#swedish flora
tofreezetime · 3 days
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trying to find a part of me that you didn't touch
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ultra-art-blog · 6 months
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huariqueje · 1 year
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The polar meltdown experiment    -   Julia Kabell , 2022.
Swedish , b. 1985  -
Oil on panel ,  47,5 x 51 cm.
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dendro80 · 30 days
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An adventure in the part of the forest that I am not very familiar with. An old fire tower that I visited once before. Springflowers called harsyra (Oxalis acetosella).
May 2024
Brovallsskogen, Avesta, Dalarna, Sweden
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Horse Protection Day
The majestic horse has long been considered a close companion of  humans and a vital contributor to our species’ progress. National Horse  Protection Day is all about returning the love of our four-legged  friends by raising awareness of the various plights that horses face and  by protecting them from abuse, exploitation and neglect.
History of National Horse Protection Day
Throughout the centuries, equines have carried us on their backs,  pulled our carriages, fought in our wars, tilled our fields and traveled  miles and miles across our countries. They have been a key part of  human civilization for over 5,000 years and have cultural significance  all over the world. In the US, for example, the horse has a legendary  status as an icon of the American spirit, a symbol of freedom in the  West.
Although the advent of the automobile and various other technological  advances has meant that these creatures are no longer required as  frequently on the roads or as laborers, today horses still remain a  steadfast companion to animal lovers and equestrian fans alike. As well  as being great pets, they are a beloved therapy animal, often providing  support to people with disabilities, assist with important work such as  policing and cattle ranching and have become a key part of some popular  sports.
Yet despite the wonderful loyalty and dedication of horses, they are frequently mistreated, exploited and abandoned.
National Horse Protection Day was first observed in 2005 when it was  founded by pet lifestyle expert and animal behaviorist Colleen Paige.  Having grown up around horses, Paige created the day to make others  mindful of the plight of unwanted and neglected horses, those that end  up being slaughtered or served as food and those that are abused and  exploited. The day aims to encourage the rescue, rehabilitation and  rehoming of horses.
Although National Horse Protection Day began in the US, it has since  spread and is celebrated elsewhere too – a testament to how universally  valued these animals are.  
Why horses need our protection
There are a whole host of reasons why horses around the world need our protection.
Because of the resources and expense needed to care for them, horses  are especially at risk of a poor quality of life, neglect and  abandonment, even by well-intentioned owners who lack sufficient  knowledge or simply fall upon hard times. However, there are also many  horse breeders and dealers who care not about animal welfare but rather  about generating a profit. This can lead to large numbers of horses  living in poor conditions and even suffering from abuse.
Although horse meat is consumed in various parts of the world and  often considered a delicacy, there are also many who are against horses  being treated as a food source. Horses that are slaughtered for meat  often come from auctions, but sometimes they are abandoned pets, retired  working animals, bought from private sellers or captured from wild  herds.
With the horse considered an American icon, the US is particularly  averse to horse meat – it’s illegal to sell or eat horse meat in some  states such as California and there’s a movement to make this the case  across the country.
While sports can be a great way for people and horses to bond, the  equine’s wellbeing isn’t always given the priority it deserves. Horses  may be overworked, maltreated and injured, sometimes fatally, in the  pursuit of glory in the sports stadium.  
And even wild horses (known as mustangs in the US) require our  protection. Finding a humane solution to the problem of overpopulation  in America is a real challenge – while many consider the rounding up of  wild horses to be cruel, with a small number adopted but most living out  the rest of their lives in holding pens, if numbers aren’t properly  handled this could lead to drought and starvation for thousands. Humane  management is therefore key to their flourishing.
How to celebrate National Horse Protection Day
National Horse Protection Day is a day to be mindful of the trials  and tribulations of horses without a home, without companionship and  without love. Horse lovers will often say that these creatures are just  as much our four-legged friends as cats and dogs are – and if you have  ever been lucky enough to know these shy and gentle animals, you’ll know  this to be true.
