seanerboy · 11 months
Scars - 🐺🌊 headcanon
Traveler always wondered how Wriothesley got the scars on his neck. The duke joked about it by saying he fought a mighty beast or something along those lines. But what if part of it was true ?
One day, while Wriothesley was taking a break in his office, he received some visit from none other than the ludex, Neuvillette. As always, Wriothesley had warm tea ready to share while the other took a seat. As Wriothesley settled the cups on his desk, Neuvillette couldn’t help but stare at the scars plastered down on the man’s neck. 
“Your eyes tell me you are not feeling so great, chief justice. You can tell me anything.”
“...I am still deeply sorry for what I have done to you.” the Iudex said as he got closer to the duke while reaching a hand towards the latter's neck. “I admit I was quite surprised when I first saw you in such a state. I could have never thought that the Iudex Neuvillette would be like this.” Wriothesley said while Neuvillette was tracing down the scars with the tip of his fingers. “But you don’t have to apologize. I quite liked it.” Wriothesley said with a smirk, which startled Neuvillette who retracted in his seat. The man wasn’t blushing and instead was wearing a blank expression. But the duke of Meropide knew how to read it.
“I’m sorry if what I said made you uncomfortable. But you really don’t have to feel sorry. These scars are just the proof that I will never back down in front of you. And they are also a sign that you will never really hurt a soul, dear hydro dragon.”
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seanerboy · 1 year
The warmth of your soul - 🏛️🌱 fluff
"The warmth of your hands reflect the warmth of your soul"
Kaveh's hands felt like a warm summer afternoon on a porch, air filled with the calming melody of shivering leaves dancing with the cool breeze.
Alhaitham's hands were as warm as a blanket heated by the morning sun, shining through thin curtains, the smell of coffee filling the air.
Both couldn't get enough of these warm feelings as they held hands in the morning while cuddling under a warm blanket. And at night, as they would link their souls together under the midnight moonlight.
"I love you" falling from Kaveh's lips like honey. "I love you more" coming out from Alhaitham's mouth like warm tea. The two mixing up together to make the most beautiful love beverage.
Because I need some wholesome Haikaveh in between my angst (- v -)~~
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seanerboy · 1 year
My rainbow rose - 🪄🌠 trope
Where Lyney fell in love with traveler but just can't bring himself to admit it so he just flirts and throw hints but he never confesses. But there is a reason the magician doesn't want to confess. He is scared. Afraid that one day he'll have to say goodbye to traveler. Because, at the end of the day, he is a fatui and traveler is the hero who fights against them.
Inspired by this description of the flowers Lyney offered to traveler at the end of his story quest. The fact that it's an arrangement symbolising passion and parting made me think that it might be a hidden message from the magician. It's as if Lyney is confessing his love and grieving it at the same time. Like saying "I want you by my side because I love you. But I love you so I'm letting you go."
The pain of loving someone you should consider your enemy 🥹😭
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seanerboy · 1 year
Pride and prejudice - 🏛️🌱 share
I have to get this out of my system. I've been seeing people saying that Haikaveh is literaly Darcy/Lizzy coded and I couldn't agree more. (Also, this is just an excuse to imagine my favs as the mains of my favorite romance movie)
Reasons why Haikaveh are Lizzy and Darcy coded :
Alhaitham's quest achievement titled "Pride and Prejudice" like c'mon hoyo, you ain't subtle
Alhaitham's house background music being "Silent Stary Night" which has a similar vibe with "Dawn" and "Liz on top of the world" from Pride and Prejudice
Haikaveh's personalities always clashing like Lizzy and Darcy at the start of the story.
Alhaitham being so subtle with his feelings that it almost feels like he truly doesn't like Kaveh who, on the other hand, is convinced that Alhaitham has no heart
The ✨vibes✨
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seanerboy · 1 year
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Thanks to whoever made this. My broken heart needed it 🥲
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seanerboy · 1 year
Cold truth - 🏛️🌱 short
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Prince Kaveh has been spending time with his playmate Alhaitham ever since they were kids. It was planned that the both of them marry each other for the sake of their respective kingdoms. Kaveh as a young boy full of life, fell in love at first sight with his fiance when they met for the first time. Ever since then, he never left Alhaitham's side and was always the first to help him. But Alhaitham never ran to Kaveh's side out of pure will when the boy needed help. Of course, being blinded by love, Kaveh never paid much attention to the silver's lack of affection.
