illneverrecover · 5 years
Are you ready for the pain train to pound town?
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mandakatt · 5 years
hi sweet pea i love you
*gasp* SUZU! 
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I am so happy to hear from you, you beautiful wonderful amazing lady you! 
AHH I hope things have been ok on your end! 
Meanwhile, I’m just gonna be over here like this with you for awhile. Kay? Kay.
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jimins-ass-eater · 4 years
the goblin queen | pjm
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➛authors: @illneverrecover​ & @jimins-ass-eater​ ; executive consultant @quinnkook
➛pairing: Park Jimin x reader
➛genre: Labyrinth!AU, Goblin Queen!Reader, action, fantasy, some fluff,  smut
➛word count: 11,298 (definitely didn’t think we’d write this much)
➛rating: M
➛warnings: action scenes, cursing, half naked tattooed & pierced Jungkook, mentions of alcohol, mentions of drugging/poisoning, heavy kissing, light bondage, power play (with both reader & Jimin), oral sex (male receiving), mentions of face sitting, unprotected vaginal sex, marking/biting, slight dirty talk
➛summary: When Jimin makes a desperate wish after giant mistake, he didn’t expect to find himself stuck in a Labyrinth, under the control of a mysterious Goblin Queen. Unable to escape, he has to defeat the trials of the maze - with the help of some new friends - in order to defeat her. However, she has a penchant for pretty things, and well, Jimin sure is pretty. 
➛notes: I can’t think of a better way to break back into writing again than with two of my favorite people by my side, @illneverrecover​ and @quinnkook​. Thank you both for being there to cheer me on, give feedback, and be the kindest support system ever. For this project, we decided to take the story/movie of Labyrinth, and turn it on its head for the network @ksmutclub​​ “Twisted Fairtytales: Members in Distress”, with Jimin as Sarah, and the reader as mysterious and sexy Goblin Queen. This was exciting to write and I really hope that this gives me more confidence to continue writing in the future! Thank you for reading!
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Failure has never been a thing in Jimin’s world.
He knew what it was, of course. Has seen others fall to its clutches, danced with the devil a few times himself, but he always pulled out at the last moment. Toed the line before forging ahead. 
He was a perfectionist, and it showed. From his perfectly colored silver hair, his immaculate wardrobe, to his charming presence, his pristine work record. Jimin had worked hard his whole life to get where he was, and it wasn’t something he took lightly. 
Which is why he cannot believe he made such a stupid mistake.
A small miscalculation, an extra digit where one shouldn’t be. He should have triple checked it, should have quadruple checked it - hell, he should have sent it to that obnoxious, always smirking auditor Wooyoung, just to be sure - but he didn’t. Not this time. He was confident, he was in a hurry, and he never made mistakes.
Until now.
It wasn’t something he could sweep under the rug, either. It had cost his company, Han Industries, an absurd amount of money; an amount that while only a drop in the bucket for the multimillionaire of a CEO, was still a substantial loss. His boss didn’t even seem angry, which was one of the worst parts, honestly. Jimin could handle yelling, berating, a stapler flying past his head - but what he couldn’t handle was the low disappointment in his superior’s tone, the disapproval in his eyes as he sent him home for the rest of the day.
He doesn’t know what’s next. Despite a spotless record before now, he wouldn’t be surprised if they suspend him. Fire him. He deserves it anyway, making such an idiotic error. How could he be so stupid?
Drinking a glass of wine on the back deck doesn’t relax him like he had hoped, instead it makes him feel itchy in his button down, has panic clawing in his throat. With one miscalculation, the perfect life Jimin had built for himself has all but crumbled, and what does he have to show for it?
The moon is full, bright, illuminating his balcony and shedding light to his shame. He feels tears prick behind his eyes, his vision swimming. 
“I wish I could just disappear,”
The words hang heavy in the air alongside his anguish, and he blinks the wetness away, wiping at his cheeks. Sighing, he goes to take another sip of wine, when something appears in his periphery. 
It seemed to be a small animal, creeping across the expanse of his backyard, however what stood out to him was the way it seemed to be glowing. Straining his eyes, he makes out the shape of a fox; long, bushy tail perked up in the air, sharp eyes and ears trained towards him, staring. It’s fur was as white as fresh snow, but the cast of the moon made it look like it was made of starlight, silver and shining. 
Gasping, he freezes, watching as it slowly trots through the grass, edging closer to where he stands and the vast forest to the side of his home. It’s only when it gets closer that Jimin can see that it has something perched in it’s mouth, a rectangular shaped piece of leather, about the size of a-
Wait, is that his briefcase?
Without thinking, Jimin drops his wine glass and takes off towards the creature, shouting and waving his arms.
“HEY! Hey, drop that! That’s not YOURS!” 
Sprinting through the grass, he continues to chase the silver fox, startling a bit when it tears off in the direction of the woods. “No! No, don’t go in there, drop it! Give it back!”
His desperation has him following, any sense of danger pushed to the back of his mind as he pursues the animal deeper into the forest, shouting expletives as he weaves through the trees. He couldn’t afford to lose his briefcase, lose his last connection and only hope at getting his job back, and it fuels him to run farther, even when the woodland becomes so thick he can barely see the light of the moon. 
After what seems like ages, the fox sprints into a large open field, a clearing that is stopped abruptly by a large, intimating wall. Jimin stumbles to stop, his momentum making him fall forward, dropping his hands on his knees to catch his breath. 
“Where the hell did that come from?”
It had to be at least 12 feet high, made of dark brick covered in vines and foliage interwoven throughout. He has no idea what it would belong to - can’t recall any buildings this far out into the country - but before he can ponder for too long, the sly little beast gives him one last lingering stare before leaping through the wall, vanishing into thin air.
“What? No! HEY!” 
Exasperation, misery, and a bit of stupidity has him following suit, speeding towards the place in the wall where it had disappeared in foolish determination. 
“I’m going to catch you!” he yells before squeezing his eyes tight, and leaping towards the same spot in the wall - 
-before leaping through it, vanishing into thin air.
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When he opens his eyes, Jimin finds himself surrounded by the giant walls, sandwiched into a vast alley, no end in sight. He groans, fingers immediately flying up to massage his throbbing temple. How he got here, he can’t quite remember. It was like how one falls into a dream, except the pain in his head reminds him that this is all very much real. He remembers the fox, and his briefcase, and not much else. His hands, well groomed and adorned in silver rings, reach out for the giant walls that surround him. They’re solid, cool to the touch and so smooth that there’s no way he could climb them. He huffs. Jimin has one of two options: stay put or explore. Not one to sit around and do nothing, he decides to walk, his fingers trailing along the wall on his left as he makes his way forward. 
He walks for an indeterminate length of time. The sun overhead barely moves, but it feels like very early morning. The landscape remains unchanged. Just two large walls on either side that cage him in, until he stumbles literally across an opening. Well, actually it was the legs of someone huddled up against the wall in front of an opening. The jostled stranger grunts as Jimin composes himself.
“Ouch. Why don’t you watch where you’re going,” the grumpy stranger snarls.
“I’m so sorry. I was walking, and I didn’t even see you! Where did you even come from?”
“Me? I’ve been here this whole time. It’s you that came out of nowhere.”
Jimin scoffs. “Well, sorry. Look. I’m trying to get out of this place. Do you know where I am?” 
“I don’t even know who you are, so how should I know where you are?”
“My name is Jimin,” he extends a hand out of habit.
The stranger grasps his hand. “Woah, would you look at that. You’ve got some very nice rings, there, Jimin.” 
Jimin pulls back his hand and wipes it inconspicuously on his pant leg, “Yes, well. Thank you. I’m sorry but I didn’t catch your name.” 
“That’s because I didn’t say it.” The stranger smirks. “My name is Yoongi. And I’m just a simple troll who guards the entrance to the labyrinth by order of the Goblin Queen herself.” 
Jimin blinks. “I’m sorry. Troll? Goblin Queen? I must be dreaming.”
“No, I’m afraid to tell you this is very much real. But you don’t have to take my word for it. You see that hourglass over there? You have 24 hours before the sand is up. If you can’t reach the Goblin Queen’s castle in that time, then you’ll be stuck here forever… and that briefcase of yours will be hers.”
Wait a minute, briefcase? “How do you know about the briefcase?” Jimin crosses his arms suspiciously.
“Because she told me about it! Obviously!” Yoongi huffs his dark hair out of his face and rolls his eyes in exasperation. “Look, are you going to flap your jaws here all day? Time’s a’ wastin’. I’d get a move on if I were you.”
Jimin looks past Yoongi’s shoulder. The labyrinth continued on, but there was no way for him to know how to get to the Goblin Queen’s castle. He met Yoongi’s gaze. “Take me to her castle.”
“What?” Yoongi starts to laugh. “Wow. That was a good one. I almost believed you for a second.” 
“I’m serious. Take me there. You know the Queen so surely you know the way.”
Yoongi narrows his dark eyes. “And why should I take you there? Out of the goodness of my heart? The Queen will have my head if she finds out I helped you!”
Jimin folds his arms across his chest. Yoongi’s eyes flit down to the rings on his finger for a brief moment. It gives him an idea. “No, of course not. I’ll offer you a trade. My rings for your guidance.”
Yoongi’s face falters. “Who says I want those things?”
“Oh! Well, I guess that wasn’t a good trade then. Seeing as I have nothing left to offer, I guess I’ll just be on my way. Nice to meet you, Yoongi.” He waves his fingers in front of Yoongi’s face on purpose and sets off into the labyrinth. A few moments later he hears it:
Jimin smiles, then turns around. “Yes?” 
“I’ll do it. The trade. I’ll take your rings.” 
“Wonderful,” Jimin beams as he begins to slide the rings loose.
Yoongi hobbles over to him, and Jimin thinks he must have been sleeping there a long time. He snatches the rings from Jimin’s outstretched palm and places them gleefully in his own fingers. He flexes his fingers in the sunlight as he admires them. Satisfied, he squares his shoulders and looks Jimin in the eye. “Before we go, I have one thing to say.”
Jimin nods for him to continue.
“Remember this. Things in the labyrinth aren’t always what they seem. Wherever you came from… this place is very different. I can assure you.”
“Oh… kay. Well, thanks for the terrifying reminder. I will be sure to take care. Plus, I have you now. Right?” He smiles widely and claps Yoongi on the shoulder. 
“Yeah, yeah. Sure, sure. Just try to keep up,” Yoongi grumbles as he starts down the packed earth path.
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Jimin curses out loud as another low branch catches on his pant leg. As the path they walk on takes yet another winding curve, he can’t help but whine. “Is there no end in sight? God, I feel like I’ve been walking forever.” His feet land heavy on the packed dry earth.
“Well, this is a labyrinth. I’m not sure what to tell you,” Yoongi replies dryly.
“You could, I don’t know… lie to me? Tell me it’s over soon? Give me some hope of seeing the end?!”
Yoongi rolls his eyes. “And have to deal with the whining when you inevitably figure out the truth? No thanks. You’re lucky I’m even helping you, remember? The Queen will surely punish me when she finds out.” Yoongi’s lips quirk slightly as he imagines for a moment what sweet torment the Queen would plan for him.
Jimin opens his mouth to retort, but a primal yell stops them both in their tracks. It’s coming from up ahead, the same direction they’re supposed to be traveling. Jimin’s eyes find Yoongi’s, wide with an unspoken question. Before he can attempt to ask what the hell is going on, another yell can be heard, this time it sounds like one of pain. 
“Someone’s hurt!” Jimin yells before dashing off toward the sound. He hears Yoongi shout behind him but the message is scrambled and he’s too far gone to care. He jumps over gnarled roots, flies down the twisting, shaded labyrinthine path. Another wail, closer now, and he’s answering out, “Hold on! I’m coming!” He crashes into a clearing, eyes scanning the unexpected sight before him. Bodies, goblins of sorts, lie crumpled and groaning in a heap. They’re injured and broken, but that’s not what makes his eyes widen. The tall, chest heaving hunk of sweaty shirtless muscle is what takes his breath from him. “W-who are you?” Jimin’s voice sounds more afraid than he’d like it to. 
