#syd london
eccentricallygothic · 8 months
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want to know how delusional i am?
i think i can fix this guy
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americanass1981 · 5 months
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Four Months Part Two
You left your pregnancy test with Syd, now you’re dealing with the aftermath of it all.
Syd (London) x Black!Reader
WARNINGS: mentions of pregnancy, language, mentions of drug use, fist-fighting, small mention of blood, angst
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It had been exactly two weeks since you’ve seen, spoken to, or even heard from Syd. Not since that day found him in bed with his girlfriend, ex-girlfriend— whoever the fuck she was. And not since you left that pretty huge bombshell on him.
You were pregnant.
And you had no idea what the hell you were going to do about it.
A woman’s pregnancy should have been the most joyous news of her life, but it wasn’t exactly yours. You were pregnant by your now ex-boyfriend, who was a drug addict, alcoholic, and a fucking cheater.
You released a deep, heavy sigh, lying back against the examination table with your feet propped awkwardly in the metal stirrups. You were currently at the free clinic just a few blocks from your studio apartment. Nerves bubbled in your gut, as you watched with bated breath, the oncall OB leisurely move the ultrasound wand against your bare lower abdomen.
The room was quiet for a moment before the loud, thumping sound of your baby’s racing heartbeat filled the room.
“Okay, so this is your baby,” the older OB spoke kindly, pointing to a black and white swirly image, that you barely could make out what you were seeing, on the screen before you. “And just telling by the size of the fetus, correlating with your last menstrual cycle, you’re looking to be about nearly 16 weeks along.”
Excuse me? Did she say what you think you just heard?
“16 weeks?” You exclaimed, sitting up abruptly. The sound of the disposable paper on the hospital bed you laid on crinkled loudly. You knew that you were definitely more than a month along, but 16? “You’re saying I’m 4 months pregnant?”
The Doctor nodded, grabbing a paper towel to help you wipe the excess jelly from your stomach. “I am most positively certain.” She gave you a warm smile.
“But how is this possible?” You muttered to yourself, before looking back at the doctor in confusion. “I mean, I had no symptoms up until a few weeks ago.”
“Well,” your doctor took a breath, “that is the case for some women. I mean, you could have no symptoms until the second trimester, like in your case. You could have symptoms throughout the entire pregnancy or none at all.” She quickly explained, while you tried to rack your brain on if you and Syd even used protection that first night. “So, I’m going to print you out a few copies of the scan and set you up for your prenatal care, okay?”
You nodded in desolation, laying heavily back against the bed in defeat, cursing yourself for being so carelessly stupid. “Yeah, okay.”
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“So, you’re not going to tell me about what happened? Even though I drove you a long ass way.” Your best guy friend, Dylan, questioned as the two of you drove down the road in his beat up 1986 Pontiac Firebird —his most prized possession.
You giggled softly, the first smile you’ve had in awhile. “Stop being dramatic, it wasn’t that long. The clinic is only 6 blocks from my place. I could have easily walked, but you insisted.”
“Well,” he let out a deep sigh, “I just hadn’t seen you in so long that I jumped at the chance of spending any time with you.”
You gave him a warm smile and swallowed thickly. You then glanced down at the several sonograms still stuck in your hand. “I’m just, you know, still processing all of this.” You turned to face Dylan full on. “I’m four months pregnant, Dyl. That first night with Syd sealed the deal with my fate. I’m so fucked.”
“Now who’s being dramatic?” Dylan teased, but you couldn’t find a reason to smile anymore. “You’re not fucked, okay? Shit happens. Just think of this as a blessing in disguise.”
“A blessing in disguise?” You scoffed, pushing some hair out of your face. “I make less than minimum wage, trying to live off shitty tips, while living in an even more shitty ass studio, that I can’t even afford in the first place. And not to mention, my child’s father, who hasn’t contacted me since I told him I was pregnant, is a depressed junkie, who’s still in love with his ex. You really want to sit there and tell me that’s a blessing?”
“Well, when you put it that way.” Again, Dylan teased, bumping his shoulder with yours. “Look, don’t worry about your living situation. Your lease is almost up, and I have an extra room where you and the baby can stay as long as you’d like. Rent free of course. We will work on the job thing, and the baby daddy situation is up to you. If you feel like this Syd guy is not gonna step up to the plate then you got me.”
