macleod · 1 year
I haven't taken part in one of these chains in a long time. But, @n-talia-a tagged me in a "top 5 on repeat" chain and so here we go. This is all the more recent on repeat, not in totality.
1. 3TEETH - Slum Planet feat. Mick Gordon
Do you like Industrial? NiN? Metal? Punk? Cyberpunk? and the music from Doom (2016)? Well 3TEETH has what you need, and this track was produced by the man behind Doom (2016). I am blasting this likely 3x a day, at a minimum. Warning: Video features flashing.
2. Yard Act - The Trench Coat Museum
Found this one recently, and the bass line is just addictive. Video is pretty great as well, especially the ending.
Turnstile has been a group I've been listening to a lot since 2020 or so. Typically more hardcore, but this one is just a nice seaside vibe. They even just did a remake of their last album as a jazz album. Really good stuff.
4. Drain - Feel The Pressure
Following in the water-related theme I suppose (pretty apt for myself, personally speaking). This is a hard and heavy punk metal groove.
5. WARGASM (U.K) - Your Patron Saints
Wargasm is by far my favorite band of the last several years. I found them at the tail-end of 2019, and went deep during the early pandemic and never got out. I am addicted to every song of theirs, this is an incredible act. I highly suggest everyone checking out their entire discography. Industrial meets nu-metal (with heavy prodigy vibes). Warning: Video features flashing.
Bonus: FIDLAR (anything and everything by them)
If I said Wargasm is my favorite band of the last several years, FIDLAR is my favorite band of the last decade. I am playing their albums back-to-back multiple times a week.
Notable Mention: Seaway. Love that band. They were my most listened to in 2020 I believe. Classic pop punk style with a modern bend. I don't usually continue the chain, but I'll add @swordarmsaxelegs, @the-alex-xander, @oyeden, @tomandgeriatric @myfriendgoo94
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My dad was telling me about something he was reading. It seems that high schools across the country asked high school students who they would vote for. Like a fake vote I guess. The results suggested that if they were of legal age the Liberals would have only won 110 seats. I think he said NDP would have won 99. Maybe next election will be different when they're all of age? I'm not sure how they came up with those numbers though.
The youth have always strongly voted NDP, the problem is young people just don’t vote in enough numbers to actually make that difference.
Usually less than half of 18-30 year olds vote, and this compares to the generally more conservative older demographics where 70-80% vote in elections, which skews results more to the right.
The NDP can win, but it won’t happen if young people don’t vote.
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babisaur · 6 years
swordarmsaxelegs replied to your photoset “dailysailormoon: Sailor Senshis + rainbow spectrum”
So like, are they naked while they're transforming?
well...yeah lol
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Can the US actually allows it's citizens to import drugs from us? Or would Canada have to give them permission first?
U.S. plans to allow importing prescription drugs from Canada
The administration of U.S. President Donald Trump said Wednesday it will set up a system to allow Americans to legally import lower-cost prescription drugs from Canada, weakening a longstanding ban that had stood as a top priority for the politically powerful pharmaceutical industry.
Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar made the announcement Wednesday morning. Previous administrations had sided with the industry on importation, echoing its concerns that it could expose patients to risks from counterfeit or substandard medications.
Azar, a former drug industry executive, said U.S. patients will be able to import medications safely and effectively, with oversight from the Food and Drug Administration. The administration's proposal would allow states, wholesalers and pharmacists to get FDA approval to import certain medications that are also available in the U.S.
The Canadian Pharmacists Association was one of the signatories to that letter, and spokesperson Joelle Walker says her organization has expressed concerns "for a number of months, and even years," about the potential for importation of medications into the U.S., "because our market size is not equipped to supply another market that's 10 times our size.
"We already know that Canadians suffer from serious drug supply issues and shortages," Walker told CBC News in response to Wednesday's announcement. "One in four Canadians report [in a national survey conducted last November] that they have experienced a drug shortage, either personally or a family member, and pharmacists from across the country are saying that shortages have vastly increased in the last three to five years, so our supply chain is already not consistent in Canada.
"This has the potential to really put a lot of pressure on the availability of medications in Canada," whether through wholesale imports or individual purchases, said Walker.
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I have to wonder, when conservatives say we should save tax dollars, what is the point of that? They say we do it by cutting social programs, but that's like the top reason for paying taxes. For things that help our citizens. It's not like they could possibly spend all our tax dollars on police and fire fighters and we know they aren't going to fund health care or schools with it. I really wonder where they want to put that money 🤔 /s
The point is when you’re rich enough you can afford to pay for your own social services, send your family to private schools, etc.
The rest of us don’t have that luxury, and rich people demanding tax cuts are only thinking of themselves.
Yes it will save them more money but in the process will starve the government of funds, preventing it from properly funding the services that the majority of us depend on. Rich people care only about their own well being.
Tax cuts for the rich are an immoral, selfish, act.
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Is the minimum wage in other provinces higher than in Ontario?
Only Alberta is higher ($15/hour). By 2021 B.C. will also reach $15/hour.
Though Jason Kenney is slashing the minimum wage to $13/hour for youth in Alberta. =/
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Do you know anything Toronto mayor John Tory? I saw an ad suggesting he's up for reelection, and you seem to know so much about Canadian politics, so I was wondering what your opinion of him is.
He’s a Conservative, and if I lived in Toronto he would not get my vote.
He largely won because his views were mild compared to Doug Ford’s (who was running for mayor at the time).
I’m an outsider, but I don’t really see a lot of progress on important issues being accomplished under his watch.
Maybe my Toronto followers can chime in as well.
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Looks like the conservatives formed a majority and we can't even blame people voting liberal because the liberal party lost over 40 seats... tell us it will all be fine...
No, we can blame the Liberals.
~20% of Ontarians that voted in this election voted Liberal despite knowing full well they would never form government, and knowing full well that only the Ontario NDP had the support to beat Doug Ford.
The NDP only needed maybe 5-7% or so and they could have won.
I hope the Ontario Liberals collapse after tonight.
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I think a good solution to the temporary worker issue would be to pass a law which requires all temps to be paid a much higher wage, say 50% more, than regular workers in the same position. This will make it so companies are still losing profits when workers strike without hurting the underprivileged people who take these positions. In fact, by raising their wages it will help lift them out of poverty, so it's a win-win-win solution for all workers.
That still doesn’t solve the main issue:
That companies use temp workers/scabs as a way to prevent those on strike from having any leverage to improve working conditions.
Paying temp workers a lot more money if anything incentivizes companies to continue exploiting workers and attacking labour rights.
I don’t think this is a wise proposition.
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swordarmsaxelegs replied to your post “the idea that making pot legal is going to drive dealers out of...”
Even if they were priced the same it would still be more convenient to text a guy and have him drop some weed off at your house within an hour than it would be to order online and have to wait for Canada Post to deliver or go to the store yourself
Cannabis Government and Private stores do exist and will exist in most urban areas.
Its mostly online now, but only because the rollout was filled with issues in many places.
Theoretically eventually you could buy Cannabis as easily as you could buy alcohol, which in my view would be easier than relying on meeting some dealer after dark.
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