#swan valley wedding
mulberryestate · 7 months
What Makes a Wedding an Intimate Wedding ?
An intimate wedding is characterized by its small guest list and focus on personal connections and meaningful experiences. While there's no strict rule on the exact number of guests that defines an intimate wedding, it typically involves fewer than 50 guests, although some may extend up to 100 guests depending on personal preferences. Here are some key elements that make a wedding intimate:
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Small Guest List: Intimate weddings typically involve inviting only close family members and friends. This allows for more meaningful interactions and connections among guests.
Personalization: Intimate weddings often prioritize personal touches and customization. Couples may opt for personalized vows, handmade decorations, or unique ceremony rituals that reflect their relationship and personalities.
Cozy Atmosphere: Intimate weddings often take place in smaller venues that create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. This could be a charming restaurant, a rustic barn, a scenic garden, or even a private home.
Quality Time with Guests: With a smaller guest list, couples have more opportunity to spend quality time with each of their guests, whether it's through conversations during the reception, shared activities, or group outings.
Attention to Detail: Intimate weddings allow couples to focus on the finer details of the event, from the menu selection to the seating arrangements, ensuring that every aspect reflects their vision for the day.
Meaningful Moments: Intimate weddings often prioritize meaningful moments over grand gestures. Whether it's a heartfelt exchange of vows, an intimate first dance, or a touching speech from a loved one, these moments are cherished and celebrated.
Budget-Friendly: Intimate weddings can be more budget-friendly compared to larger, more extravagant affairs. With fewer guests to accommodate, couples can allocate their budget towards elements that are most important to them, such as photography, food, or entertainment.
Flexibility: Intimate weddings offer greater flexibility in terms of venue choices, timelines, and overall logistics. Couples can choose non-traditional venues or opt for more unconventional wedding formats that better suit their preferences.
Mulberry estate consist all  quality mentioned above , so it could be best Intimate wedding venue in Swan Valley.
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monzamash · 2 years
the best man — daniel ricciardo
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daniel ricciardo x you (femreader) | 6.5k summary – he’s the best man, you’re the maid of honour. he’s charming and handsome, you’re single and looking for a good time. it’s an open bar wedding in swan valley and oh, he’s your ex boyfriend – what could go wrong? warnings – 18+ (sex, coarse language)
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It had been 2 years in the making, the event of the decade your best friend had humbly coined her nuptials. And she was right – her and Blake had been waiting for what felt like a lifetime to show their love to the world or more specifically, to nearly 400 of their closest friends and family. It had been quite the build up with a global pandemic getting in the way and coordinating a wedding in Australia when so many of their guests were travelling in from overseas wasn’t easy. But they persevered and had finally made it to their wedding eve, guests from around the world checking into nearby hotels and resorts, excited for their big day.
For you, however, it was the rehearsal dinner that had you on edge from the second you stepped off your delayed Qantas flight that morning – stomach in knots over the unknown of it all. The few details that you were aware of were the ones that had you tangled up; the first being that you were Sarah’s maid of honour, one that you took very seriously but because of the border lockdowns and hectic work schedules, you hadn’t been as involved as you would’ve liked.
The second detail was the one that really had you in a chokehold. Up until this point, you’d avoided the inevitable, relief washing over you every time either Blake or Sarah said he couldn’t make it to the wedding party zoom call or when a suit fitting that Sarah had begged you to come along to was cancelled. Avoiding him had been a breeze so far, your communications kept mediated between your two best friends.
But today was D-day.
“You are rocking that LBD, girlie.”
Sarah’s voice brought you out of your phone and into the present, her bright white smile lighting up the room. It was the happiest you’d even seen your best friend and that alone was enough of a reason to grin and bear what was to come with him.
“Well I am technically single and hopefully out of the thousands of people you’ve invited to your shin-dig, there’s at least one suitor for me to have a crack at,” You winked, “But not your uncle Graham – he’s not my type.”
Sarah rolled her eyes and turned towards the full length mirror propped up beside your chair, “He’s back with Aunty Shirl so don’t worry… But I do know someone else who is single – definitely your type and actually mentioned you a few times last week.”
An interested hum slipped from your lips, curious to know who had been asking about you. Maybe you were in luck.
“Who was it?”
The way Sarah smirked and flicked her long blonde, perfectly curled hair off her shoulder should’ve given her away; “Just a friend of Blake’s – the classic tall, dark and handsome, you know… Brown eyes, absolutely hilarious and such a gentleman…” She continued, her tone teasing.
You blinked a couple of times, completely deadpanned as you stared your best friend down; “You better not be talking about Dan.”
“He’s still hung up on you, babe.” Sarah confessed, treading carefully.
“I don’t care,” You whined, irritated that this conversation was even happening. It had taken you months to move on, to mend your broken heart and now here you were, getting the run around by your supposed best friend who only wanted what was best for you. In her opinion, that was Daniel Ricciardo.
“Well just be civil with him. I know things didn’t end well and I know that you blame him for all of it and rightfully so,” Sarah quickly added, sensing your narrowed stare, “But you did love him once upon a time. A lot. And I know that you love me and wouldn’t do anything to fuck up my moment so get your sexy butt up so I can go see my husband.”
“Aye, aye captain.”
Anything to end this conversation, you thought.
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Caversham House was beautiful. Everywhere you looked was picture-perfect – from the balcony overlooking the river to the four-story high waterfall framing the immaculate gardens, not to mention the painstakingly placed candles and floral arrangements hanging in every room. It was spectacular, tastefully extravagant and definitely worth the twelve-month wait.
The rehearsal dinner was strictly wedding party and parents only; everyone would have to wait until tomorrow to witness the event of the decade. Blake was the first person to come up and greet you, having only seen you a couple hours before when you’d arrived at the villas nearby. Michael was closely following behind with his wide smile; always making you feel loved,regardless of what had happened between you and his best friend.
“It’s really good to see you. Been too long, ey?” He asked, the pained inflection on his voice making you pout before you were ushered away by one of the other bridesmaids, promising him that you’d meet him at the bar for a drink later.
He was easy to pick out a crowd. The one who shall not be named; who had broken your heart into a million tiny pieces; who left you with nothing but an empty promise that maybe, one day he would find his way back to you. Utter bullshit.
He was standing with Sarah and her parents who practically raised you, chilled beer in his hand, smiles on their faces and loud laughs rousing the flock of ducks floating across the pond behind them. That fucking smile made you sick because it’s what landed you with said broken heart. Stunned in place, unable to process seeing him again after so long. It had only been six months but it felt like a lifetime without him – and without that stupidly infectious smile.
Daniel was the first to notice you walking over; truth be told, he’d been looking for you the second he stepped out of his hire car twenty minutes ago. Subtle scans of the garden and beyond, peeks over the balcony he was standing on, hoping to see you. He ached thinking about this moment, even last night in his hotel in Perth he thought about you – and whether you would speak to him, or even glance his way. You would have to, right? He was the best man and you were the maid of honour. Surely.
“Hi guys,” You smiled, confidence summoned out of nowhere, surprising yourself. Sarah’s parents were quick to pull you into a cuddle, claiming that you were too cool and way too busy for them these days, which the latter was true. You felt guilty but also knew they understood. They appreciated the little moments like this where they could get their whole family together again and you felt lucky to be a small part of that.
“We were just talking to Daniel about the season starting in a few weeks – are you going to be at the first race, love?” Sarah’s mum asked, and you hadn’t even registered that she was talking to you, assuming that everyone knew by now that you and Daniel had broken up.
Her question, albeit innocent, felt like a punch to the gut – one of the many painful reminder of how interconnected your life together had been for so many years. She wasn't the last person that weekend to remind you of what you'd lost, opening old wounds over and over.
“Actually Mum, I should go and find Blake and get started – your seats are over here…” Sarah was quick to jump into action, ushering her parents over to their table and leaving you and Daniel alone for what felt like the longest minute of your life.
He looked nervous but happy to see you. He looked jetlagged like you, and the way his frazzled curls fell onto his face indicated that the humidity had gotten to him already, the obscene summer heat doing the same to you. The small smile tugging on the sides of his mouth eased you, the quiet whistle he made also allowed you to relax. He was good at filling in uncomfortable silences – you, not so much.
“So…” You drawled, pondered out loud trying to fill the void, “Keeping well?”
Daniel stopped whistling and stifled a laugh at your seemingly innocuous question, “Really?”
“Well, what do you want me to say?” You sharply shot back, chuckling at his judgement, “Great to see you? How’s the family? Like…”
Daniel shuffled his feet on the pavement and looked up at the darkening sky above, “No, you’re right – I’m sorry. It’s just… so fucking weird seeing you after – after everything that happened in Austin,” He leaned forward and whispered, eyes boring into yours as he spoke.
You gave him a small nod, hard features softening the longer you held his stare. You always felt safe in those eyes but right now, you couldn’t let yourself get lost in them like you usually would. Daniel could sense your vulnerability and averted his gaze to his sneakers, saving you both from the heartache.
“I know but I don’t want to stress them out,” You looked over at Sarah and Blake who were speaking with their MC, “So let’s keep our distance and get through the weekend without any drama, please?”
Daniel frowned at your suggestion, wanting the complete opposite of distance but he knew he had no right to fight you on it “Sure...” He settled, a pang of disappointment shooting through his chest, “I can do that.”
You turned on your heel and set your sights on the job at hand. It was no mean feat being the maid of honour to someone as capricious as Sarah but she was glowingly in love; blissful compared to a week ago when she called you in the middle of the night crying, thinking that she’d forgotten to book a DJ. Of course you reassured her and sent her the wedding itinerary for the hundredth time that week, easing her nerves like only a best friend could.
And Daniel was in the same predicament, moving around the room wrangling groomsmen into their agreed upon seating arrangement. All of this ensuing chaos hidden behind your respective smiles and you knew then that at some point you would have to join forces; like you did when you were together. Five years of being the dream team.
“Why did they decide to have a million people in their wedding party?” You whispered once everyone was seated; now waiting for the bride and groom to make their entrance.
Daniel chuckled as he shuffled closer to you, the cologne you’d bought him for his birthday years ago filling your nostrils. It warmed your heart to know that he was still wearing it after the break up, no doubt that it reminded him of you every time he put it on. So many memories tied up in the smell of that cologne.
“Makes no sense to me but I’m proud of you for not slapping Izzy when she refused to sit next to Mark,” Daniel whispered causing a stifled laugh to slip from your smirking lips, “You did good, chook.”
Your nickname fell from his lips too easily, too familiar and your eyes rolled involuntarily. Of course he’d call you that, pushing the boundaries because there had never been a moment in the time that you’d known Daniel where he wouldn’t step over a blurred line. Hell, that’s how it started with him – a drunken night out and breakfast the next morning. He was nothing if not persistent and loved that once upon a time. But for now, you both had to be laser focused on the people who had found each other because of the two of you – a blind date turned into happily ever after.
“You did good too.”
You stayed true to your word and got a drink with Michael once the rehearsal was over – taking full advantage of the complimentary drinks being served by the luxurious resort you were all staying at. As you caught up with Michael, you couldn’t help but scan around the ballroom, unable to fathom how picturesque this place was in real life. It was heaven on earth.
Months ago, you found out that Daniel had been the one to suggest the venue after Blake and Sarah’s original plans fell through during the pandemic and the days following that revelation were tough. Crying yourself to sleep kind of tough. Caversham House had been written in your dream journal since yours and Daniel’s third anniversary – you remembered his words like they were said yesterday.
“My cousin got married at this amazing mansion in Swan Valley last year. One of the most beautiful places in the world…”
It was a throw away comment; an observation that Daniel may not have even realised struck you so much. But you went home that night and googled it; concluding that if Daniel ever proposed and you got to plan your wedding, Caversham House would be the place you would marry the love of your life. You never voiced that to Daniel and sadly, that day never came.
But years later here you were, watching your best friend living out your dream and you couldn’t have been happier for her – for them. Daniel had missed his chance, thrown it all away for god knows what and you couldn’t help but feel your blood starting to boil as he approached you and Michael sitting at the bar, your memories like little daggers sharpening in your mind.
“Hope I’m not interrupting,” Daniel tentatively asked, a fresh beer in hand and a sheepish smile on his face. He knew he was.
“Nah mate. Pull up a seat if you want,” Michael replied and tugged out the stool beside him but Daniel glanced down at you with wide eyes, seeking permission before taking up Michaels offer.
“Join us.”
