#t1419 scenarios
ghostie-galaxi · 2 years
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I'm going feral, look at them-
I know I said I'm not too thrilled about the name change but still, LET'S GOT, COMEBACK!!!
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seokwoosmole · 2 years
KAMP LA Day 1 Pros&Cons
This'll be a long one...
Cons (Let’s get those outta the way first)
-$50 parking?????
-Lines. For awhile there were like 6 of them cause no one knew where they were going or what they were supposed to do. I spent like half an hour w/ another fan just wandering around in different lines tryna find the right one until we did a full circle and went back to the line we were told to move from in the first place. Like why were there no signs whatsoever?? No workers stationed throughout the grounds to give instructions. Just eww.
-Maybe I was expecting too much from a company that couldn’t even get all of their booked artists to fly over but I was kinda hoping there’d be artist-specific merch or freebies. I would have even been happy with cheaply printed fake photocards :/
-P1Harmony & iKON should have had longer sets. I was a casual Piwon fan before KAMP but now I am srsly considering committing full-on. Their energy was soooo good, they have great live vocals & dancing, and every song they performed had me so hyped I totally would have wanted more. iKON. I practiced the Killing Me fanchant over and over only for them to not perform it?? I get opening with Sinosijak is basically tradition, Love Scenario is a must as the national anthem, Bling Bling was amazing, obviously gotta promote But You since it’s the newest, and I am a BDAY enthusiast but would I have preferred Killing Me, Freedom, or even Dragon? Absolutely. The set times were weird in general. T1419 was on stage for a very long time for a new group. I like them a lot but they performed like half of their discography. And Momoland seemed surprised that they were supposed to do another song. I don’t remember but I think it was Nancy that was like “oh we have another song?!” after they were ready to leave the stage. Then when iKON was on, they were tryna prolong their stage time by talking in between songs. Idk if SUJU got the amount of time they deserved but I really hope so since so many of their fans were there.
-That translator?? First of all, not 100% of my frustration goes to her since it seems like she’s not an actual translator but just a staff member of KAMP that was suddenly forced to be translator cause they probably didn’t have one. However, that still doesn't change the fact that she was...not the best. I don't speak Korean and I could still tell that she was not doing her job fully. There were moments when an artist would say like 5 sentences in Korean and the translator would be like "I'm so happy to be here, thank you". Like uhhhh I know for a fact that they said more than that and gave adequate pauses in between speaking to give room for the translator to talk. Also, asking T1419 who the best BTS impersonator is? What kind of question?? My memory is hazy, but I could have sworn there was a moment when the translator either dipped or just stopped talking, and T1419 were just trying to tough it through with their limited amount of English. I felt so bad for them, as this was their American debut and this is what they had to deal with. I noticed that besides Bobby, Jinhwan and from my memory, even Donghyuk a little bit, tried speaking more English, not relying on the translator too much as she wasn't translating everything they were saying, especially things in relation to the many mishaps going on. I also heard that one of the Super Junior members called out the translator for mistranslating what he said. I don't know if this was KAMP's weird attempt at censoring the artists' critiquing the organization, or if she just wasn't well-versed in translating – her grammar was off at times, making me wonder if she's just proficient in English and isn't actually fluent, which I am not blaming her for. But if that is the case, and the predominantly Korean-speaking artists can point out when there are flaws in the translation, then maybe KAMP should have actually had a professional translator prepared.
-I'm not elaborating on the obvious screwups of idk...half the artists not even being there and the lack of a sufficient apology and such cause idk what else I can say about that. I ended up requesting a refund for Day 2 because the artist I wanted to see most was MONSTA X, and even without them, T1419, MOMOLAND, and EPIK HIGH were up there, but I already saw T1419 and MOMOLAND on Day 1 so at that point, it just wasn't in my best interest financially to go. I think about how I at least got to see one of my ults, iKON, but a lot of people didn't even get that. I met someone in Koreatown who flew in from another state in the midwest JUST to see Kai. Like yeah, a refund is great (deserved tbh) but what about people's hotel expenses, gas costs, airfare, etc. Obviously KAMP isn't legally responsible for covering those, but on a moral front – all that money wasted because of a mistake KAMP made.
