#ta merch
tsmerch · 10 months
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400 pesos
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yumemiruuuu · 1 month
my 2ha shrine got an upgrade 💅✨
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Fan merch from these stores on etsy:
RanWan print by Ashokanspring
RanWan shaker charm by AlmaHeiko
Acrylic pins and clips by ShionBunny
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mrvelocipede · 2 months
This is awful, I've been working on stuff and thinking about this all week, and the only thing rattling around my otherwise empty skull is:
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T-shirts (and a couple of stickers) on Threadless: https://polychroma.threadless.com/
A few random carefully curated collection of silk scarves on Big Cartel: https://polychroma.bigcartel.com/
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littlemouserat · 2 years
Still a bit salty that they never made a The New Batman Adventurers action figure of The Mad Hatter. Like, even the creeper and that annoying demon brat got one, but where’s Jervis Tetch? 
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talkfastcal · 9 months
Absolutely love when I refresh my email and I have 3 messages saying “your order has shipped” or “your order has been delivered” 😌
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tomsmusictaste · 2 years
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Picked up this sick MM@TA shirt the other day, now feeling POP-PUNK AF! 🖤🤘✨
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githvyrik · 10 months
oh yeah btw I’m seeing amaranthe in november. they’re with some other people idk I don’t rly care. anyways ticket sites have a lot of nerve putting me through like 16 layers of bad spy thriller nonsense just to buy fucking concert tickets and then charge a delivery fee for a digital barcode. every concert venue around here is like this.
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benevxllain · 2 years
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"Oh, *that is...for me? How generous.. A moment, please. I will be ready shortly." 🌊🩱☀️🏖🐚💝
*a hot fudge sundae, bcuz chilling under an umbrella with one after collecting shells for friends hits the spot
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miniwolfsbane · 2 years
X-Men: The Animated Series Fashion T-Shirt for Adults | shopDisney
*Dies...of shock*
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tezerenotameiki · 1 month
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let’s kiss while listening to 150p’s shuuen no shiori doujin instrumental album No Voice,
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penny-anna · 4 months
a couple of my fav non-true crime related mysteries:
Cracks: a bunch of people remember a creepy Sesame Street short from their childhoods that seems to have been buried by the network. sounds like some kind of Candle Cove nonsense but is actually real.
Geedis and the Land of Ta: someone stumbles on what seems to be merch for a piece of 80s fantasy media that does not exist.
The Case of the Missing Hit: a guy vividly remembers a song he's convinced was a big hit in the 90s; no-one else has heard of it & he can't find any evidence online
The disappearance of William Cantelo: ok stretching the definition a bit here bcos i guess this guy might have been murdered but this is genuinely such an odd story about a guy who straight up had a doppelganger
Who is the world's biggest purchaser of glitter? guys. who is buying all the glitter. it might have been solved but the glitter manufacturers aren't confirming or denying anything so i will be thinking about this until i die.
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thefluxqueen · 8 months
CRANE WIVES CONCERT WAS SOOO FUN!! I WON!!!!! (<- fav song got played)
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moralesmilesanhour · 9 months
Ohhhhh what about Miles and his s/o go costume shopping and she picks a spiderman costume like his 😭
Sure thing!
You frowned at the selection of elf ears sitting on display in the costume section.
"Miles, elves can be Black, right?"
Miles' cloak floated behind him as he turned to you and adjusted the pointy blue hat that it came with.
"I don't see why not."
"So why all the ears white, then? C'mere, look!"
He peered over the display and shook his head solemnly. "I just paint mine or dye 'em."
"That's mad work, lemme see what superheroes they got," you sighed as you put the cape and blouse you were carrying back where you found them.
You passed by a few Black Widow costumes (chafing), a Loki costume (horns over-complicated things), and others until something black and red caught your eye.
"You done in there?" Miles called out to you from in front of the fitting room door.
"Juuust about!" You slipped on the mask as a final touch before swinging the door open. "Ta-da!"
His eyes were the size of dinner plates.
"I got--I mean, the new Spider-Man got updated merch? Since when?" He asked, circling you to examine the costume.
It was suprisingly accurate. The material mimicked the carbon fiber texture of the real thing, and the red stripes around the chest had been made sharper. The logo, the eye shape - it was all there. Well, everything except...
"Where the stripes at?"