It was subtle but you could see Daniel exhale a sigh of relief, you knew him better than anyone. You could see the weight lifting from his shoulders as he sat across from you, trying to temper his joy that you'd agreed to have him anywhere near you.
And in typical Daniel fashion, he slotted into the group seamlessly, never an awkward pause of silence or a lull in conversation whenever he was around. He was the social butterfly, the one everyone loved and you were always content with that when you were together. After the split, it became obvious how much everyone loved him and you lost touch with most of your mutual friends – Michael included.
It was a bitter pill to swallow and you resented him in the beginning but watching him talk, crack the odd joke here and there you could understand why. Like Sarah had noted in her room earlier, he was the whole package but he broke your heart. And he regretted that every second of every day. He’d tried so hard to forget the way you smiled, the way you giggled softly, trying to suppress the real laugh that only he ever got to hear. You were glowing under the lights, hair swirling around in the evening breeze and Daniel couldn’t take his eyes off you.
The grimace on his face when you caught him made you smile, eyes narrowed with suspicion as he shrugged and mouthed, I’m sorry. You mirrored his shrug and took a sip of the glass of white wine he’d gotten you when he got up to get himself a drink. Truth be told, you couldn't keep your eyes of him either.
Before you knew it, the two of you were sitting alone – Michael made up some story that he needed to speak with Blake and that he would be back but he never returned. And you hadn’t really even noticed his absence until your phone buzzed on the table between you and Daniel.
“… But being back on the farm over the break was nice – the kids asked where you were and said that they missed you a bunch of times.”
Daniel noticed the way you looked at your phone. The small smile followed by the lip bite gave you away and he couldn’t ignore the way his stomach dropped, knowing that expression all too well. It was one he’d been on the receiving end of so many times. You flipped your phone over, screen down and returned to your conversation with apologetic eyes, “Sorry, what did you say? Something about the farm?”
“Oh, it doesn’t matter,” Daniel smiled and nodded towards your phone, “Answer him if you need to.”
You were slightly caught of guard, naively thinking you’d kept your cards close to you chest. Or maybe you had and Daniel was baiting to see if you’d admit that you were talking to someone new, finally moving on after six months. He was hard to read but he knew you better than anyone and you hated the way he was watching you, waiting for a response.
“Nah, all good. It’s not a serious thing,” You stupidly confessed, internally face palming as the words slipped from your loose lips.
“But it is a thing?” Daniel was quick to enquire, selfishly wanting to know whether or not you had moved on, if he'd missed his chance.
“Forget I said anything, please,” You swiftly replied, taking a gulp of wine and wilfully hoping he would drop it. He didn’t want to but he could see the warning in your stern gaze, silently begging him not to interrogate you over this, not here.
“I just want you to be happy.” Daniel landed on; honest eyes boring into yours as he clasped his hands together and sighed loudly into the cool air. 
“I was happy with you and then you threw it away like it meant nothing to you,” You breathed, hands expressively falling to your sides and busying your fingertips on the hem of your dress.
“You mean – meant more to me than anything. I just… woke up one day and realised that you deserved better; more than what I could give you being away for months on end,” He quietly replied, the words feeling dry as he explained why he’d cut you lose and broke your heart.
The scoff erupting in your throat caught Daniel’s attention, “Don’t you think I should’ve been the person deciding that, not you?”
“Of course but in the moment it felt like the right thing to do and I fucked up… I really, really screwed it up, chook. Do you ever think–”
Suddenly, you heard your name being shouted from across the lawn, both you and Daniel snapping your heads around to see Sarah waving her arms like a maniac trying to get your attention, “Time for bed, guys! Early start tomorrow."
Neither or you wanted to end the conversation there, on a cliffhanger because simply being close to each other again fuelled something internally that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. He gave you strength whenever he was near and you gave him solace, a sense of calm that nobody else could ever replicate. And tearing yourselves away from that was hard, so much so that a stand off had begun.
“After you,” Daniel motioned with a smirk, reading you like a book.
“You just want me to go first so you can check out my arse in this dress,” You teased and poked his shoulder, “Pervert.”
“Absolute tickets but honestly, yeah…” He winked as you stood up and smoothed out the dress that had ridden up slightly, his eyes shamelessly scanning your outfit, “Unbelievable.”
A blush crept up your neck as his words washed over you but you couldn’t let him see that, “Goodnight, Daniel.” You said, turning on your heel and fleeing the scene as quickly as you could, but not without a little strut as you walked away.
Daniel exhaled deeply and watched you until you were out of his sight, not even noticing the dip in the couch he was sitting on.
“Put your tongue back in ya mouth and go to bed.”
Michael had caught him red handed and now it was hit turn to furiously blush. He was down bad and had no idea how he was supposed to sleep, knowing you were a couple of villas down, thinking about him, thinking about you. He missed you in so many ways, the obvious ones now being the ones on his mind as he lay in bed, fingers trawling through his hair as he tried to think of anything else but you. What eventually lulled him to sleep was the promise of tomorrow – a new beginning.
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After a couple of hours of complete and utter panic, the weather had finally decided to put on a show for the newlyweds. The clouds that had dampened the morning vanished as soon as the fleet of vintage cars rolled up the stoned driveway, arriving fashionably late. You had done your best to calm Sarah but she was already teary, eyes blinking rapidly in attempt to control the tears threatening to ruin her make up. Just breathe, you’d whispered as her sister made her way down the carpeted aisle, sun shinning down on the gorgeous archway at the top of the stairs.
“Let’s go and get you married to the man of your dreams, hey?”
That was all you needed to say before Sarah nodded and pushed you towards the open doors, one last wink giving you the reassurance that she would be right behind you. The ceremony was beautiful; there were many tears and laughter rumbling through the large crowd when Blake made a joke about her being stuck with him for the rest of her life. Everything else flew by in the blink of an eye and before you knew it, Daniel was reaching out for your hand, clasping it gently in his as he guided you down the stairs and out to the balcony where the photos were going to be taken before joining the reception.
“Champagne?” Daniel asked you, flute already locked and loaded in his hand – he knew you couldn’t resist a glass of bubbly, not after such a stressful morning.
“Please and thank you,” You sighed, taking a sip and glancing over at the happy couple who had already started doing photos together.
“Can’t believe it’s actually happened.”
Daniel followed your eye line and smiled, “Who knew 4 years ago when we set them up that we’d end up here…” He pondered out loud and you agreed, you never would’ve guessed it, "It's amazing."
“I said it back then and I stand by it now; we should be professional match-makers. We’re literally 1 for 1 right now,” You enthused, reflecting Daniel’s grin.
“Oh, we’re fucking killing it. Alright, let’s see…” He trailed off and looked around the balcony at the other groomsmen and bridesmaids making small talk, “What about big Mike? Been single for a while now and way too obsessed with my shit so getting him laid would benefit me too… Izzy’s single, right?”
“She is!” You whispered a little too enthusiastically that Daniel jumped back and laughed, “But she’s a commitment girl so I don’t think a hit it and quit it vibe or his travelling would be a good match. Marcia is a bit rogue… definitely single and down for anything, I reckon... Ooo, this is too much fun!”
Daniel chuckled and soaked in your excitement – it had been so long since he’d seen you smile like that, so free and uninhibited. Like his simple existence wasn’t sucking the life out of you and wasn’t making you miserable for the first time in over a year. He felt guilty taking so much emotionally from you, the toll of his work effecting both of you in the end. He hadn’t said it out loud but he knew that his mental health was having a detrimental effect on you but you loved him. Loved him with every cell in your body and you would never have given up on him. And little did he know, you still hadn’t after all this time.
“You are so beautiful.”
Daniel’s words surprised you and there was a second of silence before he doubled down with a soft laugh, “Like, breathtakingly beautiful.”
What you did next startled Daniel. Your hand brushed over the buttons on his light blue jacket, fingertips gently readjusting the small flower arrangement pinned on the lapel as you took in his compliment. You’d be lying if you said it didn’t ignite a spark within, a small flutter of your heart making you blush as he reached out and grasped your hips in his warm hands. The silk was soft under his palms, barely even a second passed before you melted into his touch, wishing for more than a friendly exchange.  
“Thank you,” You whispered, eyes flickering up through your thick eyelashes – his brown ones gleaming with joy as you trailed your hands down his chest and gave him a soft push towards the photographers standing behind him, “Get that million dollar smile ready, Ricciardo because I think we’re being summoned.”
He continued to seek you out for the rest of the night, hypnotised by the smell of your perfume and the softness of your touches; the latter caused by the couple of glasses of wine you’d consumed.
Daniel loved it when you were a tiny bit tipsy. He loved the little giggles that you gifted him and the way you hung onto him just that little bit longer. The memories of the two of you stumbling down the footpath outside your home together last summer, barely making it up the stairs and through the door came flooding back when you whispered in his ear, “You are so bloody handsome.”
“Excuse me?” He chuckled; hand sprawled over the small of your back as he placed his jacket over your shoulders, “You heard me,” You shot back, smirk plastered across your face as you grasped his hand. “Come dance with me.”
Daniel had been waiting for you to ask, praying you’d be the one to drag him out onto the dance floor. You knew what you wanted and you didn’t hesitate throwing your arms over his shoulders, forcing his hands to snake down yours sides and grasp your swaying hips. The floor was packed with people dancing along to the DJ who was mainly spinning 90s R&B – a personal favourite of yours and the bride.
Daniel was in heaven as your bodies moved together in perfect rhythm, the music transporting you back to the first time you met – the night when your life changed in the blink of an eye. He knew to savour it, never taking your intimacy for granted because he knew that you were hurting more than him, and you had every right to be. But in that moment, as he looked down into your glossy eyes, he saw the woman he fell in love with – the one he loved more than anything in the entire world. His girl.
You were barely inches apart when he leaned down and kissed you; lips ghosting before taking what they wanted, what they craved. Even though it was Daniel making the first move, you were going to if he didn't soon and the smile erupting on your face when he pulled back reassured him that he’d made the right call. Cutting the tension with a knife and making your blush under the thick layer of makeup that hadn’t budged all day.
There was a short pause as you stared at each other, unsure whether you were fully on the same page or not but Daniel didn’t want to wait any longer. He’d waited nearly six months to be with you, to touch you; to taste you.
“Do you wanna…?”
“Yes!” You hastily replied, making Daniel chuckle before he wrapped his arm around your waist and guided you off the dance floor and away from the loud music; both of you wildly aroused and tingling with anticipation.
The mansion where the reception was being held was enormous. Guest bedroom after guest bedroom lined the hallways so you were a little shocked when you were pulled into a bathroom at the end of the passageway. It was massive, bigger than your kitchen back home and the sconces hanging from the dark walls looked nearly 100 years old, barely emitting any light. It was definitely setting a mood and you weren't complaining at all.
“There’s locks on the bathrooms but not the bedrooms,” Daniel explained, sensing your surprise at his choice of location. You nodded and reached out for him, already missing the way his body felt on yours as he pinned you against the tiled wall, heat radiating down your spine as he feverishly kissed you again.
“You’ve done me in dirtier places,” You moaned and he chuckled against your neck, lips travelling across your collarbone and between your perky breasts.
The fire that had been smouldering in the pit of your stomach all night was being stoked by his firm touch, every trace of a fingertip or rough tug on your sensitive skin making you whimper with excitement. You needed him to fuck you good.
“I’d do you anywhere, honey.”
You hummed and roughly grappled Daniel’s curls between your fingers as he dipped down further and grasped the hem of your dress. A small shrug was enough to let the thick suit jacket he had given you fall to the ground, goose bumps erupting all over your arms as he left a trail of sloppy kisses up your thighs; stopping right where you wanted him and letting the flowy material of your dress drape over his head, disappearing from your sight. He knew your body like the back of his hand and knew you loved nothing more than his warm breath fanning between your thighs, glistening all for him.
“I want you to fuck me against this mirror,” You strongly suggested through batted eyelashes as he returned into view, a smirk painted on the supple lips that were seconds away from devouring you.
“Don’t want my tongue?” Daniel cheekily asked, still crouched down and gazing up at you with those big brown eyes, waiting for your response. “Maybe later,” You whispered, watching as he jumped up with a grin, eager to fulfil whatever you desired.
“Hands up where I can see them, ma’am,” Daniel playfully ordered and you played along, holding your hands up in the air as he spun you around so you were facing the dark mirror. You could feel yourself soaking through your flimsy panties and if you could feel it, Daniel definitely could as he slid his hand into the lace, cupping you gently and stroking a single finger through your folds.