Pros (Cause KAMP sucked but there people that showed up didn't)
-P1H's set was sooooooo good
-"When I say 'Kee', you say 'Ho'" and that bilingual joke. We love Keeho, bilingual king
-Oh yeah, P1H was great btw I may or may not be on my way to becoming a P1ece
-T1419 did amazing & congrats on their American debut! They seemed super nervous but for being so young they were great live performers. I'm definitely gonna keep supporting them.
-Also the collective 'ohhhhhh' from the crowd when they explained the meaning of their group name💀
-MOMOLAND has gained a new fan. Their type of music is usually not my cup of tea at all, but there's such an aesthetic appeal to the way they dance and their songs are so catchy I just loved every bit of their performance. Their stage presence is just AHH Exquisite. Also I could tell at parts they were being real sarcastic about the whole situation. The passive aggressive behavior was suuuuuper relatable and I adored it.
-iKON!!!!!!!!!! I can't even speak about it coherently yet. They were amazing. I love them. I loved them before. I love them even more now. Seeing them live is everything I imagined and more so. They didn't live up to the hype but exceeded it.
-Jinhwan shading the translator. Also him jumping as if to say "can y'all see me?" I love all 65 inches of him.
-Bobby live –– seeing one of my ult biases live –– he's (no pun intended but well deserved) iconic. Also he made us bark. I was too in awe to even process it but if my delayed processing hadn't kicked in I would have barked and chased my own ass in circles if he asked me to😩✋ Mrs. Bobby tell ur husband to leave his kinks at home
-Also Donghyuk bias-wrecked me harder than he ever has that night he was looking fine af🥵
-Met @aqua-bebe ☺️ See you at the next show <3
-There was a trio of dudes that sat in my area that were just the definition of the greatest fans on the planet. They cheered so loud waving their EXO lightstick like a lasso and dancing and singing for EVERY. SINGLE. ARTIST. What class-A supporters. When Keeho said "When I say Kee, you say Ho," they said HO with their whole chest. When MOMOLAND was on, one of them screamed "I LOVE YOU NANCY" louder than I thought was humanely possible. When iKON left the stage before their encore, they started the iKON chant in my section for them to come back. The were incredibly loud and obnoxious and looked like they had a blast. I aspire to be them.
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baka-writings · 3 years
Kairi: Hey hyung, what sign are you the most compatible with?
Yubin: The dollar sign
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staytheb · 3 years
happy belated 2022!
hi! happy 2022 and hope everyone is doing well!! i’ve been out as i got sick when i’ve been good in avoiding it for the past two years... sucks, but slightly recovering. anyways, i’ll clean up my stuff later and just wanted to write an update of sorts with all that’s been happening so far.
adding to the reserved list (some time this month as i’m too lazy at the moment): BDC, OnlyOneOf, BAE173, DRIPPIN, E’LAST, GHOST9, MCND, BLITZERS, CIIPHER, EPEX, JUST B, KINGDOM, MIRAE, T1419, TAN, TEMPEST, JWiiver, TRENDZ, BLANK2Y
because as a kpop fan.... enjoying all boy groups helps with the writing process and having multiple stuff to watch and enjoy xD still working on girl groups, more or less, but not sure still so it’s tentative. as for soloists, same reason. i think i’m missing some but can’t think about it at the moment, but yeah.
also... so far have seen VERIVERY, Eric Nam, ATEEZ, and ONEUS in concert.. and awaiting to see P1HARMONY, VANNER, EPIK HIGH, CIX, MONSTA X, and STRAY KIDS.... still waiting for more to be announced and so sad to not have seen BTS, BLITZERS, GHOST9 or TWICE due to tickets sells and other real life duties. but yeah, hope all of you are able to see your favs or a kpop group in your area! but yeah... yeah that’s about it. take care and until next time!
