444names · 1 year
Names generated from Elder Scrolls' Bretons' forenames, Irish forenames, common American forenames and Quenya names
Acorbarnán Agolionm Agreynelë Ainesephya Airayn Aitelle Aityrione Alainquen Alarverapt Aleastyva Algaugeody Allon Alows Altarbhane Altuairle Amben Ambinne Amistin Amold Amparna Amune Andais Andin Anifts Annard Annlië Araughan Arcán Ardaic Arelcare Argalard Argolan Aristmar Arlindee Arlock Arondo Aroney Arons Asaby Athand Aucedmuren Aurapastal Aurieri...
Bartor Baurus Bedor Belientare Bellayel Bentasir Beracon Berion Bermard Bersamhís Berthard Betted Blaoi Bleobhlau Bleopholin Breth Brianar Briarandë Briseper Buadh Cabla Caireyna Calacel Camaide Cametten Cancalaras Carboosen Carie Carin Carisele Cascoline Caurt Celuvalin Chacarque Chadithya Cheaderion Cherrya Chord Cille Cling Clivenlyd Coisílen Coreacque Corinist Coryard Counghal Crelonna Crímang Cuilladara Cynauric Cánus Daldi Danda Darbo Darmlane Darna Darol Davie Delaid Deria Dettan Disine Dissë Dithoroste Diéno Doldómë Dorthywyn Dubert Dundúriond Durewoodh Dwinaidh Eachynna Eakil Ealcanur Edrincia Eduarphir Eidedine Einar Elling Elmin Eloverra Elpien Embsons Emuir Entele Eodhamen Eriliriont Ernaelois Errosle Ertric Estle Eught Eugue Evende Evene Evett Eärne Eärnottië Fachord Faoid Farne Feanornold Felliarine Fellorayla Ferel Feriele Fernë Fines Fings Flannlassë Flonmch Fordrian Fortrick Frachatain Franwë Fétang Fëanicheop Fíonette Gallis Gandomarle Gastie Gerindory Gernine Gettelins Glemorene Gnalvëa Goilto Grearaith Grelais Grette Guandon Guivic Gussina Haitë Handoric Harorro Haste Hedelómë Heine Hellaussë Herifine Hobisan Holpeth Horgumine Hryvyr Hubeanild Hylle Ianda Ildil Iraff Isesmille Isoldachas Ivian Jachad Jachan Jacil Jascastien Jeffrubrup Jeriany Jerunya Jewighid Jimir Joakie Joama Johion Jorosion Jouve Jouvelle Joycia Judght Julacony Julicobie Kalanie Karrya Kartianya Kassamarië Katando Katáris Kaureffren Kerrey Laeld Laired Laith Lamarno Lanewo Laquettere Lasdonars Leoghangan Leoirenner Leyne Liene Lique Lirnat Loncartin Londycine Lorya Losifert Lound Lucou Luiettevra Lumáris Lunie Lyrer Lyste Lysyblië Lyzolosan Mabedstye Mabythil Machabys Machayn Maela Maeling Mainditan Mairë Mamhen Mandosil Mannen Maoiber Maoldë Maord Mardac Mardine Mards Mariefin Maril Marinque Marlart Marlera Marnar Marneri Marvic Marómë Matalan Mathylows Meigín Micaistië Miccona Micháinne Mienn Milessë Minds Mique Mirinda Monda Mondara Monie Monórabyr Moondre Morene Morle Mornak Morne Mornë Mundeley Mundin Munyatal Myllien Míric Nalindale Naurn Netenn Nibinela Niffelm Niodhár Noeusess Oibhair Oildaramel Ollah Ondillal Onoyrris Ontirite Ontya Ophar Orevessal Ormene Otedel Ouiry Palmare Pardie Parine Pasenestne Patán Paurroione Peard Pearene Peenlucyn Peldan Phearl Pheves Phisaric Phondolóna Pilmondë Pitte Poristo Porwing Possë Póine Quelard Quescay Refin Relva Relyzyn Remado Reneachta Ricoldago Rodywyra Rolla Rostredwyr Ruado Rubevellin Ruhadholm Rusquer Rámardhna Rómëanance Sanaxia Saruais Senatrin Shadariú Sheodinang Sherto Sianne Skendrinë Solmarbrya Sonil Sonol Sontina Sopatard Sorolph Sosau Soupeim Stercoy Stora Styrie Sulimhulin Syndine Tandardan Tandë Tarac Tered Thadiaur Tharine Thawan Thealle Thearvar Thena Thlen Timellix Timier Tiobhelle Toppel Tordavic Treepori Trissë Trist Troam Tumber Tylaine Tyvalant Ualma Ualyssë Ulienda Uncing Undornë Untor Uthaitte Valle Vanna Venne Verelia Verud Verune Vitan Vonie Vycta Vyctura Vycty Wendil Wenvielvyr Westald Weyne Whana Whith Wiondamo Wooks Wynasa Wynnol Yafing Yaverle Ylorend Ylorna Áicaldon Árineline Éaodhán Émenne Íriene Ñolladenta Ñossë Ólanoin Ólaraynne Úmhairiste Ṃbare
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strandos · 1 year
Tur til Syndin
I helga går turen til Syndin. Tre brødre av oss drar opp for å ha en hyggelig helg med god mat, prat og turer i landskapet. På toget til Oslo
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thecaladrius · 2 years
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prompt: ready or not au, from @ohbluejay. naturally, trigger warnings for graphic violence and death. 
