#Aixa Villagrán
wornoutspines · 2 years
The Snow Girl | Trailer
#TheSnowGirl looks great, I love a good crime drama and it has the added bonus to be a Spanish language series, I've been watching a lot of those lately. #LaChicaDeNieve #Netflix #JavierCastillo #MilenaSmit
Writer: Javier Castillo (Novel), Jesús Mesas Silva and Javier Andrés Roig (Screenplays) Director: David Ulloa (4 episodes), Laura Alvea (2 episodes) Stars: Milena Smit, Jose Coronado, Loreto Mauleón Premise: During the Cavalcade of the Magi parade, the Martín family’s daughter Amaya disappears. Journalist Miren takes on the case, determined to find her. Streaming on Netflix on January…
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boomgers · 6 months
Este museo refleja las contradicciones del mundo actual… “Bellas Artes”
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Antonio Dumas es un prestigioso historiador de arte y gestor cultural, culto y sofisticado, aunque bastante cínico y engreído, que es nombrado director de un importante museo de arte contemporáneo en Madrid, al salir victorioso en un concurso para ese puesto.
Una vez asumido su cargo, Dumas deberá lidiar con los singulares personajes del mundo artístico, mientras afrontará circunstancias y conflictos de lo más disímiles, incluyendo problemas gremiales, presiones políticas y situaciones disparatadas con relación a exposiciones y artistas.
Estreno: 11 de abril de 2024 en Star+.
Creada por Gastón Duprat, Mariano Cohn y Andrés Duprat, la serie cuenta con las actuaciones de Oscar Martínez, Aixa Villagrán, Koldo Olabarri, José Sacristán, Fernando Albizu, Ana Wagener, Ángela Molina, Vera Fogwill, Dani Rovira, Ludwika Paleta y Jorge López.
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beautifulfaaces · 2 years
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Aixa Villagrán
July 12, 1978
Spanish actress
Inspectora Millán [La chica de nieve: 2023]
Helena [On the Fringe: 2022]
Celia [Allí abajo: 2016-2018]
Aixa [Kiki, el amor se hace: 2016]
Marga [Carlos contra mundo: 2002]
ginger/ brunette
blue eyes
playable: young adult, adult
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cinevisto32 · 2 years
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La chica de nieve (2023)
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fracto · 1 year
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aurumale · 2 years
Questa settimana non avevo ancora voglia di facezie e così mi sono fatta male da sola guardando Serie Tv: ‘La ragazza di neve’ – Netflix – anno 2023 – produzione: Spagna – regia di David Ulloa, Laura Alvea – attori principali: Milena Smit, (Miren) José Coronado (Eduardo), Aixa Villagrán (Belén Millán), Tristán Ulloa (David Luque). Loreto Mauleón (Ana Nuñez) e Raúl Prieto (Álvaro)- Non credo di…
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More the Merrier
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More the Merrier    [trailer]
A diverse group of people share a night of sexual self-discovery.
The different stories use the situations and locations for the most part purely for comedic effect. They are all a bit superficial and come to a mostly predicable, easy close. Finishing with an explanatory voice-over narration in case someone missed the message of the movie.
The exception is maybe the episode about the guys who meet at the Glory hole. It felt slightly more convincing.
What was nice is that most of cast members looked like regular "normal" people.
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feartube2000 · 4 years
Pazzo per lei
Pazzo per lei (Loco por ella) è una commedia romantica spagnola del 2021 diretta da Dani de la Orden, scritta da Natalia Durán ed Eric Navarro e interpretata da Álvaro Cervantes e Susana Abaitua. Il film narra la storia di un uomo che per amore decide di farsi ricoverare in una clinica psichiatrica. È stato rilasciato il 26 febbraio 2021 da Netflix. Trama Andri (Alvaro Cervantes) è un giovane…
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deadlinecom · 3 years
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laplaylistes · 5 years
Celia Freijeiro y Aixa Villagrán: "Sin la perspectiva femenina, el relato cultural está incompleto"
Celia Freijeiro y Aixa Villagrán: "Sin la perspectiva femenina, el relato cultural está incompleto"
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Haz click aquí para consultar este artículo en ElPeriodico TV.
