARD - Goodness Gracious 01:39 FREDDIE FOX - From The Heart 01:35 CHRIS GODBER - Dreamin' 01:30 BONEY JAMES - Tonic 01:26 UNDER THE LAKE - When Autumn Comes 01:22 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Versace On The Floor 01:17 ROCCO VENTRELLA - She's Ready 01:14 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Rejoice 01:08 JEFFERY SMITH - In the Moment 01:04 JULIAN VAUGHN - Her Peace 01:00 TIM BOWMAN - City Lights 00:56 DARREN RAHN - Duplicity 00:52 PEET PROJECT - One 00:47 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - World Stage 00:44 PAUL TAYLOR - The Face of You 00:39 MARION MEADOWS - Look Inside 00:35 STEVE OLIVER - Desert Traveler 00:29 ERIC DARIUS - Can't Get Enough of Your Love Baby (Barry White Classic re 00:26 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Coming Home (Feat. Adam Sztaba & Atom String Quartet) 00:22 DAVE KOZ - Let It Free 00:18 AL DEGREGORIS - Time Sensitive 00:14 ROB TARDIK - The Right Time 00:09 EUGE GROOVE - Rewind 00:05 VANN BURCHFIELD - Through the Fire 00:00 KIM WATERS - Midnight At The Oasis
0 notes
tasksweekly · 7 years
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There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 580+ Mexican faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Beatriz Aguirre (1926) Mexican - actress.
Luz María Aguilar (1935) Mexican - actress.
Jacqueline Andere (1936) Mexican - actress.
Susan Kohner (1936) Mexican [Roman Catholic, Czech Jewish] - actress.
Joan Baez (1941) Mexican / English - musician and activist.
Norma Mora (1943) Mexican [Unspecified Arab, Jewish, Irish] - actress.
Susana Alexander (1943) Mexican [German Jewish] - actress, hostess, producer, director, and dancer.
Victoria Wyndham (1945) Mexican / Unknown - actress.
Linda Ronstadt (1946) Mexican [Spanish, possibly other], German, English, Italian / English, German, Dutch - singer and actress.
Liliana Abud (1948) Mexican [Lebanese] - actress and screenwriter.
Olivia Harrison (1948) Mexican (including Spanish, Unspecified Indigenous, more distant African) - author and producer.
Belita Moreno (1949) Mexican - actress.
Rosanna DeSoto (1950) Mexican - actress.
Lynda Carter (1951) Mexican/Spanish-Mexican / English, German, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish - actress and musician.
Olga Breeskin (1951) Mexican - violinist, dancer and actress.
Lyn May (1952) Mexican [Chinese, Japanese, possibly other] - actress, vedette, and dancer.
Rosa Gloria Chagoyán (1953) Mexican [Armenian] - actress and singer.
Catherine Bach (1954) Mexican - actress.
Jesusa Rodríguez (1955) Mexican - actress, director, and writer.
Amparo Rubín (1955) Mexican [Jewish, possibly other] - singer.
Ana Gabriel (1955) Mexican [Chinese] - singer-songwriter.
Gina Gallego (1955) Mexican - actress.
Janet Arceo (1955) Mexican - actress, TV presenter, announcer, director and businesswoman
Sheila Escovedo / Sheila E (1957) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] / Creole [African, French, distant English] - drummer, singer-songwriter, actress, and author.
Astrid Hadad (1957) Mexican [Lebanese] - actress and performing artist.
Apollonia Kotero (1959) Mexican, possibly some German Jewish - actress, singer, model, and talent manager.
Lisa Mary Moretti / Ivory (1961) Italian, Mexican/ Swedish, German, Irish - professional wrestler.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus (1961) Ashkenazi Jewish, German, Mexican, English, French, Scottish, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish - actress, comedian, and producer.
Michele Greene (1962) Irish / Mexican, Nicaraguan - actress, musician, and author.  
Carmen Amezcua (1962) Mexican - former actress and novelist.
Laura Harring (1964) Mexican [Spanish, possibly other] / Austrian, German - actress and model.
Yareli Arizmendi (1964) Mexican - actor, writer, and director.
Laura Cerón (1964) Mexican - actress.
Rebecca de Alba (1964) Mexican - presenter and model.
Jackie Guerra (1965) Mexican - actress.
Alejandra Bogue (1965) Mexican [English, possibly other] - actress, comedian, tv host, and producer. - Trans!
Alex Meneses (1965) Mexican / Ukrainian, possibly some Polish - actress and model.
Michelle Forbes (1965) Mexican, English, possibly other - actress.
Constance Marie (1965) Mexican - actress.
Hope Sandoval (1966) Mexican - musician.
Marta Martin (1966) Mexican, possibly other / Unknown - actress.
Gabriella Hall (1966) Mexican - model and actress.
Suzette Quintanilla (1967) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish], Cherokee - actress and musician.
Mónica Dionne (1967) Mexican - actress.
Dacia Arcaráz (1967) Mexican - actress.
Lila Downs (1968) Mexican [Mixtec] / British - singer-songwriter and actress.
Vanessa Marcil (1968) Mexican / French, German, English, Italian, Portuguese - actress.
Lupita Jones (1968) Mexican, English, Basque - actress, director, and beauty queen.
Gloria Trevi (1968) Mexican [Spanish Jewish] - singer-songwriter and actress.
Susana Harp (1968) Mexican [Lebanese / Mixe] - singer.
Penélope Menchaca (1968) Mexican - television host, singer, and actress
Lucero Hogaza León / Lucero (1969) Mexican - musician.
Patricia Vonne (1969) Mexican - musician and actress.
Mayrín Villanueva (1970) Mexican - actress and model.
Julieta Venegas (1970) Mexican [French] - musician and producer.
Amairani (1970) Mexican - actress.
Ninel Conde (1970) Mexican - musician and actress.
Alix Bauer (1971) Mexican [German Jewish] - singer.
Ariadna Thalía Sodi Miranda / Thalía (1971) 15/16 Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish], 1/16 Italian - singer-songwriter and actress.
Paulina Rubio (1971) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish, possibly distant Italian, possibly other] - singer, actress, and model.
Bibi Gaytán (1972) Mexican - singer and actress.
Chantal Andere (1972) Mexican [Argentinian, Basque] - actress.
Úrsula Murayama (1972) Mexican [Japanese, possibly other] - actress.
Kate del Castillo (1972) Mexican - actress.
Marisol Nichols (1973) Mexican [Spanish, possibly other] / Hungarian Jewish, Romanian Jewish, German Jewish - actress.
Delilah Vaniity Kotero / Vaniity (1973) Mexican [Purepecha] - porn actress and model. - Trans!
Jennifer Hanson (1973) Norwegian, German, Catalan, Mexican, Irish, possibly English - musician.
Oscar De La Hoya (1973) Mexican (including Spanish, Castilian, Unspecified Indigenous, and some African) - boxer.