But when they both reached the age of 18, Kaveh started to have doubts. On a random afternoon, during his scheduled time with Alhaitham, Kaveh noticed how the younger wasn't paying attention to what he was saying. Anxiety creeped up inside Kaveh when he asked Alhaitham a question.
"Hayi...do you love me ?"
The younger looked up at the blonde and faked a smile. "Of course I do, prince Kaveh. It is my duty as your future husband after all."
Kaveh stared at Alhaitham then smiled back. 'So it is only a duty to you...I see' It was now all clear in Kaveh's head. Everything that had happened up until now, the way the younger always behaved with him. And that day...
"Say, Hayi. The noble young man we met in town the other day. I believe Aether was his name. You love him, don't you ?"
Alhaitham looked shocked and his ears turned red as he started to stutter words of denial. But nobody could fool Kaveh when it came to love. He knew what love looks like.
"It's ok, Alhaitham. There's no need for you to hide the truth, I could tell. The way you looked at him so dearly. You were so captivated, you didn't even realized that I had gone back to the carriage."
Alhaitham looked guilty and apologized to Kaveh. The blonde faintly smiled. Kaveh stood up from his chair, which alarmed Alhaitham who asked if he was ok and kept apologizing. But Kaveh rassured him.
"There's no need to apologize for that. Actualy, I'm glad I was able to see how genuine love looks on you. It's beautiful. It suits you."
"Prince Kaveh..."
"I think...there is no need for this engagement to go on. I know our kingdoms will be fine without it. Plus, you shouldn't be forced to spend the rest of your days with someone you do not love just for politics."
"But I can learn ! I will learn ! Please, prince Kaveh--"
"It's ok. I don't want you to learn. I know what it's like to love someone and you shouldn't be deprived of it. I'll just cancel the engagement and bear whatever concequences will come with it. You just make sure you stay happy, ok ?"
Kaveh said, a smile on his face as if to convince Alhaitham and himself that he is totaly fine with this decision.
"...I'm sorry I didn't fall in love with you, Kaveh."
And this was the last thing Kaveh needed to hear. It only confirmed that Alhaitham had no feelings for him. The blonde felt his heart shatter as tears started falling from his eyes. Alhaitham paniqued at the sight and went to hold Kaveh's face but the blonde pushed him away.
"Please, don't. Don't show me affection now that the truth is out. You don't need to do this anymore." Kaveh said with a trembling voice before running away.
AN : It broke my heart when I immagined it but writing it down somehow made it looks bad TT TT this is crap wth TT TT
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seanerboy · 1 year
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Eidolons 🫧
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seanerboy · 1 year
Opposites attracte - 🏛️🌱 share
We all know how both of them are very different in many ways but I just find it beautiful how they still complete e/o in some ways.
For example, I noticed how their eyes match together.
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Kaveh's look like sunset with the deep shades of red and hot orange. Alhaitham's look more like dawn : his pupils being the sun rising in the morning blue sky.
This match is also hinted in their official bd art
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Alhaitham is asleep at a moment of the day we can assume being morning while Kaveh is awake, working during the night. And, we can also see how the colors match the concept of sunset/dawn :
Alhaitham's theme is light, with hints of blue and yellow reminding the colors in the sky when it's dawn
Kaveh's theme is mostly hot/warm colored, hinting the passage between day and night
I also personally think that these details can show how they both work differently.
Most of the time, we tend to be emotionally vulnerable at the end of the day because we're tired. On the other hand, during the day, we tend to use our brain more and try to focus on what's important.
That is why I think Kaveh is more of a night person and mostly lets his emotions lead while Alhaitham is a morning person, focusing on the practical aspects of life and using his mind more.
These explanations to tell you, Alhaitham and Kaveh are a really good pair. They complete e/o more than what people may think. They are both like sunset and dawn, one can't exist without the other. If there is no sunset, how can the sun rise? And if there is no night, how will the earth survive ? And vice versa. Haikaveh tone down e/o's personalities, just like that.
(This makes me feel single af 🥹)
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seanerboy · 1 year
A bird without wings - 🏛️🌱 short
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After another heated argument, Kaveh finally made the decision to leave. While Alhaitham had locked himself inside his office, Kaveh went to his room to gather all his stuff. After an hour or so, the blonde came out of his room with all his luggage and Mehrak by his side, helping him.
