tikitania · 8 months
Coppelia at the Mariinsky
I'm hearing rumors that the Mariinsky will debut a new production of Coppelia staged by Alexander Sergeev…and it made me wonder when was the last time they performed Coppelia? It seems to have been a very long time ago. There are hundreds of clips of the Vikharev production at the Bolshoi. How/why did the Mariinsky let this ballet end up in a dust heap? So odd… Anyway, I'm glad it's coming back. (If rumors are true!) And I'm so curious about casting. The most recent clip that I could quickly find was from the Kirov in 1993, fearing Irina Shapchit dancing the Swanilda variation from Act 3.
I know nothing about Ms. Shapchit and discovered that she now goes by her married name, Irina Zavialova. She and her husband left Russia in 1995 for the West where they worked at several smaller ballet companies. It seems like she was one of the talents that "got away" in the turmoil of the 90s. She's now teaching in Norway from what I gather. Here's an interview with her from the 90s
It's almost a foregone conclusion that Shakirova will be first cast in this. BTW, I still haven't seen Ratmansky's production at La Scala, but I've heard that it's really good. It's on the list. The full production can be streamed on Medici TV:
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roseunspindle · 2 years
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elite4steffi · 1 year
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What if Coppélia was an old-timey Disney film
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Coppelia (Act 1 Waltz) (Ballet Music, Delibes)
The beautiful eyed doll Coppelia, and Franz, a young man who falls in love with her, sneak into the house and have a ``love affair'' with the doll, and this is the graceful waltz that plays at that time. Jealous and suspicious, his lover Swanilda destroys the doll, bringing Franz back to his senses. Still, Franz must have been immersed in a sweet dream. In ballet music, I think it's the most graceful piece.
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hakobore · 1 month
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Cover reveal for my newest comic Coppélia et Swanilda, debuting October 2024 at ShortBox Comics Fair! Previews coming closer to its release<3
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enchanted-keys · 2 years
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swanlake1998 · 4 months
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céline gittens photographed performing as swanilda in coppelia by johan persson
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4tsukiiim1rai · 6 months
Las hermanas Dimitrescu (RL) si hicieran ballet
El otro día vi el fanart de Bela como el cascanueces de Barbie y me quedo la idea en la cabeza.
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Primera bailarina vibes.
Puede hacer cualquier variación que le pongan.
Muy buena memoria (a la hora de los nombres de los pasos y también para las combinaciones).
Su técnica es casi perfecta.
Es muy dedicada y se esfuerza mucho para seguir mejorando.
Se tiene que comprar puntas extra extra duras porque si no se le vencen enseguida.
Consiguió primer lugar en un YAGP haciendo la variación de Bluebird/Princess Florine.
Su arabesque es hermoso.
Ama hacer diagonales.
Fortalezas: Giros, extensiones y elegancia.
Paso fav: Pirouettes, tanto en dehors como en dedans.
Paso que menos le gusta: Adagio a la second... en centro... GIRANDO💀💀
Papeles en los que veo:
Kitri de Don Quijote
Aurora de la Bella durmiente/Sleeping Beauty
Swanilda de Coppelia.
Y (Obviamente) Odette del Lago de los Cisnes/Swan Lake.
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Muy buena técnica.
Su temps du fleche es perfecto.
Se le da muy bien los papeles con mucha actuación dramática.
Tremendos brazos=Tremendas Pirouettes.
Siento que le dan muchos papeles de villanos.
O protagónicos en ballets románticos.
Historia de Instagram con un café mientras elonga...
"No puedo quiero, tengo ensayo"
Hicieron una función donde ella era Odile y Bela Odette (y Dani el arlequín).
Saltos queen.
Siento que ama los giros tipo pique en tournant cualquiera en el que se desplace.
Le salen bien los pas de deux con cargadas.
Se sabe las variaciones y las historias de mucho MUCHOS ballets.
Le queda bien las danzas árabes (especialmente la del cascanueces) y las españolas.
Ganó primer lugar en YAGP con la danza española del Lago de los Cines.
Sus expresiones>>>>
No lo va a admitir nunca, pero más de una vez termino llorando porque no le salía un paso.
Le salen muy bien los grand jete tournant EN CIRCULO.
Cualquier giro en circulo.
Fortalezas: Saltos, pantomima y giros.
Paso fav: Temps du fleche y fouetté italiano.
Paso que menos le gusta: Cabriole🤗EN ARRIÈRE💀
Papeles en los que la veo:
(Totalmente) Odile en El Lago de los Cisnes/Swan Lake.
