#t: artie
grelleswife · 2 months
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Plunging feet-first into the abyss.
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brainman1987 · 3 months
And…. Here are the human designs so far! I’m not sure what ethnicity to make Torbek, so defaulted to white for the ease of fluffy hair. I was thinking of making him also expiremented on duets his time in prison…. And also an idea of magic somehow spilling over into cowboy times and Torbek still getting his magic sauce. ANYWHO he was giving me huge depressed train conductor vibes so initial sketch had a silly hat on :)
Hootsie gets her hair done by her Uncles (gricko isn‘t good with thin white people hair yet) ((he’s practicing though!!!)) Hootsie also gets a nice little dress courtesy of Frost! She has a few cute outfits lovingly made by him, along with accessories gifted from the others. Kremy gives her a purple bow clip, Torbek finds a cute button on the ground he thought she’d like (she does) and Gideon makes her a little things idk I’m tired brah
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I’ll do colors tmrw or smthg *passes out*
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maskedbutsilly · 3 days
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and its getting worse.
[please click for better quality !! it looks like shit from afar but i swear it aint]
hi hi! finally got around making this comic :D had so much fun making this (LIE. five suicide attempts were made.) this took 14 hours so im not making a comic anytime soon 😁😁
tho i have soo many ideas :) so stick around my dudes
reblogs are very VERY appreciated! thankms!
vvv oo u wanna see the original sketches so badd vvv
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hey-there-hunter · 2 years
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happier times
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caladbolg · 1 year
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ceramic-galanter · 7 months
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an incomplete summary of my art, age 2 - 21
it was really interesting looking through all my old stuff. my progress is hardly linear, but the journey sure has been fun
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zlataisawsome · 7 months
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I am cringe but I am free
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in-restless-walks · 4 months
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Artie joined the guys from the Simon & Garfunkel Story tribute band on stage after Bridge in Staten Island, New York, 2 March 2024, and then hung around with them backstage (x)
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jeansvoid · 1 year
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Sketchbook Arties
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abybweisse · 7 months
Ch206, Any chance of outside help?
⚠️ Long post ⚠️
I'll look at three things here:
Might a reaper help Snake?
Might someone from another assignment help?
In the event of no outside assistance
Last night I had dreams about this, and when I woke up I had to recall what I'd considered and needed to research. Mainly about question two.
1. Might a reaper help Snake?
I doubt it, but it could be possible. We haven't seen any obvious reapers during this assignment with Finny and Snake, but there could be one there... trying to figure out if there is a bizarre doll at the orphanage. It would be horribly sneaky if there is a reaper there who hasn't made themselves known to the readers.
Just now, I realized why there probably isn't one already stationed there: the children are being bled out and killed off-site, then their bodies and blood are being returned to the orphanage for further processing. That means reapers are collecting souls somewhere other than the orphanage... if Undertaker isn't collecting the souls before reapers can get wherever.
And we don't even know what tipped off the reaper organization there was a bizarre doll at the sanatorium; how did they know to send Ronald there? People weren't expected to die there, except perhaps the two men that Baldo shoots. Ronald seems to be aware that Baldo will be saved by Ada and Lau. At one point Ronald says he was investigating the place for a bizarre doll, but he doesn't say why one was suspected of being on-site.
We also have to keep in mind that these assignments are largely overlapping, meaning that Ronald and William are presumably fighting Layla/Al around the same time that Finny and Snake are dealing with the staff and Doll underground. If Othello hasn't yet received Layla/Al to examine, then he won't yet know what to look for in Norfolk or elsewhere. So, if Grelle and Othello show up to collect from Snake, will they know to fight Doll?
Even if they recognize Doll as a bizarre doll, it doesn't mean they would choose to save Snake. We haven't seen a shinigami pass yet, and I'd love to see one, but I won't hold my breath for that. The only scenario I can see for them saving Snake is if they get an emergency "call" to go to the orphanage, since an unexpected death has just been reported. They realize the killer must not be human (anymore, at least), helping to explain why the death was not intended to happen -- why they just now found out, instead of having it predetermined or predicted. Given the strange circumstances, as well as Snake's uniqueness, they might argue against collecting his soul.
That's a total long shot.
2. Might someone from another assignment help?
I woke up trying to remember what I needed to look at, from my dreams. I needed to look at a map of English counties, so I could look at Yorkshire, Wiltshire, Norfolk, and East Sussex (where Brighton is located).
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There are four parts of Yorkshire, and I don't know where Heathfield Manor is located. I want to say North Yorkshire, since some of the largest heather (heath) moors are located there.
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Then we have Norfolk, where the orphanage is located, much farther south, along the eastern coastline. Wiltshire, where the sanatorium is situated, is farther south and way off to the west. East Sussex, home to Brighton and that resort hotel, is back east and along the southern coast.
