#syl mi gets asked
whereiselsewhere · 2 years
I am back! Sorry to bother you again 😂
Death Note boys with a reader who is like Gojo Satoru? Not powerful or strong but personality wise, likes to annoy people, push people's buttons and generally a menace to society XD Is also actually smart in a way but acts childish. So, like, reader likes to call them nicknames and insults them and argue with them a lot so they think reader hates them but actually it's how they show affection? Someone insults the boys or threaten them and reader just go full on confident, sadistic, scary mode?
I'm so sorry if this was long. Thank you for accepting these, I hope you'll have a lovely day/night! 💗
“A Fun Hell Awaits”- Death Note boys
Headcanons: The boys with an s/o with a similar personality to that of Gojo.
Characters Mentioned: Mihael Keehl, L Lawliet, Mail Jeevas, Touta Matsuda
Category: Crack / Fluff
Author’s Note: HI SYL!! You’re never a bother, don’t worry 💪 Some parts of this request are a little bit like me and you requested my four boys, so this was lowkey self-indulgent to write. I’m here for it! >:) As always, I hope this is to your liking!
•Mello has his defences up high when you first meet. If you make a wrong first impression, it may take a while to salvage things, but it’s definitely possible. Although he doesn’t match your act initially, his mindset and manner is the same, if that makes sense? So once he allows it to happen, you totally click, and neither party ever takes an insult to heart unless one of you really crossed a line. If you ever did say something out of order, he’s quick to call it out due to his hot headed nature, so you’ll know about it.
•He’s a little less outwardly childish than you, however, aside from how petty he can get in arguments with people. So naturally, he’s a little surprised when you turn out to be kind of smart.
•A romantic relationship is not unlikely to come from this, but there might be some communication work to be done as things get more serious.
•Considering you’re a total agent of chaos, he might ask for some help in a few plans here and there, but he’ll never ask anything of you that might put you in harm’s way. He knows better than that. Sometimes he even scolds himself later for the little things he does let you do, despite the fact nothing bad happened from it.
•If you’re the type to steal things and run with them, he’ll fully just chase you and tackle you to the floor or sofa, ending up with both of you just struggling to get up in a fit of laughter.
•He’ll try to shrug off any stupid nicknames you give him, insisting he’s not into that sappy stuff. He’s lying; if you stopped he’d soon be questioning what happened to his s/o.
•Mello adores the fact that you have a sharp enough tongue to defend yourself when you feel like it, whether you’re actually mad or just hitting back with something witty for the sake of it. As much as he likes to feel all strong for stepping in now and again, he doesn’t think he could cope with someone who needs him to do that 24-7. He would if he had to, but it would just get on his nerves fast.
•Mello is massively insecure over his scar. It only brings back bad memories, and he thinks it makes him look super unattractive. You’re the first to reassure him he looks hot as hell, though he never really buys it deep down. It’s hard to just undo something like that, after all.
•When he’s insulted over it by a stranger when you’re out together one evening, your mouth opens before you even have chance to think, cussing the guy out, and Mello swears he can feel his heart melting then and there.
•And you’re going IN on this guy, like more than he’s ever seen you do before. He’s like…honoured that you care so much for him, really. He doesn’t see himself as worthy to be cherished that way. Maybe you should do it more often.
•To be honest, you’re gonna have to give him some time. L is a very reserved person who spends most of his time in his own company. Although energetic people aren’t a foreign concept to him, as we’ve seen him warm to Misa to some capacity, he can’t exactly match up to you. You’ll have to be persistent with him and show genuine care at times. Take an interest in what he’s doing, yet not so much that you’re in danger or it’s all you talk about. L needs a break from working more often than he’d like to admit, after all. It’s more just about making him feel seen, if you will.
•That being said, your bright personality becomes like a bit of a breath of fresh air once you’ve been around long enough, and he might just find himself subconsciously falling for you. You’re not around and something feels off, empty in a way, and he just can’t put his finger on it. It’s actually probably Watari or one of the task force who has to call L out on his feelings, which brings on a bit of a lightbulb moment.
