#svt bulletfic
svtegg · 5 years
[11:26 am] theres just something so nostalgic about the way vernon is sitting across from you. the way the tan leather loveseat he’s resting in almost matches his orange t-shirt. the way choro by antonio carlos jobim mixes with the stuffy air of the lounge, and the slight sound of chatting becomes a background white noise to the picture perfect scene in front of you. “you’re staring.” your boyfriend notes, his eyebrows barely lifting in a questioning manner as the soft music fades over into another, slower jazz track. “i know.” you smile back at him, the playful glistening of your eyes making vernon lean into his left hand, running his fingers gently over his lips to hide his smirk. the familiar john coltranes slo blues masks the giggle you let slip over the edge of the coffe cup you’re currently raising to your lips.
vernon stares at you, his eyes indescribably filled with some sort of emotion you couldn’t pinpoint. the soft yellow light of the exposed bulbs hanging from the high ceiling tinting his skin in a golden sheen. he looked even more beautiful like this. bare faced, hair newly washed and clothes he picked out himself, and although sort of ridiculous looking he still manages to look just like the love of your life. even despite the rainbow tiedye bucket hat currently resting on the coffee table beside his glass of iced lemon green tea.
not that he didn’t look beautiful all styled and dressed up. he was always beautiful. so incredibly pretty. always the love of your life. but this was your vernon. the vernon that wore what he liked and did what he wanted. the version of him that was completely yours, atleast for the time being. when your plane landed in korea again he had 12 hours before his next official schedule but for now, for the next 12 hours he was yours. even if it was on the plane ride from paris to seoul.
you had zoned completely out and almost forgot you had the cup of room temperature coffe clutched in your hand. you only snapped out of your vernon induced trance as he softly broke what had become a mindless and wordless staring competition between the two of you with a quiet murmur of “you’re so pretty.” as he leaned to rest the side of his head in his hand. the very familiar guitar chords of james smith’s version of the beatles’ blackbird started playing over the airport lounge speakers, and you almost let out a giggle as you finally placed the cup back down on the table, returning vernon’s foolish but oh-so loving smile.
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svtegg · 5 years
dad!svt (hyung line)
three kids...he wants more though.....whew
two boys n a girl
minjae, 12, a charmer like his dad, looks exactly like him
rowdy, loud and yells all the time
loves football and is naturally good at most sports
when he went to a cafe with his dad he ordered for his dad and when the barista gave him a confused look when he ordered a double shot dark roast ice americano he said
“i’m not young i’m just really short” making seungcheol who stood five steps behind his son bust out in laughter
chorong, 10, a tomboy who idolized her older brother and wants to do everything he does, she also plays football
her focus is worse than her brothers though so she always finds herself doing other stuff while pretending to play keeper
but don’t tell him that bc she doesn’t want him to know
she’s a very independent woman and gets very agitated when someone tries to help her with what she’s doing
taeoh, 6 BUT HE’LL HAVE YOU KNOW HES 6 AND A HALF actually
a total mamas boy and seungcheol will never admit how jealous that makes him
taeoh is a calm soul and tends to be a little shy
enjoys nature and animals n prefers playing with sticks and rocks over plastic toys
seungcheol is a stressed out parent....kinda like a stereotypical movie soccer mom
stressing over the shopping list at the grocery store n you just have to take a hold of his forearm to tell him that it doesn’t matter if you get taeoh red or yellow socks for his school talent show next week because taeoh is 6 and he doesn’t care
loves his kids more than anything in the world and is extremely supportive and encouraging
isn’t very strict but does have house rules, chores and routines and treats every one of his children with respect and love
almost never gets angry or worked up....only when the kids fight or hurt each other will he slightly raise his voice to assert his authority
but always ends his lectures with an i love you and a big hug
the “that’s my kid!!” type of dad
so so proud of his clumsy, messy and comical children
cheered for chorong when she did a handstand in the goal in the middle of a match
the rest are under the cut...
