#taehyung is cinderella
i-am-baechu · 3 months
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ᡣ𐭩 Title: Unread 
ᡣ𐭩 Paring: Class President! Kim Namjoon x Shy! Violinist! Reader 
ᡣ𐭩 Summary: Having a crush is hard, especially on someone like Kim Namjoon. At least her letters can tell him how she feels without facing the sad reality. 
ᡣ𐭩 Rating: Explicit (18+) 
ᡣ𐭩 Genre: Fluff, romance, angst, smut, extremely shy reader, heartfelt, Cinderella-ish, and crush situation 
ᡣ𐭩 Part of the The Legendary Seven
ᡣ𐭩 Playlist: Someday, Somewhere - Jolin Tsai and Understand - Keshi 
ᡣ𐭩 Warnings: Insecurities and bullying
ᡣ𐭩 Authors Note: I completely changed this story. I had it ready to post but I wasn’t happy with the story. So, I rewrote it. I love how this turned out and thank you for being patient! 
“Two of The legendary seven are taken. The world is ending soon. I just know it. That’s why they're moving as fast as they can to be with someone. It’s interesting to see that Kim Taehyung is taken by someone like a fortune teller's daughter. It makes it more interesting that before they became exclusive, Taehyung was actually seeing Jennie. The other heartthrob of our lovely school. I know people can change overnight but this is a scientist's worst nightmare. An unexplained outcome. The new couple has been seen countless times at Boo Seungkwan games and they got together because of his help. His aunt’s party was one of the stepping stones they needed. What really got them together was Taehyung’s grandmother's party. The lovebirds have been together since. I do wonder if she knows about the relationship that Taehyung had with Jennie. I wouldn’t want to be with someone that held secrets from me. Especially when these secrets are about past affections with someone. Until then, Pen.” 
Y/N just like everyone else read the post on the website but unlike everyone, she didn’t digest the gossip in excitement. Everyone always has something to say regardless of status. An opinion is always there. Sometimes it's needed but other times it's unnecessary and cruel. This blog did just that but she’s guilty because every Friday she comes back to read. It wasn’t a good feeling but one must know what's going on. Even if it’s bad.
Y/N glanced through the music window and her eyes landed on Kim Namjoon. The way the sunset highlighted his features could make a painting jealous and the way he smiled could bring in ships on a dark night. She looked away and glanced down at her shoes as she felt her face get warm. She hated to stare and she knew it wasn’t ladylike but even she broke the rules when it was necessary. 
Just then the door opened and she looked up to see who it was. Her face brightened when she saw who it was, “Soo-Young.” 
Park Soo-Young was her older cousin by two years and her only friend in this big school. All her other friends graduated. Soo-Young always took care of her because of her timid nature. Soo-Young was everything Y/N wasn’t. A person who stands up for what she believes in while Y/N stays quiet and takes the abuse from others. 
Soo-Young glanced at her violin and smiled, “Practicing for the competition?”
Y/N nodded her head and glanced outside. Her eyes landed on Namjoon who was talking to Seokjin, “I made the piece myself.”
“Oh? What’s it about?”
“Unrequited love.” 
L/N Y/N ranked number 10 in Seoul University and is known as the diamond of the L/N family. The timid swan that plays beautiful melodies that could make the flowers bloom in winter has a secret. She’s in love with Kim Namjoon and she has been since their first meeting. It happened four years ago…
Every year her father held a ball in celebration of his business. Everyone was dressed in the most beautiful dresses one can acquire with the most expensive jewels. Y/N hated these balls but she went to them because her parents wanted her to socialize. They knew their daughter was timid so they thought making this party would make it easier for her to interact. Y/N was dressed in a nude embroidered tulle gown with wing sleeves. It was rather simple compared to everyone else but she liked that. If she were in an art gallery, she would be the frame, not the painting. 
She pushed her hair behind her ear and moved towards the instruments. The players were taking a break and she couldn’t help but look at the violin. She gently picked it up and headed towards the garden. No one even noticed her leave. She sat on the bench and started to play a melody that came to her mind. As she played, she didn’t realize someone was watching her. 