Oil and gas production, mass media, moneylending, weapons manufacturing — the Sydin, Xi, and Stagg families built their corporate empires on prayers to the Beast and made themselves gods among men through their sustained and violent reverence. But for every desire, there is debt, and the price of their greed is charged to the cowards foolish enough to join their parasitic bodies. On his wedding day, Javi draws the card that determines his contribution: the clan must kill him in ritual sacrifice, or die by sunrise.
A catalog of injuries so far: Minor skull fracture, from when Warden whipped an empty pistol at the back of his head. Gunshot wound and shattered metacarpal bones, from when Isaac (yes, the toddler) emptied Warden’s pistol on Javi’s palm. Bruised pride, from when Fei couldn’t remember his name as she aimed a rubber bullet gun at his ribcage, and bruised ribs, from when the rubber bullets landed. Sprained ankle from jumping off a third-floor window, and scraped knee from when the strain of running with a sprained ankle knocked him off-balance on the wooden floorboards of some stranger’s barn. Severed muscles and median nerve, because — a mere few seconds before Javi slit their throat and kicked their corpse off his lap — Pasi sank a dagger through his wrist into one of the barn pillars, and severed brain cells, because 1) since when was Pasi strong enough to do that? and 2) since when was Pasi related to these people?
Next on the list is probably chest pain, either from going into cardiac arrest while watching his sister-in-law raise an axe over his sternum, or from having his aforementioned sister-in-law split his aforementioned sternum open with the aforementioned axe.
Maybe it’ll be from holding his breath for too long. His wrist, raised above his head, stays pinned into the wood. Curiously, Delilah hasn’t swung. Maybe she has a soul after all. Or maybe she’s stuck on the mental math of murder — calculating whether the blood loss from chopping him up would drain the life out of him before she could drag his body to the ritual table. Either way, the axe hangs mid-air, which means he still has time to yank the dagger out of his arm and run.
His mouth spreads into a nervous smile. “Hi, Lila.”
She takes two steps forward. Javi holds her gaze, hoping to keep her peripheral vision from catching the way his free hand creeps toward the hilt of the dagger.
“You look beautiful,” he adds.
Her cold stare remains unmoved. “Do you really think that will get you somewhere?”
Javi swallows the lump in his throat. “Hard not to take desperate measures right now,” he says. “I’m covered in blood on my wedding eve.”
Fingers curl tighter around the dagger's hilt. His pulse point hammers against the blade’s flat edge. A slow tug nudges the dagger out by a centimeter and — fuck — jerks the blade at an angle that slices a new tear through nerve and muscle.
“Look at yourself,” she says, “and tell me you wouldn’t do the same to protect what’s yours.”
The dagger’s almost out. He just needs to buy more time. “You know, you just—” Javi winces when another wrong pull rustles the blade through the gaps between shattered wrist bone shards. “You’ve always been so reasonable. To me, you never seemed like the type to believe in all of this ritual sacrifice bullshit.”
“I don’t.”
One harsh swing slams the axe into his kneecap.
“But this would’ve had to happen eventually. We know what you are.” Her eyes darken. “If the media finds out that we made a convicted plunderer CFO and let him marry the CEO’s daughter, Syndin Group’s stock market value is going to collapse.”
Javi blinks. Eyes flick between Delilah and the lake of blood pooling in the new gap between his leg and thigh until his sheer disbelief dulls the inevitable pain into some strange numbness. The scream he’d been holding bubbles into a laugh and weakens into a shuddered breath.
“You’re killing me,” he says, “for STOCKS?”
Delilah raises the axe a second time; it falls over his leg and slices through bone and muscle and sprained tendons. Blood smears the path from the barn to the house as she drags his body to the ritual table: another martyr on the altar of greed.