“two” children
a two year old son
and another on the way
you don’t know the gender yet but!!! he’s very excited to meet his second child (it’s also a boy shhh it’s a secret)
his son is named haneul and he turned two on the 3rd of may
jeonghan calls him hannie though, passing on his own nickname to his son heheheh
he’s a smart kid
jeonghan taught him all the colors and is very proud of that
when jeonghans mom comes over jeonghan will always pester his son to get him to say all the colors
“what color is this, hannie?” he would ask, pointing to the emerald green mat on the floor with an exited voice
haneul would just give him the stank eye and go back to playing with his wooden moomin figurines
a total daddy’s boy he loves his dad so so much and jeonghan rubs it in your face constantly
hannie co sleeps in your bed,,,,and lemme tell you....that lil boy is wild as fuk,.,.,.hes basically doing acrobatics in his sleep...ends up splayed across both you and jeonghan, cheeks squished into your chest and feet resting on jeonghans stomach
jeonghan is a more hands on parent, always keeping an eye or a hand on his boy at all times
anxious when haneul goes to daycare for the first time
a little over protective almost breathing down the child’s neck when he’s playing with his blocks on the floor
you have to tell him to calm down and give your kid some space to explore a little
calms down a little when the other child arrives bc he finally realizes that he won’t have time to protect his children from every potential booboo
still spoils his kids rotten and leaves it to you to be the strict and stern parent
he doesn’t tolerate any backtalk or attitude however and will discipline whoever it was that gave attitude right away
always reads bedtime stories, even when the children are almost teenagers and whine at him to just get out of their room already
two daughters
elisabeth, age 9, her korean name is eunchae
elisabeth’s nickname is ella and both you and joshua never call her by her full name unless it’s to be assertive
ella is an artistic soul and loves to draw and paint, shes a little diva and wants everything her own way
but she’s a sweet girl down deep, clinging to her parents at every chance she gets
emelia, age 5, her korean name is eunbi
emelia has a lot of pet names, she’s the little sweetheart and always sucks up to her parents (josh loves it)
emelia is a little more shy than ella, and follows her sisters footsteps carefully
both the girls look exactly like him, the cat like mouth and the kind eyes copied from his body and onto their faces
both the girls have almost golden toned black hair if that makes sense....
joshua is a gentle parent, letting his girls do their thing while watching from a few steps
he loves exploring with his girls and taking them to parks and zoos and botanical gardens to teach them different animals and insects and flowers
the girls really like superheroes and they will make their dad play avengers with them on the suspension bridge on the playground
he will always have to be hulk and his girls will be captain marvel and groot
is a loving and sensitive father who is very open and emotionally available to his girls
has set house rules, bed times and is very respectful when asserting authority
never raises his voice to his children but guides them with an impeccable patience
the girls have their own bedroom but they often end up in your bed during the night...emelia frequents your bedroom most though
has hearts in his eyes when he watches his kids do anything
that adoring soft smile that makes the edges of his eyes turn up covering his face
one son
4 year old chaohua......english name...joshua
(yes joshua cried when he found out)
chao may only be 4 but he’s already as handsome as his dad
he’s the most adorable child ever
the kindest soul to ever walk the earth
he loves cuddling and would be content for a good hour just curled up in the corner of the sofa with one of his parents or uncles
he’s already lost his one front tooth and is very proud of it
likes watching cartoons!! especially old pokémon episodes
jun’s so loves animals...all animals,,,and when he found out meat cane from animals he refused to eat it...so now i guess jun is a vegetarian bc of the puppy eyes chao gives him whenever it’s dinnertime
when walking anywhere with his son, jun has to stop every five minutes so that chao can pet a dog or talk to a bird that’s trotting along the sidewalk
the little boy squatting down with his hands around his knees to carefully speak to mr.dove....but mr.dove is clearly a city pigeon
also always nagging his dad for a cat
chao is very good at swimming and jun takes him to his swimming lesson every week without fail
jun is v supportive and sits on the benches along the wall to watch his son
isnt really scared for chao bc he knows his child is careful and smart
so let’s him do what he wants most of the time
jun convinced you to let chao co sleep with you and he still does that
you had to get a bigger bed but no one is complaining because chao is such a cuddle bug it’s a win for everyone
basically chao is just as kind and gentle and loving as his father
and chao being born made jun grow up a little...he’s still goofy happy junhui but he’s just 10 times more loving n doting....towards his child that is
two sons
taewoo and wonseok, both 5
both complete opposites but still a match made in heaven
wonseok is a carbon copy of wonwoo, even his personality
while taewoo is a carbon copy of just wonwoo’s face
wonseok is quiet, thoughtful, neat and incredibly smart while taewoo is rowdy, loud, messy and lot of fun
wonseok is braver than taewoo however and this way they balance each other out perfectly, one being the life of the party while the other evens out the energy levels a bit more
wonwoo loves his kids so much
