#suzie's aus
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context: post canon, carmen and player have encountered a rogue bellum, who has used her newest invention, "the baby gun," to turn carmen into a baby and "start over." player, age 19, now finds himself a single father to one. how exciting.
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sleepingingarden · 29 days
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refs for all the kiddos in my AU (except gregory and cassie who i may include at a later point) before things go to shit!
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catneylang · 10 months
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Caejose titanic au brainrot fought and won
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ladykailitha · 9 months
Batshit Soulmates: in Medias Res
As promised, the soulmate AU you've all been waiting for. I don't have a set schedule for this. I'll post chapters as they come. That said, I do have a backlog of chapters to put out on the regular.
Summary: Steve's never met his soulmate. Even though everyone else in his life has. Most of them are even bonded. Literal teenagers got their soulmates before Steve. He tries not to take it personally. He tries really hard not to take it personally when he finds out it's Eddie Munson when he has a bottle at his throat. He tries even harder not to take personally when everything that could go wrong, does.
*throws chapter at you and runs*
“I just think we should wait,” Steve huffed for what felt like the millionth time. “Give our allies more time to get to Hawkins.”
“But the longer we wait,” Nancy growled back, “the likelihood of Vecna finding someone we don’t know to haunt and kill goes up.”
“Except we know who his next victim is!” Steve yelled back. “You! And excuse me for thinking that using you as bait would be better than a fifteen year old girl!”
“Steve!” Max hissed. “What the hell?!”
Steve looked down at his feet and crossed his arms over his chest. He looked up at Nancy and dared her to tell him he was wrong.
But Nancy was stubborn. “The batteries on her Walkman are going to die sooner, rather than later. I know this whole thing sucks, but the longer we put it off the sooner Vecna could wipe out the whole town.”
Steve looked around the room for support and got none. He sighed. No one was on his side in this. But he could feel it. If they waited just five more minutes. But it was five minutes he wasn’t going to get.
He looked down at his feet again as Nancy started listing off who would go where. His head shot up when Dustin and Eddie were told to be the distraction.
“What?” he said. “No. Eddie is my soulmate.”
Robin put her hand his shoulder. “I know, but we can’t leave Dustin alone and you need to come with Nancy and me to kill Vecna.”
Steve’s face shuttered. So the choice was to go with the girls and protect them or go with Eddie and Dustin and protect them, leaving the girls to battle Vecna by themselves?
No, no, no, no.
He had to protect everyone. Why couldn’t he protect everyone?
It was killing him.
“Just go!” Eddie said. “You know you’re going to be needed when it comes to killing this bastard. They’re going to need your strength.”
Steve let out a whine that had been caught in his throat. “You’re telling me to leave you...” He didn’t understand.
Eddie pressed his fingers into his eye. “It’s not because–it’s not what you think. Honest. This is just proper strategy and you know it. Dustin and I aren’t going to be doing anything but drawing the attention of the demobats away from you and the girls.”
Steve let out another noise of distress. He knew Eddie was right. He did. It just hurt that in the five days since meeting his soulmate, they had spent a total of less than a day together. And most of that was spent getting ready for this.
“All right,” he finally agreed.
Everyone let out a sigh of relief and that made Steve’s heart hurt. They weren’t counting on him to make the right decision. They weren’t counting on him to do the smart thing. Even Eddie had sighed in relief.
Steve shut down. Maybe his mother had been right. Maybe soulmates weren’t everything they cracked up to be. Maybe it was good he was find this out now, before he got too attached.
He gave his little speech and made them promise not to be heroes.
Eddie looked down at the ground and then back up at Steve’s retreating back. He closed his eyes and opened them slowly.
“Hey, Steve?” he called out.
Steve turned around, trying to keep the hope out of his eyes.
“Make him pay.”
Steve nodded and turned back around, his heart shattering in his chest. He was stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Hoping for a declaration of love. Hoping that Eddie felt something for him. But despite Eddie’s reassurances that he no longer thought that Steve was douchebag, he still couldn’t get over the fact that he had been fated to be his soulmate.
