#sweet tooth and blow pop candy gang
loopspoop · 10 months
Figured I would give some general headcanons for the AU besides just physical appearances because I’m bored and also feel like I need to contribute more lmao
* has some phantom pains from having his organic limbs removed
* autism and adhd! Our boy is sensory seeking and has a fair few thievery and history based hyperfixations. Ask him about the Jean de la Motte!
* Did have top surgery but he’s Genderfluid! Usually presents as male but we love and respect Miss Marie in this household damnit! (He/She) pronouns but isn’t picky about it
*bisexual and polyamorous! She’s dating everyone in the gang and pops!
*panics over power tools, needles, and loud sounds post cybernetics. It gets a bit better with time but trying to do repairs initially was hell
* started working with the stuff he uses for disguises to cover her cybernetics so she can seem like she’s fully human
*got super depressed once he realized he had cybernetics and had a whole crisis over not being entirely Lupin III anymore
*had a lot of issues with his cybernetics early on with malfunctions and small parts breaking off because the parts were just early installments placed there to hold space before upgrades could be made
* had the sensitivity turned up pretty damn high early on so Mad could keep him captive since it’s hard to move when everything hurts and you’re trying to recover from surgeries
* had pretty severe panic attacks early on that the gang had to learn to help her through
* had top surgery but is non-binary! (He/they) respect pronouns or he will slice you in half!
* did everyone’s top surgeries actually (except Fujiko, she did hers medically)
*asexual and panromatic! (In a queer platonic relationship with Pops and Fuji, dating Lup and Jigen)
*will chop bigots in half
*autistic! This is basically canon anyways though. They literally always wear the same outfit and eat specific foods or won’t eat at all I mean come on!
* they take every chance to pick everyone up
* when having a hard time he seeks physical comfort by laying with Jigen and Lup (usually has them act as weighted blankets for him)
* is definitely a mother hen but less of one than Jigen. They usually tag team mother Lup and then get on to each other when they aren’t doing enough self care
* guess what…they know how to drive and use a phone in this AU! They just don’t rely on these things as much as the others so it makes him seem like he can’t
* knows the most medically out of everyone which is good because the others are always getting hurt somehow
* very good at deep breathing as a way of self regulation which helps when things are stressful! They all take some time to do group breathing together
* they know sign language! They try their best to teach the others too
* collected a lot of books on robotics and swiped a lot of Mad’s notes and parts to keep up with Lup
*also emotional support for repairs and checkups. He had to hold Lup down the first few times (they all do not regard these memories fondly at all but it had to be done)
*has a sweet tooth and actually eats properly in this AU!
* has visual snow syndrome (look it up I also have it)
* he has anxiety! He just usually forces himself to not panic about stuff until the danger has passed. He shoves it deep down inside (not healthy at all sir)
* mother hen along with Goe. He’s a tightass about self care except for with himself which is when Goemon gets involved
* resident weighted blanket for the others (he’s very warm)
* gives the others ice to keep them calm in stressful situations (saves sour candies for Lup too)
* he puts his hair up a lot and usually puts up Goe and Fuji’s too
* when he gets stressed he closes himself off from everyone so he doesn’t blow up
* doesn’t like wide open spaces from his days in service because he feels too exposed
* wears his hat because his eyes are sensitive
* he’s secretly a good poet (he will never let the others know this)
* he turns on the live cam wildlife videos for everyone to watch to relax
* autistic? Who knows. Not Jigen
* he is gay. He is demisexual and he is trans 😌 (he/him) pronouns. Goemon did his top surgery! (He’s dating Lupin and Goemon, queer platonic with Pops, situationship with Fuji)
* he has OCD (wow he’s just like me!)
* had a hard time being overly protective of everyone after what happened to Lupin but had to learn to reign it in when everyone got too tired of him being that way
* does repairs on Lupin’s cybernetics because his hands are so steady
* knits and sews for everyone and because the repetitive motion calms him down
* when they first got out of Mad’s lab and Lup was not doing so great in recovery, Jigen would sing to him when the others weren’t around. Goemon would catch him and listen from time to time and take up the same practice when they forced Jigen to take breaks
* does everyone’s nails (she’s spectacular at getting their colors perfect)
* helps Lup with his cosmetics to cover his cybernetics to make them more realistic
* gets everyone comfort clothing (they’re stylish and comfortable obviously)
* takes care of the boys hair because they deserve soft clean hair
* helps Goemon get Japanese food wherever they are in the world
* Aromantic! Queer platonic polyamorous with everyone (idk what to label her and Lup, she loves him just not in the conventional way yknow? They have s3x and love each other just.. not conventionally!)
* gives great advice honestly
* gives a lot of her comfort through gift giving and general acts of kindness
* does the heists when Lup is in recovery so that they have money to fall back on
*doesn’t double cross everyone like in canon because they love each other damnit
* steals parts from leading robotics scientists for Lupin to use
* bisexual! He’s dating Lupin and queer platonic with everyone else
* insomniac central get this man some weed or something so he can sleep
* knows sign language as well!
