voretober day 1 - villain
im a touch late but at least i did it! (art under the cut) oh and I'm using this prompt list!
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*INHALE* So what happened next??? Rider is stuck like that for a whole week (or at least until the other squid gets back home) so what happens?? Surely Emperor isn't going to let the opportunity pass him by.
I’m gonna be posting a fic for this in a little while, but I’ll give you a little idea of my plans :)
Rider is stuck as a tiny, at home alone for two days, which is a problem in itself. Emperor does come back to “check” on him the day before Goggles gets back from whatever he had to do (I haven’t figured it out yet), gets yelled at by this tiny inkling who poses no threat to him, and proceeds to nom Rider once again.
That’s all I’m gonna share for now :)
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voretober 1 - villain (wip)
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no this isnt octavio, just as a hint :)))
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I couldn’t help but adore your goggles fics ;v; could you do a fic where goggles is an unwilling pred but (x) insists because he’s hungwy?
ASK AND YOU SHALL (4 months later) RECIEVE, ANON!!!
characters: t!rid3r, g!g0ggles
tws; safe, soft, nonsexual, willing vore, and tooth-rotting fluff <3
WC: 774!! sorry its short, i ran outta ideas and I've also lost the c0roika hyperfixation :(
as always, writing under the cut! dont like, don't read~
Goggles winced a bit at yet another growl from his stomach, huffing as he pressed a hand against it in an attempt to shut it up. It was a lazy day, he didn’t feel like making anything at the moment. He vaguely overheard Rider say something, closing his eyes as he ignored the yellow-green inkling’s words.
Rider pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh as Goggles ignored him yet again, finally deciding to take matters into his own hands. If the blue squid wouldn’t get up and make something, he’d do it himself, walking to their room and grabbing one of the potions off the desk. It was more often than not for one of them to be tiny, so he’d taken to building bridges and paths along the walls to make getting around while shrunken down a bit easier. Rider downed the potion, placing the emptied vial back on the desk as he sat down on the bed, waiting for the effects to kick in, before hopping the gap to the desk and taking the path to the living room.
Goggles looked up from his phone as he heard something, sighing as he saw Rider, now tiny, standing on the coffee table. 
“You need to eat something. If I have to be that something, so be it.”
The blue inkling opened his mouth to reply before shutting it as his stomach released yet another loud gurgle, an embarrassed blush dusting over his features as the organ spoke for him. “...Fiiineee...” He mumbled, gently reaching out and placing a hand, palm up, on the table in front of Rider, who climbed onto the appendage with ease.
“You don’t gotta do this, Rider...” “If I don’t, you won't eat anything.” 
Goggles huffed at Rider’s words, lifting his fiance to his face and gently licking at him, smiling softly as Rider giggled a bit at the feeling before hunger finally got the better of him. He carefully yet quickly slipped the shrunken yellow-green inkling into his mouth just as his stomach groaned once again, more blush spreading over his face as embarrassment came over him once again, hearing quiet laughter from Rider. Goggles crossed his arms, coating Rider in saliva as he finally allowed his hunger to become known, purring softly at his slight squirms.
Once the first lick had happened, Rider was fully aware that there was no turning back, giggling at the way it felt before he was pushed into Goggles’ mouth. His ears twitched as he heard more noise from the blue inkling’s stomach, laughing softly as he felt warmth flooding around him. He squirmed a little as he was licked at, trying not to laugh as he heard Goggles purring. It wasn’t much longer before he felt the first swallow, feeling the area around him tilt back as he was drawn into the blue inkling's throat, continuing to squirm a bit because he knew his fiance liked it. Rider closed his eyes as he was squeezed into Goggles’ stomach, still faintly hearing his purrs over the loud, pleased gurgles of his stomach, laughing a bit at just how loud it got when he got in. 
Goggles buried his face in his hands as he kept purring, the squirms coming from Rider causing him to lose himself in his instincts for a moment. He froze up as he heard the growls from his stomach getting louder, his face just getting warmer with every sound it made. He heard Rider laughing a bit, flushing even more. Goggles finally moved to lie down, still purring as he rested a hand on his stomach, gently and rhythmically rubbing at where he felt Rider’s form beneath his hand. He yawned softly, purring more as he felt the tiny hands rubbing back at where his hand was.