María Fernanda Blázquez Gil / Fey (1973) Mexican [Argentinian] - singer.
Alpha Acosta (1973) Mexican - actress.
Anaís (1974) Mexican - actress.
Sandra Navarro Gillette / Gillette (1974) Mexican / Puerto Rican - musician.
Ara Celi (1974) Mexican - actress.
Adrienne Janic (1974) Mexican, Serbian - actress and television host.
Angélica Vale (1975) Venezuelan / Mexican, possibly other - actress, musician, and comedian.
Eva Longoria (1975) Mexican [Mayan, Unspecified African, Spanish] - actress, producer, and director.
Itatí Cantoral (1975) Mexican [Spanish, including Andalusian, possibly other], Chilean, French / Argentinian [Italian] - actress, singer, dancer, and producer.
Jaydy Michel (1975) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African, Spanish, distant French] / English, Irish, Welsh, Norwegian, French - actress and model.
Alanna Ubach (1975) Mexican / Puerto Rican - actress and singer.
Sara Ramirez (1975) ¾ Mexican, ¼ Irish - actress and singer-songwriter.
Aracely Arámbula (1975) Mexican [French, Basque, possibly other] - actress, model, and singer.
Ruth Livier (1975) Mexican - actress.
Jaci Velasquez (1976) Mexican, Spanish, French, Scottish, Arab - actress and musician.
Vinessa Shaw (1976) Russian Jewish, Italian, German, Irish, English, Mexican, and Swedish - actress and model.
Mariana Seoane (1976) Argentinian / Cuban, Mexican - actress, model and singer.
Shar Jackson (1976) Mexican, Puerto Rican / African-American, Unspecified Native American (Unconfirmed) - actress and singer.
Natalia Livingston (1976) Mexican, Ashkenazi Jewish, Swiss, German / English, Irish, French - actress.
Jessica Mas (1976) Mexican, Puerto Rican - actress.
Iyari Limon (1976) Mexican - actress.
Alana de la Garza (1976) Mexican, Irish - actress.
Elsa Benítez (1977) Mexican - model and presenter.
Marisa Ramirez (1977) Mexican (five eighths), along with Scottish, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, German, possibly English, Irish, French, Unspecified Native American - actress.
Nancy Taira (1977) Mexican [Japanese] - actress.
Ana de la Reguera (1977) Mexican - actress.
Elizabeth Álvarez (1977) Mexican - actress.
Sophie Alexander (1978) Mexican [German Jewish, possibly other] - actress.
Vanessa Villela (1978) Mexican - actress.
Courtney Ford (1978) Mexican, English, Irish, possibly other - actress.
Kimberly McCullough (1978)  Mexican / Irish, possibly other - actress, television director, and dancer.
America Olivo (1978) Italian, Chilean, Mexican, Basque, Spanish / Belgian, Irish - actress, musician, and model.
Maya Jupiter (1978) Mexican [Mayan] / Turkish - rapper, songwriter, MC, and radio personality.
Eden Espinosa (1978) Mexican - actress.
Mandy Gonzalez (1978) Mexican / Jewish [of Polish and Romanian origin] - actress and musician.
Kandee Johnson (1978) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish], Danish, English, Irish, Swedish, remote French and Welsh, likely Scottish - youtuber.
Bibelot Mansur (1978) Mexican / Lebanese - actress.
Ana Serradilla (1978) Mexican [Spanish, possibly other] - actress.
Alejandra Robles (1978) Afro Mexican - singer and dancer.
Aimee Garcia (1978) Mexican / Puerto Rican - actress.
Bárbara Mori (1978) Mexican [Japanese, Lebanese, Basque, Uruguayan] - actress, model, producer, and writer.
Elizabeth Gutiérrez (1979) Mexican - actress and model.
Melina Perez (1979) Mexican - model, actress, retired professional wrestler and valet.
Blanca Soto (1979) Mexican - actress, model and beauty pageant titleholder.
Cristela Alonzo (1979) Mexican - comedian, actress, writer and producer.
Laura Govan (1979) Mexican / African-American - television personality.
Angelique Cabral (1979) Mexican, Unspecified Native American / English, French - actress.
Jacqueline Bracamontes (1979) Mexican / Belgian/Flemish - actress and model.
Jessica Coch (1979) Mexican [Argentinian] - actress.
Nina Mercedez (1979) Mexican [Aztec, possibly other] / Italian, possibly other - model, dancer, producer, and former porn actress.
Sara Maldonado (1980) Mexican - actress.
Sachi Tamashiro (1980) Mexican / Japanese - actress.
Yoanna House (1980) Mexican / European - model and television host.
Lela Loren (1980) Mexican / European - actress.
Rosie Mercado (1980) Mexican - makeup artist, fashion designer and television personality.
Adriana Sage (1980) Afro Mexican - actress, model, and former porn actress.
Marisa Quinn (1980) Lipan Apache / Mexican - actress.
Claudia Álvarez (1981) Mexican - actress and model.
Alexis Bledel (1981) Argentinian [Danish, German] / Mexican [Scottish, English, Irish, Welsh, French] - actress and model.
Christina T / T Lopez (1981) Mexican - actress and musician.
Shawndey “Dey” Gomez (1981) Mexican, Arapaho, Yavapai Apache, Spanish - musician (Dey & Nite).
Tawnya “Nite” Gomez (1981) Mexican, Arapaho, Yavapai Apache, Spanish - musician (Dey & Nite) and actress.
Ericka Cruz (1981) Afro Mexican - beauty pageant titleholder.
Jessica Alba (1981) Mexican [Mayan, Sephardi Jewish, Spanish] / Danish, Welsh, German, English, Scottish, Irish, French - actress.
Miriam Rivera (1981) Mexican - tv personality, model, and porn actress.
Nicole Richie (1981) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish], African-American, Louisiana Creole [Unspecified African, French, English], possibly other - actress, tv personality, author, and fashion designer.
Bitsie Tulloch (1981) Mexican, English, Scottish, Spanish - actress.
Dafne Molina (1982) Mexican - designer, model and beauty pageant titleholder.
Natalia Cordova-Buckley (1982) Mexican - actress.
Anjelah Johnson (1982) Mexican / English, possibly other - her official website states she’s also Unspecified Native American - actress and comedian.
Angélica Celaya (1982) Mexican - actress.
Elena Finney (1982) Mescalero Apache, Mexican [Purepecha], Irish - actress and producer.
Giselle Itié (1982) Mexican / Brazilian - actress.
Martha Higareda (1982) Mexican [Spanish, possibly other] -actress, model, writer, and producer.
Vanessa Laine Bryant (1982) Mexican - insta model.
Vic Fuentes (1983) Mexican - musician.
Fernanda Romero (1983) Mexican - actress, model, and musician.
Aundrea Fimbres (1983) Mexican - musician and dancer.