~Admin Lia.
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tsunchani · 3 years
new boy groups to write
so, i am going to write boy groups... drum rolls!!! who's or i can say are the lucky boy groups?
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t1419 is a boy group that debuted on January 11, 2021. it exists with nine members under MLD Entertainment (Momoland's brother).
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justmephobe · 3 years
t1419 reaction: s/o being sleepy
He would fanboy on the inside. Loving how cute you look while sleepy. He loves helping you fall asleep. He would play with your hair and just try to match your breathing. He would be careful in not waking you up when you did fall asleep.
He thinks your cute but he is panicking on the inside. But ends up being really good with a sleepy s/o. Makes sure your comfy. Cuddles with you and plays with your hair. Just makes sure you have a good sleep or nap ,just loves it.
Really happy about this just because he can hold you and make you fall asleep.He loves spending time with you like this. He makes sure your comfy. He does it in front of the members too, hes not ashamed of it. He loves and nothing can change my mind.
He would be shy about it. He likes affection when your alone but too shy in front of the members. He would hug you tightly and stroke you hair. Loving the warmth you give him. He smiles to himself, falling in love with you all over.
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luv-leni · 3 years
Hey! My name is Em and here are the rules for requesting:
I can write reactions, scenarios, mtl, and drabbles.
The groups I write for are Cravity, T1419, Just B, Stray Kids, and Enhypen. I might expand this list in the future but for now, those are the groups I'll write for.
No smut! I can do suggestive but no outright smut.
I can write basically any other genre: fluff, angst, a combo, etc.
I can write darker topics but if something requested is too dark for me I will not write it.
Requests might take a few days as I am a student and a lot of my free time is taken up. Please be patient!
Feel free to chat with me about anything! Kpop related or not my inbox is always open.
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ghostie-galaxi · 3 years
T1419 when you jokingly wipe their kiss away
The hell did you just do?
Looks at you so confused when you wiped away his kiss from your cheek
Gets whiny and asks why you would ever do that
When you laugh thinking it's funny he gets back at you by starting a tickle fight with you
Wears you down until he can shower your face in kisses and tells you to never try that again, or he won't kiss you at all for a week
Actually offended, just stares at you like ಠoಠ
Walks away cuz he mad and you have to run after him
In a constant eye roll before looking back at you and tells you he won't kiss you again unless you do aegyo for him
You absolutely refuse and walk away, until you realize he's serious and you're forced to do it
He holds you and kisses you as you stand there embarrassed. You're never doing that again
Fake mad
Puts his hands on his hips just like "What was that for?"
Knows you're messing with him when you giggle and run away
Chases after you as you then would pin you to the bed/wall and kiss you everywhere
"Try wiping those away." He says all smugly before walking away
Dramatic ass needs to make a scene over it
Would yell random things as he walks away with his arms thrown up in the air
I dedicate my entire life to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ and this is the thanks I get You run after him and wrap your arms around him and tell him to calm down
Eventually just sighs and rubs your head and tells you not to do it again
Before kissing you again, which you may or may not wipe away again, making him just leave your house entirely
Oh so this is what your doing now?
Will literally ignore you because of that, like literally won't look at you
You catch on pretty quickly and back hug him to make him look at you, but he just turns his body away from you
When you give up and go back to what you were doing is when he'll come back after you
Kisses your cheek again and asks what we learned from this, which was don't wipe away kisses
Offended with a smile
Like he'll look at you with his mouth agape but will be smiling still
Literally chases after you until he can pin you down
Also another one to just start a tickle war until he's satisfied with your string of apologies
If you're not already on your bed he'll take you there and hold you hostage with cuddles until he feels like letting go
200% done with your shit
Looks so done with you as you giggle and sink lower into your hoodie
Can't handle how cute you are so decided to just crush you and lay on top of you
Refuses to leave and just stays there until you say your sorry, or you ask him if he can actually move now
And he'll just be like, "I'll only move if you kiss me." And then when you go to kiss him, he'll move at the last second, turning the tables onto you
Why would you do that to him?