“Spread ‘em,” He whispered into your ear before pressing a firm to your temple and kicking your heeled feet apart.
Your hands were gripping the sink in front of you; white knuckling already but knowing that this wasn’t anything compared to what Daniel could do to you. He once had you bucking on his thigh like it was the last orgasm you were ever going to have, screaming in pleasure like you were being tortured. And now, all you could think about was his hard dick pressing against your backside, taunting you under the thick material of his trousers.
“Danny,” You quietly moaned through gritted teeth and Daniel knew what that moan meant, not wasting a second before unbuckling his belt and pushing his pants down to his ankles. He did the same with your underwear, except he bent all the way down to rid you of them so he could keep them in his discarded jacket pocket for safekeeping.
“I’m gonna need those back, sir.”
“Nah, I wouldn’t think so,” Daniel teased, standing back up straight and catching your eyes in the reflection in front of him.
“Gotta be quiet for me, okay?” He sweetly whispered, tongue swiping across the shell of your ear as he teased your hole with his soft tip, the feeling of your excitement mingling together making your shiver, “Already feels so good.”
You hummed as Daniel nudged forward, his thickness took your breath away as you closed your eyes and leaned over the sink a little more; taking all of him, inch by inch. He could feel how tight you were, trying to not let his mind wander to whether you’d been fucked by anyone else since the break up. Because if you had, he knew it wasn’t anything compared to how good he could do you with the way you were already choking back moans. Whimpering for more.
“Relax for me, honey. The clenching feels crazy fuckin’ good for me but I need you to just take me nice and slow,” Daniel coached, smoothing his palms over your hips and slowly rocking you back and forth against him, “God, your arse really is something else,” He rasped, lightly tapping your rump as you looked up at him in the mirror, narrowed eyes sending him a stern warning.
“Don’t even think about it and don’t try the whole ‘oh, I accidently slipped’ trick because I know you,” You playfully scowled, trying to hide the smirk tugging on the corners of your lips.
Daniel tipped his head back and cackled at you calling him out, revelling in the banter and the fact you knew him inside and out. He’d missed being called out on his shit and he loved nothing more than when you teased him during sex, the laughter ringing off the walls while he watched himself disappear into you.
“You’re tight enough already, baby so no shenanigans tonight,” Daniel groaned and jutted his hips forward, jolting you closer to the mirror in the process. He readjusted his tight grip on the satin dress that he'd bunched up around your hips and caught your gaze in the reflection again, “I bet old mate texting you last night couldn’t fuck you like this, ey?”
“Never gave him the chance,” You panted in reply, eyes trained on Daniel’s as he pounded into you, thighs trembling in pleasure as he stalked you, every little wince or twitch never went unnoticed and you felt hot under his gaze, his hot breath and soft groans fanning into your ear.
“Good. No man deserves you, honey – not even me.”
The little burst of confidence his words gave you spurred you on as you bounced back and met his hips with a slap, quickening the pace and really pushing the limits on how loud you could be in such a public setting. Your voice was coarse and your knees were quivering as Daniel trailed his hands up to your chest, boobs practically spilling out of the satin dress as he bucked into you. He gently pulled down the loose fabric, along with the lacy bra and cupped your breasts in his hands, using them as leverage as he fucked into you. Proudly watching his work unfold in front of him.
The feeling of his rough palms massaging your breasts was enough to cause a loud, pornographic moan to rip from your throat – one that could’ve been heard for miles. One of Daniel’s hands shot up and covered your mouth in an attempt to keep you as quiet as he could while got you off, wanting nothing more than having come undone around his stiff cock.
“Look at how damn sexy you are right now,” Daniel grumbled, eyes trained on yours so intensely. You nodded and moaned into his palm, feeling like your souls were re-connecting as he slowed down the pace and relished the feeling of you wrapped around him, bouncing on that dick so perfectly. He was in paradise.
Until the handle on the bathroom door started jiggling beside you, the loud bang that followed made both you both jump out of your perspiring skin. Daniel’s hand lingered over your mouth, his dick stilled inside you as the handle rattled again – more aggressively this time. The person on the other side didn’t say anything; the only sound swirling around the humid air was bated breath, both of you winded from the adrenaline. And from how exciting it felt nearly being caught with him filling you to the brim.
“Fuck,” Daniel whispered as he looked up at you and dipped his head into the crook of your neck, “Do you wanna keep going?”
The deviant side of your brain was screaming hell yes but the rational voice that kept you level headed was telling you to hit the pause button. It was risky enough doing the deed so publicly, something that you and Daniel never shied away from but right now, when you were both supposed to be at the beck and call of your best friends at their wedding; it all seemed a little bit decadent.
“We should get back,” You whispered, confirming what Daniel already assumed as he slowly pulled out and strategically manoeuvred his semi hard dick into the waistband of his underwear, attempting to hide how hard he still was in those deliciously tight pants.
“Good call… but uh, that was fun,” He stuttered and watched you smooth out your dress, his gaze burning a hole in the back of your head as you looked in the mirror and gently wiped under your eyes; removing any signs that you’d just been fucking your ex in a bathroom.
“Really fun,” You replied, wicked smile lining your smudged lips as Daniel stepped forward and helped you back into his suit jacket.
“We should do it again some time…”
“Absolutely – when were you thinking?”
“Oh, I dunno…” He pondered with a cunning smirk, “Maybe like, now?”
You chewed your bottom lip between your front teeth and sighed; you loved that he wanted you as much as you wanted him, both dying to finish what you started and maybe indulge in even more bad behaviour. It was like old times but different - good different.
“I’m staying in the Cliffside suite so… meet you there in halfa?”
Daniel clapped his hands enthusiastically and rubbed them together, “Sounds like a great fucking plan to me,” He agreed, grinning big and gently pushing you towards the door he was opening for you, looking both ways down the hallway.
“You go first so I can watch you walk away from me in that dress,” Daniel quietly teased as you sashayed down the hallway and back to where the reception was still going strong, “You are killing me!”
“I know!” You shouted back, flipping him the middle finger before spotting Sarah on the dance floor, eyes suspiciously narrowed as you shimmied over to her, smiling like the cat that got the cream.
“Where did you get to?!” She yelled over the music, definitely on her way to being drunk from the flutes of champagne that were still being served by the gallon.
“Just needed to freshen up!” You shouted back and looked over your shoulder at Daniel who had joined a conversation near the bar.
There was a giddy feeling that washed over you after you turned back to Sarah and listened to her ramble about how good the music was and how much fun she was having. It was a familiar feeling; the same one you had the night you met Daniel all those years ago. But now, in his home state, surrounded by so many people you loved, you had both been gifted the rare chance to start over.
To fall in love all over again. This was your second chance at a happily ever after.
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a//n – thank you for all the support and patience on this one! thoughts? feelings? i wanna know all of them! or click here for more of my writing x
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pennyellee · 1 year
CHAPTER IV - ustulation
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pairings: mafia leader!yoongi x f!reader genre: mafia!au, yandere au, historical au
summary: Their interlocking gaze served as a butterfly effect on his heart, stirring it to the core. She, in turn, only dreams to find a way to escape. But perchance, over time she might forcefully learn to love the man who has taken so much from her.
Thus unfolds a twisted tale of love and loss, of hope and despair, of life and death. The music reverberated through the dimly-lit streets. Tears of sorrow, weeping symphony - reflects the hurt, the scars that linger deep within and the wounds that never healed. Lacrimosa.
chapter warnings: minors dni 18+ | mafia au, dark!yoongi, mafia!yoongi, yandere, kidnapping, mentions of God, blood, incision wound, fictive mafia clan traditions, manipulation, possessive/obsessive behaviour, angst, mentions of death, overwhelming, violence, threats, intimate encounter, kissing
beta read by @chaoticpuff17
word count: 5,6K
disclaimer: this story is purely fictional, it does not depict real-life events or involve any actual members of BTS. This story will contain depictions of violence, blood shed, death, mentions of abuse, smoking, alcohol drinking, illegal activities, old social norms and traditions, which we do not condone.
ustulation (n.) a burning lust
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In the hidden embrace of a secluded mountain valley, a village of hanoks stirred to life on a tranquil winter's morning. The air was crisp, a symphony of silence. The Song of the Dead toned down for some time.
The dawn’s gentle light bathed the valley, wisps of mist from the frost-kissed earth, adding an ethereal veil to the scenery she watched carefully from the closed window.
The majestic mountains, ancient pines and stoic rocks stood as sentinels of the valley's serenity. She could see them from this side of the house. Y/N sighed, holding a cup of tea in her two small hands, warming herself up on this chilly morning.
“Is something bothering you, my love?”
Yoongi had tried his hardest the past month to get under her skin. There were times when he thought perhaps, she would welcome him into her heart one day. However, her repeated escape attempts made him think otherwise. He was giving her the space she needed with carefulness in every action he took. The young leader knew well that she wouldn't be able to escape while they resided here, in the core of the village. That did not stop her though.
As if nature herself wished to bestow a gift upon him, the first snowflakes began to descend from the heavens just as they were returning from that unfortunate, eventful day in Seoul. The snowflakes floated gently, even now, like fragile dreams.
“Are you feeling well? You spent a lot of time in the snow yesterday.” He murmured after she didn’t grant him an answer to his previous question. They had to postpone the wedding as the snow and frost reigned, making it unsafe to pass through the tunnels. The passage was being cleared by workers for more than a week now. Time seemed to stand still as they absorbed the grace that enveloped their world.
“I feel fine,” she muttered back, not even looking his way at the table.
“I’ve been good to you, haven’t I?” He asked, demanding to speak to her.
“After all the stunts you pulled, you’re still free to roam around without anyone guarding you. Not speaking of the fact that I’m letting you sleep alone—” he was going on rumble.
The young leader is patient, but he longed for her more than ever. The fact that they’re still not newlyweds, and he cannot show love to every inch of her body, make her swell with his child, was frustrating him beyond repair. She had let her guard down once and allowed him to take the chance and kiss her on the cheek, startling her yet again.
“—you’re so blinded,” she said suddenly, turning back to face him.
“Excuse me?” said he, very surprised.
“You go on about how you’re good to me, how this is God’s doing, and that I should be grateful—” she threw her hands in the air, frustrated by his demanding nature.
While the leader thought he was granting her the time she needed, Y/N felt more and more anxious every day. Her heart is still itching to be free, yet she cannot stop thinking about what her selfishness would cause if she indeed managed to escape.
“Well maybe if you didn’t run every time, I tried to show you affection, I wouldn't have to remind you of all this.” He spat angrily, smashing the chopsticks on the table, standing up.
“I’m patient—” said he, getting closer to her standing form by the large windows. “—but I swear to God, you’ll disobey me again, and that’s where my hospitality ends, Y/N.”
“I just—” she stammered, making him stop in his attempt to close the distance between them. “I’m scared,” she whimpered. Y/N didn’t know why these words came out of her, nor why there were tears. All she felt was exhaustion.
The scarred leader’s expression softened. Is she finally confiding herself to him, opening up?
“My love…” He approached her, taking the cup from her shaking hands, putting it aside and lastly taking her face into his hands, his thumbs wiping her tears away.
“I can make you happy. You just have to let me in.” He whispered, moving his face closer to hers. Y/N knows they will cross the boundary sooner or later. The winter is making it impossible for her to both run away and survive. Should Y/N listen to her mother’s words and let him make her his queen? The older female’s proclamation circled her mind at night while listening to the cracking of wood in the fireplace.
“Please let me in, dove.” He pleaded again, his eyes filled with sincerity and longing.
And once she nodded her head in approval, he didn’t hesitate to press his lips softly against hers. Time stood still, and the world around them faded into a blur of insignificance. Their hearts pounded in sync for a brief moment. She felt a warmth she couldn't admit, even to herself. Y/N wanted to hate him so much. Despite her inner conflict, she could sense the unspoken longings from his side, his desire to deepen the kiss carefully without overwhelming her. He wished to never let her go and feared that she would vanish in his hold. His lips were tender and tentative, like the brush of a butterfly's wings upon a fragile petal. Y/N knows he is holding himself back. The kiss was addictive, momentarily lifting the burden from her chest.
As he went to slide his hands on the swell of her heart-shaped bottom, a sudden cough interrupted the intimate moment. Y/N quickly pulled away, feeling shame and embarrassment wash over her caused by the sudden intrusion. She stole a single glance at the man standing by the door, grinning mischievously. Her cheeks turned crimson as she felt shy and exposed, but the young leader kept holding her in his embrace, not letting her go so soon after their first shared kiss.