The beast turns toward him. Long black shaggy curls cover half of its face, but Jimin can feel its eyes on him. It straightens up to its full height and Jimin gulps as he scans it from head to toe. Two large, black gnarled horns sprout from its thick locks, a large rounded nose sits above pink sculpted lips. His jaw is set firm and determined. His shoulders, the widest part of him so far, are bare in the sunlight as is his torso. A silver ring decorates each nipple, and tattoos spiral down both arms and end at his fingers. His waist cinches in and is accentuated by his tight fitting black pants that strain under the hulk of his thighs. 
He’s breathtaking. 
The beast smirks and stalks towards Jimin. He starts from his staring with a shout and raises his fists. “Hey! Hey you! D-dont come closer! I’ll kick your ass!” 
The beast only chuckles and raises his fists in kind, but looks relaxed, as one does when they’re fighting a much weaker and pitiful opponent. 
“I’m warning you!” Jimin puffs out his chest to look more menacing. 
“Woah woah! Wait! Wait!” Yoongi’s voice cuts the tension and the fighters both relax their stance. Yoongi breaks up the scene but is so winded from running after Jimin that he needs a moment. He raises a finger into the air as he bends at the waist and holds onto a knee. “Phew. God. I hate. Hate. Running. Ugh.” He straightens up and wipes his brow. “Jimin, meet Jungkook. Jungkook, meet Jimin. Jimin is a friend. Okay?”
Jungkook’s shoulders sag, and all the fight leaves him. He flicks his hair out of his eyes and big, brown eyes twinkle in wonder as he opens his mouth to speak. “Friend?”
“Yes, Jungkook. He’s a friend,” Yoongi pants out, still trying to find his breath.
Jungkook turns towards Jimin and smiles brightly, his eyes crinkling adorably. “Friend!” he shouts and runs toward Jimin, gathering the smaller man up in his arms and hugging him tightly despite Jimin’s obvious struggling. 
“Nice… to meet… you too. Buddy.” Jimin croaks out, the breath nearly squashed from his lungs.
Jungkook beams and sets him back down. He’s all smiles as he looks back and forth between Jimin and Yoongi. He was so very glad to have another friend here. It was lonely in the labyrinth. And now he would have a new friend to beat up goblins with. It would be so much fun! 
Yoongi straightens up. “Well. I’m glad I was able to stop that from going down. Thank goodness. Jungkook is the nicest person in this forsaken place, can’t imagine what I would have done if I came onto the scene to see you laying a hand on him.” 
Jimin laughs. “What are you talking about? I wouldn’t have even landed a punch on him.” 
“Shame on you for even thinking of hitting our Jungkookie. He’s our soft baby. No one is allowed to hurt him.” 
Jimin smiles and shakes his head. “Aww, Yoongi. I’m starting to think the biggest soft baby in this place isn’t Jungkook, but you.” 
“What are you talking about? I’m vicious.”
“Yeah, sure. Says the guy who helps a stranger through a labyrinth even though he hates physical exercise and protects big muscle baby here from getting picked on.” Jimin’s eyes sparkle as Yoongi’s cheeks start to turn pink. Jimin can’t help but coo and try to pinch them. “Aww, are you blushing? You are! So cute! Oh I just want to hug you now!” He approaches Yoongi with open arms.
“No! Absolutely not! No hugging!”
“Too bad! I’m going to!”
“No! Don’t!!!” 
Poor Yoongi is too tired to evade Jimin for long, and winds up caged in the younger man’s arms. As soon as Jimin connects, the ground beneath the three of them begins to shake violently.
“What’s happening!” Jimin yells.
Jungkook looks around in panic.
“You idiot! I said no hugging!!!!” Yoongi bellows as the ground beneath them gives out and swallows the three of them up without a trace. 
A tiny worm inches across the ground that just moments ago had swallowed them whole. It shakes its little head and sighs in pity. “What a shame,” it squeaks. “Had they kept going along this path, they’d be at the Queen’s castle in no time.”
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The fall is only a moment, but it’s disorienting all the same. Jimin lands on a grassy knoll then rolls several feet before coming to a stop flat on his ass. He sits up, slowly, while groaning and trying to figure out where the hell they are. Yoongi and Jungkook are equally slow to get up, but seem to be otherwise unharmed. Jimin blinks, the area around him is nothing like he’s ever seen in the labyrinth before. It looks like a muggy swampland. Thick, murky water burbles and bubbles, and moss covered trees curl towards the sky with gnarled branches. It takes a deep breath to calm himself, and nearly wretches. The stench of death and flatulence and all things rotten slides into his nostrils and decides to make a permanent home there. 
Jimin turns towards his companions. “What is that SMELL?” 
“That,” Yoongi sighs, pinching his nose, “is the bog of eternal stench.” 
“Smells bad!” Jungkook wails pathetically.
Yoongi extends a hand to poor Jungkook and helps him stand. Jimin stands as well, and wonders if he should breathe through his mouth and risk tasting the foul air, or if he should just give up and suffocate right there and then. 
“I’m never hugging you again,” Jimin pouts.
“Preferable, honestly.” 
Yoongi walks to the edge of the swamp and surveys the situation. He frowns as Jungkook and Jimin join him on either side. “Do you see that?” He points at the far end of the swampy bog. “There’s a bridge that leads out of here. The only problem is-”
“How do we get to it?” Jimin finishes Yoongi’s question.
“That… I don’t know,” Yoongi ponders deep in thought. 
“Why can’t we just swim across?” 
Yoongi looks at Jimin, “It’s not a bad idea except that, well, you’d drown. This muck is as thick as quicksand. Once you go in, you never get out.”
Jimin swallowed. He was willing to trust Yoongi on this one. “Well, could we make a boat?”
“Hmmm,” Yoongi answers noncommittally and continues to stew in his thoughts.
Jimin chews on his lip. “What do you think, Jungkook?” There’s no answer. Not even a grunt. Panic sets off in his gut. Oh no, did the poor guy wander off and get sucked into the bog? “Hey, Yoongi. Where’s Jungkook?”
“Hmm? Oh. He walked off over there, somewhere.” Yoongi’s hand waves off in the direction of Jungkook’s travel, and then he goes right back to sitting in his thoughts, muttering to himself. 
Jimin jogs off in search of the man of few words. It was crazy to think that just a bit ago, Jimin was about to fight him and now he’s worried for his safety. The labyrinth works in strange ways like that - you can meet someone and suddenly they become your lifelong best friend. Jimin continued along the waterline, carefully tip-toeing over tree roots and making sure not to step too close to the water’s edge. The bog still reeked of death, and there was no getting used to the smell. He pushed through low lying branches and bushes, hoping the big lug would show himself at any moment. “Jungkook? Where are you?” He waited for a response. Nothing. His shoulders slumped. If he went too far, would he be able to find his way back to Yoongi? He looked back nervously the way he came. Resolve took hold in his gut. No, it didn’t matter. He was going to find Jungkook, and then they could look for Yoongi together. He nodded and pushed onward. 
The sound of Jungkook’s laughter breaks through the symphony of the swamp. Jimin sighs in relief and starts off in its direction. “Jungkook! Hey! Where are you? Answer me!” The laughter gets louder and Jimin breaks into a run, and after pushing through some thick underbrush, he stumbles into a little beach of sorts on the bog. Jungkook turns and stares at him in surprise.
“Yeah! Why didn’t you answer me? I kept calling your name. We were looking for you. You can’t just run off like that.” Jimin huffs in annoyance, brushing sticks out of his silver hair. He stops and looks around. There’s not a soul to be seen. “Who were you laughing with, Jungkook?”
Jungkook points to the boulders on the shoreline. “Rocks!”
“You… were laughing at the… rocks?” 
Jungkook nods and smiles. “With the rocks,” he corrects.
“...Right. Okay. Well. Um, we should probably get back to Yoongi. We’re trying to figure out how to get across this place to the other side. Say goodbye to the rocks.”
Jungkook waves enthusiastically to the rocks, then follows Jimin back to Yoongi, who from the looks of things has decided to give up from the way he sits dejectedly on his rump with his nose pinched. “It’s hopeless,” he declares. “There’s no way to get across this place. Might as well just… wallow.”
“What? No! I refuse to wallow.” Jimin puts his hands on his hips and surveys the surroundings. “What if… What if we used something to cross, like… a tree branch or something.” 
“And how are you going to cut down some branches? Do you have an axe on you?” Yoongi sasses.
“Well, no. But… I’m sure there’s some fallen branches somewhere.”
“Already checked.”
“Ugh!” Jimin plops down next to Yoongi. “This is awful.”
“If I hug you again, would we leave this place?” Jimin starts to wrap his arm around Yoongi’s shoulders.
“Please, don’t touch me,” he flinches but doesn’t push Jimin off him when he goes in for a one armed hug.
“Well, it was worth a try,” Jimin sighed, and looked back out to the bog. He narrowed his eyes. Something was different. He heard Jungkook giggling again with some large stones and rocks and then it hit him. Those rocks weren’t there before! “Hey, Jungkook!”
The shaggy haired man turned around.
“Where did those rocks come from?”
Jungkook pointed at the boggy water. “From the swamp!”
Jimin and Yoongi looked at each other. “Jungkook,” Jimin continued, “did you pull them out of the swamp?”
“No! Rocks come when I call for them.” 
Yoongi grabs Jimin’s shoulder. “We could use them as stepping stones across the swamp! Hey! Jungkookie, could you ask the rocks to make a path for us across the swamp? We want to get the bridge over there.”
Jungkook puts his hand over his brow and squints at the bridge, then turns around and flashes them a big smile. “Of course! The rocks are my friends!” He then whistles a short little tune and suddenly the rocks begin to rumble and roll towards the water. Jimin jumps to his feet in wonderment as rocks and boulders from all directions roll and tumble over the landscape and into the marsh. Some bubble up from the murky depths below. Soon enough there is a neat little path that leads from one side to the other. The trio quickly makes their way across the stones, and once on the other side they rush towards the bridge.
“Come on, it’s just over this bridge and then we’re out of here,” Yoongi shouts. 
The sound of a sword being unsheathed slices through the air. “Halt,” a deep voice bellows. 
They skid to a halt.
“Not so fast,” the stranger declares as he steps into view. 
“Who are you?” Jimin blurts out before he can think twice.
“Who am I? You don’t know of the great, the brave, the fashionable Sir Taehyung?” The stranger, Sir Taehyung is just as confused as they are. He sheathed his sword. “I can’t believe you’ve never heard of me.” He pouts adorably, looking less like a knight and more like a kid who’s just been told fairytales aren’t real. Jimin takes him in - Taehyung is dressed smartly in a tan, billowy shirt tucked into black slacks, which in turn are tucked into worn leather boots. Around his waist his scabbard hangs, bejeweled in scarlet rubies and navy sapphires. His thick dark hair is styled longer in the back than in the front, and is curled and waved in a way that looks dashing. Atop his head is a hat that is punctuated with a long, thin, ruby red tail of a bird. He looks every part of the knight in shining armor except… he doesn’t have the armor. 
“I’m very sorry, Sir Taehyung,” Jimin steps forward. “But I’m new here. My name is Jimin, and this is Yoong and Jungkook. I was led here by the Goblin Queen, and she sent us to this dreadful place. We just want to get out.”
Sir Taehyung nods. “Hmm, a very sad story. Still. I can’t let you cross. It’s my duty to protect this bridge. None shall cross without my permission.”
Jimin pauses for a moment, then decides to test his luck. “Well then. May we have your permission?”
Sir Taehyung opens his mouth. Then closes it. He furrows his brow deep in thought. “Well. I suppose. No one has ever asked before. But well, why not?” He smiles wide, a large box-like grin and gestures for the trio to pass. “You may cross the bridge!” 
