waldenlustcafe · 4 years
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Wednesday, 06.24.2020
7 days left until one of the most important (and difficult) exams in my life. I love both the professors who teach this subject, they are incredible people, kind and very competent. It has been a year since I started working with them - besides the lectures - for different projects and now I’m close to start working on my MD thesis with one of them. I owe sooo much to them, I can’t even tell. 
Well, that’s why I’m genuinely terrified of this exam, which is an oral test in English (not my native tongue) on a vast amount of material. I’m terrified of falling short of their expectations, I’m terrified of getting anxious and panicking and not being able to speak a word, that is: a) forgetting things I must say b) not being able to express them in a proper English. I’ve been preparing for months for this exam, but I don’t feel as ready as I wish.  
I MUST get the best grade possible on this exam and I’m so afraid of not being able to express all my potential. 
(because I can get more motivated to post stuff if someone actually wants to read them)
@studyblr @study-san @sydneysstudies @serendistudy @diaryofastemstudent 
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wildestudies · 4 years
Hi guys!
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My name is Emma (she/her) and I love the studyblr community! I’ve always wanted to start an account but never got around to doing so until now. I’m about to start my Senior year of high school next week and I am hoping a semester at home can be spiced up a bit by including this soon-to-be aesthetic studyblr account. Fingers crossed!
Here are a couple of shoutouts of blogs that have really helped keep me going in terms of not giving everything up lol: @philology-studies @stillstudies @gloomstudy @studylustre @athenastudying @seraphic-studies @delicatestudys @monumentstudies​ @sydneysstudies​ @studyquill​ @einstetic​ @elkstudies​ @emmastudies​ @studyblr​ @studybleak​ @messydeskstudies​ @studywithmeliora​ with plenty of room for more!!
Super psyched!!!
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sydneysstudies · 3 years
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Fri. 10/9/21
- Did some reading for fun (You Are a Badass)
- Finished chapter 1 of the textbook I’m reading
- Watched a couple videos/documentaries and read some articles suggested by the textbook
- Did some more reading for the lab I have next week
- Read another lab syllabus
- Had dinner with family, then a bonfire with friends!
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sydneysstudies · 4 years
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Motivation is very hard to come by when learning online if you are used to being motivated by those around you at school. We have to learn to become self-sufficient and figure out which methods are best to boost your motivation. If you’re struggling to focus, instead of getting frustrated, try to analyze how you feel and what changes you could make to help your situation.
Common scenarios:
1. You’re stuck or frustrated with understanding a topic
Change the subject/task that you are working on to something else and plan to come back to it later with a fresh mind or take a break altogether, especially if you are feeling overwhelmed.
Ask a friend or professor for help. No shame in this (and something that I need to work on doing more).
2. You’re short on time so it feels like you're forced to do a task or you’re bored
(I’ve gotten so used to doing things ahead of time that I find that when I have very little time to do something I feel so overwhelmed that I’m tempted to not even do it at all. I have to convince myself that it’s better to submit as much as I can, rather than not try at all. However, I know that some work better under pressure, like I did too before.)
Change up what music/sounds you are listening to. I rarely am able to work without any sounds, I use music or background sounds to calm me down or keep me from getting too bored. Try switching between classical, video game music, library/cafe ambiance, ASMR, etc. until you are able to comfortably focus with it in the background. Sometimes I like to listen to music in a different language so I don’t get distracted by any lyrics.
Remember that you still need to take breaks. If you don't, you may start to hate doing what you’re working on and that's not what we're going for here.
3. You’re tired and you could probably nod off at any minute
Do a short meditation, which is perfect to clear your mind if you're feeling overwhelmed/distracted too.
Just take a nap. (They don’t always work well for me, but it might be that I’m not taking them for the right amount of time?)
Plan to go to bed earlier that night. Trust me it is worth it!
4. You’re just not able to start doing work at all
Having a schedule in place can help so you don't have to decide when to start working, you just follow the schedule/routine you have set for yourself.
Start with a task that has little resistance, like a topic that you enjoy or something easy and then try more difficult tasks once that barrier of getting started is broken.
The app Forest helped me because I knew that once I started a study session there is no backing down, which helps you get over that initial hesitation to start.
Watching other people's study vlogs/advice videos can be super motivating, just make sure to watch out for unhealthy habits (pulling all-nighters, not getting enough sleep, grinding, etc.) that you don’t want to adopt.  Recommendations: Jing, Ruby Granger, UnJaded Jade
What about when you really don't want to work anymore? When you’ve lost the will to even try? This usually happens when you’re burnt out or you don’t feel like online school is even real (the due dates don’t seem urgent, the grades on your screen don’t mean anything to you anymore, etc.).
Don't forget what motivated you or kept you focused before or in other terms. Reflect on what you've been doing different recently that has led you to feel this way, and set yourself new goals to try to return to (or start) good habits. 
You’re most likely lacking internal motivation when everything but school just seems way more interesting. Remind yourself why you’re doing this in the first place. One giant motivator for me this past term was just pure curiosity and the want to learn. I kept reminding myself about how privileged I was to learn in the comfort of my own home and at my own pace.
