#tabitha hayworthe
clown-cult · 1 month
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Episode 8 of Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin — Bad Blood.
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tvshowcloset · 3 months
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Who: Chandler Kinney as Tabitha ‘Tabby’ Hayworthe What: Brandy Melville Hailie Striped Top in Brown and Khaki (Sold Out) Where: PLL: Summer School 2x01 “Chapter Eleven: Loose Ends”
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kaceyrps · 2 years
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emisirrelevant · 2 years
HHHH OKAY SO I HAVE A THEORY IS THE REASON WHY TABBY FROM PLL ORIGINAL SIN IS NAMED TABBY BECAUSE STEPHEN KING’S WIFE IS TABITHA??? And we know Tabby loves film/horror movies. If so, I would love this little connection.
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phantomoftheorpheum · 3 months
Ahhhb I'm back!!! So sorry for the little haitus it's been a busy week for me! I'm also very upset I didn't get back in time before the last episode aired. I wanted to share theories before anything got confirmed (.
I wanted to send you my full on deep
analysis/realizations/theories relating to be Girlies. Their tests. And the arch of the season!
And amazingly, it all boils down to one single photo.
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So! This photo I think was kinda overlooked in terms of promos and all. But it's really the key to the whole shush.
So the biggest overarching bad theme in this season is Religion. Makes sense right? But what if it was so much more then that.
take a look at the promo image again. Look at their tests.
Look at them strongly. Wouldn't they, In a way, not represent Jesus himself?! Both the journey and the physical embodiment.
First we have Mouse! She is in what you'd say, 'Hell'.
Specifically the fires of hell! It's the place everyone will go to unless Jesus completes his mission/Also just representing hell and the immediate surroundings. I'd also say she is the skin. As the first thing fire hurts is skin.
Mouse = Atmosphere + Skin.
Next we have Faran.
her task. Carrying a giant peice of rebar for hours on end.
On her shoulders.
now this is a DIRECT symbolism to Jesus holding and carrying the cross (in nearly the exact same position too) too his gravesite. And this would represent arms, hands, and shoulders. Maybe even muscles.
Faran = Muscles. Arms. Hands. Shoulders.
Next! We have Noa!
Her test, (or the original test) Walk along rows of spikes and thorns barefoot. It got turned into a Run via Bloody Rose and the rabid dog. (Which I will refer to as the hound of hell. Or demon dog Another symbolism
This is another direct symbolism! Specifically of the WALK Jesus had to take to his gravesite. Faran represented the carrying of the cross. But Noa was the embodiment of the walk he had to take. One he specifically took barefoot on rough terrain. So, this would be specificity of feet. Or the foot.
Noa = Feet.
Next we have Imogen! (Which I was genuinely shocked about. I thought they'd save the bloody Rose confrontation for last)
She l summarized to be the head. As a big part of her journey involved hallucinations and stuff. (More on this later) And her physical "test' or so involved the confrontation of Bloodh rose herself. The 'head' of the whole murder operation. Also, Imagine literally physically ripped off the mask of Bloody Rose. Which covers her HEAD. Also, I see her as an embodiment of blood. So much of her test and story revolves around blood. She is literally left holding scraps and blood.
Imogen = Head and Blood.
Now for the final girl of girls. Tabitha Hayworthe.
Tabitha. Sweet Tabby. Tabby, is not anything, but the physical embodiment of the Heart.
notice SHE is the one in the middle of the promo. The heart of the operation. Tabitha is the glue of the group.
The heart powers the body. And everything in it. And what is she doing in this photo? But PRAYING. Not only that but kneeling too. She is flanked by Bloody Rose.
Archie. And the being I am officially calling the
'ArchAngel' (fits with the As and all huh?).
I have a good idea for what her test will be. Test of resilience. Of praying for her souls. Of praying for her friends. A test of her dedication to religion. (It doesn't matter if she was religious or not. A heart is what is true. A head is what is logical. And what can disagree. Falling into why Bloody Rose would attack Imogen directly. Kill the head and leave the heart to be free. Of for the taking.
I did my due diligence. And considering her position (noting the roses in front of her) where specifically the blood is on her face. And a specific interview that happened with Chandler (actor of Tabby) where she admitted she was left extremely sore for days after filming this. Which implies this as an endurance test, or doing a specific motion for a long period of time. As opposed to, let's say Mouses task which just involved a little running and camera work.