“Thank you!” Jimin smiles. Jungkook and Yoongi head over first, but Jimin stops halfway across. It felt wrong to leave the knight there all alone. Something in his heart decided he should invite him along for the journey. “Hey, Sir Taehyung. Why don’t you come with us?”
Taehyung blinked in surprise. “Me? But… I… the bridge?”
“We’re going on a quest to defeat the labyrinth and Goblin Queen. We could surely use your skills along the way?” Yoongi and Jungkook crossed back and stood with Jimin now, nodding encouragingly at the knight.
He blushed a little, “Well, I suppose I could help. Knights should always help those in need, after all.” He looked around at the bog, the bridge, the place he had protected for as long as he could remember. No one had ever come by until today. Perhaps it would be years before someone would again. He nodded. “Right, well. I shall join your company, and help you defeat this evil Goblin Queen. Or I shall die trying.” He bowed respectfully, tipping his hat off in the process. He grabbed it off the ground and stood back up. “Ahem. Well. Lead the way, Jimin, Yoongi, and Jungkook.”
Jungkook smiled, “New friend!”
Sir Taehyung’s lip quirked into a shy smile. “Yes, I suppose I am.”
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Your sultry voice in his ear sends a shiver down his spine. He hates it. Hates how badly you affect him. Jimin, Jungkook, and Sir Taehyung are up ahead, taking a rest and chatting while Yoongi was supposed to be taking a bathroom break in the dense woods. Then you showed up. 
“What do you want?” He spits out, trying to sound gruff. It’s cute how tough he’s trying to be.
Choosing to ignore his attitude for the moment, you continue. “I want you to give our Jimin a little something from me.”
Yoongi crosses his arms and turns his head. He looks so much like a petulant child that you almost bark out a laugh. You manage a cough at the last moment. “Ahem. Come on, Yoongi baby, don’t be like this.”
His eyes glance over at you for a second, before he turns away again. “No. Why don’t you do it yourself.” 
You click your tongue. “Stop being a little brat. You know I can’t give him anything in person. That ruins the fun.” When he doesn’t budge you let out a sigh. “Are you jealous?”
Yoongi takes the bait. “...No.” 
You raise your eyebrow. 
Your silence makes him sweat. He breaks. “I just don’t understand why you need more.”
“There it is.”
“You’ve already got me. And…Seokjin. Namjoon. Why him? He’s just a dramatic brat.”
You crack a smile at that. “Oh? I would say it takes one to know one.” 
Yoongi whines. “Exactly! So why do you need another one?”
“Because,” you saunter forward and tap his nose, “I quite like the idea of punishing two little brats. Sounds fun, doesn’t it?” 
“...I guess. But why do I have to do it? Why can’t I just stay in the castle with you?”
“Awww, is someone jealous? Well, maybe you should have thought of that before you touched yourself without permission last week. I told you I’d have to punish you.” His expression sours at having been put in place. “Now, give him this.” You pull a soft, delectable peach from thin air. Yoongi snatches it and tucks it away in his vest.
“Is it poisoned?” He tries to ask without sounding too excited.
“Oh god, no. I just wanted to give him a little boost. I was quite impressed with his show of strength against Jungkook, and with how quickly he was able to get out of the bog.” You sigh wistfully as your eyes drool over Jungkook’s body. “I do wish the little sweet wasn’t so terrified of me.” 
“I don’t think he’d survive you,” Yoongi sniffs.
“I think it’s the other way around, darling.” Yoongi pulls a face. You turn to vanish back to the castle. “Don’t forget to give that to him, baby. If you do well, I’ll consider your punishment over.” The tinkle of your giggles rings in the air long after you’re gone, teasing Yoongi and making him huff.
“Fine. I guess I will.” He fights the curl of his lips that threaten to smile as he turns and joins up the rest of the party.
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The hot sun beats overhead. How many hours has it been since entering? Does time even exist here? Jimin lets his body collapse, first onto his knees and then back on his rear. He kicks his feet out. 
“I’m just so tired!” He whines.
Yoongi rolls eyes and mutters something about a drama queen, but it goes undetected by Jimin. He takes a seat on a nearby rock and begins to fiddle with his rings, smiling softly at them. “You know,” he muses, fingering the delicate silverwork of his new favorite, “you could just, I don’t know. Stop whining so much. No one’s made it this far into the labyrinth before. Consider yourself lucky you’re not dead.” 
Jimin furrows his brow. “I’ve been walking for ages, and I’m so hungry that I’m sure I’ll die of starvation at this point. Not that you care.” He pauses, a thought runs across his face and he sits up, eyes now narrowed in suspicion. “Yoongi.”
The tone of his voice makes the troll pause and slowly turn his head towards Jimin. 
“Why aren’t you hungry? Do trolls not eat?”
“Uh. Um. Well, we do, but-”
“So then, what. Have you been snacking without me? What the hell?”
“No! I haven’t-”
“What’s in all those pockets anyway? No one wears a stupid vest like that unless they’ve got snacks in their pockets. Share. Now.”
Yoongi crosses his arms protectively over his chest and vest as Jimin stalks toward him, a murderous hangry glint in his eyes. “Wait! No!” He protests but Jimin is already patting him down, feeling for anything - a cracker, a crumb, something. Soon enough, he finds it. The round globe of a peach that Yoongi had been hiding from him. 
“What is this?” Jimin fumes. 
“You don’t want to eat it.” Yoongi gulps. 
“Like hell I don’t! I’m starving.” His hand dives in for the peach but Yoongi grabs his wrist with surprising force. “What are you doing? At least you could share it!”
Yoongi chews on his lip, and then meets Jimin’s eyes. “Are you sure you want to eat this peach?”
Jimin screws up his face in disbelief. “Uhhh? What the hell? Yes! I’m hungry!”
Yoongi sighs, heavy and full of burden. It’s no ordinary peach, but of course he can’t say that. The Queen would have his head. He grimaces as he pulls the fruit from his vest pocket. It’s a beautiful specimen - perfectly ripe, a gorgeous hue of orange and coral, and the sweet smell of its juicy innards perfume the air. It’s mouthwatering and enticing - just as the Queen intended.
Jimin snatches it from Yoongi’s outstretched hand. “How could you hold out on me like this?!”
But Yoongi stays silent, watching him devour the fruit with a strange twinge of some unfamiliar emotion in his gut. For a brief moment he wonders what this means. Could he have started to care for this poor, wayward soul? A loud thud breaks him out of his thoughts. The remains of the peach rolls along the ground, stopping against his boot. Yoongi grunts down at it, then shrugs, and the feelings he wondered about disappeared as quickly as they came. 
“What happened to Jimin!” Sir Taehyung rushes over and begins to check the pulse against Jimin’s limp wrist. 
“He’s fine. Sleeping. Just ate a bewitched peach. It will wear off in a little while. For now I suggest we all just relax and wait for him to wake up.” Yoongi adjusts himself into a suitable position for a snooze. His fingers hypnotically stroke his rings until he’s snoring peacefully. Taehyung and Jungkook decide to follow suit, and soon, they begin to doze in the afternoon sun.
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Jimin gasps, suddenly transplanted into an unfamiliar place. He blinks his eyes. The air around him is hazy, and his mind feels fuzzy. It feels like a dream, but he knows he isn’t dreaming. Right? The haze pulls back and his body is revealed in a full length mirror that wraps around him on all four sides. What he sees reflected back confuses him - it’s him, but not how he remembers himself. He steps closer to the mirror. The crisp sound of dress shoes clack across the hardwood floor. He stops and examines himself. His silver hair is swept effortlessly back off his face, his eyes are smoked out in soft hues of brown, and one rhinestone is placed delicately under each eye. His full lips are soft pink, a light sheen of tint on them. He lifts his hands and marvels at his clothing. All white. His shirt is almost sheer, the gauzy fabric is cool and soft over his skin, and is tucked neatly into white slacks that fit tightly to his legs.
A laugh breaks his concentration, and he whips his head around, the silver pendant earrings dangling from the quickness of his movement. The mirrored walls are now gone and he finds himself in the middle of a lively ballroom. Men and women and other creatures wear masks that hide their faces, but they don’t seem to be bothered by his sudden appearance. Some dance. Some drink champagne. Some hang on the bodies of others, their hands groping in obvious debauchery. The whole scene is dizzying and intoxicating. Chandeliers and jewels sparkle overhead. Tables laden with food and drink invite him to imbibe. Jimin steps forward into the ballroom and is folded into the mix of bodies and merriment. He goes to grasp a crystal champagne flute, but stops short. Warmth runs down his spine like liquid gold, as if painted on his skin with a lover’s caress. He shivers, eyes fluttering for the briefest of moments, and then he turns to see you, the Goblin Queen.
You’re surrounded by party-goers but all of your attention is on him. Jimin swallows under your intense gaze. Dressed in all black, your costume for the evening amplifies your power which radiates off of you in waves. You stand from your place of honor and Jimin swears the whole party seems to fade away. You smirk and tilt your head, and then lift a finger to beckon him closer. He takes one step, two, and then crashes into the shoulder of someone dancing, knocking him off course. When he regains his footing, he’s lost you in the crowd again. With annoyance he pushes on. Can’t these people see that you’ve called for him? He weaves between dancing bodies. His patience grows thin. Why? He doesn’t know. Jimin feels he must get to you anyway he can, but try as he might he just can’t find you. He slumps and exhales to blow off steam. Where are you?
“Caught you, pretty.” A melodious voice rings lowly in his ear. Yours. He tries to turn around but your fingers wrap around his hip. “Ah, ah. You’ll stay put. Let me admire you.” 
He chews on his plush bottom lip as your hand drops away from his body, and you pull back to gaze at the glorious view his back holds. A smile curls your lips up and you slink around to his front, taking slow steps to allow your eyes to drink him in. Jimin squirms. He’s not in control, but he’s quickly finding out he doesn’t hate this. By the time you round his front, he’s itching to hear your thoughts. Did you like what you saw? Was he good enough for you? He’d be anything you wanted him to be. He can’t help but let his eyes wander down your body, appreciating the way your dress hugs your body. The dips and valleys he wants to sink his fingers into. His fingers curl into fists at his side. 
You giggle, and it sounds like twinkling diamonds in his ears. Your index finger catches under his chin, and you lift his gaze up to meet yours. “I can tell you’re dying to touch me, Jimin.” He gulps. “Why don’t you dance with me, then?” He nods obediently and steps forward to pull your waist against him. His hand splays across your lower back and you feel his fingers press into the curve of your spine. Your chest pushes against his as he takes a step and leads you into a waltz. He’s beautiful up close. Perfection. You smile at your luck in luring him into your labyrinth. But he wasn’t yours yet. He still needed to find you in your castle. 
“Jimin.” His name sighs past your lips. “Do you know who I am?”
He nods. “I do.” He voices his thready reply.
“Say it.”
“You’re the Goblin Queen.”
You grin. “So smart.” He twirls you into his arms as he preens. “Now indulge me,” you resume as the steps pick back up, “do you wish to see me in private? Without all these eyes around?” Your smirk insinuates the pleasures you could show him.
Jimin feels entranced. “Yes,” he answers without thinking. 
The music stops but you don’t pull away. You cup his cheek and bring your face closer to his, and you can feel the warm puff of his breath as it escapes his lips with a shudder. “Then come find me,” you whisper against his lips. You pull back, and begin to walk backwards. “Wake up, and come to me, Jimin. I’m waiting.”
Jimin frowns. “Wake up?” 
The sound of glass cracking pierces the moment, and with a jump he looks around. The party around him begins to break apart like shards of mirror, distorting the once beautiful party into a horrific sight. “No!” He cries. “Wait! How will I find you?” But you are nowhere to be found. He tries to run, but can’t move forward. And then he feels himself slipping, slipping, until everything goes black.
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“Do you think the poor lad will wake up,” Sir Taehyung muses, cleaning his monocle against his fine silk shirt. 