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bezeksiz · 6 years
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Tanrının görmədiyi bir yerlərdəyəm, Görmədiyin bir dənizin ləpələrindəyəm, Bilmədiyin kədərdəyəm, kədərin dibindəyəm, Gecələr xəyalinlə, səhərə qədər içkilərləyəm. Tanrı görmür halımı, Deyəsən məni tutan səni göz yaşının ahı, Xoşbəxtlik hər kəsin payıysa, Mənim xoşbəxtlik payım səndin, Söyləsənə, mənim xoşbəxtlik payım hanı? Görmür tanrı nə göz yaşımı, nə halımı, Duymur nə səsimi nə duamı, Məni görməyə gözün yox, səni də qınamıram, Tanrının görmədiyi adamı sənmi görəcən? Etmə tanrı, vermə bu qədər dərd, Qapına gələni qovma, vermə kədər, istəyin önünə sər, Mən tanrı olsaydım birini bu qədər əzməzdim, Əlindən hər şeyin alıb, xoşbəxtlikdən yerin dibinə çəkməzdim. Mənim cənnətim sevgilidir, tanrı. Bu dünyada cəhənnəmi yaşatma, Razıyam burda cənnətdə, o dünyada cəhənnəm də olmağa, Razıyam sevgiliylə cəhənnəmdə bir yastığa baş qoymağa, Lütfən tanrım, məni onsuz, onu mənsiz yaşatma. Görəsən hərdən ağlına gəlirəm, yoxsa heç gəlmirəm? Hər şey üstümə gəlir, bidənə sən gəlmirsən, Kimsənin bilmədiyi, tanrınım görmədiyi kədərdəyəm, Sənsiz çox dağıldım, inan yerlərdəyəm. Gəl, toparla sevgili. Ya da sən gəl, mən özüm toparlanaram. Gedərik burdan gedərik hər şeydən. Sən hələ bir gəl, hər şey çox gözəl olacaq. Söz! #bəzəksiz #bezeksiz https://www.instagram.com/p/BsvnZ6rnUt5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tc4nh1bptcby
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lifecoachfredrik · 2 years
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Why do you keep finding yourself frustrated and overwhelmed with life? Do you feel obligated to live somebody else’s life or do you struggle to commit yourself to a specific lifestyle? You can either choose to commit to a specific lifestyle or commit to letting others choose it for you! #reconnectwithnature #healthystarttotheday #healthymoving #healthydiscipline #reconnectwithyourself #humanbeing #naturecures #commitmenttoself #healthymindset #healthybeing #beauthenticallyyou #chooseyourself #healthybeing #authenticliving #healthyliving #wellnesslife #welnesscoaching #beingyourself #selfworth #cleanseyourmind #cleanseyourbody #getmoving #selfleadership #selfdisclipine #sunnevaner #sunnhelse #healthylifestyletips #exerciseroutine #being-outdoors (at Midtre Syndin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfY8Z3KKaRQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Til móts við Orð
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Ég les úr ljóði Ísaks Harðarsonar „Til móts við Orð“
Þegar Ingólfur Arnarsson hélt burt af þeirri kringlu er menn byggðu á hans tíð og sigldi með fólk sitt og fé á vit landsins er hermt var að lægi yst í norðri þá hélt hann ekki til móts við land -heldur Orð
Skelft sigldi skipið frá öllu til einskis frá engu til alls frá gatslitnum orðum um ólgandi þögn...
Ó, Nýja Orð! Ónumið mönnum! Vítt eins og himinn! Nýtt eins og barn!
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Þetta brot úr ljóði Ísaks Harðarsonar miðlar djúpum sannleika um eðli mannlegrar tilveru. Ingólfur Arnarsson hafði heyrt sögur um land yst í norðri, og í krafti þess orðs lagði hann af stað. Á sama hátt heldur manneskjan, alla daga, til móts við orð. Það eru orð, fyrirheiti, sem munda og móta allt okkar líf, sem gera okkur kleift að fara fram úr á morgnanna og gera eitthvað eitt frekar en eitthvað annað.