He felt the ice creep up his chest to nestle around his heart. All his life he hoped that his soulmate would be the one that’d love him unconditionally when no one else could. But he guessed that was only for children’s fairy tales.
Steve had barely taken two steps when he heard the sound of running feet and then he was being spun around. He was suddenly face to face with Eddie and he couldn’t breathe. Eddie gently took his face in his hands and kissed him on the lips.
Steve had melted. That is the only explanation for how gooey his insides had become. Eddie pulled back.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he panted. “Be safe. Come back to me, okay, Stevie?”
Steve rested his head against Eddie’s. “You, too. I can’t lose you now. Please.”
“Okay, baby,” Eddie whispered. “Okay.”
Steve watched as his soulmate ran back to Dustin, his heart just as heavy, but now whole.
Robin tapped his shoulder. “Come on, Steve. Vecna needs to die so you can be together without having to always look over your shoulder.”
He closed his eyes and nodded. Nancy took his hand and gave it a squeeze. He let her lead him away from the best boy he had ever known to kill the person who was responsible for all the turmoil in their lives.
Eddie looked up at the rope ladder in dismay. All around him he could hear the sounds of the demobats clawing their way through the vents. If he climbed the rope, they would break through the gate and Dustin would be a sitting duck.
They would both die.
“Get Steve on the walkie-talkie!” Eddie yelled. “Tell him the bats are about to break through this gate and I’m leading them away from you.”
“Eddie!” Dustin yelled. “Don’t!”
Eddie took a deep breath and cut the rope ladder.
“No!” Dustin yelled.
“Get Steve!” Eddie yelled over his shoulder as he strapped his makeshift spear and shield to back. He zipped up his jacket, knowing full well that armor was no good if it didn’t cover the bits that needed protecting. He took the bandanna off his hair and tied around his face.
God he hated this place.
He grabbed one of the bikes and hopped on. He just needed to give Steve, Nancy and Robin enough time to kill Vecna so that Dustin was safe.
That’s all he needed. Just two minutes.
Behind him he could hear the screech of the bats turn from the trailer to chase him. After all even a moving target out in the open is better than a sitting target in a tin can.
Eddie wasn’t sure how long he could outrun them. He wasn’t exactly in peak physical condition but he had to try.
It took him a bit to realize that subconsciously he hadn’t been running from Dustin, but to Steve. And just how fucked up was that. Which of course was when the front tire hit a small hole in the ground and he went tumbling, rolling in the dirt. His shield and spear prevented him from getting up and he thought for sure that this was the end.
But suddenly he was being righted and yanked to his feet.
“Eddie!” Steve called over the screeching of the bats.
“Steve!” Eddie called back. “Are the girls okay?”
Steve nodded. “I left Robin with the Malatov cocktails and Nancy with her shot gun. They’re kicking his ass.”
Eddie pursed his lips and nodded back. “Dustin is safe. Or as safe as I can make that kid.”
Steve closed his eyes. “He said you told him the bats were breaking in though the vents.”
Eddie nodded. “Yeah, I didn’t want them to get to him or out into Hawkins, lynch mob aside, so I lead them away.”
Steve gave him a hug. “Well then, let’s keep their attention on us, shall we?”
“Bring it on!” Eddie yelled, pulling off his shield and spear.
Steve stood at his back, ax in one hand, nail bat in the other. He twirled them both, warming up his wrists as he stared up the sky that was now thick with bats.
And even though they had only fought together once before, they moved as one, anticipating each other’s movements and covering each other’s backs.
Steve hit a bat so hard its guts rained down upon them, spraying them with black goo. Eddie in turn protected them with his shield putting it in front of him as the bats slammed into it full force.
He could feel his feet sliding back, but Steve was there and he leaned backward, putting all his weight against Eddie to brace him up.
Eddie had been on the verge of giving up, tears streaming down his face as he fought against impossible odds. But Steve was there. And he remembered that every impossible thing he had ever thought in his life had be come possible in this one man. And he was damned if he wasn’t going to survive this too.