Yoongi grunts in his sleep, not bothering to open his eyes. “S’fine. She said it wouldn’t kill him, anyhow.” He readjusts and yawns. “Let’s just enjoy the peace and quiet while we-”
“Look!” Jungkook points towards Jimin, who now begins to twitch to life. 
“So much for a long nap,” Yoongi grumbles, as Jungkook and Sir Taehyung rush to Jimin’s side. They attempt to help him up, but Jimin shoots up with a gasp and exclaims, “I must get to the castle!”
Sir Taehyung and Jungkook blink at each other. “Are you,” Sir Taehyung starts, and then shakes his head, “you do realize the Goblin Queen just tried to poison you? Are you sure?”
Jungkook looks worried and shakes his head.
“I don’t care what you think, I have to get there. As fast as I can!” He scrambles to stand up but his legs aren’t working yet and he crashes into Jungkook, who easily steadies his body and holds him upright. Jimin struggles in his grip.
“Jimin, I really don’t think it’s a good idea-” Sir Taehyung starts.
“-Let him go.”
They all turn to look at Yoongi, who speaks with such resignation that it renders them silent. Jungkook blinks his wide eyes a few times as if to process what his friend just said, but soon his hands fall from Jimin’s shoulders. Jimin rubs at the skin tenderly, his eyebrows furrowing and lips pouting at the strength of Jungkook’s grip. Yoongi hops down from his perch on the rock, all eyes on him as he silently makes off down the path. He stops for a moment and calls out, not bothering to turn around, “Are you going to follow me, or what?” then continues down the path. Jungkook and Sir Taehyung exchange bewildered glances, but Jimin nearly trips over his own feet as he goes to follow Yoongi. He’s practically skipping circles around Yoongi as they walk off down the path. Jungkook sighs and shakes his head. 
“Yeah, I know. I’m worried about him, too,” Sir Taehyung admits. His hand grips Jungkook’s bare shoulder in comfort. “But, what can we do? He’s made up his mind. Let’s just see that he gets to the castle safely, alright?”
Jungkook nods solemnly. “Yeah,” his voice is quiet, but clear. “I’m just afraid we’ll be meeting the Queen, too, if we get too close.” He chews on his lip, a worried habit of his. “I’ve never met her before, Tae. What if she tries to...” his eyes dart around and then he lowers his voice, “...curse us?”
Sir Taehyung shrugs as his eyes focus on Yoongi’s retreating back. “I’ve never met her before, either. But Yoongi told me that the Queen is someone you’d wish you’d never meet, because after you do, your mind and body are never right again unless she makes it so.” He shivers. “I didn’t have the heart to ask him what he meant after that, he looked so tormented.” 
“Ah, that sounds so scary!”
Sir Taehyung stares at the path towards the castle. “Yes, it does. I think one of these days I will have to go to the castle and deal with the Queen myself. I am, afterall, a knight!” He squares his shoulders and valiantly marches off. Jungkook watches in awe as his friend in figurative shining armor walks bravely towards the castle. He nods resolutely and scrambles to catch up.
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The walk to the castle isn’t as long as Jimin thought it would be. Once they cleared the thick maze of woods, the path opened up to a clearing that revealed the castle in all its splendor. The company all stopped and looked on in awe. Towers of crystal and white stone gleamed in the sun. The grounds that surrounded the castle were beautifully landscaped. There were flowers of every type and color imaginable, perfectly frozen in full bloom by what Jimin guessed had to be by the power of your magic. There were no guards. No gates that kept people out. Only an open invitation inside. The thought made his heart race. He wanted to run the rest of the way and into the castle, but Yoongi spoke before his legs could move.
“Well. This is where we say goodbye.” Yoongi turned toward Jimin and held his hand out, Jimin’s rings glittering on his fingers. 
Jimin smiled at his outstretched hand. “You speak as if we’ll never see each other again. But we know that’s not the case, right?” He takes Yoongi’s hand and shakes it.
“Hmph. You’ve grown to be pretty full of yourself in a short amount of time. What makes you think I want to see you again?” The smile on Yoongi’s face betrays his brusque words.
Jimin shakes his head and turns toward Sir Taehyung. “Thank you, for all your help Sir Taehyung. If not for your bravery and kindness, I would have probably killed Yoongi long ago-” 
“-Why you little-”
“-I hope we can see each other soon,” Jimin continues, despite Yoongi’s grumbles. 
Sir Taehyung balks. “But, shouldn’t we go inside with you?”
Jimin shakes his head. “No, I need to… Want to face her alone.”
“But why?”
Jimin smiles. “Because… that’s the way I like to do things.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes.
“Alright,” Sir Taehyung agrees, “if that’s the way you want to do it, then that’s the way it must be done. But should you need us…”
“Yes, should you need us...,” Jungkook steps forward.
“Don’t worry,” Jimin smirks. “I won’t need you. But should things get exhausting, I suppose I could call.”
Sir Taehyung and Jungkook exchange bewildered expressions. “Right,” Yoongi waves his hands and pushes Jimin at the back. “Get a move on lover boy. The Queen is waiting for you, and she doesn’t like it when her guests are late.”
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The inside of the castle is dark, despite the sun shining only moments before he stepped through the cool walls. Jimin’s eyes strain to adjust to the dim light, scanning the room. He can’t say he’s ever been inside a castle before, but it’s just what he would have pictured. Giant, orante rooms filled with large furniture and decadent furnishings, everything gold and shining and ethereal. 
He isn’t sure where to go, but that doesn’t stop him. His feet lead him on the path that feels right, a pull of an invisible thread. As he climbs a set of stairs, he rounds a corner before he's in front of a heavyweight door, embellished with gold, red, and black swirling designs. His gut told him you would be waiting behind it, and his hand raises in anticipation of a knock.
Instead, it swings open, beckoning him inside. This room wasn’t any brighter than the others, however a copious amount of pillar candles have been lit, edging around the base of the room. 
And in the center is you.
Adorning your true self to greet your guest, you had spared no expense in preparing for Jimin’s arrival. Plush lips were painted blood red, eyes lined with dark kohl, your body draped in midnight silk. You were a vision, and you knew it. 
Blinking, he squints, heart racing. “Are… are you.. Her?”
Instead of a response, he feels the air change, an electricity licking up his spine. Every nerve from his head to the tips of his toes lights up as you saunter closer, his vision clearing just as you step before him.
He sucks air between his teeth. You’re beautiful.
Beautiful and powerful and terrifying, all at once, and Jimin feels like his heart will beat out of his chest.
“I am the Goblin Queen, yes,” you purr, stepping into his inseam. A single manicured finger reaches out to trace the bottom of his pout, the nail leaving a reddened path to his mouth. “You have seen me before, in many forms - but not my true one.”
The fox. He hadn’t thought about the shining silver creature in what seems like days, but at your words it all came rushing back, how he got here, what the little vixen had stolen from him…
His briefcase. 
As if his thought summoned it out of thin air, he notes it off to the side of the room, resting safely on top of an ornate desk to your right. It was in pristine condition, not a single scratch on the leather, but he couldn’t seem to focus on that. His attention kept being drawn back to you. 
Jimin forces his gaze away from your sparkling irises, instead roaming over your body in a full assessment. Stunning, he thinks, the way your black skin tight silk dress hugs every line of your form, the way you’re soft in all the right places, skin luminous. He feels like a moth drawn to flame, a helpless creature finally falling into your trap, right where you want him. 
A small voice in the back of his mind told him that he should be scared; should be nervous as to what it means that he was in your clutches, after surviving the trials you had forced him into. Yoongi and the others had told him just how dangerous you were, all the wicked things you had done. His guard should be up - he should be looking for a way to grab the briefcase, escape, be ready to battle - but instead he just felt the blood rushing to his groin at the way you were looking at him like he was your next meal.
“What do you think?” 
Blinking, it takes Jimin a moment to realize you’ve asked a question. “I think… I think you’re amazing,” he breathes, earning him a small smile. 
“I’m so glad you think so, sweet boy.” Your breath was warm on his cheek, and Jimin felt drunk on your voice alone. “I did this all for you, you know.”
When he didn’t answer, seemingly too awestruck, you continue. “Stealing your briefcase. Bringing you here, the trials, the friends you made along the way - coming to me now. It was all for you Jimin, all by design.” 
Draping your arms around his shoulders, you remain still for a moment before dragging your hands down his body until they were laced on top of his own. You place them around your waist, squeezing once to make sure he maintains the hold before going back to encircle his neck. 
Leaning closer, your lips ghost the shell of his ear. “So tell me again… do you like it?”
Jimin gulps, swallowing thickly around the lump in his throat. His lungs feel like they’re going to burst, his eyes rolling back before closing. He didn’t know what was happening, what you want from him, but he knew he didn’t want to stop.
“Y-yes, I like it....” He stumbles, trying to find the right word. “Your Majesty?”
Your answering giggle sounded like the tinkling of bells, and Jimin wonders if he’s ever heard a laugh sound that pretty before.
“You can call me that,” you murmur, returning to your feet to stare into his warm gaze. “Or, if you’re really good, you can call me Y/N.”
“Y/N,” he tries, the name feeling odd on his tongue yet making sense once said aloud. It fit you somehow, this otherworldly being, this goddess queen who had brought him here…
His brow furrows, and he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth. Why had you brought him here? He was no one, nothing special, just a stupid man who made an arrogant wish in a moment of weakness. He wasn’t worth all of this trouble. So why?
As if you can read his mind, you grasp his jaw gently in your palm, forcing his eyes back on your own. “What are you thinking in that pretty head of yours, hmm?”
“I just - I’m trying to make sense of it all,” His tongue darts out to wet his lips. “Why someone like you would bring me here? Would want me?” 
Cupping his face, you cluck your tongue, shaking your head. “Of course I would want you, don’t think such dreadful things about yourself. I won’t have it.”
Jimin nods and you give him a smile, thumb still tracing over the delicate bone in his cheek. “I wanted you for the same reason I want anything - because I’m a collector of pretty things,” you tap his nose playfully, before moving to caress his plush pout. 
“And you, my dear Jimin, are very pretty.”
Taking a step back, you let your hand fall to his chest, moving to walk around him in a slow circle, a predator assessing her prey. “You’re pretty, and brave, and strong. Kind. The others took to you so quickly. Yoongi was so protective, so jealous - after a mere day.  You’re a good man, with a good heart. Passed all the trials with ease.”
Arriving back in front of him, you follow the line of his collarbone to his shoulders, kneading the muscle there before pressing your chest against his own. “I want to spoil you, make you feel good. Don’t you think you deserve a reward for all your hard work?”
Jimin shivers, your statements sinking deep into his mind. It didn’t make sense; how he had come here to defeat you, to demand to go home, and now… now all he can think about is pleasing you. Intoxicating, that’s what you are - with words dripping with honey and hands that can’t seem to stop touching him - and the idea of you continuing to do so makes him ache with need. 
“Yes,” he croaks, voice thick. “I want that.”
An exquisite, almost sinister smirk tugs the edge of your lips. “Good boy.”
He’s being guided further into your chambers before he can speak another word, stumbling over his own feet until the backs of his legs hit something soft, yet firm. 
The edge of the bed. 
A gentle push has him plopping down, his body boneless as he watches you in wonderment, your every move captivating him completely. He stares hungrily as you let your hands explore his abdomen, one leg raising to hitch over his hip.
“Is it okay if I sit here?” 
“Y-yes. Yes please,” 
And then you’re in his lap, and his senses are in overload as he breathes you in, feels your warmth through the confines of his clothes. You haven’t even kissed him, yet Jimin feels arousal pooling low in his gut at how you feel on top of him. He wants to kiss you, wants to dig his fingers into the flesh on your hips, but instead he stays still, waiting for your next move.
“First things first, let’s get rid of this,” you breathe, yanking the cotton shirt over his head and tossing it behind you. 