Giselle (más que nada por la actuación que conlleva el papel)
CARMEN😻😻(El verdadero lesbian panic seria Cassandra haciendo de Carmen)
Julieta en Romeo y Julieta (Esta tenia que estar si o si)
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Su fuerza le ayuda mucho al sostener.
Prefiere otros estilos como el jazz, hip hop o el contemporáneo, pero Alcina la metió a clases de clásico desde chica así que tiene muy buena técnica.
Cuando no hay chicos para cargadas la ponen a ella.
Tiene algo de técnica masculina (más que nada de partner).
Le salen esos saltos raros que hacen los chicos.
Fuerza de centro queen.(Yo también quiero)
Gano segundo puesto en YAGP bailando Esmeralda.
A ella si le salen bien los adagios a la second GIRANDO😦😦.
Salta super alto.
Le gustan los ballets cómicos.
Odia(mos) los fondus.
Se suele confundir los brazos con los brazos de jazz.
No le gustan los giros(aunque le sale bien).
ODIA los saltos en punta.
Ella puede sostener mejor que sus hermanas.
Le cuesta la rotación.
Le cuesta hacerse el rodete porque tiene el pelo corto.
A lo contrario de Cassandra no le afecta mucho que no le salga un paso.
"Prueba y error"
Dani también tuvo su era Rey Rata en el Cascanueces😔😔
Fortalezas: Fuerza de centro, sostener y saltos.
Paso fav: Grand jete tournant.
Paso que menos le gusta: Fouettés.
Papeles en los que la veo:
Trencitas/Pig tailed girl en Baile de Graduados/Graduation Ball(Same vibes).
La muñeca conejo en The Fairy Doll.
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patricedumonde · 5 months
Just saw clips of Maria Koshkaryova's debut as Swanilda in Coppelia. She looked good in them! She is very much a natural Swanilda and I found her to be quite charming in them. I think it was a good principal role for her! I think they need to give her less ballets but ones that are better suited for her nature. Not every dancer needs to dance everything while under the age of 21 haha.
Agreed, very natural! She was charming in the role but I think she was a bit shy, too timid. I feel like there were times when she could have given more energy into the steps! But again she’s so young haha
Those fouettés were very clean though. Clip above for people who haven’t seen
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tikitania · 27 days
Is it just me or is Bolshoi isn’t as good as it was in the 2000s and 2010s? They actually had really good dancers and rep in 2008-11 with Alexandrova, Shipulina, Kaptsova, Osipova and Zakahrova at their peak compared to now. Even on Reddit (join the bunheadsnark subreddit!) there’s people who agree that Stephanova shouldn’t have been a principal dancer and there’s an aging population of female principals.
I would like to say that I enjoy Sevenard, Kovaleva and Kokoreva though, they’re very expressive and musical compared to other dancers that just have flexibility and no artistry (Sergeenkova and Denisova are guilty of this). As for the men I love Smilevsky and Popintsev.
Koshkaryova imo was pushed too soon in principal/soloist roles. If you see her Swanilda videos compared to Osipova there’s so many differences, the main one being that she’s not genuine enough in her acting? Like I don’t get “Swanilda” from her, I felt like she’s going through the motions and pantomime. As mentioned above, Sergeenkova and Denisova are boring to watch because they lack artistry.
Honestly I feel like this generation of younger dancers dance differently than older generations. I honestly think it’s due to the ADs/Tsiskaridze and the war.
(Also huge shoutout to BunduBallerina on YouTube, I sometimes go back to watch mid 2000s Bolshoi videos just to see how better it was compared to now…)
EDIT: and Yes!!! A HUGE shout out Bunduballerina on YouTube. Thanks Anon!
I’m hesitant to say the company was better 20 years ago vs now, though many say the same about the Mariinsky, too. However, we are in the middle of a generational shift and the question is: Will the current crop of dancers measure up? Sevenard can be sloppy. Kovaleva is limited by available parents. Seergenkova is still developing (but I find her extremely promising.) Kokareva is amazing, as is Krysanova. Koshkaryova just finished her first year and Kuprina will debut Aurora soon, as will Anastasia Denisova. Let’s see how the next few years go. I think the Bolshoi has a good stable of talent to work with. I’m more concerned about the Mariinsky. Four of their primas are in their 40’s — Tereshkina, Kondaurova, Novikova, Vishneva (who is still on the roster) and they have aging/chronically injured 1st soloists - Osmolkina, Kolegova, Shapran. Who will replace them at the level of dance in a year or two? Mariinsky is feeling rather creaky and Fadeyev will need to address this STAT.
