#swtor oc pairing
sunderedazem · 2 years
What is Cory’s relationship like with Theron and Lana?
There's a LOT of compromise, entirely unsurprisingly, and it takes a lot of genuine communication to keep their relationship going the way it is.
Lana in particular challenges both Theron and Corrain - she's a Sith, she *stays* a Sith, and she's not afraid to suggest some very morally repugnant things if she feels it's necessary (even though she knows the other two won't agree). She forces them to think outside the box and - especially in Corrain's case - forces him to confront any unrealistic expectations he has in favor of coming up with lasting. logical policy and leadership. Lana's pragmatism and brutal clarity of purpose mean that she's not afraid to criticize the other two when she thinks they need it. However, she's also well aware that Corrain's strength is his strength of heart - he's inspired half the galaxy because of who he is as a person - and so she and Theron have to play the delicate game of making sure Corrain stays true to who he is as a Jedi while also sometimes reeling him in to pull off the rose-colored glasses. She's the blunt honesty of their group, and keeps them all from lying to themselves and each other.
Meanwhile, Theron tends to be the one that tries his absolute best to run interference - to distract the other two from stewing in negative emotions. He's kind of garbage at talking about feelings, so his solution almost always is "find an alternate outlet" often in the form of a competition, game, or mission of some kind. He's the one that pulls Lana and Corrain out of an argument to go do something else so they can blow off steam (often stepping in to handle their tasks in the meantime) so when they come back, they come back with clearer heads. Theron genuinely likes competition as well, so he's also often responsible for keeping the mood light by turning things into a sort of game - whoever reads the fewest treatise drafts in an hour gets kitchen duty for the next week, and that sort of thing. He's good at wisecracking inoffensively (to Lana and Corrain, at least) during tense moments, and helping them to step back when they need to. He's the reset button, the playful pause to help them all refocus on what's important.
And Corrain, for his part, is their driving force - he's the central spark, the one that gets them all moving and keeps them going at the end of a tough day. He's the one to hold them together when they're feeling worn down, to encourage them when they're unsure - and he's the soundboard for their feelings as well, doing his best to uplift and support them. Corrain is the one that the other two can decompress with, and just like how Lana forces him and Theron to confront truths they don't really like, Corrain forces Lana and Theron to *talk* about those truths. He's a good listener, and he's exceptionally good at just letting the other two vent without judgement, and then afterwards giving them advice or snacks or cuddles, depending on what he thinks will be most helpful in the moment. Corrain is the heart of their polycule, the one that keeps them all fueled-up and ready to kick ass - he's positive without being being saccharine about it.
And, if you want some additional thoughts I have on these three, these posts have some more on them! Link 1: OTP/OT3 ask game Link 2: Obligatory OC asks, some NSFT, also featuring Astayr/Torian Link 3: OT3 Angst - secret keeping Link 4: incorrect SWTOR quotes generator - lots of pairings Link 5: OT3 jabbering - Lana/Theron/Corrain's dynamics
Thanks for the ask!! These three make me so soft. god. lakhsdfkjasdhf
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kissingwookiees · 2 months
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kadmus and arcann in dueling hearts
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ainyan · 1 year
It's sinday! 💦
Send my muse the dirtiest questions you can!
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consularmain · 8 months
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them!! my beloveds!!
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resol-nare · 11 months
Been thinking a lot about a scenario sometime after Malgus gets recaptured by the Empire where Evalu (Keeper for the Empire’s Hand at this point) gets captured by the Republic and put in their version of Malgus’s cell. Sure it’s a little overkill for someone not sensitive to the Force, but this is the Alliance Commander they’re dealing with so they’re not taking any chances.
Desperate times for the Republic call for desperate measures, and they’ve turned a blind eye while a few unsanctioned Jedi interrogation methods of questionable legality are used to extract information from her. She’s able to resist, naturally, but digging into someone’s consciousness with the Force is taxing on the mind. Eventually they dig far enough that they discover her history with the SIS and her brainwashing.
The problem with the Castellan restraints is that they’re never truly gone. The keyword Evalu assigned to herself is always floating around in her subconscious, no matter how hard she tries to forget it. But she’d sooner die in that prison than let the Jedi have it. 
