#t:why are they like this
prof-d-oakland · 2 months
Ẅ̷̡̤́̑̓͠Ḩ̵̹̙̯͎͝Y̶̡̜̋̀̑͂ ̷̯̻͙̮̓D̷̪͆̐̓Ơ̸̡̥̱̾̀́ ̸̨̺̊̆Ḭ̷̲̽͗̓́̕͜ͅ ̷̢̟͉͇̄Ŵ̷̨̠̪͗͑̈́Ą̸̰̟̈́͜N̸̞̤̹̓͋̎Ţ̴̨̦͓͙̅̀́̚ ̸͕̟̖̈́̃̈́͠Ș̶̬̳́̽͜Ǫ̷̹̜̮́̓͛͗Ủ̷̡̮̳̊́̎͑P̴̤̜̭͂́͛̓ ̶͇͔̮̎Ĭ̴͍̐͝͝ ̸̱͙́̂̈́͋D̶̢͇̰͓̪̃̿̽͌Ơ̸̡͔͌̂͑͋Ņ̴̫̞̱̈́̃̀͛'̵̼̩̹̱̑̆̈́̎Ţ̵̨̰̅̐̏̅ ̸̳̺̜͂̑̋Ę̵͖̹̥̲̈́̉V̴̛̘͒̀͝E̵͖̦̹̓̈́̓̂͘͜ͅN̴̯̳̹̆̆͐͆̃ ̴̢͉̉̌Ḻ̶̨̹̐I̴̧̞̠̎̓͗̀̅ͅͅK̸͖̙̞̗̐̾ͅĘ̶͍͕́ ̵̘̯̑I̴̘͓͗͠T̶̮̳̈́̏̔̇͗-̷̡̗̄͛̐
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yoi-recs · 6 years
Author: preciousbunnynoiz
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 1k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Additional Tags: Supportive Katsuki Yuuri, Stubborn Victor Nikiforov, Established Relationship, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Fluff, Disaster Victor Nikiforov
Everyone thinks of Yuuri as the stubborn one and Victor as easy going.
They aren't wrong but they also are because Victor in the right circumstances is the MOST stubborn.
Yuuri finds it inexplicably cute
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tedhaternumber1 · 2 years
Ro:I don't want ears. I want them gone.
T:why kiddo?
T:no wonder swank doesn't like him. ..
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An interview with Echo.
The following is a record of an interview between ****** *********,Aka Tango,head of the Robotics Devision and ****** ****,aka Echo,a technician and robotics expert for Project [Redacted] since 2009.
November 17th,2012. 4:00 pm
T:Thank you for coming in on such short notice. Please,have a seat.
E:It’s no trouble at all. Uh…this isn’t abou-
T:Yes it is unfortunately about the incident from two months ago. I understand you had an encounter with two of our figures after hours,correct?
E:Yes,that is correct.
T:Alright. I would just to confirm some things,where the two individuals you interacted with EA1897 and MM1926?
E:Yes,it was them.
T:And I understand the pair of them were significantly damaged?
E:Yes,they were. EA1897 worse then MM1926,but they were both heavily damaged.
T:Can you describe the damages for me?
E:Yes. MM1926 had one of her legs torn off at the knee,and the other leg had significant damage to the thigh area. EA1897 had damage along her arms and chest area,as well as damage to her vocal synthesizer and some parts of her lower face and jaw.
T:I understand that you fixed them on your own?
E:Yes I did. I didn’t do it incorrectly did I?
T:No,they were checked over by November,they are both in full working order. Do you know how they were damaged?
E:No. They had some mud,grass stains and other natural components on them,and the damage seemed to line up with some kind of animal,but I don’t know how they got out of storage,or what could possible damage them so much.
T:Alright. We will be putting the Figures into full shut-down storage until further notice,but before we do so,do you feel that you have developed a level of trust with either of the figures?
E:I….don’t know? I just fixed them,we didn’t exchange much dialogue. In all fairness I was a bit scared to say anything.
T:Why’s that?
