#sweetest boy ever i am throwing him at the wall like a baseball
smoosnoom · 2 years
the inherent boyfriendism of mike wheeler
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cali-holland · 7 years
New York- Peter Parker One Shot
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Pairing: Peter Parker X Actress!Reader
Prompt: You are a famous actress, and Peter’s celebrity crush. Sparks fly between the two of you when you visit New York.
Word Count: 2000
Masterlist   Peter Parker Masterlist
*Gif is not mine*
You hated New York- the city was too busy, too cold, just all too much for you. Maybe if you were a normal teenager you could imagine actually living there- and bearing it too- but you weren’t normal. You were an internationally famous actress and, this week, you were required to be in the dreaded city for filming reshoots. As a busy actress, you struggled with finding time for yourself; yet, somehow, you managed to slip away from your security team and leave set during your break.
You wandered your way down the bustling streets in search of shop to give you peace of mind. Entering the most interesting store in the strip, you tugged your baseball cap down and removed your designer sunglasses. You browsed around, unbothered by the other shoppers around you. For a moment, you felt normal- but only for a moment.
“Oh my God, you’re her! You’re Y/N Y/L/N!” A teenage girl squealed upon seeing you. You felt all eyes in the store fall on you.
“Yes, I am.” You smiled, concealing your sadness about being discovered. A group of teenagers began to flock around you.
“Can I have a picture? You’re my favorite actress!” She asked, holding up her phone.
“Aw, thank you. I’d love to take a photo with you.” You replied, posing for the photo. You posed for more as your fans lined up.
“I’ve got to get going. Have a nice day, everyone.” You smiled as you left the store, knowing a much larger mass would appear within a few minutes. Your cover was blown, and your day was ruined. Wanting to get away from it all, you ducked into an alley. You knew it normally would be a horrible idea- a teenager girl alone in an alley- but with the sun shining brightly above you and a buzz of people on the lining streets, you felt that it was safe enough.
“Well done, Y/N. You snuck off set and got all but attacked by your own fans.” You sighed as you sat down on the cold cement.
You jumped at the sound of a thud nearby. You were quick to your feet as you looked toward the source of the noise. A teenage boy was on the ground, clutching his knee.
“I’m sorry!” He squeaked out in embarrassment, “I didn’t mean to startle you. I just walked into the garbage can.”
“Are you  okay?” You asked, holding out a hand to help him stand. He took it and steadied himself against the wall, trying to keep as much weight off his now bruised leg as possible.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” He replied, “But I could ask you the same thing.”
“Oh, I was just thinking.” You stated, awkwardly, “My life’s been pretty hard lately.”
“How hard can the life of a superstar be?” The stranger joked with a laugh, trying to ease the tension.
“You know who I am?” You replied.
“Everyone knows who the famous Y/N Y/L/N is.” He explained, making you blush.
“Well, superstardom isn’t everything it’s glammed up to be. I hardly have any control over my schedule. I ran off set today just to have a day off, but that didn’t go according to plan.”
“I’m sorry. It sounds rough.”
“Yeah, and, like you said, everyone knows who I am. I can’t go anywhere without someone wanting a picture.” You said.
“You’ve got me.” He spoke up, making you look at him confused, “I haven’t asked for a picture or autograph. You’re gorgeous and talented, but you’re a person.”
“You think I’m gorgeous?” You asked, making his smooth demeanor fade away as his cheeks heated up. He cleared his throat before responding.
“That’s all you took from that?”
“Yes. I don’t even know your name, but you’re already my favorite person in New York.”
“Peter. My name is Peter Parker.” He said, holding out a hand to you.
“Well, Peter, would you like a picture before I have to leave?” You asked.
“I can’t actually. My phone’s dead.” Peter let out a nervous laugh.
“Then my phone it is.” You smiled, pulling out the camera to take a picture with him- the first person to make you feel normal. You said goodbye to Peter and headed back to your movie set. Unbeknownst to you, Peter changed into his Spider-Man suit after you left and followed you from the rooftops. His heart fluttered as he realized he just flirted with his celebrity crush- where did that courage come from?