Her interrogator tries to rip it out of her. Having Keeper on a leash is too good an opportunity to pass up, they can deal with the issue of morality later. Evalu grits her teeth as her nose bleeds. The more they push her, the harder she resists. But her grip on her keyword is one of titanium. All her brain trauma from the IX serum, the brainwashing itself, and the trick Valkorion used to shatter her mind on the Eternal Throne rears its head again. The Jedi has to relent from the force of the splitting headache.
Evalu can’t speak, can’t even think. But they didn’t get her keyword.
By the time Theron and Lana inevitably come for her, she’s unresponsive. The flight back to Odessen is horribly silent as Theron grips her hand in his the entire ride, afraid she’ll slip away from him again.
It’s two weeks before she can speak again, even if she can’t remember her words sometimes. It’s six weeks before she can move enough to try walking.  She heals away from the eyes of the public, with only Theron, Lana, and the Alliance’s most trusted medical staff tending to her. Lana has to drag Theron away from her bedside sometimes or he’d never leave. 
Intensive physical therapy sees her back on her feet, if not quite in fighting shape yet, in a few months. She forgets things sometimes, loses her train of thought mid-conversation, can’t think of the names of simple objects. It was like this after the restraints were activated by Ardun Kothe, but somehow it was worse knowing that the people she loved and cared for were watching this time.
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Pauletta's OC Sexyperson Tournament - Round 1, Pair 22
Bal'sara (Jedi Consular)
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Jaca Virson (Bounty Hunter)
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greyias · 1 year
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Got Ben through Secrets of the Enclave, and he is still the absolute crankiest Jedi healer ever. 10/10, he will complain again.
Then I was running through some of the Alliance update scenes, and got a different cutscene because I wasn't running a Knight for once and--
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I somehow forget Zenith is voiced by Troy Baker until every single time I see him, and then am like "oh". And of course, he's emoting here, really missing his old Jedi pal in true Troy fashion. And as I see the flirt option with Peepaw!Troy here, I am getting the sudden inkling that there might be another burgeoning ship in the back of my head.
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Another old man, who is still stalled in Onslaught. Too bad I skipped Thyos past the Vanilla storyline, because that means I missed all the Consular scenes with them together. (I mean, granted, neither Thyos or Ben are really the Barsen'thor in my head, but still).
Damn you Troy Baker.
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sheyshen · 10 months
i spent way too long playing with trying to figure out pairing height differences now that i’m getting some drawing juice back and also won’t be making any more ocs (for the time being)
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the-chavoi-legacy · 2 years
once again thinking about my sith warrior and that one au that almost completely lives in my head where he and quinn accidentally fumble their way into a relationship through the power of mutual respect and shared trauma
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lavampira · 2 years
the way revkari rolled up to the narsh casino with leftover chips from last year and won jackpot on the emperor slots twice in a row for two (2) extra pairs of high roller shades. thanks queen
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wintergrew · 2 months
Actually i will say on KAYF...
The basic premise of KAYF was an idea I first got roughly ten years ago after watching various vampire media. (Let the Right One In, Shiki, etc.) Not the whole plot, but the basic premise of a (queer) couple broken up by one becoming a vampire while their town is being destroyed by...well, vampires. Originally with my friend's and my Star Wars ocs from the MMO swtor we were obsessed with and made a billion AUs for, but very quickly it became its own thing in my head with new OCs.
But at that point in my life i was not writing fiction. I was always too self conscious of my writing because someone flamed my cringeybwriting on Neopets when I was, like...8 or something. So I literally went a full ass decade without writing fiction (with the exception of a couple attempts i immediately abandoned because I hated them) until I decided to try again with South Park fanfiction because i don't even know. Which includes The Thief, which I was shocked people liked. It was a TERRIBLE point in my life, I should say, so having people enjoy what I wrote and saying nice things about it was quite literally one of the only good things I had.
But anyway I still had that vampire idea in the back of my head, but just as random scenes that played in my head of the two main charades + the person who ended up being Estella. (Though originally her and Scott's role was combined.) The plot wasn't really defined or anything, but the basic ending was in my head from the very very beginning.
Anyway...2020. i was supposed to see MCR. Then COVID postponed it. I was very sad about this. So I extra emo-ly listened to a shit ton of MCR. And listening to MCR, suddenly I was thinking about that vampire story and their music pretty much helped me put the plot into place. The terminal illness plotline. The vampire of the pairing being obsessed to save his love and the cruelty from the other vampires regarding that. And ofc the song Kill All Your Friends itself gave me the set up of an IT-like time skip where someone died and they all go back.
