#i kinda like fell roo
sui-imi · 1 year
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classic, swap and fell Roo.
... and Roo.
(UnderEats is technically a multiverse thing, not an AU. but that doesn't mean there can't be alternate versions of Roo running around haha)
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softonshanks · 1 month
Shanks x reader taking bath together! Something fluff ya know? (No need to be smut)
Hey Anon, thank you for this lovely request. I'm sorry if this took a bit long but I just fell in love with how this story could possibly take place, so I have added a few more details I hope you will enjoy. It's a bit longer that I expected, but I kinda like how it turned out. Thank you again, let me know if you like it in the comments and enjoy <3<3
A Soothing Surprise
Characters: Shanks x female reader Word count: 1922 words
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The Red-Haired Pirates were anchored near a small, peaceful island, the kind where nothing much happened. Shanks had been walking a bit slower these days, grimacing now and then while pretending it was nothing. It wasn’t his first time dealing with an aching back, but this time felt different and no amount of rum, jokes, or teasing could ease the nagging pain. He had been feeling it for almost a week now. That dull, persistent ache in his back that seemed to remind him with every movement: you're not 20 anymore. His crew, ever the jokers, hadn't let him forget it either. They teased him relentlessly about "getting old," and while Shanks played along with his usual carefree smile, a part of him couldn't help but think about it. The once endless nights of drinking and partying were now followed by stiff mornings, and though he was still the infamous Red-Haired Shanks, there was no denying that time was catching up with him.
"You're getting old, Captain!" Yasopp had joked earlier that morning, throwing Shanks a knowing grin.
Shanks had laughed it off, but his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. He knew they weren’t wrong. Sure, he was still powerful, still strong, but he wasn’t in his twenties anymore, and sometimes the creaking bones reminded him of that fact. Normally, the banter and the drinking would lift his spirits, but tonight, even with the party in full swing on the deck, Shanks felt a little distant, a little thoughtful.
Shanks had always been the one to go out of his way to do things for his crew, whether it was helping Lucky Roo gather supplies, buying cigarettes for Benn, or giving Yasopp new can of oil to clean his gun. But who was doing something for him?
Y/N decided it was time to change that.
The next morning, as the ship docked at the island, Y/N had her plan ready. She had spent the previous night carefully writing out clues and stashing them in various places she knew Shanks would eventually find throughout the day.
The first clue was tucked neatly inside his favorite mug, the one he used for his morning coffee. Shanks, groggy but in good spirits, lifted the mug to take a sip, only for a small piece of paper to fall into his lap.
“Huh?” he said to himself, blinking down at the note. He opened it up and read:
"A Captain’s day starts with more than just brew. Check under the barrel where you stashed the new."
His brow furrowed, but a slow grin spread across his face. “What’s this all about?”
Intrigued, Shanks followed the clue to the ship's supply closet, where he had hidden some rare bottles of rum the week before. Sure enough, another note was waiting for him.
"You're warm now, Captain, but not yet done. Find the red flag, and you’ll be closer to the fun."
He scratched his head, chuckling to himself. “What’s that girl even up to?”, asked himself, perfectly knowing that it was all her doing. After all, Benn would have never set up a vicious game like this, while Y/N was just like him in some aspects: funny, always ready for a giggle, an eternal child ready to play.
He set off, following the clues she had hidden around the island. Each note was just vague enough to make him think, but not so hard that it was frustrating.
"Your treasure awaits, but first you must find, A place where the wind sings and the sun shines."
This clue led him to a windmill at the top of a hill, another to a quiet beach where the waves lapped gently at the shore, and another to an old oak tree that must have been standing for centuries. It was fun—simple and thoughtful—and he couldn’t help but feel lighter with every step he took. Finally, as the sun began to dip low in the sky, he found the final clue tucked under a smooth stone at the edge of a peaceful garden. It led him to a small, cozy inn nestled on the outskirts of the village. When he opened the door to the room, he found Y/N sitting on the bed, her legs crossed and a playful smile on her lips.
“Well, it’s about time you got here,” she teased, crossing her arms. “I was starting to think you’d gotten lost.”
Shanks blinked, looking around the room and trying to figure out what to do with her, alone, on a bed. “What’s all this, Y/N? What do you want me to do?”.
Y/N stood and motioned toward a small door at the side of the room. “Go take a look in the bathroom, Captain.”
Curious, Shanks pushed the door open and immediately burst out laughing. The bathroom was filled with the scent of lavender, and the tub was filled to the brim with warm water, bubbles, and flower petals. It looked like something straight out of a fancy spa, the kind Shanks would love to visit, but would never admit it.
“You even put up candles,” he pointed out, incapable of stopping his laugh. He turned to Y/N, amusement dancing in his eyes. “This is a bit girly for me, don’t you think?”
Y/N shrugged, unfazed. “Girly or not, it’ll help with your back”. Her Captain raised his eyebrow, not fully convinced. “Just get in the tub, Shanks," she shrugged as he smirked, peeling off his coat and shirt. "Alright, alright. But don’t blame me when you start swooning over my rugged pirate physique."
As he continued to undress, Y/N called out from the other room. "Leave your underwear on! We don’t need any... unexpected surprises." Shanks chuckled, unable to resist. "How do you know it’s a bad surprise?" He winked at her. "I’ve got a reputation to uphold, you know." Y/N laughed, shaking her head.
"This whole elaborate plan just to get my shirt off, huh?" he teased as he sank into the tub, letting the warm water envelop him.
Y/N perched herself on a stool behind him, her fingers gently pressing into his shoulders. "Nope, just trying to take care of the captain. Warm water and lavender should help with the tension. But honestly, if this whole treasure hunt was too complex for you, you could have just said so."
"Ah, it’s been a while since I’ve been challenged by something as intricate as finding a hidden inn," he teased. "But I have to admit, it’s doing the trick”. The warm water immediately started to soothe the ache in his back. He closed his eyes, sinking deeper into the tub, letting the lavender scent relax him even more. “Alright, how are you feeling so far?”, she asked hoping that her plan was working.
“Much better,” Shanks admitted, though whether it was the bath or her thoughtfulness, he wasn’t entirely sure.
“Good,” she said as she began to gently massage his shoulders. “This’ll help release some tension. The warm water and lavender should take care of the rest.”
Shanks let out a low groan of satisfaction. “Why are you doing all of this?”
Y/N chuckled. “You do stuff for us all the time. A wise captain once said a crew is like a family, a one’s burden is everybody’s burden”.
“Sounds like a smart captain, do I know him?,” he jokingly asked, catching his quote. “Don’t think so”, she answered while her hands kept massaging his toned shoulders. “This captain is always happy and smiley, instead you’ve been grumpy for a while.”
“Grumpy?” Shanks asked with mock offense. “I’m never grumpy.”
She snorted. “Sure, Captain. You’ve been grumbling and wincing for days.”
As her hands worked on his shoulders, Shanks felt the tension slowly melt away, and before long, he was feeling better than he had in days. Still, Y/N’s touch had a different effect on him too—one that was harder to ignore.
“Alright, I’m gonna give you some privacy now,” Y/N said after a few minutes. “Just wanted to make sure you were settled in.”
She stood, ready to leave, but Shanks caught her hand. “Wait, can you hand me a towel first?”
Y/N nodded and grabbed a towel from the nearby shelf. As she handed it to him, Shanks gave her a devilish grin and pulled the towel—and her—toward him with one swift tug.
Before Y/N could react, she lost her balance and tumbled forward, landing directly in the tub with Shanks.
Water splashed everywhere as Shanks burst out laughing, his chest heaving with mirth. Y/N, on the other hand, was mortified, her face flushed as she found herself lying against his bare chest.
“Shanks!” she gasped, trying to push herself up, but he only laughed harder.
“Hey, you’re the one who got me in this tub in the first place,” he teased. “Now you get to enjoy it too!”
Y/N couldn’t help but laugh along with him, her embarrassment fading as she realized how ridiculous the situation was. She wriggled slightly, trying to get comfortable. “This is not how I planned it to go.”
Shanks smirked. “Then maybe you should’ve planned better.”
After a beat, Shanks raised an eyebrow. “Well? You’ve already fallen in. Might as well stay.”
Y/N sighed dramatically. “Fine. But I’m keeping my shorts on.”
She reached up to peel off her soaked top, revealing her bra underneath. Shanks let out a low whistle. “Well, if I knew this was how the night was going to end, I would’ve had back pain ages ago.”
Y/N rolled her eyes, though she couldn’t help but smile. “You’ve seen me in a bikini on the ship a hundred times.”
“Yeah,” Shanks said, his voice teasing, “but it’s always a pleasant surprise to be remembered of what you are hiding under you shirt”. She rolled her eyes, settling into the tub. "You’re impossible," she repeated, though this time there was a fondness in her voice. They sat together in comfortable silence, playing with the bubbles and petals floating in the water. He couldn’t help but taking some flower petals in his hand and letting it gently fall in her hair, making her giggle, her eyes shyly watching the water. The heat of the bath and the soothing scent of lavender wrapped around them like a warm blanket, and for the first time in a while, Shanks felt completely at ease.
Eventually, the water began to cool, and they reluctantly decided it was time to get out. As Shanks stood up and reached for a towel, he let out a soft grunt.
Y/N’s brow furrowed with concern. "Does it still hurt?" she asked, her voice soft. Shanks shook his head, grinning. "On the contrary, I feel amazing. And now I can’t use my back pain as an excuse to make you do this again."
Y/N laughed, tossing him another towel.
"Guess I’ll just have to come up with another excuse," Shanks smirked, wrapping the towel around his waist.
As they stepped out of the bathroom, the tension that had been weighing Shanks down for days had finally lifted. He felt lighter, freer, and though he might not have been 20 anymore, he realized that moments like these—shared with the people who cared about him—made aging feel a little less daunting. And as Y/N flashed him one last smile before heading to her room, Shanks couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, he was still young enough for a few more surprises in life.
