mnstrfcker · 3 years
I can’t believe I never thought of this before
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Ye’yin as a yautja?!?! SCREAMING
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mnstrfcker · 3 years
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Been trying to pull myself out of artblock and finish up chapter 13 so have Ta’thiir and Ye’yin bein cute
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mnstrfcker · 3 years
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mnstrfcker · 3 years
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Found this gem I had drawn a while back, Ta’thiir if you’re reading this I love you.
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mnstrfcker · 3 years
Yooooo tell us about your yautja ocs! What are they like, what are their backstories etc etc I want to know EVERYTHING 🤩🤩
OKAY IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS QUESTION BC I AM LITERALLY VIBRATING WITH THE NEED TO GUSH ABT MY BOYS (Unfortunately I can't reveal anything abt their backstory as that would be major spoilers for anyone reading my story, but I am down to write abt their personalities!)
Okay so-
·A giant teddy bear. He was always the sweeter of the three, he got teased alot in his past for his big heart.
But make no mistake, he is one lethal hunter and his kindness is shown only to those who earn it.
·He is the messiest of the three. He simply sets something down and tells himself he'll get it later- which he does- after one of his brothers points it out.
(I feel you Ta'thiir, I really do.)
·Easily excitable. Anything as simple as a grin and giggle will have his heart soaring. He is the extrovert. Loves long, loud conversation.
Is a lover of the alcoholic drinks made on his home planet, doesn't drink too often but won't deny if you offer.
·Fiercely protective. If its something or someone he actually gives a damn about, he will tread the fucking clouds and kick down heavens door to fight god if it meant protecting it/them.
·If grisl could be a person, it would be him. He is all rock, thorns and fire. He's got a 24 hr resting bitch face and punches people in his sleep. He dreams of violence, wakes up and chooses it.
·Has the worst temper out of them all. And many people would think he's cold and unfeeling, just angry. This is wrong. For a good reason, Me'Ki-Ta has had to harden his shell.
He is the most emotional of the three, if anything. He trusts his instincts almost to a fault, because the last time he ignored them it cost him nearly his entire clan.
He feels sadness, anguish, shame- it all comes out in an angry manner. The dude doesn't know how to be soft.
·Loves to read. This is not something Elite Hunters normally do, it was only highest ranking Yautja- known as Ancients- who read. Everyone knows how to, of course, but it is rare one would for leisure.
He likes the quiet entertainment they provide. A scene playing out in his head, vivid. Books can be violent and fell of war, or heartbreaking and bittersweet. He finds solace in the pages, able to feel without admiting to it.
·Cannot sit still. You will rarely find Me'Ki-Ta relaxing for longer than 2-3 minutes. This does include reading- he will have a book in his face while he tends to his hounds, or sharpening his blades.
·The most possessive out of the three. Borderline obsessive sometimes- he's got abandonment issues. Dude is just deathly afraid of losing people he cares about.
·The goof of the group. Inappropriate jokes, pranks, its all him. Unless he ropes some poor soul into his games.
Please engage in playful banter with him, he loves that shit.
·Has slight OCD tendencies developed in the past, for example- he sharpens his blades evenly and three times on each side, if he differs he starts all over again until he gets it right or it feels okay to put them away. Look sideways at his knives and you'll get cut without touching it.
(His main fixation is repetition in even numbers.)
·The flirtiest. Dude was a champion during the time before the incident, he was quite the charmer. Now its much more subtle and toned down- but no less effective, believe me.
·Loves to fiddle with technology, he's the most curious of the three. He's the technician on the ship.
Has a bulky tool-belt he wears to repair anything- and yall, its a low rider. The way he wears it on his hips is something I shed tears about everyday.
·The best at expressing himself. He's a smooth talker, and is the best at showing just what hes feeling. He isn't afraid to look like an asshole it means protecting someone over their feelings.