* bites stuff when he’s frustrated (a lot)
* did a LOT of research and safeguarding for Lupin (and for future chases obviously but let’s not get ahead of ourselves)
* surprisingly good at getting Lupin and the others through panic attacks and the like
* gives Lupin chocolate coins when he’s down (idk why it’s just cute and I like it)
* helps Jigen with doing Lupin’s repairs
* he’s actually staying with them once he figures out Lup is down for the count for a while because he feels guilty. He’ll act like he’s keeping tabs for ICPO but he’s actually just doing gay shit
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greyciees · 3 years
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Face masks and juice boxes :-)
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askyancy · 5 years
Team Get Yancy
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OOC: Art by @smiling-jo​ Team Get Yancy’s Theme Violence, Blood and Character death warning below the cut.  A huge wonderful applause to @smiling-jo​ for their amazing contribution to this plot and story as the leader of the Happy Trio/Team Get Yancy known as Frank anon but better known on server as Tooth. We had to take them out with one hell of a bang!  Please enjoy the following content that went down on the discord server! If you’re not there yet you’re missing all the big action! 
The cell block was quiet, inmates falling asleep one by one, and with the gang still oddly missing, it made for peaceful evening.... 
 Swan padded toward the bars of the cell with Frank and Burger and took a careful peek into the cell itself. The room was abandoned, everything perfectly in place with the notable exception of Hank and Jimmy the Pickle. The silence was deafening; there should have been snores, whispers, anything from this cell block and Yancy's gang, but there was nothing.  Swan gave the others a nod, signalling that the coast was clear for them to enter the cell.. 
"I'd love to tango. I was always the dancer of my family." Burger purrs before pulling out their mask and slipping it over their face, tightening it so there was no chance of it slipping. They slightly nudge Swan out of the way and pull out a bobby pin that was swiped from one of the bathrooms. They pull it open slightly before digging it into the lock, leaning in close and holding their breath as they listen to the grinding sound of the lock. With a triumphant 'click' the lock pops open and Burger quickly drags the cell open, inviting the other two inside. "Do your business; I'm going to look around."
 Frank walks into the cell where he spots his target: Hank's hooch. "Just don't touch anything that could give us away or I will personally dispose of you." Reaching the small barrel he pulls out the cork that plugs it all, the other hand reaching into his trouser's pocket and pulling out a small flask with the detergent. "Now, this is a little gift from us", is all Frank says before he opens the flask and pours it into the hooch. And to finish it all up he picks up the barrel, puts the cork in again and shakes it to really mix it through - he doesn't want anyone miss their present after all.. As Frank spikes the hooch - after all, who doesn't like a bit of spiked wine every now and again? -
Swan stood back toward the cell bars, glancing between Frank in the cell and Burger in the hall. She kept an open ear for any new sounds, surveyed the belongings in the cell for anything of interest. A few old doodles of Jimmy's, a half eaten candy bar under the bed, the occasional speck of glitter, but nothing of any use to them. "Hurry up," she hissed to Frank, ducking her head back out the cell door to check on Burger.. 
"Jesus christ who tied your dick in a twist, Frank? I know what I'm doing." Burger snaps at Frank, keeping their voice lowered as they watch him shake the barrel vigorously. "I always hated wine. Mojitos, whisky, and gin and tonics are my go to." Burger mutters as they tap bricks in search of any loose ones. They search the beds but not as thoroughly as they would like given the time crunch. Coming up empty handed, they step back out to join Swan, peering into other cells. They inhaled slowly, enjoying the faint smell of smoke.. 
Before the trio could leave everything happened fast. Something POOMPFED into the side of Franks head, sending glitter everywhere, then into Burger and Swan as well, followed by another two! Suddenly they were out numbered by people inside the cell. Tiny looked PISSED Hank... even more so Jimmy made themselves as big as possible, a low rumbling growl Bambam and sparkles stayed to the side, murder in their eyes. Each and every one of them had a shiv and Tiny?.... Tiny had a bazooka. The Warden hadn't cleared out Bambams stash yet! "Got you mother fuckers. Freeze where you are or we blow your  stupid dorky masks clean off your faces and half way up your asses!" Tiny clicked the safety off the bazooka.
. So they have been busted, huh? Oh well, all fun needs to have it's ups and downs. With the barrel still in his hand Frank does a mock bow, eyes staying on the gang the whole time. "Congratulations to you all, you finally laid a trap that didn't go wrong", he comes back up and gestures towards the hooch he just poisoned: "I am sure you are quite thirsty after waiting for this long, may I offer you a drink in these trying times?". 