"Yeah, this one don't got them goofy ass Adidas stripes that Spider-Man has," you remarked. "I'm kinda relieved, to be honest. I liked his first suit better."
Miles rolled his eyes when you weren't looking and didn't comment. "Yeah, whatever. C'mon, we gotta get my wand."
Your eyes narrowed as he walked past you. "What? I say something wrong?"
"Wand time!"
Shaking your head, you followed behind him.
Dassit! I hope you enjoyed this one :) please feel free to reblog or comment your reactions and feedback!
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israfilskoemaslo · 6 months
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I randomly remembered that I can sculpt. Some kind of quick-drying clay and two or three hours of free time = Ta-daah, an APPLe! I'm too poor, so I made the merch myself just for me, lmao. Not perfect, but it could be worse. It was a sunny day today, so I decided to take a picture "in a beautiful way"
+photo when I first made it, at that time it had another stick at the top, but then it fell off, so I had to make a new one (it turned out worse)
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shippymerch · 3 months
Hi y’all I know I haven’t been here in forever but is anyone ready for a Shizaya merch reveal??
✨ Ta-Da ✨
I offer you a manu video of the Psyche/Delic mini CD charms I got made 🤩
I’ve been pretty quiet on socmed while working on multiple projects, and this is one of them! It’ll still be a wait for these babies to reach me, but I’m vibrating with anticipation to have them in my hands 🤲 They’re so smol & I think they came out pretty cute. The backside design is my take on the portable record player Delic carries:
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These mini CDs are 1 of 3 Shizaya merch items I have in production right now. The others are not as far along yet but please do stay tuned 👀
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716chr · 16 days
Chihiro Natsuyaki SR - “From Now, The Two Of Us” (Part 1)
Location: HAMA House - Living Room
Tao: 『You can freely decide your room layout with your roommate. Feel free to bring in any furnitures, equipments, or anything else, as long as it fits through the door』……
Tao: The president is so generous
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Chihiro: Hey, hey. Tao-Tao, what kinda room do you like?
Chihiro: As for Chii~, somethin’ colorful and cute will be perfect ☆ The kinda room that just by bein’ in it can make Chii instantly super hyped!
Tao: You’re into streaming and all that stuffs, right? It’s probably best to have a good-looking background
Chihiro: And also~, a place where Chii’s TuRyStA Bears merchs can stay too! Chii will, like, put them where Chii can see them at all time and then say g’mornin’ to them in the mornin’ and g’night when it’s night!
Chihiro: Tao-tao, don’t you have stuffs too? You can put whatever you like in your own space, y’know?
Tao: Ah…. I might have to buy everything all over again, so just having a roof over my head is enough
Chihiro: Eh~? Ain’t that just no different from prison at all~?
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Chihiro: C’mon, c’mon, why don’t you give it a try? Try askin’ Chii-sama to do you a solid
Tao: Then…..
Tao: Chihiro, you’re welcome to decorate my space as you please. I’ll leave it up to you. That’s what I want
Chihiro: …..Eh? You sure?
Tao: Instead of me going on about this and that, I’m sure it’ll definitely turn out great under your hands
Tao: Ah, I’m not just throwing it all on you. Of course I’ll lend a hand, so feel free to ask me to help carry stuffs or anything
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Chihiro: ……No, I got this. Tao-Tao, just wait for me
Chihiro: Chii will get everything that Tao-Tao wants!
Tao: That’s reassuring. Then….. I’ll be in your care, Chihiro
Chihiro: Okay!
Chihiro: Let’s see. In that case, gimme a day to work on the coordinations
Chihiro: Sorry, but Tao-Tao, can you stay in the living til then?
Tao: Got it. Then I’ll go get my blankets and whatever else I’ll be needing for now
Chihiro: Alrighty, then Chii will go get ready!
Tao: Ok. Call me right away if you ever need a hand
Tao: ……Maybe I should get some necessities too while I can
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Location: HAMA House - 2F Corridor
Tao: ……To think that you really finished it all in one day
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Chihiro: Heh-heh, amazin’, right?
Chihiro: But y’know~, if you took a look inside the room, you’ll be even more surprised
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Chihiro: Ta~da ♪ It’s room reveal time ♪ I present to you, our brand new room!
Tao: This is….!
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Part 1 | Part 2
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