When she finished, she smiled to herself but it quickly faded when she heard a clap. She quickly stood up and her eyes landed on a tall figure with a kind smile. She glanced away and bowed her head in an awkward manner. 
“You played beautifully.” 
She looked back at the mystery man and smiled, “Thank you...” It was so quiet that even the wind didn’t catch it but he did. 
“How long have you played?” 
Her lips formed a tight smile and she felt her face get hot, “I’ve been playing since I was six.”
“Oh, wow. Are you a professional?” 
“Oh, go-god no. I could never meet their levels.” 
“Well, I think you can.” 
Their eyes locked onto each other but she was the first to break the stare, “I-I have to go.”
“Can I get your name?” 
She glanced back at him and looked at the flowers below him, “Y/N...L/N Y/N.”
He smiled at this and it was a gentle smile that made her heart feel safe, “I’m Kim Namjoon.”
How could she not fall for him? He was the only one who noticed her leave the room. She wasn’t used to that attention. It wasn’t much but it was enough to make her heart flutter. She was so sure that he forgot about her. She never saw him at the parties again and she couldn’t talk to him at school. That would be a death wish. 
She turned towards Soo-Young and smiled, “Is Irene ready for us?”
Soo-Young smiled and nodded her head, “She’s waiting for us with Seulgi and Wendy.” 
Y/N nodded her head and stood up, “Let me put my violin away and I’ll meet you at your car. Is that okay with you?”
Soo-Young nodded her head, “I’ll turn the AC on for you.”
“Thank you...” 
When the door closed, Y/N opened her bag to pull out an envelope. She looked at the pink envelope and took a deep breath. Every Friday she did this and she wasn't going to change that. She put her violin away and walked into the empty hallway. She glanced around and went inside the student council room without making any sound. That’s the benefit of being so quiet. No one notices you. She glanced at Namjoon’s desk and opened her envelope to read her letter, 
Dear Namjoon, 
I have no idea if you read these but if you do then you know my affection towards you. I wish I could say it to your face but one doesn’t want to get humiliated. I saw your speech about the students the other day. I admire the way you can inspire others with your confidence and reliability. It’s amazing to see that especially someone your age. I wish I could be like you and maybe then I can say those unsaid confessions to your face. Someday I can...
Until then, 
Have a nice day. 
She folded the paper back into the envelope and placed the letter in the folder that he always reads. She took one final glance at the folder and walked out of the room. She quickly made her way to the parking lot avoiding everyone in the process. 
Namjoon was talking to Seokjin and frowned, “Is Taehyung okay?”
“They’re okay. It’s just Lin right now. She doesn’t like to be known as the fortune teller's daughter.” 
Namjoon sighed and nodded his head, “I know. I hope she’s doing okay.”
Jin smiled and nodded his head, “She has Taehyung. She’ll be fine.”
Namjoon glanced over Jin’s shoulder and saw Y/N running with her head down. He smiled to himself and looked back at Jin, “We should still check on them.” 
“Well, we're going to meet up with them at Hoseok’s dance competition tonight. Should we do it before or after?”
“Before. So then we can focus on Hoseok for the rest of the night.” Namjoon nodded his head and glanced over Jin’s shoulder but Y/N was gone. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, “We should get going then.” 
“Yes, class president.” 
“Don’t call me that.” 
Y/N came into the car and Soo-Young leaned forward pushing some hair away from her face, “You look flustered. Are you okay?” 
She swallowed some spit and nodded her head, “I-I’m okay. I had to tune my violin and I didn’t want to keep you waiting. I rushed out here as fast as I could. I’m sorry.”
Soo-Young shook her head at this, “Y/N I was only waiting for six minutes or something. It’s okay. You don’t need to say sorry.”
“Sorry..oh, god.”
Soo-Young let out a laugh and turned up the radio, “Let’s go before Irene yells at us for being late.”