his stoic and mysterious image being completely thrown away the second he hears one of them squeal out a loud DAD!!!! when he walks through the front door of your house
the twins are v often perched on either side of his hips, or clinging onto his back as best they can
they love their dad and thinks he’s the coolest person on the entire planet
beside from Captain America©️ maybe
wonwoo is a strict parent, expecting his sons to behave and treat each other with kindness.,,..,,.,,.,,...most of the time
they’re twins so ofc they get on each other’s nerves
wonwoo doesn’t mind a little fighting and crying from the boys....as long as they make up after
otherwise wonwoo would sit then down and have a discussion with the two of them
and bc of this the boys are extremely mature for their age,,,again.,,.,,...,,,most of the time
but they’re wonwoos greatest pride and he loves them so so much
wonwoo will often play board games with his sons,,,,sometimes he becomes a little too invested
taught wonseok how to play checkers and now he almost never gets peace from the little boy who’s constantly asking to play him again
taewoo just wants to play spider-man...which is basically wonwoo lifting the boy up and holding him up to the roof so he can pretend to walk on it...while screaming at the top of his lungs in happiness
he can’t handle bedtime though and so you and him always put them to bed together
he’s been busy
he has a one year old boy....
and a 3 year old girl
and one on the way,,,,no one knows the gender yet shhhh (it’s another baby boy but i didn’t tell you that)
daehyun and hanbyul
he’s the biggest softest dad ever and cries at every first
cried when hanbyul said her first word...which was apple for some reason
cried at daehyuns f
cried at daehyuns first steps
cries when his child cries
keeps a list on the fridge of funny things his kids say
is super stoked and excited every time his kid learns a new thing, showing it off to every uncle one by one
is also completely on top and updated on what disney characters your daughter likes recently
knows exactly what stuffed animals his son likes and always knows what he needs when he starts fussing
he knows his kids so incredibly well its almost like he can read their minds
plays dress up with byul all the time, his favorite princess is elsa
you would often find him in the signature Dad™️ pose (the lying in the floor supporting yourself in your forearm) on hanbyuls bedroom floor with a tiny elsa costume on smiling like an idiot at your daughter who was explaining how to drink tea like a princess
a whole idiot for his kids, literally in love with them would do anything for them
spoils them rotten and makes sure theyre always happy, healthy and laughing
will never get tired of bouncing his son on his knee just to hear him laugh
his kids adore him just as much back
soonyoung almost has as much energy as his toddler daughter but will often go down as well at nap time
basically having kids with soonyoung is like raising and extra kid (him)
1 daughter
she’s just as badass as him
theyre best friends like actual best friends
she’s already turning into a little sassy savage princess
her name is youngsun (or just sun)
jihoon calls her sunnie or ms young
she’s currently 7 years old, and she has NO front teeth so she has an adorable lisp
she’s good friends with joshua’s girls
the little lady is very well behaved and always listens very well....jihoon likes to think this is bc he raised her to think for herself and respect and treat people like she wants to be treated herself
even though she’s jihoons daughter she is still a little cuddle bug and will savagely call her uncles out in their bull while resting her head on their chest
she’s very small, probably inheriting jihoon height lmao mingyu teases her adoringly by calling her teeny while she jokingly pouts up at her beanstalk uncle
jihoon treats his daughter like an equal, and bc of this they have a very special bond
jihoon and sun often discuss and exchange opinions on various subjects like adults and many people are impressed by how articulate and eloquent the young lady is
but she’s also a mischievous little lady and often pulls pranks on her parents or uncles,
hiding from them and scaring them when she thinks they aren’t looking and then running away with the loudest most adorable giggle leaving her toothless mouth
of course everyone just pretends they get scared but she doesn’t know that and thinks it’s the most hilarious thing
youngsun has a very strong bond with uncle mingyu and uncle seungkwan
the three of them often pairing up to scare jihoon while he’s working on something or spaced out in his own world
sometimes jihoon gives in and plays harry potter with his daughter, pretending to have dueling battles in the kitchen with chopsticks as wands
jihoon would be on the floor yelling out VINGARDIUM LEVIOSAAAAA
and you would be sat in the living room reading, laughing to yourself
you never in a million years pictured this would ever happen
basically jihoon is a very good dad and his daughter loves him,,,you could say she’s a daddy’s girl
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svtegg · 5 years
my svt dom/sub prefs (nsfw)
happy birthday - mingyu (pure fluff)
april sun - joshua (fluff)
i love you - seungkwan (angsty fluff)
right here - minghao (angsty fluff)
still - seungcheol (slight smut)
first date - jihoon (bulletfic kinda fluff)
pretentious ex - seungcheol (suggestive fluff)
i hope no one saw that - joshua (idol!au smut)
dreams in summer night - soonyoung (fluff)
love letter - vernon (pointless fluff)
manager jeon - wonwoo (my ajusshi au/angsty tendencies)
fancam - chan (fluffy idol!au w a tinge of crack)
untitled timestamp masterlist
hogwarts!svt masterlist
dad!svt masterlist
♡ series:
welcome to the tombs: (SVT apocalypse!au, rated pg, ch: 20/?)
