#täytyy muistuttaa itteään että ei tyhmä se joka pyytää vaan se joka maksaa 😌
omppupiiras · 9 months
Omppu you are doing god's work with your OF drawings and I'm so sorry but also thankful for the suffering you put yourself through 🙏
mulle tulee sun vesiväritöistä mieleen Kylli-täti :D
aww thank you! 😭😭 honestly drawing them is like 30% suffering and 70% fun bc i do like doing them & giving myself permission to draw them fast with no pressure to make them look nice haha. but i definitely wish they would STOP with the OF madness already bc it's getting to be.......a lot 😂 pls guys don't keep doing it i beg of u seriously!!! im such a curious bastard that i will stay subscribed if there's gonna be regular content, but I DON'T WANT THAT 💀
ja aww ennoo tän kylli-tädin videoita ennen nähny mutta hänen piirrustukset vaikuttaa ihan liian herttaisilta ollakseen mitenkään verrannollisia mun tuherruksiin 😆
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