The car drove away and Y/N glanced outside. Her eyes landed on Namjoon who was standing outside Seokjin's Porsche. She smiled to herself when she saw his smile and she turned away with the smile plastered on her face. Namjoon glanced at the car that was leaving the parking lot and he continued to watch the car until it was out of his sight. 
“You're coming in?”
Namjoon let out a small laugh and nodded his head, “Yeah.”
Y/N Walked down the hallway with her head down. She glanced at the popular girls (it was hard not to when they were so loud) but she quickly looked away when one of them returned the stare. She turned around and started to walk away but was stopped when she heard her name. 
She slowly turned around and was met with Jessica who was giving her that look that made her feel so small, “When is the ball?”
“It’s next month...”
“What? I can’t hear you, be louder, mouse.” 
“Jessica, leave her alone.” 
She turned around and saw Bora with a stern look. Bora was Jungkook’s new girlfriend and the talk of the school a couple of months ago. Y/N has never talked to her and the closest she has ever got to a conversation was when Bora asked for paper. Y/N blinked her eyes in shock and continued to stare at Bora who was now in front of her. 
Jessica glared at Bora and crossed her arms, “What are you going to do about it?”
“Didn’t Jungkook tell you what he would do if you messed with me?” 
Jessica clicked her tongue and she turned around to walk away. Before she could, she glanced at Y/N over her shoulder with an annoyed look, “I’ll see you at the party.” 
Y/N watched her leave with a confused look. She turned towards Bora and bowed at her, “Th-Thank you.” 
Bora turned towards her and smiled, “Jessica is unbearable and no one should deal with her high-pitched noise that she calls a voice.”
Y/N frowned and shook her head, “I’m sure her parents like to hear her voice.” 
Bora let out a small laugh, “They don’t have a choice but we do. Where were you heading to?” 
“I was going to the music room.” 
Bora nodded her head and glanced at Y/N’s violin case, “I heard you place at the Cosmic Hall last year. It was beautiful.” 
Y/N felt her face get warm and bowed to her, “Thank you, I appreciate the listen.”
“Are you performing at this year's competition?” 
Y/N looked away from the curious eyes and nodded her head, “I-I will be...”
“I will tell Jungkook to come and listen to your music.”
“Yo-You don’t have to do that. I’m sure he has better things.” 
Bora shook her head and let out a small laugh, “He doesn’t. Everyone should listen to you play. The peace it can bring into someone’s life is remarkable. I’ll see you Friday night.”
Y/N bowed at her and watched her leave with curious eyes. Bora was nice and the more Y/N thought about it the more it made sense for Jungkook to be with her. Opposites attract. Y/N turned around and continued to make her way to her second home. She opened the door and was met with Soo-Young’s bright smile as she played the piano, “Y/N, I’m excited to hear your piece.” 
Y/N closed the door and nodded her head, “I don’t know if it's good.”
Soo-Young frowned at this and walked away from the ivory keys. Y/N stared at the white tiles as she listened to Soo-Young’s heels clicking, “Y/N, have some confidence. I think you're amazing. Everyone thinks you're amazing, please think the same.” 
Y/N slowly looked up to see Soo-Young’s pleading face. Y/N looked away and nodded her head, “I’ll try.” 
Namjoon was at the picnic table in the sitting area with his friends outside. It was one of those rare days where everyone had their classes canceled. It felt like high school all over again for Namjoon. He was listening to Lin talking about what her mother said about Taehyung’s future when Bora came rushing in with an excited grin, “I have news.” Jungkook moved and Bora sat next to him. His arm naturally wrapped around her shoulders as she looked at her friends with excitement, “We’re going to the Cosmic Hall this Friday!”
Lin raised her eyebrow and tilted her head, “Cosmic Hall?”
Bora nodded her head and turned towards Lin, “Every year they have a competition for violinists. Last year, my dad won tickets and I heard the most beautiful song. She of course won the whole thing but I wasn’t shocked, she was.”
Jimin raised his eyebrow at this, “Who was?”
“L/N Y/N.” 