Bare before you, you lick your lips at the sight of his golden chest, his toned stomach. Manicured nails rake through his silvered hair, lulling his eyes close as you lean forward, nose lightly grazing his own. In this moment, Jimin can’t think of anything else - what got him here, what he’s gone through - only you, only how much he wants to feel your lips on his own. 
And then the space between you is gone - your mouth eager, sliding his bottom lip between your teeth as your tongue seeks its mate. He reciprocates with a groan, frozen hands now free and grasping at your waist in his desire to taste you, to feel you deeper. You smile against his mouth at his boldness, drinking in the way the lust builds in the air between you, fueling your fervor. 
You allow him to continue the passionate kiss for several moments, enjoying the sweetness of his tongue in your mouth before pulling away, chest heaving. 
Jimin tries to chase your lips, making you giggle as you refrain from giving in. Instead you click your tongue, chastising him. “Ah ha, behave yourself,” you croon, watching as his gaze darkens. “I’m supposed to be giving you a treat, remember?”
“But kissing you is a treat, please-”
“Oh, listen to that. What good manners.” You twist back, reaching for something beside the bed that Jimin can’t see. “I’ll give you what you want, don’t worry.” 
Righting yourself, he sees what you’ve grabbed - a long, midnight black silk ribbon, the matching companion to your dress, about the width of his hand. You drag the material against his exposed skin, delighting in the shiver it sends down his spine. 
“But first, I’m going to tie your hands. You touch me when I say you can.” It’s a demand, not a request, but you pause, giving him a chance to speak up. When he nods, you reward him with a wide smile, arranging his arms around his back.
It’s torture, feeling you pressed up against him while you bind him, your hands working deftly despite not being able to have a good view around his body. He feels the tickle of the excess fabric as you finish it off into a bow, arms flexing to test the strength of the bind - which was more secure than he expected. 
“There,” you sigh, arranging yourself back on his lap. “You look like a pretty present, all tied up for me like this.” 
Jimin gulps visibly, his pants becoming impossibly tight against his growing length. He could feel the desperation to have you build, your tease slowly becoming torture. 
“Yes, all for you, Y/N… your majesty.” 
Wrapping your hands around his neck, you rock your hips forward, moaning when you feel his hardness beneath you. Jimin whines, pelvis raising in attempts to recreate the pressure. 
“Please, please touch me… I’m being so good…” he’s babbling, but he can’t make himself care, almost delirious in his need. “Right?”
“You are,” you murmur, writhing against his bulge once more. “So good, Jiminie.”
This time when you meet his lips, you take your time, pressing chaste closed mouth kisses over every inch of his mouth before taking it deeper, your tongue taking it’s time to savor his taste. The passion from before was still there, just more tempered, lips moving languidly as if you had all the time in the world to explore him. 
A gentle shove is all it takes to have Jimin falling onto his back, wincing at the weight on his trapped wrists. Nipping at his lip, you pull the flesh between your teeth before trailing down his form, pausing to nuzzle at his neck. 
He’s panting as you lick and suck blossoms on the base of his throat, hips rising to undulate against you. You allow it, enjoying his blatant wanton desire for you, the way it makes your panties cling to your center. Having the beautiful man pliant under your fingertips made you flush, dominance coursing through your veins, re-energizing your soul.
Sliding down, you continue your path, pausing to admire and lavish his abdomen with affection, arousal building at each noise he rewarded you with. Jimin certainly wasn’t afraid to be vocal, and it was something you didn’t know you were missing; something you certainly never got much of with Yoongi. It was delicious,to have him moan and whine your name, and you couldn’t wait to take him in your mouth to see what pretty music he’d make for you then.
Sharpened nails play with the elastic at his waist, a deft hand unbuttoning his slacks to begin to drag them down his legs. Hunger burned in your throat at the thought of seeing him naked, tied and splayed before you, at your mercy willingly. But it’s as you are slipping his briefs down his form that Jimin raises his head to look at you, eyebrows pinched.
“Is there something wrong, sweet boy?”
He gulps, as if he’s been drowning and has finally breached the surface for air. “No no, nothing’s wrong.. It’s just… I don’t,”
Hushing him, you rub soothing circles on his bare thighs. “It’s okay, love. We have all the time in the world, there’s no rush, no pressure. We can stop at any time-”
“No! I don’t want to stop!” his eyes are wide, earnest. “It’s just, I was thinking… and what happens after? After all this?” 
His voice is so genuine, sincerity in every word, and it takes you a moment to stop from giggling at how serious he looks while half naked and tied up on your bed. 
Instead you give a reassuring smile, rising up to meet his eyes. “Whatever you want, Jiminie. You aren’t a prisoner. You made it through the labyrinth, beat all the challenges laid before you. When we’re finished, I can return you home - right back into bed, if you so wish.” 
“And what if,” he pauses, breaking your gaze and looking down. “What if I don’t want to leave?”
The question surprises you, but in a thrilling way that has your heart racing. You had never thought he’d want to stay, amongst you and the others, become yours for eternity. But it was an appetizing thought.
“Then don’t.” 
Gliding back down over his lap, you rip the remaining fabric blocking him from your vision, his cock throbbing and glistening at it’s reddened tip. Tracing a finger up his length, you collect some of his arousal from his leaking tip, before bringing it up to your lips. 
Locking eyes, you send the silent command for him to not look away before popping the digit into your mouth, humming lowly at the taste. 
Jimin’s answering groan is almost feral, pupils lust blown and pleading. 
“Shall I continue?”
He nods frantically, babbles of “yes” and “please” still echoing around the room as you return to his length, stroking it softly, pressing your lips gently at the junction of his hip.
The slow pace gave you a chance to fully admire him like this; flushed, tied up, painfully hard under your touch. His cock was every bit as pretty as he was - not too long but wonderfully thick, with a slight curve up towards his belly. 
“You’re so beautiful, Jiminie,” you murmur between kisses, tongue flicking out to swirl at his tip. “Beautiful and delicious.”
It’s then that you sink him deeper on to the bed of your tongue, encircling your lips around him. Slowly you drag up and down, lowering a bit more on his length at each pass until you’ve swallowed him completely, moaning. 
“Oh god,” he whines, his pelvis rising to thrust against you. “You feel so good, Y/N.”
His words spur you on and you kick up the pace, bobbing on him until he’s squirming against the bed, lost to his pleasure. Seeing him in this state fuels your arousal, the wetness between your legs now accompanied with a throbbing need to be filled. You want nothing more than to straddle his waist and slip him inside of you, feel him fully - but not yet. You want to savor him for just a bit longer.
A free hand comes to cup his balls as you work him over with your mouth, squeezing them slightly, and he cries out your name. “If you keep doing that, I’m gonna cum.”
Smirking, you pull him out of your mouth with a lewd pop. “What if that’s what I want?” your hand comes to replace your lips, gliding up and down his salvia slickened length. “What if I want you to lose control?”
“Fuck,” he keens, tossing his head back on the bed. He wants so badly to reach out for you, to feel you, to make you moan out his name. He could return the favor, have you come undone on his tongue, his fingers. If he closes his eyes, he can almost taste you, imagine how tightly you’d squeeze him as he worked you open.
He wants it, desperately.
“Please, I want to touch you too, want to make you feel good,” he meets your eyes, unshed pleas in his gaze. “You can come sit on my face if you don’t want to untie me. Or let me finish inside you, whatever you want. Please, Your Majesty,”
“You beg so prettily too, Jiminie,” cooing, you languidly lick up his shaft, considering his words. 
You did like the idea of lowering yourself over his mouth, leaving him only with his tongue and lips to bring you to the brink, hands still trapped behind his back. Letting him get you off, but still having the control, having the power. But ultimately, you were too impatient for drawn out foreplay. You needed to have him inside of you, and you needed it now.
Instead of answering, you give his cock one last peck before maneuvering up on the bed, kneeling before him. You tease the straps of your negligee, letting them fall around your shoulders before pulling it down over your breasts, your hips. 
Jimin gasps in awe, wishing for the millionth time that his hands weren’t bound. “I can’t believe you're real,” he whispers, licking his lips. “You’re gorgeous.” 
For some reason, his candor has you blushing, his words striking something deep within your chest. You try to shrug it off, paint a salacious grin on your lips, but you feel your legs shaking as you swing to straddle his hips. 
Leaning down, you hover over his mouth for a moment. 
“Thank you.”
And then your lips are intertwined, pelvis rocking against his, soaked panties the only barrier stopping him from slipping inside of you. A flick of the wrist has them discarded, and the warmth of your center directly on his dick has Jimin groaning into your mouth.
Raising your hips, you line yourself up with his tip before plunging down, crying out at the sudden fullness of him deep inside you. For a moment, neither of you move, measuring your breaths to adjust to the pleasant burn. Looking down at him, a pang of fondness rings through your core, and you give him a small smile before you move again, this time with more speed.
Carnal hunger takes over as your hips gain momentum, sheathing him deep within your cunt over and over, head rolling back with a moan. Relentless, you place your hands on his chest for balance, clenching against him as you bounce on his lap, blistering heat building low in your belly. 
“You feel so good, Jiminie,” you sigh, eyes closing. “Gonna make me cum.”
“Y/N,” Jimin growls, voice low. “Untie my hands, please.”
His request goes through you, his words heard but not processed. Instead, you dig your nails into his chest, arch your back into him more.
Jimin sits up then, core strength lifting his torso off the bed and causing you to fall back against his thighs. His mouth is immediately on your breasts, sucking and toying with your hardened bud as you continue to ride him. 
“I said - untie me, please.”
Head dizzy with lust, your hands move automatically, reaching behind him to pull at the end of the black ribbon to release him. It’s only when his hands rise to grasp your waist, his pelvis thrusting up into yours at an alarming rate that you realize what you’ve done. 
“Jimin, oh god-”
Now that he’s free he cannot get enough of your flesh beneath his palms, hands roving and groping you all over - pulling at your thighs, your hips, your breasts. His pace never slows; burying himself within you so deep that he hits the spot inside that makes you see stars, hurtling you towards your end. It’s as if you’ve awoken a ravenous beast inside him, one that feeds on the pleasures of your body, and he won’t stop until he gets his fill and has you pulsing around him, cries of his name on your lips.
The band in your belly pulls taunt at his onslaught, orgasm teetering on the edge - and you sink your hands into his hair, yanking back at the base to expose his throat for you to descend your mouth onto. 
“So good, such a good boy - gonna make me cum,” 
Jimin growls, hands enclosing around your waist before pinning you down on your back, cock never leaving your cunt,  his sweat sheened form now towering above you.
“Yes, Y/N, give it to me. Let go for me,” he praises, lifting your legs to rest on his shoulders, bending you in half. He begins plunging into you, long digits toying with your clit, rolling it between his thumb and finger. “Wanna feel you come undone.” 
Once his mouth returns to your nipple, biting it softly, you feel a snap in your gut, throwing you over the edge and full force into your high. You close your eyes against the euphoria, riding out the shockwaves hammering through your body as he continues his ministrations. It takes centuries for you to come down, for your breath to return, and when you open your eyes you see Jimin’s gaze black and lust blown, full bottom lip trapped between his teeth.
“I c-can’t last,” he breathes, voice rushed. “Feels too good, you feel too-”
“Jiminie, cum for me. Fill your queen up,”
A pained cry tears free from his throat, staccato hips pressing into you once, twice before he’s releasing inside of you, fingers bruising on the meat of your thigh. Just like everything else about him, Jimin is pretty when he cums, face flushed and eyes squeezed tight, chest glistening and heaving.
He gives a final thrust, as if ensuring that his seed was deep in your core before collapsing on top of you with a heavy sigh, nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
A hand comes up to play with the hair at his nape as if it's the most natural thing in the world, soothing and melting him against you. You were always tender afterwards, always attentive to your pretty little play things, but there was something about Jimin that makes you feel a bit vulnerable as well.