Smiling like a teenager, he said: “What’s going on Hoseok-shi.” Y/N could imagine he is smiling widely as she had observed when she apologised to him for hitting his head with the stone. He waved it off quickly stating ‘I would be a fool to not forgive my new sister.’ She pretended not to be affected by his words, but it made the man she was to marry smile even more mischievously.
“I need to speak to you, and Y/N should get ready for Hyung’s wedding,” Hoseok said, his eyes gleaming with some secret knowledge.
Y/N exchanged a puzzled glance with Hoseok before nodding and extracting herself from the young leader's embrace, her cheeks still flushed from the kiss. Uncertainty hung in the air as Yoongi let Y/N go and walk away, admiring her graceful figure.
“What?” Yoongi asked, turning his attention to his trusted friend, who wore a smirk that hinted at hidden amusement.
“Nothing,” Hoseok replied, still smiling under his nose.
“Shall we?” Yoongi said, collecting himself and walking towards his brother.
“You won’t fancy what news I bring, brother.”
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Silk banners fluttered in the breeze, announcing the joyous union to all who ventured near. The bride, a vision of grace and elegance, is adorned in a hanbok of flowing silk and intricate embroidery.
The groom, dressed in the timeless attire of a traditional hanbok, stood tall and resolute. His eyes fixed unwaveringly upon his beloved, as though she embodied the very essence of his being — a force that fuelled his heart.
Amidst the enchanting spectacle of celebration, the weight of tradition resonated with each uttered word.
The outside picture portrayed the unbreakable bonds of family and the beauty of two souls finding solace in one another. Y/N, however, couldn’t help but have a feeling that the poor girl the doctor was marrying did not find herself at the altar because of true love but fearful coercion. It reminded her of her circumstances — a pawn in a larger scheme.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow upon the snow-covered land, Y/N sat beside her to-be husband, observing his unusual joy. Accordingly. Today, one of his brothers was finally taking a wife and his bride in a momentary vulnerability that had allowed him to share a tender kiss with her, amplifying his joy to an even greater extent.
Her ears perked up once she heard the celebration of the union before her. She couldn't resist side-eyeing the other brothers she had encountered over the past month, and her gaze locked with Kim Namjoon, Kkangpae’s right-hand man.
Y/N remembers Kim Namjoon. His piercing, cold gaze bore into her soul, especially so during one of her escape attempts, when he forcefully brought her back to the main house, reprimanding her for disobedience.
‘I can either give up my life to save you or I can be your enemy Y/N.’ Namjoon had warned her on a night when she sought solace near the fireplace in Yoongi's office, wrapped in blankets to warm herself even more. She was rarely allowed in this sacred room unless her actions demanded attention.
That night, Yoongi was dealing with business matters. He came back to the main house to her shivering and crying form. It is breaking his heart every time he sees her in such a state but simultaneously, he wishes she would cross the border of submissiveness and obey him.
Y/N ignored his warning just yesterday when she attempted to run away again. Hence, the gaze. If she was afraid of his next steps, she wouldn’t let him decipher that.
She snapped out of her mind as Yoongi rose from his seat, taking her hand to help her up. Y/N looked at him with a mixture of confusion and concern. He gently nudged her behind him, positioning himself as a protective shield. She looked around her, seeing that everyone else was still seated. Their looks show emotions —excitement, joy, and pride.
Her confusion heightened when Yoongi began unbuttoning her fur coat that was hiding her long red qipao, and panic swelled within her.
"What are you doing?!” She whispered in distress.
“Behave.” He whispered back to her, leaving the coat open revealing her breasts and tummy.
Leaving her standing close to him, he held her hand tightly, as if afraid she might flee at any moment. Y/N noticed that Namjoon's attention had shifted to Seokjin's new bride. The bride's trembling form approached them, and Y/N observed the gleaming knife in Seokjin's hand, quickly realizing what was about to happen.
It whispered promises of power, of secrets that could be revealed with a single stroke, but it also carried the weight of consequences and a toll on the bearer's conscience. As the girl's hand was carefully sliced with the knife, Y/N couldn't help but empathize with her pain. Her father had a similar tradition; however, women weren’t involved; she was still left in the dark about her role in all this.
The girl then knelt, extending her bloodied hand toward the leader, reciting her pledge of loyalty to Kkangpae Min. Yoongi covered her hand with his other one, acknowledging her devotion and signaling for her to continue with the moving tradition.
The leader then used his left hand to guide Y/N forward, leaving her yet again puzzled and bewildered. A moment later, she gasped with shock as she felt the girl's bloodied hand touch her lower belly. Yoongi held her firmly in place, preventing any instinctual step back.
"I, with my blood, pledge my loyalty to you, Min Buin. Blessed be the fruit of your future legacy, Kkangpae Min," the girl recited, her words carrying both reverence and a touch of melancholy. The significance of the moment and the responsibility it bestowed upon Y/N left her grappling with a maelstrom of emotions.
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“Well you handled that well,” a voice came from behind her, and Y/N turned to find Namjoon standing there, watching her by the fireplace in Yoongi's office. She had been curious when he would approach her, knowing that Yoongi had gone to check if the tunnels were passable.
Y/N couldn't quite discern the tone of Namjoon's remark—whether it held irony or genuine praise. Such was the enigmatic nature of this man.
“I suppose,” she muttered, hugging herself for comfort.
“I personally thought you’d slap her hand off. Such an act would undoubtedly stir up trouble,” said he as he settled down in one of the armchairs.
Her mind replayed the events of the pledge, and she confessed truthfully, “I was too shocked to do so.” The new bride's pledge of loyalty to her and her empty womb had caught her off guard, leaving her uneasy.
“Your father is not demanding newcomers to pledge loyalty?” He asked, curious about their inner circle practices. She smirked, sensing his attempt to pry.
“Yes, but not to my mother,” she revealed.
“You hold an important position within our ranks,” the right-hand man noted. “And that, my dear, is why we are having this little conversation.” Y/N looked up, finding him extending a glass filled with what she presumed to be rice wine or soju.
“I genuinely want to be your friend Y/N—” he said while passing the glass to her. “But you’re very hard to please, princess,” he exclaimed.
“By ‘wanting to be my friend’, you mean the part when you threaten me again,” she retorted with a scoff, alluding to his past warnings.
“That is a necessary evil,” he conceded. “But on a serious note, Y/N,” he drew closer, taking a seat slightly further away to grant her personal space, “Why?”
“What do you mean, why?” she asked, feeling dumbfounded by his question.
"Is life here truly so terrible that all you can think of is escape?" he sighed, genuinely curious about her state of mind.
“Not all I can think of—” she began, trying to defend herself.
"Oh, so you did not attempt to escape just a day ago, and two days before that, and so on," he interjected, pointing out her recent attempts.
“What do you want to hear from me Namjoon?” she countered, feeling the pressure of his questioning.
“Hoseok hyung overheard your conversation,” he finally gave away the one piece of information he sought to address “What are you afraid of?”
Y/N gazed into the dancing flames, his words echoing in her mind. Memories of the recent kiss with Yoongi and the ensuing events flooded her thoughts. She felt her spirit on the brink of collapse, her attempts to escape repeatedly thwarted, causing harm to others in the process. Y/N was exhausted.
“I suppose I expected my life to take a different trajectory than this,” she admitted, reflecting on her circumstances.
“I can assure you that this will be the best that ever happened to you—” Namjoon insisted, trying to be reassuring.
“And that, Namjoon, is where my disbelief lies,” she interrupted him, peering straight into his eyes. He sighed, running a hand across his face, expressing a sense of frustration mixed with genuine concern.
“You didn’t give it a chance!” He raised his voice, unable to hide his emotions. He wanted this clan to function as it did for countless years and what’s more, he wanted his hyung to be happy.
“I’m going to ask you once again, and I want the truth,” he implored, trying to get to the heart of the matter. “What are you so scared of?”
Y/N decided to remain silent, knowing that her response would likely incite further frustration from him. "Is it sex?" he suddenly asked, shocking her with his explicitness. "Are you scared to be punished for your sins?”
“Don’t be ridiculous!” she returned his rage, denying his accusation.
“Am I?” he continued probing.
“Yes, Namjoon! You are! You think I’m this shallow?!” she lashed out.
“No, but all you let us see is the shallow version of you. Apart from this morning,” he declared, referring to a rare moment of vulnerability she had shown.
“And it wasn’t meant for anybody to hear nor see that,” she snapped back at him.
“I understand your reasoning, Y/N. But we’re your family now, you don’t have to shield yourself against us,” he pleaded, hoping to break down her walls.
“He loves you, Y/N,” Namjoon continued, trying to make her see the sincerity in Yoongi's feelings.
“That’s very hard to believe too.” She remarked, still sceptical, looking right through his eyes. He took a deep breath, lifting his hand to touch his face.
“Alright, let’s make a deal,” he proposed, catching her by surprise and piquing her interest.
“About?” She asked, curiously.
“Give it a year,” said the right-hand man. By making a deal with her, he is going behind the back of his leader and, even more importantly — his dearest friend. Nevertheless, he felt obligated to do this for him.
"If you're still 'scared' of whatever you say you are, and this is not the life you'll be comfortable living, I'll personally see to it that you'll be transported to America," he promised, leaving her momentarily speechless.
“What is the catch?” Y/N wasn't naive. She knew there must be some ulterior motive.
"You'll stop being a flight risk. If you attempt to run again, the deal is off, and I will personally eliminate each person foolish enough to aid you since your arrival—one by one, ending with your cousin," he stated, laying out the condition.
Her heart pounded in her chest as she absorbed his chilling words. Her mind raced as she contemplated her choices. "That's the only condition?" she asked, ensuring she understood the terms before giving her answer.
"Well, naturally, I expect you to genuinely give it a chance, meaning that you will accept Hyung as your husband, leader, and lover," he emphasized the last noun, urging her to take his words seriously. Y/N stopped for a moment to collect her thoughts together.
“This is a one time offer Y/N. I won’t be this generous again,” he added. She struggled to read him, but she couldn’t. Namjoon was well known for being unpredictable — a quality that made him a perfect fit as the right-hand man. No one could ever say with certainty what his next move would be.
“Fine,” she finally relented, her voice barely a whisper. Namjoon extended his hand, sealing the deal with a firm shake. He leaned in closer to Y/N.
“I trust that you’ll be on your best behaviour from now on.” He whispered to her. There were so many emotions in her eyes right now that she was working hard to process. She barely nodded and averted her gaze down. Y/N couldn’t bear to look into his intimidating eyes no more.
“Very well,” he murmured, his gaze still fixed on her. “The tunnels have been cleared, and the wedding will take place this week." He told her.
Y/N's heart skipped a beat at the mention of the impending wedding. She was praying that perhaps she has more time to think of what to do with her situation. According to Seokjin, who came to visit and spent some time on occasion with her when his leader could not, the tunnels wouldn’t be cleared out until the end of December, giving her another month in total.
“Brother!” exclaimed Namjoon suddenly, breaking her train of thought. Y/N followed his gaze to the sliding door, where Yoongi stood, undoing the cufflinks of his shirt, the suit jacket already gone. "I was just telling Y/N the good news," Namjoon smiled at him.
Throughout this month, Y/N observed the strong brotherhood among Yoongi's most trusted and closest men. The deepest connection Yoongi shared was undoubtedly with Namjoon, which explained why he was the right-hand man.
Yoongi displayed a particularly protective nature towards his younger brothers. She had yet to meet Jungkook, the youngest, who had been recently assigned as captain of the front unit, as she overheard. On the other hand, Jimin was more involved in the open, managing the front business and whatever lay beneath it. The Chosen Hotel was highly popular among Koreans but was eagerly open to international guests too. Y/N suspected that the true core of the business was settled elsewhere, and she was eager to uncover it.
Seokjin, recently married, primarily served as the inner family's doctor. However, the Min clan also faced a shortage of actual medical staff like, so he had to run between the sanctuary, as she had learnt this place was called, and a front hospital.
Taehyung remained a mystery to her, despite seeing him in family pictures and hearing Yoongi mention him occasionally. He was supposed to represent the law in Yoongi's business dealings, ensuring the safety and legitimacy of their operations, including the handling of illegal earnings. Therefore, Taehyung is the safety pin of this organization. Whomever fucks up, he is there to defend them.
And lastly, Hoseok, a surprising contrast of joy and darkness. Y/N was taken aback that such a buoyant personality could be involved in such sinister activities. He was the arsonist who also took care of assassinations. Additionally, the clan engaged in money laundering, and Hoseok was responsible for collecting debts, often involuntarily.
