#t3 norsk challenge
languageduck · 7 years
Challenge Update Week 1
So, as some of you might’ve seen I’m doing @notglot‘s Summer Language Challenge for 8 weeks (but I’ve turned it just into the winter term 3 challenge because it’s winter and I’m working lmao) and I’m trying to learn Norwegian. I’m updating every Sunday on how I’m going!
I’ve tried a whole lot of websites etc to figure out which is going to work best for me, especially considering I’m an absolute beginner. I’ve stuck to duolingo and memrise for the most part. Others I’ve checked out are lingvist, lingq, and clozemaster. I’ve also used this Norwegian on the Web resource and the pdf from this post by @koreanbreeze. I only discovered koreanbreeze’s post yesterday but I think I’ll be using that pdf a lot as this goes on, it’s very handy.
Duolingo Norwegian Course
Level: 6
Skills completed: Basics, Basics 2, Phrases, Food, Animals, Definites, Obj. Pron., Plurals, Def. Plur., V: Present (First checkpoint passed!!)
Streak (20 XP per day goal): 10 days
Memrise Norwegian 1
Levels completed: 2 (Launchpad, I come in peace)
Words learnt (words in LTM): 49 (12)
Streak (5 min per day goal):7 days
Norwegian on the Web
I used the audio files to learn the pronunciation of the letters of the alphabet, and used the pronunciation guide to write my own pronunciation page in my notebook. Read through all of chapter 1 in the course material and grammar book.
In my notebook
I’ve written notes on pronunciation, pronouns, articles, numbers 1 - 1 000 000 000 & wrote out vocab from the first three duolingo topics (I’ve got to catch up whoops) (See pics of my notebook here)
Last but not least, every week I want to try and actually write something in Norwegian using what I’ve learned. So here goes! (If anyone spots any mistakes, please don’t hesitate to let me know!)
Hei! Jeg heter Belinda. Jeg er tjuefem år gammel. Jeg kommer fra Australia. Jeg snakker engelsk og tysk og litt norsk. Jeg har en katt. Hun heter Tori og er to år gammel. Katten er en jente. Jeg liker henne. Jeg liker å lese og å le og å sova. Jeg har en te. Jeg liker ander. Jeg er en lærer. Lærere liker bøker.
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languageduck · 7 years
okay so I know I live in Australia and it’s the middle of winter and I still have to go to work etc but I saw @notglot‘s Summer Language Challenge post and I love the idea of it! 
So here’s my intro post. I’m going to try and do approx 30min a day for this school term (I’m a casual teacher) so 23 July - 22 September and then I can chill and focus on my German because my exam is on the 27th of September.
As it’s not summer though, I’m going to tag this with ‘t3 norsk challenge’ as well as ‘summer language challenge’, ‘langblr’ and ‘mine’.
Who I am
Belinda, 25, from Australia. Maths teacher. Studying German 202 (approx B2 level) at uni at the moment. 
My target language & why
Norwegian. No real reason, I just think it sounds cool and it’s very similar to German and English so should be easy-ish to pick up. And close to Swedish which I’d like to learn at some point eventually.
My goals
Be able to count, use simple phrases, introduce & talk about myself, my family, hobbies, daily routines etc. 
Minimum: First 5 chapters of NotW and the first four checkpoints on Duo up to ‘Order’.
Duolingo and Norwegian on the Web
I’m going to be posting updates every week on Sunday. They’ll include what I’ve learnt and how much I got done etc. Might also include what I’ve been doing with German. I’m going to try and include a little bit of writing in Norwegian in these posts. If you’re a native speaker, please feel free to correct me! I’ll also probably be chatting about my experiences in the langblr discord group chat that I admin so join that if you want.
Let’s goooooo. Tag me if you want me to see your posts about Norwegian or German or if you’re doing the challenge too! I’m excited! 