Waiting until his breathing slows, you gently nudge him onto the bed, sliding out to head to the washroom and clean yourself up. When you return, you're dressed in a new flowing nightgown, this one a deep royal purple, a matching wash cloth in your hand.
Jimin barely even blinks while you clean him up and tuck him under the covers, only opening his eyes when you bring a glass to his lips.
"Will you stay with me?" his eyes are round, bright, and you begin to realize how much this beautiful brave man and his brazen sincerity has affected you.
"If you want me to." You shrug, swallowing a smile at his request. "Or you can just rest, and I can come back in the morning-"
"No!" his voice is loud, but there's no edge to it, only urgency. "Please - I want you to stay."
Climbing in beside him, you pull the man to your chest, petting him once more as he curls into you, his eyes returning closed. He's asleep in moments, and you spend most of the night watching him as he rests, tracing your hands over his broad shoulders, drinking in the way he looks in your bed. Memorizing his form so that when day breaks, you’ll have a way to remember him.
And as the sun starts to rise, the early light of dawn casting the room in a pink glow,  you can't help but to think how his last words were the one thing you wanted to request of him as well.
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thatlongspringnight · 5 years
Learning the Hard Way (Jungkook/Reader)
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@suzuchim MY FRIEND idk why but I feel like I need to tag you in this (I know exactly why, enjoy some nearly smut) 
@katie-de-lune tagged because this idea wouldn’t exist without you, lol. 
Just some good old fashion school au with Tutor!Reader and sub!Jungkookie. 
"How are you supposed to learn if I'm inconsistent?" a subtle purr that made him twitch, writhing under your hand.
"B-But, I haven't gotten one wrong yet, please." A gasp, his bottom lip ruddy from his teeth. You tutted your tongue, slowing your strokes. He bucked his hips, chasing the feeling of your touch, nearly begging for more. “This is my first mistake. I won’t do it again, I swear-“
Your nails grazed the base of his cock making him whimper, falling silent under your warning touch.
"I was going to go easy on you, but you're feeling cheeky tonight, aren’t you?”
“Nooooonaaaa.” He was whining, pure and simple, those big doe eyes searching yours for any shred of hesitance.
Well he wouldn’t get any today.
“No cumming till you get this section right, no mistakes. If you break the rule, you'll be punished worse.” The flush on his cheeks darkened, his well-built thighs tensing as you danced your nails over them. You tossed him a bone, a soft smirk on your lips. “If it is too much for you just say the safe word.”
His eyes darkened.
Jungkook did love a challenge.
“That isn’t the proper spelling.” You gestured at his handwriting, the ruler in your hand grazing the paper. “You missed this one last time too, you know.” You felt the flesh of his back tense and ripple as you rested your head there, an intimate gesture that in theory was soothing, but you could tell he was nearly writhing in anticipation.
You let your teeth graze his supple skin, knowing full well you would be leaving a bruise, angry and purple, behind.
He made a sound, a whimper, pressing closer to your mouth, trying to chase the pain.
The sound was sharp, unmuffled by clothing as you brought the ruler down against the flesh of his thigh. He cried out, the sound a whine through his gritted teeth, his cock twitched, chest flushed with desire.
You brought it down again, then a third time.
“For every time you got the answer wrong.” You whispered into his sweat soaked skin, relishing his whimpers and moans as he tried to keep your attention.
“you’re so noisy, what a brat.” You teased, leaning down to press a kiss to his stomach, another to his hips, letting your teeth make their home there.
He was putty underneath you, limp and pretty, staring you with this mesmerizing eyes.
“You should hit me again.” He breathed. “I deserve more.”
Sweat-soaked and panting, his normally wide eyes were fluttered shut, dark lashes brushing against his flushed skin.
You sat up, lightly brushing your fingertips against his skin, tracing designs as you connected the dots of his freckles, the beautiful canvas of his body littered with love bites and glaring red marks where your nails had dug into his skin.
He whined, a pitiful whimper, at your movement, eyes half-opening in an attempt to woo you back to his side.
“What’re you doing?”
“I’m getting a towel.” You reached over, tweaking his nipple, relishing the way his body trembled under your touch. “You made a mess.”
“Ngh, but- “ He reached out, hand grabbing your wrist. You were reminded of his strength, the muscles of his body flexing as he moved.
He looked like art. “Noona, please just stay with me a little bit longer.”
“Yah, Jungkookie, you act like I’m going to leave you.” You tutted your tongue, sliding your fingers through his damp hair in a comforting motion. “I’ll be right back to clean you up.”
He held fast. Tugging you closer, till you were nearly on top of him against, till your nose pressed against his own, captivated by the stars in his eyes.
“I love you.” The words slip easily from him, like he meant them, like he’s said them a hundred times before.
You stare, lips parting in surprise as he pressed his mouth against your own, a messy situation of teeth and tongue, his hands pressing indents into your hips.
“I love you too.” You finally manage, resting your forehead against his, heart nearly melting at the way relief floods his features. “More than anything.” You kissed his forehead. “More than anyone, I love you Jeon Jungkook.”
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 5 years
Astrology Compatibility Commission
This is for @suzuchim and Jimin and Hobi! This one was hella fun GOD Jimin is a switch. Also your chart is hella compatible with both of them so I went off a bit. I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO SHIP
Your Sagittarius sun and his Libra sun make for an adventurous, flirty, charismatic couple. Your Sagittarius is tempered a bit by your Virgo moon, but his is NOT, just made more so by his Gemini moon so you might get somewhat exasperated with his energy and chaos, but only occasionally as your other signs lend well to that type of chaos, and he might occasionally think you’re a bit of a stick in the mud when you temper his impulsive nature with your responsible Virgo moon.
Your Mercury in Scorpio and his in Libra is a good match for communication, but you will overbear him if you aren’t careful. You can hurt his feelings easily in an argument as Scorpio can be a bit cruel and manipulative, especially when they don’t want to admit they are wrong! Libra will self-internalize these comments from Scorpio and let them pile up until they explode.
Hoo boy, you are both Scorpio Venus signs, so that means a whole lot of competition, trying to one up each other, both of you hiding true feelings from the other as much as possible, a constant battle for dominance in a relationship but also the absolute deepest love running underneath. You’ll be that couple who everyone knows you’re in love before you ever admit it. This makes for a dramatic beginning to a relationship but it has staying power as when Scorpios commit, it’s often for the long run.
Your Mars in Aquarius and his in Scorpio….fights will start with both of you giving the cold shoulder, but your Aquarian need to be right will make you keep pushing him, and he’ll eventually blow up. Scorpio Mars will act unbothered at first , but coupled with his other signs make him very dramatic when hurt or angry. You Aquarian Mars have a penchant for the dramatic, too, so when you argue, expect it to get bad, knock down drag out fights with both of you saying cruel things to each other.
On the flip side, your Mars signs in bed make for absolute fire - Aquarius Mars are curious and deep into fantasy, and Scorpios are intense and willing to try anything for their partners, so combine this with your Gemini Lilith which makes you even MORE adventurous in bed and his Cancer Lilith which will make him want to do absolutely anything you want, and you two will never ever have a boring moment, sexually. The biggest issue you’ll have is him worrying that he can’t please you or that you’ll be bored with him - he’ll need reassurance that you’re happy and satisfied, and if you’re willing to give him that he’ll do whatever you want.
Overall a relationship with a lot of spark and fire, and also very deep emotion, likely to be very devoted to each other and long lasting.
Hoseok is an Aquarius/Pisces cusp sun sign, so his cold, aloof Aquarius will war with open, emotionally generous Pisces, and your Sagittarius sun will bring you his natural curiosity, so he’ll end up being the one that chases you, most likely.
His moon is in Taurus, and it’s a steadfast, almost traditional earth sign which is also at odds with Aquarius/Pisces, so that might make him woo you in a very traditional dinner and date way at first, but then spontaneously take you to an amusement park on the second date. Your Virgo moon might balk at this spontaneity, but your Sagittarius will take over and absolutely love the adventure - you really both have the best of both worlds with your sun and moon signs.
Mercury is the communication sign, and his is in Pisces while yours is in Scorpio. He’ll be emotionally honest with you when he falls in love, and you’ll hold yourself back- Scorpio has deep emotions but fears rejection and looking weak, so you won’t want to talk about feelings - however, his Pisces will see right through you - they’re intuitive in almost a scary way, so he’ll say all the right things to get you to open up and be honest. He’ll make you admit all those deep emotions Scorpio is so afraid of talking about and this will strengthen your relationship.
Your Scorpio Venus and his Aries Venus makes for a competitive, fiery match - imagine dates doing sports or at arcades and both of you fighting so hard to win that you’re exhausted by the end of it, seeing who can push who further, and this will spill into the bedroom as well.
You both have Mars in Aquarius. Oh boy, your sexual compatibility is off the charts here, because Aquarian Mars is curious, experimental, love things like roleplay and fantasy, dirty talk, constant sexting and teasing, you’ll truly understand each other in bed, no matter how odd your kinks may seem to others.
Your Lilith in Gemini and his in Aries are also highly compatible, both easily bored, competitive, fighting for dominance in the bedroom - who will be on top? Depends on the night and whose kinks are being explored, and your individual moods. This is a highly switching powerplay sexual relationship - one night you might be tied up, the other night he is. Even if you aren’t typically a switch with others, you both will be with each other, because that Aquarius Mars will make you both curious enough to do it and the competitive Venus signs will say “You dare me?”
A absolutely fire sexual relationship is here, but also your skills at communication and compatibility with your Sun and Moon signs give it staying power.
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carolithe · 5 years
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*cough* @suzuchim *cough*
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illneverrecover · 5 years
Tae with the mullet was one of my favorite looks. I absolutely loved him with it 🥺❤️
You're right and you should say it.
Look at this beautiful boy:
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Okay goodbye I'm hurting myself. His power.
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illneverrecover · 5 years
Hi. I’m one of your friends and I’m drunk. Who am I?
I say this with my whole chest. You are, without a doubt, Jinzune herself: @suzuchim
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illneverrecover · 5 years
I’m at a party rn all by myself... wishing I could be with you on that couch instead. 💜 So I would like to ask: if you could raid one piece of clothing from Taehyung’s closet, what would it be?
Awww you so sweet to me bb, wish you were here too!!
If I had access to his closet, I’d steal everything. It’s mine now. What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine, you feel? But I love wearing oversized clothing especially of the man I’m into, so I’d probably steal one of his hoodies or button downs he’s always rocking. Like one of these:
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Also, part of me wants to walk around in the jacket he wore for Singularity during the LY tour with just like.. black lingerie on underneath, because I’d feel very badass and powerful.
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illneverrecover · 5 years
I love your fanfic you just wrote for KTH! Any chance we can get some more cute action between the MC and KTH? they are perfection i love them
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lmaooo you are a whole ass cutie and i love you and i can’t wait to aggressively love you in person in a few weeks!!!!!
BUT TO YOUR QUESTION!! I think you are biased but alas, I have a few ideas for a continuation or side story with the same couple, I just got to actually…. ya know… write it
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illneverrecover · 5 years
Listen, you said you wanted interactions and I was just trying to be a good friend??? Idk why you are attacking me right now?? 
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illneverrecover · 5 years
what's the first thing you would like to put in KTH's mouth?
my whole entire motherfcKN HEART 😤😤💜💕💜😩😩
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illneverrecover · 5 years
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I was tagged by @ditzymax (brb screaming that Max even knows my username), thank you for including me! 😍
Will I be surviving? Debatable. They're all pretty smart and crafty. Would I be having the best time of my entire life? Absolutely. They can just stand in front of me as I slowly die, thx.