good morning - kihyun (suggestive fluff)
do it again - wonho (suggestive fluff)
tease - wonho (do it again continuation/suggestive)
i just like you - jooheon (bulletfic fluff)
[03:01] - wonho (angst)
because i love you - sunmi (fluff)
02:48 am - jieun (iu) (fluff)
his memory - moon (bittersweet nothing)
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svtegg · 5 years
howgarts!svt (maknae line)
finally got around to finishing this series!!! after 84 years! hope u harry potter fans enjoy this bc i do everything 4 you guys hehehe ilu
Hufflepuff, but it took our dear old sorting hat a couple minutes…in the end Seungkwan asked for Hufflepuff because he thought some of the students on the slytherin table looked scary
Ironically enough, those students became some of his best friends later
He’s from a family of different houses so he didn’t really have any pressure to be sorted into the right house
Loves being a Hufflepuff because no one expects him when he jinxes the rugs in the third-floor classroom to fly around like owls
Has a secret talent, or more like a skill…… He can communicate with animals…he doesn’t tell anyone for like three years after he finds out
Loves Care of Magical Creatures, is in love with the Occamy hatchlings from one of Hagrid lessons and often visits his hut to check up on them
Drags Soonyoung or Seokmin with him into the forbidden forest on a weekly basis…..to see the Peruvian Vipertooth that Hagrid had raised….his name is Diggory
Seungkwan also excels at Charms, being a keen jinxer and a quick-witted wizard who can easily think his way out of sticky situations
Perfected 5th year level spells in his third year, without the Charms professor knowing
Seungkwan is a lot smarter than people give him credit for, once managed to distract an agitated Abraxan that had hurt its wing and had to land in the courtyard
All of the students outside started panicking as the huge horse galloped around the grounds in panic but not Seungkwan!
He jumped right into action and managed to conjure some reigns on the Abraxan, calming it with a somewhat weak but still impressive bewitched sleep
He has an owl named Bubo, she’s a Eurasian Eagle Owl and she’s Seungkwan’s biggest pride
Seungkwan is probably the friendliest student at Hogwarts, knowing everyone and often having to run to his lectures because he got stopped in the corridor by someone he knew
Often hangs out in the great hall with some of the guys from his group to watch them duel in Wizarding Chess
He’s the speaker/commentator for Quidditch games and often sings during the breaks
His wand is a caramel Applewood, straight with a amethyst dotted handle. Unicorn hair core, 7 inches, stout and rounded tip
Seungkwan’s patronus is a fox
Vernon is a muggle-born Hufflepuff
A quiet and peaceful soul that just tries his best at everything
Vernon is wise beyond his years and often says something that stops his older mates in their tracks
Then two seconds later he snort laughs at Soonyoungs fart joke and its like he never even said that super philosophical thing anyway
Vernon is very interested in Astronomy and is also developing a favor for potions, Mingyu pomised to help him study so that helped spark his interest a little
He is sowly becoming the Charms professors favorite student due to his fast progress in the subject, the teacher said that Vernon could become a good duelist if he practiced his defense against the dark arts spells a little more
But Vernon is a pacifist and would rather spend his days watching Joshua feed mandrakes, laughing at Seokmin losing in Wizards Chess or help Mingyu collect wolfsbane for his extra credit potion
Vernon becomes somewhat of a favorite in the Hufflepuff dungeon, because he’s one of the few people that acknowledge the house elfs that are working away in the ajar kitchen
The Hufflepuff Quidditch team are trying to scout him as their seeker because he’s one of the few people that can actually see the snitch
One time he caught the snitch from the audience, Seungkwan screaming at him over the speakers to let it go
But the snitch had already retracted its wings and Hufflepuff won the game
Vernon still declined the position, saying he didn’t want to take it from the current seeker
But the current seeker was threatening to quit if Vernon didn’t say yes
Vernon said he’d think about it
Like Seungkwan, his roommate, Vernon owns an owl.