Namjoon almost dropped his water bottle at this. He turned towards Bora with wide eyes, “Y/N still plays the violin?” 
“Yeah...well I assume so. She’s playing this Friday, do you know her?” 
“O-Oh, I’ve heard of her.” Of course, I know who she is. 
Jungkook looked at Bora and pushed some hair away from her forehead, “Of course we’ll go. It’s peaceful.”
Taehyung scoffed at this and rolled his eyes, “Like you would know what peace is.”
“For your information I do.” 
Namjoon zoned out and remembered what his sister told him, “Y/N stopped playing out of nowhere. Everyone was shocked. I don’t know why though. I hope everything is okay with her.” This happened three years ago and he wondered why she stopped playing in competitions. He could only hear her play when he was walking past the music room after school. It was his favorite routine to do. Hearing her play was like a painting coming to life. It was magical. 
“Namjoon, did you hear me?”
He quickly shook his head and looked at Bora with a sheepish smile, “I’m sorry, what did you say?” 
“I asked if you were coming with us? I know you have that meeting-”
“I’m going.” 
Y/N continued to write on her music sheet as Soo-Young laid down on the piano and played on her phone, “Irene, is picking us up today.”
Y/N set her pen down and she smiled at this, “Oh? That’s exciting.”
Soo-Young sat up and gave Y/N that look that made her nervous, “She’s taking us to eat at this restaurant. It’s owned by Seokjin’s family.” 
Y/N’s eyes widened at this and turned her body towards Soo-Young, “That place is so expensive. Shouldn’t we go-”
“Y/N, don’t you remember we’re rich? It’s fine.” 
Y/N shook her head at this, “It doesn’t matter. Money is money. Being responsible is good regardless of status.” 
“Y/N, let’s go have fun. It will be good for you.” 
She glanced down at her notebook and then back at Soo-Young, “Okay...I’ll tell-”
“I already told your parents. They said it will be good for you.” 
Y/N shook her head with a small laugh escaping her lips and glanced at the window, “I suppose. I have to go to the bathroom. I’ll be back.”
“Okay, be safe.” 
The scene was déjà vu for her. Her shoes barely make a sound, it would make a mouse confused. She glanced down at her envelope and smiled to herself when she remembered her words, I saw the way you smile and it would make the sun jealous. The way your eyes sparkle are like the stars dancing around the moon. Your whole being is my universe. Even though I will never be able to say it to your face. Please forgive me but I do mean it. Your whole being is my universe. 
She went to open the door but stopped when she heard footsteps. She quickly hid behind the lockers and watched Namjoon listening to his music. Her eyes widened but she didn’t make a sound, this was going to make her sick with anxiety. He opened the door and closed it behind him. She let out a breath that she was holding in and glanced down at her envelope. 
She bit her lip and she was debating on what to do. She could run away with the letter and just give it to him next week or she could slip it under the door. If she slipped it under the door, she would have to be quick. She wants to give him this letter but is it worth getting caught? Perhaps. She took a deep breath and in a flash she slid the pink envelope under the door. She did it so fast that she didn’t process that she was running away. She continued to run until the music door was in front of her. She regained her composure and wiped her sweaty hands against her jeans. She opened the door and her anxiousness was dissolved when she saw Irene talking to Soo-Young, “Irene.” 
Irene turned towards the door and smiled, “Y/N-inee” 
Y/N made her way and hugged Irene who happily returned the hug. Irene was like the sister that Y/N never had. Being the only child, she never had the chance to have an older sibling. Soo-Young was her cousin but she saw her as her best friend/partner for life. 
Soo-Young scoffed at this and crossed her arms over her chest, “Why don’t you act like that with me, unnie?” 
“Y/N is my daughter, you are not.” 
The restaurant was something out of the movies. It was so spacious and beautiful. There were people playing the harp with the many paintings dancing to the soft melody. It was beautiful. She now understood why this place had a five-star review online. They sat down at a table and she listened to the harp and she couldn’t help but think of Namjoon. 