Rider almost broke and began purring himself as Goggles rubbed at him, rubbing back at where he felt it. He smirked a bit as the blue inkling’s purrs became louder, still not covering the growls and groans of Goggles’ stomach around him. He yawned as drowsiness began to settle on him, closing his eyes as he began to drift off, gently patting the wall to signal that he was getting some rest. He got a softly-spoken “Goodnight” from the blue inkling, falling asleep to the sound of the organ around him gurgling and churning as he felt Goggles’ breathing begin to slow as the blue squid drifted into sleep as well.
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Another idea: shy pred g0ggles finally eats a tiny but he's still hungry and the tiny has to ride out each stomach rumble
i cannot get this situation off of my mind with g0ra1 and its the funniest shit to me AJBHADB
rid3r just being more annoyed than anything about having to deal with it but its okay because he cares too much :skull:
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It's me again. If you don't mind at all, maybe some T!4loha and G!G0ggles? Comfort/Fearplay maybe? After a encounter with a mean squid. -shy goggles anon
i wasnt kidding when i said you'd be getting it tonight!!!!
again im so sorry it took me- checks ask date- holy shit almost 7 months to finish this D: i feel bad about that :sob:
regardless, here! way less fearplay way more fluff hehehe
technically a continuation of victory treats' "alternate" (saying it in air quotes bc its the canon ending DSBDJHS) ending
Word Count: 1033
I hope you enjoy!!!~
Aloha took a sharp breath as he found himself backed against a wall, glaring up at Emperor with fear shimmering in his eyes as the king knelt down. 
“Aww, what’s wrong, Aloha?~ Nobody around to save you this time?~” The tiny pink inkling pressed himself further against the wall, jamming his eyes shut as Emperor reached for him, tensing up as a hand wrapped around him.
“Hand him over, Emperor.” Aloha opened his eyes into slits as he heard another voice, relaxing a little at the sight of Goggles standing at the other end of the alleyway.
“And what can you do if I don’t, hm?~”  “I’ll tell Rider.” “Ah… I see.”
Aloha froze up a bit as he was lifted towards Emperor’s face, squirming as he remembered what happened last time he was in this situation, shouting at the giant holding him. 
“Let go!” The pink inkling yelped in fear before he was tossed into the air, closing his eyes tightly and bracing himself to land in Emperor’s maw. He felt a rush of air beneath him, hearing an annoyed sound from Emperor before the light seeping into his eyes vanished, landing somewhere wet and squishy. Definitely a mouth.
Aloha opened his eyes a bit, slightly relieved to see he was, in fact, not in Emperor’s mouth, instead finding himself in Goggles’ mouth. It wasn’t much better of a situation, but at least he felt safer, squirming slightly as he was licked at. 
Goggles’ eyes widened as Emperor tossed Aloha into the air, thinking fast and running over, shoving the yellow inkling out of the way and catching the tiny in his mouth, gently licking at him as he stepped away from Emperor, who was trying to stand.
“Oh you little-” The blue inkling turned, narrowing his eyes as he quickly swallowed Aloha, ducking down and rolling out of the way as Emperor attempted to pin him to the wall. Goggles mumbled a quick apology to Aloha before standing, his eyes narrowing as Emperor turned to glare at him.
“Later, loser!” The blue inkling grinned, before grabbing onto a slightly loose brick on the wall, taking a second to position himself properly before throwing himself upwards, jumping between the walls until he was on the roof of one of the nearby buildings. 
“...You alright in there, Aloha?” Goggles murmured once he caught his breath, letting out a relieved sigh as he heard a quiet ‘Yeah’ from the pink inkling, before starting to run along the rooftops.
Aloha winced as he was swallowed, grimacing at the constricting walls of the throat squishing and squelching around him and becoming a bit nervous as he felt the world shift. He heard Goggles mumble an apology, sighing softly as he slipped into the blue inkling’s stomach. 