•He panics initially. Despite your fierce nature, there’s almost like an urge to protect you from any and all harm. A relationship with L is not only high risk, but the things he’s seen have taken a mental toll on him over the years. The last thing he wants is for you, especially positive and confident as you are, to see and experience the same things he has. He’ll most likely initially push you away due to this fear, then realise he can’t take it and blurt out a confession as if it’s no big deal, just to get it done and over with.
•Staring contests. Don’t ask me why, it just happens. You’re always talking big about how you’re going to beat him next time, and you never ever do.
•Your unpredictable nature keeps him awake, and that’s something he grows to love over time. The sugar may start failing to work, but you come in clutch bestie. 💪
•I don’t think anyone would get the opportunity or have the guts to straight up insult L, but he’s already thought of the scenario anyway. He seriously advises against you going off on anyone, and so there would probably be an argument if that scenario did happen, because he directly told you not to. I’m sure you can win him over with some cake after, though.
•He’s definitely a little put off and confused at first. Matt’s generally a very chilled person, and he’s somewhat disoriented by your lack of a filter when you barely know him. He won’t exactly say anything, but he’s often questioning to himself if you’re actually making fun of him or not.
•He does eventually grow to be used to and enjoy your sense of humour, however, and will start doing things back to you.
•Matt would probably love to set up pranks either with or for you. Nothing massively high effort, but really simple ones like the cling film in the doorways. If it’s not for you, it’s probably for Mello, and he’s going to film his reaction every single time.
•If you give him stupid nicknames, he’ll give you them right back. Two can play at that game, my friend.
•He still thinks you’re genuinely trying to argue with him sometimes, so you’ll have to clarify so he doesn’t get pissed.
•Matt isn’t really the type to want to make a huge scene out of small things, so when you stick up for him he’s mostly trying to quietly drag you away. Matt’s good at being able to just roll his eyes and ignore things without them getting to him the majority of the time. So, as much as he appreciates it, he doesn’t need you to defend him. He won’t get mad, exactly, just embarrassed (of himself, not you) when people start looking. Do they think he can’t defend himself? Do people think the situation is worse than it actually is right now?
•He’ll still thank you, because it’s reassuring to know you care so much about him. Matt doesn’t have a deep connection with anyone besides you and Mello, so reaffirming that you’re not going anywhere, whatever form that may come in, is something he is grateful for.
•Oh he’s really not gonna get it at first. He thinks you totally despise him and starts avoiding you at all costs for a good while. The last thing he wants is to be in your way, after all.
•If you’re on the task force he’s going to have an especially hard time telling apart your loving insults with their serious ones until you outright tell him.
•I think he takes to the nicknames thing specifically, though. He finds it really funny and you’re always trying to see who can up with something more witty or weird than the other.
•I thought specifically a few days ago of calling him tote bag instead of Touta, and now I can’t stop doing that in my own head 💀
•Matsuda can be a really sensitive person, so don’t go too overboard with what you say to him. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a complete no-go, he can take a joke. It’s just that if it’s too often or too personal he might start to distance himself again.
•People tend to come down harshly on him at work, and don’t always like to hear what he has to say. Make sure you don’t completely override all conversations and give him that space to talk. It makes him feel appreciated, despite it being a bare minimum type of thing.
•If you defended him, he’d be yours forever. Like this man would be SO in LOVE. You’ve got more guts than him, and he thinks the absolute world of you for it. He wishes he could stand up for himself though, still.
•He’ll brag about you all the time, including for your charisma. You’re all “cool and smooth” to him. He’s practically starstruck by you no matter how long you’ve been together.
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sophie-i-guess13 · 2 years
Tim calls syl "mi amor" (my love) idk why he just does
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sylhea-raemi · 2 years
I want to known Kazuradrop’s two other components beside Muryan alot
yeah i think a lot of us wants to know about them lol
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brettsey-two-tts · 2 years
Brettsey Drabbles: Not The Same
Sylvie and Matt made an effort to share every single ounce of detail of their days. It was something that happened before they started dating. They were honest and encouraging to each other and always supportive. It was no surprise to them when they continued to do so as they started dating and when he moved to Oregon, but there was always something in the back of their minds that told them something wasn’t the same.