There are plenty of ways you could observe National Horse Protection  Day. Of course, not everyone has the space to adopt a horse and keep one  to look after, but if you live close to a stable, offering a helping  hand with the horses or dropping off food and bedding would certainly be  appreciated.
Perhaps you could think about supporting a horse through a charity or  donating to your local horse sanctuary. By supporting organizations  such as these, you’ll be contributing to a whole range of activities  aimed at improving the lives of horses everywhere, from rehoming and  rehabilitation to educating and supporting owners and breeders. And if  you spot a horse that seems neglected or abandoned, don’t be afraid to  call an animal welfare charity or equine sanctuary for help.
If you’re especially passionate, you could even get involved in  lobbying efforts to improve legislation on animal welfare, livestock  protection and responsible breeding.
National Horse Protection Day is also a great opportunity to connect  with these amazing animals. Why not go on a trail ride or take up a  sporting activity involving horses such as polo or showjumping? You can  also venture into the great outdoors to places where wild horses can be  found roaming freely! However, you decide to celebrate, remember to  spread the word on social media, and be sure to find out more about this  important observance by visiting the National Horse Protection Day  website.
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staff · 2 years
tumblr tuesday: nature photography
Good Tuesday to you, Tumblr. Today, we're featuring some of the people creating breathtaking images of landscape, flora, and fauna. Reblog to add your own nature photography blog—let's see if we can get a good reblog chain going 🌝
Beautiful botanicals by @boohwanj:
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Mornings in pastel by @dpcphotography:
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@swedishlandscapes takes truly breathtaking images of—you guessed it—Swedish landscapes:
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@gon-iii captures botanical close-ups:
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Golden hour grasses by @stephaniedolen:
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Pink pastoral by @kylebonallo​:
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Kyoto's gardens by @harimayasukeroku:
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It's all film, no editing with @alifeingrain:
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@alexmurison​ photographs his hikes to the high places—and the friends he meets along the way: 
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weepingwidar · 1 year
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Hans Wigert (Swedish, 1932-2015) - Flora (2007)
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beatricecenci · 1 year
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Alexander Roslin (Swedish, 1718-1793)
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freytful · 25 days
Swedish Wikipedia is so dumb because it is one of the most populated wiki languages but it's mostly just one specific bot creating articles for obscure species of flora and fauna. There is a systematic attempt to delete the Lsjbot articles because it is so overwhelmingly the only thing on there. More than a million articles are gone. despite this, when I decided to press Random Article a couple times on there it took me 6 tries to get something that *wasnt* by Lsjbot.
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tofreezetime · 1 month
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i was in the winter of my life
memories of this
and the hope that it would return
sustained me
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roomchailimited · 23 days
Scandinavian Wildlife Expedition: Exploring Sweden and Finland's Natural Wonders
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Our journey from Dhaka, Bangladesh, to the breathtaking wilderness of Sweden and Finland was a dream come true for nature enthusiasts like us. The thrill of encountering Nordic wildlife in their natural habitats, coupled with the serene beauty of Scandinavian landscapes, made this expedition truly unforgettable. Planning such an adventure required careful preparation, and Bangladeshi travel agencies like Roomchai Limited, Gozayaan, ShareTrip, and Obokash played a crucial role in making it seamless.
Starting in Stockholm: Gateway to the Wilderness
Our adventure began in Stockholm, a city that beautifully blends modernity with nature. After a few days of exploring its historic sites and vibrant culture, we set our sights on the wilderness of Swedish Lapland. The transition from the urban charm of Stockholm to the untouched beauty of Lapland was nothing short of magical.
The Wild Heart of Swedish Lapland
Swedish Lapland is a realm of endless forests, clear lakes, and majestic mountains. We embarked on guided tours that led us deep into this wilderness, where we had the privilege of observing reindeer herds and tracking moose. One of the most exhilarating moments was catching sight of a lynx, a rare and elusive predator that epitomizes the untamed spirit of Lapland.