.. `°~*,oOo,*~°`..
Alhaitham was now in the living room and, upon seeing this, he stood up, confused. "Are you going somewhere? That is surely a lot more than needed if you are going out for a little trip." To his words, Kaveh looked at him, a sarcastic smile on his face. "Oh yes I'm going. Matter of fact, I'm leaving this house. And this isn't going to be a little trip as I will never come back ever!" the architect said while walking to the door. Alhaitham couldn't process what Kaveh just said and he just watched as the blonde stepped through the door, back facing him. But he somehow felt upset about it all. So, without thinking, he said
"So, you are just going to leave like this? To me, it appears you are running away from your responsibilities and from your debts. This isn't very mature of you Kaveh. Once again, you can't accept the truth. Was what I said earlier too hard to swallow? Tell me, what can a bird without wings do?"
Kaveh didn't even bother turning around to look at the scribe and just let out a dry laugh. "You are always like this. Rubbing salt over the wound as if it doesn't hurt enough already. I know and I admit that everything you said is true and I'm tired of it all. And I don't want to live somewhere with someone who'll always remind me of my misery." Kaveh stepped out of the house completely, stopping in front of the door.
"A bird without wings is better off staying in its nest, out of the cruel world's reach. But staying for too long will make it loose its life to the hands of Time. That's what I think, Alhaitham. And up until now, you have been like Time."
Kaveh turned around and spared one last look to the scribe. "Goodbye, Alhaitham. Thank you for the nest you gave me. But I can't stay any longer."
After he said these words, the door of the house shut closed behind him. Alhaitham was left alone inside, a heavy silence falling in the house. The scribe was in shock.
What did he do?
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seanerboy · 1 year
Alhaitham's house - 🏛️🌱 share
I just love this music. I completely fell in love with its vibes the first time I heard it in Alhaitham's house. The fact that it fits the atmosphere is just ✨chef kiss✨ This music is so calming and it does fit the title "Silent Starry Night" as it makes you imagine lying down on a roof w/ your lover, stargazing and just basking in the comfortable silence of the night.
And it also gives off Pride and Prejudice vibes. We can all agree that Kaveh and Alhaitham are so Lizzy and Darcy coded. They both have their pride and own prejudices about e/o resulting in them bickering all the time. But we all know that they do like e/o in a way we can't understand yet.
We can thank Hoyo for putting this beautiful piece as Alhaitham's house bgm 🙏✨
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seanerboy · 1 year
Just Haikaveh things 🏛️🌱 - share
I just find it funny how despite the fact that they bicker a lot, the two of them still show signs that they care for each other. Like, look how Kaveh still asks if Haitham is ok after being sarcastic towards him.
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And I just can't stop laughing at the way the camera shows Kaveh in the back while Alhaitham is talking about keeping priorities straight 😂 like, ok ? Hoyo what you tryna say, huh ??
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Overall, I just love their dynamic and hope that Hoyo will give us more lore about these two in the futur.
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seanerboy · 1 year
Self doubt - 🏛️🌱 trope
"I love you, Kaveh"
"No...no you don't, Alhaitham because if you do, you're making a big mistake."
"Trust me, Hayi...you don't want this. Because if you love me, if you stay with me, your life will be as miserable as mine. But you're too good for this and you have a brighter futur so, please, don't say that."
They already had a fight about this during their academic days. Kaveh's answer is still the same as back then.
Kaveh, who self doubts himself soo much can't accept Alhaitham's feelings even though he loves him too. He thinks he's not the right person for Haitham and that falling in love with his junior is a trick played by fate.
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seanerboy · 1 year
Burn out - 🏛️🌱 trope
Imagine Kaveh finally reaching his limit and having a burn out. And Alhaitham who fails to see it right away lectures him as always when the blonde comes back home drunk and messed up.
And since Kaveh had enough, he just silently goes to his room and locks the door behind him, leaving a questioning Haitham behind. And after an hour or two, the former scribe starts worrying and goes up to the architect's room, knocking and calling but in no avail. That's when Alhaitham starts to panic and calls Kaveh's name again before forcing the door open...
And there, laying on the floor is a sleeping Kaveh with a face stained with tears. Alhaitham feels his heart breaking at the sight. He then goes to pick the blonde up from the cold floor and brings him to his room where he can take better care of Kaveh.
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