It started when Matt told Sylvie over the phone that he got trapped in a burning building along with another Lieutenant. He reassured her that he was fine and only had some minor bruising, but the worry in the pit of her stomach stayed with her. Despite his charming and loveable smile and softened gaze as she excitedly told him about the amazing progress with her Paramedicine program, she couldn’t shake off the daunting feeling if something worse happened to him.
Matt first felt the off-putting feeling when he got a call from Severide telling him that Sylvie was being checked out at the hospital after some drugged lunatic at the park attacked her and Violet with a knife. She asked Severide to tell him over the phone since she knew she’d be stuck at Med for a while and would be incredibly late to their scheduled call, and she didn’t want Matt to freak out if she told him over a text message.
Matt freaked out nonetheless and asked Severide for updates. He texted his girlfriend often and asked for updates on her end, too. Even though she told him not to worry, he worried like crazy. And even after she FaceTime’d him to explain what happened and reassured him that she and Violet weren’t harmed, he still couldn’t shake off the panicked worry he felt hours prior.
The feeling never went away. Despite their amazing communication and honesty, they loved each other too much to let go of it.
While Matt was telling Sylvie a story over FaceTime about how he jumped off the aerial to get into a window on the third story, he saw her uncomfortable expression: brows knit and lips curled into a prominent frown.
“But, I promise, no one got hurt and the two children got out safely,” he tried to reassure her. But, even though she nodded with affirmation, her expression didn’t change. He watched her worriedly and asked, “Everything okay, Syl?”
She stared at him, his worried look, the cute way his brows knitted together when he was confused or unsure, and his softened slate blue eyes that always made the butterflies in her stomach go crazy.
“Uh, yeah,” she lied and instantly felt bad, so she doubled back. “Okay, no, not really.”
“Talk to me.”
She bit the bottom of her lip and tried to put her emotions into words. She didn’t want to sound pushy or crazy or overly protective.
“I, uh,” she paused and ran through her thoughts again. “I’m not sure.” She saw the small tilt of his head in confusion. “I don’t want to sound selfish, Matt. Hearing you do all these risky things or being trapped in burning buildings - I can’t shake off the feeling that something’s changed.”
“How so?”
“Hearing you talk about it two-thousand miles away, and seeing you do it whilst having a heart attack and then being able to hug you, reassuring myself that you’re actually okay, feel like two entirely different things.”
His expression softened when he understood what she meant. “I know what you mean. I felt it too when Severide told me what happened to you.”
She sighed and smiled lovingly at him. “I guess I just really miss you.”
He mimicked her smile and replied, “I miss you, too, Sylvie. I wish I could’ve been at Med with you that day. Even though Sev told me you were okay, something in the back of my mind kept thinking: what if you weren’t. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you, like if you got hurt and I wasn’t there to protect you or be with you.”
She smiled warmly at him as she said, “I do miss your hugs when bad things happen during shift. I don’t think anything will ever replace it.”
He beamed at her and replied, “I miss seeing you at work. I miss seeing you smile every chance I get and hearing your laugh across the app floor or in the common room.”
Her smile faded as she admitted, “I miss the woodsy smell you carry when you come home from a construction job.”
“I miss your lemon wallpaper.”
Sylvie laughed. “Really, the wallpaper?”
He laughed along with her. “Yeah. It reminds me of you and I love being reminded of you.”
The warmth in the pit of her stomach blossomed; he sounded so genuine and caring and hearing him tell her how much he loved her and missed her sent the butterflies into a frenzy. His eyes sparkled and twinkled as their laughter slowed, and he stared at her like she held up the moon and the stars in the sky. He looked like a fool in love that didn’t know how to stop and didn’t want to stop.
She needed to see him. She wanted to see him. She wanted to hug him and never let go. She also wanted to chastise him for doing so many reckless things and make him promise to tone it down.
“I don’t have furlough until next month,” she murmured sadly.