I believe Tabby is going to be forced to perform a military torture tactic. It's something I'm having trouble finding again. But i have vaguely remember it being referenced to as the prayer position or kneeling position. And ive seen in a couple movies typically in ones where a group is held captive or something.
Basically A person is made to kneel, (hands typically tied behind their back. But in this instance her hands could be in front of her) and I mean full straight up. Their butt can't rest on their ankles or anything. Spikes are then specifically placed and adorned around them, positioned so if the persons endurance gave out. Or they grew tired and weary. Would be impaled or even killed on the sharp objects.
they would not be the main focus. But Tabby being forced to pray for a certain amount of time would directly tie into religious themes. As she could be forced to cleanse the souls or hearts of people.
Tabby = Heart and Soul.
now you may be wondering why this is relevant.
but what does eyes, skin, atmosphere, muscles, blood, heart, head, arms, legs, feet, hands, soul, shoulders, all create?
a person. A living person.
Aka Jesus.
And what did Jesus do?
Jesus came back from the dead.
This somewhat makes me believe that Bloody rose is delusioned. Thinking all of these tests can bring bring back a loved one. In terms of sacrafice of sorts. While also getting their revenge on the girlies.
Bloody rose could be in cahoots with the ‘Mother’ church. I forget the entire title but the mother part is important as fuck. I’ll explain later. Bloody rose could be a couple beings. But if Bloody rose is Imogens mom. I have literally zero fucking clue what their trying to do here.
buuut, if Bloody Rose is Imogens moms secret twin. Then that could certainly be interesting in terms of looping in the mother church.
She could be abusing the religion and convincing them that by endorsing/worshipping her she can not only save their souls, but reincarnate /bring back loved ones.
I do think the church is in cahoots with her specifically because of the intro we saw before Faran was being stitched up. Where two people walked across a group of people in white worshipping blooding rose in the cabin in the woods. This was a direct parallel to the mother church chanting and worshipping seemingly nothing in a circle. Which Faran saw. Greg also mentioned their being a ‘inner circle’. Could be literal.
I also will specifically note that Bloody rose most likely is a Mother. Or someone who lost a loved one and is getting revenge on the girls because they indirectly or directly caused it.
Firstly. In her appearance. Bloody rose bandages her face. And on her head rests a crown of thorns.
Jesus was given a crown of thorns and spikes to mock him for saying he was the son of god. And he was wrapped in bandages and placed in a tomb. The bandages were still there when they opened it three days later. But he wasn’t.
So not only is Bloody rose a physical representation of Jesus. Of the dead brought to life for revenge. But her name!
What Does bloody rose remind you of every time you say it.
Bloody Mary! And who was Mary??? JESUS’s MOM!
Her identity is a combination of both Jesus and Mary.
Archie is a follower. Innacting revenge for his sister. A follower. Either a deciple or a form of Adam. Who followed Eve into the garden and eating the fruit.
And the ArchAngel. This will be the kicker. This is the representation of the dead. The mourned family member or lover. A person taken too soon. A angel in their place. Or. The reincarnation of said member. And if they’re a physical being. Then they will definitely be someone they previously thought to be dead.
Most likely rose isn’t Imogens mom. And isn’t someone thought to be dead. But the archangel will be.
What’s so insanely crazy is this is only like half of the crucial arch and theories and realizations of have if this.
but I am actually falling asleep as I write. And this is definitely insanely long lol. But I will form the second half to my entire plot lore world building ideas lol.
oh. And fuck how they’re having Noa come out to be Bi. That’s fucking insane. Not her being bi. But the way they’re literally using it as an excuse for her to cheat?? Like that’s so crazy. She’s literally been actively cheating and lying to her literal god send of a boyfriend who left his literal mother for her. The boyfriend she was head over heels for last season. Also Jen’s just? Genuinely a horrible person. She gaslights Noa and manipulates her in nearly every conversation. Not to mention she’s a repeat offender who has no remorse for it? Like. She really just had Noas damn boyfriend pay for her bail. Then to pay back what she OWES him she literally STEALS FROM HIS HOUSE AND FAMILY???? And then LIES to Noa (well hid the truth) about it?? And then isn’t even apologetic about it when confronted about it? And then??? Literally has the audacity to get mad at Noa because she won’t break up with Shawn and turned down her totally inappropriate idea of a throuple. Like. No way would Shawn want to share noa with the girl she’s cheating on him with.
And the way Gen just treats him unhumanly. Like one moment she doesn’t give a shit about his feelings but then also says she could definitely love and fuck him. (In a throuple implication). It’s sickening.