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tuseriesdetv · 5 years
‘Vida Perfecta’: Leticia Dolera se sobrepone a la polémica y nos conquista en su primera serie
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Es casi imposible acercarse a Vida perfecta sin prejuicios, por toda la polémica surgida en torno al despido de la actriz Aina Clotet por estar embarazada (no voy a entrar en debates porque ya está todo más que debatido) y porque Leticia Dolera es una polémica en sí misma desde que se proclamara feminista mayor del reino. Que sí, que muchas veces tiene razón, pero es que a veces hay que saber parar, y lo digo yo, que soy la más pesada.
Pero, claro, ¿cómo iba a dejar pasar una serie creada y protagonizada por mujeres (¿veis como soy una pesada?), que se trajo del último Festival de Cannes dos premios –mejor serie y mejor reparto- y que había despertado el entusiasmo de los que habían tenido la suerte de verla antes de su estreno? Imposible. Y qué buena decisión fue verla.
María (Leticia Dolera) es una mujer en la treintena con la vida calculada desde que era apenas una adolescente. Sabía lo que estudiaría, con quién y cuándo se casaría y, por supuesto, el pack se completaría con una hipoteca y unos hijos, que no falte de nada. Pero la vida es muy perra y tiende a tener más giros de guion que Perdidos, así que María no tardará en descubrir que los planes, por muy estudiados que estén, pueden saltar por los aires en cualquier momento.
Lo que le pasa y cómo lo gestiona es mejor descubrirlo con ella, acompañarla en esta nueva etapa de su vida en la que, por supuesto, no está sola. La acompañan su hermana Esther (Aixa Villagrán) y Cris (Celia Freijeiro), su mejor amiga desde la infancia. Cada cual lidia con sus problemas, Esther es una artista cuya carrera no termina de despegar y que ahoga sus penas en fiestas llenas de drogas y sexo esporádico, y Cris es una madre de familia ahogada por los malabarismos que supone conciliar vida familiar y profesional, sobre todo cuando tu pareja ayuda entre poco y nada, y que necesita una vía de escape que le ayude a sobrevivir.
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Vida perfecta es el retrato de tres mujeres muy distintas, con problemas dispares que, al final del día y a pesar de todo, están siempre disponibles para sus amigas. Son mujeres reales, con problemas con los que puedes identificarte en mayor o menor medida (no hay que olvidar que plantea problemas del primer mundo de personas en una situación más bien acomodada) y que, sobre todo, es mucho menos pretenciosa de lo que podíamos esperar. No es la Girls española, pero tampoco lo necesita. Tiene su propia identidad y eso vale mucho más.
Vida perfecta habla también de diversidad funcional, de adaptarse y sobrevivir en un mundo que no siempre está pensado para las personas con discapacidad, o que no siempre les da las oportunidades que merecen. El personaje de Gari, interpretado por un maravilloso Enric Auquer, al que espero ver más a menudo en pantalla, es adorable y un pilar fundamental en la nueva vida de María. La serie habla también de padres que no te entienden, o a los que no entienden los hijos, que es muy de hijo (y millennial) echarle la culpa de todo a los demás, pero es que a veces un poco de culpa tiene también el contraste entre la vida en el pueblo y en la gran ciudad, dos mundos en los que el tiempo parece no pasar a la misma velocidad.
En definitiva, Vida perfecta habla de la vida, de los cambios, de las crisis, de las decisiones (sobre todo de las malas), un poco de ti y de mí y de esa amiga perdidísima a la que le has sujetado el pelo más de una vez mientras vomitaba y a la que has escuchado por enésima vez hablar mal de un tío al que ya no sabes cómo decirle que lo mande a paseo, de sitios comunes y de nuevos lugares que descubrir. Dale una oportunidad, anda.