Lupita Nyong’o (1983) Mexican [Luo Kenyan] - actress.
Vannessa Vasquez (1983) Mexican - actress.
Maite Perroni (1983) Mexican [including Spanish, Italian, Basque, possibly other] - actress, model, and musician.
Ashley Dzerigian (1983) Mexican / possibly French - musician.
Sandra Hinojosa (1983) Ojibwe, Ottawa, Potawatomi, Mexican - actress.
Claudia Salinas (1983) Mexican [Russian Jewish, possibly other] - actress, model, and blogger.
Anahí Giovanna Puente de Velasco / Anahí (1983) Spanish, Mexican - actress and musician.
Brie Bella (1983) Mexican / Italian, English, Irish, Scottish - wrestler.
Nikki Bella (1983) Mexican / Italian, English, Irish, Scottish - wrestler.
Teresa Castillo (1983) Mexican, Chinese, Spanish - actress.
Tessa Thompson (1983) Afro Panamanian / Mexican, Unspecified European - actress.
Edy Ganem (1983) Mexican, Lebanese - actress.
Johanna Santos Polanco (1983) Afro Mexican / Dominican - model.
Ilean Almaguer (1984) Mexican - actress.
Naima Mora (1984) Mexican, African-American, Native American, Irish - model.
Gabrielle Ruiz (1984) Mexican - actress.
Melody Thornton (1984) Mexican / African-American - musician and dancer.
Celeste Thorson (1984) Mexican [Mescalero Apache, Spanish], Lebanese, Syrian / Korean, Scottish, Irish, English - actress, model, and screenwriter.
Sandra Echeverría (1984) Mexican, Dominican - actress and singer.
Sabrina Bryan (1984) Mexican [Spanish, likely other] / Cherokee, German - actress, singer-songwriter, dancer, and tv personality.
Natalia Lafourcade (1984) Mexican, possibly small amount of English / Chilean, French Basque - musician.
Megan Ewing (1984) Mexican, German - model.
Luz Reality (1984) Mexican - rapper.
Krysta Rodriguez (1984) Mexican / English, possibly other - actress and singer.
Arianny Celeste (1985) ¾ Mexican, ¼ Filipina - model.
Gloria Govan (1985) African-American / Mexican - television personality.
Mariee Sioux (1985) Paiute, Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] / Polish, Hungarian - singer-songwriter.
Dulce Maria (1985) Mexican, likely around 1/8th German - actress and musician.
Vanessa Huppenkothen (1985) Mexican / German - model, actress, and television presenter.
Karla Souza (1985) Mexican / Chilean [likely Portuguese, possibly other] - actress.
Eréndira Ibarra (1985) Mexican - actress.
Kavka Shishido (1985) Mexican [Japanese] - singer-songwriter, drummer, actress, radio personality, and tv personality.
Alyssa Diaz (1985) Colombian / Mexican - actress.
Sebastián Zurita (1986) Mexican [German, Italian] - actor.
Nazanin Mandi (1986) Iranian, Mexican, Unspecified Native American, Spanish - actress, singer, and model.
Charlyne Yi (1986) Korean, Yuki, Mexican, Irish, German, French / Filipina, Spanish - actress, comedian, musician, and writer.
Audrey Esparza (1986) Mexican [Catalan, Spanish, possibly other] - actress.
Camila Sodi (1986) 31/32 Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish], 1/32 Italian - singer, actress, and model.
Carla Morrison (1986) Mexican [English, possibly other] - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Cassie Ventura / Cassie (1986) Mexican, African-American, Unspecified Caribbean / Filipina - actress, model, singer, and dancer.
Noël Wells (1986) Tunisian / Mexican, other - actress and filmmaker.
Yrahid Leylanni (1986) Mexican [Lebanese] - actress.
Ana Brenda Contreras (1986) Mexican - actress and singer.
Lauren Lopez (1986) Mexican / Jewish - actress, singer, and dancer.
Mare Advertencia Lirika / Mare (1987) Mexican [Zapotec] - rapper and singer-songwriter.
Courtney McCullough (1987) Chinese / Mexican - actress.
Claudia A. Feliciano / Snow tha Product (1987) Mexican - musician.
Brooke Westbrooks (1987) Mexican, African American, Creole [Unspecified Native American, possibly other], Indian - social media star and tv personality.
Stephanie Sigman (1987) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] / German, possibly other - actress.
Rose Leslie (1987) ⅛ Mexican, ⅞ mix of Scottish, English, Irish, French Huguenot - actress.
Carla Esparza (1987) Mexican, Ecuadorian / Irish, English, Scottish - professional mixed martial artist.
Bárbara de Regil (1987) Mexican [Lebanese, possibly other] - actress.
Daniella Pineda (1987) Mexican - actress, comedian, and writer.
Summer Bishil (1988) Indian / Mexican, Cherokee, German, English, Dutch - actress.
Teresa Ruiz (1988) Mexican - actress and producer.
Ximena Navarrete (1988) Mexican - actress, television host, model, and beauty queen.
Erica Rivera (1988) Mexican - actress and musician.
Francia Raisa (1988) Mexican / Honduran - actress.
Natalie Mejia (1988) Mexican / Cuban - singer.
Alicia Sixtos (1988) Mexican / Portuguese [including Azorean] - actress.
Teneil Whiskeyjack (1988) Mexican, Plains Cree - actress.
Sara Paxton (1988) Mexican [Spanish Jewish, Dutch Jewish, German, Chilean] / Irish, Scottish, English, French - actress, singer, and model.
Emily Rios (1989) Mexican - actress and model.
Devin Star Tailes / Dev (1989) Mexican, Portuguese - musician.
Paula Deanda (1989) Mexican - musician.
Kristin Herrera (1989) Mexican, Puerto Rican - actress.
Jamillette Gaxiola (1989) Mexican [Lebanese] / Cuban [Lebanese] - beauty pageant titleholder.
Lindsey Morgan (1990) Mexican / Irish - actress.
Morgan Westbrooks (1990) Mexican, African American, Creole [Unspecified Native American, possibly other], Indian - social media star and tv personality.
Nia Sanchez (1990) Mexican, German / Spanish, German, English, other - actress, model, taekwondo coach, television host, and beauty queen.
Kristinia DeBarge (1990) Mexican / Unspecified Other.
Eiza González (1990) Mexican - actress and singer.
Giza Lagarce (1990) Mexican / French - model.
Kristinia DeBarge (1990) ⅜ Mexican [Spanish, smaller amounts Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African], ¼ African-American, 1/32 Danish, 1/32 Norwegian, rest mix of English, Irish, French, Welsh, German, Icelandic - singer-songwriter, actress, and dancer.
Liz Lee (1991) Mexican / Unknown - actress.
Seychelle Gabriel (1991) Mexican, French / Italian, Sicilian - actress.
Chanel Celaya (1991) Mexican / English, possibly other - actress and model.