Fyrirheiti  Kristin trú ber fram ríka tjáningu á þessum raunveruleika.  Í upphafi hjálpræðissögunnar er þannig sagt frá Abraham sem Guð kallar.  Guð gefur Abraham fyrirheiti, segir honum að hann muni blessa hann og gera hann að mikilli þjóð, og að allar ættkvíslir jarðarinnar muni hljóta af honum blessun. En fyrst þá býður hann Abraham að skilja allt eftir, að fara burt úr landi sínu, frá ættfólki sínu og leggja af stað.“ Og Abraham gerði það. Og þegar hann lagði af stað, þá lagði af stað „til móts við Orð.“ Ferðalag hans til móts við það orð, til móts við það fyrirheiti sem Guð gaf honum var ekki bara dans á rósum. Abraham glímdi á leiðinni. Það reyndi á trú hans á Orðið sem Guð hafði gefið honum
Úr þrældómi Á sama hátt, síðar í hjálpræðissögu Biblíunnar, þá kallar Guð Móses. Guð segir honum að hann eigi að leiða Ísraelíta, gyðingana frá Egyptalandi til móts við fyrirheitna landið þar sem þau verða frjáls. Móses leggur af stað, allir gyðingarnir í Egyptalandi leggja af stað, til móts við Orð.  Og eins og við vitum að þá var ferðalag gyðinganna til móts við það Orð, til fyrirheitna landsins, enginn dans á rósum. Það reyndi á trú þeirra á Orðið. Þau tuðuðu og kvörtuðu gerðu meira að segja uppreisnir, og vildu sum bara aftur verða þrælar í Egyptalandi frekar en að fara þessa erfiðu leið til móts við fyrirheitna landið. Og þess vegna voru gyðingarnir 40 ár að fara leið sem sumir segja að eigi bara að taka 11 daga, ef gengið er rösklega!
Okkar Orð Og svo er það Upprisa Jesú. Sjáið til, fréttirnir af upprisu Jesú eru Orð. Fréttirnir af upprisu Jesú eru það orð sem er talað til okkar núna í dag!  Upprisan er okkar fyrirheitna land. Því upprisan er ekki bara hans heldur okkar.  Í upprisunni er unnin fullnaðarsigur yfir veldi syndar og dauða, öllu því sem heldur okkur bundnum. Hinn réttborni konungur hefur lent á meðal okkar. Með upprisunni hefur hann kunngjört sigur sinn.
Hann hefur plantað gunnfána guðsríkisins í heiminum og í hjörtum okkar sem erum skírð til nafns hans.  
Og nú er heimurinn, og við sjálf, á ferðalagi til þess að sjá sigur hans fullnustast. Við erum á ferðalagi til að verða heil.  Sá dagur mun koma að syndin og sundrungin heldur okkur ekki lengur bundnum. Sá dagur mun koma að Guð einn mun ríkja í hjörtum okkar og við munum ekki gefa neinu öðru hollustu okkar. Það er það Orð sem er talað til okkar í upprisufréttinni. Það er okkar fyrirheitna land.
Gömul saga og ný En við erum svolítið eins og ísraelítarnir í eyðimörkinni forðum. Við möglum og hikum, við gerum uppreisnir. Við vantreystum orðinu og fyrirheitinu. Við viljum snúa aftur til okkar Egyptalands. Jafnvel þrátt fyrir að við  höfum verið þrælar þar. Við viljum frekar þola það að verða þrælar syndarinnar aftur, en að þola þær raunir sem skila okkur frelsi í fyrirheitna landinu.
Leggjum af stað En í dag skulum við láta hjarta okkar taka kipp yfir upprisufréttinni. Konungurinn er lentur. Guð hefur sent þér símskeytið og segir: Leggðu af stað, eins og Abraham forðum til móts við fyrirheitið, og eins og gyðingarnir út úr þrælahúsinu í Egyptalandi. Taktu við upprisunni og kepptu eftir henni. Leyfðu mér að endurreisa þig, segir Guð, og endurreisum þennan heim saman.  Leggðu af stað til móts við upprisuna, til móts við Orðið, -Orðið sem ég hef talað í syni mínum.  
Tilvistarlegt hugrekki Og hér þarf upprisu trú gott fólk. Og upprisutrúin er náskyld hugrekkinu.  Enginn sigur gæti unnist í veröld þessari nema hann sé unninn í hugdjarfri trú frammi fyrir óvissu. Ímyndaðu þér þannig að þú sért að klífa klett og þú hafir komið þér í erfiða stöðu þaðan sem eina undakomuleiðin er ógnvænlegt stökk. Hafðu trú á því að þú getir náð að stökkva og fætur þínir munu fá styrk til að framkvæma. En vantreystu þér og þá muntu hika lengi uns þú kastar þér titrandi í örvæntingu og fellur. Það er því engin leið til að lifa án hugrekkis. Engin leið til að lifa á trúar, sem er tilvistarlegt hugrekki. Það er eina leiðin til að lifa.  
Ljóð Ísaks Harðarsonar um Ingólf Arnarsson endar á eftirfarandi orðum:
Þrjóskt sigldi skipið öldu eftir öldu eftir öld eftir öld ellefu hundruð ár. Djarft sigldi skipið...