His is a lot smaller than Seungkwans, a tiny Ural Owl named Melody
His wand is of Rowan, light wood with bark details twirling around the wand. Flexible, 9 inches with Dragon heart string core from an Ukrainian Ironbelly
Patronus is a Doe
Ravenclaw……….One wouldn’t think so at first sight,,,
He isn’t outstanding in his class…a typical second best
But get this…
He skipped his entire first year because he had prepared so much for school start that he’d already taught himself the entire first year curriculum…..so he got bumped up
So now he’s in class with Vernon and Seungkwan….and they never let him be
Always babying him and making sure he’s okay
Chan is very well liked by the teachers, they’re all impressed by his extreme work ethic and drive…what a good student… He’s always on time, always sits up front, notebook ready
But he’s also a little rascal…..often helping Minghao and Jihoon place tricks and jinxes to get back at Joshua, Jeonghan or Seungkwan…..hehe
His favorite subject it Defense Against The Dark Arts, Charms and Transfiguration
He studies very very hard bc he wants to become an Auror
Like his mom
All his friends make sure he’s well studied, well rested and prepared for his exams drilling his knowledge at the breakfast table as one of them shoves a bagel down his throat and another prepares a cup of tea for him
Chan is a powerful wizard as well, he isn’t as powerful as Joshua or as quick thinking as Seungkwan but he definitively has the broadest spectrum of spells, charms, jinxes and hexes memorized
He literally has a spell for any situation, even if its not useful
Becomes kind of insecure when his friends aren’t there to back him up and sees his friends as his security net and would do anything for them
Managed to distract the headmaster while Jeonghan snuck back into detention after escaping to go to Hogsmeade with Seokmin, Wonu and Jihoon
He plays for the quidditch team as well….he’s a beater and often impresses the instructor with his impeccable flying skills
Wants to become Captain one day but so far he has to accept the fact that he’s still a newbie
Has a rat and an owl, oops broke the rules oh nooo
Chan got his rat from the same person Joshua got Grover, theyre siblings u see
The rat is a smart little silver girl named Brie n she picks locks for a living
She lives in Chans sock drawer
Chan also has a tawny owl that isn’t very friendly, its name is Donald
His wand is grey toned Ashwood with a sleek two tone finish that gradiates along the handle. Unicorn hair core, 11.3 inches.
Chan’s patronus is a honey badger, tiny in size but incredibly strong and fearless and not afraid to face even the worst of predators
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svtegg · 5 years
hogwarts!svt (95line)
this is gna be a long ass post but this is my svt as hogwarts students headcanons with houses, favorite subjects, what pet they have, what theyre like, what wand they would have and what their patronus is owo hope you enjoy!!! 
Captain & Beater on the gryffindor quidditch team
Favorite subject is defence against dark arts
Likes a little action but is also really interested in the actual subject
Has a tawny owl named Buster and talks about it to anyone that will listen
Became a prefect in his fifth year and was promoted to head boy at the start of his 6th
Every teacher loves him even though he’s not a top student
Very charismatic and quickly becomes the resident schoolgirl crush
Has wayyyy too much responsibility but still manages to get average grades
Almost never seen studying, but often hangs in the library with Wonu, Joshua, Jeonghan and Minghao.
They have a table by the windows they sit at almost every day.