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gffa · 3 months
I keep updating my feed to see if you have more opinions about the acolyte episode. I feel like this recent episode could’ve used a couple of your posts as reference when it comes to how the Jedi canonically go about acquiring [redacted for spoilers just in case you haven’t seen it yet]
Honestly, it felt like the show was trying really hard to portray the Jedi's methods as hinky, but couldn't actually do anything about it because of established worldbuilding. The Jedi of the High Republic have explicitly said they have to get permission from the parents. The Jedi of the prequels are explicitly shown as not adoption-hungry, the only time we see potential Jedi younglings, neither of them are taken from their parents, one says they'll be going later, one is just handed back to her mom, no indication Roo-Roo is going to be a Jedi at all. So, I think it's a weird situation, where The Acolyte is working so hard to create tension and mystery, but I'm not sure how it's going to shake out. I keep thinking of Torbin, like, yeah, what happened was a tragedy, but why was he specifically so torn up about it that he felt he had to die to obtain Mae's forgiveness? From what we saw in the episode, Mae set the fire, Mae ran off and the scaffolding fell and she was assumed dead, the Jedi never forced Osha to join them, Osha was the one who said she wanted to go. Therefore, unless the show is really, really poorly written, there has to be more to the mystery that we haven't yet unraveled. I feel like that's also influencing everything going on with the Jedi potential adoption, that this situation feels like we still don't have the full context. Why was Aniseya so worried about the Jedi finding out how the twins were conceived? Why do the Jedi care so adamantly, when we see in both the High Republic and the prequels that the Jedi live perfectly fine with other Force using traditions/cultures? Even if this coven was dark, that doesn't mean anything to the Jedi, they were perfectly well aware of the Nightsisters' existence and did nothing about it. Unless this show is extremely poorly written/ignoring top level canon, there has to be more to what was going on with the coven than we know about. Because what we see is the Jedi felt very strongly about these two girls for some reason, but they were clear that, while they had the right to test them, it still relied on the parents' permission. We see that they're pretty aware that Mae and Osha were failing on purpose--Mae can't fake her blood results, after all--and they don't push Mae, but they do gently push Osha because everything about her is straining towards wanting to be a Jedi. And EVEN THEN they just say she passed the test, it's Osha who talks to Aniseya and gets her to agree to letting her go, not the Jedi. The show's vibes kinda feel like there was pressure from the Jedi there, but the actual content of the episode is that the coven agreed to it specifically because they didn't want to attract attention, like they weren't part of the Republic, they specifically said they didn't have to agree, the others were willing to fight about it, but Aniseya was the one who said, no, let them take the test. Yeah, the Jedi are pushing for some reason, but it feels like it's not because that's how they operate in any other situations where we see them with Force-sensitive children, but because they know something specific about this situation. So, I'm fine with everything presented so far and, honestly, it was a lot more positive than I was expecting! Like, this show isn't just a big lore dump, it has a specific story to tell, you know? It's a situation that has its own unique circumstances and, sure, they were borrowing elements from other Jedi worldbuilding, but everything we saw in there was done with permission and they made a point to roll with what each girl seemed to want. Sol was so careful not to unduly pressure Osha, just ask her what she really wanted, gave her a little nudge because he could see what she wanted. They made sure it was her choice! That it was her mother's choice! How could I have asked for more than that?
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angsthology · 9 months
“oh, god, no...” — or an alt title: three people bonding over random things as alex makes a horrible decision
one of his worst ideas ever. he’s never doing it ever again.
a/n ckckckckcck i love u dino anon but i was a bit stumped on where this could go BUT i give u surprise to make it more fun i love love love alex my i wanna say pookie but i cant take that word seriously. also im guilty of oversharing roolore in these suposedly shorter chapters. and now that im realizing things this kinda suck lawl
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after a long day of media, roo was finally free to do whatever she pleased (that being going back to her hotel and pass out until whatever time her body wakes up). currently, she’s slipping on her backpack and taking her phone out, scrolling mindlessly on her contacts until she found the right name.
“where the hell are you?” she starts, holding her phone to her face. “alright. you wanna watch a movie ‘til we pass out?” she paused waiting for an answer as she walks out of the building, “‘kay, i’ll meet you out front.”
just as she clicked her phone off, she looked up to be met with a face that just… stood there with a smile—making her jump and scream in surprise, catching the attention of people around.
when she collected all her life (that had been scattered when she got spooked) she took notice of the source of her heart-attack. he smiled innocently still, as if he’s done nothing wrong.
alex, the culprit in question didn’t falter (though he did flinch a little bit at her outburst), he saw this one coming and to be quite frank, he did this to himself.
“i deserved that.” he closed his eyes in acceptance of defeat. alas, he brushed it off, he moved to her side and slung a hand around her shoulder. she was about to shrug him off but decided against it. “how would you feel about helping me pick my next hair color?”
that piqued her interest, she finally looks up to come face-to-face with him again, though now a smile graced her face like a cheshire cat.
his face fell. he was starting to slowly regret his decision.
without another word, a large grin still etching her face, she fished her phone out of her pocket and started scrolling through something. when alex tried to take a peek, she immediately moved away to prevent him from doing so mumbling something along the lines of ‘corporate secrets’.
he made a face at her words. but when she finally showed him her screen, he felt as if the face he made before was a bit premature.
“what the hell is that?!” he exclaimed.
she moved her phone so she could see the picture for herself seeing not what she had opened before but rather a video instead, “oh, sorry, this was from my pitbull concert. he’s great, isn’t he?” she happily showed him the video again.
he gave her another face.
“right, uh, here.” she showed him the correct picture.
he paused. “…what is that supposed to be?”
looking at the picture again, she took a second to think about it then shrug, “neon green/yellow-ish, give or take.”
his mouth drops at her direction. “what do you mean?”
“what do you mean, ‘what do i mean’?” she takes a look at his shocked face then decided to continue, “i mean: neon green/yellow-ish!” pausing, thinking back her words, “give or take!” she pauses again and re-clarified much calmer, “okay, maybe a bit more faded and muted.”
he shook his head, non-verbally ending that part of the discussion.
“where are we even going to get that kind of color?”
she shrugs, “i know a guy.”
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the two girls were now currently sitting on the couch, the doberman peacefully laying between them—her eyes too, like theirs, glued to the television playing jurassic park when suddenly a knock came, shifting all three of the girls’ attention towards it.
roo was about to get up to check who it was. being who she was, she had to be extra careful who to let into her living quarters.
“it’s me!” the other side announced.
she looked away from the door and blinked, her brows screwing together in thought until she realized who that voice belonged to.
“alex?” she tested the waters.
she sighed, her eyes then looking expectantly at the dog that lied beside her, tilting her head as if she were the dog asking their owner for something.
the dog whimpers as if groaning at her request. alas, she jumped off the couch begrudgingly walking towards the door and jumping up to open it.
“he— huh?” alex stopped in his tracks when instead of seeing his friend right behind the door, she was way far sitting on the couch with her friend. she greeted him nonetheless then motioning her hand towards the dog that sat quaintly besides the door, smiling up at him happily.
“oh!” he raised his brows in surprise then bending down to pet the dog who happily accepted, “who’s this fella?” he asked in a high-pitched voice, his accent stronger than usual.
“that’s jet, she’s mine.” roo answered from the couch, jurassic park long forgotten. “what are you doing here?” she asked the brit.
alex then moved his attention away from the dog, his hand still petting her chin, “uhm—i need your help.”
“with what?” her voice slightly gurgling from taking a sip of her drink.
he then holds up the boxes of hair dye with a forced awkward smile.
she gave him a look, “what about your girlfriend?”
“busy today,” he shrugged.
“then do it tomorrow.” she counters.
“okay, fine, i’m bored and alone.” he confessed.
she wanted to help; she really did but—
she groaned loudly; head thrown back to rest on the back of the couch.
“would you believe me if i say my ass is glued and have already morphed into this couch?”
“i would, actually.”
suddenly, from far behind on the other side of the couch—her presence almost forgotten—nika made herself present, “i’ll help. my ass is getting tired of the couch and i’m pretty good with handling people’s hair; i actually spent a summer working in my mom’s salon once.”
roo the gasped, turning around to face her friend with her jaw slack in shock—sarcasm written all over her face—“you had a job? like an actual job? once upon a time?”
“oh shut the fuck up,” she waved off the racing driver and stood up from her seat on the couch over to the other. “now get up, let’s do this.”
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about a half an hour into their attempt, nika and alex had set up a mini salon chair using one of the hotel’s dining table chairs with a layer of plastic sitting on the ground. the latter sat on a chair in the middle of the room with a cloth draped over the top of his body. if anyone were to come in through the front door right now, they would assume kidnapping with a side of chemical testing. nika herself had changed into one of her uglier shirts incase they would accidentally get some dye on it.
the alfa romeo driver, on the other hand, still sat where she was the entire time unmoving and un-helping, now having the large dog sat on her lap feeding treats off of her hand while the other scratches the dog between her ears.
“alright. i think that’s all of your hair.” the girl stepped back from her friend’s friend’s hair, admiring the work she’s done. “now we wait. —good luck al,” she said as she took off the plastic gloves that were now mostly green.
alex—whose chair was facing the door for some reason—gripped the chair with his two (clean) hands and moved it around along with himself so he can face the couch. “so…” he looked between his co-worker and her friend, “does she just… go everywhere with you?”
“yeah.” she answered shortly before continuing, “you guys have wags i have… this.”
he looked at nika again, “no offense to you, but—”
“it’s fine, have you met her?” she shrugged pointing at the little shit she unfortunately calls a friend.
he chuckled then continued, “what about daisy-mae? i thought she was your best friend?”
“she is. this one’s just fit baggage claim. plus—daisy’s a serious scholar she’s still very busy getting her degree.”
from the kitchen sink, nika scoffed, “yeah, while she’s stuck with me around the world, mae’s stuck with atticus in college.”
alex the jumped into the conversation at the familiar name, “oh! the drummer, right?”
“oh—hey,” nika turned around from the sink and walked to the closest counter to the two friends, “there’s still quite some left, who wants it?”
as if sensing an idea in the air, jet jumps off roo’s lap and ran into another room.
said girl sighs, “man, knew jet was too smart for trips like this. should’ve known i should’ve brought bennie instead.”
as if the dog heard her, a bark came from the other room.
