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for all your tûjo-loving needs
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artbygaia · 2 years
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Crescent Blades 🌙
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parme-san · 10 months
IT REALLY IS SO COOL. i wish tûjo was romanceable
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fancifulflora · 1 year
What're Kulîlk's relationships like with the love interests and side characters?
God, there are a lot of characters so forgive me asdjkj. Also, the story is still WIP so I'm working on info from ch 10 and below and each of the LIs are written as if she is in their route)
Kulîlk's thankful for their tutelage in her sword skills, appreciating their dry humor since it's not something they can so readily get from their other servants or guards. Above all, she hopes to not disappoint them and wishes to prove that the small amount of trust she's received from them was well placed. For now, she silently observes them when she can, trying to learn more about her protector through the way they behave and interact with others. If When caught, however, she'll embarrassingly deflect the conversation, even if it's a little obvious that she's staring.
She worries about the situation in Zerat, especially having recently learned of just how important it is for stability to return to the decimated regions of the country. Kulîlk also cares for her general dearly, making sure they're safe and alright in their reports to her and reassuring them of the progress she's making in her studies and training in her many letters to them. When she does hear of their return to Marabad and the condition they're in, a part of her wishes she was more upfront with her words, more willing to say things that were probably better off unsaid.
Her Imperial Majesty really enjoys their presence around her. With ease, the Pale Sword makes her laugh and distracts her from her worries. There are also so few people that so easily cut through the mask that Kulîlk wears the way the mercenary can. She's no fool though, she knows that they've lied to her- used her in the past. She knows better than to assume their intentions to be genuine or their actions completely selfless. Yet, she still holds out hope that maybe the two of them have potential. That is until she hears about what has happened to the Mir's palace. Considering how her coronation went, to say that Crown Kulîlk is mad is an understatement.
They've naturally grown close to each other due to their positions, but Kulîlk truly views their sorcerer as a trusted friend on top of an advisor. They're both new to their positions, but unlike Kulîlk, their sorcerer has a talent for the work they do. It makes them a little envious, in all honesty. Kulîlk's mind sometimes wonders how easier things would be if she had been picked up and raised under the previous Crown- though she's quick to stomp out those thoughts as they come. Overall, she just wants to be a Crown that her sorcerer can be proud of serving and to grow a friendship where they can lean on each other for support. Though there are moments of affection between the two of them, it isn't really till she hears about the sleep their sorcerer is in that she realizes that maybe friendship isn't exactly what she's seeking. That, maybe, it isn't simply a passing crush on someone due to proximity and general kindness.
Tûjo and Heval:
She honestly feels a little bad for the two of them, knowing how the Pale Sword is, being their second and third in command certainly can't be an easy job. Kulîlk feels especially bad if she's currently romancing X. Though it's mostly because she's able to recognize the position the two of them have placed the Blades in, especially if most of them voted to march on from Marabad. She finds Tûjo to be especially endearing out of the two, the same way a moody cat might be and she's thankful for Heval's presence- the brief time they've spent together instilling advice she still follows as a Crown today. Overall, she wishes to be closer to them but is certainly in no rush to do so.
Kulîlk is pretty impressed with the reports of Şanazî's archery skills but doesn't know her all that well. Regardless, anyone capable of knocking the Pale Sword down a peg or two has her thanks. (This applies to Tûjo and Heval as well)
Ishrah and Siham:
Spirits, Kulîlk adores them. Both of them. While she does wish Siham would be more comfortable around them, she's just happy to have a bond with those who serve her. Besides, Ishrah's presence alone is enough to alleviate her spirits when Kulîlk is down.
She understands why they may be so nervous around her, being a bit of a rookie in their position, yet she has hopes that with time and experience, they might be more comfortable around her.
Ezo and Kaja:
Kulîlk loves them so much. She'll never tell them outwardly, figuring that her general wouldn't approve of her enabling their behavior but the two hold a firm place in her heart. Their lack of respect for authority in general is refreshing and their banter never fails to put a smile on her face.
