#swap roo is swapped with arbiter
sui-imi · 1 year
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classic, swap and fell Roo.
... and Roo.
(UnderEats is technically a multiverse thing, not an AU. but that doesn't mean there can't be alternate versions of Roo running around haha)
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sui-imi · 1 year
For Roo who is your favorite person to deliver food to
(it could be anyone but just not co worker or something like that just a customer/random AU)
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[ROO] i don't have favourites.
[ARBITER] oh? but didn't you tell me to put nazar's name on the 'good list'? the good list that didn't actually exist until that very moment? the good list that you've barely updated since then?
[EXEC] And Only With Swap Sanses You Like?
[ROO] this is slander. you're ruining my cool guy image. i could sue for this you know!
Thanks for the question, anon!
Got a question? Ask Imi & OCs!
(running until 1pm GMT, thursday 24th!)
nazar sans: sweetnad_uwu on twitter
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sui-imi · 1 year
100 Facts About UnderEats!Sans (aka Roo)
I posted these on twitter, but decided I should also post them here for everyone o/
Facts below the cut!
WARNING: it's. really long.
1. UnderEats!Sans is nicknamed 'Roo'. This is a shortened version of 'Deliveroo'. I chose it because the AU's name was already based on 'Uber Eats' and wanted to keep the theme relevance.
2. Roo originates from a Horrortale timeline variant. It was destroyed before he left to meet with Undyne, meaning his skull was never shattered, nor his eye taken. (Horrortale belongs to sour-apple-studios)
3. He's 4'4" / 132cm tall. He's not insecure about his height, but he doesn't like how tall everyone else is…
4. Since his timeline's gone, Roo's homeless. He'll either stay at Arbiter's store, nap in a random AU, or pay for an inn somewhere.
5. He works as a multiversal food delivery driver. His job is to collect food from various restaurants across the Multiverse, then use his AU-hopping moped to instantly transport the food to the customer's AU/address. (... its just uber eats but in undertale)
6. He's not supposed to, but if you bribe him with cash or food (anything with BBQ in it), he'll give you a free ride to another AU. He can be bribed to do other things, also. but only for cold, hard, cash. (and nothing inappropriate)
7. In his timeline, he spent a lot of time raising morale, handling rations and thinking of solutions for their food crisis. Due to this, Roo's not very lazy anymore. But he still loves to take naps.
8. He's extremely nervous around other Alphys', after seeing her stare at him so intensely, and hearing her plan from the echo flowers. He's okay around Swapped Alphys'. Usually.
9. He's pretty frugal, only buying food or paying for an inn room every so often.
10. He has a lot of food and snacks stored in his inventory, but not to eat. He instead hands it out to other people who might need it.
11. He can't handle high-stress/danger situations. If he can't find a solution to the problem quickly enough, he kind of. Shuts down. It results in him making very stupid decisions. Like throwing a moped at someone.
12. Due to his repeated destruction of company property, most of his pay goes towards paying off the broken bikes. It's... going to take a while to pay it off. (He's still going to keep throwing the mopeds).
13. Roo can also ride bicycles, motorbikes, and some types of cars. But he likes mopeds because they're small and easy to nap on.
14. Doesn't really use his phone outside of work purposes, so he's a bit of a social media boomer. The grimace shake trend is a horrific mystery to him. He doesn't even know what 'simp' means.
15. His magic eye LOOKS green, but it's not. It's the same blue/yellow that Classic Sans has, but it's moving so fast that it blends together to green.
16. He has the same stats as Classic Sans.
17. He still likes ketchup. He just thinks BBQ sauce is the superior condiment.
18. He's always wearing a hat, or something that covers his head. It's because he's trying to break a bad habit of scratching at his skull. Instead, he fiddles with the hat.
19. He's actually a pretty good cook! On his days off, he likes to practice.
20. His favourite place to eat is Grillby's 2 (a multiversal version of the OG). He's good friends with the Grillbys that run the place and the food is always good.