The bitch would probably cry just to prove a point because of you
"H-how could you?" Processed to fake cry and force our tears to make you feel bad
When you freak out he'd laugh at you, making you grumpy that he scared you
Now he has to make it up to you for scaring you
Would be the one to assume that you're mad at him when you do that
Like just gets upset when you wipe it off, not realizing you're just messing with him
Would leave and come back later just to apologize
When you ask him why he would say he didn't know what he did but you wiped away his kiss so he assumed you were mad
You have to explain you were just playing around and then he gets mad at you for scaring him
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ghostie-galaxi · 3 years
hi your favorite requester here (/j) im back with something different this time - T1419 soulmate aus? like which "versions" they would have? thanks :D
Literally my Cancer energy L O V E S soulmate AUs, just because I'm literally a lovesick fool so like- I love this
Note: this is mostly in the perspective of a foreign s/o, normally I feel like a lot of these reactions are written in the attempt of sounding like you're also Korean even though mostly likely they were written from someone who's not, so sorry not sorry if that bothers you
T1419 Soulmate AUs
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The first words your soulmate says to you are on your wrist
For as long as you can remember you had strange writing on your wrist and didn't know what it meant until you were told about soulmates and this was your mark. It took you awhile for you to realize it was in a different language and when you got older you tried to learn the language. "So it's you, then?" Was what you wrist said
After learning some of the language, you wanted nothing more then to travel to Korea in order to find your soulmate, so when you graduated highschool, you're parents were able to help you in moving there, understanding your reasoning
You had only lived there for a short period of time and your Korean was still pretty bad. During one day when you were walking down the street, you weren't paying attention when a boy had ran into you, almost knocking you over
Even though it wasn't your fault, you still instinctively said "I'm so sorry." The boy stared at you from under his hat for a few seconds before removing his mask. "So it's you, then?" It almost didn't sound real as you memorized that phrase for years
"How did you know?" You were confused. The boy walked over to you and showed you his wrist, which showed the obvious grammer mistake in your Korean. He smiled at you as you laughed a bit, suddenly embarrassed that his soulmate mark glorified your awful Korean. "My teachers in school always said that the words were wrong, and told me that my soulmate was most likely foreign. Turns out they were right." He explained to you he was running late for something, but you still managed to exchange numbers and get his name. And if anyone asks why he was late, he'd definitely by using "Found his soulmate" as an excuse.
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Your soulmate feels any pain or emotions you feel
You didn't know why you got a random paper cut on your finger when you were sitting in bed doing nothing, or why you felt a part of you being sad when you were happy, until you told your parents and they said that was your soulmate
You adored being able to feel your soulmates emotions, because he could also feel you when you tried to comfort him. If you accidentally cut yourself, you felt awful that your soulmate just got the same wound, but felt better when you could feel him comforting and forgiving you
He also enjoyed being able to feel you, it was like a second person in his mind looking out for him, when he felt sad, he could feel your empathy trying to comfort him, and he loved having someone there to care about him
You had accompanied a friend of yours to one of their concerts, and you were both waiting behind a rope in chance to see them right before performing. You didn't know much about them but he caught your attention when you saw them. As you were admiring him, the crowd from behind you got a little out of hand and ended up pushing you forward, making you fall and scrape your knees on the concrete.
You looked up just in time to see him physically wince in pain, almost falling to his knees at the sudden feeling before he made eye contact with you, still kneeling on the ground. You stared at each other and the moment of realization came over both of you, but you had to play it off like nothing happened. You could feel his disappointment and desperation that he wanted to see you, and you know he felt yours too.