“I love you,” Steve whispered.
Eddie closed his eyes and whispered back. “I love you, too, Stevie.”
The bats soon realized that they couldn’t get through Eddie and turned, swirling in the sky and Eddie could feel it before it happened. They were going to attack Steve.
He pushed Steve to the ground and lifted his shield above their heads. “I’m sorry.”
“Me, too,” Steve replied.
And then all the bats dived at once.
Yeah...don't expect a quick resolution to that. Just know, I'm a sucker for happy endings. ;)
Prologue Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @vecnuthy @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @littlewildflowerkitten @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @anne-bennett-cosplayer @irregular-child
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notadreamurr · 15 days
Deltarune x TADC
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I'll still post it, but I didn't realize that I didn't like this piece until rendered pomni :(
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angelic37 · 1 year
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DIMENSION HOPPING | Right universe, wrong Doctor
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artist-heart83 · 4 months
Favorite Child
Yeah this stuff is getting serious
When I started doing fankids for any interest that I had it means “oh so the thing with this interest is very serious”
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brown-sugar-89 · 11 months
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AAHH SURE!! Basically what I came up with is Creampuff being more (duh, obviously) stable and nice version of Pizzano. He's not a pizzeria owner like Peppino though, but a bakery, because I think it fits more (?) . Oh, also just the way Pizzelle pulls her whiskers of frustration, he does the same thing, but with his hat. That's why it like literally stuck on his eyes. He's a nice little fella and is honestly very huggable T_T
Also I did a little comic that I think might tell slightly more about him and gremlin of a thing he deals with- I'm not sure though if I still came up with a name for this AU, or whatever that is.. I'm really not sure.. But hey, I'm glad you're interested! Thank you, dear anon <3
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
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hopefully these are the final designs! these are for the darkworld chapter of AFR, an everybody lives AU fancomic!
MK -super hero themed, serves as a antagonist like Berdly (as in, thinks they're the good guy, but opposes the main party)
Suzy - boxer themed
Frisk - vocaloid inspired bard
Chara - (resurrected as a monster in this AU) torch-angel
Feylow - boss monster prince (Ralsei replacement). anagram of Flowey, made from Asriel's abandoned golden locket.
Ruler - Evil Villian main antagonist.the golden crown corrupted by greed (makes sense in context)
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mast3r-rainb0w · 3 months
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[C] 'Johnny Bravo' Style: TEENAGE Little Suzy by Mast3r-Rainb0w
She's not so little anymore! Little Suzy from the "Johnny Bravo" series in this scenario has been time-skipped into her teenage years! A commission I was tasked to draw via DeviantArt. Enjoy!
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gallonsoblood · 2 days
Extremely mixed fandom art dump
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baby paper star and black sheep :)
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sleepingingarden · 3 days
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Jeremy and Suzie came to Fredbear's Fallfest to enjoy the weekend, but after Jeremy finds a series of disturbing drawings and Suzie sees a strange figure watching from the woods, their fun day turns into an investigation of the mysteries of Fredbear's.
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mymanyfandomramblings · 2 months
pls explain the Gravity Falls+PnF au to me. I'm guessing PnF are heading to Gravity Falls, but from there I'm not really sure what'd happen. you're au's usually have a plot and I genuinely have no idea how'd you plot this
Yay! I can talk about the AU!
This is only the bare-bones of it, because I'm still working out technical bumps, but it's basically a substitution AU, where the PnF characters would be taking on the roles and plots from Gravity Falls. I can give a run down on who'll be doing what:
Phineas, Ferb and Candace will share the Dipper and Mabel roles between them, with traits, events and roles split between the three. Their premise is also the same--siblings, sent to stay with a great-uncle in Gravity Falls.