They were all still 100% OCs in my head at this point. I didn't really have much confidence anyone would like these idea but, I was actively writing South Park fanfiction people liked well enough. I'd only ever written fanfiction. So I was like "huh I guess I can make this idea Creek".
So I did. And then wrote three chapters and didn't update for a full year.
But then in 2021 it became my ADHD obsession. I stopped caring about The Thief Trilogy. All I could think of was KAYF and wrote the rest of it in three or so months... Over 100k words. Pretty sure the update schedule was longer than that, but I spaced out chapters by a week long after I was finished.
And people seemed to like it. It was too dark to be as popular as the Thief Trilogy, but I knew that. It was a much more personal story, though, especially with how emotional it was, so it meant SO MUCH to me that anyone liked it. Also because The Thief Trilogy feels basically just like a bloated fanfiction adaptation of the SOT game to me, while KAYF feels like mine, so the kind words for it meant even more in a way.
Until someone I thought was a friend trashed it relentlessly. Like, I'm fine with constructive criticism but they were just horrible. Spoiled the plot for people who wanted to read it directly after i asked them not to, went on condescending rants about how there was too much filler, how Tweek in it was an awful character who deserved to die, claimed characters were all too unsympathetic, joked about parts I meant in earnest, etc. And they got really mad at me that my feelings were hurt by this. It was a whole thing.
Anyway, I'm still to this day years later obsessed with this story year. I think about it every day, which is probably more unhealthy ADHD shit. And I always think about how to make it better. I hate how I wrote it so fast and didn't think about certain details or pacing or what have you. Like, once I finished writing it, I was sad because I wanted to keep writing it. I still do.
I hate that I disappoint people by not having it out there. I want it out there, just not the version I rushed in three months.
So, for now, the fic is hidden. Indefinitely.
Anyway if you read all this tl;dr rambling congratulations I guess.
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sullustangin · 1 year
Spoilers Ahoy: Consular Thoughts
I’m doing a quickie consular story  re-playthrough, and ... I have thoughts, mainly about the companions.
I do like the overall story arc until Chapter 3 when everyone except the Selkath thinks going to Belsavis to make friends is a great idea.  Awakening an imprisoned army is a terrible idea.  This is sort of how I feel about my OC confronting Malgus alone in prison recently: I don’t have a choice not to be stupid, and I HATE that.  LS is “Gonna get new friends for the Republic” and DS is more like “Gonna get new friends to serve me.”  THESE GUYS ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS.  It’s a lot of risk and no guarantee of reward. I’d mark this as ‘a jump the shark’ moment. 
The Consular also has the inverse problem of the Bounty Hunter:  BH gets all the lighter companions first (Mako most of all) and then gets DS only at the end (death to Skadge).  Meanwhile, the consular gets a Hunt All The Things Uncle Lizard, Guy Who Literally Lives in the Basement with his Holo Girlfriend, and a politically inclined Murder!Noodle. Consular only gets LS Felix and LS Nadia as the last two companions, which results in some problems -- they’re also the romance options, which gives them the least amount of development in the vanilla game. 
To be fair, I think Felix Iresso is one of the least problematic guys in the SWTOR universe.  He’s so kriffin’ sweet.  He’s perfect for a young Jedi.  I totally think there was an attempt at a Jace/Satele parallel here. It’s not toxic and it’s well-paced... minus the fact that he doesn’t show up until Hoth.  Yes, I know what’s in his head...but he’s still a good person before and after the experience in Vanilla.  (I know how he was done dirty in his return -- poor sweet man.) 
For perspective, Hoth is when the smuggler gets their last companion, Guss Tuno.  Corso (f!smug romance option) was acquired in Chapter 1, and Risha (m!smug romance option 1) was acquired at Chapter 1′s end.  Akaavi was acquired in Chapter 2 after Balmorra (option 2).  Even then, Akaavi’s relationship feels better paced just by having her a whole planet early.  I know @swtorpadawan​ and others have commented on how fast the Nadia Grell romance is.  Pair that with her relative youth -- even with the consular being super young themselves, it still feels ‘yikes’, especially in the context you romance her.