Luz Pavon (1991) Afro Mexican - model.
Cayleigh Elise (1991) Mexican, other - youtuber.
Michelle Álvarez (1991) Mexican - actress and musician.
Kirstin Maldonado (1992) Mexican / Spanish, Italian - singer-songwriter.
Nikki Glamour (1992) Mexican - youtuber.
Shelbie Bruce (1992) Mexican / English, Scottish, German, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish - actress.
Okairy Giner (1992) Mexican - actress.
Raye Zaragoza (1993) Mexican, Akimel O’odham / Taiwanese, Japanese - singer-songwriter.
Daniela Bobadilla (1993) Mexican [Spanish, possibly other] - actress.
Naressa Valdez (1993) African-American, Mexican, Unspecified Native American, Italian, Portuguese - model and instagrammer.
Miranda Cosgrove (1993) ⅛ Mexican, ⅞ mix of Irish, English, French, German [Alsatian] - actress and singer-songwriter.
Ally Brooke Hernandez / Ally Brooke (1993) Mexican - singer.
Nizhoni Cooley (1993) Mexican, Navajo, Irish, Czechoslovakian - model and instagrammer.
Rachel Trachtenburg (1993) Mexican [Jewish, possibly other] - singer, drummer, actress, model, and talk show host.
Crystal Westbrooks (1993) Mexican, African American, Creole [Unspecified Native American, possibly other], Indian - social media star and tv personality.
Anahi Altuzar (1993) Mexican - beauty pageant titleholder. - Trans!
Jasmine Villegas / Jasmine V (1993) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] / Filipina, German, Irish - singer.
Raini Rodriguez (1993) Mexican - actress and musician.
Bree Westbrooks (1993) Mexican, African American, Creole [Unspecified Native American, possibly other], Indian - actress, social media star, and tv personality.
Julia Michaels (1993) Mexican [Spanish, some Unspecified Indigenous] / Dutch, English, French, German, Irish, Scottish - musician.
Megan Nicole (1993) Mexican / English, German, Scottish, Unspecified Native American - singer, songwriter, actress, and model.
Lourdes Montes / Lulu Montes / Sheslulu (1993) Mexican - youtuber.
Hayley Orrantia (1994) Mexican, English, Irish, French - actress and musician.
Cristina Valenzuela (1994) Mexican, Spanish - youtuber.
Julia Goldani Telles (1995) Mexican [Spanish, probably other] / Brazilian [Italian, probably other] - actress and ballerina.
Sofia Reyes (1995) Mexican - musician.
Issa Lish (1995) Mexican / Japanese - model.
Bethany Mota (1995) Mexican, English / Portuguese - youtuber.
Jessica Sanchez (1995) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African, Spanish, possibly other] / Filipina [Aklanon, possibly other], possibly Chinese - singer-songwriter.
Cierra Ramirez (1995) Mexican / Colombian - actress, model, and singer.
Danna Paola (1995) Mexican - actress, model, fashion designer and musician.
Vanessa Merrell (1996) Mexican, Filipina, Spanish, Irish, Portuguese, German - actress, singer, and youtuber.
Georgie Flores (1996) Mexican, remote French - actress.
Veronica Merrell (1996) Mexican, Filipina, Spanish, Irish, Portuguese, German - actress, singer, and youtuber.
India Westbrooks (1996) African American, Mexican, Creole [Unspecified Native American, possibly other, Indian - internet personality.
Lucero Rios (1996) Mexican - isnta model.
Chachi Gonzales (1996) Mexican - dancer, choreographer, and actress.
Brianna Hildebrand (1996) Mexican / German, English, Irish - actress.
Antoinette Marie Martin (1996) Mexican / African-American - model.
Victoria Moroles (1996) Mexican / French, Polish, English, Finnish - actress.
Eva Noblezada (1996) Filipina / Mexican - actress and musician.
Becky G (1997) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] - actress, singer-songwriter, model, rapper, and dancer.
Matreya Fedor (1997) Mexican - actress.
Rebecca Black (1997) Mexican / English, Polish, Italian - singer.
Emilia McCarthy (1997) Mexican / Unspecified White - actress, dancer, and writer.
Kiana Brown / Kiana Ledé (1997) Unspecified Black, Mexican (Unconfirmed), Cherokee (Unconfirmed), Swedish - actress and musician.
Justine Biticon (1998) Mexican / Filipina - model.
Karol Sevilla (1999) Mexican - actress, singer-songwriter, and youtuber.
Mia Xitlali (1999) Mexican [Aztec, possibly other] - actress.
Madison De La Garza (2001) Mexican - actress.
Jenna Ortega (2002) ¾ Mexican, ¼ Puerto Rican - actress.
Sharon Anne Henderson (?) Navajo, Mexican, Basque - actress.
Dana Jeffrey (?) ¼ Ojibwe, ¼ Thai, unspecified amounts of Mexican, Afro Guyanese, Indo Guyanese, distant English - actress.
Tania Teyacapan Garcia (?) Mexican [Pame, Huastec, Apache, Guachichil, Afro Potosina] - model.
Niña Dioz (?) Mexican - rapper.
Linda Oliver (?) Mexican / Cherokee, Irish - model.
Miranda Lombardo (?) Mexican - beauty pageant titleholder. - Trans!
Morningstar Angeline (?) Navajo, Blackfoot, Chippewa Cree / Mexican, Unspecified European - actress.
Mariana Treviño (?) Mexican [Spanish Jewish] - actress.
Miika Bryce Whiskeyjack (?) Mexican, Plains Cree, possibly other - actress.
Italia Navarrete (?) Mexican - beauty pageant titleholder. - Trans!
Thana Redhawk (?) Mexican [Mexica, Lipan Apache] / Cherokee, Lakota Sioux, Osage - musician and poet.
Brenda Contreras (?) Mexican - beauty pageant titleholder. - Trans!
Kelly Montijo Fink (?) Mexican, Apache, Spanish - singer-songwriter.
Jackeline Arroyo (?) Mexican - actress and presenter.
Giselle Valero (?) Mexican - beauty pageant titleholder. - Trans!
Estrella Hood (?) Mexican [Matlatzinca, Spanish, possibly other] - musician (World Hood).
Soni Moreno (?) Mexican [Apache, Mayan, Yaqui] - musician (Ulali).
Angela Lanza (?) Mexican - actress.
Seidy López (?) Mexican - actress.
Tanya Saracho (?) Mexican - playwright and writer.
Elena Tovar (?) Mexican - actress.
Karime Bribiesca (?) Mexican - model.
Cindy Gradilla (?) Mexican - model.
Chhoti Maa (?) Mexican [Aztec], Peruvian [Quechua] - rapper.
Mariana Zaragoza (?) Mexican - model.
Daniella Valdez (?) Mexican - model.
Jezzy P (?) Mexican - rapper.
Sabinee Camou (?) Mexican - model.