The night continued on for both you and Peter, yet the two of you couldn’t keep your minds of each other. You pondered if you would ever see him again; you wanted to look into his brown eyes again. And he couldn’t refrain himself from telling Ned about meeting you, discussing every detail about the encounter with his best friend. He was enchanted and starstruck, he couldn’t think straight.
The next day rolled around and Peter fell back into his dull world of school. On their way to the Academic Decathlon meeting, Peter walked with Ned and conversed about the latest Stark invention Peter had worked on.
“That’s so cool, and it’s holographic too!” Ned smiled at the thought. Peter was cut short from responding when Liz came bounding up to him.
“Peter! Did you really meet Y/N?” She asked eagerly.
“Please, Liz. We all know brainiac just hacked her account and uploaded a photoshopped pic.” Flash piped in, not moving from his seat at an empty table.
“What-” Peter began to question them as Liz showed him a tweet from 20 minutes ago. It was the photo of you and him from yesterday; you had posted it with the caption ‘I met the sweetest guy ever yesterday. Can you help me find him?’.
“That’s you, right, Peter?” Liz questioned.
“Dude, oh my God!” Ned cheered.
“Um, y-yeah that’s me.” Peter nodded.
“You met her? What was she like?” Liz’s response called everyone, except for Flash, over in interest.
“How’d you meet her?” “What did you do?” “Was she sweet?” “Is she actually that beautiful?” “Are you going to respond?” There were so many questions coming at him, Peter had to take a step back from the chaos.
“We just ran into each other on the street and we talked.” Peter explained quickly.
“Peter, you have to respond!” Liz insisted.
“How do we know Penis Parker is telling the truth? We still don’t know if he actually knows Spider-Man.” Flash stated.
“I’ll respond, but I’ll do it in private.” Peter said, as the group dispersed.
“That’s only ‘cause you’re a chicken.” Flash teased, “We know you’re bluffing, that’s why you won’t message her in front of us.”
“Don’t let him get to you.” Ned told Peter on the way to their seats.
“I won’t.” He shook his head.
Peter waited patiently that night. After telling Aunt May all about you, he had responded to you, sending you a quick message of ‘this is Peter’. He knew it was lame, but he didn’t know quite what to say. He just wanted to have yesterday’s confidence back. His phone dinged and he almost flew across the room to grab it.
‘Hi, Peter! How was your day?’ You asked, making casual conversation. Peter waited a few seconds before responding.
‘Not too bad. And yours? I hope it was better than yesterday.’
‘Yesterday was great because I met you.’ At your response, Peter’s heart dropped.
“May!” Peter called for his aunt and she came bursting into his room immediately.
“Are you okay?” She asked, worried.
“I don’t know. Look!” He handed her his phone with the message pulled up.
“Oh Peter.” She smiled, fondly as she read over the few messages. “Ask her out.”
“What? May, I can’t.”
“Yes, you can. You are Peter Parker. Now, ask that girl out. It sounds like she really likes you.”
“But, May, she’s-”
“Do it, or I will.” May teasingly threatened, giving him his phone back. He sighed and typed out his next message,
‘Yeah, I enjoyed yesterday. Are you free tomorrow night?’ Tomorrow would be a Friday, an appropriate night for a first date, or so he thought.
“How exciting! Peter, you’re going on a date!” May smiled eagerly as he blushed.
“She hasn’t responded yet-” As soon as the words left his mouth, his phone dinged again.
‘As a matter of fact, I am.’
“Go on, go on.” His aunt urged.
‘Would you like to go out for dinner then?’ Hitting send, Peter inhaled a sharp breath and May squealed.
‘I’d love that.’
“Yes! You have to take her to that nice Italian restaurant a block away. I’ll get your dress shirt to the dry cleaners in the morning-” May rambled on excitedly as she hurried down the hall to prepare. Peter sighed dreamily- he had a date with his celebrity crush and he had no clue how.