I fully expected her friends to be upset at her when she openly admitted to cheating on Shawn. But NO. They’re all supportive as fuck about it and actually encourage her to ditch Shawn and be with Jen. Like what the actual fuck. What type of representation is that?! They’re upset when their own boyfriends or whatever would cheat. But as long as it’s their bi bestie it’s okay???
The shows like. Doing a horrible toxic message that as long as it’s some gay realization. Cheating is Okay. Further contributing to the horrible stereotype that being Bi is just cheating.
Sorry. Had to get that off my chest I hated it so much. I hate what they’ve done to Noas character this season
Wow, I hope you don't mind me publishing all this, rather than responding privately, I just think it deserves to be shared!
This is off topic, but did you ever watch Dark (the Netflix series)? Because with the depth of analysis and the details you're looking at here, it seems like it could be something you'd really love (it's very different from PLL, but it's such a puzzle, one of my favorite shows ever).
I'm gonna put the rest of my response after a cut, just to make this post slightly less to scroll through!
I wish I had seen this poster much earlier! I only saw it for the first time fairly recently, and then I thought it was a fan edit. I didn't realize it was real promotion until a few days ago!
We really are getting hit over the head with all the religious imagery and references this season! This is not my area of expertise, by any means, so all that was a super fascinating read for me. With all that context, it really does feel like Kelly's church has to be looped in to this, or they've wasted all this intricate foreshadowing. I also felt the "Mother" part of "Our Mother of Holy Grace" was a very intentional choice. I do really hope that we get a reveal that pulls all the threads of this season together, since there's a lot of stuff going on, imo.
I can't remember if I said this in any of my previous posts, but I have very much been feeling a "trio of three main co-conspirators" situation recently (possibly with other characters who are less [or even unknowingly, like Mouse's grandmother] involved), so the poster theory with the three figures around Tabby makes a lot of sense. It then also would follow, in my mind, that if Tabby is the central figure of the season, that the villains are most likely to be directly linked to her. And this fits with a lot of the suspicions I have both voiced and read.
I've been saying for a while that I can't help but wonder if there are multiple antagonists working together, but with different aims/motivations. I like the idea of Bloody Rose being tied to religious zeal, while another antagonist (perhaps represented by either Archie or the "ArchAngel" as you called the other figure in the poster) is tied in with different intent. I do wonder if the middle figure is a literal co-conspirator, or if it's possible they represent only the "ghost" of a person, as the motivating factor behind the plot.
If we assume Tabby is at the center of this season, does that lend validity to the theory that BR could be Mrs. Langsberry with the help of one (or two?) others (possibly stand-ins in her eyes for Chip?), and if her accomplice(s) are essentially filling Chip's role, could they also be making a movie (again, tying back to Tabby as the central figure and her passions), perhaps even as a tribute to Chip (attempting to eclipse Tabby and any of her success that they view as an unearned and unfair character assassination)?
There's a lot to think about. It's definitely going to take me a minute to fully digest all of this.
What do you think the purpose of Rose's kills outside of the tests is? My working theory has been, if someone's making a movie, they're basically just cannon-fodder for the film (chosen because of their "sins," because I do think if someone is making a movie, it is a religious themed film). It also makes me wonder if all the religious themes and foreshadowing are designed for the film, but some of the conspirators genuinely believe, and some don't.
I am enjoying thinking way too hard.
As for the romantic arcs in the show. I think I've finally come to the conclusion that I (mostly) just don't vibe with how the writers on this show handle romance. A lot of the romantic "drama" falls into tropes I don't like (and will actively avoid, if possible, like you could not pay me to touch th3summ3riturn3dpr3tty with a ten foot pole) and the feelings seem to fluctuate so quickly that it gives me emotional whiplash.
As I've mentioned a few times, Mouse & Ash are the only ship on the show I feel legitimately emotionally invested in, and while most of the others don't really bother me, they don't really mean anything to me either. I think part of that is the inherent suspicion I have of all the love interests (so my guard is up with most of them), but I also just think that... The reason I enjoy this show is the mystery/horror/slasher elements. I like the puzzle and the whodunnit and the guessing.
I know the original show spent a lot of time on the romances (which, ngl, I also frequently got annoyed with or bored of), but that show also had a lot more episodes per-season to build relationships. Because of the short length of the seasons, a lot of the love interests just don't have the time to be developed into compelling characters in their own right, and the relationships are often fast-tracked, which just doesn't hit for me. I think I also tend to prefer shows that (unless they are specifically a romance) don't place the romantic drama as super central to the main character's storylines.