Og hér siglum við enn djúpan geiminn á bláum hnetti knúnum sólvindum til móts við Orð
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Gleðilega upprisuhátíð!
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visuellesfest · 5 years
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Just Pinned to psd: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/701857923157647852 Syndin - Travel Agency PSD Template #Travel, #Syndin, #Agency, #Template #agency #Psd #Syndin #Template #Travel
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karlpetros-blog · 7 years
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Stop time for the moment and let's focus on detail. #norway #norwayvisit #cycling #biking #tour #water #pure #clean #stones #beauty #together #sunnyday #dreamjobnorway #søresyndin #sonyalpha5000 #treksuperfly #mountains #mountainview #mtb (v místě Syndin, Vestre Slide, Valdres)
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a-skredder · 9 years
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Forbikjørt av kiter på påskefjellet | Overtaken by a kiter #Valdres #skiing #syndin #kiting #outdoors #mountains #ski #ute
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lifecoachfredrik · 2 years
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Are you prepared when “unexpected” situations and circumstances happens to your life? Obviously we can’t be prepared for everything that might hit us in this journey called life. The only thing we can make sure of is that we learn from our mistakes and keep failing while continuing to move forward. #healthyplanning #healthyfocus #beingoutdoors #healthyplanning #wellnesslifestyle #healthybeing #livelifetoday #learnfromyourmistakes #growthmindset #healthyliving #recoveryourmind #thriveinlife #metime #failtoplanplantofail (ved Midtre Syndin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfCwTQ3K9TE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lifecoachfredrik · 2 years
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What are you doing on beautiful day like this? Being active outdoors releases your inborn feel good drugs and help you remove any toxins in your mind and body. A little bit of exercise each and every day will work wonders for your health and well-being. #reconnect #reconnectwithnature #healthystarttotheday #healthymoving #healthydiscipline #reconnectwithyourself #humanbeing #naturecures #feelgooddrugs #healthymindset #strongpresence #presenceiskey #senselife #healthybeing #Healthydoing #healthyliving #wellnesslife #welnesscoaching #beingyourself #selfworth #cleanseyourmind #cleanseyourbody (ved Midtre Syndin) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce_EJ77qFig/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lifecoachfredrik · 2 years
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Do you struggle to maintain your mental focus over longer periods of time? If so, you probably have a poorly controlled blood sugar. This means that you are consuming too much pro-inflammatory and processed foods rather than the much healthier anti-inflammatory and non processed foods. Consuming healthier foods and less mental stress can do wonders to your ability to focus and thrive in life! Eat to live or live to eat? #healthyeating #healthyfood #healthyliving #eattolivenotlivetoeat #healthythinking #highenergy #naturalenergy #focusedmind #naturalfoods #organicfoods #stayfocused #eattothrive (ved Midtre Syndin) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce6NnSIqHSs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lifecoachfredrik · 2 years
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Nature is spectacular. Where do you go to reconnect with yourself? #reconnect #reconnectwithnature #reconnectwithyourself #humanbeing #naturecures #strongpresence #presenceiskey #senselife #healthybeing #Healthydoing #healthyliving #wellnesslife #welnesscoaching #beingyourself #selfworth #selfesteem #selfconfidence #thriveinlife (ved Midtre Syndin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdAZsIcKMZc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lifecoachfredrik · 2 years
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What is more important? Keeping score of who does what and when in the relationship or taking the time to figure out how to best contribute in helping the other get top score in health and happiness? 🙃 Align your values so both can thrive in life and in the relationship! beingyourself #beauthentic #humanbeing #mentalmastery #wellnesslife #wellnesscoaching #presenceiskey #caringlove #healthybeing #healthyrelationship #healthyfocus #creativitymatters #rechargeyourself #liveonpurpose (ved Midtre Syndin) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc8BdEeqIGf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lifecoachfredrik · 2 years
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Don’t you just love to be on the road, feeling that you are free to explore everything the world has to offer? When are you taking the next magical adventure to “You” land? #youland #healthybeing #selfworth #metime #creativetime #presence #investinyou #careforyourself #careforothers #thebestyou #teamplayer #caringmindset #wellnesslife #timetobreathe #wellnesscoaching (ved Midtre Syndin) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc3Wh11KU8h/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lifecoachfredrik · 2 years
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How to make sure to be the best version of you in the Easter holiday? Find time to be in “you” land. #youland #healthybeing #selfworth #metime #creativetime #presence #investinyou #careforyourself #careforothers #thebestyou #teamplayer #caringmindset #wellnesslife #timetobreathe #wellnesscoaching (ved Midtre Syndin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcNNO5YqHnU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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