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mariaspir · 2 months
Did anyone see the castings for Coppelia? It's all very odd, there's Principals (with a capital P) doing Coppelia and Dr. Coppelius, and lower ranks doing Swanilda and Franz. Also there's people dancing both parts in different performances? My eyes caught Nagahisa and Shirinkina dancing twice, with Shirinkina doing both Swanilda and Coppelia, which seems like a waste in merely 5 shows. Wtf is this production going to be?
ETA: I think I worded it weird: I mean it's a waste to exhaust May and Maria when there's such a small number of shows, instead of giving the opportunity to other dancers. Off the top of my head Svinko and Bulanova could definitely do the part.
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ballet-symphonie · 11 months
Let’s play a game: which dancers are fit for a role in repertoire that their company doesn’t do?
Tiler Peck-Etudes. She would nail the musicality aspect of the lead ballerina. Chun Wai Chan should partner her, Roman Mejia should be the soloist that does the cabrioles and pirouette combos in the Mazurka section.
(She mentioned that she really wants to do Giselle and Manon, but tbh I don’t think she’s a dancer that can carry a strong story)
Nela-Etoile variation from Paquita, Aspiccia from La Fille du Pharoan.
Olga Smirnova-Titania in Balanchine’s Midsummer (Het Nationaale does do The Dream, so I definitely want to see her as Titania in that though haha)
Osipova-The Sleepwalker in La Somnambula, the lead in La Valse, the lead in white in Balanchine’s Walpurgisnacht (aka Faust), Dew Drop in Balanchine’s Nutcracker.
Vishneva (in her prime)-Jeanne from Flames of Paris, also Aspiccia.
Novikova-Phrygia from Spartacus, Adelaide in Flames of Paris
Tereshkina-Aegina from Spartacus
Oooh some interesting choices here.
I'd kill for a Tiler Peck in Etudes. I also think it would be super fascinating to see the Balanchine style in such a classical ballet. We differ on Giselle, I think she would be wonderfully charming, especially in Act 1. She'd need someone of substance to coach her, I hear Ferri is coming back stateside for the Met season?
Marianela would be a dream in Paquita Etoile, I can just imagine her sailing around endlessly in those attitudes so smoothly. I'm not significantly attached to any version of Pharoh's Daughter. What I am much more interested in is Marianela in a full-length Raymonda. I have been tempted by the far too low-quality video of her doing the Hungarian Wedding Variation and I need the whole thing.
Smirnova will certainly get that role, although I'm more interested in her trying her chops in more modern-era works.
I've read some reviews of City Ballet this season saying that La Somnambula has felt a bit flat this season without a compelling leading lady. If nothing else, Osipova can absolutely bring the drama needed for that role. Dewdrop could also be interesting, but we'd need Bolshoi era Osipova and her speed.
I could take or leave Vishenva in Flames of Paris and we've already talked about Pharoah's Daughter. I'd rather see her in some more MacMillan (Mayerling or Isadora) or Maillot (Perhaps Katherina in Taming of the Shrew or Daphnis and Chloe)
Nothing to say about the Novikova and Tereshkina choices, both would be excellent in those roles. I'd also throw Swanilda to Novikova.
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nanaeljustice · 6 months
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This is Tamaki's best friend, Swanilda! My second OC!
Swanilda comes from a family of ballet lovers and her parents make she practice it. She doesn't dislike ballet, but her real fascination lies in ghosts and aliens, Swanilda in her free time constantly goes into abandoned places in search of something supernatural. A "no entry" sign may as well say "welcome"!
She is a very curious girl and if any trouble happens in the city, she probably got involved at some point because of it. Swanilda is well known by the local police as a trouble magnet, but is not particularly hated for it.
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paperdollsdaily · 1 year
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Today's Paper Doll Is: Swanilda
This is my least favorite outfit for this doll, but "Coppelia" is one of my favorite ballets. For several reasons, one of which is that it's funny. The scene where Swanilda, disguised as the doll Coppelia, pretends to come to life has some great slapstick moments in it.
Here's a plot summary of "Coppelia."
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enchanted-keys · 2 years
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Marianela Nunez as Swanilda in Coppelia (Royal Ballet 2019)
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swanlake1998 · 4 months
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angelica generosa and jonathan batista photographed performing as swanilda and franz in coppelia by angela sterling
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