He felt the walls around him churn a bit as he entered the organ, muttering something under his breath as Goggles shouted something at Emperor, before apparently jumping between walls. Aloha steadied himself a bit as the movement came to a stop, looking up as he heard Goggles’ voice.
“...You alright in there, Aloha?” The pink inkling sighed in relief at Goggles’ concerned tone, moving to pat the wall next to him as he responded, “Yeah.”
Aloha let out another sigh as he relaxed into the wall behind him, the ebbing adrenaline starting to make way for drowsiness, slowly closing his eyes as he began to drift off, his breathing slowing as he settled into a comfortable sleep.
Goggles relaxed a bit as he finally walked down the stairs from the roof of another apartment, keeping an eye out for Emperor as he walked towards his and Rider’s house, letting out a relieved sigh as he opened the door, greeted by the sight of Army pacing back and forth on the coffee table. 
“You’re back! Where’s Aloha, is he alright?” The blue inkling couldn’t help but laugh softly at Army’s worry, closing and locking the door behind him as he walked over and sat down in front of the coffee table. 
“He’s with me. Someone else found him before I did, but I got him away from ‘em. They were being… Less than kind.” Goggles mumbled the last part, deciding on the spot not to mention Emperor by name. It’d get relayed to Rider somehow. He hadn’t quite noticed Army moving backward, flinching when the shrunken orange inkling jumped onto his hand.
“Hey!- Don’t do that…” He sighed, wrapping his hand around Army in an attempt to stop him from doing anything else stupid. “Go on, then. Either let him out or let me in.”
Goggles rolled his eyes at the orange squid’s words, before slipping Army into his mouth, almost laughing at a seemingly shocked movement from the tiny. He carefully coated the orange inkling in saliva, ignoring the squirms as he swallowed Army into his throat with a smirk.
The blue inkling traced the small lump in his esophagus until it reached his stomach, moving to get into a comfortable position on the couch as he felt drowsiness begin to take hold. “Hehe… That’s why you don’t challenge me~”
Army rolled his eyes at Goggles’ teasing words, grimacing as he was squeezed into his stomach. He thought about complaining before shaking his head, sighing with a soft smile as he moved to rest beside Aloha, who was fast asleep. He leaned against his fellow S4 member, closing his eyes as he allowed himself to relax. It wasn’t long before both he and Goggles joined Aloha in sleeping.
Rider unlocked the door to his home, closing and, once again locking the door behind him. He glanced over at the couch, laughing quietly as he saw Goggles sleeping with a hand resting over his stomach, clearly able to tell what’d happened.
He sighed softly as he walked over, carefully wrapping his arms around the blue inkling and moving to carry him to their room, getting him to bed before going to look for Skull and Mask. Rider smirked as he saw the two trying to sneak over to Goggles, just nodding softly when they realized they’d been spotted. 
It’d been a long, eventful day. They all deserved some rest.
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Hide and Seek but it's a completely different oneshot lmfao
Ahaha guess what SURPRISE ONESHOT >:D characters: t!r1der, g!g0ggles (who gets possessed) content warnings: vore (unwilling but soft and safe, also the vore part itself isnt described too much /:), fearplay, possession (as i said) word count: 810 story is under the cut as per usual!!
Rider took a shaky breath as he closed one of the many doors inside... Whatever this place was called. “Riri~ Come back, I only wanna play a little!~” He shivered as he walked deeper into the area, away from Goggles’ voice. He didn’t know what happened to his friend, all he knew was they were separated when they first got here, and the next thing he knew, he got ambushed by... something. He didn’t know what it was, much less how he got away, but he knew that the same thing had attacked Goggles, but... He wasn’t the same now, his eyes were a crimson red instead of their normal blue, and that was worrying. That didn’t matter as much right now, though, because Rider was busy trying to hide from whatever had corrupted Goggles. He turned another corner, walking for a bit longer before coming to a dead end. “C’monnn!~ You can’t hide forever!~” He cursed under his breath as he heard Goggles’ voice getting closer, there hadn’t been any doors around here. `I’m cornered.` Rider winced at that absolutely wonderful realization, trying to figure out something he could do, but he was running out of time. He finally noticed that it wasn’t just an empty dead end, there was an empty, hollow closet at the end. Having no better options, he shoved his pride away and hid in the closet, (Nice.) holding his breath as he heard Goggles coming closer. “Rider!~ Where’d ya go? You can’t be anywhere else, there’s no more doors!~” `Don’t look in the closet don’t look in the closet don’t look in the-` “Oh, maybe you’re in the closet!” `-shit...` Rider looked up slightly as the door opened, making eye contact with Goggles, seeing his own horrified reflection in his friend(?)’s eyes as Goggles spoke. “Found you.~” Then it all went black.