You had to come up with a plan now, and the only thing was to try and be upfront for the concert, in hopes that he would see you again. It took some time, but eventually he was able to talk to a staff member at the concert and have you escorted backstage so he could finally meet you. When the concert was over, you could feel his excitement before he even got to you, and you could never explain the happiness that was felt between you both when you finally saw each other.
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The number on your wrist shows how far you are from your soulmate
There were two numbers one your wrist, one with km and one with cm (since those are universal measurements and you can figure it out if you're american) the numbers constantly changed, and showed you how far your soulmate was from you
You planned for so long for the moment you could travel to find your soulmate, any money you got you put towards travel expenses so when you graduated highschool, you being your journey
You started with just road trips, trying to find the directions you needed to head, used maps to find a rough measurement of how far they might be, and realized they were probably international. At the end of your road trip, you took a chance and got lucky when you found a plane to Japan and started seeing the number descrease. When you arrived you realized it still had a lot to go so the next trip that was planed was Korea, and when the numbers all added up to only being in the country, you were estatic.
Seungbin on the other had wished so badly he could go out and find you, but due to trying to be an idol, he wasn't granted much time. He looked at his wrist every day, so when he noticed all the numbers were rapidly decreasing, he couldn't be happier. When he saw the number was really low, he took advantage of his day off to come meet you half way.
You began walking through the streets when you arrived, testing different paths when you saw you wrist was decreasing when you weren't walking, you'd turn around and realize the number wasn't doing much, before turning around to see it decreasing better, and realized your soulmate was also trying to find you. Time went by as you figured out what was the best way, and little by little progress was made until it came down to the final stretch. The number was super low as you watched your wrist as you walked. Somewhere in the distance you could also see someone staring down at their wrist, and when you looked at you each other, you knew you they were the one. He tried his best to tell you everything about him and why he wasn't able to search for you, but you were able to assure him it was fine, and now you have all the time ever to get to know him.
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You meet each other in your dreams, very vivid, realistic dreams, but you're unable to exchange personal information
Neither of you probably realized this was your soulmate mark, especially if you're foreign, due to timezone differences you don't sleep at the same time, until a day when you slept during the day when he was asleep did you meet each other
It wasn't like normal dreams where everything is vague and cloudy, this was almost like a different world, very clear, and you and him were the only ones there,
When you started talking you realized you couldn't understand each other do to language difference, but you both tried your best to at least talk to each other. After a while when you realized this, you intentionally starting going to bed a different times, you managed to find out his language, and when you came back he was able to confirm. You can only share information if you find it out in the real world.
You tried your best to learn each other's languages and actually communicate with each other, but you weren't able to tell him your name, no sound came out, you could talk about yourselves and interests, but you can't say your name, where you're from, age, or anything that would let the other know too much about you. You both realized this was your soulmate mark and while you were learning Korean you got into kpop, which lead you to eventually find out who he was
When you meet again and you were able to tell him who he was, and nothing could compare to smile you both had when you said his name. He hugged you and you tried the best you could to make plans meet up somewhere in person. You managed to met in front of his entertainment building in which he was able to find you there and usher you inside to finally be able to tell him who you are
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When you draw on your skin, it appears on your soulmate as well
He gives me a lot of Indie vibes, especially from his song suggestions he posts so I feel like this would really fit him
Would enjoy seeing the little drawings appear one day, and might try writting words in attempt to communicate, but if there's a language barrier it'll probably be unsuccessful
However when you both get older and realize you speak different languages you both attempt to learn them and you're finally able to get basic information of each other
I get cute coffee shop vibes with this AU so he would be sitting somewhere looking at the drawing on his arm when he notices you walk in with the same drawing, constantly checking to make sure with was the same, and then he'd wait until you sat down before approaching you, "Are you (Y/N)?"