He gave her a reassuring smile. “Nineteen days, three hours, and…” he checked his watch. “...twenty-three seconds?” She told him before how she would count down the days to the very last second until she could see him. Hearing him do it too almost made her tear up. She couldn’t believe she found someone like Matt Casey. “But, who’s counting, right?”
She willed herself not to cry. God, she missed him so much. “Right.”
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loboycurandera · 6 years
Gris Calle
A thing I wrote years ago, recently updated. Not my best but it’s something. A look into why Cherry gets the label bruja sometimes. Albert, mentioned briefly, belongs to @dharmagun.
The shitty black pickup truck pulled into the tiny gas station, kicking up dust from the road in its wake. It sidled up to the lone pump, and the engine died. The mechanics in the open garage didn't look up from their work.
Door opened and slammed shut. Tall hombre got out. No, he wasn't a man, not quite, not entirely. He was that lobo. Couldn't miss that posture, that dangerous face for a mile. The station owner, sitting outside in a plastic lawn chair, exhaled a sweet-smelling smoke from his hand-rolled and grunted in acknowledgment.
Syl ignored him as he patted down the pockets of his low-slung jeans. His shirt was unbuttoned and open, pale skin already slick with sweat so early in the morning. Too fucking hot in Mexico. Only downside though, considering they didn't live in a bigger city, so he could be bothered to put up with it.
"Nice scars, lobo," the shop owner called from his seat. He referred the numerous scars decorating his belly, chest, and forearms, plus two on his face. Syl turned his mismatched eyes on the guy and snorted in response.
"You should see the other guy," he called back without humor. He found the wad of bills finally and counted out a couple of the notes, strolling over to the guy to pay up front. He wasn't expecting change, and the shop guy didn't plan on giving him any.
The bruja was with him, in the cab of the truck. No one knew what she was exactly. She touted herself as a curandera and a midwife, but that wasn’t all she was. What they knew for sure though was what she could do, and they knew not to touch her. Most of them did anyway. The villagers still got the occasional idiot who tried to touch her, hit on her. If it wasn't the lobo who got the poor bastard first, she could turn whatever bad shit you had in your head on you the second your skin touched hers. The shop owner figured he'd prefer the wolf.
She leaned in and turned the radio on, fiddling with it until she got a channel that came in clear enough out there. Then she settled back, staying in the shadow of the cab. Syl growled softly in his throat at the shop guy, who stared at her a little longer than he would have liked. The guy started in his chair a little and averted his eyes. Maybe he wouldn't prefer the wolf after all.  
Syl went back to ignoring him and stalked back over to the truck, snapping the gas cap off with a sharp twist of his wrist. Cherry was singing along with something on the radio. He didn't know what it was; his Spanish wasn't that good. He had a vast vocabulary stash of curse words, of course, but not anything really useful. He unhooked the pump and flipped the catch up, then shoved the nozzle into the gas tank and pressed the trigger.
He heard the passenger door open and shut and looked up. Cherry was coming around the front of the the truck toward him.
"Cherry, get back in the truck, luv," he drawled at her as she came up beside him. The short little thing started going through his pockets. "Oi!"
"I'm thirsty," she said in explanation.
He swiveled his hip away from her hands. Her arms were bare; he couldn't pull her away properly. She gave up her search and looked up at him with those eyes of hers. They were the color of dark, venous blood, and when she turned them on you, it felt like she could see straight through you. Like she didn't need her touch to read everything that was going on in your head. It always made a shiver go through him, but he couldn't decide if it was a bad feeling or not.
Syl stuck his hand in his back pocket and fished out a handful of pesos. "Go crazy."
"Gracias, mi hermoso." She beamed a smile at him and skirted around him to trot off to the little store attached to the garage. She stopped to drop the coins in the shop guy's waiting hand then went inside.
The pump clicked and stopped filling. Syl pulled it out and put it back on its hook, then screwed the gas cap back on.
She was inspecting the small cooler by the cash register when one of the mechanics came in from a side door. He strutted up behind Cherry, who didn't even look over her shoulder, until the guy's greasy hand came down on the glass inches from hers.