E:I mean it’s a bit irrational,but we’ve seen what they can do,we’ve ran plenty of tests,those synthetic muscles are no joke,one of those figures could tear a human apart within seconds.
T:And this fact scared you,even if EA1897 and MM1926 where completely non-violent towards you?
E:Yeah…kind of stupid of me to feel like that hit they did kind of burst into to workroom out of nowhere,I was on edge. Never worked on an activated figure either,it was like preforming open heart surgery on a completely awake person.
T:Mhm. Are you alright with this interview being recorded and documented?
E:Yes,absolutely,I have nothing to hide.
T:Good,we can proceed. Did you notice any unusual behaviour from either of the figures that may not line up with their usual behaviour when they were alive and organic?
E:They were both real quiet,ya know? Like they were in shock. I got the feeling that this was a last resort,that they didn’t really want to be near me. Although I don’t know if they tried to fix any of the damage before hand,I highly doubt it.
T:And why’s that?
E:Judging by the time periods they come from,the technology that makes up their current bodies would be too complex for them to understand properly.
T:Do you believe that a figure could learn to understand modern technology?
E:Absolutely yes,they are still human despite their bodies,they can learn just like the rest of us.
T:Mhm…And do you feel any level of guilt or sympathy for the Figures current situation?
E:Yes,I do. But I understand the importance of our work,and I will not let my feelings get in the way of my job.
T:I’m glad to hear that Echo. You have been with us for three years correct?
T:You haven’t called in sick once,you are very dedicated. Well the Figures are in Full shut-down storage,you will be called in for wellness checks on the figures to insure that they are not damaged from being shut down fully for so long,as well as meeting to plan for the creations of new Figures. Can you manage that?
E:Yes,I can.
T:Excellent. Thank you again for coming in. Do you have any last minute questions before you are dismissed?
E:How long do you plan to put the Figures in full shut-down storage for?
T:Four years. We have sent out a notice stating that ‘Countess Bathory’s Traveling Wax Museum’ was vandalized and all the figures must be rebuilt. This will give us time to improve the figures,and help prevent their true nature from being found out prematurely.
E:I understand. Do you need anything else from me?
T:No,you are dismissed. Have a wonderful rest of your day Echo,it’s a pleasure working with you.
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somaybeimbiased · 7 years
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SHINee 5- Demigods
A/N This is a Percy Jackson and the Olympians AU, I got a request but accidentally deleted it so I’m sorry anon! But here you go!
A new group of Demigods sent on a quest to defeat the new terror threatening the world. Death itself. Can the five boys save the world? Will their contrasting personalities stop them fromdefeating death? Will they overcome diversity and jealousy? Probably, everyone can only hope for the best at this point.
Lee Jinki- Son of Athena
The boy with a plan
Has been at camp since he was 13
He was the ideal Athena kid;  well rounded, thoughtful, brave, a leader
He was the head of the cabin
He loved capture the flag and leading the team sometimes.
Chosen to lead becuase the quest called for it
Didn’t want to
But he was a senior camper so basically he had to.
Good with a sword but prefers calling the shots and watching to help plan the next move.
Really helpful on the quest
Made sure everyone packed the important stuff.
“No, Taemin, that is too much clothing....”
Has always been close with Taemin and Jonghyun
Doesn’t think Minho likes him?
Died for a bit on the quest and the others had to like, save him
Death was like: Bish you’re mine
He didn’t enjoy being a ghost
Once he was saved, he got really serious about the threat and decided that they needed to end it sooner rather than later.
Led his quest members to victory, destroying death despite his constant bickering with Minho and his annoyance with Kibum.
When his mom asked if he wanted anything in return he asked for a hug
This cute bean just wanted his mom’s love and acceptance
She told him that she was proud
He almost passed out
After they got back, he claims to be able to see dead people now.
“It must just a side effect of being dead for two days”
Kim Jonghyun- Son of Apollo
Best singer at camp
He got it trademarked.
Lives in the amphitheater
Always seen singing, playing music, or shooting archery
Led camp singalongs.