He shows you the drawing on his arm and you look at him in shock before smiling as he sits down, seeing your realization "I'm Leo, it's nice to finally meet you."
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One eye is your own, the other is your soulmates
When you woke up one day and saw that your eye color had completely changed, you were kinda disappointed that this is was your soulmate mark. Not that you didn't want to meet them, it just seemed like your friends got cooler ones, and you got stuck being made fun of for your different eyes. Or if you already have brown eyes, it would be impossible to find them, since there isn't much or wasn't a difference at all, this would be impossible.
As you got older you started to seek Kpop for comfort and when you found his group, you found it strange that he always wore an eye patch. Meanwhile, Juhwan also wasn't much of a fan of the colored eye either, the eye patch got quite annoying, and contacts still showed that his eyes were different colors
You liked seeing his little eye patch, it made him look cool, and maybe you could do it too to hide your eye aswell. The eye patch started to became routine for you, even when you got into their fansign and wore it there.
When you got to talk to Juhwan, he asked about the eye patch, and you told him about having a different eye color and offered to show him. You took off the eye patch, and you were surprised to see his lift up too. When you both made eye contact you saw his eye change color, similar to the other of your own, and you both froze.
With some arrangements that were made, you were able to be brought back to see him. You both shared experiences of having comments about your eye color and not entirely liking your mark, but glad to see you both have each other now
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You and your soulmate have matching tattoos somewhere on your body
When you turned 16 you noticed a tattoo forming on your back and were happy that this was your soulmate mark. You started to wear a lot of clothing that exposed that tattoo and started to pursue being a tattoo artist in hopes of one day finding your soulmate as a client
Zero had no idea what his soulmate mark was, leading him to think he didn't have one until the tattoo showed up across his neck. He was happy to know he did have one, but he had no idea how he'd ever find you
During comebacks, he would have to cover it up with make up until it came to their recent one where it was fully exposed since it fit the concept, and you could tell that it matched yours
You now had to find a way to meet him, which the best way would've been through fansigns, in which you finally managed to get into one and show off your tattoo, in hopes that he would notice
Sometime during it you were able to turn around and he saw you had the same tattoo he did. No one knew it was his soulmate mark since it was covered up until that one comeback and people just assumed it was for that. With the help of the staff you were able to be taken back to talk to him about it, were able to confirm that this was your soulmate mark. He told about the time when he thought he didn't have a soulmate and was really happy to know that he does now.
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Red string of fate the leads to where you are
Constantly finds himself daydreaming of where the string leads
Low-key one of the ones that loves the ideas of soulmates and is really excited for when he finally meets you
Probably was performing on day and saw the string lead up to the balcony, and he tried so hard to contain himself from the shock an excitement
When you realize it lead down to him you tried to stay at the venue afterward and hopefully he'd be able to come find you
After the performance he escapes from the others and runs to follow the string, smiling so brightly when he finds you standing and staring at him, he can't help but run up to you to finally know your name and may or may not just tackle hug you
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Colorblind until you make eye contact with your soulmate
Honestly I just picked this one because I like the angsty idea of him making eye contact with you at a concert, realizing you're his soulmate, trying to find you and getting emotional when he can't and has the have the others help
Thought he was weird when he was younger due to being colorblind and people would pick on him
Realized shortly afterward that that was his soulmate mark, And honestly didn't really like it, he didn't like being messed with because he can't see color and honestly didn't care when he met his soulmate
But when he made eye contact with you and realized you were his soulmate and he could finally see color, his emotions took over him and he completely changed, now desperate to find you
You realized it too and tried to find him but you knew you couldn't, until one of the other members found you after Kio described what you looked like through his desperate crying and was able to take you back to him, where you could comfort and hug him
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ghostie-galaxi · 3 years
T1419 as Supernatural Beings (Supernatural AU)