If the love interests stick around and get more time to be developed individually into future seasons, I may end up attached to more ships eventually, but right now most of those storylines are falling a little flat for me. I guess I'm just really not a "fast burn" kind of person (unless, like I said, the show is a romance and gets to focus the majority of its screen time on the character's romantic relationships and can therefore build a lot more depth and connection in fewer episodes) when it comes to ships.
I have stopped trying to figure out what they want me to feel about Noa's storyline, because whatever it is, I clearly am not feeling it. I just feel kind of baffled and confused about what their message/intent is with it, because all I'm getting is incredibly mixed tone and messaging.
Anyway, I hope I touched on everything! Thanks for all your thoughts, it's truly such an interesting angle!
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shadowbrn · 6 months
cleaned up my muse list a little and removed the following muses:
yolanda montez, genya safin, malyen oretsev, dennis reynolds, mac mcdonald, faran bryant, tabitha hayworthe, gabriel lightwood, gideon lightwood, jayme hargreeves, luther hargreeves, jack mcphee, roger davis, sam ( stardew valley )
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fabledenigma · 2 years
In the Source Link, you will find a gif pack of Chandler Kinney, in Pretty Little Liars Original Sin. Chandler plays the role of Tabitha Hayworthe, the daughter of Sidney Hayworthe.
This is a complete pack of the pilot episode.
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Source - FabledEnigma
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manilafm · 2 years
Who is mw from PLL/PLLOS?
We do not have any characters taken from Pretty Little Liars or Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin in this RPG right now, so our most wanted characters from those fandoms would be Aria Montgomery, Spencer Hastings, Alison DiLaurentis, Hanna Marin, Emily Fields, Imogen Adams, Faran Bryant, Minnie 'Mouse' Honrada, Tabitha 'Tabby' Hayworthe, Noa Olivar, Kelly Beasley, and Karen Beasley from Pretty Little Liars and Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin !!
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themushroomblues · 2 years
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Chandler Kinney as Tabitha 'Tabby' Hayworthe Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin, S1E01
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sassy-bi-latina · 2 years
Everyone complaining about Tabby has clearly never had a special interest/hyperfixation/comfort subject and it shows.
Like everyone keeps complaining how ridiculous it is that she keeps quoting and referencing horror movies.
I know for A FACT that I would mention Dreamcatcher (Kpop group) in ANY conversation if I could. Honestly, the only reason I don't do it it's because of trauma about being the odd kid.
But with people I'm 100% comfortable? I will mention them all the time.
And in my teens (not that long ago) I would talk about Fifth Harmony all the time.
So, Tabitha quoting and referencing Horror Movies every other sentence? Not that odd, not annoying, not senseless.
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tvshowcloset · 3 months
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Who: Chandler Kinney as Tabitha ‘Tabby’ Hayworthe What: Fore Crochet Mini Skirt (Sold Out) Where: PLL: Summer School 2x01 “Chapter Eleven: Loose Ends”
Worn with: Robin Piccone bikini top
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kaceyrps · 2 years
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bonobochick · 2 years
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Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin. 
Christmas, ep 1x10. 🎄 🥂
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tabby from pll: original sin mentioning a different movie every 5 seconds
she’s literally just like me fr fr
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shadowbrn · 2 years
robin  buckley  (  @racointeur​  )  said  to  tabitha  hayworthe  ;  ❝ i’m, like, the most trustworthy person. ❞
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every  horror  movie  ever  has  taught  tabby  that  robin’s  words  are  the  worst  thing  a  person  can  say.  the  most  trustworthy  is  the  least  trustworthy,  the  best  survivor  is  the  first  victim  .  .  .  so  tabby  can  only  respond  to  robin  with  a  frown,  ❝  you  talk  a  big  game.  ❞  tabby  decides  on  her  words  carefully,  keeping  her  eyes  on  the  other  girl  with  her  arms  crossed  protectively  over  her  chest,  ❝  you  realize  that  almost  makes  me  trust  you  less?  ❞  tabby  asked,  arching  an  eyebrow,  ❝  i  mean,  i  get  it.  we  all  want  people  to  think  we’re  trustworthy  .  .  .  but  it’s  something  you  have  to  prove.  and  now  you  just  made  it  so  you  have  to  work  even  harder.  ❞
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femalegifsource · 2 years
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IMOGEN ADAMS AND TABITHA HAYWORTHE Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin (2022- )
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