“whatever. i guess that’s one option out the window,” she turns to nika over the counter, “do me!” she smiles happily.
“alright. your death wish.”
alex, who was momentarily smiling, dropped his previous expression, “wait what—”
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liked by daisymaerose, selvnika, and 836,735 others
tagged: selvnika and lilymhe
te1enoviyuh some notes from yours truly:
lilymhe why did u have to dump babysitting duties
and gooddyeyoung thank u for the hair dye i love hayley williams 🥰
and uh i guess awstenknight thanks for the hookup and free dye
and to everyone else!!!! hey. dump acc just dropped
see all 836 comments.
backbiteroo WHO LET YOU DO THIS
te1enoviyuh backbiteroo myself. i am a grown woman.
selvnika the nika salon is now open for business 🥰
te1enoviyuh selvnika i hope you bankrupt and close
selvnika te1enoviyuh kiss yourself.
norrislftv selvnika ??????
norrislftv OH
alex_albon why was i not tagged 😕 i thought we were twins now
te1enoviyuh alex_albon hm. sure. u wish
daisymaerose hi jet
liked by te1enoviyuh
gaslytv what does... alex mean... when he said... twins...
schupastry this is so random but so cute
awstenknight youre welcome grinch
te1enoviyuh awstenknight 🖕
lilymhe 😬😬 i apologize for having a job
te1enoviyuh lilymhe don’t apologize for that. apologize for not taking ur kid to work.
lilymhe te1enoviyuh that i won’t apologize for.
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taglist; @treehouse-mouse @disneyprincemuke @yansbolobao @leilanixx @judespoision @vellicora @bborra
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its-the-pilot · 10 months
If December Never Ends | One-Shot
An early Christmas gift for y'all! Here's my entry for "Midnight Mass" in @sailor-aviator's Christmas Writing Challenge! Kinda fell in love with these two, so let me know if you want to see more of them!
Summary: Bradley joins you and your family for midnight Mass.
Warnings: religious inaccuracies
Length: 2.3k words
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x Female Reader
Christmas with your family was always a big event. Everyone came from all over to your parents’ house in Norfolk and spent the holiday together. Nearly forty-eight hours of uninterrupted family time. There was little sleep involved as there were people playing music and games all night long, so if you could find a quiet place to take a nap, you were lucky. 
That’s why you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face when you saw your boyfriend of eleven months, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, dozing in one of the plush chairs in your father’s study. Your three year old niece was tucked into his side while she drew in the princess coloring book you had gotten her, his arm wrapped protectively around her and a purple crayon dangling from his fingers. Pulling out your phone, you snapped a quick picture, the sight melting your heart. 
You knew the day had to have been overwhelming for Bradley. Hell, it was your family and it was overwhelming for you. Your two older brothers, their wives and children, your aunts and uncles from both sides and some of your cousins… twenty people, even in a house as large as your parents’, was nothing short of chaotic. You were shocked he even agreed to come, since he was used to spending the holidays alone on base.
Stepping into the room, the click of your heels on the wooden floor drew the attention of your niece Lyla, despite your attempts to be as quiet as possible. She waved with a smile, then put her chubby finger to her lips, a signal for you to be quiet. “Unka Roo sleepin’,” she whispered, before going back to coloring. 
“I see that,” you whispered back, pressing a kiss to her unruly curls. “You like cuddling with your Uncle Roo?”
The little girl nodded, her tongue poking out of her mouth a bit as she focused on coloring. “He a warm blankie.”
She shifted, snuggling closer to him, and the slight movement was enough to rouse him, his muscled arm tightening around her as though she was going to fall. “You okay, doll?” He asked, his voice thick with sleep and his eyes barely open. 
You chose to remain silent, watching the heartwarming interaction. Seeing him with your niece lit a fire in your belly unlike anything you had ever felt, the thought of him with children of his own and what that would be like was impossible to ignore. 
“Mmhm!” Lyla nodded, holding up her picture for him to see. “All done!”
Bradley ran his free hand over his face and forced his eyes open further, looking at the presented coloring page. “Wow, it's beautiful,” he grinned, kissing her hair before looking up, finally noticing that you were in the room. “Hey, Tink.”
“Hey yourself, handsome. Have a good nap?” You asked, watching as he helped Lyla out of the chair when she started trying to get up, saying something about going to show her parents the picture she colored. 
Once she was out of the room, Bradley stretched his arms above his head, hoping to rid himself of the last vestiges of sleep. “Must have,” he said, sitting back and patting his knee for you to come join him. “How long was I out?”
You moved closer and sat on his lap, careful not to wrinkle his dark gray slacks too much. His matching jacket had been discarded on a chair across the room earlier in the night, leaving him wearing a white dress shirt that had the top button undone and the sleeves rolled up, showcasing his well muscled forearms. His arm wrapped around your waist effortlessly, his thumb brushing over the skin exposed by the open back of your green party dress. 
“An hour, at least,” you replied, moving your hand to the back of his neck, your nails running through the short hair there. You had been helping your mother and sister in laws clean up after dinner, so you didn't know for sure. 
Bradley nodded, leaning forward just enough to kiss your shoulder. “Lyla was getting a little cranky, I think there was too much going on with all the kids running around after dinner, so I brought her in here to relax. I hope that's okay.”
“More than okay,” you reassured him. “I'm sure Tim was thrilled for the break, Uncle Roo.”
His cheeks turned pink at the term of endearment. “I think she's used to calling everyone ‘uncle’,” he explained. It made sense, aside from her father and grandfather, every other adult man in her life was an uncle. “And she was having a hard time with Bradley, so I figured she could call me Rooster.”
You smiled, leaning in to kiss him tenderly before pulling back to meet his hazel eyes. “So long as you're okay with it. I don't want you to feel pressured.”
“I like it, actually. I've always wanted to be an uncle. Hard with no siblings though,” he said, his voice laced with a hint of sadness. 
Your left hand lifted to rest on his jaw, stroking over his stubble with your thumb. “My brothers might give you shit, but they love you, and you know my parents adore you. Lyla clearly prefers you to anyone else, and the other kids love when you roughhouse with them. I'd say you're pretty welcome in this family, Bradley.”
He nodded, a small smile pulling at the corner of his mouth. You’d always had a large family, so you couldn't imagine what it was like for him to be an orphan. He had told you the story before, his father died when he was a toddler, and his mother passed from cancer as a teen. He went to live with Maverick, his godfather, who betrayed his trust and prevented him from going to the Naval Academy. They hadn't spoken in years, leaving him with nothing but the Navy. 
Until he met you. 
To hear him tell it, your blind date set up on New Year’s Eve the previous year was a miracle in and of itself. You remembered it more based on the hangover you had the next day, so you took his word for it. 
Since then, though, despite a deployment and a couple missions, you were happy together. Nothing was perfect, of course, but you never expected it to be. 
You studied him carefully for a moment, and when he didn't reply, you rested your head against his shoulder, letting your hand slip from his jaw to rest against his chest, his heartbeat strong under your fingertips. “Bradley, I--”
The sound of your father’s booming voice interrupted you as he called for everyone to get ready for Mass. You knew Bradley wasn't religious, and you had told him he didn't have to participate, but it was a family tradition of yours to go to midnight Mass at the local church every Christmas.
“You should come with us, you might enjoy yourself,” you whispered, lifting your head from his shoulder to kiss him gently.
“I don't know anything about religion,” he pointed out, his arms holding you close as you perched on his lap. 
Shaking your head, you smiled and continued to run your fingers through the short hairs at the back of his neck, soothing him. “That's the beauty of it, you don't have to.”
With a pat to his chest, you stood, holding your hand out to him. His eyes locked with yours for a moment, unsure, before he finally accepted your hand and stood himself. You took the liberty of buttoning his open button while he unrolled his sleeves, helping him into his suit jacket after he had done so. 
“You do clean up nicely, Lieutenant Bradshaw,” you grinned, kissing him once more. 
“So do you, Tinkerbell,” he said, twirling you in a circle, making your skirt flare around your legs. He caught you in his arms before dipping you backward, drawing a giggle from you. “Should we go?”
You nodded as he stood you back on your own two feet, leading him out to the front hall where there was a bustle of energy as everyone put their coats on to brave the cold. Bradley helped you into your parka, making sure it was buttoned up before slipping his own heavy coat on. 
Wrapping his arm around your shoulders, he pressed a kiss to your temple and smiled. “Ready to go?” he asked, motioning toward the door with a tip of his head. 
“I am.” You snuggled into his side and allowed him to lead you out to his Bronco that you had driven from Virginia Beach. Once you were both inside, he started the engine and followed the caravan of vehicles leaving your house for the church. 
Sacred Heart was the church you had attended with your family for as long as you could remember. You and your brothers had been confirmed there, and while none of you were particularly religious anymore, you still attended midnight Mass with your devout parents every year for Christmas. 
You usually sat in the back, since you were such a large group, and with small children it was easier to duck out if they got too loud and interrupted the service. This year was no different, with you and Bradley taking a seat in the last row with your brothers and their families. 
Almost as if on cue, as soon as the service started, Lyla started making a fuss. She hadn’t napped earlier in the day like your brother Tim had hoped she would, and now that it was midnight, she was beyond tired. Her older brother Brenden tried to calm her down, but it only caused her to get louder, trying to squirm out of her mother’s arms. Her efforts doubled when she saw you and Bradley sitting at the end of the pew, reaching out for him. 
“Unka Roo! Unka Rooooo!” she cried, tears falling down her pink cheeks as she got more frustrated. 
Bradley peeked around you to see Lyla distressed and frowned. Without hesitation, he stood and moved around the back of the pew, crouching down behind Tim and his wife, Sarah. “I can take her, maybe she’ll stop?” he whispered, smiling when he saw the three year old already calming some since he came over. 
They shared a look between each other and then looked back to Bradley. “Baby whisperer, huh?” Tim smirked, watching as his wife handed their daughter over to the aviator. “Good luck.”
Lyla quieted almost instantly once she was in Bradley’s arms, resting her head against his shoulder. You turned in your seat to smile at him, feeling like your heart was going to explode in your chest as you watched him pace the rear of the church with your niece in his arms. The only thing that pulled you from your reverie was your eldest brother, Tony, nudging your shoulder. 