“What?” You turned to look at Dylan in surprised confusion.
“I mean, you and I don’t have to be anything else, if you don’t want to.” He stuttered, trying to explain himself. “But I’m willing to be a father figure for the kid if it’s what you need. Doctors appointments, birthing coaches, birthdays, soccer games, recitals —whatever, you name it. I will be there.”
That caused your heart to warm. You kind of knew that Dylan might have harbored some kind of deeper than friendship feelings for you, but you really only saw him as a friend. And that was because you were too blinded by Syd to see anything else.
“You’re amazing, you know.” You gave him another warm smile, reaching over to gently pat his hand on the steering wheel.
Dylan shrugged, and you watched his cheeks turn a slight shade of pink. “Well, I try.”
You playfully rolled your eyes at him. “Typical, Dylan. But thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
Dylan immediately pulled up to the curb right in front of your residence. He gave you another moment of reassurance, before the two of you made plans to have lunch tomorrow. After a few more moments, you finally stepped out of Dylan’s car, telling him your goodbyes and made your way up to your apartment building. Your eyes were cast toward the ground, you hadn’t realized that someone had been waiting for you. When you looked up, there was Syd, sitting on your stoop, anxiously smoking a cigarette.
Your heart almost stopped at the sight of him. He was dressed in a pair of jeans, his stupid leather jacket, and a baseball cap covered those shaggy auburn locks that desperately needed to be cut. His face looked pale and gaunt while heavy bags and dark circles lay underneath his eyes.
Everything in you wanted nothing, but to turn the opposite way, in hopes that he wouldn’t see you, but you were too late.
His steely blue gaze looked directly at you, as he immediately stubbed out his cigarette on the bottom of his shoe and then flicked it into the street. He gave you a small smile, rubbing his hands up and down against his jeans nervously, before shoving them into his pockets and approached you with caution.
“Syd,” you swallowed thickly. You could already feel yourself crumbling at his mere presence. “What…what are you doing here?”
He bit his lip and took a dramatic sniff through his nostrils. “We need to talk.” He told you, after a few moments of deafening silence.
Your resolve quickly snapped you back into reality. You then shook your head and tried to push your way past him. “There’s nothing to talk about, Syd.”
Syd was quick on his reflexes, as he reached out to grab your elbow, catching you before you got away. “Of course, there is.”
You yanked yourself from his grasp and looked down at your shuffling feet, not wanting to make direct eye contact with him. “It’s been two weeks, Syd. You’ve had plenty of time to come and talk to me. But now that window is closed. I have nothing else that I want to say to you.”
Syd released a heavy sigh, reaching to give his nose a harsh rub, before speaking your name softly, “I’m sorry, okay. I shouldn’t have left things the way I did. It’s just that I’ve been trying to get my head straight and trying to wrap my head around this.”
After a few silent moments, you finally looked up into his eyes for the first time. “Well,” you paused for a second, “there’s no need for you to wrap your head around anything anymore. Okay, Syd? You’re off the hook.” You told him, this time making your way up the stairs to the front door to your apartment building.
“What the hell does that mean?” Syd called out to you after another few seconds of silence.
You stopped putting the key into the door, turning back to face him, and shrugging in a nonchalant manner. “It’s whatever you want it to mean, Syd. Just know that I —we don’t need you. I can do this on my own.”
Again Syd irritably swiped at his nose and turned to quickly spit. You rolled your eyes at that, knowing that he was probably on something. “Then what was the point, huh? You literally slapped me with a pregnancy test and then just walked away. You didn’t even give me time to even say anything. What was I supposed to do with that?”
You scoffed, wrapping your arms around your waist, almost trying to shield yourself from the hurt you were feeling. “I’m sorry, did you want me to wait while you and that whore finished?” You snapped and watched as Syd looked down at his own shuffling feet. You kinda felt bad for the whore comment since you weren’t sure if she even knew you existed, but at that moment you didn’t care. “I mean, does it even matter, Syd? You don’t want this baby, so go back to your girlfriend and leave me the hell alone.” You turned back to the door, this time determined to walk in and get away from him.