·If you look up 'bad bitch' in the dictionary you'll find her face plastered next to it. Sometimes I imagine her with a russian accent bc she WOULD be the brooding russian bounty hunter lady with 23 knives in her jacket.
"On Yautja-Prime, you either dominate or get dominated. Take that however you like."
·Will never admit it and would in fact die before doing so but she adores plants. So much. The main reason she goes hunting on Earth is for the prime sport and ✨succulents✨
·Dead-face heart-stoppingly blunt. If you have something in your teeth, she will tell you not matter who is there with you. If you made a mistake, she will point it out.
She sees it as helping, but desbite this she sometimes comes off as rude. The bars fights she's been in are legendary.
(Also- if she finds you attractive, she will tell you. And keep telling you until you either accept her advances or reject her. She won't speak word of it again if you say no.)
·Is very passionate about herself. Confidence 101 if it had legs and could take lives. She has a big ego, but she's got the skills and skulls to excuse it. She's just that good.
I hope this is okay! I went WILD LMAO.
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mnstrfcker · 3 years
Do Ye'yin like small place to hide/relax if she need time for herself? Like how some kid like being under table as they color or play with there iPad. I hope make sense? XD it be cute to have the boys find her in some her lil spot
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"If I need a break or a moment to myself, there's this little space above the emergency generators they can't find me in! Though I have to be careful not to fall asleep, I did that once and nearly caused Ta'thiir a heart attack."
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mnstrfcker · 3 years
How do you think a yautja would think of a trans s/o?
I think it depends on the Yautja, though I don't believe any of them would have anything negative to say. I personally believe gender isn't really a thing for them like it is for us. I think there are many trans Yautja! [Though they may have a different word and definition for it, being that they are a completely different race.]
Some may be highly curious and interested, like Mohtiat or Gaacheeirp would be- loads of questions and fascinated with you. They strive for the gain of knowledge, after all. Would be highly confused if you were nervous about telling them.
To them, this is an amazing occasion, something to be celebrated.
"Why are you nervous, little one?"
You would explain that back on your planet, there were lots of people who hated the trans community.
And they will scoff and huff; oomans can be amazing, but they can also be so utterly stupid.
"Why do they care? It is not their flesh, it is not their business?"
"Tell that to them," you would say.
They will respect your boundaries to a T, but expect a lot of questions and compliments- the more you speak of your experiences, the more proud of you they become.
You are one of the strongest, incredible humans they know.
They would 100% take you out to shop for fabrics and clothing that make you feel more like you, don't worry about the price, just pick up whatever catches your eye and its yours.
Like Me'Ki-Ta or Thaidta, some would immediately accept this without any curiousity at all. You are a human, and chances are you're their human, you make your own reality and they respect that beyond words.
They will memorize everything one of your needs and cater to them without you even knowing.
Your binder breaks or tears in battle? no worries, they have a backup ready. You run out of perscribed hormones? they have the best in the market already on hand.
They are your shoulder to cry on and the extra ears to listen to your troubles. Ultimate validator, will assure you in every instance of doubt that you are who you feel, who you say you are.
Does certain makeup/clothing make you happy? You have an entire room dedicated to that alone. Only the best for their human.
Then there is Ta'thiir and Thakou. AGRESSIVELY supportive. You want top/bottom surgery? you have an appointment with the galaxy's best surgeon the very next day. Did they threaten the entire staff to put you at the top of the list? Yes, but they'll refuse to admit it if you asked.
Will find out what compliments you like the most and write it down, memorize it, and call you those constantly, if they hear your deadname hit the air they'll destroy the lungs that birthed it.
Are you feelings dysphoric? They will do anything and everything to comfort you. Whether thats lying down and cuddling you and purring up a storm, or suiting you up in battle armor to go hunt down some unlucky beast- they've got you covered.
All Yautja have something in common- should anyone misgender you, call you names or be transphobic on any level towards you, your respective Yautja will see to it that they never speak again. Or walk. Or blink.
Basically, the Yautja race said Trans Rights, or die.
I love them so much.
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