“Oooh, you’re in trouble with that one, aren’t you?” he teased, taking the elbow to the ribs you delivered with a quiet grunt. “What? You’re looking at him like you want him to put a baby in you right here.”
“Tony!” you hissed, your cheeks warming with embarrassment. 
Before you could say anything else, Bradley returned to his seat beside you, a soundly sleeping Lyla on his shoulder. “Everything okay?” he whispered, noticing the flush in your cheeks.
Tony leaned over you. “She just --” 
You covered his mouth and shoved him back toward his wife before shaking your head at Bradley. “Everything’s fine, my brother is just being a pig,” you explained quietly, turning your attention back to the service when your father shot you and your brother a look over his shoulder. 
The remainder of midnight Mass went without incident, and when the service was over, you waited for everyone to leave before heading outside yourself with Bradley by your side. Your family was gathered on the steps of the church, making conversation amongst themselves when Tim stepped in front of you. 
“Thanks for holding her, Bradley,” he smiled, managing to lift his daughter into his own arms without waking her. “She really likes you.”
He shrugged, his hands sliding into his coat pockets. “She’s a cutie, that’s for sure. Thanks for trusting me with her.”
You snuggled against his side, smiling up at him. “Did you have a good night?” 
“I had a great night,” he promised, wrapping his arm around you. “I do have one thing that would make it better though.”
There was a curious look on your face when he pulled away, just enough to drop to one knee in front of you, his hand pulling a small box out of his pocket. You gasped, covering your mouth, unable to take your eyes off Bradley despite feeling your whole family staring at you.
“I love you so much,” he swallowed hard, opening the ring box to show a simple diamond ring that had belonged to his mother. “I want you to be my Tinkerbell forever. Will you marry me?”
A tear slid down your cheek as you nodded, offering him your hand. “Yes. God, yes, Bradley!”
Your family and a few other bystanders from the church all clapped as he slid the ring on your finger and pulled you into his arms, kissing you deeply. As you parted, a light snow began to fall, dusting your cheeks with cool snowflakes. 
You giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Look at you with the perfect timing.”
“I try,” he smirked, kissing you once again as your family headed off to their cars to go back home. “Let’s get back, we have Christmas and an engagement to celebrate.”
“It’s the best Christmas ever.”
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bloogers-boogers · 3 months
Based on the interview I literally came up with an idea for a new au akdhwkdhwoeo
What if, in this au Lucifer dies at the end like defending Charlie or sacrificing himself for the sake of hell and heaven like (he cause sin to be free so he's the key to take it out (idk roo ig?) Anyways, he dies protecting Charlie so he ends up in a void.
And surprise surprise, guess who's also in the void? Adam.
At first they're kinda dismissive over each other but at this point, they're not really fighting but they do acknowledge each other's presence. Adam is kinda just chilling and by now accepted his fate considering he was there way before Lucifer came along. He's just floating aimlessly while he watches Lucifer go through the same stages of grief, crisis and acceptance that he went through.
And once that's over, both men just float around each other and enjoy the peaceful solitude of the void and their company, they laugh a couple of times for no reason but just for the likes of it and tell stories of their life outside of the whole garden incident.
Neither knew why they were the only ones trapped there until they discovered they weren't technically that alone neither was the void that empty.
They found rivers of golden stars and glowing souls. It was beautiful and memorizing. At times they're just discovering new things along the way through the void.
Their bond growing as they share more time with each other. That place was peaceful. The most peace both men have ever gotten to experience after eden. After everything they've been through.
They managed to frogive and forget and somehow, that's all they needed to open their eyes and be welcomed to a new world as different people.
Spirituality they were united by a invisible chain, highlighting their purity and innocent of their past lives as an angel and as a human. And of course the bond they had created in the void and since the beginning of man kind.
The memories are kinda blurred and non-existant at that point. Lucifer was a farmer, husband of a beautiful young lady who he met once in a bar and a proud father of five. His name was Elliot Mesky. Adam was a business man who is a single father of three, his wife was brutally murdered eight years ago but he remained faithful to this day. His name was James Jonas. And someone they met again in a pumpkin patch when Adam took his children to Lucifer's farm where he was selling the biggest and amazing looking pumpkins one could ever see.
And they clicked the moment Lucifer's eyes fell on Adam's.
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bolderfunkyman · 1 year
♡ Yandere Kaveh ♡
Alright.. But hear me out.. This man might get head over heals because he feels loved by you, as if he belongs and what not. So of course he wants to keep this feeling yes?.. Aaand A certain playlist gave me inspo to write this ehe
listing to the playlist while reading is quite a mood ngl.
Okay mentions of: Blood, NSFW, knifes, wounds, lovesick, not to clean useasge of words, NOT FRIENDLY FOR MINNORS!
I also used a lot of inspo of yandere simulator considering I have 0 sense of what is regular "yandere/possesive" behaviour.
also also, I will apologize for any spelling errors.
word count: 1k and i kept it as neutral as possible.
❝You have to be mine, no matter what.❞ || a yandere/obsessive #kaveh playlist
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Okay a little summary; You joined the Akademiya and you don't care for high grades. Just something high enough to pass would do. This leads to you being verry sochial because you don't need.. or rather you don't feel like studying 24/7. So people often find you at Puspa Café. And you once saw a particular handsome man with a feather in his hair. And tought would be fun to suprise him with a little drink since he seemed fairly tired.
So you were drinking coffee at Pupsa café, reading a light novel you got from Inazuma. Just enjoying the free time you have. Although the words seemed to kinda dance in your eyes. And you have started over several times. At this point you are just on the verge of giving up on reading and just observing people who are walking around in Sumeru. And maybe make little scenarios in your head about where they might go or whatever, just letting your mind go loose with it.
Until your gaze fell upon a person who seemed to be almost falling asleep on their work. ‘They might want a coffee as well’ is what you thought so.. You ordered him a coffee. And bring it up to him and introduce yourself to him. 
“You seem tired, would you like a coffee?” you said, giving an inviting smile to him.
 “Oh thank you, but you didn’t have to get me one” the blond man said.
“Oh please, If you would see yourself you also would walk up with a coffee, maybe even a pillow and a blanket” you answered with a slight giggle. 
“Very well then, I take the gesture of kindness. I’m Kaveh” he introduced himself. “You.. also study at the akademiya?” he asked. 
“Yeahh.. But I don’t plan on taking it too seriously tough” you answer.
“So that's why you aren't drained of energy, and neither are you studying right?” he said. 
“Yes. But I do study enough that I pass with a nice grade, I just don’t feel like being the top of the top you know?” you asked him.
“No.. I try to push myself as far as possible… I actually am doing that so this break is nice, I better not introduce you to my roommate then”' kaveh said.
Pff and why may that be?” you said again with a slight giggle.
“Well.. he. No nevermind him, I’m far more interested in you now. I have never met you or seen you before yet you are so kind to me to give me a coffee” He said.
Oh well it’s nothing really, what are you working on actually? Seems complicated.” you ask/said to him.
“Well I am an architect so it’s a work drawing or design rather for Port Ormos.” He answered.
Ah. I see, so you have a fine eye for detail and that is pretty right?” you asked him.
“Yes, that is why I am shocked to find out I never met you” he said it in a jokingly tone.
But you could feel your cheeks and tips of your eyes glowing and they were pretty red you thought.
You and kaveh proceed to hangout every now and then. And you hear all his complaints about his roommate, all the work he has to do. And how he is slightly going insane from not getting enough sleep.
You couldn’t help but be curious. You heard so much about his roommate. But he never introduced you to him. So you asked him if it would be possible to meet them.
“Meet him?! Are you out of your pretty head? HE IS THE WORST! Besides, why bother with him when you have me?” He seemed somewhat a bit more annoyed when you asked about his roommate. 
Okay, then. But agreed if I had to believe your stories you are indeed a lot more fun to hang around with kaveh” you told him. You saw a slight smile on his face before he continued on his drawings. 
With time you both start to hang out almost every day. You two really became very close. And people did in fact start to notice that wherever you might be kaveh is either at your side. Or not far away from you. Even his roommate started to notice he is a lot less at home. And not because he doesn’t have his key. No he is at your house, or you two are somewhere out watching the sunset or watching the starry night sky.
One day you fell asleep in the library of the akademiya, and woke up pretty late. It was already dark outside. You hurried to get your things and go home hoping kaveh didn’t wait for you at Pupsa cafe today.
While on your way home you encountered some eremites following you.
“Would you look at that, a scholar all alone.” one of them grabbed you by your shoulder. “Comon miss, don’t make it any harder for the both of us. If you just hand over all of your mora. We will be on our way. And you will be able to leave unscaved”
You quickly started to think what your chances are to get away if you just hit him in the face and made a run. But you calculated that it won’t work.
“Leave her alone already, or do I really need to risk my nails to hit you with my claymore?” 
You heard a very familiar voice. “Kaveh?!” 
“A architect? Right. What exactly will you be able to do?” one of the ermites said.
Before you knew it kaveh was up in their faces and indeed wielding his claymore.. Orwell wielding? It was circling around him. And the ermites figured this wasn't worth their trouble so they made a run for it.
“Would you look at that, I might have found my knight” you said to him with a smile
Thank you kaveh” you quickly added.
“Of Course! I was worried sick when you didn’t show up at pupsa. And here you are almost getting robbed!” He clearly sounded upset and worried.
I’m sorry I fell asleep in the library and I just woke up. How about I make you dinner to make it up to you huh?” you offered.
“I won’t say no to that, although I now have some other business to attend to if you don't mind.” 
Sure, I will bake some muffins then, we can eat those perhaps tomorrow while stargazing?” you told him.
“Sounds lovely, I will see you tomorrow then” and with that he quickly left you.
But something about his whole being just now didn’t seem right. But perhaps he has a deadline to finish or a meeting to attend to.
okay maybe a part 2 idk? please do let me know. I kept it like so so i can add a next part and make it somewhat of an actual story.