We never saw our earl and Sebastian explain where everyone is to meet up again after they have completed their assignments, did we? I don't think so. I've been under the assumption that our earl would stay where he is, in Brighton, waiting for the others to come to him and report. But this might not be the case. It's unlikely any of the other pairs would end up passing through Norfolk, let along intending to meet there. So, I'd be a bit shocked if Mey-Rin and Ran-Mao took any route through there on their way back towards London or Brighton. Besides, they might be at a loss to help Snake. Whom Snake needs is Ada... and she's very busy.
In fact, Wiltshire left us on a cliffhanger, since Lau offers an escape to China, and the others (including Baldo) seem interested, but we have yet to actually see them escape from the sanatorium before Polaris shows up, investigating the missing blood shipment. We could still see deaths there before anyone can get out to make a report... if they even plan to make a report. Honestly, I expect Baldo, if he lives, to ultimately decline the offer to go to China, as he still feels a sense of duty to our earl and Sebastian.
Our earl and Sebastian are unlikely to head towards Norfolk, so unless Sebastian uses his powers to detect something is wrong, demon-travel his way there, save Snake, and get back to Brighton for tea time, even he is unlikely to save Snake. In fact, with Brighton so close (across the channel) to France, they are more likely to go there than they are higher north.
In the event of no outside assistance
As rough as it sounds, Snake's best chance is for Doll to be so upset over cutting him that she lets the top students and Finny attempt to save him. But how would they?
Oliver is probably the best at embroidery and sewing, so if they have anything to serve as string and needle, he'd probably be the best choice for stitching the wounds... if he can see and get to where he needs to sew. Martial arts training might also give him some clue on where to apply pressure to slow the loss of blood.
Theo would probably be the one who has read any medical books, possibly including works on human anatomy and surgical techniques. So, he would instruct Oliver what to do.
Artie might have decent knowledge about proper cleanliness for the procedure.
I'm not sure what Mabel would do, unless she also knows something about applying pressure to stop the bleeding.
As someone else (sorry, I forgot who mentioned it) pointed out earlier, at least one of his snakes might have the sort of venom that could help stop the bleeding at the wound site. That would be very risky, though, since the venom could spread to areas where it's not needed and could cause more damage.
Doll or Finny might suggest setting Snake up to receive blood transfusions, but then one or both should recall that Snake and Finny were initially turned away from the orphanage because their blood types didn't match any of the four blood types in the system. Snake cannot safely receive blood transfusions because they don't know what kind of blood he needs, and they likely don't have it anyway. This is a big clue early in the assignment that not only is Finny's blood permanently affected from the old drug tests... but that Snake probably really isn't quite human. Some hybrid, I suppose. Either that or he was born human but also got stuck in some experiment that permanently changed his body, perhaps altering his DNA, which determines the type of blood he has, as well as the antibodies in his blood that would attack foreign red blood cells. Even if they manage to patch him up, he might not make it, due to a lack of blood.
It's truly not looking good for Snake. I hope his snakes help to avenge him. I hope Emily gets to show her loyalty to Snake by finally turning on Doll....
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rizz-penguin · 5 months
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I really missed using my drawing tablet :3
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brainman1987 · 3 months
Hmmm yes colors
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I gotta do scar maps and also full body stuffs next! And outfit changes (mostly for Gid and Gricko (Hootsie too but that’s a given)) which means research! Fun!! I. Thinking of giving hootsie a little Chest plate and gauntlets for when she gets knighted by the fairy dragon (forgot his name) uhhhh feel free to use as pfps or like. Whatever really, just give credit if your using my exact designs or using these drawings please.
Also also (a lil unrelated but still) I might be able to take commissions soon!! Which like- awesomesauce tbh. I‘ve been thinking about doing commissions for a while and while I don’t know how they work or what sites to use or literally anything about how it works I’m definitely excited to try! I‘d like y’all’s views on if you’d like to commission me to get a good gist on the audience I’d be marketing to haha. (But in all honesty I’d draw or paint anything anyone asks, I like drawing more than money haha)
Anywho I hope you enjoy another segment of vagabonds and vagrants :)
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justabloop · 7 months
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I didn't give arti a rain deer drawing because she walks... also, I'm lazy. Extra doodles in the corner to make up for the rain deer. I stopped halfway through the sketch because I realized that what I have written down for ✨️Bombrat lore✨️... is incredibly tragic and is actually something that can happen to potential mothers in real life so... whoopsy.
Me writing arti loose her second litter at birth: ...damn.
I forgot the logo so I had to swap the image lol
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hey-there-hunter · 2 years
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Tonight I bring you two increasingly chaotic Simon & Garfunkel anecdotes, courtesy of Penny Marshall from her autobiography, "My Mother Was Nuts."
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paper-swirls · 1 year
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"Everything Will Bee Alright" T-shirt
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