Buford and Baljeet will gain 40+ years of age and take on the Stan and Ford roles respectively, although they would only be best friends, rather than twins--although I am seriously considering making them stepbrothers, for the sake of narrative parallels--Gravity Falls IS big on narrative parallels. (I haven't yet ironed all the bumps out, but I will. Oh yes, I will
Isabella won't take the place of any specific character, but rather, she'd play a similar role that Fiddleford plays in Relativity AU's--i.e. she'd be an extra friend/love interest kid character who hangs out nigh-constantly with the core siblings
Soos and Wendy will be consolidated into one character--the very chill, very helpful, very nice, and very Cool Teenager(TM) shack handyman, who is none other than Jeremy Johnson
Bill Cipher will still be Bill Cipher. This might surprise you.
Dr. Doofenshmirtz will be, surprisingly, in the Old Man McGucket role.
The Gideon role will naturally be taken by Little Suzy Johnson
Vanessa is the trickiest to explain in this AU. So she is Doof's daughter, but considering that he's gone Off His Rocker a little bit she's been taken in by her Uncle Roger (who is filling the Preston Northwest role), and spends a good portion of her story trying to avoid association with her father. She'll fill the Pacifica niche, although she won't be as mean, more just dismissive.
Stacy will be the Candy/Grenda figure.
Carl is Thompson. No notes.
Feel free to ask more, clarifying questions, should you wish to poke the hyperfixation bear
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ladykailitha · 9 months
Batshit Soulmates Part 1
Yay! We have finally got to the meat of the story. And oh boy do Steve and Eddie go through it.
In Medias Res| Prologue|
Steve wanted nothing to do with Eddie Munson. Never had, never would. But Dustin was like a brother to him, and he would move heaven and earth to make sure the kid was safe. And he knew all too well that if he didn’t tag along, Dustin would get himself and anyone who went with him in trouble. Possibly hurt or worse. So he offered to drive.
They arrived at Reefer Rick’s place and Steve led the way. They tried the house first, but the lights were off and no one seemed to be home.
Steve was close to strangling Dustin as he kept yelling the worst possible things. But they tried the boathouse next.
He looked around but couldn’t see any drug dealing, D&D playing nerds, so he grabbed an oar that was leaning against the wall. The last thing he needed was to touch something and have it rip his arm off. He poked at the tarp.
What happened next, Steve wasn’t sure was a good or a bad thing. But it was certainly the most interesting thing that had happened to him in all of his life. And that was including finding Robin or the monster coming out of the wall at the Byers house.
The tarp ripped open and suddenly he was being slammed into the wall, a broken bottle placed to his throat. He knew that there was no way to get the leverage he needed to swing the oar to defend himself. And that’s when he felt it. He could feel the jagged edge of the bottle piercing his throat, threatening to draw blood. But he could also feel a burning on his forearm.
“Eddie!” Dustin cried out, suddenly afraid. “This is Steve. He isn’t going to hurt you.”
Steve gulped. That was certainly true. At least until they talked, anyway. He looked into Eddie’s frightened eyes and knew that Eddie wouldn’t hurt him either. But he was scared.
“Steve drop the oar!” Dustin instructed.
Steve threw the oar away. “See? I’m not armed anymore. Can you let me go?”
Eddie pushed the bottle further into Steve’s throat.
And Dustin, Robin, and Max all gasped in alarm.
“Hey, Eddie,” Dustin continued to try and soothe the scared boy. “This is Robin, you remember her from band? And this is Max. She the one that doesn’t like D&D, but she still cool.”
But nothing seemed to be working and everyone leaned forward expect the worst, when Steve spoke up.
“Eds, man,” Steve said softly. “Is–is your right arm burning all of sudden?”
“What the hell kind of strategy is that?” Robin squeaked.
But Eddie’s eyes flicked down to the arm that was holding the bottle and then back up to Steve.
He didn’t answer, but that was enough for Steve.
“Just let me pull up my sleeve,” he continued, his eyes still wild with fear. “I’ll show you, I’m safe.”
Max frowned but when she looked over at Robin and Dustin, they didn’t look confused. They looked shocked.
Robin was whispering “Oh my god, oh my god,” over and over. And Dustin was covering his broad smile with both of his hands.
She looked back over at Steve and Eddie and still didn’t understand what was going on.