Her eyes swelled with tears she was refusing to let out. Yoongi’s eyes met Y/N's, and she could see a mixture of concern and worry flicker across his face. A silent understanding passed between them, and they knew that they would need to have a private conversation later.
“Well, it seems you two need more privacy,” said Namjoon while he was collecting himself from the cushion he was sitting on.
“Did Tae call?” Yoongi asked before Namjoon could leave. “He did before Hyung’s wedding, to send his good wishes and—” he gazed over to Y/N who was carefully listening to their conversation, hanging on every word.
“—and?” Yoongi asked as he unbuttoned his shirt, a sight she had seen far too often for her liking. He was not shy with her; he could easily undress before her without a second thought. His attempts to walk in on her while she was changing didn't go unnoticed either, though she made sure to show her displeasure by throwing vases at him to keep him out.
Only now did Y/N remember the glass of alcoholic beverage that Namjoon had offered her, remaining untouched in her hands. She decided to take a sip, trying to ease her nerves before the conversation she was dreading.
“—and everything went well, as expected,” said Namjoon observing her as she downed the burning soju.
“Send telegraph to Wang and other families. We’re leaving for Chosen in two hours.” Y/N straightened herself, eyes wide open in disbelief.
“W-what do you mean in two hours?” She stammered. It was just past eight when she gazed at the clock on the wall. That would mean they'd depart at ten and arrive in Seoul around midnight.
"—I thought they just cleared the way. Why are we—" Yoongi cut her off abruptly. "I am waiting no more," he said firmly, locking his gaze with hers, leaving her in shock once again.
"On your way, please inform the maids to pack, and I want the cabin ready," Yoongi instructed Namjoon, who memorised every task with a sense of responsibility, seemingly disregarding Y/N's shattered spirit in the wake of this sudden rush.
“Can we at least talk about it?!” she raised her voice, causing the two men to stop in their tracks. They exchanged knowing looks, making it clear that this was non-negotiable. Yoongi clicked his tongue, biting his cheeks from inside, then turned to face his fiancée with a deceptive sweetness in his tone.
"Of course, my love," he said.
He nodded to Namjoon, who immediately took off, glancing at Y/N with a silent reminder to behave.
“What’s wrong?” Yoongi asked nonchalantly as if this were a perfectly normal scenario.
“I don’t know, do you think this is right?” Y/N kept her tone tense, signalling her discontent.
“Nothing is more right than this,” he answered, pouring himself a drink while taking her empty glass and refilling it with soju.
"Yoongi—" she began to protest, but he didn't let her speak further, having heard her excuses countless times.
“No Y/N. I’m not negotiating this time. We’re getting married tomorrow afternoon and that’s final,” he stated sternly.
"You could at least wait a day! Do you think everyone will just jump because you said it's happening right now? And more importantly, let me mentally prepare for it?!” Her frustration grew, and she gestured wildly, almost knocking over the refilled glass that Yoongi handed her.
“They are already in town. The telegraph is just a confirmation that it will happen tomorrow.” Her distress and panic were understandable; she had believed she had more time than a few hours.
“And you didn’t think of telling me first?!” she raised her voice even higher. That she was in distress and panic was very understandable. Y/N thought she had more time than a few hours.
“No, because you were finally letting me in—” said he, downing the contents of his glass in one go.
“You knew this would happen for a month, and you would have had more time to prepare yourself if running away fifteen hundred times a day wouldn’t be on your mind,” he fired back, raising his voice at her, and immediately asserting dominance.
"I'm getting very tired of this. One step forward and ten million miles back, damn it!" he cursed, slamming the glass down on his desk in frustration. The tension in the room was palpable, and Y/N felt her heart sinking as she realized that her hopes of a slower pace for their relationship had been shattered.
“I have a very easy solution to that—” she said, raising herself to stand up to him.
“—Let me go,” she emphasized every single word, her frustration boiling over, and momentarily forgetting about her deal with Namjoon.
Her emotions were running high, and she went to pull the ring off to prove her point, but he forcefully grabbed her right hand, stopping her in her tracks. Anger filled his eyes as he crossed his other hand, grabbed her by the back of her neck, and crashed his lips onto hers, pressing their bodies against the nearest wall. He didn't give her a chance to catch her breath as he passionately bruised her lips.
He let go of her hand once he was sure she wouldn't resist. With his now free hand, he lifted her leg, wrapping it around his waist, squeezing her ass cheek, making her yelp and by that creating an opening to slip his tongue into her mouth. Y/N had no idea how long their intimate encounter lasted, but she could feel her head spinning from the lack of oxygen. Just as she managed to stop his other hand from slipping under her dress, aiming for her pulsing heat, he parted from her, both of them breathing heavily.
“I’m sorry. I got carried away,” he apologised, his eyes fixed on her now swollen lips. Y/N was taken aback, her head still spinning, and she couldn't think straight. He had such a powerful effect on her, and this aspect of life was entirely new to her, having been kept away from such experiences.
"I wish, —" he started, nibbling at her lower lip while he continued to speak, "—you would acknowledge my love for you." Yoongi kissed her again, not giving her a chance to recover or speak up, moaning softly into her lips.
"We are too close. I will never give you up.” he declared, wiping her tears away gently.
“I can’t have you running though—” he leaned into lavish attention on her neck, placing butterfly kisses up to her jaw and stopping at her lips again—
"I'll overlook this lapse of senses if you keep up this good behaviour, my love, but the next time you disobey me, I won't only discipline you; someone will lose their head.”
She trembled against him, feeling lost, scared, and vulnerable. Her breath hitched as she tried to speak up. Yoongi was beyond himself for getting her into this state where she didn’t dare to oppose his words and stopped fighting him. If she won’t let him in willingly, he will force her to open up to him.
“I told you to not take that ring off your finger ever again.” She remembers the words he uttered to her in the garden where he proposed to her. That she agreed still feels surreal to her. Running got her nowhere, but she still had a selfish feeling inside her that he was bluffing and wouldn’t dare to seriously hurt anybody.
“Now be a good girl and apologise for disobeying me.” He tightened his grip at her waist, finally staring right into her teary eyes. Y/N felt lost, scared and vulnerable. Her lips were trembling, and her breath hitched again once she opened her mouth to speak.
“Shhh, it’s okay baby, just say it.” He cooed, lifting his hand to caress her cheek gently.
“I-I am sorry,” she finally sobbed. If there was one thing the scarred boy excelled at, it was getting his way. He smiled at her, pleased with her response.
He smiled at her. “That’s more like it, baby.”
Y/N longed to curl up in her small apartment, where she resided while studying at college. She desperately wished she could turn back time.
“I have something for you,” he said suddenly, looking for any sign of curiosity from her. Yoongi stepped away to his desk, leaving her pressed against the wall, hesitant to move an inch. He opened one of his drawers and pulled out an envelope. Y/N couldn't make out the handwriting, but her eyes widened as she recognised it.
“Your aunt entrusted me with this letter when we came to the conclusion that you should be mine one day,” he said, holding the envelope in his hands. Y/N desperately wished that the answer and a solution to her fears would be contained in that envelope. She was mulling over the platform of this match-making her aunt orchestrated.
Wang Xiaoqing very much upheld the meaning of her name in the time she lived. Blessed with intelligence. And she was a fearless mafia wife who brought pride to her late husband. There are other intriguing things about Y/N’s beloved auntie. Xiaoqing is by far the only member in her large family tree that married for love. Y/N admired her aunt and, perhaps, seeing that it was possible to marry for love, made her blindly believe she could also have the freedom to choose her partner.
She dreamt of a little house in the woods, not far from a lake or a small town. Growing some goods in the garden, by night sitting near the fireplace, the love of her life holding her. She would work in a nearby hospital, or study overseas to become a doctor were all part of her fever dream. She knew it was unlikely to come true, given her family's ties to the syndicate.
But she could least dream about it. For a moment, when she was on the ferry to Jeju Island, she thought she would make it. Y/N knew the risk she was taking once she entrusted her well-being to Chan-yeol. She knew his role was insignificant and not a threat to any syndicate and it wouldn’t certainly attract Yakuza, but she was also aware that he could have been the only one to send her to the far land. She believed that God chose this path for her instead of being an arm jewel to some Yakuza brute.
Reality snapped her back from her swirling thoughts as he put the envelope back in the drawer.
“W-what are you doing?” she asked, taking a step forward.
“I will give it to you—” he promised “and tell you everything you want to know—” locking the drawer with a key.
“—After you’ll walk the aisle to me, without any of your misfits,” he finished his sentence.
"To strengthen your cooperation for tomorrow, I'm having your cousin and her husband at gunpoint during the ceremony," he added, making her scream in protest.
"I won't do anything stupid," she pleaded, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Just let them be, please. They have little son, Yoongi.”
“I know, that’s why they are the perfect bargain to make you obedient. If this doesn't work, you still have other family members—," Y/N couldn't bear it any longer; she closed the distance between them, standing just inches away from him.
“If you would love me—” she started but before she could finish, he grabbed her waist and pulled her even closer, pressing his body against hers. She could feel his torso and lower body. He bowed down next to her ear.
“I’ll stop this necessary coercion when you’ll learn your place, my love.”
Yoongi loved making her squirm and overwhelm her. He was basking in the effect he had on her. The fact that she will be his wife in less than twelve hours was a source of satisfaction for him.
“You were my woman for a long time now, and you will be my woman till death do us apart.”
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“—And you’re certain that the man is on his way to Seoul.” The leader inquired of his trusted friend and partner, seated in the quiet confines of his home office.
“Yes,” Hoseok affirmed with a nod.
"Is there any additional information that I need to be aware of?” Yoongi's voice carried a hint of tension, his teeth gritted in anger.
"As of now, there's nothing more to report," the younger male replied, keeping the conversation concise.
“Do you want me to eliminate him?” Hoseok offered, waiting for his leader's command.
“Not just yet, I was hoping to have the pleasure myself.”
to be continued
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author’s note: so here we are at chapter IV!! ♥ Thank you all so much for for sticking around chummers ♥ They kissed and much moreee!!! We'll see what we'll happen next. I hereby promise to post the chapter sooner than the end of Semptember, or I hope so xD Tho I have some wips to write and if I'll finish some then I'll post something new too ♥
Massive shout-out to Bex, the queen @chaoticpuff17, for beta another chapter!
Love you!!!!
Don't be a silent reader, comment, re-blog, heart, asks are more than welcome ♥
keep in mind - I'm not an expert on chinese, korean and japanese culture, but I tried to research everything realistic I wanted to add to the story. Nonetheless, take it as a fiction.
let's be friends chummers ♥
lots of love,
taglist: @beautifulcloudfestival - @chaoticpuff17 - @honsoolgloss - @jingerbreadoutofstock - @moscow778 - @januara26 - @dinosolecito - @yoongislatinagff - @xyahrinx - @hi12345567 - @nochuel - @deltamoon666 - @bbkissme99 - @darkuni63 - @nansasa - @sazsazsaz - @missmin - @strxwbloody - @royallyjjk - @jaiuneamesolitaiire - @shadowyjellyfishfest - @bbgniecyy - @elayne321 - @seojunandsoju - @bun-27 - @whipwhoops - @wobblewobble822 - @whofan88 - @haneyyy - @lostgirlinthewoodss @secfir @btspurplesky @elleflying07 - @pamzn - @megseungmin
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okaerina · 1 year
𖥻 THINGS — enhypen ◌ ִ ۫ ּ
syn ; things enha reminds me of !