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sagesolsticewrites · 7 months
May I request Valentines Day prompts for Rooster or Iceman(if you write for him)
Spoken: #5
Actions: #4
super excited to see what you do with my prompt list!! 🫶💜
omg hi!! Your prompt list is so cute, thank you so much for requesting! I had the best time writing this 🥹🥰 I went with Rooster, as I don’t feel super confident writing for Ice just yet 🤍
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Requests are open ☺️ feel free to check out some of my favorite prompt lists in my pinned post, or check the tag “Sage’s Valentines” for some special Valentine’s Day prompts <3
5. "You're the most amazing boyfriend-",
"Actually, it's pronounced fiancé. Will you marry me?"
4. Bringing Breakfast in Bed
French Toast & Freesias
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Bradley carefully flipped the final piece of French toast, letting out a sigh of relief when it turned out a perfect golden brown. Satisfied, he turned his attention to the coffee, pouring it into your favorite mug — one decorated with fighter jets that he’d gotten you for your last birthday — and adding cream with a practiced motion. Moving as quietly as he could, he prepared a plate and looked over his handiwork with a proud smile. Fluffy scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, French toast made with his mom’s recipe… all your favorites. The finishing touches were the strawberries he had arranged into little hearts, placed delicately around the French toast, and a vase with a single, perfect rose flanked by a few fragrant freesias.
It was all perfect. A perfect breakfast in bed for the perfect Valentine’s Day.
At least, he hoped.
Touching the velvet box in his pocket one last time, he took a deep breath, checked the time — yes, you’d probably be awake and scrolling already — and carried the tray to your room.
“Sweetheart?” He called softly as he entered, balancing the tray on one arm.
Something like pure sunlight flowed through him at the sight: you in one of his t-shirts, hair delightfully mussed, turning towards him with a sleepy, contented smile.
“Good morning,” you sighed, stretching like a cat in the sun as you sit up, “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day to you, my love,” Bradley grinned as he approached, placing the tray delicately over your lap.
“Roo…” Your smile widened as you took in the spread, making note of all the little details that you still couldn’t believe he remembered: you fell in love with Carole’s French toast recipe the first time he made it for you after a night of one-too-many drinks; the way he teases you about how your coffee ends up being more creamer than coffee has become a running joke over the course of your relationship; you told him about your love of freesias as you wandered around a botanical garden in your hometown the first time he met your parents. It wasn’t just because you loved the scent, you told him, but because they symbolized trust, loyalty, and friendship: all things that you valued as the foundation of a relationship.
“This is…”
You were nearly speechless.
“It’s okay, right?” Bradley asked as he moved to sit next to you, your silence worrying him slightly, “I know I kinda overcooked the eggs, but—”
You cut him off with a kiss, and Bradley melted.
“It’s perfect,” you assured him, returning your gaze to the tray.
He slipped his hand into his pocket to run over the sleek velvet box, taking a moment to prepare himself while you were distracted.
“You’re the most amazing boyfriend—”
“Actually—” Bradley cut you off gently, the velvet box held out to you near the corner of the tray, “It’s pronounced fiancé.” His lips quirked up into a smile before his expression softened as he prepared to say the four words that would change his life forever.
“Will you marry me?”
Your hands flew to your mouth in an attempt to stifle your gasp.
His smile dimmed just the slightest bit waiting for your reply until moved the tray to the other side of the bed, freeing you to fling your arms around him as you cried, “Yes!”
You pulled away just enough that your noses brushed. Bradley felt your grin against his lips as you whispered “I would love to be your wife, Bradley Bradshaw.”
The two of you eventually separated, and you finally got a good look at the ring— the ring that you now realized looked incredibly familiar.
“Is that—?”
“I promised her I’d give it to my best friend,” Bradley said, smiling fondly at the topaz ring that once belonged to Carole Bradshaw before returning his gaze to you, “And I have.”
You ran your thumb over the bright blue gem resting on your ring finger, suddenly overcome with emotion.
“I love you, Roo,” you said softly, your voice thick.
“I love you more.”
He pulls you in for another tender kiss— just one of the many you share that day between bites of Carole Bradshaw’s French toast, the scent of freesias hanging in the air and a topaz glittering on your finger.
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Tagging a couple friends! @austin-butlers-gf @mpmarypoppins @dontbesussis @sassy-ahsoka-tano
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l3viat8an · 1 year
roo i can finally send an ask to youu😭😭
i've always been wondering abt the bros with a really sweet reader who rarely gets mad at them and always smiles everytime they see each other, i'm a sucker for clingy/tough x sweet ship dynamic ajdhjshshsh
-🦋 anon
And I can finally see it omggg!! Tumblr keeps buggin’ on me 💀
I feel like at first that would annoy Lucifer, like what are you so happy about all the time??? Then after awhile / when you start dating it’s one of his favorite things about you. A little smile on his own lips whenever he sees you.
Look me in the eyes and tell me that’s not one of the first things Mammon fell in love with about you-clingy boy that he is, probably fell even harder and more everytime you smile at him. Goofy ass grin on his face too-
At first Levi hated it and told you to your face he hated it. Nobody should be that happy go lucky in hell. Then as his crush on you started to develop he started hoping you’d smile at him more, blushing like a fool the whole time- (after you started dating he tells you all the time how much he loves how happy go lucky you are. Kinda like penance lol)
Satan found it genuinely fascinating how you always on the bright side to everything and something to smile about. Tells you even before you two are dating that he finds it endearing.
Asmo thinks it’s just because he’s that beautiful at first you can’t help but smile everytime you see him-I mean he’s not wrong- but he genuinely loves that about you! You’re just so sweet and kind, how could he not?!
Beel loves it. It’s nice to see someone who is always happy, always smiling when you see him and immediately smiling back. Beel just find it’s adorable, to him you’ve always been and always will be just that. Adorable 
Belphie thought you were just dumb and naïve at first. Again, why would anyone walk around smiling all the time??? But it’s that same smile that melts his heart and draws him to you. 
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echo-exanimo · 1 year
a snippet from the fic im writing
speeding bullet content ahead!!
its a lil angsty but im havin fun with it hehe
for a touch of background, scout noticed snipers last name on an item earlier which is Why he knows that. just. for reference.
"Yeah, mate, not a problem. Let me start some tea."
A knock at his door woke Sniper with a start. It was dark outside, hardly time for anybody to be up and about. He slid from his bed, pistol in hand as he went to the door.
"Who's there?"
"...Snipes?" Came the quiet reply.
Sniper set down the gun on a nearby ledge, unlocking the door with a questioning look. "Roo? Why're you out here at this hour?"
"Uhhh," Scout scratched the back of his head. "Couldn't sleep. Ya mind if I-"
The two sat in silence as Sniper started a kettle and set aside a few mugs.
"Y'mind tellin' me why you're out here at..." He checked the clock. "4 in the bloody morning?"
"I told ya. Can't sleep." The easygoing smile he shot the Sniper didn't quite reach his eyes.
"Right." Sniper decided not to press it any further. They could talk over a few mugs of tea.
More silence. It felt stifling without Scout's near constant chatter, the way his presence didn't seem to take up the entire room and instead hardly took up the space of his body.
Sniper stirred a spoonful of honey into one of the mugs before turning and offering it to Scout. "Here. Chamomile." He tipped his head a bit at Scout. "My mother used to make it for me. Helps you ease up a bit."
"Sounds good." He took the mug, and Sniper was struck with how strange his hands looked when they weren't wrapped for work. He sat down across from Scout with a sigh, figuring if he didn't speak, the other man would eventually.
"You ever think about, uh, home?" His eyes darted to the ground before he looked back up. "Like... The people you miss? Wonder if they'd be proud?"
"Well, my mum and dad don't particularly appreciate my line of work..." He twiddled with the spoon in his mug, mixing even though the honey had long dissolved. "Didn't really have too many others."
Scout fell quiet again, sipping his tea thoughtfully.
"Well, I... I miss my ma. I worry about her, y'know?" He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's been a while since I've been home, she doesn't know where I am... Been a while since we talked."
"Is that what's buggin' ya?"
Scout looked down. "No, not really."
Sniper placed down his mug and watched Scout carefully as he began to speak again.
"It's my brothers. They, uh... These dogtags, y'know?"
His words were scattered in a characteristically Scout way without any of the energy. It made sense, but for a second Sniper didn't quite catch it. The Scout didn't often talk about his background.
"I just can't imagine how worried my ma must be, the third of her sons to disappear into a war she can't know about. She doesn't know I die every single day, she doesn't know what I do, she doesn't know any of it."
Scout looked uncomfortable, scuffing his feet against the legs of the table. "I wanna go home for a bit. Just let her know I'm okay. She doesn't have to know it all, just know I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." His voice got progressively quieter as he spoke, a far cry from the Scout he'd been just a few hours ago, rowdy in the lounge with the rest of the guys, cards and booze and raucous laughter.
"Nah, nah, I- I know it's kinda dumb. Like. We all have people back home. I just worry for my ma. I should call her tomorrow." He took a long drink of the tea.
Another long silence, but this one felt a little less quiet.
"...If you'd like," Sniper winced at the sound of his own voice breaking through the quiet. "you can stay here for the night. If the company would help at all."
"...Yeah. Thanks."
"Not a problem." He nodded once and stretched. "Can I get you anything else?"
"Uh... Nah, I don't think so. Thanks, Mundy."
The Sniper stood still, having stood to start cleaning.
"Sorry. Shit. I can, uh-"
"No. No, it's fine, I'm just... Not used to hearing that name. Not anymore. But. It's Mick. Mick Mundy."
"..Jeremy Gallagher."
"Irish, mm?"
"Yeah. Irish."
The two were quiet for a moment longer before Sniper continued, empty mug in hand to place into the sink. "Blankets are in the drawer beside you."
"Alright. Yeah, thanks."
Sniper retreated to his bed, quietly groaning as he got settled. "Don't wake me up too early, now."
"No way. I'm tired enough as is."
This earned Scout a tired laugh. "Right then. I won't worry with the alarm. Five minutes to get ready work for you?"