Everything was just... bad, on Goggles’ end. He had no control, couldn’t do anything to help Rider, he could only watch. And in his opinion, that was worse than doing this all on his own. He’d tried everything he could think of to get back in control, and low and behold, nothing was working. He felt horrible, if he was honest, it was his fault they were in this mess in the first place, and now he couldn’t do anything to save Rider. Goggles slowly came to the realization that the little access he had to the outside world through his own eyes was slowly darkening, trying to hold on for just a moment longer, slowly closing his eyes against his own will.
Rider hadn’t expected to wake up, much less wake up in someone’s hands, confused for just a moment before he remembered what had happened before he blacked out, moving to get up but quickly finding himself pinned under a thumb, struggling as he tried to push it off of himself. “You’re finally awake, huh? I was wondering when we could continue our little game!~” Rider winced at the giggling that followed “Goggles’” words, taking a sharp breath as the pressure on his chest increased. “L-Leave G-Goggles alone!” He managed to force the words out, having a lot of trouble breathing at the moment. “Pfft, as if I’d leave either of you alone... You’re the ones who didn’t pay attention to the warning signs, after all...” The switch of tone caught him off guard, as did the increasing of pressure on him, now worried about what would happen if he was pressed on anymore. “W-what do you w-w-want...” Rider looked into Goggles’ eyes, gasping for breath as the pressure was released, but not having much time to recover before his position was changed, now dangerously close to his “friend’s” mouth, closing his eyes tightly. “You’ll see~” Goggles winced at the sudden light in front of him, quickly looking around as he recognized his surroundings as the entrance to whatever weird place they’d been stuck in, before feeling something in his mouth and swallowing on instinct, before realizing it was moving. He winced as he felt it squirming before putting two and two together and realizing he probably just swallowed Rider, looking over his shoulder before leaving the area, resting a hand on his stomach and just casually tapping ‘I’m okay, It’s actually me now’ in morse code, as he currently had no idea where he was or if it was safe to talk. Goggles almost laughed as he felt Rider tap back a ‘You’re so scary when you’re possessed dude wtf’, just patting his stomach in response. He rolled his eyes as he felt Rider moving around, looking at his phone to try and figure out where on earth he was, sighing before tapping ‘I have no idea where I am.’ Goggles heard a quiet laugh from Rider, smiling softly as he kept walking. He’d get home eventually.
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📌 and💎? :D (for the hyperfix ask game)
📌 How did you find out about your hyperfixation? 💎 Do you have any fun facts or trivia you'd like to share?
I think I was looking at google because someone said something to me about a Splatoon anime (which was a lie lmao), and found one of the covers which led to an amazon link lmfao
Oh my god yeah I just finished book 10 and am patiently waiting for book 11 to be at the school library! Rider, Goggles, and Emperor (characters from the manga) are my top 3 selfhoods (they're in order too!) out of every fandom I have selfhoods in. The series technically takes place in both of the games that are out so far! They'll probably continue into the third game when it comes out too.
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I'm not sure what pairing they like other than g0ggle and gl4sses and al0ha and m4sk, but maybe comfort t al0ha and g Sku77? I know they like those two as well (Trying real hard to avoid tags) -shy goggles anon
i can defo work with al0ha and 5kull!! ty for letting me know, i already have ideas for this >:D feel free to send another ask for this if you want me to answer an ask for it or if you want me to just post it ^^!!
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