I'll tag: @suzuchim @uwugguks @serensama @taetaesbaebaepsae @la-vie-en-tae @thecozywhaleshark @thiccasswonhoruinedmylife and @purpletigertaetae ! (Feel free to ignore ofc)
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illneverrecover · 5 years
3/21/22 (fine with any of them) Vampire Hunter AU, SeokJin (looking for something that is just pure crack. I need to laugh. Feel free to do whatever comes to your mind)
(for my milestone drabble game)
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Hurt Me So Good
➛pairing: vampire hunter Seokjin x reader ➛genre: vampire hunter!AU, crack, humor, smut➛word count: 1913 (how am I doing worse as time goes on why am I like this)➛rating: Mature/Explicit➛warnings: cursing, innuendo, some mild violence, unprotected sex (stay safe y’all), dirty talk, mild biting/marking➛prompt: “Well you certainly proved a point. I’m just not sure if it was the one that you wanted.” + “Your cursing just makes me giggle” + “Try something else if you want to be intimidating.” + Seokjin➛notes: If y’all have been round these parts awhile, you’re probably aware that Seokjin and Suzu are the same person. If not, let me explain - they. are. the. same. person. It’s fucking wild. I’m pretty sure if they ever actually fucked it would cause the apocalypse. Anyway, I had of fun with this - enjoy @suzuchim! Noodle & Co for LYFE.
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“And how is this supposed to help, exactly?”
Sweat was dripping down your back, your shirt sticking uncomfortably to your skin as you wiped at your brow. It was night time - as it always was when you trained - and yet it was absurdly hot, the air heavy and sopping with moisture. 
Seokjin was climbing a tree. He had a bag slung across his body,  his efforts drenching the nape of his neck, chest splotchy with heat. You weren’t sure how climbing trees correlated to learning how to kill vampires, but he was the expert. Supposedly. 
“Well-” he shouts, overexertion evident in his voice. “Once I get up here, I’m going to have you close your eyes. Then I’m going to throw these plastic shuriken at you, and-”
“Wait, what? That’s your plan?” you huff, blowing hair off your glistening forehead. “You’re going to climb your whole noodley ass into that tree and just chuck things at me?”
“Aish, that’s not what I said!” Irritation makes him sound whiny, and not in the way he probably intended. He narrows his eyes, darting back at you before quickly refocusing on the task at hand. “And you and I both know that my ass looks fantastic from this view.” 
Scoffing, your eyes roll back, a hand rising to your hip. You’ve been training under Seokjin for just over two weeks, and it had been going decently well, you supposed, if not a little slow. He seemed to be in no hurry to train you to fight, and some of his methods were definitely unorthodox, to say the least. But he was easy on the eyes and even easier to rile up, so you had complied - so far, anyway. 
“Mine would look better.”
Reaching his goal, he plopped himself down on a branch, sliding his bag until it rested in his lap. He was soaked with perspiration, gasping for air. Wiping his hands on his black joggers, he looked down at you expectantly, awarding you the vision of his white shirt clinging attractively to his broad shoulders and chest. 
“I’d love to see that, sweetheart. You going to give me a show later?”
Your mouth drops open (comically so, you’re sure), and you drink in his dangerous grin, the bastard having the audacity to throw you a wink when he notices your reddened cheeks. 
Sputtering, you swallow thickly. “You wouldn’t know what to do with me.”
“We’ll see about that.” His voice is so low you almost didn’t hear him, and your heart kicks into overdrive.
“I’m sorry, what did you-”
He clears his throat to interrupt you, gesturing broadly. “Well? You going to close your eyes so we can get started? Or did I just fucking climb a tree at 1 am for funsies?”
You try to cover your mouth before the laugh spills out, but you fail, grasping at your stomach to catch your breath. This seems to chap Seokjin’s ass in the best kind of way, the tips of his ears reddening as he attempts his best scowl. 
“Why are you laughing? Is there something about this that’s amusing?”
“Yes. Your cursing just makes me giggle. It’s like watching one of those wacky inflatable arm men flap in the wind.” Stifling your snickering, you wipe the errant tears from the corners of your eyes. “Feel free to try something else if you want to be intimidating.” 
Seokjin peers down at you, watching the way you attempt to quell your giggles, but clearly finding the whole thing too hilarious. Hell, it was pretty funny. Here he was in the middle of the night, up a tree, ass so sweaty he could feel the beginnings of a swamp - all because he was trying so damn hard to impress a pretty girl.
Trying, and definitely failing.
He wasn’t sure what it was about you that had him so flustered. He was normally the epitome of cool, calm, and collected - oozing charm and making women swoon for as long as he could remember. Sure, some of that had fallen to the wayside after the undead took over - fighting and killing vampires becoming priority over his playboy tendencies, but he hadn’t lost his touch. 
Had he?
It was you. It had to be you. The minute you had walked into his facility, all wide innocent eyes and blinding smile, he had been a goner. He was a sucker for a sweet face, and even more so for a beguiling personality (and if he was being honest, a smoking body) - all the things you possessed effortlessly. You had shook his hand, grinning up at him like you didn’t just take over his every waking thought. You did something to him, and it rattled him to his core.
He didn’t like it.
When you had finally calmed yourself, he took a steadying breath, twirling a shuriken in his hand. “Close your eyes, sweetheart.” 
To his utter surprise, you did as you were told without further sarcastic comment.  “Now, I want you to concentrate. Feel the way the air is hitting your face. Listen and take in your surroundings, all the sounds you hear - what’s normal, what shouldn’t be there,” he pauses, making sure you were following. The look of total concentration on your face was adorable, of course, and Seokjin allowed himself to drink you in for another moment. 
“You aren’t always going to be able to see. They will have the advantage. Which is why you need to be prepared.”
He poised to throw the weapon then, aiming for an invisible bullseye in the middle of your forehead. He bit his lip in anticipation, hoping like hell you had learned enough to be able to dodge, but knowing that you wouldn’t be injured if you didn’t respond in time.
“I’m aiming for your face, just so you know.” Before you could open your eyes to shout your objections, ruining the concentration, he hushed you. “Don’t worry. I’m always careful with the money shot, sweetheart.”
His words distracted you, enough that your breath caught in your throat, a single throb pinging low in your gut. You shake your head, attempting to recenter the focus. A moment later you could hear the movement of the air, the way it parted and settled around the object hurtling towards you, and at the last second you drop to your left. The shuriken sailed passed, striking the ground with a soft thud. 
Eyes opening in shock, you look up to Seokjin, cocky smirk on his face. He raises a brow at you, as if daring you to give him a sassy response - but instead you bark out a peal of joyous laughter. “It worked! I did it!” 
Jumping up and down, you allow yourself a quick victory dance, wiggling your hips while throwing your arms carelessly in the air.
You were so endearing, so fucking cute. Everything about you was made to suck him in, and he felt like he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. God, he wanted you. He wanted you to be his more than he wanted anything else on this desolate planet. The realization alone made Seokjin want to scream. In frustration or in lecherous desperation, he wasn’t sure.
Instead he scoffed, tilting his head to the side. “Now who looks like a wacky inflatable arm man?”
He dodged the rebuked shuriken just before it could beam him in the forehead, however falling out of the tree, shrieks piercing through the night.
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You winced as he pressed you into the cool tile of the private showers, arching to avoid it from touching too much of your bare back. His hips rut up into your own, a whine tearing from your throat as he began to lick and nip at the delicate skin there. Your arms wrapped around his broad shoulders for balance, though his hands were gripping your fleshy thighs tight enough you knew you wouldn’t fall.
“F-Fuck, Seokjin,”
The moan of his name only set his lust aflame, his mouth working over your collarbone until it blossomed in a pale violet. Your could feel his length against your core, eagerly seeking its entrance, and the need to have him buried inside you was overwhelming. 
You weren’t sure what this has to do with killing vampires, but you were nothing if not adaptable.
Lips suckling at your own, you opened your mouth into the kiss, letting his tongue explore and defile you until you were dripping for him. “Tell me what you want, sweetheart. We don’t have much time.” 
Digging your hands into the hair at his nape, you tugged hard, grinning when he replied with a raspy groan. “I want you inside me, Seokjin. Please.” 
He mumbled a soft ‘fuck’ under his breath, placing you back on solid ground to remove the last few barriers between you both. He pressed a final kiss to your swollen pout before spinning you, your chest now against the wall and ass bare, presented to him. 
“Anything for you.” 
Once again, your hand was too slow in covering your mouth before your cry echoed on the walls of the shower room, his cock now fully sheathed in your welcoming heat with one well timed thrust. Peppering your shoulder with soft kisses, he gives you a few moments to adjust before he starts rocking slowly, unable to help himself. You were too warm, too wet, too fucking perfect for him. 
His hips pivoted in a steady yet thorough rhythm, striking you deep and hard until you were pliant against him, keening and chanting ghosts of his name. 
“Fuck, sweetheart. I love hearing that smart mouth begging for me, saying my name. Just like that,” he cooed, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you to his chest.
Your eyes rolled back as his other digits found your slickened clit, rubbing it relentlessly in perfect swivels to have you clenching around him. His pants were becoming more rapid, his thrusts stuttering, and you knew neither of you would last much longer. 
“I’m- I’m coming, Seokjin-”
“Yes, that’s it. Come. I’m so close.”
He growls as he sinks his teeth into your shoulder, and it was your ultimate undoing - giving him one last shout of his name before you’re being thrown over the edge, your orgasm intense and dizzying. A part of you recognizes when he finishes as well, the warmth spurting into your quivering cunt with a whine of your name on his lips, his forehead resting at the top of your spine. 
Silence washes over you, both of you content to catch your breath with him still seated inside you, not ready to abandon the entanglement of limbs.
It was you who moved first, sliding forward to release him from your core with a small groan. 
“Well,” you reach for your shirt, sliding it back over your shoulders. “You certainly proved a point. I’m just not sure if it was the one you wanted.” 
He laughed then, a true, high pitched, squeaky sort of thing, one that had you giggling in return. “I’ll have you know that stamina is a highly revered training tactic.” 
Fully dressed, you hum as you step back within his arms, grinning when he circles them around your waist, fond smile on his lips. “Oh, is it? And what about the fucking? Is that a training tactic as well?”
He nuzzled your nape, pressing his mouth against you wetly before meeting your eyes once more. “Only for you, sweetheart.”
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 5 years
Upcoming Updates Polls!
I am doing astrology commissions for @illneverrecover @uwugguks @suzuchim @jenrockz203 @sevenincubistolemyheart @wannatrymebitch and @triheartedhero and @mypurplelamp and @mellowmew20 ....I will be queueing them as there are so many I don't wanna overwhelm my blog so look out for them between today and tomorrow afternoon! Ily!!! ❤️❤️❤️
So during breaks I'm updating one of my series and working on a one shot so I have a couple polls for you guys. Help a girl out.
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thatlongspringnight · 5 years
Vellichor (Kim Namjoon x Reader)
(n.) the strange wistfulness of used bookstores, which are somehow infused with the passage of time – filled with thousands of old books you’ll never have time to read, each of which is itself locked in its own era, bound and dated and papered over like an old room the author abandoned years ago, a hidden annex littered with thoughts left just as they were on the day they were captured
Antique Bookstore!Au Namjoon x Reader
from my kpop blog
tagging: @suzuchim
Part One of my seven part rainy day romances
The first time you walked into the store it was raining, the gentle patter of water droplets condensing to steam on the summer-baked asphalt outside.
Glancing around, you couldn’t help but marvel at the fact that you had never seen the place before, how you had managed to walk by nearly every day on your way to class, never once dipping in.
The aura was soothing, leather bound treasures seeming to cover every surface, cluttered but loved. A sense of history clung to the space, and it made you feel like you had stepped into another world. It kept you there, tugging you down mysterious aisles as you trailed your fingers across pages that felt ancient, that felt like they had all the answers.
Till you rounded a corner, the sharp sound of books tumbling to the ground echoing in the quiet space as you collided with something.
Well, someone. When you glanced up, apologies already falling off your tongue, you felt the words die in your throat.
He was tall, hair a dashing shade of silver-gray, a color that made him look like he wasn’t quite of this world. A concerned sound left his throat as he reached out to steady you, his cheeks flushed as his hands met your arms.