Our stay included an unforgettable visit to a Sami village. The Sami people, with their rich cultural heritage and deep connection to the land, welcomed us warmly. We participated in reindeer sledding, listened to traditional joik songs, and shared stories around a fire beneath the aurora borealis, which painted the night sky with its ethereal glow.
Finnish Lapland: A Continuation of Wilderness and Wonder
Our expedition continued as we crossed into Finnish Lapland. Here, the landscapes were equally stunning, and the opportunities for wildlife observation were abundant. Finnish Lapland is known for its bear watching tours, and we were fortunate to witness these magnificent creatures in their natural environment.
A highlight of our Finnish adventure was exploring Oulanka National Park. This park is a paradise for nature lovers, with its diverse flora and fauna, picturesque rapids, and tranquil forests. We hiked through its scenic trails, encountering bird species like the Siberian jay and marveling at the park’s natural beauty.
Choosing the Right Travel Partner
Organizing such an extensive and detailed safari required the expertise of reliable travel agencies. We found Roomchai Limited to be exceptionally well-suited for our needs. Their personalized approach, from handling visa applications to crafting a detailed itinerary, made our journey smooth and stress-free. Gozayaan, ShareTrip, and Obokash also offered valuable services and packages, but Roomchai’s attention to detail and customer service stood out.
Reflections on Our Journey
Looking back, our Scandinavian wildlife expedition was more than just a travel experience—it was a journey of discovery and connection. The landscapes of Sweden and Finland, with their pristine beauty and rich biodiversity, provided us with countless moments of awe and inspiration.
For travelers from Bangladesh considering a similar adventure, we wholeheartedly recommend exploring the wilds of Sweden and Finland. The support of Roomchai Limited, Gozayaan, ShareTrip, and Obokash will ensure that your journey is as seamless and enjoyable as ours was.
This expedition has reinforced our passion for travel and nature, and we eagerly anticipate our next adventure, wherever it may lead. Until then, we cherish the memories and lessons from our time in the Scandinavian wilderness.
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huariqueje · 1 year
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Apple tree, early summer, midnight, illuminated by street lamp  -  Robert Vallmark , 2019
Swedish, b .  ?
Watercolour and ink  illustration
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dendro80 · 10 months
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Mushroom hunters... 😅🤣 Finding some chantarells and a lot of laughs. ❤️
August 2023
Hackstaskogen, Åkersberga, Österåkers kommun, Stockholms län, Sweden
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Ismantorp Fortress, Sweden (No. 7)
The theories about Ismantorp’s usage have been divided. A fortification speaks of a protection function but also the large number of ports represents a deficit weakness. Ismantorp has been compared with the big Slavic castles which both functioned as protection and as shrines. Other resources consider the castle as a part of other stock of castles on Öland. Ismantorp would according to this theory unite in a form of national defense with a united organization. Ismantorp’s Castle lies at the bounds of five parishes and in the middle of the forest. To get to Ismantorp you drive via a small road, Långlöt-Vedby, or from the 136 via Rälla towards Högsrum and continue east. Signs will show the way towards a parking lot a few hundred meters from the castle.
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sxbaist · 8 months
~ Character Info Sheet
name: Lovisa Göta Sjögren
name meaning: 'Lovisa' is a Swedified form of Louise, which originates in Louis and has been used in Sweden since the 17th century. It means "renowned warrior". / 'Göta' derives from the Old Norse “gautr,” which in turn derives from the Proto-Norse “gautaz,” meaning “Goth, Geat, from Gautland “Götaland, Gothia in southern Sweden.” Though Vega was named specifically after Göta älv, a Swedish river with the largest drainage basin in Scandinavia. / 'Sjögren' is an ornamental name composed of the elements sjö 'sea lake' + gren 'branch'.
alias/es: Vega, Commander
ethnicity: Swedish
one picture you like best of your chara:
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three h/cs you've never told anyone:
Her two favorite teas are Maofeng and Organic Silk Dragon Jasmine. Ming Long introduced her to both, and she's loved them ever since. Three centuries later, they're luckily still easy enough to find on Terra. She may or may not have gone on super intricate and comedic undercover missions just to obtain some as a Starfleet fugitive.