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zephyr-writesx · 5 months
Uta x FTM! reader
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(This takes place in an au where she lives and travels with the red-haired pirates again! But has lost her powers)
How you meet:
The red-haired pirates had made a stop at your island for supplies. You usually work odd jobs around the village, but recently, you've found a steady job at the bar as a waiter/bus boy. The bar has a small stage for karaoke nights and for the occasional performance from local and traveling singers and bands. It was inevitable that the red-haired pirates would stop in, but you never expected them to have a beautiful woman traveling with them. This wasn't the first time the pirates had been to this island, but it was the first time they'd been here with the captain's daughter.
Once the pirates had settled in the and you begain bringing out food for lucky roo as well as filling and refilling some of the pirates drinks you finally met the lovely woman and she int herself as Uta, the musician of the red-haired pirates. "Say, would you like to hear me sing?" She says with a bright gorgeous smile on her face. "Absolutely! see that stage over there. If you'd like, I could get it set up, and then you could perform, if you'd like, of course!" You say bashfuly with a like blush on your cheeks. She delightedly agrees and helps you set op the mic and speakers.
Once everything is set up, she performs, and her heavenly voice makes your heart flutter, and her beautiful smile makes you weak and - oh shit. You fell in love with her, but the loving looks she gives you as sings tell you that you might have a shot. After her performance, she pulls you aside, and before you can get a word in, she says, "Would you like to go on a date with me!". Not trusting your voice, you nod repeatedly and smile, excited that the feelings are mutual. You go on many dates during the time the red-haired pirates are on your island.
During this time you get to know the crew (some threaten you with harm if you hurt Uta, and others are happy she's found someone she likes) you also explained that you are trans to her her response was "I dont care what you were born as, its who you are now that i care about." Her saying that made you fall more in love with her that before (something you didn't think was possible).
When it's time for them to leave, you can't stand to part, especially not for so long. So she asks, "Would you become part of the red-haired pirates for me?" She looks at you hesitantly, almost afraid of your future response. "Absolutely, anything to be with you." You say, kissing her hand. Overcome with joy, she leaps at you and kisses you, and you kiss back happy and full of love for your sweet girlfriend.
Uta and you go to Shanks and explain the situation. He gives the thumbs up for you to join the crew, but warns you, "hurt Uta, and I hurt you, understood?" You shakily nod, and Uta punches his arm, telling him to knock it off and to not scare you away. You chuckle, exclaiming it's going to take a lot more to clscare you away from your love. Shanks smiles, approving your response.
And that's how you became Utas boyfriend and joined the red-haired pirates!
This is kinda me setting up for a senerio series for Uta x reader cuz there is very little out there fanfic wise for her :(((. She is so cute and sweet. I love her, and I wish she got more love :/. If you. Guys like this plz let me know, and I'll write more stuff like this. Although I like making the headcanons, this was also very fun to make.
Let me know if there's any other characters or senerios you want me to write! They also don't have to be x readers. They can just be characters in certain situations or the reader just in the one piece universe on specific crews and how the crews interact with the different types of readers.
See ya later, byeeeeee!!!!
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nutal · 3 months
man, sometimes I dunno why I come up with stuff in my head, then let my brain beat the shit out of me and tell me that I just suck in general at everything, but im still gonna come up with a pair of headcanons cuz yes, this time abt Eve >:))) (again, it may age as bad as milk but just hear me out and here we go)
So pretty much, kinda like what I said before on an older ask, I'm pretty sure that unlike Lilith, who had a strong desire for independence, Eve was a lot more obedient and dependent on Adam. And that Adam loved her a lot more than Lilith (you could say that Lilith was like a middle/high school crush for him, while with Eve, they had a more truly loving relationship, since Adam now has more experience and is more mature than he was before)
Then, when Eve ate the apple, the both of them (Adam and Eve) fell down to earth and had to suffer there
Tho I am more leaning with the theory of Eve = Roo, what if she wasn't actually evil, even tho she was Roo? Hear me out for a bit:
Basically, when the two went down to earth and stuff, while in Adams point of view (like I said in that older ask), he saw Eve becoming colder and more distant, until she disappeared, in Eve's point of view, she was so ashamed of not listening to Adam's countless warnings to NOT eat the apple (to which, she did eat the apple), that she thought Adam hated her now. With the amount of self pity and self hatred she had for herself, she just disappeared, thinking that he wanted her gone for good, and with that, she also died of grief and being alone, just like Adam did when Eve left him.
Tho on one hand, since Adam didn't ate the apple (which meant he went to heaven by default, but didn't actually have any choice), on the other hand, Eve DID eat the apple (which meant she committed the first sin, so she went to hell, BUT she had free will, so that could've meant that she actually chose to go to hell bc, again, of her self-pity and hated for herself, but also bc of her strong want for revenge against the ones who gave her the apple, aka Lilith and Lucifer)
In her time in hell, she basically let her sins transform into the very monster she thought she was (and actually dreaded to have become), because, again, her intense anger towards Lili and Luci, and with that intense anger, somehow gave her a lot of power (Little did she know, when she ate that specific apple, it caused her to also have a little devil on her shoulder. Roo, the root of all Evil. I mean, what better way to start, then to convince the person who started sin to give in into their own sins, and give them all of the power of the sins itself? Eventually becoming one with each other? :)) (I may of not phrased that well but I tried lol)
And with that, Eve became Roo. The root of all Evil. Wishing that one day, she'll take revenge on Lilith and Lucifer.
Now this is where I start to get into sinner Adam stuff >:)))
Okay, so we prob know that Adam most likely didn't eat the apple? Which meant that he doesn't have any free will and just goes to heaven by default, because again, he got no freedom. boiiiiiiii (ok ok im joking xdd, but u get what I mean)
WHAT IF, when Adam's soul (in hell) eventually reaches to Roo (Eve), she might have actually felt.. even worse?
I think that, if Roo finds that Adam, the one she really loved, died right there, in front of her. Even if Eve let Roo consume her with evil, she still felt something sting inside of her deeply. She even felt.. even ANGRIER at Lucifer for doing this to Adam. She might of seen Adam already move on with another girl (Lute), she still wanted to at least help him out a bit.
So, she revives him with his soul, and he becomes a sinner in hell. Hoping that maybe.. maybe she helped with something. Maybe even helping him see Lute again, even if Eve still loved him on the inside. (its tragic af ik)
Now here's where I think, on how Roo/Eve got defeated.
So, in the very final battle, when Roo/Eve finally manages to reach the Hotel to get revenge, she sees Adam. And Adam sees her.
Adam, instead of wanting to fight her, looked he wanted to forgive her and help her out (may or may not have learned the forgiveness and helping side of things from Charlie XDDDD). Tho Lili and Luci were more reluctant about reasoning with Roo than Adam was at first, they eventually agreed to try their best.
So, together with the help of Lilith and Lucifer to give him a hand (or multiple hands), he tries desperately to reason with her, as Roo is in control now. Lilith and Lucifer would try to reason with her aswell, but it wouldn't work out so well for them.
But then, when Adam told her how much he regretted for not taking care of Eve well enough, that it was NEVER her fault.. suddenly, something clicked inside of Eve, realizing that all this time... Adam NEVER hated her to begin with... and all this time.. she was wallowing in self-pity for NOTHING. That SHE just made him suffer this much all along...
But when Roo is about to try to kill him, with no hesitation or pity whatsoever, suddenly, something deep inside, stop her immediately. Even if Eve indeed, let Roo consume her almost entirely, ever since she went to hell, THIS TIME, she wasn't letting Roo harm Adam. Not even Lilith and Lucifer.
As she was having the most intense internal battle she had ever had in her entire life: Eve between Roo, Eve cries on how much she made Adam suffer, how much she made everyone else around her suffer.. how she let Roo literally become one with her.. and how much she just wallowed herself in self-pity and hatred.. because of HERSELF.
But this time.. she was going to stop all of this. SHE was going to end all of this. By pulling Roo to the grave with her (Eve).
And with enough force from Eve, she rips her whole chest, revealing that she'd taken out her own rib from the inside out with her bare hands (I kinda have the head canon that Eve's rib is basically her pulse, so without it, she dead fr fr)
Adam, Lilith and Lucifer would be in complete shock. Then, Eve would fall to her death.
Adam, even though he was still trying to comprehend on what just fucking happened (bc it was so fucking traumatizing), he tried to catch Eve, only for him to find her body completely lifeless on the ground below. Just motionless and gone.
As he lays there in shock, Lute comes immediately to comfort him, and Adam would just try in Lute's arms.
Lucifer would also come to be next to Adam's side (bc they eventually forgave each other in the course of Adam staying at the hotel, becoming friends again like in Eden), and Lilith would check if Eve was still alive. Realizing she was dead, she would just take a deep breath, and just let her body stay there a little bit, before Lilith picked it up to, at the very least, put it somewhere more peaceful, to pay respect for Eve's death (Lilith ain't that of an asshole man, even if she's a bit biased UnU, bc I low-key also want Eve and Lilith to be deep to make the story 1000x more interesting)
so uhh, ye, just felt like dumping my imaginary stuff upon u cuz I wanna make u even more insane than you already are >:)))))
OH LORD THIS IS BATSHIT INSANE OHMYGODHEKDBDN 😭😭😭 EVE STILL WANTING TO HELP HIM OUT EVEN AFTER KNOWING ADAM’S WITH LUTE NOW AAAAGGHEGDHGHD THE ANGST MAN!! And yeah I def do agree that in terms of relationships, Lilith was a lot more like independent and wanting control while Eve was on the exact opposite end being extremely obedient and like reliant on Adam
ALSO THE ROO EVE STUFF IS VERRY INTERESTING and dude eve wallowing in self hatred man…
and then like, adam trying to catch eve in his arms only for him to just find her lifeless body and lute tryna comfort him and he’s just crying in her arms jesus christ bruh
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stolasdearest · 8 months
Now what if I said I wanted to hear abt ur ocs 👁👁.