The day was normal, Y/N was going to go to the library and study for her Biology test. Nothing more. Nothing less. She turned the corner and her eyes widened when saw Namjoon leaning against a bookshelf reading a book. She quickly hid behind the tall shelf and peeked around the corner to see his tan skin getting highlighted by the terrible library light. Somehow, he even looked good under them. His black hair gently touching his forehead and his earrings that made him even more attractive to her. 
If she had Soo-Young’s personality, she could talk to him. But she isn’t her cousin. She looked away and leaned against the shelf with a frown. Namjoon would never like a girl like her. He needed someone who was sexy and confident. Everything she was not. She walked away and stared down at her shoes, she would never be with Namjoon. 
“Y/N, are you okay”
She shook her head and gave Irene a fake smile, “I am.” I’m not but...what choice do I have? 
The night went normally, Soo-Young and Irene argued about random things as Y/N laughed. She took a sip of her water and she looked around the room to see Namjoon having dinner with what looked like a girl. Her eyes widened and she saw how his eyes softened when the girl was talking. She swallowed her spit and glanced down at her plate with a frown. She knew this would happen but why did it have to happen in front of her? 
Y/N glanced at herself in the mirror of the dressing room. Today was the day of the competition. She was so nervous to the point that her stomach was attacking itself. She clenched the vanity under her as she tried to regain her breathing. She closed her eyes and tried to picture something happy but all she could see was Namjoon with the girl from a couple of nights ago. She shook her head and glanced down to look at the black fabric. She was dressed in a lace tea-length dress. Her mother was so excited about her competition that she had the dress custom-made for her. 
The door opened and she turned her head to see her mother who had a soft smile. Y/N returned it and her mother placed the bouquet of flowers on the coffee table, “I know that look, flower.” 
Y/N sighed and turned towards her, “What happens if I mess up?” 
“Then you mess up. As long as you get your piece played that's all I care about. Mistakes and all.” 
Y/N glanced down at the flowers and smiled, “Thank you.”
Her mother smiled and walked towards her. She placed a kiss on the top of her head and pushed some hair back, “Amaryllis, your favorite.” 
“I just want to do good...I want to prove...”
Y/N’s mother brought her into a tight hug as she rubbed her back gently, “I will always be here for you. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone, only to yourself. I love you, good luck.” 
Namjoon sat next to Jin as he listened to the violinist. It was nothing to compare to Y/N. Y/N playing brought color to black and white while this person was simply following notes on the page. Like a robot. Namjoon looked down at his pamphlet and smiled when he saw Y/N’s name. 
When he saw her at her father’s party he was so happy to finally meet her. It wasn’t the first time they met.
Cosmic Hall was silent and Namjoon sat next to his sister. Today, his little sister wanted to see the talented violinist. He heard she was a L/N. They were at the top of the technology business and they only had a daughter. There were rumors that they tried to have a son but it almost resulted in death. Resulting Y/N to be an only child. Y/N was the diamond of the family. Everyone looked at her as a picture-perfect heiress. She was ranked in the top ten and she was ranked number three in Korea for his violin skills. What more could you want from a daughter? 
Namjoon didn’t care about violinists. He was only here for his sister. Taehyung would’ve loved being here. He loved classical music and the fine arts in life. Although Namjoon liked classical music, violins never stood out to him. 
The music became dark and his focus was on the main stage. A girl appeared and his eyes widened, she was dressed in a lilac dress that showed off her shoulders perfectly. She had a diamond necklace that could bring light in the darkness. She looked like a painting came to life and Namjoon couldn’t look away from her. She was so elegant in the way she moved that it looked like she was floating. That didn’t go away when she started playing. It was as if he saw the notes coming towards him in pastel colors. Each note told him a story that only he knew. It brought peace. He felt stupid about how he never cared for violins. 