21. He has a soft spot for Grillbys and other Horrors. He's nice to them and always asking if they're good. (He's still shaken from his Grillby... 'melting'...)
22. He's one of those people that constantly complains about doing something, but still does it anyway.
23. He has an excellent memory when it comes to remembering addresses/co-ordinates to other AUs. Ask him about a specific place and chances are, he'll know where you're talking about.
24. He likes his job because it's simple. He likes simple. It means less stress. Despite being a simple job, certain customers love increasing his stress levels. T_T
25. His hands are a bit scratched up from stress-scratching. That's part of the reason why he likes to wear gloves all the time. The other part is: he just likes wearing them.
26. He doesn't like wasting food/drinks. If you make something (edible) for him, even if he doesn't want it, he'll try to eat it, just so it doesn't go to waste.
27. He's not picky with what he eats. If it's edible, he'll eat it. If it's not edible, he'll... pretend to eat it.
28. He used to be friends with a part-time worker, who was an Undyne. After certain events occured, he no longer makes friends with the other workers!
29. Roo dislikes Exec's 'don't interfere with timelines' rule. He thinks that if you can help, you should. But he also doesn't want to lose the job, so his help ends up being rather limited…
30. He hates delivering to the Doodlesphere. He has a policy in place with the Star Sanses: if he delivers and they're in the middle of a fight, they have to tip him double... he makes a lot of money delivering to the Doodlesphere.
31. Roo likes going to a random AU and taking a nap in it. Sometimes, if he's bored, he'll explore the AU a little bit. He's not supposed to be seen in AUs that aren't involved/aware of the multiverse, so he either skips them or sneaks around.
32. If he comes across a starving timeline, he'll leave behind some food. Nothing big, just enough to survive a little longer. He doesn't want Exec to become aware of his 'timeline-intefering'. (Exec already knows. But they allow it, since it doesn't really affect much.)
33. If he ever lost his job, he'd go work with Arbiter in the Condiment Hall (a convenience store that specialises in well, condiments), or go to the Omega Timeline.
34. His eye sockets are naturally 'droopy'.
35. His bones can rattle. It only happens when he's scared. It's embarrassing.
36. He drinks, but only 'socially' (AKA, if you hand him a drink, he'll drink it). He's not a lightweight. But the process of getting drunk makes him feel queasy. When he's actually drunk, he starts acting stupid.
37. He gets easily flustered/embarrassed if you give him any positive attention. When that happens, he tugs on his hat to hide his face.
38. He doesn’t like fighting. If he ends up in an encounter, he either tries to escape it, or he gets too stressed (aka goes stupid mode).
39. If someone is in trouble (and he’s ACTUALLY able to help), he’ll do his best to remove them from the situation. Don’t ask him to fight for you. He won’t.
40. He favours using blue magic in fights to keep opponents away from him/rooted in place. If that fails, he'll TP to a safe distance.
41. If his life is truly in danger, his survival instincts kick in, and he’ll fight like it’s a genocide route.
41b. His thoughts are switched ‘off’ during this. He fights automatically.
42. He has a metal pipe for joke purposes. Sometimes he’ll drop it because the sound is hilarious to him. He also uses it as an impromptu weapon.
43. The best description for Roo is that he’s Aro Ace. He has no desire for anything beyond friendship.
44. He’s lost track of his age, but he’s in his late 20s/early 30s. His birthday is the 8th of September (International Food Delivery Day)!
45. He’s fine interacting with other Papyruses, but if they show any familiarity with him, it weirds him out. (i.e: calling him 'Brother')
46. Roo misses his Papyrus, but… a part of him is glad that he’s not suffering anymore. But that kind of thinking also makes him mad... It’s a difficult subject. He doesn't like to think about it.
47. Either he’s grumpy, loud and rude (usually with difficult people). Or chill and more like a Classic (most of the time). 
47b. He’s also a very expressive skeleton. His facebones are quite flexible. (does that even make sense?)