“Why do you assume I don’t want this baby?” Syd called out again, and you could almost hear the hurt in his voice. “You won’t even give me a chance to explain.”
You wanted to ignore his question, —ignore his pain, but you couldn’t help yourself. So, you turned to face him again. You watched his movements closely. He was antsy. He sniffled quite often, still wiping at his nose harshly.
“Look at you, Syd.” You pointed out, walking back down the stairs, against your better judgment. “You’re obviously on something right now, and you’re not thinking clearly. Just go back to London, I’m sure that’s where you’d rather be anyway.”
Again Syd sighed, taking a big step toward you. He then hesitantly reached out for you, grabbing your upper arms, and you didn’t fight his touch. That was also against your better judgment. “Look, London and I are not back together. She went to LA. She’s gone. Out of my life for good. It was a stupid mistake, but if you give me another chance, I’ll make it right.”
Your brows furrowed in frustration. “So what, I get to be your consolation prize? Thanks, but no.” You tried to walk away again, but Syd’s hold was too strong for you. “Let go of me, Syd.”
Syd gripped a bit tighter, as he shook his head. “No, not until we work this out,” he hesitated, steely eyes pleading, “please.”
You were just about to tell him to shove it, the two of you were interrupted by the sound of someone else’s voice.
“Hey, is everything okay?”
You looked over Syd’s shoulder and spotted Dylan cautiously approaching the both of you. Great, this was the last thing you wanted.
Syd released his hold on you and quickly turned around, to find that Dylan was now standing in front of him. “Everything’s fine, alright? So, why don’t you climb back into your little bitch car and mind your business, huh?”
“I wasn’t talking to you.” Dylan spat, before looking over at you, his crystal eyes filled with worry, “you okay?”
You didn’t know what to say, but it wasn’t like Syd would let you, since he took a step closer to Dylan. “Again, I said, mind your business.”
Dylan stepped closer to Syd. “Again, I said nobody was talking to you.”
Syd let out a sarcastic chuckle, looking over his shoulder back at you. “Who’s this asshole, seriously?” He didn’t even wait for you to answer as he turned back to Dylan. “Look, bro, I don’t know who you are or what you want, but I was talking to my girlfriend,” he shoved his thumb in your direction. “So, I’m not gonna tell you again to just leave.”
You could see that Dylan was not about to back down, and you didn’t know when would be a good time to finally step in to stop the inevitable.
“She’s not your girlfriend anymore, bro.” Dylan mocked, and you knew by their stances that this wasn’t going to end well. “So, it would be in your best interest to leave.”
Syd looked down at his feet for a half second, before looking back at Dylan with a small smirk on his face. “Why don’t you make me?” He then gave Dylan a rough shove, which caused your friend to stumble back a bit.
You knew it was time now to stop it before it got any worse. “Syd, stop it.” You called out to the father of your unborn child. Yeah, this definitely wasn’t going to end well.
Of course, Syd ignored you and continued to shove Dylan. “C’mon on pretty boy, you want me to leave so bad, then make me leave.”
Before you could stop it from happening, all hell broke loose. Syd kept on provoking Dylan with his shoves until Dylan finally got tired after Syd’s final shove, and he officially threw the first punch toward Syd. Syd, although intoxicated, was able to quickly duck out of the way. He immediately swung back on Dylan, connecting his right fist directly to Dylan’s left eye. Dylan stumbled again, but quickly came back and connected a right hook to Syd’s nose.
After the initial shock wore off, you immediately shoved yourself in between both guys, as Syd was standing to his feet. Bloodied nose, he tried to charge toward Dylan, but you stopped him.
“Syd, stop!” You shoved your ex boyfriend back hard. “Please, just go and leave me alone.” You begged, tears rimming your eyes. “You’ve done enough.”
Syd looked down at you, his eyes bloodshot and blood still pouring from what you thought was now a broken nose. He swallowed thickly, looking over at Dylan and then back at you. His heart fell into the pit of his stomach at the fact that you had given up on him. But he knew he deserved it. He was the one who’d hurt you. So, he decided to do what you wanted, raising his hands in surrender and finally backing off.