Because of your celebrity status, you asked Peter if the date could be simple and private, which led to it taking place at Peter’s apartment. May hid in her room as you and Peter conversed over several different subjects. With Peter, you could be yourself and not have a care in the world- you absolutely loved it.
Unfortunately, your phone rang in the middle of eating a brownie sundae for dessert. You excused yourself as you picked it up. You sighed, hearing the familiar voice of your manager. After a quick exchange, you hung up and turned to Peter.
“Is everything alright?” He asked, worried you weren’t enjoying yourself.
“Not really.” You confessed, “My manager wants me back because we’ve got an early shoot in the morning. I need my ‘beauty sleep’.” You placed air quotes around the silly phrase.
“Want me to walk you to the hotel? So you don’t have to hail a cab?” Peter offered, standing up from the table.
“Sure.” You smiled.
“One moment.” He said, going off to grab his shoes and a jacket.
“I had fun tonight, Peter.” You stated when the two of you got outside.
“Really? I was hoping the small apartment wouldn’t throw it off.” Peter admitted.
“No, it didn’t. It’s homey- I like that.”
“Homey?” He asked with a laugh.
“Homey. It’s a normal apartment, you actually live in it. It’s homey.” The two of you shared a laugh before you changed the topic, “You know, after these reshoots, I’ll have to go back to L.A..”
“Oh,” Peter replied. The thought of you living across the country had never occurred to him before.
“But New York’s been growing on me, and my parents are considering buying an apartment out here for me. I mean it’d be in Soho or Manhattan, but I could still see you.”
“Wait,” Peter stopped in his path and turned to you, “You’d leave Los Angeles for me?”
“Oh, well,” You blushed, realizing how bad your words must have sounded. You were just teengagers and the first date hadn’t even ended, plus you just met him two days ago. You nervously pushed some hair behind your ear, “I have to come out here a lot for work anyway. It’d just be easier, ya know?”
“Right.” He nodded and the two of you continued walking.
“I know this sounds crazy, but, Peter, I really like you. You make me feel normal- I haven’t felt that in years.”
“Really?” He asked, surprised by your confession. You smiled shyly and nodded, “Well, I mean, I really like you too, but don’t you think it’s a bit far-fetched? You’re a renowned actress and I’m just me, a boy from Queens.”
“Are you trying to say you’re not good enough for me? I’m telling you right now, you are. I don’t care what the media will think. We don’t have to listen to them.” You replied. Peter’s hesitant look remained until you slipped your hand into his.
And that was how Peter became one of the most popular people at school: dating a high-end actress that every teenager in Queens aspired to be. As for you, you really started to like New York.
~~~ Tag List: @gray-rose13 @cutefluffy89 @flammy-whater @ria132love
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passionate-noona · 8 years
child whisperer
Group/Member: BTS // Taehyung
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 2.029
Prompt: AU w/ Taehyung 11 I’m babysitting and I’m half tempted to kick this kid to the moon, please come over and make sure that doesn’t happen.
Summary: Still a little rusty because of the recent writers block I’ve been having. I hope you guys enjoy though~
Masterlist // AU Prompt List // Dialogue Prompt List // Rules
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From all the stories that you had heard your co-worker share in regards to her son, you would have thought that he was the sweetest little boy on the planet. Pictures aligned her desk of him, that sweet smile shining through with one missing front tooth. Some pictures showed him dressed head to toe in his baseball clothes, and others showed him hugging and laughing with friends or family. Anybody who looked at the pictures or heard the stories about him would think that he was a great kid. You had been one of those people, and it had been a reason why agreeing to babysit him had been such an easy decision. Not only did you think it would be fun but you also really liked your coworker, so when she’d gone to you distressed about her usual babysitter canceling last minute, you hadn’t given it much thought before agreeing right away to fill in.
As you came to realize with many things however, expectations and reality were two extremely different things. The sweet little boy who liked hugs and playing nicely that you had imagined in your head and thought you knew through many pictures was far from the truth. The reality of the matter was this; you were babysitting a demon child.