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languageduck · 7 years
Challenge Update Week 4
I think probably by this point I should just admit I do these on Mondays instead of Sundays lmao
Anyway, as always: I’m doing @notglot‘s Summer Language Challenge. My other update posts & info about the challenge are here.
tbh this week I spent more time on German because I’ve got an assignment due soon so I was pretty much solely using duo & memrise. I’ve also definitely not been doing 30 minutes most days because I’m awful but I figure any is better than none.
Duolingo Norwegian Course
my duo is spiceinvaders, feel free to add me
Level: 8
Skills completed: family, time, dates
Streak (20 XP per day goal): 31 days
Memrise Norwegian 1
my memrise is also spiceinvaders, feel free to add me
Levels completed: finished Where in the Universe, Fuel your vocab: 10, 9, 8..., Them and Us, halfway through Getting Fed
Words learnt (words in LTM): 162 (154)
Streak (5 min per day goal): 28 days
ok here goesssss. I’m exhausted and this is probably awful, corrections welcome!
Jeg arbeider i dag. I dag er i August og er om vinter. Mandag er dårlig men om natten er ok. Jeg arbeider i morgen også. Dagen går langsom. Jeg kan å arbeide bare på hverdager. Kjæresten min og meg vil en nyt hus.
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languageduck · 7 years
Challenge Update Week 3
A day late again but yolo
I’m doing @notglot‘s Summer Language Challenge. My other update posts & info about the challenge are here.
I’ve been using duo and memrise pretty much solely this week.
Duolingo Norwegian Course
my duo is spiceinvaders, feel free to add me
Level: 7
Skills completed: Direction, prep., adjectives, colours, qualities, family (2/4)
Streak (20 XP per day goal): 24 days
Memrise Norwegian 1
my memrise is also spiceinvaders, feel free to add me
Levels completed: finished Fuel Your Vocab: Food, What do you like?, Where in the world? almost finished
Words learnt (words in LTM): 118 (109)
Streak (5 min per day goal): 21 days
In my notebook
Tbh I’m trash this week. I wrote out some more vocab but I still need to write notes on adjectives & more vocab.
Here is my attempt to use what I’ve learned, please correct me if I make mistakes!
Moren min heter Linda. Jeg har en stefar. Han heter Peter. Linda og Peter er et ektepar. Jeg er ikke et enebarn. Jeg har en storesøster. Vi er søstre. Morfaren min spiser med oss. Moren min er veldig snill og ikke streng. Vi er fattig og ikke berømt men vi er glad. Norsk er vanskelig men tysk er vanskeliger. De er like språk. Jeg er trøtt og klar å sove.
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languageduck · 7 years
Challenge Update Week 2
A day late whoops.
I’m doing @notglot‘s Summer Language Challenge. My other update posts & info about the challenge are here.
Honestly I haven’t been as intense this week about the challenge, I’ve kinda been doing the bare minimum whoops. I’m still loving the pdf from this post by @koreanbreeze, and I’ve been using duolingo and memrise the most.
Duolingo Norwegian Course
my duo is spiceinvaders, feel free to add me
Level: 6
Skills completed: Location, Possessive, Counting, Clothing, That/those, Direction (2/5)
Streak (20 XP per day goal): 17 days
Memrise Norwegian 1
my memrise is also spiceinvaders, feel free to add me
Levels completed: Being Human, Fuel Your Vocab: Food (I’m so close to completing this level haha)
Words learnt (words in LTM): 84 (27)
Streak (5 min per day goal): 14 days
In my notebook
I’ve written notes on plurals and definite plurals & wrote out vocab from all duolingo topics up to an including possessives (I’m using this memrise set for the vocab lists) (See pics of my notebook here)
Here is my attempt to use what I’ve learned, please correct me if I make mistakes!
Katten min heter Tori. Jeg har på seg briller, en bukse og ei skjorte. Lueen min er i posen min. Jeg har tre av bøker min med meg. Vår huset har et gjerde. Jeg er innenfor og Tori er utenfor. Jeg liker ikke å arbeide men jeg å trenge. Jeg liker  å kjøre og å kjøpe klær og å sove.
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