I've gone down a hole with them and I'm questioning my bias, and I'm low-key convinced that it's probably all of them sooo......(also check out their recent comeback Flex, I've had it on repeat for days)
Noa/Yubin -> Vampire
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this cocky ass motherfucker loves it
like maybe not all the time but loves being a huge flirt just to lure people into him
however he doesn't care much for killing people, I could see him more drugging people so they don't remember anything but he still satisfies his need for blood
as much as he flirts though he's incredibly lonely, and he has nothing else to really do
basically just drowns his lonely by getting with people, hoping someday someone won't leave him, and would actually want to be with him
Sian/Changmin -> Merman/Siren
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A nice siren that just loves to charm people
Rarely ever intends to harm people unless he's in a bad mood or he sees a bad person
But really just loves to comfort people
As long as you don't freak out he'd love to just sit and talk with people, but normally people would freak out so he tends to just keep secret
Unless you were to still around for awhile, and maybe compliment his voice, he longs for some sort of attention so would eventually show himself to you
Kevin/Seungbin -> Angel
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He's adorable, and I hate that he's a less popular member
He's so curious about everything, and kind of an air head ngl
Loves watching humans and learning about them, and just in generally enjoys learning new things
Sometimes wishes he could experience human life and learn more about it than he ever could by just watching, but also doesn't want to give up his duties as an angel
Constantly torn between wanting to live to different lives, but he'd need something bigger to really convince him to want to give up his wings
Gunwoo -> Hybrid
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He's also adorable, and I still have that he's also a less popular member
200% would be a cat or fox hybrid
Happy and playful all the time, and tries to be charming when he can
Actually likes interacting with the human world, he would just were a hat to cover his ears and tries doing human things
Doesn't normally get super far due to other hybrids, but tries to best to sneak away and be on his own
Leo -> Wizard/Sorcerer
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Definitely prefers to keep to himself, and doesn't normally leave his home
Focuses a lot on studying his magic to improve himself and tends to ignore everyone else
Honestly hates when he has to interact with the human world and tries to be quick when he does
Really just prefers to isolate himself, which really does take a toll on him sometimes, getting lonely and all
But he tries to find ways to turn objects alive so he'll find a way to cope with his loneliness
On/Juhwan -> Werewolf
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Doesn't really have a rank in the pack, and doesn't really have a desire to work his way up
Just kinda tolerates his life just living and serving his pack
Does crave to do something more, just not with his pack, and honestly kinda wants to just be a loner, but he knows how dangerous and stupid that could end up being
So he sticks with his pack, and does sometimes wonders off, but never to the human world
Has deeply considered it though
Zero/Shota -> Demon
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Strong, silent type
Knows he scares people and likes it
Has zero mercy (as the name suggests, yes, the pun was intended, intended your puns cowards)
Would have very few moments when he actually hates being a demon
But that would only happen around very few people
Kairi -> Elf/Fae
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I honestly didn't really know what to do with him but I feel like this fits and no it's not because he's short
Also one to just be happy with his life just living in the forest and living his life
And another one to not really want to leave his life for the human world
Also enjoys messing with people when they enter the forest, but only sometimes
Yeah, I don't know he kinda just lives his life out normally with no really curiosity of the human world
Kio/Musashi -> Fairy
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Technically more like a pixie cuz he's a mischievous little shit
Is still a bit shy but once he starts to mess with humans more he would do it all the time and be a menace
However is someone were to see him though and try to catch him, he'd either get 10x more misbehaved or would get scared and shy and hide somewhere
The only time he wouldn't be mess with someone is if they're clearly upset and tries to do little things to make them feel better
Or is someone was being hurt he would go all out to wreak havoc on this person
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tsunchani · 3 years
it's open only for: oneus, sf9, golden child, t1419.
send me your requests and i will add on my wips list ^^
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justmephobe · 3 years
t1419 scenario: things they would carry for there s/o
He would carry a key chain that has your name on it. He loves it, you got for him along with some other things but he likes the key chain reminds him of you.