Hiding behind the couch in the living room, you could still hear the boy yelling and hollering as he ran through the house, nerf gun in hand that he had been relentlessly shooting you with for over an hour now. When you’d first walked through the door, he’d been smiling sweetly next to your co-worker, smiling up at you and even partially hiding behind his mother’s leg.
“Don’t mind him, he’s just being a little shy,” she’d said to you.
You’d thought it had been adorable and had smiled right back, giving him a little wave. Then his mother had left though, and his true self had come shining through for all the world to see.
“Monster!!! Must kill the monster!” was what he’d first screamed as the first nerf bullet hit you dead in the forehead, effectively stunning you for a few seconds as you were unable to comprehend what had just happened. There literally could be no way that this was the same boy that you had seen a mere few minutes ago, nor was it the boy that you’d seen in the pictures.
“Jiho! That is not okay,” you’d said, trying to keep your voice calm but stern at the same time. The little boy hadn’t even heard you though as he ran circles around you, continuously pulling the trigger and hitting your back and stomach with the foam bullets.
“Die! Die! Die! Die!” Jiho had hollered relentlessly before taking off into another room.
“What the hell did I get myself into?” you mumbled to yourself just as an overly excited and active Jiho came back, new nerf gun – a much larger one than before – in hand as he continued his attack on you.
For almost an hour you tried everything you could do to get him to calm down. You tried offering different games for him to play, all of which he expressed his hate for with a stuck-out tongue. From there you attempted to get him to come and have a snack with you, some crackers and carrot bites with some juice; he’d knocked over the juice spilling it all over your lap before tossing his carrots on the ground. By this point you were already at your whit’s end and the clock was saying you still had four more hours to go. You didn’t even want to know what was going to happen when his bed time rolled around.
So, that was how you had found yourself behind the couch. Between your raging headache and irritation, you weren’t sure how much longer you were going to be able to last before your temper started up. Why the heck was it so hard to get kids to listen? Your own nieces and nephews always listened to you, and they loved your cooking, and they also thought you had great game ideas. All your areas of expertise – at least that you thought you had expertise in – were being turned away and sneered at by Jiho.  You were running out of ideas, and you know that the longer you stayed behind the couch, the greater chance that he was going to come and find you. That’s when you go the idea though.
“Jiho, I’m going to use the bathroom, please try and behave,” you said as you stood up from behind the couch. Jiho only responded with some sort of war call as he climbed up onto the couch and began jumping up and down on the cushions.
“This had better work…” you mumbled under your breath as you made your way to the bathroom, closing and locking the door. Three rings later and your savior had answered the phone.
“What’s up beautiful?”
Even the sound of Taehyung’s voice had you calming down as you let out a sigh, back slumping against the bathroom wall.
“I thought that you were babysitting right now.”
“I am babysitting, and that’s why I’m calling you,” your voice is kept down, part of you scared that Jiho is standing outside the door listening in on your conversation and ready to attack. “Taehyung, I need your help, you like kids, right?”
“Yeah, I love them…but why do you need my help?” he asks.
Biting your lip, you let out a sigh and just say it. “This kid is the actual spawn of Satan.” There’s silence on the other end of the line before Taehyung suddenly bursts out laughing. “It isn’t funny!” you hiss into the phone, double checking the lock on the door. “He seriously won’t listen to a word that I say and he’s been attacking me with nerf guns and yelling and screaming and he stained my pants with apple juice,” you say, noticing the visible pout in your lip when you look towards the mirror.
Taehyung can even hear the pout in your voice as you continue and that’s what gets him to finally stop laughing. “Aww babe,” he sooths. On the other end, he’s already getting his jacket on because really, he has nothing else going on and what could be so bad about this little boy? “It’s okay, Taehyung is coming to the rescue, just hold tight.”
Fifteen minutes later when you hear the knock on the door you nearly run to it, immediately undoing the lock and throwing the door open, revealing Taehyung’s smiling face. “Oh, thank god.” Reaching forward you grab his shirt and yank him inside.
