#sylvia earle mead
womenruntheworld · 7 years
A Dozen Women Scientists You’ve Never Heard Of
Dr. Alice Hamilton: pioneer in industrial medicine in the U.S Dr. Florence Rena Sabin: pioneer in the movement to change the aim of medical study from the cure to the prevention of disease. Dr. Lise Meitner: Pioneer in nuclear physics. First scientist to recognize that the atom could be split to release tremendous amounts of energy. Dr. Leta S. Holilngworth: Pioneer in the science of clinical psychology. An early fighter for women's rights. Dr. Rachel Fuller Brown: Chemist. Co-discoverer of the antibiotic nystatin, the first antibiotic effective against fungus diseases. Dr. Gladys Anderson Emerson: The first to isolate vitamin E from wheat germ oil and study its functions. Studied the possible relationship of nutrition to cancer and arteriosclerosis. Dr. Maria Goeppert Mayer: Nobel Prize winner in physics fro her shell theory of the nucleus of the atom. Dr. Myra Adele Logan: Pioneer in medicine. First woman surgeon to operate on the heart. First black woman to be elected a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons Dr. Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin: Nobel Prize winner in chemistry in 1964. Determined the structure of important chemical compounds of the body by cyrstallography. Dr. Jane C. Wright: Pioneer of chemotherapy. First black woman to be appointed to a high post in medical administration. Dr. Rosalyn S. Yalow: Nobel Prize winner in medicine, 1977, for her discovery of radioimmunoassay Dr. Sylvia Earle Mead: Marine biologist who led the first US team of female aquanauts in the Tektite Underwater Research Project 
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interplanaranathema · 3 years
What are your ocs favorite kind of of drinks, both alcoholic and non!
A good majority of them enjoy Tea as a non-alcoholic based favorite drink Detlev and Volan enjoys Chai while Raninus and my other ravis enjoy earl grey or chamomile. Eriame, Irula and pyrna don't particularly have a favorite drink (more so I havent felt a click for what they enjoy) Avalon has a penchant for blood (typically from the marrow), Yunol, and Nabu only really drink water. Alma and Javatti typically gets ice cold coffee (akin to Starbuck's java chip). Mattias has a preference to Mountain Dew Kickstarters (he has the arcavios version of a soda streamer) When it comes to Alcoholic drinks Volan enjoys a good Rakdos Rum time to time. Pyrna has a type mead for her. Vodania, Avalon, and Nekrasa prefer wines. Sylvia (prev Samantha) has an enjoyment for the very light stuff like a fireball.
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