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cine-supremo · 5 years
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tuinstrum · 5 years
[Latest News] Flower Mound, Texas News
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Flower Mound, Texas News
KKR-Backed German Media Conglomerate Takes the Name Leonine
San Sebastian: Leticia Dolera on Canneseries Winner ‘Perfect Life’
San Sebastian New Directors Jihyoung Lee and Kim Sol Talk ‘Scattered Night’
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle take their NINTH flight in six weeks
Missing woman’s boyfriend is arrested driving her SUV a week after her mansion burned down
Missing Texas girl, 15, faked her own kidnapping with the help of a 17-year-old boy, deputies say
Town hall questioner rips Justin Trudeau for REFUSING to say how many times he has donned blackface 
KKR-Backed German Media Conglomerate Takes the Name Leonine
Posted: 20 Sep 2019 12:50 AM PDT
The KKR-backed German media company formed through the merger of Tele München Group, Universum Film, i&u TV, and Wiedemann & Berg Film has been given the name Leonine, it was revealed Friday. Fred Kogel, CEO of Leonine, said: “When choosing the new brand as our company name, the following aspects were decisive for us: it […]
via https://youtu.be/mFQfuwZZ8h8
San Sebastian: Leticia Dolera on Canneseries Winner ‘Perfect Life’
Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:47 PM PDT
SAN SEBASTIAN —  "La Casa de Papel" ("Money Heist") may be the most seen of Spanish series this year. Leticia Dolera's still-to-bow "Perfect Life," however, is the most laureled, sweeping at April's 2nd Canneseries TV festival both best series and best special performance for its female leads, Dolera herself, Celia Freijeiro and Aixa Villagrán, from […]
via https://youtu.be/mFQfuwZZ8h8
San Sebastian New Directors Jihyoung Lee and Kim Sol Talk ‘Scattered Night’
Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:47 PM PDT
After taking the Korean Competition Grand Prize and the best acting award (Moon Seung-a) at the Jeonju Intl. Film Festival, "Scattered Night" now heads to San Sebastian's New Directors selection. An intimate portrayal of a family whose members are deeply isolated from one another, the film follows two parents overwhelmed by their responsibilities, their own […]
via https://youtu.be/mFQfuwZZ8h8
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle take their NINTH flight in six weeks
Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:46 PM PDT
Prince Harry and Meghan are said to have travelled to Italy to enjoy some downtime at the wedding at Cinecittà film studios tomorrow before they begin their royal tour to South Africa on Monday.
via https://youtu.be/mFQfuwZZ8h8
Missing woman’s boyfriend is arrested driving her SUV a week after her mansion burned down
Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:46 PM PDT
Ronald Teschner, 49, was taken into custody on Friday, a day after his live-in girlfriend’s mansion burned down. Jacquelin Terrulli, 65, of Ocean Township hasn’t been seen or heard from since.
via https://youtu.be/mFQfuwZZ8h8
Missing Texas girl, 15, faked her own kidnapping with the help of a 17-year-old boy, deputies say
Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:46 PM PDT
Investigators said Ryder Cambron, 15, left clues to make her family think she’d been abducted after vanishing from her Magnolia, Texas home Tuesday night before she was found a day later.
via https://youtu.be/mFQfuwZZ8h8
Town hall questioner rips Justin Trudeau for REFUSING to say how many times he has donned blackface 
Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:16 PM PDT
At a town hall meeting in Saskatoon on Thursday night, Trudeau faced tough questions about the imbroglio despite the crowd being stocked with supporters from his ruling Liberal Party.
via https://youtu.be/mFQfuwZZ8h8
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from [Latest News] Flower Mound, Texas News via [Latest News] Flower Mound, Texas News September 20, 2019 at 04:09AM
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palabrasinvoz · 5 years
‘Déjate llevar’ se corona como ‘Mejor Serie’ en el Festival de Cannes
(Published April 15, 2019)
Hicieron honor al nombre de la serie. Se dejaron llevar y fueron a Cannes con toda la ilusión de estar nominadas, felices porque la serie se estrenase en tal reconocido festival y compitiese con otras nueve finalistas para alzarse con el premio final. Pero aún mejor lo logrado y es que ‘’Déjate llevar’’ arrasó llevándose los dos premios a los que optaba, siendo el más importante el de mejor serie.
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La producción de Movistar+ que pronto se podrá disfrutar, está dirigida por Leticia Doleray protagonizada por ella misma, Celia Freijeiro y Aixa Villagrán, quienes consiguieron también el premio especial de interpretación y mostraron su asombro en el patio de butacas cuando pronunciaban sus nombres como vencedoras.