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heeseung !
dangly earrings, pendent chains, skinny ripped jeans, rock guitar, clubbing, late studio night, concerts, rainy empty street, love songs, specs, ice cream, deers, rainforest, going over the speed limit, long drive, polaroids, balcony, tattoos, collage campus, basketball, getting into fist fights, breaking rules, warm breeze, kisses, sharing earphones, untied shoelaces, sleeveless tops, cross jewelries, chase atlantic songs
jay !
red wine, ball dance, guitar, empty kitchen, champagne bubbles, tuxedo suits, runaway, black cat, fashion magazines, gold jewelries, camping, eucalyptus, biking, biker jackets, street racing, late night walks, city lights, porsche, cologne, the weeknd songs, loose tie, fancy restaurant, chanel bags, iced americano, home, long hugs, words of affirmation, eye contact, autumn, posh music, v necks, opera, musical recital, marriage, ancient churches
jake !
pancakes, golden retrievers, empty parks, cardigans, picnic, wolf pups, landscapes, abstract art, lip piercings, makeout sessions, mornings, cream, sheets, swimming, sand castles, tree houses, venus, varsity player, rings, clashing waves, sun shinning through curtains, backyard, champagne, sparkly eyes, netflix and chill, forehead kisses, caramel fudge, winter, jb songs, garden, lilies, lipstick stains
sunghoon !
sculptures, greek mythology, snow, ice skating, pointe shoes, swan lake, ice rinks, rhinestones, vampires, sharp canines, royalty, huskies, novels, cruise, 90s songs, ear muffs, moon phase, poetry, dandelions, maple leaves, vanilla shake, pearls, penguins, blush, lucid dreams, confessions, lullaby, archangels, romance movies, boyfriend coats, monsoon, hair blowing because of the wind, moles, tears, old love, unrequited love, ribbons, weddings
sunoo !
sun, tulip field, solar system, marshmallows, tteobokki, street food, shopping, karaoke, smiles, cute stationeries, stickers, secret diary, cheek kisses, mufflers, red foxes, bratz doll, playdate, selfies, carnations, easter, boba tea, bestfriends to lovers, cherry blossoms, lip gloss, skincare, disney shows, late night face timing, gossiping, watching kdramas, sanrio stuffs, blowing bubbles, photo booths, texts, horizon
jungwon !
kittens, valleys, teenage dream, gold fish, aquariums, subways, cds, headphones, empty bus rides, babybreaths, holding hands, first love, taylor swift songs, messy hair, vacation, countryside, group study, constellations, piggyback ride, dimples, converse, empty classroom, sheep cubs, indoor plants, mini cactus, namsan tower, han river, late fall, vintage hand written letters , young love, romcom, kitties
ni-ki !
graffiti, sunsets, baggy pants, late night dance jam, empty beach, bicycling, sea shore, ear piercings, watermelon, summer, slow dancing, grass field, bungeoppangs, duck chicks, disneyland, ps5, arcade, puma cubs, eskimo kisses, bracelets, youth, climbing fences, skipping school, skateboarding, mangas, school festivals, footsies, cute band aids, oversized attires, j-rock, night sky, laughters, slice of life, teenage, playfulness, photo booths, anime, shoujo manga
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© aenfilmz / 02072023
taglist ; @solarwoniii @shiningstar-byulxx @wtfhyuck @ichiibunztwt @enhawhoreist
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thebiggerbear · 3 months
Non-Jensen Characters Masterlist
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Anael (Supernatural)
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"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - Anael calls you to pick her up after she leaves Cas back at the Emporium. Having just come off of a rough hunt, you’re really not that inclined to be at the angel’s beck and call.
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe." - Anael is not happy that you’ve agreed to help the Winchesters with their far-fetched plan to destroy Chuck via Jack. She reluctantly accompanies you to the Bunker and this sets events in motion that prompt a conversation between you and Dean on just why the angel is so important to you.
"You're safe now. I'm here."
Jenny Hoyt (Big Sky)
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"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - You decide to ground Jenny for the day and as expected, she’s pissed…or is she?
Part 2 of "I hate you." (coming very soon)
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe." - When Jenny is attacked, you couldn’t get to the hospital fast enough. You do what you can to reassure her that her mother will be found while you sit with her, waiting for the doctor.
"You're safe now. I'm here."
Rachel Gatina (One Tree Hill)
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"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - Rachel, who has never spoken to you before, approaches you to ask for a favor. Despite what Bevin said, Rachel decides that she has to gauge this whole “being into girls” thing properly. And she’s picked you to help her with that. …Lucky you.
Part 2 of "I hate you." (coming very soon)
"You're safe now. I'm here."
Tish M (Ten Inch Hero)
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"Sleep. I'll keep you safe."
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
"You're safe now. I'm here."
SDV Leah (Stardew Valley)
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"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - Leah tells you she wants a baby…a month after you’ve been married.
"You're safe now. I'm here." - When Leah rushes into the house one night and starts fortifying the door, you immediately try to find out what has her so scared.
Part 5 of "A Prize", "Wedding Day", "I hate you" & "You're safe" (coming very soon - fic request)
A Prize Unlike Any Other - You may not have gotten the Golden Pumpkin but that’s alright, you got a different prize altogether.
Where Were You On Our Wedding Day - You decide to go mining the morning of your wedding and Leah is not happy about it.
"Sleep. I'll keep you safe."
Deja Vu All Over Again
Bobby Reyes (Law & Order: Organized Crime)
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Moving Forward Little By Little - You knew you shouldn’t have let him in that first night he showed up with alcohol in hand to talk about Jamie. But you had and now your partner never fails to show up at your door. The bad thing is, you don’t really want him to stop though you know you should.
SDV Alex (Stardew Valley)
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"Sleep. I'll keep you safe." - Alex sees something through your window one night and it scares him silly. You have to explain to him that it’s pretty normal out here on the farm and there is nothing to fear. …Well, you were pretty sure there wasn’t, anyway.
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
Rhaenys Targaryen (House of the Dragon)
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The Queen That Always Was
Charlie Swan (Twilight)
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"You're safe now. I'm here."
Bella Cullen (Twilight)
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"You're safe now. I'm here."
Goliath (Gargoyles 1994)
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"You're safe now. I'm here."
Sorsha (Willow Franchise)
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"You're safe now. I'm here."
Sam Uley (Twilight)
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"You're safe now. I'm here."
Billy Butcher (The Boys)
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"You're safe now. I'm here."
Fic requests/Prompt Responses
Arya Stark (Game of Thrones)
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A Flower Among Wolves
Daenerys Targaryen
Jon Snow
Robb Stark
Margaery Tyrell
Max Guevara
Joey Potter
Lana Lang
Sam Winchester
Bela Talbot
Benny Lafitte
Rowena MacLeod
Anna Milton
John Winchester
Jared Cameron
Paul Lahote
Edward Cullen
Jacob Black
Rosalie Hale
Carlisle Cullen
Carine Cullen
Jessamine Hale
Edythe Cullen
Marcus Volturi
Cassie Dewell
Mo Poppernak
Queen Maeve
Victoria Neuman
Black Noir
John Grimm
Selina Kyle
Alice Kane
Kate Kane
Sebastian Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
Professor Mirabel Garlick
SDV Abigail
SDV Elliott
SDV Haley
SDV Shane
SDV Penny
Klaus Mikaleson
Davina Claire
Marcel Gerard
Alicia Clark
Negan Smith
Maggie Greene Rhee
Rick Grimes
Shane Walsh
Joe Velasco
Terry Bruno
Sonny Carisi
Jamie Whelan
Joe Stabler Jr.
Eddie Diaz
Lucy Donato
Taylor Kelly
Natasha Romanoff
Maya Lopez
Henry Black Crow Lopez
Rip Wheeler
Lee Dutton
Kayce Dutton
Sarah Atwood
Spencer Dutton
Any Character/Pick Your Character
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Giving In - You’ve finally given in to what you’ve wanted all this time but will it be enough?
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*I will add more to the list as I post works
Please let me know if you would like to be tagged for any of the characters listed here.
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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bracketsoffear · 5 months
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Duckling Ugly (Neal Shusterman) "Cara is so ugly, mirrors would rather break than show her reflection. Not even her own parents can deny her ugliness, and nothing can make up for the cruelty of her schoolmates. Tormented and tortured by the shallow people of Flock’s Rest, Cara’s life is miserable. Then Cara receives a shimmering note from some exotic place suggesting that there’s more to her than meets the eye. Cara wonders if her destiny has something to do with her recurring dreams of a beautiful green valley where the people are so accepting, her ugliness doesn’t matter. Soon, Cara discovers that her valley of dreams is real. It’s a place where the ugliest of ducklings can become swans. A swan, however, can have a serious taste for revenge . . . deadly revenge."
The Hellbound Heart (Clive Barker) "Frank Cotton is a hedonistic criminal selfishly devoted to sensual experience even if it harms others. Believing he has indulged in every pleasure the world can offer, Frank obtains the Lemarchand Configuration, a puzzle box said to open a "schism" or portal to an extradimensional realm of unfathomable pleasure ruled by beings called the Cenobites. Solving the box, he is confused and horrified when the Cenobites – horribly scarified creatures whose bodies have been modified to the point that they appear sexless and in constant pain – arrive. Frank still eagerly accepts the offer of experiences he has never known before, and the Cenobites take him to their realm, where they subject him to total sensory overload and he realises their devotion to sadomasochism is so extreme and their personalities so removed from humanity that they no longer differentiate between pain and pleasure and have no care to ever stop even if their subject no longer wishes the experience.
Sometime later, Frank's brother, Rory, moves into the home in England with his wife Julia. Unknown to Rory, Julia had an affair with Frank a week before their wedding and has lusted after him since. While in the attic, Rory accidentally cuts his hand and bleeds on the spot where Frank was taken by the Cenobites. The blood, mixed with semen Frank had left on the floor before he was taken, opens a dimensional schism. Frank returns, his body now reduced to a desiccated corpse by the Cenobites' experiments. Julia later finds him and promises to restore his body so he can truly live and they can be together. Julia seduces men at bars and kills them in the attic, where Frank feeds on their corpses.
Rory's friend Kirsty encounters Frank, who attempts to kill her. Kirsty grabs the puzzle box before fleeing and later accidentally opens it. The Cenobite intends to take Kirsty now that it is here, but she then reveals Frank is alive on Earth again. Though skeptical that one of their experiments could have escaped, the Cenobite is intrigued. It agrees that if Kirsty leads them to Frank and he confirms his identity, they will take him back and perhaps leave her alone.
Rory and Julia claim they killed Frank but Kirsty realizes the man she is speaking to is Frank wearing Rory's skin. Another altercation ensues, during which Frank inadvertently kills Julia. Kirsty then baits Frank into admitting his true name out loud. The Cenobites appear, ensnare Frank and return him to their realm, telling Kirsty to leave. Downstairs, Kirsty sees Julia's disembodied head calling for help. The leader of the Cenobites, a being called the Engineer, then appears and seems to take away Julia as well before briefly bumping into Kirsty. After leaving the house, Kirsty realizes the Engineer gave her the puzzle box to watch over until another seeks it out."
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 10 months
I’m still getting over the feels from the idea of the wholesome yet sad song for Sliver and the knight of dawn(Lilia too of course) and that made my mind think of well. Island princess AU for Sliver 😀💧(he’ll be more of an island prince but still), I’m not sure how it’ll work but Uhh please use your writer magic on this
I'm a fucking wizard! I can blow shit with magic! :D
Oh that would be a fun au to add to the pile :3
For Barbie movies, I believe I have like 3 aus, so this would be the 4th.
I have:
The 3 musketeers au(Riddle, Vil, Azul and Silver are musketeers: one smooches the royalty, one is a successful model, one tries to make his father proud and one just wants to serve justice)
The swan lake au(Fiddle, but make it a romcom)
Mariposa/Fairytopia au(Idia sets on an adventure and our lord and savior Bibble is also there)
So this would be the 4th one :D
Lilia is a washed up sailor that lost hope of ever be found or escaping this island.
One day, he sees a ship. In hopes he could be saved, he tries to alert it, but the ship comes closer, revealing to be half sunken and with no one on board.
No one, except a small baby.
The ship remains were good for nothing, but Lilia managed to salvage some fabrics and wood to help him in his new goal: raising this baby.
So Silver grows up to be a fine man, taught by Lilia how to speak different languages, survival, combat and many more other skills. Silver also learns to communicate with animals and is just a kind person, so kind that no predator had the heart to hurt him.
Entering Kalim, exploring and finding the island.
Being curious of Silver and Lilia, he wants to take the 2 back to his palace. Silver is skeptical, but Lilia wants his son to have a bright future, one which the Palace surely can give it to him.
Also Silver's animal buddies: 2 parrots(Adeuce), one crocodile(Sebek), a wolf(jack), a (lavender)red panda(epel) and 2 predatory birds(the shroud bros, but only ortho is actively involved)
Of course, Kalim is surprised to find out that Silver could talk to animals. Others were surprised that this boy, who lived all his life on that island, was so well mannered and even knew how to write and read.
We get introduced to the Asim king and queen. The queen had a marvelous peacock(vil) who seems to be suffering of some illness.
Silver proves his worth by bringing Vil back to health.