Burnout could possibly due to not enough breaks, making you feel trapped doing work. Making time for things that I enjoy doing like cooking, getting outside, or exercising always helped boost my motivation to get back to work. Check out my previous post on the importance on taking breaks to see how to implement more breaks into your routine.
Hopefully you found one of my tips or back-to-school posts helpful, feel free to ask me questions anytime or just message me if you need motivation!
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sydneysstudies · 3 years
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Mon. 13/9/21
The past couple days have been rainy and very fall-like, I love it!
- Completed a discussion post on week 1 material
- Watched a live virtual lecture, the first one for the class and I’m very excited about what we’re going to learn in it!
- Took an hour long nap in the middle of the afternoon lol
- Completed a tutorial and watched part of a lecture for an electronics lab I have later this week
- Read a bit for fun and watched some of Something in The Rain, I’m obsessed!!
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sydneysstudies · 3 years
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Wed. 8/9/21
First day of classes!
- Went through the syllabi
- Attended a virtual lecture
- Made myself fried eggs on rice for lunch
- Took notes for a 4-part recorded lecture
- Did some textbook reading
- Watched an episode of Bachelor in Paradise with a friend and did a Grow with Jo workout
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sydneysstudies · 3 years
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Thu. 16/9/21
Spent most of the day on campus today and remembered why I focus better at home lol. Unpopular opinion but there’s just too many distractions when you’re surrounded by other people!
- Went in for an electronics lab in the morning
- Had lunch with friends
- Tried to do some work at the library and outside on campus including the lab report and watching a virtual lecture
- Had dinner with a friend at the park, the weather was perfect!
- Finished the lab report and handed it in
- Took notes for 2 more out of the 4-part lectures
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sydneysstudies · 3 years
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Wed. 15/9/21
Felt a little stressed today, but just have to remember that trying my best is enough!
- Finished a lecture from yesterday
- Took notes for 2 out of a 4-part lecture
- Worked on the electronics lab for hours, I got stuck a lot but I persevered! I think I’ll be in good shape for tomorrow though
- Watched an episode of Bachelor in Paradise with a friend
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sydneysstudies · 3 years
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Thu. 23/9/21
Another day, another lab haha.
I went to campus and spent most of the day working on my electronics lab for the week. I’m aware the wires are a complete mess but hey at least it works 😂
Had lunch and dinner with friends and spent the rest of the time at the library! Did a little bit of textbook reading and took notes for a recorded lecture.
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sydneysstudies · 3 years
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Thu. 21/10/21 (yesterday)
- had a lunch date with a friend :) and went together to study on campus
- did some textbook reading
- watched a live lecture following along with the notes
- finished taking notes on a lecture from yesterday and completed taking notes for a recorded lecture for another class
- worked more on my lab for this week, kept getting stuck 🙃
- watched an episode of survivor with a friend!
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sydneysstudies · 3 years
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Tue. 28/9/21
Spent the whole day yesterday working on a group project! Today I:
- took notes on a recorded lecture
- did some textbook reading
- picked up a textbook from the campus book store and went for a walk with a friend
- went to a study spot on campus to finish my electronics lab from last week
- watched a recorded live lecture from last week
- started reading about my electronics lab for this week
- watched bachelor in paradise with a friend!
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sydneysstudies · 3 years
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Tue. 5/10/21
This week is full of assignments, projects and labs!
Yesterday (mon) I worked on a group project all day for a submission due today.
Today I worked on a lab for most of the day (report due Sat), on an assignment (due Fri), an on another lab report (due tomorrow 😬). Tomorrow I’m going to have to power through(!!!) the report due tomorrow because I still have most of it left 🙃
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sydneysstudies · 3 years
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Tue. 19/10/21
Reading week (fall break) is over so it’s time to get back to work! Grateful for the break but it’s so hard to get back into the swing of things after being able to relax as much as I want haha.
Tried to work on a lab today but I was so confused 😩 it’s ok though because finally I faced my fears and asked for help! Started taking notes on a lecture, did some textbook reading, and attempted to destress myself after getting overwhelmed from the lab!
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sydneysstudies · 3 years
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Thu. 9/9/21
- Attended a virtual lecture
- Did more textbook reading
- Took notes for a recorded lecture
- Attended my first in-person lecture! I’m so glad everything else is online because 1hr+ lectures are too long when you can’t pause lol
- Walked around campus a bit with a friend to take in all the new changes
- Did some reading for a lab I have starting next week
- Played ACNL and did a bedtime yoga video 😴
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sydneysstudies · 3 years
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Wed. 22/9/21
It rained all day today and I loveeee it 🥰
- Another day of working almost entirely on a prelab for the electronics lab I have tomorrow
- Did some textbook reading in between
- Took notes for 1 out of a 3-part lecture
- Virtually worked with a friend pretty much all day and the company was so nice!
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sydneysstudies · 3 years
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Mon. 20/9/21
(pictures from the weekend)
After a fun weekend I sent the day catching up a bit!
- Finished taking notes for a lecture
- Read some articles as supplementary reading
- Finished chapter 2 of the textbook
- Finished watching a recorded q&a session
- Made a discussion post on the textbook reading
- Went to my local polling station to vote in the federal election!
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