#payday play
reinapantera · 5 months
It's PayDay for me "Howdy!! Mate"
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Cause we look Good 👍 😏
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pyonicpyro · 1 month
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Hoosdong hmgahdga
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frootloopsl · 1 month
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oh god
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letsrevince · 4 months
an excellent read on 1000xRESIST (very spoiler heavy) about the Chinese diaspora, Hong Kong and generational trauma
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esaari · 1 year
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creaman · 2 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day to my wife Biker or something
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hoxooster · 25 days
What my Payday 3 experience has been like for the past year:
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Just in case anybody was wondering about that.
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neomineom · 2 years
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imagining daddies in their 20s is fun: DALLAS
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+and little Houston🥺
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sc0obl · 10 months
Guys I bought payday 2 because I wanted the Hotline Miami dlc cause I own both games and I get stuff for that but I’m really liking payday 2 (I suck at the game but it’s fun, I suck at it though)
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wildwood-faun · 2 months
planned to do nothing today and now I want to sew and tidy my home and go on an adventure and
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x-heesy · 1 month
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𝕴’𝖒 𝖆 𝖛𝖆𝖒𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕴 𝖏𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖒𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖇𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝖞𝖆
I wAnT tWo RiGhT hErE tHaT lOoK lIkE vAmPiRe TeEtH
i JuSt WaNnA bE a VaMpIrE, yOu KnOw WhAt I mEaN?
i FeEl LiKe I aLrEaDy Am A vAmPiRe
SuCkIn‘ AlL tHiS bLoOd, No TiMe FoR tAlKiN‘
hAvE yOu EvEr SeEn A rEaL lIfE gIrL oR gObLiN?
pAyDaY iN tHiS bItCh, GoT aLl HeAdS bOpPiN‘
eNcHaNtEd By ThE rHyThM, yEaH, kEeP oN nOdDiN‘
i WiLl, I wIlL, i WiLl, I wIlL dIsMeMbEr AnY mC dIsSiN‘ mE
mY gIrL kEeP kIsSiN‘ mE wHiLe I bE mAkIn‘ HiStOrY (mWuAh)
MaDe A lOt Of HiTs To Be HeRe BuT tHeY sTiLl DiSsIn‘ Me
I’m A vAmPiRe AnD i JuSt MiGhT bItE yA
i’M a VaMpIrE aNd I jUsT mIgHt BiTe Ya
I’m A vAmPiRe AnD i JuSt MiGhT bItE yA
i’M a VaMpIrE aNd I jUsT mIgHt BiTe Ya
LiStEn Up, PuTa, NeEd My MoNeY aHoRa
ShOcK, sHoCk, HoRrOr, I cAn ReAd YoUr AuRa
HeAdIn‘ To ThE tOp, WaTcH mE bUiLdIn‘ FrOm ThE fLoOr Up
VaMpIrE gAnG cHaIn SwAnG oN tHe ToUr BuS
i Be WiTh My JiTs BuT i AiN’t CoMiN‘ fRoM fLoRiDa
FlOw So DiRtY bUt My RhYmE sChEmE cLeAn
HoEs So FlIrTy BuT tHeY aIn’T fO‘ mE
‚cAuSe I kEeP iT tEn ToEs I’m A bLoOd BaNk FiEnD
aNd My WhOlE tEaM mEaN, yEaH, mY wHoLe TeAm MeAn
I’m A vAmPiRe AnD i JuSt MiGhT bItE yA
i’M a VaMpIrE aNd I jUsT mIgHt BiTe Ya
I’m A vAmPiRe AnD i JuSt MiGhT bItE yA
i’M a VaMpIrE aNd I jUsT mIgHt BiTe Ya
We HiDe UnDeR tHe MoOnLiGhT, hUnGoVeR aFtErNoOn TiMe
ViCtImS iN tHe CaStLe, SnAtChEd Up OuT tHeY sUiT aNd TiE
bLoOdThIrStY, fReSh OuT tHe ToMb, YeAh ThEy DoOmEd
If We EvEr CrOsS pAtHs ThEn YoUr SoUl, YoU wIlL lOsE
nO rUlEs, YeAh, We Do WhAt We ChOoSe
NeVeR dYiNg In PiTs Of HeLl FrYiNg (YeAh)
DeFyInG gRaViTy, LiViNg In ThE cLoUdS
fAnG hAnG dRiPpIn‘ BlOoD oN mY tEeTh WhEn I sMiLe
AlL hOrRoR iN mY aUrA, wE bE rUnNiNg ThE sCoRe Up
GoT ‚eM bItInG aLl ThE vErSeS bUt ThEy DiE bY tHe ChOrUs
WhAt We Do In ThE sHaDoWs, It’S a MaTtEr Of TiMe
‚TiL i’M gEtTiNg ThAt NeCk ThEn YoUr SoUl Is MiNe
GoTtA aIm FoR yOuR hEaRt If YoU’rE pLaYiNg ThE pArT
eVeRyThInG cOmE tO lIgHt WhAt We Do In ThE dArK
gOtTa AiM fOr YoUr HeArT iF yOu’Re PlAyInG tHe PaRt
EvErYtHiNg CoMe To LiGhT wHaT wE dO iN tHe DaRk
I’m A vAmPiRe AnD i JuSt MiGhT bItE yA
i’M a VaMpIrE aNd I jUsT mIgHt BiTe Ya
I’m A vAmPiRe AnD i JuSt MiGhT bItE yA
i’M a VaMpIrE aNd I jUsT mIgHt BiTe Ya
VaMpIrE @bethanythestrange @kattywompuss @bigbonzo @cumpletelyhappythesecond 😂💣
Vampire by Payday, Danny Brown
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novadoesartforfun · 1 year
Friend : *telling me about his finical problems*
Me who has been playing PayDay 2 for the whole week : I have a solution..