Joss Corona (?) Mexican - model.
Amara Zaragoza (?) Mexican [Purepecha] / German - actress.
Kimberly Loaiza (?) Mexican - instagram model and youtuber.
Erika Palomera Plascencia (?) Mexican - model.
Jailyne Ojeda (?) Mexican - insta model.
Jimena Sanche (?) Mexican - insta model.
Sofia Solares (?) Mexican - insta model.
Samantha Leyva (?) Mexican - insta model.
Patricia Ancira (?) Mexican - actress.
Jessica Meraz (?) Mexican / Scottish, Irish - actress.
Armando Manzanero (1935) Mexican [Mayan] - singer, pianist, accordionist, actor, producer, and composer.
Héctor Bonilla (1939) Mexican - actor.
Abraham Quintanilla Jr. (1939) Mexican (Spanish, Unspecified Indigenous Mexican) - musician and producer.
Manuel Ojeda (1940) Mexican - actor.
Juan Ferrara (1943) Mexican - actor.
Danny Trejo (1944) Mexican - actor.
Cheech Marin (1946) Mexican - actor, comedian, writer, and activist.
Carlos Santana (1947) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish, distant Unspecified African] - musician.
Edward James Olmos (1947) Mexican - actor.
A Martinez (1948) Mexican, Apache / Pikuni Blackfoot, Unspecified Northern European - actor and singer.
Benny Urquidez (1952) Mexican, Blackfoot, Spanish - actor, pro boxer, and choreographer.
Salvador Pineda (1952) Mexican - actor.
Robert Beltran (1953) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] - actor.
Alejandro Camacho (1954) Mexican - actor and producer. 
David Ostrosky (1954) Mexican [Saudi Arabian, Ukrainian Jewish, Polish Jewish] - actor.
Humberto Zurita (1954) MExican - actor, director, and producer.
Griffin Dunne (1955) Irish, English, German, Mexican, Swedish / Irish - actor, producer, and director.
Manuel Landeta (1958) Mexican [Lebanese, Basque] - actor and singer.
Sergio Goyri (1958) Mexican - actor.
Alfredo Adame (1958) Mexican [German] - actor, producer, and host.
Fher Olvera (1959) Mexican [Spanish, possibly other] - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Fernando Ciangherotti (1959) Mexican [Italian] - actor.
Eduardo Yáñez (1960) Mexican - actor.
Odiseo Bichir (1960) Mexican [Lebanese, possibly other] - actor.
René Casados (1961) Mexican - actor.
Peter Michael Escovedo (1961) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] / Creole [African, French, distant English] - percussionist.
Emilio Rivera (1961) Mexican - actor and comedian.
Alfonso Mejia-Arias (1961) Mexican [Romani, Spanish] - musician and writer.
Eugenio Derbez (1961) Mexican, some French - actor, comedian, director, writer, entrepreneur, and producer.
Rafael Rojas (1961) Mexican - former model and actor.
Chuck Billy (1962) Mexican / Pomo - musician.
Arturo Peniche (1962) Mexican - actor.
Juan Calleros (1962) Mexican - musician.
Jesse Borrego (1962) Mexican [Mescalero Apache, Aztec] - actor.
Ari Telch (1962) Mexican [Jewish, possibly other] - actor.
Alberto Estrella (1962) Mexican - actor.
Omar Fierro (1963) Mexican - actor and host.
Kevin John Wasserman / Noodles (1963) ¼ Mexican, ¾ mix of German, Irish, possibly other - musician.
Rob Moran (1963) Mexican - actor.
Demián Bichir (1963) Mexican [Lebanese, possibly other] - actor.
Damian Chapa (1963) Mexican [including Spanish and Italian] / German - actor, producer, and director.
A.B. Quintanilla (1963) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish], Cherokee - musician.
Alejandro González Iñárritu (1963) Mexican - actor.
Raúl Araiza (1964) Mexican - actor and presenter.
Héctor Soberón (1964) Mexican - actor.
Guillermo del Toro (1964) Mexican - director, screenwriter, producer, and novelist.
Paul Weitz (1965) ¾ Ashkenazi Jewish, ⅛ Mexican, ⅛ Irish - actor, director, producer, and screenwriter.
Alexis Ayala (1965) Mexican - actor.
Fernando Colunga (1966) Mexican [Spanish, possibly other] - actor.
Bruno Bichir (1967) Mexican [Lebanese, possibly other] - actor.
Matt Chamberlain (1967) Mexican / possibly English - musician and producer.
Carlos Mencía (1967) Honduran, Mexican - comedian, writer, and actor.
Dave Navarro (1967) Mexican [Spanish, some African, possibly other] / English, German, remote Welsh - musician and actor.
Eduardo Santamarina (1968) Mexican - actor.
Jeff Becerra (1968) Mexican [Lebanese] - musician.
Robert Rodriguez (1968) Mexican - director, writer, cinematographer, producer, editor, musician, actor, and cartoonist.
Jorge Salinas (1968) Mexican - actor.
Chris Weitz (1969) ¾ Ashkenazi Jewish, ⅛ Mexican, ⅛ Irish - actor, director, producer, screenwriter, and author.
Israel Jaitovich (1969) Mexican [Jewish, Spanish] - actor, producer, writer, and racing car driver.
Gary Paul Davis / Litefoot (1969) Mexican [Chichimeca] / Cherokee - rapper and actor.
Diego Schoening (1969) Mexican [German Jewish] - actor, singer, and tv host.
Chris Pérez (1969) Mexican - guitarist and songwriter.
Rene L. Moreno (1969) Mexican - actor.
Armando Araiza (1969) Mexican - actor.
Zack de la Rocha (1970) ¾ Mexican [Unspecified African, Sephardi Jewish, Spanish], ¼ mix of English, French, German, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Dutch, Swiss - rapper, singer-songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist.
Adam Goldberg (1970) Ashkenazi Jewish / German, Mexican, French, English, Irish - actor, musician, director, and producer.
Stephen Carpenter (1970) Mexican / English, possibly other - musician.
José María Yazpik (1970) Mexican [Unspecified Arab] - actor.
Eduardo Capetillo (1970) Mexican [Basque, small amount of Unspecified African] / Spanish - actor and singer.
Noel Gugliemi (1970) Mexican / Italian - actor.
Clifton Collins Jr. (1970) Mexican - actor.
Eddie Bravo (1970) Mexican - Jiu-Jitsu instructor.
Clifton Collins, Jr. (1970) Mexican / German - actor. 
Luis Miguel (1970) Mexican [Italian, Spanish] - musician.
Al Madrigal (1971) Mexican / Italian [Sicilian] - comedian and actor.
Bobby Pulido (1971) Mexican - musician and actor.  
John Wozniak (1971) ¼ Irish, ¼ Mexican, ½ mix of Polish, Ukrainian, English, Irish, Scottish - musician.