Swan froze in place, eyes behind the mask darting between the members of Yancy's gang, clothes and hair properly dripping with glitter. Of course they had been so quiet. They were lying in wait. Hiding in the shadows like cats in the hunt. The predators had become the prey.  "...Shit." Swan bolted, pushing past Burger and fleeing down the hall. She didn't care if she was leaving a trail of glitter or ricocheting off the walls. This bird wasn't dying tonight.
. Burger squawked when a glitter bomb hit them square in the chest, dropping their bobby pin and hastily trying to wipe it off of their clothing, but it stubbornly clung to the fabric of their clothes and their skin. They hissed when Swan shoved past them and for a moment looked like they would flee as well before they stood their ground. Burger wasn't a COWARD. They snickered, remaining in the open cell door as they sway back and forth, as if showing off the glitter on their clothes. "It feels like a family reunion in here! Isn't that what we are here at dear Happy Trails? Family?"
The gang stand their ground to. Hank looks pissed about the hooch but it's fixable... Hank has kitchen duty, a lot of scrubbing it would be fine. Cleanse it all out. A lost batch wasn't a problem, but it still stung. Tiny growled and took a step forward, pinched an eye shut and aimed right for Frank. They actually looked ready to fire too, if not for the hand on their shoulder from Bambam. "Yer out numbered assholes. We got you. So we'll be nice. We'll give you the chance Yancy offered you at the start. Fuck off. Don't come back. And maybe we won't tear you apar-..." Bambam was cut off when they saw something behind Frank.before anyone could do anything, Yancy's eyes had gone dark and while Franks arms were out stretched he'd lunged, shiv in hand and moved in for the kill. (Heavy violence, Heavy blood warning) He snapped his arm around Franks shoulder and drew the shiv across his throat. He wasn't taking chances. This was them. They had them. This fucker had HURT HIS FRIENDS! HURT HIM! NO MORE! HE grit his teeth watching the blood gush from Frank's throat as the eyes on the gang went wide. Their sweet boy Yancy made a kill. Not something they had ever gotten to see.... The blood was like a switch. Before he knew what he was doing, Yancy blacked out.... He stabbed Frank in the back... then again... and again again again again again again again AGAIN! AGAIN! He kept going over and over and over he didnt stop. Snarls and growls of absolute rage from the tiger within Yancy. He'd messed up before not attacking but this time. No. Frank wasn't getting away this time! The gang slowly lowered their shivs, the bazooka to, Bambam quickly hurried forward to try and grab Yancy's arm "Stop... STOP! YANCY STOP IT! FUCKING ST-HEY! Help!" Tiny was on them too, grabing Yancy's other arm to help pull him away. The second Yancy was away he was glaring at the mangled corpse that was now Frank and slowly his rage filled eyes moved over to the burger....
. Burger hadn't even noticed Yancy's approached until he was already in front of them spilling Frank's blood across his hands and the floor, their eyes widening in horror. They staggered backwards and completely out of the cell, glitter falling to the ground like snowy, sparkling in the dim light. They were holding their breath, listening to the wet squelch of the blade digging into flesh again and again and again, scarlet splattered across skin as Frank was slaughtered in front of all of them. Burger met Yancy's gaze as he turned to face them, their eyes wide. Before he could moved they surged forward and grabbed the cell door, slamming it shut and leaving them locked inside. At least, locked from that exit. "P-Princey finally snapped, huh?" They sneered. "Oho, Daddy's gonna be mad to see blood on birdie's hands. K-Kill me or not you're getting the chair and I'm going to laugh as you join Frank in hell." Burger tears away from the cell bars and sprints down the hall, opposite from Swan to leave a forked path.
Yancy is fast to move, slamming into the bars as the door shuts on them all, a growl of absolute rage leaving them, watching the glitter trail go. He immediately started yanking at the door, Bambam and Tiny holding him back and Jimmy came over to help "Th-this is bad.. This is really fucking bad" "Hank go get a guard. Get the wardem something ANYTHING!" Sparkles was freaking out. There was blood on all of them, all over the cell... It was horrific. Yancy was still fighting them but gave out a grunt, slumping. "Fuck hey.. you okay? Calm down man, deep breaths" WHAP "Snap out of it" Tiny slapped him "Ow!... huhn..ow...... f-fuck... fuck-..oph. OH FUCK OH! FUCK!!" "Hey calm d- CALM DOWN its ok! We got you! It's ok-ITS OKAY! KEEP STILL!" Yancy was thrashing, the need to run, but he could barely move now, everything hurt. "Youre gonna pop your fucking stitches calm down- YANCY!" Bambam got up in his face, grabbing his cheeks. "Hey look at me. Look at me... hey.. deep breath..."Sparkles had a hand over their mouth for a while before slowly going over and peeling off the mask from Franks face. ...... "oh my god..... it's Tooth..." Tiny's head snapped around to look and frowned..... Huh.... that gave them some possible leads... maybe? Whatever the glitter would help... They glanced up at the sound of approaching feet.
Frank Anon was dead....
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