Meanwhile, Lilia pleads his case and story to the royal couple. He was a war General from the thorn valley who wanted to know if his country was alright at least. Or if the war was over. He presented his old crest and his journal, which only proved more his credibility. His only goal now was to assure to his 'son' a good place where he could earn his keep fairly and have success, just how any parent wishes gor their child. The Asims see potential in Silver's abilities and so, they decide to hire him as an animal keeper after Lilia gets news of his country's status.
Silver didn't know about this exchange at all.
Meanwhile, he and Kalim bond together, Silver sharing his actual vast knowledge about different things. Jamil, Kalim's assistant, is always there too, gradually warming up to the idea of the 2 spending time together, Silver posed no harm to anyone.
Things tho, seem to get a bit wierd when Kalim is informed of an arranged marriage. His fiancé was Riddle, the son of the Queen from the queendom of roses.
Riddle was clearly not happy about it. While Mrs Rosehearts saw Silver as a thorn in her side of marrying her son to a rich kingdom heir.
Silver does get to bond a bit with Riddle, that being when the redhead says that he doesn't want to marry Kalim. Kalim was a great guy, but Riddle loved someone else. Silver says that maybe Riddle should follow his heart. This wasn't a matter of politics, but matter of love.
The 2 become friends too :D
Which is why when Riddle finds out of the plan of poisoning the wedding cake from his mother, he informed Silver about it, bailed him out of jail and admits that he wants to call off the engagement.
In the end, there is the happy ending for everyone. Because of the wedding being an important event, royals from all around the world gather, including the knight of dawn and queen Maleficia. So bad it was called off seconds before the ceremony :'3
It is revealed that Levan managed to reach with his diplomacy mission in time and now there wasn't anymore war. :3
Silver is very conflicted about the bio dad reveal, but Lilia encourages him to try and give him a chance. It was revealed that initially silver was sent on the sea with his mother to protect him from the horrors of war. Like it was a very reasonable motive and no one could predict that the ship would sink with Silver as the only survivor.
But still, a happy ending :D
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dealgemeneverwarring · 20 hours
De Algemene Verwarring #118 - 16 September 2024
Episode one hundred and aightteen of De Algemene Verwarring was broadcast on Monday, September 16, 2024, and you can listen to it by clicking on the link below that will take you directly to the Mixcloud page:
Pictured below is Nashville based punk band Snôôper. By the way what the hell is "egg punk" ? Can everyone just be normal and not start to corner punk bands into small categories? Jesus. Anyway, I called them "fitness punk" in the show. And since I'm having a terribly busy week here, I'll be very short. Go see this band live, they were pretty sensational last weekend at the Leffingeleuren festival. Actually they were the energy boost that made my weekend and that I needed to get started with this busy week. Which makes me think once again that seeing a good live show is always inspiring and gives you the much needed energy to get through the working week. Oh I also play a Cure track in the show and you know what? THEY ARE RELEASING THE NEW ALBUM. Now if that's not a reason to get completely pumped up, than what is? I am completely ready for a two hour double album full of long slow depressing songs OH YEAH.
Other music in the show: well read the playlist ok. I'm lazy. And you can actually find it beneath the photo. Enjoy!
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Rixe: Tir Groupé (7” “Tir Groupé” on La Vida Es Un Mus, 2024)
Snooper: Music For Spies (LP “Super Snooper” on Third Man Records, 2023)
Split System: Force Field (LP V/A “Born Bad Record Shop 25 Years Anniversary” on Born Bad, 2024)
A5: Spruch (7” “Erst Ausgabe” on Mad Butcher Classics, reissue 2023, originally released in 1980 on No Fun Records)
Oblivians: Let Him Try (7” “Strong Come On” on Crypt Records, repress 2013, originally released in 1996)
Swell Maps: Ammunition Train (LP “International Rescue” on Alive Records, 2016, reissue, compilation originally released in 1999)
The Wedding Present: Getting Nowhere Fast (LP “ George Best” on Cooking Vinyl & Vinyl Lovers, double lp reissue 2010, originally released in 1987)
The Cure: Forever (LP “BBC Sessions 1979-1985”, not on label , unofficial release, 2020)
Aroma Di Amore: Moeder Gaat Neer (12” “De Sfeer Van Grote Dagen” on Onderstroom Records, reissue 2022, originally released on Play It Again Sam in 1985)
The Prunes: Meet Dik… (LP “Lite Fantastik” on Baby Records, 1988)
Bound By Endogamy & Jupiter: La Tour Dieu (LP V/A “Born Bad Record Shop 25 Years Anniversary” on Born Bad, 2024)
Wiseblood: Prime Gonzola (LP “Dirtdish” on K.422, 1987)
Swans: Half Life (LP “Cop” on K.422, 1984) - RIP Roli Mosimann
Alastair Galbraith: Bakunin (LP “Lagash” on Nice Music, 2024)
Eftergift: Linjen Bryts (LP “Vatten Över Vatten” on Discreet Music, 2024)
Jack Rose: Tree In The Valley (LP “Luck In The Valley” on Thrill Jockey Records, 2010)
Roy Montgomery: Soundcheck (For Adrian Borland) (LP Island Of Lost Souls” on Grapefruit Records, 2021)
0 notes
libidomechanica · 4 months
“Since brass, nor”
It needs must do’t, for Winter straine.     Two of us must Court, and shield—shocked with thy strings I have     found it by whom I must
help to make me; for thy old     Orinda call in the skirts of ioy, white bed; the sworn. He comes     quick! Drying an urn Then
came: the flitting, I love the valley     call’d for in Prose. Time left under tower and error     find. Charlie came to approach’d
the people and how can be     no other which with vncalled him wild: not blossomy flame     of the rocks, and pass, which
she show ripe earst had in claye, and     takes it hold? And in her hair; and hit the child? Its end in     Julia, wed and now she
influences of earliest     birds; nor wrongs receive, nor grateful Evening fled! On graine? An     awful voices. Starlight
for, an’ thy life to Love’s tie, makes     now by the mair they’re caressed in mock heroic gigantesque,     with my Mother! For
none otherwise the found? Shadow     and again. Since brass, nor earth gone to the wave’s dashing road     that other keeping breast,
lies too little maid would that he     left me famished, the night, aimèd with the river, or swan’s     down to the Foam of his
bed. So are you cause is, stella     spider—die! Anonymously I do, hear a     You love thou diedst unlov’d.
0 notes
taphousems · 6 months
Why Perth is Best Venue for Celebration ?
Perth, Australia, offers a unique blend of natural beauty, vibrant culture, and diverse attractions that make it an ideal destination for celebrations. Here are some reasons why Perth is considered a great place for celebrations:
Stunning Beaches: Perth is famous for its beautiful coastline and pristine beaches like Cottesloe Beach, Scarborough Beach, and City Beach. Celebrating by the beach provides a picturesque backdrop for events such as parties, weddings, or simply enjoying a day out with friends and family.
Outdoor Venues: The city boasts numerous parks, gardens, and outdoor venues perfect for hosting celebrations. Kings Park and Botanic Garden, for example, offer panoramic views of the city skyline and Swan River, making it a popular choice for picnics, weddings, and outdoor concerts.
Vibrant Food Scene: Perth's culinary scene is diverse and vibrant, offering a wide range of dining options to suit every taste and budget. From gourmet restaurants to trendy cafes and street food markets, there's something for everyone to enjoy during celebratory gatherings.
Cultural Festivals: Throughout the year, Perth hosts a variety of cultural festivals and events celebrating music, art, food, and more. These festivals provide opportunities for locals and visitors alike to come together and celebrate the city's rich cultural heritage.
Wine Regions: Perth is surrounded by world-renowned wine regions such as the Swan Valley and Margaret River. These regions offer scenic vineyards, cellar doors, and gourmet food experiences, making them perfect for celebrating special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, or corporate events.
Adventure Activities: For those seeking adrenaline-fueled celebrations, Perth offers a range of adventure activities such as skydiving, hot air ballooning, and water sports. These experiences add an element of excitement and thrill to any celebration.
Relaxed Lifestyle: Perth is known for its laid-back lifestyle and friendly atmosphere. Whether you're celebrating a milestone with friends or planning a family reunion, the city's relaxed vibe creates the perfect setting for enjoyable and stress-free gatherings.
To avail all the facilities explained above, you will have to visit just one place called taphouse mulberry estate, Nestled on the banks of the Swan River. This is really a very best choice for celebration venue in Perth.
Overall, Perth's combination of natural beauty, cultural richness, culinary delights, and outdoor activities make it an excellent choice for celebrating any occasion.
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mulberryestate · 7 months
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migrationsta · 9 months
Unveiling the Charm of Swan Valley's Premier Indoor Function Venues
Nestled amidst the picturesque landscape of Western Australia lies the enchanting Swan Valley, a region celebrated for its stunning vineyards, rich history, and vibrant cultural heritage. Amidst this natural splendor, the allure of Indoor function venue in swan vally stands out as a beacon for those seeking to host memorable events in a setting that harmoniously blends sophistication with nature's beauty.
When planning an event, be it a wedding celebration, corporate gathering, or a milestone anniversary, the choice of venue is paramount. Swan Valley offers a myriad of indoor function venues, each with its unique charm and allure. From elegant wineries to rustic barns and contemporary event spaces, the options are as diverse as they are captivating. Among these, the Indoor function venue in Swan Valley stands out as an epitome of refined elegance and versatility.
The Indoor function venue in Swan Valley exudes an ambiance that effortlessly combines modern amenities with the region's rustic charm. Its strategic location amidst the verdant vineyards offers a serene backdrop, perfect for creating timeless memories. Whether you envision an intimate affair or a grand celebration, the venue's flexibility caters to various event sizes and styles, ensuring a bespoke experience for each guest.
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What sets the Indoor function venue in Swan Valley apart is its meticulous attention to detail. The interior décor reflects sophistication and warmth, creating an inviting atmosphere that elevates every event hosted within its walls. The seamless integration of technology enables seamless presentations, audio-visual displays, and entertainment, ensuring a flawless experience for hosts and attendees alike.
The venue's culinary offerings further accentuate its appeal. Partnering with renowned chefs and local artisans, the Indoor function venue in Swan Valley curates a gastronomic experience that tantalizes the taste buds. From delectable canapés to sumptuous multi-course meals, each dish is a testament to culinary excellence, complementing the overall ambiance and leaving a lasting impression on guests.
Amidst the narrative of the venue's splendor, the phrase "Indoor function venue in Swan Valley" stands as a beacon, signifying the essence of this exquisite space. It encapsulates not only the physical location but also the spirit of elegance, sophistication, and the promise of unforgettable experiences.
One of the most enticing aspects of choosing an Indoor function venue in swan vally is the seamless blend of indoor and outdoor spaces. The venue's design often incorporates expansive windows or terrace areas that offer panoramic views of the surrounding vineyards or gardens. This harmonious connection with nature allows guests to bask in the beauty of the outdoors while relishing the comfort of a climate-controlled indoor setting.
For those seeking a touch of exclusivity, the Indoor function venue in Swan Valley often offers customizable packages and dedicated event planners. These professionals work tirelessly to bring your vision to life, ensuring that every aspect of the event aligns with your preferences and surpasses expectations.
Moreover, the convenience and accessibility of Swan Valley contribute to the allure of these indoor function venues. Situated within a short drive from Perth, guests can easily access the venue while immersing themselves in the region's offerings, such as wine tastings, heritage trails, and artisanal markets, creating a holistic and memorable experience.
In conclusion, the Indoor function venue in Swan Valley encapsulates the essence of luxury, elegance, and natural beauty. Its allure lies not only in the physical space but also in the promise of crafting unforgettable moments for those who step through its doors. Whether it's a wedding, corporate event, or any special occasion, choosing this venue ensures an experience that is as remarkable as the stunning surroundings of Swan Valley itself. Consider the Indoor function venue in Swan Valley for your next event, and embark on a journey to create cherished memories that will last a lifetime.
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whatingridate · 11 months
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At the lovely wedding reception of Andrew and Darren at Sandalford winery in swan valley
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Reliable company for Limo Hire in Perth
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Are you searching for a reliable company for Limo Hire in Perth? You have come to the right place. No matter what the occasion, be it for wedding limo hire in Perth, school ball limo hire in Perth or wedding limo hire in Perth this is the perfect Perth classic limousine. For more information, you can call us at 0416 341 256.
Perth Limousine Hire Experience
Perth limo hire at its best. This rare 1930 vintage Dodge Perth limousine is a truly standout on Perth’s streets. With its silver and burgundy highly polished exterior and luxurious leather seating it is the perfect choice for any event. This style of Perth classic limousine will turn heads no matter where you choose to travel. This Perth limo has a definite presence on our streets and you will notice members of the public taking photos at any opportunity.