I love and hate Qyzen.  He’s a great first companion, part of a cultural immersion experience for a young Jedi.  His hunting for the Scorekeeper works in contrast to the peace that the consular seeks to establish, and yet it does provide a path to that -- sometimes, you do have to fight for the 'greater good’ end result; compliance works for the enemy.   However, on a personal level, I have my political loyalties to Wookiees, and I would cheer for Bowdaar to kick his ass.
I do like Zenith, and not just because he’s voiced by Troy Baker.   There’s a very gritty, realist element to Zenith. After the hero moves on from a planet, what happens to it?  Great, Balmorra is liberated, but it doesn’t fix everything going on there. Should there be ‘necessary evils’ done in the name of politics and managing power? All of the war, death, and other baggage can screw a person up; I read Zenith as walking PTSD, having lived in a war zone all of his life (he was born 3 years after Jace and Satele reported the fall of Korriban, and Balmorra has been a mess since). Zenith is a great foil to a consular, regardless of alignment.  
...I have a really hard time justifying Tharan’s recruitment so early minus the fact he does fit on Nar Shaddaa better than anyone else.  I know the developers tried to keep all of the Pub and Imp players running on the same sets of planets in each chapter...but if there was ever an exception to be made, it should have been for the consular, because I feel like Tharan is taking up an important space that he really shouldn’t. He’s not actively evil, but he’s not a pleasant or honest person. Super skeevy vibes once Nadia joins the crew too.   I feel like a lot of time is spent on Tharan with not a lot of growth or character development to show for it.  I think I feel that way because there’s this weird ‘affair’ the consular is propositioned with early on -- it felt like filler from the start.  It’s not as well done as the Pierce one-night stand.  Some of his comp convos seem tacked on or “oh no we have to make more content for this guy.” 
Nadia’s acquisition as a companion hinges on certain late stage events, but I feel as if the romance would have felt ‘better’ if her father had let her go to be a padawan as soon as she manifested on Quesh.   Then, she could have grown up a little more before the later events and would have been on more equal footing and more familiar terms with the consular, romance or not. 
In sum, I think the consular’s personal story with the crew has great elements, but I feel like they got put together in the wrong order.  To me, companion order would be:  Qyzen, Felix (set him on Tatooine, the opposite temperature cesspit in the galaxy), Zenith, Nadia (on Quesh), and then... Tharan on Hoth because someone unloaded him there? or Belsavis for crimes related to unethical experiments?  Again, Tharan’s convos seem overstretched; the Vandrayk Generator could have really been done in two or three convos rather than the big thing it was in Chapters 2 and 3. 
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frauleiiin · 4 months
9 people you'd like to get to know better
Tagged by @sullustangin (thank you so much for tagging me! I'm flattered)
3 ships
Canon ship: Hiccup and Astrid from HTTYD. I re-watched all the movies recently and naaaah they're still so goals.
OC Ship: Maverik'a and Theron from SWTOR (I don't talk about them a lot but they're my roman empire)
Ship of the week: Ballister and Ambrosius from the animated movie Nimona! Saw it was nominated for an Oscar so I finally decided to watch it and omg they're so AAARGH and the movie is SOOOO metal 🤘
First ship
The only one I can remember is Rose and Scorpius from Harry Potter lol. I was obsessed with them when I was like 12, I even made like a story with like the next gen kids (before the Cursed Child released). Then I paired up Albus with an OC and they became my favorite ship instead LMAO. I'm not that into the fandom anymore but I do still think about them sometimes. (Also to be clear I do not support J.K Rowling AT ALL, even created a metamorphmagus trans lady as a teacher in my story to piss her off lol)
Last song
Empire Ants by Gorillaz! I'm a massive fan of Gorillaz, Blur, anything that is Damon Albarn.
Currently reading
Comic book series Fables! Just finished vol. 14 today. Only 57 issues to finish the original run lol. The Telltale video game The Wolf Among Us is based on these comics if you were curious! (that's what got me into comics, now I work at a comic book store LMAO)
Last film
Decided to watch The Mitchells VS The Machines again (yes recently I've only been watching A LOT of animated movies fjhjksshjfk) and it's such a great movie. I totally had forgotten about the Furby scene (don't ask) and I almost cried of laughter.
Currently craving
I actually don't crave anything at the moment, I got sick with my sinuses last week and idk, it poofed away my cravings LMAO.