Been at camp since he was 12
Weary about questing
becuase the prophecy sounded like it wanted a hunter of Artemis to go on the quest
But the camp couldn’t get in contact with the hunters 
They tried for like, 3 days but they were going to run out of time.
Decided to send him instead becuase he had the Apollo genes, he could heal people, and he was the one volunteered by his siblings.
Went on the quest anyways becuase His boyfriend and his bestfriend were going
At least he could try make sure they were okay then, right?
Became the leader when Jinki went MIA
Bartered with the gatekeeper of Hades to get Jinki back.
He traded his voice so he could go get Jinki
Big sacrifice especially for someone who sang all the time.
But they needed Jinki to lead them to save the world.
Now he understands who the oracle talked about when she said the voiceless one
It was a struggle to communicate in battle without a voice
He did get his voice gifted back to him by his father after they saved everyone.
He cried
“Thanks pops”
Kim Kibum- Son of Hermes
The master to all trades
Nicknamed ‘Key’ becuase he could pick any lock or break into anything
Most people are surprised he isn’t an Aphrodite kid, but like, His mom is basically a human embodiment of her anyways
Miltiligual, and he has a knack for knowing exactly where he is and where he needs to be heading at any time
Been at camp since he was 14
Proud of who his father is, despite having so many siblings.
“I’m not an extra kid, I’m his favorite”
Fights with Minho about it all the time
Sends Jonghyun after him.
Bc Jonghyun can be a scary guy when it comes to his boyfriend getting hurt
Exctied to go on a quest
Time to prove he is the best Hermes kid 
Volunteered himself to be a navigator
Cried a lot becuase of Jinki and also becuase of Jonghyun’s voice.
“I could’ve traded my gucci instead”
He was in charge of getting them shelter after a rouge monster set their tents and other supplies on fire.
Lowkey stole them all new clothes
Said he bought them
Really helpful in battle too
Like he just zips around with his two swords having the other’s backs and stuff
Good team player.
Snapchated Hermes sayings that he was his favorite child and sent it to all of his siblings.
Choi Minho- Son of Ares
Basically the most intimidating guy at camp.
If looks could kill
Stereotyped as a player, but he has only ever dated one guy? (Taemin)
To be fair he thought Tae was a chick for his first month at camp
Really good with most weapons
But extremely lethal with a spear
Named his spear Brittany (T:Why? M: Like Brittany Spears?)
Leads a lot of training and fighting classes to younger campers
Has been there since he was 12.
He was HYPED to hear there would be a quest and that they were in need of a child of war
“Where do I sign up?”
Threatened to fight any of his siblings for the spot, but it was his right as the cabin head.
He got mad when they chose Taemin for the quest.
Scared for him
Also kinda glad that Taemin was going though?
Bc he doesn’t think the rest like  him too much. Like Jinki needs to mellow out about Athena being superior to Ares, Key is annoying, and Jonghyun is dating Key so they can’t be friends by default.
Got V upset and jealous that Taemin and Jinki were getting close though the quest
But he also started to warm up with Jjong and Key too.
Saved everyone at least once on the battlefield. 
He knows what he is doing man.
Don’t question his fighting.
Cried when Taemin got hurt near the end of the battle.
Wont admit he did though.
Once everything was okay again, he asked his dad for new specially made sheild replica of his
Showed off once they got back to camp.
Lee Taemin- Son of Aphrodite
Not your typical Aphrodite kid?
Like he loves the whold lets look really cute and dress up and stuff.
He changes his hair color around a lot
And he loves clothes and earrings are his favorite
But he also isn’t afraid to fight and be a proper demigod.
Gets really pissed becuase his nickname is Pretty Boy around camp.
When he first got to camp as an 11 year old, his older siblings would dress him up as a girl, and that lasted for like 2 years
He fell for Minho hard as soon as he got to camp (even if Minho thought he was a chick)
Really good at archery too and he helps Jjong teach a few classes
He also has scary good charmspeak abilities so he gets whatever he wants if he uses it
But he doesn’t use it unless he really needs to.
