leniviypelmen · 1 year
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it's starting to rain in my country, so i thought about them having a "shared umbrella" trope
a closeup and a ver. without dialogue under the cut
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thegirlinthecher · 8 months
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my Dorym playlist is a "we still love each other as we divorce" vibe and idk why I did that to myself
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skribbled · 6 months
Got the last volume!
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Ok so I just go the last volume and.
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THEY ACTUALYY CONFIRMED IT!!?!. I guess it was pretty obvious, but given how manga usually is, I was sure I would have to just leave it as a headcannon ><
Im honestly pretty glad they explicitly showed this because i feel the approach this manga takes a lot of the time with just showing Tomoko’s perspective and leaving what exactly the boys are feeling and going through somewhat ambiguous doesn’t feel as great when its applied to an orientation so often erased and ignored like asexuality.
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boypussydilf · 10 months
things that might happen in a sam and max/sgt frog crossover
they immediately get into a firefight with giroro. max either blows him up with his own weapons or just bites him
aki comes home and either immediately kicks them out for being animals or latches onto max and starts going on about how she should design a character based on him. max says something about her being a milf and gets a “shut up max you dont even like girls”
it turns out that through some freak coincidence sam & max played with some line of collectible toys from space as kids that keroro also played with as a kid and they all get distracted from trying to stop keroro from invading earth/trying to invade earth (respectively) because theyre too busy playing trains on the ground together. everybody wins. tamama is making a judgmental face in the background
sam & max start causing property damage and natsumi beats the hell out of them and shoves them back in the desoto. “Well, that was embarrassing.” “What, because we got our butts kicked by a teenage girl?” “No, because she didn’t even put down the dirty dishes to do it.”
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Title: I Think Our Son Is Gay
Author: Okura
Genre: Comics | Family | Friendship | LGBTQ+
Content Warnings: Slight Homophobia
Overall Rating: 10/10
Personal Opinion: A wholesome story about acceptance, unconditional love, and unrelenting support. Told from the perspective of a mother who thinks her teenage son is gay (and he definitely is), you will absolutely fall in love with how she learns about the best ways to support her son and unlearn certain behaviors and thoughts. I truly wish and hope that every queer kid has a parent like this mom.
Do I Own These Books? Yes! I own the first four volumes!
Spoilers Below For My Likes & Dislikes:
- First of all, I think these comics are incredibly relatable. Personally, for me, Hiroki represents my queer experience growing up. I don’t care for male idols much but I adore female idols. I fall for more masculine-presenting people. And I have definitely looked up “muscle men” on the internet when I was thirteen. Not everything about Hiroki is relatable. Some things are exaggerated for comedic effect obviously, like when he gets super-focused on attractive masculine men. But even then, I feel like he’s representing my inner thoughts and I appreciate that.
- Obviously the best part of the manga is the mother’s undying love and support for her son. She wasn’t thrilled when she first found out he might be gay but she realized, if he wasn’t hurt or hurting others, then there’s nothing wrong with him being gay. She makes mistakes, she slips up, but above all else, her love for her son will prevail in the end and she will respect him and any choices that he may or may not make. That’s the ideal kind of parent to me. 
- But the other best part is Yuri, the little brother. I adore him so much. Because he knows (or suspects) that Hiroki is gay as well and doesn’t care. But when someone tries to pry into Hiroki’s life, Yuri is there to defend him. There’s a scene where Hiroki’s dad is grilling him about something and Yuri gives Hiroki an out by saying Hiroki isn’t obligated to tell the dad anything. He’s such a smart and kind boy and I love that he and Hiroki have such a healthy relationship as siblings. I think that further shows that their mother did a great job raising the two of them.
- Hiroki’s obvious crush on Daigo is adorable. He sees Daigo as this cool and dependable person that is capable of doing anything he sets his mind to. But he doesn’t treat Daigo like a machine that will do anything for them like their classmates do. To him, Daigo is a friend first and foremost and he treats Daigo as such and it’s so wholesome. I love how he treasures gifts, photos, and words from Daigo because I would be the same.
- However, that being said, I love how Hiroki took a step back when Daigo got a girlfriend. He didn’t panic or cry or get angry about it. Throughout the series, he’s depicted as a very emotional person but he’s also very emotionally mature. He wants Daigo to hang out with his girlfriend and he wants Daigo to be happy even if that means not being together romantically. I find that so sweet.
- Toono-san! An actual, confirmed, explicitly stated gay man exists in this manga. He has a partner and he’s open about that if he’s asked about it. He has his past and his problems but he’s happy and that’s all I could want for a queer character. For them to be thriving. Best of all, he’s Hiroki’s mom’s co-worker and I find it so adorable how she comes to him when she needs advice about raising her son or a queer perspective on her son’s experiences. But she also learns through him that gay men aren’t a monolith, not all of them are going to act or react the same way in a situation as another. And I just love that.
- This manga series is so education for queers and non-queers alike and I think just about everyone should read it.
- The older lady co-worker who said, “What a waste that he’s gay” about Tonoo-san. I hate those words. She also stereotyped him later on when she learned he was gay. But you know what, this story isn’t about her. It’s about what we can learn not to do from microaggressions like her’s.
- I’m not sure I’m a fan of Hiroki’s dad. I just have to hope that his love for his sons will overcome any judgment and prejudice he may hold against queer people. I also hope that his wife calls him out on his bullshit more. Overall, I do appreciate his character’s presence and what it adds to the narrative.
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hatsumishinogu · 2 years
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Uchi no Musuko wa Tabun Gay Vol.5 (end)
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adeptusmonitus · 11 months
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immoren · 6 months
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itspeanutlove · 6 months
I just finished reading the last chapter of I Think Our Son Is Gay by Okura, and... I love it. I think it's possibly one of the best lgbt-focused series I've ever consumed because this almost brought me to tears. The only reason I didn't start crying from happiness was because I was petting my dog and I didn't want him to worry!
My favourite character aside from the mom has to be the little brother, purely because I relate to him! Asexuality isn't talked about much in media, least of all by characters who aren't villains (like Alastor from Hazbin Hotel, though he's still a cool character). So seeing an asexual character who is actually a good person is pretty cool!
Anyway, loved this manga, highly recommend!
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spirit-of-anime · 2 years
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Sore wa Tabun Itoshii tte Koto
One of those BL I keep rereading ♥
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aspureasamelody · 8 months
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Asumi got upset by everyone's reactions to the haircut (both the neighborhood kids saying it looked like a boy's cut and that was weird, and the parents saying it still looked like a very cute girl's cut)
Asumi was only cheered up when Hiroki said that not only did the haircut make Asumi look like a boy, but a really cool boy!
I think Asumi is definitely transmasc
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team-milk-boy · 2 years
Tabun Hina --> Kage (Maybe Hina --> Kage)
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Artist: Bubuhanten
Release Date: November 22nd, 2022
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boypussydilf · 2 years
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i think the wrong version went up the first time i tried to post this lol HERE. is the official monty melteveryone endorsed keroro gunsou therapy chart. i THINK this covers every notable character that we know enough about to determine both their need for therapy and their willingness to attend? and also a few random guys <3
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dailybigbro · 2 years
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Today’s Big Bro is Hiroki from My Son Is Probably Gay! He loves his little brother!
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sigmaufo · 2 years
"I'm pretty sure that Hiroki does have someone he likes and that he's in the throes of a very earnest first love. It may not be what you expect, Akiyoshi, but please don't make a joke out of something that's so important to him. Wanting to be with the person you like is something we naturally crave, after all."
- Tomoko, the mother of a closeted teenager, I Think Our Son Is Gay, vol. 3.
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