"Ay, bonita. ¿Cómo te llamas?" His voice was gravelly - too many cigarillos, she figured, for too many years. His breath by her cheek reeked of tequila. She never liked the stuff, didn't like what it did to Syl.
"Miguel!" the shop guy called to him in warning, but didn't make a move to get up.  Let him learn his own lesson.
She leaned back into the guy, skin crawling a little at the sweat on his undershirt. But she can feel skin and that was what she was after. He ducked his head to press his mouth on her neck. A shiver rippled through her, discomfort and a certain level of revulsion, and she made a soft sound in her throat.
"Lupe. She is sick, mi amigo."
The mechanic froze. Then he pulled away fast like she was on fire. "¿Que?"
Cherry turned around to face him, a sad look on her face. "Lupe. You should be with her. Not hitting on me. The doctors say she does not have long?"
He looked at her like she'd just spoken in tongues. "What the fuck do you think you're-"
"Cancer of the blood is terrible. You really should be home with her."
That hand swung at her face faster than she saw it coming. She threw her hands up far too late to block the blow. But it didn't connect, and she heard a deep growling behind him.
"Cherry, get yer arse back in that truck right now."
Syl. Cherry wasn't going to wait for him to tell her twice. She bolted from the store, skirt billowing behind her. He heard the pickup door slam shut. Syl let go of the man's arm and bared his sharp teeth at him, sharper than any human's ought to be. The mechanic crossed himself and backed away. "Go near her again and I will snap your spine in ten places. ¿Comprende, amigo?"
The mechanic jerked his head in a nervous nod and all but ran back into the garage. He could hear laughter from his friends at his misfortune before the door shut. Syl groaned and rubbed the bridge of his nose between his fingers. He was getting too old for this shit.
Cherry was quietly sitting in the cab, staring into her lap, when he came back out to the truck. Something cold and wet touched the back of her neck, and her head snapped up with a yelp. Syl gave a gravelly chuckle and pulled the water bottle away, then handed it to her properly. "You forgot that."
She looked down at it in a bewildered way. "I'm sorry, Syl. I should not have done that."
"Che." He snapped the ignition key forward and the engine turned over. The little yellow gas light didn't come on this time. "If anyone's sorry, it's me. Shoulda watched fer him."
Cherry shook her head. "I had no right to use his wife's illness against him like that."
"Well." He dug a cigarette out of the little box sitting on the seat between them and slipped it between his lips. "If you ask me, he had it coming. Chasing your tail with his wife sick like that." There was a chink of his lighter, then the sweet smell of his tobacco.
"She has leukemia."
"Fuck." Syl took a deep drag and exhaled, turning his head toward the window.
The silence kept in the cab as they head back to their house about five miles from town.  The only sounds over the rumble of the engine were Syl exhaling as he worked through that cigarette, then lit up another as soon as that was done. She knew he was upset, by the way he chain-smoked like that. She just watched the scenery go by as they barreled down the dirt road toward their little house by the tiny lake.
Cherry was glad for the silence though. She didn't want to talk about what else she saw in those few seconds she held contact with the mechanic. It turned her stomach, and she did her best to not think about it. Fortunately, Syl never pried into anything of hers. That's what she liked best about him. He let her come to him if she needed to talk. He didn't force her into such conversations. She was grateful for his company.
"Oi, pequeña."
Cherry looked up at him, and a tiny smile tugged at her lips. That pet name for her always made her feel good inside, no matter how crappy she felt. He was still staring out the windshield but it felt like he was looking at her.
"How about we go see that coyote guy of yours, eh? You like that creepy dog of his."
She liked that idea. Albert was more understanding of her problems, just from what he was. And she did like his dog, all of his dogs. She nodded slowly.
"I'd like that. I'll bring him some quesadillas."
She was smiling when they finally pulled up to the small house. Syl bit the hell out of the filter of his hand-rolled to keep from taking back his offer. Fuck him for wanting her to be happy because of him, not because of that slick curandero. He cut off the engine and got out of the truck. She was already running to the house, disappearing inside. She'd left her bottle of water on the seat of the truck.