Jacob Vargas (1971) Mexican - actor.
Christian Camargo (1971) ¼ Mexican, ¾ English, possibly other - actor, producer, writer, and director.
Ricardo Antonio Chavira (1971) Mexican / German, Irish - actor.
Mark Consuelos (1971) Mexican / Italian - actor.
Michael Irby (1972) Mexican / African-American - actor.
Kurt Caceres (1972) Mexican / German, English, Irish - actor.
Víctor Noriega (1972) Mexican - actor, musician, and model.
Mauricio Islas (1973) Mexican - actor.
Alfred Nevarez (1973) Mexican - musician.
Mario Lopez (1973) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] - actor and television host.
Javier Poza (1973) Mexican - actor.
Efren Ramirez (1973) Salvadoran, Mexican - actor and DJ.
Tariano Adaryll Jackson II (1973) Mexican / African-American - musician.
Chino Moreno (1973) ⅞ Mexican [Unspecified African, Spanish, possibly Unspecified Indigenous], ⅛ Chinese - singer-songwriter, guitarist, and keyboardist.
Jaime Camil (1973) Mexican [Egyptian, possibly other] / Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] - actor, singer, and tv personality.
Jean Duverger (1973) Mexican [Haitian, French] - actor.
David Zepeda (1973) Mexican - actor, model, and musician.
Roberto Orci (1973) Mexican [Italian, Spanish] / Cuban - screenwriter and producer.
Juan Manuel Márquez (1974) Mexican - boxer.
Fermin IV (1974) Mexican - musician.
Rey Mysterio (1974) Mexican - wrestler.
Eduardo Verástegui (1974) Mexican - actor, model, and musician.
Cedric Bixler-Zavala (1974) Mexican [German, Spanish, possibly other] - musician.
Pablo Montero (1974) Mexican - musician and actor.
Fabián Robles (1974) Mexican - actor.
Taryll Adren Jackson (1975) Mexican / African-American - musician.
Jaime Luis Gomez / Taboo (1975) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African, Spanish], Shoshone - rapper, singer-songwriter, actor, and DJ.
Samuel Parra Cruz / Samo (1975) Afro Mexican - singer-songwriter.
Bodie Olmos (1975) Mexican / English, German, Swiss-French, Swedish - actor.
Tom DeLonge (1975) English, some Mexican - musician, businessperson, and producer.
Gabriel Soto (1975) Mexican - actor and model.
Pato Machete (1975) Mexican - musician.
Valentino Lanús (1975) Mexican - actor.
Aarón Sanchez (1975) Mexican [66.4% European, 24.6% Unspecified Native American, 3.7% Sub-Saharan African, 1.6% North African, 0.7% South Asian, 0.1% Oceanian, 2.9% unknown] - chef and television personality.
Baby Bash (1975) Mexican / English - rapper.
Mauricio Aspe (1975) Mexican - actor.
Frankie J (1975) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] - musician.
Marco Méndez (1976) Mexican - actor.
Alfonso de Nigris (1976) Mexican [Italian] - actor and television personality.
Adrian Grenier (1976) Mexican [Apache, Spanish], French / English, Irish, Scottish, German - actor, musician, producer, and director.
Carter Oosterhouse (1976) Mexican, Dutch - television personality and model.
Michael Peña (1976) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] - actor and musician.
Kevin Alejandro (1976) Mexican - actor.
James Roday (1976) Mexican / English, Irish, Scottish, distant Swiss-German and German - actor, director, and screenwriter.
José Pasillas (1976) Mexican - musician.
Toy Selectah (1976) Mexican / Colombian - musician.
Gabriel Iglesias (1976) Mexican - actor, comedian, writer, and producer.
MC Babo (1976) Mexican - rapper (Cartel de Santa).
Nicholas Gonzalez (1976) Mexican - actor.
Raul Castillo (1977) Mexican - actor and playwright.
Edward Furlong (1977) Mexican / Unknown, possibly Russian - actor and musician.
Jorge Poza (1977) Mexican - actor.
Rafael Amaya (1977) Mexican - actor.
José María Torre (1977) Mexican - actor.
Mark Tacher (1977) Mexican [Romanian Jewish] - actor, musician, and tv host.
Erasmo Catarino (1977) Mexican [Nahua] - singer.
Facundo (1978) Mexican [Argentinian] - tv host.
Tito Joe Jackson (1978) Mexican / African-American - musician.
Bocafloja (1978) Mexican - rapper and writer.
RedCloud (1978) Mexican, Huichol - rapper.
Ariel Pink (1978) Mexican [Jewish, possibly other] / Unknown - singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.
Kuno Becker (1978) Mexican (Yaqui, Other Unspecified Native American), German, Spanish - actor.
José Luis Reséndez (1978) Mexican - actor and model.
Carlos Galvan (1978) Mexican / Korean - musician.
Nick Wechsler (1978) Mexican, English, German, Swiss-German, possibly other - actor.
Jay Hernandez (1978) Mexican - actor.
Diego Dreyfus (1979) Mexican - actor and model.
Diego Luna (1979) Mexican / English, Scottish - actor, director, and producer.
Rowan Rabia (1979) Mexican - rapper (Cartel de Santa).
Jeremy Ray Valdez (1980) Mexican / Navajo - actor.
Beau Bokan (1981) Mexican / Unspecified Other - musician.
Manuel Garcia-Rulfo (1981) Mexican - actor.
Eugenio Siller (1981) Mexican / German - actor and musician.
Miguel Torres (1981) Mexican - martial artist.
Joe Arquette (1981) Mexican - actor.
John Joseph Kongos (1981) English, Mexican, Scottish / Greek - musician.
José Ron (1981) Mexican - actor.
Rodrigo Nehme (1982) Mexican [Lebanese, probably other] - actor.
Aarón Díaz (1982) Mexican / Irish - actor, singer, and model.
Cain Velasquez (1982) Mexican - martial artist.
Kalimba Marichal / Kalimba (1982) Afro Mexican / Afro Cuban - actor and singer.
Ferdinando Valencia (1982) Mexican - actor.
Luis Gerardo Mendez (1982) Mexican - actor and producer.
Jesse Garcia (1982) Mexican, Spanish - actor.
Felipe Colombo (1983) Argentinian / Mexican - actor, singer, guitarist, and composer.
Alfonso Herrera (1983) Mexican - actor, producer, and former singer.
José María de Tavira (1983) Mexican / Argentinian - actor.
Manny Montana (1983) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish, Irish] - actor.
Cub Swanson (1983) Mexican / Swedish - martial artist.
Richard Cabral (1984) Mexican - actor.
Kid Cudi (1984) ¾ African-American, ¼ Afro Mexican - rapper and actor.
Jesse Dean Kongos (1984) English, Mexican, Scottish / Greek - musician.
Carlos Condit (1984) Austrian, German, Cherokee, Spanish-Mexican, Unspecified Indigenous Mexican - martial artist.