“Go.” You told him one more time.
You didn’t even give him a chance to walk away, before you turned and walked back over to Dylan. You immediately noticed his right eye was now swelling and turning a deep shade of purple. You grabbed him by the arm, then the bag you had dropped when the fight first began, and made your way past Syd one last time —not even stopping to acknowledge his presence.
Syd left the two of you alone and just watched as you and Dylan walked into your building together. At the time, you hadn’t realized that Dylan had dropped something during his scuffle with Syd. But Syd did. When you disappeared from his sight, he walked over to the object and picked it up.
He used the back of his hand to wipe at the blood still coming from his nose, before wiping it on and staining the front of his jeans. He looked down at the object in his hands, smiling softly. It was one of the several sonograms you had gotten from today’s OB appointment today. You had accidentally left it in Dylan’s car, and he came back to return it to you.
Now it was in Syd’s possession. He looked at the sonogram and then up to your apartment building, then back at the sonogram, one last time, before shoving it into his back pocket and making his way down the street.
That was the day that Syd made a vow to himself. He vowed that from that day on that he was gonna get himself clean and straight for you and your baby. Because there was no way, he was going to let a prick asshole, who hit like a little bitch, as Dylan to be father to his kid.
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chxrryhansen · 9 months
watched london (2005) for the first time last night ! chris’s performance in that movie is so insanely underrated, i personally loved it! but i feel like they should have ended it differently, the whole movie felt like it was for nothing. Jason statham is also so fine in it😵‍💫 also people dont talk about chris’s Syd era enough, the goatee? YES PLEASE. COUNT ME IN.💞
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more-relics · 9 months
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Syd Barrett Pink Floyd - UFO The Blarney Club, Tottenham Court Road, London December 1966/ January 1967. © Anthony Stern.
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unladyboss · 29 days
Sione Ashley and Ayo Edebiri in London
They're like princesses
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nestito702 · 8 months
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Chris Evans as Syd in London (2005)
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colonellickburger · 2 months
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Syd Sheldon. An anti-racist march in Tower Hamlets, London in the 1970s, protesting against the far-right.
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iggyinuit · 5 months
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Some of my Barrett CDs: Tonite Let's All Make Love In London sampler.
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pinkfloydhq · 1 year
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Roger Keith Barrett, London 1969
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teenfreakout · 4 months
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Pink Floyd backstage at 5th Dimension Club, 1967
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eccentricallygothic · 6 months
★ rules: in a new post, show the last line(s) you wrote (or drew)
I am going to show two because I got tagged twice, once by the loveliest @navybrat817 and then my sweetest baby @chxrryhansen I LOVED both of your lines omg <3
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The Master brandished a teal glass vial from the pockets of his pants before a pinch of his fingers pulled the cork out with a soft plop, the sound causing the bride of the Anti-Christ to slightly jump from where she kneeled in complete submission. The ritual bowl that had been placed on the ground aligned with the headside of the seedbed hissed with a glow when the stopper was discarded in it. Syd had to sniff again as he brought his index finger to his lips and accepted it in the humid cavern, swirling his hot tongue along the digit to dampen it before sheathing it through the neck of the cylindrical bottle to gather the miracle dust it contained.
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"Mouse, remind me what that rule about not speaking out of our turn is about?"
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No pressure tags <3: @katherineswritingsblog @brandycranby @vanwritesfan-fiction @jamneuromain @deceitfuldevout @lilacevans
(I know I haven't properly interacted with some of you but I am socially awkward sorry, still wanted to tag y'all though <3)
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americanass1981 · 4 months
Chris Evans talking about London and playing Syd
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4 Months
You meet Syd, being drawn to his brooding and lonely behavior, you never thought how much your life would change.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
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Coming Soon…
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heroinsight · 6 months
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Screengrabs taken from: Lost And Found: The Memory Marbles of Anthony Stern, via The Holy Church of Iggy the Inuit
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more-relics · 6 months
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Syd Barrett Pink Floyd - Architectural Association, Student Party Bedford Square, London England, December 16 1966. © Adam Ritchie
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