He didn’t want to go on the quest
But they needed a ‘Son of Love’ for it
Lucky Lucky, they chose Taemin becuase they know he isn’t afraid to fight
He was used a lot on the quest to get them places and to trick whoever got in their way.
He was doing great.
He got along with everyone in the quest. He had his boyfriend, someone to gossip with, someone to sing with, and his new found friend Jinki.
They had beaten every obstacle  apart from the battle itself
He is really bad at close combat
And the only weapon they had left for him was a dagger
He tried to charmspeak the monsters and get them to kill themselves
But then one got him from behind.
After the battle, he had a close call to death and almost died 
Jonghyun saved him
He was really scared for a while becuase of the whole almost dying thing
When they got to olympus, his mom fawned over him
“You’re like a doll! My beautiful Son!”
She granted him a wish
He asked for a happy future with Minho for as long as they are alive.
He kept that a secret from Minho though.
A/N- I LOVE PERCY JACKSON OKAY? It was my life all of middle school and part of highschool. I hope I did botht the books, Rick Riordan, and SHINee justice in this!! REQUESTS ARE OPEN!
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yoi-recs · 6 years
The Spectacularly Gay Exploits of Erotic Eros and Vicious Victor
link: The Spectacularly Gay Exploits of Erotic Eros and Vicious Victor , by lucycamui
rating: explicit
words: 70k
summary: Yuuri Katsuki is a regular university student by day... And also by day, he's a magical boy known as Eros who serves the city of Ariaville while lamenting the fact that magical boy laws dictate that his transformation outfits keep on getting skimpier.
A life balancing studies, crime-fighting, and the occasional kitten rescue is all fine and dandy until a new adversary who calls himself Vicious Victor shows up in town. What happens when Vicious turns out to be less of a supervillian and more of a superfanboy, one who has just moved in directly next door to Yuuri?
tags: Humor , Comedy , Fluff , Romance , alternative universe , the campy magical boys au we all deserve
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yoi-recs · 6 years
How to Surprise Your Fiancé With Pork: An Honest Walkthrough by Viktor Nikiforov
link: How to Surprise Your Fiancé With Pork: An Honest Walkthrough by Viktor Nikiforov , by Orchids_and_Fictional_Cities
rating: teens and up
words: 5k
The thing with Viktor is that once he’s set his mind on something, there is a very very minuscule chance of him not following through on said thing.
He wants to do something for Yuuri: partly as a Valentine’s Day gift, partly as a prelude to Worlds, and partly ‘just because’. It’s somewhere between dwelling on the abstract thought of Yuuri’s hunger as a competitor, and watching the younger skater on Facetime with his mother back home, that an idea starts to form.
This is how Katsuki Yuuri, the love of his life, the apple of his eye, the fire of his loins et cetera, ad infinitum, finds Viktor when he walks into the door: standing precariously with one foot on a barstool and the other on top of his counter, frantically fanning at his smoke detector with a magazine.
tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Valentine's Day, Surprises, Food, Recipes, Victor is hopeless, Makkachin does not help, Don't Try This At Home
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yoi-recs · 6 years
(wip) i will go down with this ship!
link: i will go down with this ship! , by thishasbeencary
rating: teens and up
words: 24k
summary: Yuuri and Viktor co-star in the fantasy drama History Makers, a show where their characters Mamoru and Dimitry are shipped by all the fans, which of course leads to the fact that fans also ship Yuuri and Viktor. And write fic about it. Yuuri reads RPF by only one author, therealviknik, and leaves a comment on every single one with his account, katsukiforov. Some fans pick up on the conversations and begin to ship therealviknik with katsukiforov as well.
Phichit ships it all.
tags: Alternate Universe - Actors, Fandom, Social Media, Fanfiction, Falling In Love, Mistaken Identity, Internet, Humor, Fluff, Actor!Victor, actor!yuuri, Mutual Pining, Alternate Universe - Fans & Fandom
note: despite being a wip, this is good very, and has been last updated this month! i highly reccomend
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