Paul Rodriguez (1984) Mexican - skateboarder and actor.
MC Dharius (1984) Mexican - actor and rapper (Cartel de Santa).
Chris Olivero (1984) Mexican, Italian - actor.
Big Dan (1985) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous] - musician.
James Lafferty (1985) Mexican / Irish, English, German, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish - actor, director, and producer.
Michael Trevino (1985) Mexican - actor.
Alex Meraz (1985) Mexican [Purepecha] - actor, dancer, and martial artist.
Miguel Jontel Pimentel (1985) Mexican / African-American - musician, actor, and producer.
Millonario (1985) Mexican - rapper (Cartel de Santa).
Christopher Uckermann (1986) Swedish, German, Mexican - musician.
Joseph Julian Soria (1986) Mexican - actor.
Mark Ballas (1986) Mexican [Spanish, possibly other], Greek / English, Irish - actor, singer-songwriter, guitarist, dancer, and choreographer.
Dylan Gabriel Kongos (1986) English, Mexican, Scottish / Greek - musician.
Peter Gadiot (1986) Mexican / Dutch - actor.
Ricardo Abarca (1986) Mexican - actor.
Imanol Landeta (1987) Mexican [Lebanese, Basque] - actor and singer.
Ryan Guzman (1987) Mexican / English, Scottish, German, Swedish, French, Dutch - actor.
Carlos Athié (1987) Mexican - actor, model, and presenter.
Orson Chaplin (1987) Ashkenazi Jewish, Mexican / English, Irish, 1/16th Scottish - actor and rapper.
Victor Ortiz (1987) Mexican - boxer.
Arin Ilejay (1988) Mexican, Filipino [Aklanon] / Dutch, German, possibly other - drummer.
Alvin Alvarez (1989) Mexican - actor.
Carlito Olivero (1989) Mexican / Puerto Rican - singer-songwriter, actor, and dancer.
Logan Henderson (1989) 50% English, Scottish 25% Mexican 12.5% Moravian (Czech) 12.5% Polish  - actor and musician.
Kenta Sakurai (1989) Mexican / Japanese - model.
Lane Hughes (1989) Mexican - actor and musician.
Daniel Lee Kongos (1989) English, Mexican, Scottish / Greek - musician.
Sotelúm (1989) Mexican [Sephardi Jewish] - musician.
Cameron Quiseng (1990) Mexican, Filipino, Native Hawaiian, Unspecified European - bassist.
Levi Johnston (1990) ¼ Mexican, ¾ mix of English, German, Swedish - model and actor.
Diego Amozurrutia (1990) Mexican - actor and model.
Erick Elías (1990) Mexican - actor.
Ryan Bergara (1990) ½ Japanese, ⅜ Mexican, ⅛ Filipino - buzzfeed employee.
Miles Luna (1990) Mexican - actor and filmmaker.
Diego Boneta (1990) Mexican / Puerto Rican, Spanish, German, Swiss - actor and singer-songwriter.
Canelo Álvarez (1990) Mexican [Spanish, possibly other] - boxer.
Jesús Pat Chablé / Pat Boy Rap Maya / Pat Boy (1991) Mexican [Mayan] - rapper.
José Pablo Minor (1991) Mexican - actor, television host, and model.
Erick Lopez (1991) Mexican - actor.
Mariana Bayón (1991) Mexican - model.
Erick Orrosquieta / Deorro (1991) Mexican - DJ.
Jorge Blanco (1991) Mexican - recording artist, dancer, songwriter, and actor.
Ashton Moio (1992) Mexican / Italian - actor.
Cameron Dallas (1994) Mexican, German / Scottish - internet personality, actor, and model.
Michel Duval (1994) Mexican - musician and model.
Beng Zeng (1995) Mexican [Chinese] - actor, comedian, and tv host.
Alen Rios (1995) Mexican, Guatemalan, Chinese, German - actor.
Roman Zaragoza (1996) Mexican, Akimel O’odham / Taiwanese, Japanese - actor.
Ryan Ochoa (1996) brother has said that he is of Mexican descent describing himself as a “white Mexican” - actor.
Juanpa Zurita (1996) Mexican - model and youtuber.
Jacob Emmanuel Perez (1996) Mexican, African-American - musician.
Jimmy Bennett (1996) ¼ Mexican, ¾ mix of German, English, Scottish, Cornish - actor and musician.
Austin Zajur (1996) Mexican / English, possibly other - actor.
Jamison Long / JJ Long (1997) Afro Mexican, Navajo, Chinese - actor.
Froy Gutierrez (1998) Mexican, Caxcan - actor.
Rico Rodriguez (1998) Mexican - actor.
Ricky Garcia (1999) Mexican, Puerto Rican, German - actor and singer.
Rebel Rodriguez (1999) Mexican / Unknown - actor.
Joel Pimentel (1999) Mexican - singer.
Xiuhtezcatl Martinez (2000) Mexican [Nahuatl], Hopi - rapper.
Raymond Ochoa (2001) has said that he is of Mexican descent describing himself as a “white Mexican” - actor.
Prolific The Rapper (?) Lakota Sioux, Mexican, Unspecified European - rapper.
Taylor Zakhar (?) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, possibly other] / Unspecified Middle Eastern - actor.
Rene Orozco / Yaotl Mazahua (?) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] - musician (Aztlan Underground).
Caxo (?) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, possibly other] - musician (Aztlan Underground).
Joe “Peps” (?) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, possibly other] - musician (Aztlan Underground).
Gregory Cruz (?) Mexican, Chiricahua Apache - actor.
Boogat (?) Mexican, Paraguayan - musician.
Olmeca (?) Mexican [Tepehuán, possibly other] - rapper.
Juliocesar Chavez (?) Mexican, Guatemalan - actor.
David Rose (?) Mexican / Choctaw, Cherokee, Irish - musician.
Omar LinX (?) Mexican - rapper.
Victor-E (?) Mexican [Mayan, possibly other] - musician (El Vuh).
Zero (?) Mexican [Mayan, possibly other] - musician (El Vuh).
E-Rise (?) Mexican [Mayan, possibly other] - musician (El Vuh).
Wake Self (?) Mexican [Aztec, Mescalero Apache], Cherokee - rapper.
Randy Granger (?) Mexican [Chontal, Apache, Unspecified Non-Indigenous], Comanche, Tequesta, Tłı̨chǫ, Alaskan Athabaskan - flutist.
Vic Buildsafire (?) Navajo, Pomo, Mexican [Aztec, Spanish] - rapper.
Del Zamora (?) Mexican, Mescalero Apache - actor.
Alex Soto / MC Liaison (?) Mexican [Tohono O’odham] - rapper (Shining Soul).
Franco / The Bronze Candidate (?) Mexican - rapper (Shining Soul).
Ryan Little Eagle (?) Mexican [Apache, Mayan], Taino, Lakota Sioux - musician.