“Is that candy stuck in your hair?” Taehyung asks, leaning forward and examining the sucker that Jiho had sucked on for no more than five minutes before launching it at you. Your glare is enough of an answer for Tae as he pulls his hand away, thinking it’s probably not best to try and remove it.
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” you grumble, crossing your arms just as a loud screech rings from down the hallways. “Please, just help me get this child under control,” a clear bagging tone laced through your voice as you look at Taehyung.
“No worries babe, I’m an expert with kids,” and with that he marches down the hallway towards the noise. You can’t help but watch his back and think that he’s the bravest man you know; you just hope that he comes back in one piece.
Whatever it is that Taehyung is doing with Jiho, it seems to work though. It gives you time to straighten up the living room so that it doesn’t look like an utter bomb went off, and it also gives you time to actually make dinner. His mother had left ingredients for what she said was his favorite meal so you get to making it in no time. As it cooks you decide to go and check up on what the boys are doing, slightly worried that you haven’t seen Taehyung since he arrived. As you make your way to Jiho’s bedroom though and push the door open, you’re pleasantly shocked at what you see.
Firstly, there are Legos everywhere. It’d be nearly impossible to step into the room without getting one jammed up your foot. But there in the center of the room is the largest Lego building you’ve ever seen, Jiho and Taehyung at the center of it as they bicker over what piece should be placed where and if they should start building extensions.
“Hey…” you say tentatively, not really wanting to interrupt since Jiho is clearly very well behaved at this point, but knowing that they need to stop and eat. Looking up from the building Taehyung shoots you a smile.
“We’re building a skyscraper,” Jiho yells towards you before Taehyung can say anything. He simply shrugs his shoulders at you when you give him a confused look. Jiho hadn’t calmed down for a second for you after his mother had left and now he was calmly building? Either you were just horrible with kids or Taehyung was the child whisperer.
“I see that. I just finished making dinner though if you’d like to both take a break and come eat?” you ask, fingers crossed that this would go smoothly too.
“That sounds perfect!” Taehyung yells, grabbing onto Jiho as he was bending over to pick up more Legos. The little boy lets out an excited squeal, the pieces falling from his hands as Taehyung expertly makes their way through the maze of pieces on the floor. You smile at this before stepping back out and leading the way to the kitchen. In no time, you have everybody settled with food in front of them, and to your surprise Jiho is sitting calmly next to Taehyung and eating like no tomorrow. You keep shooting Taehyung looks that scream ‘how’ but he simply winks at you and continues to chew on his food.
Later when all the dishes are cleared and cleaned, and Jiho is completely passed out in his bed with pajamas, you finally face Taehyung with crossed arms and a full-on pout. “How were you so good with him? I swear he didn’t listen to a word I was saying when it was just me and him, and yet he does literally everything you tell him to do.”
Taehyung simply lets out a chuckle as he pulls you into his arms, petting your hair. “He misbehaved a little when I first started playing with him. I just kept redirecting him and told him that it was more fun to play when both people were having fun,” he said as you pulled away and looked up at him.
“I think you’re just amazing with kids,” you sigh as you rest your check against his chest. The rumbling of his laughs go into you, making you smile.
“It’s good practice for when we have our own.”
This makes you shoot your head up again, eyes big as they look into his. “Our own?”
“Yeah…our own,” he says back, that boxy grin taking over his face. You smile just as largely back at him and squeeze him into you even more.
“Not for like ten more years though…” you mumble, Taehyung laughing again. “I’m pretty sure I would have gone crazy if you hadn’t come over.”
“Next time you babysit him just have me come right away.”
With a snort, you simply shake your head, “Who said there was gonna be a next time even?” that’ when you notice the sheepish look on Taehyung’s face.
“I may have told him that we’d babysit him from now on if that’s what he liked,” his hand coming up and absently scratching his head as you only groan and smack him. “Oh, come on it isnt’ that bad, and plus now we’re alone…wanna be the naughty babysitter who ignores the kid to make-out in the living room?” his eyebrows wiggling at you.
“You’re so dumb,” you say as you pull away from him.
“Is that a yes then?”
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