Steve slowly pulled up the right sleeve of his jacket and tore off his soul patch, throwing it to the ground.
Max gasped. She knew what was happening now and she couldn’t believe it.
Eddie looked down at Steve’s arm. There it was: four stylized bats that were glowing bright red. His eyes flashed up to Steve’s again and said through a clenched jaw, “Why the fuck is mine a nail bat?”
“Oh my god!” Robin squeaked. “Max go get it from the trunk. He needs to see this.”
Steve pulled his keys out of his pocket and tossed her direction, praying it wouldn’t land in the water.
But Max caught them and dashed out of the boathouse. They all waited on baited breath. Because Eddie wasn’t going to let Steve go without knowing the meaning behind his soulmark.
Max came running back inside. “Steve! Catch!”
Eddie turned around to face her, letting the other boy go. Steve caught the bat before it even got close to either of their faces. Eddie’s eyes were wide for a different reason now.
He dropped the bottle and stepped back, everyone else breathing a sigh of relief. “Why the fuck do you have a nail bat, Harrington?”
Steve slumped against the wall and slid down it, holding the nail bat tightly in both hands, it was straight up. Like a knight holding a sword.
Dustin got between them and moved Eddie to sit down on a nearby crate, while Robin was at Steve’s side checking to see if the bottle had cut him.
It hadn’t. But he let her fuss over him, because they both needed the reassurance that he was, in fact, okay.
Eddie pulled off his leather jacket and ripped off his own soul patch. He had a couple of tattoos on his arm. One he had done himself, but the other? The other was a soulmark that throbbed bright red. It was Steve’s nail bat, no doubt.
“Bats,” Steve giggled manically. “Our soulmarks are bats.”
Eddie cocked his head and rolled his eyes. “Just answer the question, Harrington.”
Dustin grimaced. “You wouldn’t believe us if we told you.”
Robin and Max nodded emphatically.
Eddie shook his head. “I don’t know, not after what I saw. It was horrible.”
Suddenly Steve was on his feet and at Eddie’s side in a heartbeat. “I have a feeling we would be the only ones that would understand, Eds.”
Eddie let out a shuddering breath, but started talking. He told them about Chrissy and the drug deal. He talked about her nightmares and how lost she seemed when he was nice to her. He talked about how scared she had been in her final moments. And how he ran when she started to twist in a horrible, unnatural way. How she died screaming.
“I can’t get her screams out of my head, man,” Eddie whimpered. “Why her? Why me?”
“We don’t know,” Robin said. “But we’ve done this before.”
Eddie stared at her in shock.
Steve nodded. “Three years for Dustin and I, although he has about a week up on me. Two years for Max. And one year for Robin.”
“Three–three years?” Eddie stammered. “What the fuck?”
“Since Will Byers vanished,” Dustin said sadly.
Eddie closed his eyes. Both Wayne and he had volunteered to help look for the boy and Wayne had been among those that found the fake body. He nodded before opening his eyes.
“What am I going to do?” he asked.
Steve knelt in front of him and touched his cheek. “We’ll figure it out. We always do.”
Steve was having a panic attack. That was the only thing he could think of when he started to hyperventilate outside of his house after dropping everyone off at home. They needed to get Eddie some food and explain things properly to him, but all that consumes Steve is the refrain of: He’s my soulmate. He’s my soulmate. He’s my soulmate. Over and over.
Tears threatened to fall from his cheeks. A boy was his soulmate. He didn’t care, but his dad would. Dustin and Max seemed fine with it. Hell, Dustin was practically bouncing in his seat all the way home. Berating Steve for not meeting Eddie sooner. If only Steve had listened to him he wouldn’t have struck out with so many girls.
Steve dropped him off first just to stop the constant stream of his monologue and then Max. As he was pulling away from Forest Hills Robin touched his shoulder.
“Are you going to be okay?” she asked gently.
He didn’t know if he was ever going be. Because his forearm still burned, still glowed dark red. In fact it was getting darker and more painful the further he got from Eddie.
“I think we’re perfect mates,” Steve ground out through the thick pain lancing through his arm. “A true pair.”