I think I never opened up this like this on my blog before soooo enjoy!
@serenofroses @dirthara-dalen @nekorinnie @lanabenikosdoormat @stratataisen @jukkariart @eorzeashan @magicallulu7 @rubensmuse no pressure tags, hope someone didn't tag you yet hihi
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SWTOR Summer Nominations
The SWTOR Summer Gift Exchange is now taking nominations!
So what's a nomination and how do you make them?
A nomination is when you request pairings (platonic, romantic, multi-ship, etc) that will be available for use in the exchange's tag set. In other words, it's the pairings that will be available for you to request or offer when you do your signups in a few weeks.
Say you want to request 'Theron Shan/Jedi Knight' for one of your pairings.
When the nominations open, you will click on the link I provide to the tag set. You will see a page that looks like this:
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You will see a list of relationships and fandoms. You are NOT required to fill in the fandom portion of the form. Only the relationship section. The only fandom available for this exchange is SWTOR.
If you want to request a specific pairing, try to browse the tag set prior to nominations to see if something you want to write or request is already part of the tag set.
You only have 20 nominations available so use them wisely. Once nominations are open, I will go in once a day to approve or deny requests.
All of your nomination requests must be SWTOR related. Again, they can be platonic, romantic, multi-ship, etc. If the pairing you've chosen does not appear (for example, you want to request a pairing of Male Smuggler/Male Trooper) and it's not available, contact me and I will manually add it in.
Once you've chosen your relationships, it will look like this:
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Continue searching for the ships you want to add until you're happy with your nominations list (up to 20 pairings). Scroll to the bottom of the page and click submit.
When you're finished, you should get a list like this:
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A green checkmark means that the pairing is approved. The question exclamation mark needs to be reviewed by the Tag Set owner and approved. Be patient, it will be reviewed and approved as soon as possible.
If you get an error, there is a chance that the ship you chose has an issue being related to the tag set (ex. one of the characters isn't part of the SWTOR fandom). If you're having issues, please contact me and I will see if I can fix it.
You can edit your pairings until the cutoff date of July 3rd 2023.
Need help deciding what pairings to submit?
Well, good news! I've already added all canon romances. That includes class story romances, expansion romances, and the mini flirt romances from certain planets in game (If I am missing any, please let me know.) So feel free to concentrate on nominating OC ships that you may have with friends, platonic ships, rare pairs, and multiship.
If you have questions, please send an ask and I will clarify what I can.
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the-tomato-patch · 11 days
Tagging Game
tagged by @teacakes1799 ( Definitely not annoying, I love tag games! )
3 ships ( I have plenty of oc x canon ships but no oc ships D: but I'll keep them swtor aligned because that's the blogs main focus)
Lord Scourge/Rhiasen ( Y'all know my obsession with these baby tomatoes )
Malavai Quinn/Sabrazios ( Another tomato paired with a man I love but also wouldn't mind spacing into the void )
Theron Shan/Chiono Mewsa ( Theron x Triple traitor cathar imp agent )
First Ship
Uh, my brain isn't very good but Sesshomaru x OC because I was a self-indulgent little shit with so many mary sues. If I'm not counting OC x canon then Sesshomaru x Kikyo. Cartoon wise, probably Zim x Tak ( ZaTr for all the fellow fossils ) or Zuko x Toph
Last Song
I'm oddly obsessed with Jack Black's cover of Hit Me Baby One More Time. It's weirdly good.
Currently Reading
I listen more than read. The last thing I listened to on audible was Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Last Film
Last film was Godzilla x Kong in theaters.
Last series was Fallout ( episode 6... WTF WAS THAT GULPER SCENE!? )
Currently Craving
Good mediterranean food and more free time
Tagging: @bigbadvv0lf @captainderyn @dirthara-dalen @serenofroses @frauleiiin @eorzeashan Anyone who wants to?
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serenofroses · 21 days
I gotta say but... like any swtor discord servers I joined, I feel pretty much alone with wlw pairing and contents. it's hard to vibe with anyone to vibe about appreciating nor sharing about wlw oc stuffs.
plus, encouraging myself to try talk about my pairings before I coherent my thoughts into a headcanon post properly (bc perfection vs writing up)
ah well. might also explain why i'm going a lot more quieter in Stim Please and left the other servers due to folks moved on from swtor to other games/gone inactive.
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