DJ Augustín (?) Mexican - rapper (Cartel de Santa).
Eddie Gutierrez / Eddie Styles (?) Mexican - dancer.
Clap Pina / Clap Freckles (?) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, possibly other] - musician.
Sergio Gomez (?) Mexican - rapper (Akwid).
Francisco Gomez (?) Mexican - rapper (Akwid).
Saso Jimenez / Saso Fresh (?) Mexican - dancer.
Alek Carrera (?) Mexican - model, actor, and producer.
Fermin Sanchez (?) Mexican - musician (The Guadaloops).
Sami Mendoza (?) Mexican - drummer (The Guadaloops).
Ferdinand González (?) Mexican - musician (The Guadaloops).
Berni Pérez (?) Mexican - musician (The Guadaloops).
Karis Wilde (1982) Mexican - Genderqueer - multi-disciplinary artist.
Pidgeon Pagonis (1986) Mexican, Greek - Non-Binary Intersex - artist and writer.
Danny Noriega / Adore Delano (1989) Mexican, Unspecified Native American, German - Non-Binary - drag queen, actor, singer-songwriter, and youtuber.
Lukas Avendaño (?) Mexican [Zapotec] - Muxe - performing artist.
Mike J. Marin (?) Mexican, Navajo, Laguna, Washoe - Two-Spirit - actor, rapper, and filmmaker.
George Lopez (1961) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish, possibly other] - actor, comedian, and tv personality - anti-black comments, anti-asian comments, and sexist comments.
Salma Hayek (1966) Mexican [Lebanese, Spanish, possibly other] - actress, producer, and former model - spoke over and attempted to rebuke Jessica Williams (a black actress)’s comment that black and trans women are constantly put in the center of conflict for the way they look with a tone deaf “what about the rest of us” and also used the condescending “baby” to refer to Jessica, called Jessica Lopez (a Puerto Rican actress and singer who, while not black, is darker than Salma) a “non-latina n***o”, and said that Ugly Betty (a show Salma is an executive producer on) tries to model Betty off black women (though they even casted a non black Latina for Betty) due to black women having “uglier facial features”.
Louis C.K. (1967) Mexican [Hungarian Jewish / Spanish, Unspecified Indigenous] / Irish, German, English - actor, comedian, writer, producer, director, and editor - accused of 5 counts of sexual assault.
Stacey Dash (1967) Afro Barbadian, Mexican - actress and talk show host - transphobic comments and said that people were overreacting with #OscarsSoWhite.
Cesar Millan (1969) Mexican - dog behaviorist and television personality - controversial dog training techniques.
Reginald Arvizu (1969) Mexican / French, English - musician - cultural appropriation.
Louis Freese / B-Real (1970) Mexican, Cuban - musician - n-word.
Hilary Swank (1974) ¼ Mexican [Shoshone, Spanish], ¾ mix of English, German, Swiss, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Dutch - actress and producer - publicly supports Ramzan Kadyrov and took the role of a trans man character in Boys Don’t Cry when she is not a man (let alone a trans man).
Fergie (1975) English, Irish, Mexican, Unspecified Native American, and Scottish - cultural appropriation.
Gael García Bernal (1978) Mexican - actor, director, and producer - signed Polanski petition and supports Roman Polanski.  
Lin-Manuel Miranda (1980) Puerto Rican, as well as small amounts of Mexican, African-American, English - actor, singer-songwriter, and playwright - classist comments.
Adan Canto (1981) Mexican - actor - took the role of an Afro Brazilian character in X-Men: Days of Future Past when he is not Afro Latino.
Melissa Villaseñor (1987) Mexican - actress and comedian - anti-black tweets.
Emeraude Toubia (1989) Mexican / Lebanese - actress and model - appropriated cornrows and participated in the white-washing of her character.
Scout Taylor-Compton (1989) Mexican / English, Irish - actress - cultural appropriation.
Fo Porter (1990) Mexican / African-American - model - cultural appropriation.
Christian Serratos (1990) Mexican / Italian - actress - cultural appropriation.
Samuel Larsen (1991) Mexican, Iranian, Danish, Spanish - actor, singer, and model - cultural appropriation.
Tyler Posey (1991) Mexican / English, Scottish, Irish, German, French - actor and musician - has made coming out of the closet jokes multiple times, used the q slur, and said “I mean, people don’t know what race I am. They never know if I’m Hawaiian or Italian or Mexican or Spanish or White. I could play Jewish, I could play anything.” which implies that he would not mind taking a role of a race not his own.
Selena Gomez (1992) Mexican / Italian, possibly other - actress and singer - cultural appropriation, wore a hijab as a fashion accessory, wore a short with the g slur on it, has used the g slur on multiple occasions (and threw a “[g slur] inspired” birthday party), and supports Woody Allen.
John Elvis (1992) Mexican / Korean - actor - took the role of a Comanche character in Texas Rising when he is not Native American (let alone Comanche).
Demi Lovato (1992) Mexican [Spanish, Unspecified Indigenous, Jewish, Portuguese] / English, Scottish, Irish - singer-songwriter, actress, and author - tried to take the spotlight away from Zendaya getting a black Barbie modeled after her by complaining about the lack of a curvy Barbie and saying she’d be happy to model for it, chose Kim Kardashian to praise for the “Big Butt Movement”, transphobia in her lyrics and in response to Caitlyn Jenner’s looks, exploits bisexuality in her song Cool For The Summer, and appropriated dreadlocks.
JC Caylen (1992) Mexican [Spanish, possibly other] - youtuber - made homophobic “gay jokes”.
Camila Cabello (1997) Cuban / Mexican - singer-songwriter - has said “it’s not rape if you like it”, has used the f and n slurs, and trivialized cocaine addiction.
Ethan Cutkosky (1999) Mexican / Polish, English, Scottish, Irish - actor - cultural appropriation.
Samuel Kim Arredondo (2002) Mexican / Korean - singer - cultural appropriation.
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falldown-getupagain · 8 years
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feartube2000 · 4 years
Pazzo per lei
Pazzo per lei (Loco por ella) è una commedia romantica spagnola del 2021 diretta da Dani de la Orden, scritta da Natalia Durán ed Eric Navarro e interpretata da Álvaro Cervantes e Susana Abaitua. Il film narra la storia di un uomo che per amore decide di farsi ricoverare in una clinica psichiatrica. È stato rilasciato il 26 febbraio 2021 da Netflix. Trama Andri (Alvaro Cervantes) è un giovane…
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artesplasticasibero · 4 years
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Esta actividad junto con la de “Los 43″ contempla los movimientos sociales actuales. Recordando el movimiento estudiantil del '68 y el movimiento Feminista 2020.
Técnica: Pintura acrílica. Intervención en periódico.
1-Susana Villalvazo Sandoval
2-Irene Morales Pagaza
3-Ximena Morales Navarro
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