thsc-confessions · 9 months
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"Honestly? Sven and Charles would be pretty cute together if not seperated by the fact they're from different factions that hate eachother. Not sure if theyd get along right away but sven would tolerate him more than henry or ellie." submitted by anon
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birchisnotokay · 1 year
grr toppat charles au
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bor0wik · 9 months
This question didn't left my head from few days...
I am really curious about this okay?
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fuchsiablur · 3 years
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part 4: charles x sven
svenvin! i’m just gonna, reuse the same crack dynamic i did for the crackfic i made on them cause
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flamingredanon · 3 years
TT AU, Charles actually did his plan in crushing helicopter in the cafeteria window but the emergency boors close the broken window. Everyone come, to look and when Charles come, dizzily from the crash and see Sven. "Hi Sveny, how your undercover doing Sveny."
Sven quickly has Charles detained and acts like he doesn't know Charles. Since Charles is clearly out of it and a Government agent, they believe Sven.
When Charles recovers he feels like a complete fool for almost outing Sven and Sven forgives him, giving him a kiss before activating Charles' nanosuit and getting him back to Earth safely and discreetly.
Sven still has no idea how he fell in love with this impulsive idiot. And he wouldn't want it any other way.
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fuchsiablur · 3 years
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all the images that popped to my head when writing a svenvin fic sfjdkjh
ficcity: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28256052
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flamingredanon · 3 years
How this for a romantic drama, the Toppat Royal Ball theme this year is a masquerade with all toppat divisions. So it would be easy for Triple Threat to seek in disguise to found ways to bring down the clan but all three fell in love with top ranking toppats instead. RoseRight, CopperMin and maybe Charles with Sven. The three didn't know about the other forbidden crush so they try to hid it from each other and the government. While RHM, Reg and Sven try to found their mysteries dance partners.
Triple Threat's goal was simple, to find information on anything the Toppats might be planning. Things got horribly complicated from there.
Charles and Sven don't really dance because they just, aren't the fancy dancing types, but they do get to talk alot and are very much enjoying each other's company.
Reginald grows fancy of the man in the crow mask and beckons him to a dance, where they talk and flirt with each other and just, one of the few times Henry actually speaks, lost in the moment of this charming man in the golden dragon mask.
And Ellie and Right are just trying to one up the other in dance moves, getting impressed with the other as they dominate the dance floor in their dance battle.
The Wall launches a sudden attack and everyone goes running, with Henry and Right losing their masks in the chaos and Reginald and Ellie picking up the masks of their dance partners.
Triple Threat meet back up and go back to base, with Ellie hiding Right's mask in her room, Henry longing for the charming dragon and Charles missing the young man he chatted with for hours.
And a thought that runs through Henry's and Ellie's mind, did The Wall attack at random, or did Galeforce send them to attack and have them arrested?
Meanwhile Reginald hopes to find that mysterious crow that stole his heart, Right wants to meet that fiery woman that ignited his heart and Sven wants to find the one that loved to hear him talk and listened to him.
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