Perth Wedding Limo Hire
For those wanting something really extra special for their wedding limousine transfers this unique Perth limo is a standout from the others. With our many years experience in the Perth wedding limousine industry and our rare and stunning vintage Dodge wedding limousine you will not be disappointed. The 1930 Dodge was seen as the benchmark for luxury transport in its day and was a standout from all the others. Nothing has changed to this day
We are recognized as one of the premier perth limo hire companies in Perth. We are Perth wedding car hire specialists. No matter what the event or occasion this special vintage limousine is the perfect choice. You can celebrate in style and start the party from home in luxury surrounds. Our Perth limo hire prices are very affordable and combined with a first class service you
Swan Valley Wine Tours. The Swan Valley is on our doorstep and has so many different venues and attractions. Whilst the valley is known for its very fine wines and the many wineries to visit and taste the local vintage there is also many venues we visit with our Perth wedding limo hire service. Our Perth winery tours are very popular in this stylish vintage Perth limousine as the mode of transport. If it is a Swan Valley limo tour you require then this special Perth classic limo is the perfect choice.
For details about Limo service contact us [email protected] or visit our website www.perthvintagelimousines.com.au
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600shekels · 1 year
2 Chronicles 30: 11-20. "Hamza."
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11 Nevertheless, some from Asher, Manasseh and Zebulun humbled themselves and went to Jerusalem. 12 Also in Judah the hand of God was on the people to give them unity of mind to carry out what the king and his officials had ordered, following the word of the Lord.
Asher, Manasseh, and Zebulun [to honor the last in an indefinitely numerous series]= "Happiness, Progress, to Exalt the Poor" these create unity.
The Hamsa, which has a Gematria of Five, "the hand of God" means an "Unambitious Monarch", a "King Like a Swan."
The Hand of God is able to bring us happiness, advances in technology and most of all our humanity. It is altogether different from the hands on approach of mankind which wrecks things.
13 A very large crowd of people assembled in Jerusalem to celebrate the Festival of Unleavened Bread in the second month. 14 They removed the altars in Jerusalem and cleared away the incense altars and threw them into the Kidron Valley.
The Second Month and the Festival indicates the struggle between Esau and Jacob over who would wear the mantle and lead in their father Isaac's stead.
The two loaves of bread one that is leavened loaf and one that is unleavened. This symbolizes duality, how man is prone to lying, and how Prone God is to the Truth.
The tossing of the incense altars into the darkness has to do with rejecting the truth about slavery in Egypt- all of its fouled incense, all the lies and falsehoods told about the Torah and being a Jew in Egypt was profane.
Which loaf do we eat? Which son do we follow? Upon whose shoulder rests the Hand of God?
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The question posed to the crowd and to us is found in the Gematria for verses 13-14, which returns a value 12059, יבאֶפֶסהט‎ ibafeshat, Ib-Hafez-Shad. "Who will be the son that wears the hat?"
Not the firstborn of Egypt, that's for sure. Into the Darkness with him. The Second Born, Jacob, who is willing to follow his father, Isaac's lead, to joy, is the one we want. We are not entitled to joy we have to create it, we have to outwit all that holds us back from it just as Jacob, who never settled, did.
The Message in the Gematria is:
For Whoever Has No Root Has No Fruit But Although Thinking I Have Come Into Being That One Will Perish For This Reason Whoever Does Not Exist At All Will Never Exist.
The person as whom we are born is the same one that dies. The sooner we root and fruit as the Gemtria says, the sooner we become the person that will perish, the better.
For this we need to be a follower first, and this is why the people needed to gather to observe the Passover and the Festival, to learn once again how following is the only way to escape Egypt.
This section starts off with a definition of a Hamza, a most unambitious king, but to follow is the most ambitious course of action a future ruler can take:
15 They slaughtered the Passover lamb on the fourteenth day of the second month. The priests and the Levites were ashamed and consecrated themselves and brought burnt offerings to the temple of the Lord. 
16 Then they took up their regular positions as prescribed in the Law of Moses the man of God. The priests splashed against the altar the blood handed to them by the Levites. 
This section has a Gematria of 214, the Second Month/Fourteenth Day= ב‎אד‎ In Ed, "The Eye of the Witness."
To witness a sacrament is not enough:
‎"The matter must be confirmed by the testimony of two witnesses." (Deut. 19:15)
There are two types of witnesses in Jewish law: attesting witnesses, who must be present when a particular legal procedure occurs in order for it to be considered legally valid; and testifying witnesses, whose purpose is to testify in court that they have witnessed some act, thereby substantiating its factualness.
An example of the first type of witnesses is those that must be present at a wedding ceremony or at divorce proceedings in order for these to be valid; an example of the second type of witnesses is the case described in this verse: witnesses to a crime.
Thus, the implication of the words: "the matter must be confirmed" in this verse changes subtly when applied to either of these two types of witnesses. In the first case, they mean "the procedure will be considered legally valid"; in the second case, they mean "the act will be considered to have happened."
Since few people showed up to participate in the Shabbat, this means their lives not consecrated, which we now know means their religious practices and efforts fell flat:
17 Since many in the crowd had not consecrated themselves, the Levites had to kill the Passover lambs for all those who were not ceremonially clean and could not consecrate their lambs[a] to the Lord. 
18 Although most of the many people who came from Ephraim, Manasseh, Issachar and Zebulun had not purified themselves, yet they ate the Passover, contrary to what was written. But Hezekiah prayed for them, saying, “May the Lord, who is good, pardon everyone 
19 who sets their heart on seeking God—the Lord, the God of their ancestors—even if they are not clean according to the rules of the sanctuary.” 20 And the Lord heard Hezekiah and healed the people.
Thinking twice even once a year, placing oneself in the Hands of God is perhaps the most courageous thing one can do. No one wants to admit they are impure, that they have been petty, cruel, impatient, stingy, rude, racist, dull, lazy, or selfish, voted for a yutz, cheated on a partner or even thought about it, but unless these little sins and their tempting voices are cut short by the Angel of Death, giving the pure soul a chance to take the Hand of God and purchase its escape to freedom, what hope is there?
The end of the ego self must be confirmed and for that everyone needs to take courage and eat the Passover, meaning, put our consciences to work.
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businessforperth · 1 year
All You Need to Know About Perth Wedding Venues: From Reception Halls to Winery Yards
A wedding is a momentous occasion and finding the perfect venue can add a cherry on top of your special day. Perth, with its panoramic landscapes, offers numerous breathtaking venues for your perfect day. From stunning reception venues to exclusive wedding packages, Perth has got you covered. And if you’re dreaming of an open-air wedding, Perth's outdoor venues will take your breath away. For the wine enthusiasts, Perth’s winery yards provide an idyllic setting for your celebration. So, let’s dive into the heart of Perth and discover some of its best wedding spots!
Wedding Reception Venue Perth: Making Every Moment Count
A wedding reception venue in Perth is more than just a space; it's a location where dreams transform into reality. Some of the outstanding wedding reception venue in Perth are Caversham House, Crown Perth, and The Quarry Amphitheatre. Each of these venues offers an exceptional ambiance coupled with world-class facilities. You will find everything here, from lush gardens to stunning river views, to add a special touch to your day.
Why Choose Caversham House for Your Wedding Reception?
Caversham House is a gem in the heart of Swan Valley. Nestled amidst lush greenery, it offers exquisite settings for your wedding reception. With a beautiful historic house, stunning garden views, and outstanding service, it's no wonder this venue is one of the top picks for weddings in Perth.
Crown Perth: A Touch of Luxury
Crown Perth offers an unparalleled luxury experience. Their exceptional function rooms, high-quality catering, and professional staff ensure your wedding reception runs smoothly. Crown Perth is not just a venue; it's an experience that your guests will remember for a long time.
The Quarry Amphitheatre: A Unique Experience
The Quarry Amphitheatre offers a unique outdoor setting for your wedding reception. With a stunning limestone backdrop and beautiful terraced gardens, it provides a picturesque setting for your special day.
Wedding Venue Perth: A Union Amidst Nature
Apart from reception venues, Perth also offers a plethora of wedding venues. These include Fraser's Kings Park, Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club, and Peel Manor House. Each venue offers a unique setting, whether you're looking for a city view, waterfront location, or a quaint manor house.
Fraser's Kings Park: The City's Crown Jewel
Fraser's Kings Park offers panoramic views of the Perth skyline and Swan River. Its breathtaking backdrop and top-notch services make it an ideal location for your wedding.
Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club: Sail into Bliss
Located on the shores of Freshwater Bay, this yacht club offers an extraordinary waterfront location for your wedding. Its picturesque setting and elegant banquet halls provide an unmatched wedding experience.
Peel Manor House: A Blend of Rustic and Luxury
Peel Manor House exudes rustic charm and luxury. Its Georgian-style architecture, beautiful gardens, and serene lake create a romantic setting for your wedding.
Wedding Packages Perth: Hassle-free and Memorable
Wedding planning can be quite stressful. However, many wedding venues in Perth offer comprehensive wedding packages to make your planning easier. These include Matilda Bay Restaurant, Esplanade Hotel Fremantle, and Joondalup Resort. Each of these venues offers customized packages, making your wedding planning as smooth as a summer sea.
Matilda Bay Restaurant: Food, Views, and Memories
Matilda Bay Restaurant offers excellent wedding packages that include a stunning venue, top-quality food, and expert event management. With a beautiful view of the bay, your wedding will be a delightful affair.
Esplanade Hotel Fremantle: Grandeur and Elegance
Esplanade Hotel Fremantle offers comprehensive wedding packages that include venue, food, decorations, and more. With its heritage architecture and stylish interior, it provides a grand setting for your special day.
Joondalup Resort: Unparalleled Experience
Joondalup Resort offers a wide range of wedding packages catering to different budgets and styles. Its beautiful landscapes, top-notch services, and outstanding amenities make it a perfect choice for your wedding.
Best Outdoor Wedding Venues in Perth: A Touch of Nature
Perth's climate and picturesque landscapes make it an ideal city for outdoor weddings. Some of the top outdoor wedding venues include Perth City Farm, Mandoon Estate, and The Secret Garden.
Perth City Farm: Rustic Meets Urban
Perth City Farm, with its rustic charm and urban vibe, is a popular choice for outdoor weddings. Its unique setting amidst nature, right in the heart of the city, is bound to make your day special.
Mandoon Estate: Vineyard Bliss
Mandoon Estate, located in the Swan Valley, offers a beautiful riverside setting for outdoor weddings. With lush vineyards and a historic homestead, it provides a serene ambiance for your celebration.
The Secret Garden: A Fairy Tale Setting
The Secret Garden, located in the Perth Hills, offers a fairy-tale setting for your outdoor wedding. Its beautiful landscaped gardens, water features, and romantic bridges provide a picture-perfect backdrop for your special day.
Winery Yard Wedding Venues in Perth: Unwine Under the Stars
Finally, for the wine lovers, Perth’s winery yard wedding venues are a must-see. The most popular among these include Sandalford Wines and Sittella Winery.
Sandalford Wines: A Celebration Amongst the Vines
Nestled in the Swan Valley, Sandalford Wines offers an idyllic setting for your wedding. Its vineyard views, excellent wines, and top-notch services make it a unique venue for your celebration.
Sittella Winery: Toast to New Beginnings
Sittella Winery, with its beautiful vineyards and modern architecture, offers a stunning venue for your wedding. Its award-winning wines and picturesque views make it an exceptional choice for wine lovers.
Whether you're looking for a luxurious reception venue, an outdoor wedding spot, or a charming winery yard, Perth has it all. Its varied landscapes, exceptional service, and comprehensive wedding packages ensure your wedding day is nothing short of magical.
What should I look for in a wedding venue in Perth?
Look for a venue that fits your budget, accommodates your guest list, offers the ambiance you desire, and provides comprehensive packages to ease your planning process.
Are there any waterfront wedding venues in Perth?
Yes, Perth has many waterfront venues like the Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club, which offers a stunning waterfront location for your wedding.
What do wedding packages in Perth typically include?
Wedding packages usually include the venue, catering, decorations, and event coordination. Some venues might also offer photography, entertainment, and accommodation.
Are outdoor weddings popular in Perth?
Yes, thanks to Perth's beautiful weather and picturesque landscapes, outdoor weddings are quite popular.
Can I have a wedding at a winery yard in Perth?
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