48. Everytime he gets an order from the Bad Sanses, his day gets ten times worse. He has to start mentally planning an escape route to minimise trouble.
49. Roo feels a strange kind of survivor’s guilt when he sees other Horrors. He’s aware of how lucky he is compared to his counterparts.
50. Sometimes, he has nightmares of a Horror clawing out his eye, wanting to ‘make them match’.
51. He loves getting tips and bribes. His prices are always fair - he doesn’t like extorting people. But er, if you insist enough times, he’ll just… take it and pay it forward. (cough)
52. Roo loves antagonising Swap Papyrus. Swap Paps antagonises him back. Roo also loves getting Swap Sans to lecture Paps for antagonising him.
53. He still has the ability to Judge, and quietly checks anyone he comes across. Just as a safety precaution.
54. His mouth can open, but it usually stays shut. It only opens when he's yawning or eating something big. He can eat some things/drink without opening his mouth. How? Who knows.
55. He doesn’t enjoy science anymore, and tends to avoid it. But sometimes he sees something interesting and becomes curious.
56. There’s an Outertale Burgerpants called Burpi that he loves to antagonise. It seems he knows something embarrassing the cat monster did and holds it over his head.
57. He wears size 6 (US size) mens shoes.
58. His favourite colour is blue. But he thinks green is okay too.
59. Roo doesn’t know how to react to gifts. Half the time he thinks it’s something you want him to deliver. If you clarify, he says thanks and puts it somewhere safe. (Then he gets flustered)
60. He doesn’t really cry, except for ‘comedic situations’.
61. He used to have a habit of writing a bunch of notes on any surface he could find (especially walls). He got in a lot of trouble for it. Now he carries a small notebook around to take notes.
62. He’s not very materialistic. His moped is probably the only 'material' thing he cares about.
63. He keeps having to buy new socks because everytime he stays at an inn/at Arbiter’s place, he leaves one lying around.
64. He’s accidentally made a trash tornado in his bag, except with people’s orders.. It was very messy..
65. He’s currently learning how to bake. His favourite so far are fig rolls.
66. If there’s ever drama or a (not serious) fight going down in front of him, he’s the guy dealing out popcorn to the bystanders.
67. Whenever he’s bored, he watches some random shows. He tried to watch UnderNovela but he missed a lot of episodes, so he’s just confused.
68. Roo knows English, Common (AKA monster english), and Monster Sign Language (the monster’s version of sign)
69. In Roo’s timeline, Gaster was his brother. He can’t remember his parents.
70. He got turned into a bitty once. He refuses to talk about it, saying ‘the experience changed me…. Into a bitty, that is.’
71. One of the strangest AUs he’s visited is one where monsters were on the surface, except they were beast-like and HUGE. Not bara huge. 200ft tall huge. He finds it fascinating. Sometimes he'll go there, sit in a tree, and just watch them roam.
72. Every time he visits a random AU, he has a 50/50 chance of being dropped into the middle of something chaotic.
73. He customises his mopeds to say ‘sans’ with a bone sticker at the front. It’s so he can remember which one is his. (Lie. He just thinks it's cool)
74. He has a red friendship bracelet around his neck, given to him by Fresh!Reaper. It’s hidden by his coat most of the time. (Fresh!Reaper - @\SoftyMuii on Twitter)
75. He's sort of friends with this one Horror. They like to grab lunch together sometimes.
76. He likes to listen to other people’s puns more than making his own. Either way they make him chuckle every time, even in serious situations. (Though he tries not to laugh out of loud).
77. His favourite kind of jacket are windbreakers, which is what he wears most of the time.
78. He doesn’t care much for fashion, he just wears whatever’s comfortable (which is a shirt and shorts).
79. His favourite thing about the surface are the stars. Second is the sea. He loves the colour of the water and how calm it is.