“Sorry!” He managed, eyes trailing to the books on the ground. “I didn’t hear anyone walk in.”
“Ah, no, I should be sorry.” You knelt down, feeling your damp shirt stick uncomfortably to your skin as you tried to gather the books that fell. “I wasn’t paying attention.”
The man leaned down, reaching for a book that you had your hand on, the contact of his skin, warm, shocked you a little, and you snatched your hand away.
“Sorry, again, sorry.” At that you laughed, a soft noise that built when he glanced at you, his glasses askew on his face.
He grinned, precious dimples appearing on his face as he chuckled, shaking his head when you finally rose, books gathered in your arms.
“We’re both a mess.” You managed, passing the literature to him as he set the stack back onto his cart. “Hold still.” You reached over, adjusting his glasses for him. Maybe it was forward of you, but you figured you had already given him a hard time. You felt your cheeks heat up as you brushed your fingertips against his hair, the soft strands bringing a shiver down your spine.
The air seemed electrical, magic even, an undercurrent that made butterflies blossom in your stomach.
“I- Thanks.”
“No problem.” Your hands fell to your sides, nervously fiddling with the material of your skirt.
“Is there anything I can help you with?”  He filled in, obviously throwing you a social life-preserver.
“Ah, um. It’s just. Okay, I’ve never been in here before.” You cough, looking away. “I really like it, I feel like I’m not sure where to look.”
“Well, you can start by looking at me.” You could tell he was smiling without even looking at him. “My name is Kim Namjoon.” He offered, and you responded in kind, your name falling out of your mouth like stones from your pocket.
“Namjoon-ah.” You tried, looking up at him. “What do you recommend?
“Hey, Namjoon-ah.” It was overcast, and the promise of rain reminded you just enough of the little book store that you couldn’t help but duck in.  This time, however, you caught sight of Namjoon right off the bat, grinning as you waved at him.
“Hey.” He bobbed his head, stepping away from the display he was working on. “Caught in the rain again?”
“Nearly.” You adjusted the backpack on your shoulder. “Can I sit and do school work? I’ll buy a book.”
“You bought three last week.” He raised an eyebrow at you, a clear challenge on his face.
“I finished them.” You countered, settling yourself in a chair at the seating area. “They were really good, thanks for the recommendation. With series books, it’s like I can’t put them down.”
“I know what you mean.” He laughs then, and you can’t help the blush on your cheeks. “I feel like I’ve read most of the books here in the last two years.”
In that moment, you begin to count your meetings with Namjoon like photographs, like short stories, each episode creating a bigger picture, but unique on their own.
Kim Namjoon has a degree in music. You learn one night, about an hour before the bookstore closes. He made a pot of coffee, pouring you each a cup of the strong stuff before sitting across from you. He has a degree in music and spends his nights and weekends alternating between his job as a DJ and rapping.
Rapping and song writing are his passions, you learn, and he is damn good at the both of them.
During the day, he works at the bookstore, from about 9 am till 9 pm and you really question his need for sleep.
“I have to do it.” He looks right at you, under-eye circles hidden by the frames of his glasses. “I need the money.”
He needs the money to enter the right events, so he can meet the right people.
You, on the other hand, have a degree in accounting and are working on your masters while interning for a firm.
“I admire you.” You confess another evening, stirring the lukewarm coffee. “You are really passionate about what you love, and you are doing whatever you can to reach your goals. It makes me feel like I took the easy way out.”
“Accounting as the easy way out?” He chuckles, staring into his cup of coffee. “I’ve never heard that one before.”
So you tell him about how you painted, pulling out the sketch book you always kept with you, letting him flip through the well-worn pages. You told him about how you made time for it whenever you could, but you knew it wasn’t the life for you.
“Everything in my life has always been unstable.” You shrug, a half-smile on your features. “So I’ve always played it safe.”
Your moments with Namjoon, those snapshots, blur together like film over the next few months. Always in the bookstore, you begin to wonder if he really did live there.
Still, you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
Just you and Namjoon, perhaps the idle customer now and again, flittering through as you focused on paying attention to your book. Well, focused on looking like you were watching your book, when in reality you were looking at Namjoon.
Namjoon leaning over your shoulder to watch you read. Namjoon’s delighted smile when you brought him something homemade for dinner. Namjoon’s smooth voice, carrying your conversation, making you laugh.
Namjoon lending you his umbrella one night, walking you back to your apartment as the rain fell around you.
“You didn’t have to walk me home.” You hum, grinning up at him.        
“If you get sick, who is going to bring me energy drinks?”
“Namjoon-ah, those rot your brain, you shouldn’t want them.”
“I don’t want them, I need them.” He shrugged, his dimples defined as he smiled wide. “You really get me through the day, you know.” You looked away, a blush on your cheeks.
“It always rains when we’re together, I feel like.” You change the topic, unsure of yourself all the sudden.
“You first came into the bookstore on a rainy day.” If he looks down at you, you don’t see, too busy focused on your feet, on anything but his face, because if you looked at him-
You knew you’d have to admit you loved him.
“I won’t be at work this week, Yoongi will be covering the store.”  The comfortable silence was broken as you stopped at the entrance to your apartment.  Literally stopped, in your tracks, sending Namjoon stepping right into you, not paying attention. He reaches out, steadying himself and you.
“Ah, what will you be doing?” You stare up at him, his arms nearly wrapped around yours. ‘Yoongi doesn’t make the coffee right.”
Namjoon laughs, letting you go, stepping back, consciously removing himself from you.
“I’ll tell him how you like it, yeah? I’m going out of town to meet with a producer, then I think I’m going to take a day or two off.”
“A producer? Joonie that is great!” Mood shifting in an instant you nearly flung yourself back into his arms. “Oh my gosh, I’m so proud of you!”
“My first groupie.” He chuckled, looking down, suddenly shy. ‘It was worth walking you home to see your reaction.”
“Right…” You paused, remembering you were home. ‘If I don’t see you before then, you got this. You know you do.”
“Yeah.” There was an odd silence that encompassed the both of you, for a moment you nearly thought about inviting him in. “I’m going to head out, I need rest for the week.”
“See you later Namjoon-ah.”
Raining again and you nearly make it past the building, a sort of anxiety bubbling in your stomach
The rain makes you stop, and you wonder what is holding you back. What has always been holding you back?
You hold your breath, staring up into the darkened sky, feeling the droplets pool and divot down your skin, suddenly heavy, holding you in place.
You haven’t visited in nearly three weeks, not since that night he walked you home in the rain.
It has been sunny, oppressively so, too bright, it made you tense, on edge.
Maybe you’re in love with him.
Maybe seeing him laughing so casually with someone else had hurt you more than you were willing to admit. Maybe it was the fact that you waved at him and he saw you. He saw you! But then looked away, eyes trained on the woman sitting across from him.
It had made you feel small.
The sting in your chest even in this moment- God you were whipped.
You tried to convince yourself that you were hurt because you were his friend, because at the least you deserved to be acknowledged.
That wasn’t it though, you knew that. It was so much more.
Maybe the concept of never again stepping into that book store and being lulled by the scent of those old books and his beautiful, joking smile was enough to bring tears to your eyes.
But it was okay, it was okay to cry, when they just looked like raindrops.
A car honked, water splattering against the raincoat drawn close to your body, you shivered anyway, the spell broken.
There was no old book that could sooth your soul. The vellichor scent of the bookstore that had made you feel safe and warm only made you feel anxious now.
Still, you stood there, staring at the door.
You could go in or you could go home. What did it matter? You turned on your heels, eyes on the cobblestone in front of you.
Home was the better choice, where you could take a warm bath, unwind and listen to a podcast or something. Drink a glass of wine, or maybe a bottle.
But going in-
Going in meant seeing Namjoon’s dimpled smile directed at you. It meant apologizing for your absence, acting like it wasn’t intentional, acting like everything was fine and not like every piece of you was screaming to confess to him-
Your breath caught, familiar eyes meeting your through the foggy window.
You felt exposed, like he could see right through you. Those eyes of his widened as they took you in from top to bottom, to the very depth of your soul.
He said something, and you thought maybe it was your name, falling off his lips like the rain that dripped ceaselessly down your back. Time moved slowly, you saw him take a step towards the door, like he was going to come closer, beckon you in.
You looked away, feet carrying you faster than you thought, running till you were out of breath, panting and tired. Till you nearly fell against your front door, scrambling for keys, bag falling to the floor as you locked the door behind you.
A hot bath and wine, that would fix this.
The rain was worse, coming down in sheets as lightning flashed, coloring your apartment in an eerie, changing glow.
Ever so often the thunder was loud enough to make you jump, the windows shaking. You pulled your blanket closer around you as you started at the television from your spot on the couch.  
The loudness of the thunder almost drowned out the sound of the knock at your door. But you heard it, and again, a loud rap.
Slinking out of your blanket you tip-toed to the door. A dark and stormy night wasn’t a good time to open the door for strangers. You leaned up, glancing through the peephole in the door.
“Ah!” You gasped, quickly unlocking the door and flinging it open. “Ah, oh my gosh, Joonie what are you doing here? It’s like death outside.” For a moment, you forgot the awkwardness between the two of you, nearly dragging his soaked form inside. “Sit down. Here let me get you a towel, some hot tea-“
“Hey.’ He spoke your name, firm, his hand on your arm, keeping you still. You froze, staring up at him, his hair clinging to the sides of his face, eyes troubled. “What was that back there?”
“H-Huh?” Your cheeks flushed as he pulled you closer, close enough that you could kiss him. “What do you mean?”
“Earlier, when you almost walked into the shop. I know you saw me. Why did you run away?” Namjoon released you, his voice holding an edge of desperation. “Is everything okay?”
“Everything is fine, Namjoon-ah.” You stepped back, crossing your arms so you wouldn’t fidget. “I just- I just remembered I had something I needed to do here.”
“Why haven’t you come by? Did, did Yoongi say something?”
“What? Yoongi? No, what would he have said?” You gave him a confused look, trying your best to steady your nerves.  He breathed, relief that faded back into concern as he looked at you.
“Did I do something?” That question was quieter, his eyes searching your face for the truth.
“I’ve just been busy Namjoon-ah.” You looked down. away from him.
“Why are you lying?”
“Why would I lie?” You shot back. “What reason would I have to be upset with you?” You looked at him expectantly, wondering if he even realized.
“I- I don’t know.” He began. “All I know is that I saw you every day and now I haven’t seen you since that night when I walked you home. Something is wrong.”
“Namjoon-ah, nothing is wrong, and that isn’t true. I saw you that same week, at that old Italian restaurant.” You couldn’t stop yourself from the dig, unwilling to let that trivial thing go.
“The restaurant.” He paused, realization on his face. Namjoon was too smart, and you could tell by the look on his face that you had revealed too much. “I was meeting with one of the label representatives.”
You made a noncommittal noise, looking down. “How’d that go by the way?”
“if you would have come by, I could have told you.”
“If I came by I would have had to face the fact that I like you, okay!” The words tumbled out of your mouth, uncontrollable. “A lot, more than- More than a friend, more than a groupie. I like you, Joon, okay. That is it. That is why I have been avoiding you.” You stared at him, glowering, a pout painted on your lips. He stared at you in surprise, a blush coloring his cheeks.
“That’s it?” He finally managed, hands cupping your face. “That is why you’ve been avoiding me? Because you like me?”
“Y-Yes?” You stammered, face warm. “That is why.” Then his lips met yours, sweet and bitter like coffee, tasting of rainwater and promises. You all but melted against him, hands grasping at the fabric of his shirt. He was kissing you, Namjoon was kissing you. It was soft, deep, and not near long enough.
“Are we in Kindergarten?” Namjoon chuckled, breath dusting over your lips. “I spent all this time wondering if I had done something.”
“Does this mean you like me to?” You teased, letting him back you towards your couch.
“Very Much.”
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