Robin’s eyes went wide. “Holy shit. Like only a hundred of those are born every generation.”
He pulled up his sleeve to show her. She took his arm gingerly and ran her fingers over the dark soul mark.
“I don’t think you could have found a worst time to meet him,” she said softly.
Steve nodded.
Robin kissed his cheek and inside her house, leaving Steve to drive home alone with his thoughts.
So that brought him to where he was now. Having a mental breakdown in front of his empty house. He knew that he was going to have to compartmentalize. Which was something he was pretty damn good at. It just was shit timing. But before he could do that, he knew he had to work through the shock of his soulmate being a boy.
Usually he would talk to Robin about this, but he didn’t want to hurt her feelings. After all, Vickie was her soulmate, the girl just wasn’t interested in being with Robin. She would rather chase after some boy who had already go off to college and was likely cheating on her with who knows how many girls. So how could Steve gush about his soulmate when hers didn’t want her? He wasn’t an ass. Or at least not anymore.
Steve finally got out of the car and opened the door to his house, half expecting his parents to come storming out of one of the rooms demanding where he’d been. But the house was silent. As it always was these days. He toed off his shoes in front of the door, suddenly not caring if it blocked anyone from coming in. Maybe that was a good thing.
He didn’t want to be disturbed while he wallowed in his misery.
A boy. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever assume his soulmate wasn’t a girl. Not even once did even consider it wouldn’t be someone with soft curves and pouty lips. Steve scoffed. He supposed he got the pouty lips. Just no curves. Only curls. He closed his eyes and threw himself bodily onto the sofa to wallow.
Steve threw his arm over his head and sighed. Was he attracted to boys? He knew that being soulmates didn’t necessarily include sex or whatever, but he always assumed that his soulmate would fill every aspect of his life and not just being someone he could rely on.
And there lied the other crux of the problem. Could he rely on Eddie?
Eddie Munson: metalhead, two-time super senior, drug dealer, goofball. Nothing like the person Steve imagined growing up. Someone who was an equal, who would help him with their kids.
Kids! Shit. There went that, too. They would have to adopt if they even got that far. Steve could taste the bile that rose from his throat. But he forced it down and let out a deep breath. He just had to readjust his thinking is all. Instead of focusing on the negative.
He sat up and really thought about Eddie as his soulmate. He already knew that Eddie got along good with Steve’s little nuggets. Three of them were in his club, for fuck’s sake. And from what Dustin had said was really impressed with Erica. So that was four of his kids that liked Eddie. Or at least tolerated him in Erica’s case. That was something.
That was something else. He had taken in Lucas, Mike, and Dustin when they were lost little freshmen with no clue how to navigate high school. Of course things between Lucas and Eddie may have soured a bit over last night’s game. And while Steve wasn’t in any clubs, he had grown up watching his mother plan party after party.
Rule number one was at least three days notice of canceling unless something had literally come up that day. Which Steve knew wasn’t the case with the championship game. Lucas knew a week in advance what was coming and chickened out telling Eddie. So that situation made for bad blood all around.
But as Steve sat there he could tally up more good things about Eddie then bad. And as for the attraction, well...he had just described the other boy as having pouty lips and soft curls, so maybe he wasn’t as straight as he thought he was.
He thought back to the big brown eyes and quivering hands. And yeah, maybe Steve was more attracted than he thought.
All right crisis...well not averted. Because he was still in the middle of some shit. But managed he supposed. Now all he needed to was make sure his stupid soulmate made it out of this alive. And you know, clear him of a murder charge.
But that was a problem for future Steve, current Steve needed food and god damned nap.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @vecnuthy @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @littlewildflowerkitten @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @anne-bennett-cosplayer @irregular-child @oxidantdreamboat @mogami13 @samsoble @xandriumbat
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linkneol091 · 3 months
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YYEEEEEE I FINALLY FINISHED THIIIIISSSS YEEEEE ( still dk abt fav jobro and fav music ref but im wanna draw smth different so oh well)
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