There's not much of a relationship between the head servant and Kulîlk, but she's eternally grateful for the flawless work they do in order to keep the palace running and operational. Whenever the opportunity arises, she's always certain to offer them a snack or some tea, hoping that it could provide some reprieve from their duties.
Lady Naza:
While she knows better than to trust any of the nobles, Lady Naza's general disregard for her wasn't taken as an insult or even a bad thing. Crown Kulîlk recognizes the value of having someone upfront with her and hopes that the two of them have a fruitful partnership in the future- that is if Lazy Naza is who she portrays herself to be.
There's not too much that Kulîlk knows about Perjin, but she does respect the magi. Any magi that doesn't wield their rank as a sword or looks down on others gets points in her book.
Perhaps she's being foolish, but Kulîlk doesn't doubt Kham as much as those around her do. Peris are certainly not a monolith and while a lot of the evidence behind her assassination are Peri in origin, she would be a fool to immediately show suspicion to the peri under her roof. Kham is odd to her overall, but hopefully being upfront with her and trying to understand what issues her people have can help her get to the bottom of the string of assassinations.
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macomico · 3 years
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silicacid · 4 years
the crown: someone is being mean to me :(
tûjo: who tf
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paleiido · 3 years
So embarrassing for me. Keep losing. Fell in love with a side character instead of the ros </3
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vampire-writes · 5 years
pairing: Xelef x the Crown
(Xelef is a male li from the @ataleofcrowns game. It’s really good, and I highly recommend it!) 
word count: 388
   “Can you do it for me?” he asks, with the puppiest of puppy dog eyes.
   “Absolutely not.” you counter, tone dry. “And not only that, I’m going to remove some specifically because you asked me that.”
   He gasps at this.
   “Your Imperial Majesty- I’m appalled! What heinous crime have I done to deserve this kind of treatment?” he sways, hand clutching his chest.
   You stop his display with a raise of a hand, eyes bored. You barely bite back a smile as you speak to him.
   “I’m not going to set off more fireworks for the festival because they’d ‘look cool’, Xelef. That’s a safety concern.”
   He pouts a tad. 
   “It’s perfectly safe! Besides, are you seriously going to try and tell me it wouldn’t look cool?”
   Your professional facade slips some, and you can’t bite back a grin. Ok, so maybe it would be cool. But you don’t want to roll into power and immediately say “Yeah I want more fireworks at my coronation festival. Oh don’t worry, it’s for the Pale Sword, not me.” It’d be rather rude, not including self absorbed.
   It’s one thing to be a bit rude. It’s another to be rude because your head’s up your own ass.
   “You know it would be cool, you’re grinning.” he tries to ration with you.
   You quickly drop the smile in response.
   “Whatever do you mean, my dear Xelef?” you question, voice monotonous and bored.
   “I’ve never smiled in my life, let alone grin.” your golden eyes met his, and you keep up the act. “Especially not at the prospect of such childish endeavors.” You keep your pace as cool and even as the marble floors you walk on. The heels of your shoes click gentle with every step.
   “Your Imperial Majesty.” he whines, you keep walking. He pauses.
   “MC.” he says, tone more normal than before. Your gate barely stutters in response.
   “My darling star.” he says, softer than silk. 
   You freeze, and you damn near feel his grin despite having your back to him. His long strides allow him to catch up with you quickly. You allow it, which only makes him more smug.
   “Pretty please?” his lip’s back out, face drawn back into a pout.
   You suppose a few extra fireworks never hurt anybody.
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prim-moth · 3 years
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Side characters, my beloved <33
Edit: did a bit of edit w/Tûjo & Heval!
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tûjo my bestie
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bosspigeon · 3 years
okay i'm kinda fascinated by Tûjo tho??? he seems neat...
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compiling my favorite @ataleofcrowns moments because some of them have been cracking me up
Crescent Blades (mostly Tûjo moments)
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idiots (affectionate)
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"we're in a court meeting, can we stop talking about locusts"
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overall, 10/10, no notes, except i think the Crown should be allowed to sic locusts on their friends (affectionately) and the nobles (evilly) just for fun
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