80. When he texts, his replies are lazy and full of typos.
81. He has no idea that the lady behind the door was Toriel, queen of the monsters. In his timeline, Frisk killed her.
82. Despite napping all the time, he has trouble actually trying to sleep. He can manage 2 hours before waking up.
83. He’s a pretty light sleeper. He doesn’t fully fall asleep, still keeping some sort of awareness of his surroundings. If someone gets too close to him/makes too much noise, he’ll open his eyes.
84. Roo will generally try to follow the rules, but if they clash with his ideals, he’ll either break them, or try his best to bend the rules to his favour.
85. He’s good at keeping secrets. But that’s only because he forgets most of them after a while.
86. His bone colour is affected by how much sun he receives. They’re off-white since he’s covered up most of the time.
87. Sometimes he’ll sunbathe a little to brighten his bones. He claims it makes him feel more energetic.
88. He thinks MTT food is the worst of the worst. He won’t even pretend to eat it if someone hands him any. It’s going straight in the trash.
89. He likes white noise. Pure silence makes him agitated.
91. He's kind of apathetic. His emotions feel muted. But his reactions are still over the top.
90. Roo likes eye contact and being able to see people’s faces & facial expressions when talking to them. Having your back turned to him during a conversation bothers him.
90b. Despite this, he gets unnerved by intense staring (it reminds him of Alphys)
92. His stamina is okay, but he still gets tired out often, which is why he takes so many naps.
93. Roo doesn’t really get angry. At most he’ll get irritated or annoyed, but he doesn’t know what true anger feels like.
94. He hates troublesome customers. A part of him hopes they get food poisoning and never order again… but he won’t say that out loud.
95. He enjoys delivering to ‘peaceful’ AUs, usually ones that have already reached the surface. The customers there are usually very nice.
96. He’s a tidy person, but that’s only because he doesn’t own a lot of things to create a mess in the first place.
97. Don’t bully workers! If you’re mean to the workers at the stores, Roo will get annoyed and lecture you.
98. He feels a sense of kinship with other workers, especially multiversal workers like him. (Like Post!Sans)
99. Sometimes he works at Grillby’s 2 if they need extra help. He’s terrible at making drinks/entertaining the customers, so he just makes food in the back.
100. If it’s very hot or very cold, he can feel it. Otherwise he can’t really feel changes in temperature.
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sui-imi · 1 year
[OLD Q&A] Roo answers some stuff
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Hello! A month or so ago, I had Roo answer some questions on twitter. I decided that it'd also be good to archive most of them here, so you guys can learn a bit more :] (some of it is kind of important?? i think... haha)
Click here to read the original tweet and all responses.
NOTE: answers are in character! Therefore, all questions below were answered by Roo! (undereats!sans)
edited: august 2024 (to fix small lore inaccuracies)
Qs & As under readmore! (warning: long post)
[names listed below are twitter users' URL.]
[Q from LazeroFox] Is there any place that you can’t really go? Like an au that’s destroyed-
[ROO] depends. if you know an AU's coordinates, the bike can create a portal for you. and when we receive orders, the customer's details are automatically sent to our phones.
[ROO] but if an AU's destroyed, it'll either send you to the void, or it won't create a portal at all.
[Q from mmm99tunas] Does Roo ever get a break? What does he spend his hard-earned Gs on? (aside from gallons of BBC sauce)
[ROO] oh yeah. i get loads of nap time inbetween rounds. just punch in some random cords, hide somewhere and snooze a bit. it's the easy life.
[ROO] (though technically that's not allowed so don't tell my boss)
[ROO] as for my G, usually i spend it at grillby's 2. it's hella good.
[Q from Malina_Vivvivu] Is there a place Roo hates delivering at :∆?
[ROO] hah... haha... hahaha....
[ROO] the doodlesphere, for one. and those evil sanses. i feel like i age 10 years everytime they're on my delivery list.
[ROO] why are they so violent?? they're the ones who ordered the food???
[M] They like playing before eating ((:
[ROO] is it playing or bullying??? i swear, it's like they only start when i arrive...