En el discurso de agradecimiento, Dolera reivindicó que “la cultura y la libertad de expresión tienen que ser un gran pilar de nuestras sociedades. Y esta cultura tiene que incluir el punto de vista de las mujeres” entre los aplausos de los presentes, quienes ya se rindieron a la serie durante su proyección el pasado fin de semana.
La serie compuesta por ocho episodios, narra la historia de tres mujeres: María (LeticiaDolera), su hermana Esther (Aixa Villagrán) y Cristina (Celia Freijeiro) quienes deberán hacer frente a los cánones actuales marcados por la sociedad sobre la vida perfecta. Donde no hay dudas, es que han tenido un perfecto paso por la segunda edición del Festival de Cannes.
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himonomi1980 · 5 years
[Latest News] Flower Mound, Texas News
Flower Mound, Texas News --- * KKR-Backed German Media Conglomerate Takes the Name Leonine * San Sebastian: Leticia Dolera on Canneseries Winner ‘Perfect Life’ * San Sebastian New Directors Jihyoung Lee and Kim Sol Talk ‘Scattered Night’ * Prince Harry and Meghan Markle take their NINTH flight in six weeks * Missing woman’s boyfriend is arrested driving her SUV a week after her mansion burned down * Missing Texas girl, 15, faked her own kidnapping with the help of a 17-year-old boy, deputies say * Town hall questioner rips Justin Trudeau for REFUSING to say how many times he has donned blackface  KKR-Backed German Media Conglomerate Takes the Name Leonine Posted: 20 Sep 2019 12:50 AM PDT The KKR-backed German media company formed through the merger of Tele München Group, Universum Film, i&u TV, and Wiedemann & Berg Film has been given the name Leonine, it was revealed Friday. Fred Kogel, CEO of Leonine, said: “When choosing the new brand as our company name, the following aspects were decisive for us: it […] via https://youtu.be/mFQfuwZZ8h8 San Sebastian: Leticia Dolera on Canneseries Winner ‘Perfect Life’ Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:47 PM PDT SAN SEBASTIAN —  "La Casa de Papel" ("Money Heist") may be the most seen of Spanish series this year. Leticia Dolera's still-to-bow "Perfect Life," however, is the most laureled, sweeping at April's 2nd Canneseries TV festival both best series and best special performance for its female leads, Dolera herself, Celia Freijeiro and Aixa Villagrán, from […] via https://youtu.be/mFQfuwZZ8h8 San Sebastian New Directors Jihyoung Lee and Kim Sol Talk ‘Scattered Night’ Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:47 PM PDT After taking the Korean Competition Grand Prize and the best acting award (Moon Seung-a) at the Jeonju Intl. Film Festival, "Scattered Night" now heads to San Sebastian's New Directors selection. An intimate portrayal of a family whose members are deeply isolated from one another, the film follows two parents overwhelmed by their responsibilities, their own […] via https://youtu.be/mFQfuwZZ8h8 Prince Harry and Meghan Markle take their NINTH flight in six weeks Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:46 PM PDT Prince Harry and Meghan are said to have travelled to Italy to enjoy some downtime at the wedding at Cinecittà film studios tomorrow before they begin their royal tour to South Africa on Monday. via https://youtu.be/mFQfuwZZ8h8 Missing woman’s boyfriend is arrested driving her SUV a week after her mansion burned down Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:46 PM PDT Ronald Teschner, 49, was taken into custody on Friday, a day after his live-in girlfriend’s mansion burned down. Jacquelin Terrulli, 65, of Ocean Township hasn’t been seen or heard from since. via https://youtu.be/mFQfuwZZ8h8 Missing Texas girl, 15, faked her own kidnapping with the help of a 17-year-old boy, deputies say Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:46 PM PDT Investigators said Ryder Cambron, 15, left clues to make her family think she’d been abducted after vanishing from her Magnolia, Texas home Tuesday night before she was found a day later. via https://youtu.be/mFQfuwZZ8h8 Town hall questioner rips Justin Trudeau for REFUSING to say how many times he has donned blackface  Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:16 PM PDT At a town hall meeting in Saskatoon on Thursday night, Trudeau faced tough questions about the imbroglio despite the crowd being stocked with supporters from his ruling Liberal Party. via https://youtu.be/mFQfuwZZ8h8 You are subscribed to email updates from News Digest. To stop receiving these emails, you may unsubscribe now. Email delivery powered by Google Google, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States https://youngstownohiocreditcounseling.blogspot.com/2019/09/latest-news-flower-mound-texas-news_20.html