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jonesbones1 · 8 months
just spent a while making a support sniper build just to remember i dont know anyone else with the game to play it with, and im too socially anxious to play it with random people in the online matchmaker
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iimaplestix · 1 year
still cant get over hoxtons haircut in the new payday 3 trailer, like wdym his ponytail is gone?? is he robbing banks again so he can afford a new barber???
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tarotcardcollective · 9 months
Played so good they thought I was cheating
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jaythelay · 27 days
Legitimately the only loss of Volition closing is there is absolutely 0 chance SR2's PC version gets fixed. Dooming their Only Good Artpiece to obscurity.
The fate of SR2 shouldn't become the standard. And yet it really is. You can play it now, but give it another OS version, hardware change, software change, give it time and you'll need to emulate windows 10, give it time and all you'll be able to do is play on the 360, give it time, and there won't be any 360s. All throughout the game is a buggy mess that needed another couple months of work, except the PC version which needed god.
But the real tragedy? The lost art, the fact this would've, could've, been Volition's legacy. Saint's Row 2! It's as critical to my gaming experience as Half-Life was, but I can play Half-Life with no problems on PS2 and PC. Not SR2 tho.
No tears were shed, because they took away everything people cared about decades ago, the series and company was already dead.
When your legacy is killing the art, crawling inside pretending to be our dad, and everyone begs you to bring them back? That's a sad, sad legacy.
No one's even going to think about Saint's Row eventually. What was a genuine rival to GTA in some instances, is now an absolute obscurity. It's only possible silver lining, gone. With only the vaguest hope that the IP is bought, and then has remakes that ignore all but the first two games.
Good luck with an IP that genuinely toxic, whoever buys it. Because nobody will be happy by then, we'll all be too old and moved on. A new audience won't experience the original and the remake won't give the same emotions. But it'd be nice at least, if done competantly.
Really think. Right now if you're a fan of Saint's Row, you and I may be amongst the last but a handful of at best hundreds of new players. But otherwise? It's dead and gone. Actual Art that most won't find worth in fighting to enjoy all the way, especially with some of those missions that needed fixed before release.
A flawed as hell gem that can only decay is an artpiece no one can experience eventually.
Volition refused to make Their One Artpiece playable before going out of business. Now? Nothing is worth playing, even SR2. Volition came with amazing art, gave us the worst iteration of it, and then dissapeared from all of history, having only made a dent within it, what could've been a chasmic hole.
Just had to not split your fanbase and then piss half them off and later dissapoint the other half. Seriously. Would've been real easy to shit out SR3 gangster edition and be dissapointed rather than hopelessly frustrated, or not use the name at all and moved on like the fanbase was forced to a decade before the reboot.
While the child-like fanbase that could only ever be the audience, moved on, SR2 fans were there everyday asking for more, instead, Volition served an audience that had long moved on in age and in genre, either to fortnite, apex legends, or tf2.
Genuinely it was like hearing a childhood friend and later teenage bully was found dead from an overdose you tried to warn them about. I'm numb. Sad, but apathetic, but also? Kind've elated, like. Man. I'm glad that's over, at least now I can truly move on again.
"but the emplo-" Sorry not this time. As far as I go I usually both do not blame creative when corporate is always to blame, and I'll generally simply be in disagreement with creative decisions, but the honest fact is the company in it's entirety exuded a mobile gaming atmosphere of contempt of audience and creative bankruptcy. At best, they'll find another job that'll find a way to make them excel, at worst, they find another job as writers somewhere they don't deserve.
Sad as hell shit. Hope beta content wasn't destroyed either, genuinely that could be the last of their legacy, beta content releasing for us to explore. A last hurrah of their history to go through, like a memoir. But that's cool, so they'd rather be genuinely awful cringe instead.
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