[Q from bl4ck_st4rs] What do you do if you mess up someone’s order? (pick up the wrong one or spill/drop it)
[ROO] woah now. i would never mess up a valued customer's order like that. who do you take me for?
[ROO] but if i did...
[ROO] you just gotta grovel. make 'em think you're gonna die if they don't forgive you. not that i'd ever mess up.
[* He looks shifty eyed.]
[Q from sweetnad_uwu] Hi Roo! The traveling moped u have, the only way anyone can get one is if they work to the same company you do? Or is there any other way to get it?
[ROO] hiya. and yep. gotta be a UE driver for the magic bike.
[ROO] the boss is REAL good at keeping track of 'em. they've never left a bike unaccounted for, and they always know when i "accidentally" break mine.
[ROO] feels like they're all-seeing or something. freaks me out.
[Q from AnnoyingFox20] dear roo,if you met an actual a person that charming and wise,nice,so caring do you consider to be your bf in your life? 😏😏😏
[ROO] sorry pal. spot's taken.
[* He's fiddling with a bottle.]
[ROO] his name's arbiter. he's real chill, owns the condiment hall. sells the best bbq sauce in the multiverse.
[* It seems he's mistaken 'bf' for 'bbq finder'...]
[Q from ZippyDoZane] Zane: Do you deliver to far off kingdoms? Also eh heh heh if you do could you stay for a bit? I got board games that we can play. The king will give you a big tip if you do eh heh heh.
[ROO] "UnderEats - if you can order it, we can deliver it!"
[ROO] ...that's not actually the slogan. it's actually...
[ROO] "UnderEats - tip the drivers, and they'll be your best buds!"
[ROO] ... so what time should i come over?
[Q from jasper2450] Have the bad guys ever wrecked your motorcycle?
[ROO] (cough) er... technically THEY didn't wreck it. but if they force me to use it, it's kind of their fault right??
[ROO] i mean, i always tell them, "don't make me use my special attack". and what do they do? they make me use it.
[ROO] so yes. it's their fault.
[Q from KaylaTSkeleton] is there anywhere roo likes delivering to?
[ROO] any AU where i can deliver food without being put in a whacky situation is good enough for me.
[ROO] i'm fond of underswap right now. swap papyrus is a real pain in the coccyx, but if i snitch to blue, it always pisses him off. hehehehe.
[ROO] plus they always tip well.
[Q from zeni_zetty] have you ever get Chase by simp???...
[ROO] huh? who? (what's a simp???)
[ROO] i mean, i HAVE been chased before. but i don't remember anyone specifically, except those bad sanses.
[ROO] ...do i even WANT to remember?? don't chase innocent workers please...
[Q from necropathy_] Do you have any destinations/AUs that you don't mind/prefer delivering to?
[ROO] underswap, outertale, dancetale...
[ROO] and uh... horror AUs. well, they don't really order. but sometimes food just. slips out of my bag whilst i'm passing through.
[ROO] uh. don't tell the boss. we have this whole non-intervention policy, so...
[Q from SolarPhoenix7] I know you probably deliver a lot of different foods, but what's your own favorite dish?
[ROO] anything bbq flavoured is delish.
[ROO] by the way. you ever been to grillby's 2? their burgers are to die for. tho honestly i could eat just about anything and enjoy it.
[ROO] as long as it's not mtt food. no idea how they own so many stores across the multiverse. 0 stars.
[Q from Greedy621] Hi! Do you ever getting weird requests other than food delivery?
[ROO] the app is only designed for food delivery, so not particularly. but it does has a messaging feature. which is used... creatively... by some people.
[ROO] if anyone ever sends you a pic on there, don't open it. i promise you it's not worth it.
[G] Ok, now I’m curious what kind of pictures have you saw to made you give this advice.
[* He looks like he's remembering something unpleasant...]
[ROO] sorry, client confidentially. trust me... you REALLY don't wanna know.
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