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antioquiaabogados · 5 years
[Latest News] Flower Mound, Texas News
[Latest News] Flower Mound, Texas News Flower Mound, Texas News KKR-Backed German Media Conglomerate Takes the Name Leonine San Sebastian: Leticia Dolera on Canneseries Winner ‘Perfect Life’ San Sebastian New Directors Jihyoung Lee and Kim Sol Talk ‘Scattered Night’ Prince Harry and Meghan Markle take their NINTH flight in six weeks Missing woman’s boyfriend is arrested driving her SUV a week after her mansion burned down Missing Texas girl, 15, faked her own kidnapping with the help of a 17-year-old boy, deputies say Town hall questioner rips Justin Trudeau for REFUSING to say how many times he has donned blackface KKR-Backed German Media Conglomerate Takes the Name Leonine Posted: 20 Sep 2019 12:50 AM PDT The KKR-backed German media company formed through the merger of Tele München Group, Universum Film, i&u TV, and Wiedemann & Berg Film has been given the name Leonine, it was revealed Friday. Fred Kogel, CEO of Leonine, said: “When choosing the new brand as our company name, the following aspects were decisive for us: it […] via https://youtu.be/mFQfuwZZ8h8 San Sebastian: Leticia Dolera on Canneseries Winner ‘Perfect Life’ Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:47 PM PDT SAN SEBASTIAN — "La Casa de Papel" ("Money Heist") may be the most seen of Spanish series this year. Leticia Dolera's still-to-bow "Perfect Life," however, is the most laureled, sweeping at April's 2nd Canneseries TV festival both best series and best special performance for its female leads, Dolera herself, Celia Freijeiro and Aixa Villagrán, from […] via https://youtu.be/mFQfuwZZ8h8 San Sebastian New Directors Jihyoung Lee and Kim Sol Talk ‘Scattered Night’ Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:47 PM PDT After taking the Korean Competition Grand Prize and the best acting award (Moon Seung-a) at the Jeonju Intl. Film Festival, "Scattered Night" now heads to San Sebastian's New Directors selection. An intimate portrayal of a family whose members are deeply isolated from one another, the film follows two parents overwhelmed by their responsibilities, their own […] via https://youtu.be/mFQfuwZZ8h8 Prince Harry and Meghan Markle take their NINTH flight in six weeks Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:46 PM PDT Prince Harry and Meghan are said to have travelled to Italy to enjoy some downtime at the wedding at Cinecittà film studios tomorrow before they begin their royal tour to South Africa on Monday. via https://youtu.be/mFQfuwZZ8h8 Missing woman’s boyfriend is arrested driving her SUV a week after her mansion burned down Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:46 PM PDT Ronald Teschner, 49, was taken into custody on Friday, a day after his live-in girlfriend’s mansion burned down. Jacquelin Terrulli, 65, of Ocean Township hasn’t been seen or heard from since. via https://youtu.be/mFQfuwZZ8h8 Missing Texas girl, 15, faked her own kidnapping with the help of a 17-year-old boy, deputies say Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:46 PM PDT Investigators said Ryder Cambron, 15, left clues to make her family think she’d been abducted after vanishing from her Magnolia, Texas home Tuesday night before she was found a day later. via https://youtu.be/mFQfuwZZ8h8 Town hall questioner rips Justin Trudeau for REFUSING to say how many times he has donned blackface Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:16 PM PDT At a town hall meeting in Saskatoon on Thursday night, Trudeau faced tough questions about the imbroglio despite the crowd being stocked with supporters from his ruling Liberal Party. via https://youtu.be/mFQfuwZZ8h8 You are subscribed to email updates from News Digest. To stop receiving these emails, you may unsubscribe now. Email delivery powered by Google Google, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States from [Latest News] Flower Mound, Texas News via [Latest News] Flower Mound, Texas News September 20, 2019 at 03:09AM Copyright © September 20, 2019 at 03:09AM from Abogados Medellin llama 320 542 9469 Colombia https://boston-massachusetts-02108.blogspot.com/2019/09/latest-news-flower-mound-texas-news_20.html via [Latest News] Flower Mound, Texas News
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