Some are in the making and I've finished a total of ONE yippie!! But I have fledged ideas for almost all of them >:3 but I'll mostly be taking about Linnette today
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She's a Seraphim elder (kinda of like Sera) her rules are really bent however because she was present when Lucifer was banished, making a deal with roo (if she's even canon in Hazbin as of 2024) and fell into a centuries long rage due to Lucifers banishment because of how close they were
She has the ability to switch between plains (Heaven,Earth and Hell) under limitations obviously. She's permitted to live a life in hell (granted she takes care of overlords and doesn't attack angels during extermination under any circumstance) she has an exorcist uniform which she rarely uses 💀 (there's probably a lot more I'm forgetting) OH she's very buddy buddy with the current overlords :3
OH?? yeah sue me but she is married to Alastor
(I have OCS for Zestial,Val and Vox (begrudgingly Val) and Husk (OH AND ANGEL!!)
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crumb · 1 year
Marcus from Laid orrrrr Romeo from Flesh and Bone for the character ask!
Oooh! I'll choose Marcus 😈 WARNING—below will contain spoilers for the show Laid (2011-12) First impression: "Oh NOOOOO—Damon, what did they do to you!?" Impression now: "ok could be worse, definitely not great tho...." Favorite moment: The episode where he's trying to hit on women and spectacularly failing because he's a terrible guy with very little redeeming qualities 😭 Also, Damon's dad plays a bartender in the pub in that episode which is cute! Idea for a story: I would kill for an AU where he's not a terrible person??? or at least does have some kind of redemption, but that might be hard to pull off without going full OOC. He's definitely a 'hurt people, hurt people' kind of character Unpopular opinion: ok like obv they did A LOT to make him look "unattractive" and made his character say... horrible stuff. But there was this sliver of patheticness that I feel could have MAYBE been fleshed out to make him redeemable.... maybe. Also I feel like, yes Marcus is kinda terrible... BUT he WAS doing good. He was literally healing people. And Roo ruined that all so she could have sex with her boyfriend/save his life (stop trying to have sex with him!?) Like... I don't know that feels kinda fucked up bc if she got Marcus' power, you know she's not going to use it to heal people like he was. And now he's stuck with her curse of killing ppl he's had sex with. WHICH ALSO, does that mean everyone he's previously healed is now doomed to die/get sick again???? Like he killed someone on accident because of Roo, and who knows how many other people if it affects past sexual partners??? idk man the ending kinda made me mad lmao. Favorite relationship: His "relationship" with Roo, it had so many ups and downs and I honestly felt bad for him at the end of it all because he actually fell in love with her for a moment there and she straight up lied to him. Favorite headcanon: idk I sometimes like to think it was all bullshit. Like what if her ex-sexual partners dying and all that was just a freak coincidence and Marcus' "power" was kinda the same? Like some bizarre placebo/coincidence. Though the ending kinda ruins that lol.
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crinkled-emotions · 2 years
1. (And I can't) Breathe- the angst, the Rooster Daderick moments, the scary flashbacks for Roo, the Daggers being *The Daggers*, and the Cyclone cameo, it was the perfect combo😍
6. The moment in The Ache when gets a flashback to the whole Goose situation 🥺
7. Rooster reliving his Mom's death in (And I can't) Breathe, the panic attack in the hospital in Top Chicago, and when Mav finds him after crying so much he was sick in (Swimming) In the Floods
9. The wisdom tooth-infection- gone -wrong-Rooster-in-the-shit- kinda thing you mentioned before, if your still into it that is😊
10. Not a ship as such, but Tol Chicago was GOLD
11. I know it's a sensitive topic but maybe a cancer scare for Rooster, or a Covid fic.
I also really like that short fic you did with Penny stepping in to help look after Roo too, so something else like that might be cool- he doesn't want to worry Mav, but knows he needs help so goes to Penny first.
12. TOP CHICAGO!, like so many times😂 It wins again 🥳
☺️🥰😭 this is so sweet, thank you so much!!
Top Chicago just hits different and I had the same reaction writing it. I honestly expected to write a chapter and fuck it off but then I fell in love with the characters all over again (I haven’t written Chicago PD in probably 2-ish years I think?) and I just wanted to explore the interactions, the story etc. I had so much fun writing it and I’m so glad it translated into the fic!
I am a firm believer that Rooster has had Covid at least twice. Not because he’s not careful he just has shit luck. Also, if you can, get vaccinated people!! If you aren’t already. Obviously some people can’t, but those of us who can should. And that’s all I have to say on that, considering how many obnoxious anti-vaxxers I’ve met over the last two years. Please don’t put that anti-vaxxer shit in my inbox I will literally laugh as I delete your message.
The wisdom teeth fic is coming!! It’s not as rough as the original request in regards to Hangman’s part but it is coming and it’s gonna be 👌😂
Re: Penny helping Rooster… I’m having thoughts 👀
Thank you so much ☺️ what a great way to start my Sunday!
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bratshaws · 2 years
goodness gracious 28 brb x oc
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a/n: newsflash, these two are fucking nerds. Also, kinda short because I somehow lost half of the chapter twice and i decided to shorten it before I just fucking c r i e d
check out the fic's playlist made by the sweet @wiipes !!
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: fluff FLUUUUUUUUFFFFF
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!)
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22
Beatrice found out, on the drive back home from the hotel, that Bradley really liked video games but he hadn’t had the time to play any for a long time. She questioned him if he had any console or pc he could play any with, he sheepishly said he had a ps4 hidden somewhere in his apartment that he never really used.
Now, Beatrice loved video games but she was more of a pc kinda gal than a console one. She questioned him what sort of games he liked and he shrugged with the response of “Any but Aviation Simulator.” with a silly chuckle since he was so proud of his joke. She kept that information in her brain all the way back, during helping Penny and Shells at the bar and once she was inside his apartment.
She questioned him where his playstation would be hiding at, to which he just stared at her for a couple seconds, then muttered a less than convincing “In the closet.” Even if it wasn’t there, she was determined to find it. She opened his closet, rummaged through the colorful fabrics of his Hawaiian shirts before using the built in drawers as a ladder, checking the upper compartment where a bunch of boxes were.
Tucked in the corner she saw the blue and white box, letting out a triumphant sound as she tugged it forward, dropping down to the ground with it in her hands, “There you go.” she smiles, handing him the box “Let’s plug it in!”
Rooster followed her to his living room with a chuckle, “You seem more excited than me when I got this.”
“Well, I like video games Roos,” she says, helping him take the playstation out of its box, “We could play some games together!”
He looked in her direction, pulling the cables out first with a smile, “I wouldn’t mind that.” he says as he sets up the console on the coffee table, pushing it a bit closer to the tv so the cable wouldn’t be stretched out. Stood by his side, telling him if he needed help she’d try her best to, which in response she only got an once over with a smile, “I don’t mind you just standing there looking pretty.” he says, “Helps with morale.”
Beatrice laughs softly, crouching down next to him, tucking a strand of hair that fell from her trusty bun, “Morale huh?” he nods with a boyish grin, before he leans back from the TV to turn the console on. They had to wait a few minutes, but the tv finally shone with the known blue quickly changing to the main menu where the games were shown.
He had quite a selection, from Far Cry to Hitman, his first one being Red Dead Redemption 2 a game she played twice and cried twice. He checked the controller to see if it was connected, which it was, pushing himself to his feet as he moved down the line to the game library.
Of course there’d be more games, he had the complete Assassin’s Creed collection, God of War Remastered and unbelievably he also had Saints Row. She smiles as she stands up as well, her eyes flicking to every title while he moves around to check if everything was in there, “I don’t know why but I’m not surprised you have Call of Duty installed either.” he just chuckles, going down his list until he reached the end, “And Mortal Kombat! Oh my God, we have to play it!”
“Sure,” he begins, “But I’ll tell you gorgeous, I’m very good at MK.” there’s that boyish grin again, that nostalgic feeling she had back when he first made the pancakes. He pulled out the other controller from the little stand giving it to her as he pressed the Mortal Kombat icon.
The two of them settled on the couch, waiting for the loading screen to show up and they could check the character roster. She curiously watched Rooster pick Sub-Zero with a chuckle, “Oh, you are a Sub-Zero main?” 
“Sure am.” he smiles, leaning back on his couch, “What about you, gorgeous? Kitana? Sonya?”
But Beatrice only gave him a smile, looking back at the screen as she chose on the roster. Bradley blinked when he turned his head back to the tv. It wasn’t Kitana, or Sonya or not even Mileena. Beatrice was a Scorpion main. She just gave him a cheeky look, leaning back onto the couch with the controller resting on top of her lap. Bradley laughed with his eyebrows up, “Oh, so that’s how it’s going to be then.” he says, “Alright, cool.”
He didn’t tell her, but he was happily surprised when he found out Beatrice liked video games because that was another thing they could do together! Every time she surprised him and everytime he fell even more in love with her. He thanked whatever deity was responsible for dropping her into his life like that.
Interestingly enough, he wasn’t really planning on meeting anyone for a while.Ever since he returned to TOPGUN a few months back, he came as a single man without any reason to get a girlfriend. Hook ups? Sure. Short lived relationships? Yeah.Did he regret some of them? Absolutely. He didn’t plan on checking Beatrice out nor develop this massive crush on her, him at thirty six years old with a goddamn crush.
He denied himself for weeks, but obviously Nat figured it out. Just seeing Beatrice made his heart flutter, even if she scurried away from and avoided him the best she could, he just couldn’t really help himself. 
Bradley remembers what happened when his mother lost his father, she was very strong and never cried in front of him, but he knew she did cry. Sometimes he’d come home from school and his mother’s eyes would be red, but she’d have such a bright smile and hug him so tight he’d never question it. In his mind, he didn’t want to be the reason for someone else’s tears like that.
It was a fear he still had, even more now that he had Beatrice, of not coming back. But he also…couldn’t see himself without her, he loved this woman more than he ever thought he would. She latched onto his heart and he didn’t want her to let go, he just wanted to come back to her safely. 
Crazy, he thought, how much he felt for her in the short time they’ve been together. He knows that Mav said it wasn’t strange but it was. He felt connected to Beatrice in a way he had never felt with anyone else, their conversations worked, their silence together didn’t bother him, he was added into her hobbies and interests so easily he felt like he knew her for ages…he just felt happy, really happy in a way he hadn’t in a while.