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sylhea-raemi · 3 years
I love it I just love it so much, Sasara just strolled into Samatoki’s life and made everything his problem willingly, clown is such a shitty smarty pants, I love them so much
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sylhea-raemi · 2 years
Okay so turned out Koyanskaya isn’t the real Tamamo Vitch, she just took her (aka Vitch’s) name.
Yeah, figured that's the case lol. I've seen people say that Koyanskaya may not be Tama-Vitch herself way before her release- and the dumbass I was before, believed it www (huh. it's not really that 'i figured that's the case' since i've seen it from others?)
The 'koyankshieue is not actually tamamo vitch' thingy is confirmed once she was released as a servant with 'Koyanskaya of Light' as her true name— that itself raised a question of why she's named as that, and not 'Tamamo Vitch' or 'Tamamo Vitch Koyanskaya'. Iirc Koyansksksks herself said that she's not a Tamamo herself (gotta find that one dialogue..) (Ah It's this one)
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"I'm not one of the tails she cut off from herself."
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sylhea-raemi · 3 years
my GOD
I don't know the specific date for it, but it was said to come out this october 2021.
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sylhea-raemi · 3 years
Just discovered rule the stage track 2 songs
They’re all so good and they have singles of some memebers too
They go so hard it’s ridiculous
I wanna hear them!! The stage songs, i mean all. I've only heard of the ones they have in spotify unfortunately hsowheksd
Hypmic songs are complete bangers anywhere it came from huh
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sylhea-raemi · 2 years
its been like 20 years how have you not gotten Lambda yet
Bestie she's summer limited😭😭😭
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sylhea-raemi · 2 years
Fairy Knight Mordred (as a male Slaugh), Fairy Knight Bedivere (as a female Fachan) and Fairy Knight Percival (as Storm Hag).
omg more identity theft
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sylhea-raemi · 2 years
After reading Fate Strange Fake and Summer 5, here’s my theory: What if the monster that Qin Shi Huang shot with the crossbow is the Shen (one of Sum!Kiara’s components)?
which QSH are we talking about, the lb one or the actual one (i SUCK at history)
Hey yknow that's quite amusing, if it's the LB QSH then.... wouldn't the corpse(?? or shell, rather) kiara consumed be kind of recent.. but then again it could be the PHH QSH
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sylhea-raemi · 3 years
I found this link on Twitter in case you're still looking for it 👉👈
Thanks anon!!!!!!!!!!! Though I think I'd be listening to this later ww
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sylhea-raemi · 2 years
Cat and Real Vitch might be related to Daji, Gucci and Aria might be related to Bao Si, Delmo might be related to Kayo, No Hime might be related to Mizukume (aka Tamamo's childhood name).
Hm, huh, this is different from sakura 5 and their components, right? Oh, I'm not sure abt tama-cat but yeah, tama-vitch has been referenced(?) to daji for few times already-- well, not tama-vitch herself but koyanskaya-- or through koyanskaya? by "related" it's like... mirroring? parallel? or it really is just that, related.
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sylhea-raemi · 2 years
So in Fate Extra CCC, Tamamo say this to Elizabeth: "Torturing virgins and drink their blood? Trivial crimes. I used to destroy 5 dynasties back in the days" (1st dynasty as Daji, 2nd dynasty as Kayo, 3rd dynasty as Bao Si and 4th dynasty as Tamamo no Mae) so what about the 5th dynasty that she had destroyed?
Fuck here i actually thought daji and tamamo are similar yet different entities but— hm? That could work as well, i think, since tamamo is indeed one of daji's incarnations but that doesn't mean they're the same.... and yet, they are the same, just not the same person.
The 5th dynasty... perhaps it's somewhere after she was defeated and got turned into a rock that curses everyone around it.... .. ? No.. no, that probably isn't it.... huh. Maybe her earliest life before daji?
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sylhea-raemi · 3 years
Normal people: Happy bday sama we care u!! Us: Happy fucking birth you horse neigh for the camera!
but since it's his birthday i shall call him with the '-sama' honorific
hbd uma-sama put on your party hat (read: horse mask) now
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