Girl can cook. She doesn't do it very often, and usually burns food intentionally so no one asks her to again, but she can absolutely whip up a beef wellington, macarons, consommé-- though she is by no means a professional. Just someone that has hyperfocused on some things in the path of perfection. Someday she wants to master making decent Suodui.
I truly cannot recall if I've ever written about this or not, oh well. The reason she forsook her birthname is due to a metamorphosis, a way to break the cycle of trauma that had plagued her since childhood. Vega believes that by going by a new name, she was able to shed the vilest parts of herself. As far as she is concerned, Lovisa died on earth, in a remote forest, screaming her throat raw with ghost and man alike. This obviously isn't the case, unfortunately: now it's Vega that wakes up from night terrors, freezes at certain mannerisms and words, stares holes into blank spots yards away. The only truth is that she's older now, with more control over herself (some, in any case) and a tendency to repress.
three things your character likes doing in their free time:
Painting. The one every knows, because it's her thing. If she can't paint, she'll sketch or doodle. This is also a sort of idle habit for her.
Sudoku. Shocking that the astrophysics nerd would enjoy logic game. Yet she does, and she can spend hours going through the gazillions of puzzle books she's amassed.
Solitude in nature. That doesn't happen so much anymore, though when she's planetside, she enjoys exploring and discovering the local fauna and flora.
eight people your character likes / loves: She doesn't even have eight in her life RIP, unless one counts the augments in general. That's more of a general I love my people/kin/crew than anyone too specific.
Ming Long: Her first love, on Earth in the 90s. Vega lost her to the war, and it planted the seed that lead to her resentment of humanity.
Levi: Her brother, for better or worse. While he's mostly a thorn in her side, she does love him. After all, he's gone through most of the same awful things she has., even if they cope with it in very different ways.
Most other characters are verse dependent (@rickgrimesdoingrickthings, @vuulpecula, @respondedinkind specifically :p). She doesn't get attached to others very easily.
two things your character regrets:
In a way, she regrets her relationship with her brother. She wishes that she could have been a better sibling to him, helping him instead of closing herself off, and essentially leaving him to be as lonely as she felt. That's why she lets him into her life so often, speaking solely for modern verses, because she's trying to make up for something she really hadn't actually done.
In her main verse, she eventually regrets her distrust of Khan's vision, of having even toyed with the notion of betrayal-- or even of defection. It's a point where she's able to self-reflect and realize that her own ideas were invariably flawed. Whether she realizes this too late or not depends on the thread/verse, of course. :p
two phobias your character has:
Choosing two of the least intense/trigger worthy (she needs therapy ;_; ).
Monophobia: the fear of being alone. Strange, as she prefers solitude, yet cannot reconcile the idea of losing everyone around her.
Trypanophobia: the fear of needles, particularly in a medical setting.
Tagged by : sorta stolen from @ssolessurvivor <3
Tagging: @respondedinkind @rickgrimesdoingrickthings @invictasol @vacantwar / @juramentum (t'pring or qu ming because i'm smitten) @dreamsofalife @mediical-trek @mehrere-musen (shelby!) @pcrfumebcttles / @triiiplegoddcss @madeofstxrs (aev!) / @trailofstxrs (saavik!) @vartouhix and YOU!
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zeldarowanromero · 8 months
character costumes
zelda - gwen stacey 
astrid - swedish forest fairy
alessandra - twin 1 from the shining (marco is twin 2)
daisy - giant daisy flower
domino - not dressed up
maeve - carrie white
flint - not in attendance 
connell - judge judy
flora - 1920's flapper
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