He wears the earrings you gave him all the time. He loves them since you gave them to him. There very to important to him.
He would have rings with yours matching. He keeps it all the time. It reminds him of you and he loves that.
He would have a bracelet with your name on it. He always wears even when your not there. He shows it to the boys. 
He would get have a necklace on with you having the other half. He wears it because its reminds him on how much he loves you.
Tmr comes the rest.
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justmephobe · 3 years
T1419 reaction: s/o being sleepy
He would look at you with heart eyes and thinks your sleepy state is cute. He would stroke you hair and hug you tightly to help you fall asleep. He would also put a blanket over you when you do fall asleep.
Sian would be so gentle when it comes to you wanting to sleep. He would place you one his lap. Telling you stories in the calmest voice he can have. He would love when you sleepy because he loves holding you until you sleep
He would be smiling so much. Singing you to sleep while you sit on his lap and playing with his hair. He would love this a lot so every time your sleepy he pulls you onto his lap. He loves spending time with you like this.
He would be so flustered and shy. He would be surprised and tense at first but calms down, strokes your hair and just is happy like this. Makes sure your comfy first of all. And smiles and asks himself how he got this lucky.
He would be calm about the situation and he would just go with it. He would happily put you on his lap and tell you to relax. He would play with you hair and calm you down till you sleep. He enjoys this very much.
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justmephobe · 3 years
T1419 (legal line) reaction: their s/o show them her new lingerie
Praise you on how you look. Gets distracted from what he was doing being of you.Proud to call you his. Tells you he loves it while carressing you sides.
Instantly compliments you and tells you how stunning you look. Probably would get a boner and wants you to help him. But loves you confidence when showing him.
This man would kiss you hungrily  right after you came out of the bathroom. Tells you how sexy you look and he would talk dirty to you while making out.
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justmephobe · 3 years
T1419 scenarios: taking care of there s/o
Scenarios : You are sick and its there day off.
He would be so worried. His older brother instincts (towards the boys and his little brother) and leader instincts know exactly what to do but his worried boyfriend side doesn’t he ends up needing to calm down, buys you food and medicine and stays home with you.
He would already be prepared. He would cook you food and make sure you comfortable so that you can heal. He would be there for you, he makes sure you have everything you need and if your feeling any better. He cares deeply for you.
He would be right by your side. He wouldn’t care if he got sick. He thought of it as being with you 24/7. He would be happy to nurse you back to your healthy self. He would cook for you and buy you gifts. Even if you told him not to, he wants to spoil you. 
He would be lost on what to do so he called him mom to ask for help. Y’know on the Daily Us Season 2 when he called him mom to ask how to make rice, yep he called him mom to ask for help on when to give you your medicine and how to cook certain thinks. He needs all the help he can get.
He would be responsible. He knows what to do, he would get you pillows, blankets if you need socks or if you want one of his hoodies. He would cook for you, makes sure your hydrated and if you want him to do anything for you. He really is prepared. 
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justmephobe · 3 years
t1419 reaction: s/o wanting cuddles
Having a chill day with On was always fun. Always spending time together was amazing. When he was playing his game you wanted attention. Since you two are a very clingy couple. He understood. He finished his games and then cuddled with you.
This shy baby isn’t good with skin ship. So you usually initiates the pda. So when you were watching a movie you asked him if you can sit on his lap. He was hesitant bu agreed. You sat on his lap and cuddle him. He found his hands wrapping around you. He smiled to himself.
He is always big on pda. He loves showing his s/o affection. So when he just woke up to see you gone from the bed. He went to the living room and saw you watching tv. He jumped next to you. When you noticed him, you asked him for cuddles. You couldn’t finish you sentence since he was already by you.
He is also very shy. So you would always starts the cuddle sections. You were just doing your own thing. You wanted to cuddle so you got closer and closer and then just hugged his waist. He was surprised and kinda nervous. But he ended up cuddling with you.
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