He was bitter for a good part of his life, angry, thinking he’d deserve nothing like the love he so wanted. While others got married at a young age, he didn’t, he just went with the flow with whatever girl who got interested but made it clear it was a one time thing and nothing else. His face hardened at the memory of Chloe, who while at first seemed to be a nice girl, immediately started acting like they were a thing - which he told her before they even hooked up it wouldn’t happen.
She was pretty and smart, but she had no idea how a relationship could work. She also dropped very unpleasant questions about his parents that he clearly didn’t feel like answering. He didn’t know why she was so…invasive, clambering over his boundaries like a rabid bull and just wanting to know more and more about him when he wasn’t ready to share.
It was a hookup. Nothing more. They weren’t dating. They weren’t going to date. She tried contacting him after their hook up, but she was eventually transferred out of state and never talked to him again,which he was very thankful for. There were others after her that understood it was a one night thing, just to have fun, nothing serious. Nothing like Beatrice was.
Part of him wondered if he truly deserves someone like her. Someone so sweet and kind and understanding, who believes in him so much, who looks at him with stars in her eyes and who worries about his well being. He fucked up so much, he did such shitty things when he was younger and even when he was a grown man– how was he deserving of her? 
He gave her a look by the corner of his eye, seeing her eyes focused on the tv, her lower lip inside her mouth in concentration as her fingers moved on the controller. She was good, almost as good as he was, but the best was that she was having fun. With him. Playing video games together.
They just clicked together, two people from different walks of life who’d never met were not the circumstances thrown in their paths, who fit in like pieces of a puzzle. Even if he had doubts of his own worth when it came to her, his own demons that still needed working, he was glad she was there, right beside him, wearing comfortable jeans and a Van Halen t-shirt with her hair up in a bun. 
She won, unsurprisingly so, letting out a happy sound as Scorpion just ripped Sub-Zero in half with his fatality. “I won!” she says with a grin, turning to face him, “Guess I’m not as rusty as I thought.”
Rooster chuckled, lifting his hands in defense, “I guess not, gorgeous…rematch?”
“There’s also Mass Effect, the trilogy, I think you’d like it.” she comments, watching him play Red Dead Redemption 2 and trying to keep quiet about spoilers. He was still pretty early in the game and like her, he loved exploring his surroundings before doing main missions so she could help with things that she knew wouldn’t give him too much info about how the game would go.
“Yeah?” he asks while yanking herbs off the ground, “What’s it about?”
“It’s an action role playing game set in space, you play as Commander Shepard, you could be male or female.” she explains, supporting her chin on her hand, “You uh, have to save the whole universe pretty much. You are also part of the Alliance Navy too, so.”
He chuckles, walking Arthur back to the black Clydesdale horse he fondly named ‘Tracker’ “Seems interesting, you going to help me out with it too?”
“If you want,” she says with a grin, “It’s my favorite game series…well that and Dragon Age. Both are made by the same developer.”
“Well, if it’s your favorite I’m going to give it a try.” Rooster said, galloping away from the forest he was in back to the closest settlement. They’ve been together ever since early afternoon, luckily Jolene wasn’t a clingy dog when it came to Beatrice being absent for a while or else she’d be already complaining about being alone for such long hours. 
Beatrice watched Bradley play with a fond smile, sometimes gently combing through his golden brown tresses whenever he’s too focused to talk. Her phone pings, making her pull it out of her back pocket without taking her eyes off the tv, only dropping when the device is near her face.
Ev (15:05)
Hey, good news, I got one more person for the team. We’re full now.
Bea (15:06)
Ev that’s awesome! :) Who is it?
Ev (15:07)
Jennifer, remember her? She used to hang out with us before she transferred to another college. She moved back now.
Bea (15:08)
Ohhh, yes I remember her! So, what 's the plan?
Ev (15:09)
Since I know you and Shells have your dance class and work at night time, the best time for us to train would be around noon. At least Wednesday and then the weekends. I think it could work for all of us.
Beatrice’s smile dropped, looking back to where her hand was still connected to Rooster’s amazingly soft hair, combing the strands through her fingers. But…that would mean she wouldn’t have much time with him during the afternoons. But she promised she’d join the team and they didn’t have much time, so they had to work with what they had.
Bea (15:11)
Sounds great, where are we going to train?
Evelyn sent her a map with the location of an open gym, mentioning there wouldn’t be too many people around the time they’d go but they’d have at least two hours before people actually came by. Two hours was more than enough. She thanked Evelyn, who said their first practice will be this Wednesday and to wear something light.
Beatrice dropped the phone to her lap, looking back at the tv as she felt the nerves slowly climbing back inside of her. While she did play volleyball a few months ago, and was incredibly embarrassed because Rooster was watching her, she wondered if she was…good enough to play in this charity game.
Who’d be their opponents? It is an official team which should be a compliment since Prof.Richards thought they were good as one but, was it smart? She should’ve asked these questions when Evelyn first told her about it, now she can’t go back. It was for charity, which was a noble cause, so she shouldn’t feel worried.
Bea, however, brought the side of her thumb into her mouth, biting the skin around it with her eyebrows furrowed. What if the team obliterated them? Oh, that was a possibility.  The more she thought about it, the more it made her feel nervous about playing the actual game. She wished she was as level headed as Evelyn was when she told Beatrice they’d go against a professional team. 
Bradley moves his gaze away from the gang members he just killed towards Beatrice, seeing her chewing the corner of her nail with a frown, “Babe,hey,” he takes hold of the hand against her lips, gently pulling it out and snapping her out of her thoughts, “You are going to chew your thumb off in that rate, what’s the matter?”
Beatrice sighs, “I’m just thinking of the volleyball game we’ll be part of…I don’t know why I said yes. We’ll be playing against a professional team, Brad!” she throws her free hand up in the air for emphasis “We got no chance.”
Rooster furrowed his eyebrows, giving her a confused look, “Do you not remember annihilating Hangman at the beach? “ She makes a disgruntled noise, looking at her jeans, “Bea, come on. You are great, you’ll give them a run for their money.”
She looked at him from the corner of her eye, sighing quietly but leaning her head back against the couch, “I guess…I’m just nervous.”
He pauses the game, dropping the controller on his thigh with his lips pursed, “Can I go?” she blinks towards him, “I wanna watch you beat the shit out of people with a volleyball.”
“...but–Roos.. I mean–” she just stares at him for a while, “Of course you can go, if you want. You are giving me way too much credit, you know?”
“I mean, I don’t know,” he shrugs absently, “My girlfriend is a powerhouse in a lot of ways but especially when it comes to volleyball?” Beatrice blushes bright red, but she’s smiling sweetly at him, playing with her fingers. “Bea,” he cups her chin with one of his hands, giving her a grin, “You are a powerhouse, you’ll destroy them.”
Beatrice laughs softly, looking down at the inside of his wrist then back at him, “Okay.” she says, crawling over to hug his torso with a deep inhale of his cologne, “Okay…” he grins down at her, pressing a soft kiss to her temple when she rests her head on his lap, her back to the tv and her long brown hair sprawled over his jeans clad thighs.
He runs his hand through her hair, tucking the thick strands behind her ear as she looks up at him with her eyes half open, “Going to sleep on me?”
“You are very comfortable.” she smiles, tucking her hands under her head as he pressed play on the game once more. Beatrice inhaled deeply, but then turned around so she could watch him play the game with her head still on his lap.
Her phone pinged yet again and she picked it up. Evelyn once more, but this time she asked ‘Hey, you know what I just noticed? Our volleyball team was our DnD team back in college.’ and Beatrice blinked in surprise. Oh my God, it was true.
They did have a DnD group back then, with Evelyn as the DM. They were still new but they wanted to try it out, they rarely had the time to actually play it besides a couple weekends but it was so fun. Just like volleyball, it was a thing the group shared in common, one thing they could play together whenever they had the time. 
They had a campaign and they had character sheets, but very seldom were the times they were all in the same spot together to actually do something about it. The nervousness from before turned into excitement as she typed back if Evelyn wanted to continue their old campaign.
Ev (15:33)
I still have everything, that's why I messaged you.
Bea (15:34)
I’m okay with that, but I’ll just have to talk to Brad. He’s on leave and I want to spend with him :&lt;
Ev (15:35)
It’s okay, at best we’ll do it once a week, we all work too. I’ll let the others know.
Beatrice smiled, placing the phone screen down on top of her chest as she looked back at the screen when she heard the obvious sounds of gunshots coming from the game. Looking up at Bradley with her eyebrow up, she bit back a laugh at how intense he was looking at the tv and making sure every single gang member died.
He must’ve felt her eyes on him because his own gaze dropped down towards her briefly, looking up at the screen with a smile, “What?”
“You look very focused.”
“Trying not to die, babe.” he says with a soft laugh, the clicking of the buttons adding to the background noise, “Who messaged you?”
“Ev, she was reminding me how our volleyball group was also our DnD group.” she smiles “The girls might want to return to our old campaign, we never really…did much with it. We didn’t have a lot of time as I told you before. We don’t have a lot of experience but we had fun.”
Rooster pauses the game, tossing the controller aside with his arms spread on the back of the couch, “And you guys planning on getting together again? To play it?”
Beatrice shrugged, grabbing the hand on top of her head to play with his calloused fingers, running her nail over the lines on his palm, “Maybe once a week, I don’t know, we still have the practice…and I want to spend my time with you.”
“Aw, babe…you keep sweet talking like that you’ll make me fall in love with you.”
“I thought you were already in love with me,” she replies with a grin, “And I was in love with you.”
Rooster’s cheeks hurt from smiling so much, wrapping his arms around her shoulders to bring her up to his chest, hugging her tightly. Beatrice squeaked a laugh, muffled against the fabric of his white tee, “God, you are so cute.” he murmurs against her temple, “I can’t get enough of you, I swear.”
Her smile when she lifts her head to face him could put the sun to shame, her cheeks reddening like fresh apples he wanted to take a bite of. She just leaned up to kiss his lips, snuggling against his chest, “Thank you, Roos.” she begins, “For being here with me.”
Rooster smiles, pecking her forehead, “Always,gorgeous." he says, holding her close to his chest before he presses play yet again, "Now, you said there are treasures around this area?"
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