Knows all the portraits in the Grand Staircase by first name
Often chats with the elfs when he’s passing through the dungeons
Kind of the School’s heartthrob…..he’s so dreamy owo
Always nags the younger gryffindoors to clean up the common room because he wants to have the best looking commonroom out of all the houses
Takes pride in keeping his housemates in check n kinda basks in the authority of the prefect role
Everyone always talk about the fact that Seungcheol will be a famous quidditch player when he leaved Hogwarts, he just laughs it off and says he’d rather work at the leaky cauldron
He wants to be an auror but doesn’t think he’ll get more than four N.E.W.T’s Jeonghan and Joshua are trying very hard to get him to study for his finals though n often sit with him in the library late into the night
Weasels his way into Apparition classes with Joshua because it looks good on his resumé
His wand is Cherrywood with a dragon heartstring core, 8.5 inches and slender with a rounded point, the wand has a slight bend at the tip. Rigid flexibility.
His Patronus was a Scops Owl the first time he casted expect patronum, but he has since seen both a Runespoor and an Oryx so he’s never confirmed what his patronus is.
He is a pureblood but never brings it up, its not important to him at all
Half blood, metamorphmagus
Always changes his hair colors and grows out his hair from fairly short to long flowy locks over night, his favorite is shoulder length silver hair to match his black, green and silver robes.
Very pleasant and charming
Best friends with all the teachers, always avoids trouble despite being somewhat of a trickster and a cheater
Often uses his abilities to prank people or help people with something
Never breaks “rules of impotance” aka rules that would get him expelled if he broke them
Best friends, roommates and seatmates with Joshua Hong, they’re basically connected at the hip.
Doesn’t have any pets and often gets Seungcheol to lend him Buster if he needs to send a letter to him mom or something. Is also often seen with Joshua’s pet rat Grover on his shoulders.
Lowkey flirts with everyone, is the most popular Slytherin iuehfjdskj
Jeonghan’s favorite subject is Astronomy and Divination and you could often catch him reading up on the latest Astronomy books while watching the gryffindoor quidditch team practice
Looks out for Chan a lot, making sure he’s okay n taken care of since he’s so young n had to skip a year
Once threatened the Ravenclaw Quidditch captain with a few transfiguration hexes because Chan had ended up in the hospital wing with a broken wrist
Doesn’t really know what he wants to do after school but isn’t too worried about it
He’s a very powerful wizard, but flaunts it in the stupidest way possible like putting a cloud of raining glitter above his head for a day or making flowers bloom on the crown of his head for a day
Only takes one extra class during his two last years; Ancient Studies, because he’s actually quite interested in history
His wand is a 9.3 inch light dogwood with a unicorn hair core, flexible. A distinct twirl that reaches up about 2/3 of the length of the wand.
Jeonghan’s patrouns is a abraxan winged horse, as majestic as himself.  
Pureblood, his mother was also a Slytherin and he’s proud to be one
A very humble and kind slytherin, will have anyone who hates slytherin rethinking their choices
Very very nice, he’s friends with literally everyone
Only his closest friends know he’s the mastermind behing his and Jeonghan’s pranks and tricks, because he has the rest of the school fooled thinking he’s a gentle, nice young man
Theyre like Fred and George 2.0
Often seen in the Great Hall playing wizards chess against Vernon, Wonwoo and Seokmin
He has a grey and white rex rat named Grover
His favorite subject is Herbology and he’s especially good friends with the Herbology Professor often being invited to tea at his office
Naturally good at potions as well, often helps Mingyu brew more complicated potions for both extra credit and secret missions (Polyjuice to get Jun and Vernon out of detention)
Spends a lot of his free time in the greenhouse, brings Minghao with him because Minghao likes quiet when he reads his Anicent Runes books and Joshua likes watering the plants and checking up on his favorite mandrakes in peace
Everyone seems to like him, even the most stuck up professors
Has a secret talent in dueling but never duels bc he’s lowkey scared of getting hurt
Joshua is also a very powerful wizard, definitely being one of the strongest ones in his friend group but he doesn’t really know that himself as he is very controlled and meticulous with his magic
One of the few students who starts Alchemy and Apparition classes in his 6th year
He’s the head boy of Slytherin, but never really hands out detention or punishments which may be the reason everyone likes him so much
His wand is a 11 inch Elm with a Phoenix feather core, with a Viking inspired pattern round the base of the handle. Sturdy and inflexible, there’s an inscription along the length of the wand that reads ‘vacate et scire’
Joshua’s patronus is a Lynx Cat
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svtegg · 5 years
i kinda made something....it’s a dad!svt bulletfic...but i think someone already did almost exactly what i wrote so idk if i should post it or not? :0 anyway i’m going to bed soon luv u all!! ♡
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