When he saw Y/N at the party, he acted like he didn’t know her. It was obvious that the girl was shy and he didn’t want to scare her away. Even in person, she brought a sense of peace. She was elegant but somehow clumsy. When she ran away from him, he couldn’t help but laugh at how she looked. Not in a mean way but in an enduring way. There were whispers around the campus about the heir to the L/N business. Some said she was cold and never made eye contact with anyone because of how egotistical she was. In reality, Namjoon knew the truth. She was a white daisy in a garden of thorns. 
The audience got quiet and Namjoon sat up straighter to see the stage better. She walked out and his eyes couldn’t leave her figure. She bowed at the audience but there was something different with her tonight. There was something sad about her expression. She sat down and the speaker read her description, “This song was made by Y/N herself. The song describes an unrequited love. The piece is melancholy but it has a small glimpse of hope. A very moving piece that describes her real life.” 
Namjoon raised his eyebrow at this and frowned, “Unrequited love...” 
Y/N took a deep breath and started playing. With each note she made, she saw Namjoon. The way he smiled at her that day and the way he noticed her when no one did. Then the sadness came through when she saw him with a girl at the restaurant. The piece describes perfectly how she felt. In love with someone who will never see her. 
“The winner of the Cosmic Hall Competition is...L/N Y/N!” 
Namjoon was the first person to stand up and he started clapping. Jin looked up at her with a confused look but stood up and started to clap as well. Y/N bowed to everyone and accepted the award. Y/N smiled at the audience but her eyes landed on her parents who looked at her with proud eyes. She felt happy to know she made them proud. It was a feeling she wasn’t used to. 
She walked backstage thinking she would meet with her parents but her eyes widened when she saw Bora. Bora walked up to her and handed her some roses, “You did an amazing job. I loved every minute of it.”
Her eyes glanced over Bora’s shoulder and saw Jungkook who was giving her a wide smile. She looked back at Bora and bowed, “Thank you. You didn’t have to give me any flowers.” 
“Nonsense, you deserve more flowers for your performance.” 
Y/N happily grabbed the roses and bowed at her again, “Thank you.”
“I thought you said you didn’t play at a professional level.” 
Y/N stood there for a moment before moving past Bora. Her eyes landed on Namjoon who had his glasses on and a dress shirt. He looked like he had a business meeting with how sharp he looked. Y/N stared into his eyes as he returned the stare. Normally she would look away from intense eyes but she didn’t want to at this moment, “You remember that?”
“Of course, I remember.” 
She looked down at her shoes and then back at him, “I-I wasn’t expecting you to be here.” 
“Do you want me to leave?”
“No-No, I...I was just shocked to see you.”
Just then a girl came and hugged his waist. Her eyes widened and glanced at her arm. Namjoon smiled and ruffled her hair, “My sister wanted to see you. She begged me to take you.” 
Y/N glanced at Namjoon and nodded her head. That's why he came...for his sister. “I’m glad you like it.”
Namjoon’s sister smiled and nodded her head, “I took him to Jin-oppa's restaurant to get him to say yes.” 
Namjoon rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm over her shoulder, “I could never say no to good food.”
“Oh, was that this week?” Please say yes...
“Yeah, it was on Tuesday. Why?”
Y/N shook her head and felt relieved at the answer, “Curious. I apologize, I have to go. My parents are waiting for me.”
Namjoon nodded his head and did something that shocked her. He leaned forward and pushed some hair off her forehead, “You played wonderful tonight. Thank you for playing.” 
“Th-Thank you...bye.”
She quickly left with a strong grip on the roses as her face was blazing. Why did he have to look at her like that? 
Namjoon, the class president, has been reviving love letters. I saw it right before my eyes. Though, I didn’t see who it was. I do know whoever it is, they can run fast. Who wouldn’t have a crush on Namjoon? He’s sensible and intelligent. Anyone would fall for him. I noticed she delivers her letters every Friday when classes are over. It's obvious she knows Namjoon’s schedule because she only does it when he’s gone. I am curious to see who it is. Until then, Pen. 
Y/N felt the world around was crashing. She knew she shouldn’t slide the letter under his door. Whoever this person is, they're writing about her now. It’s not a good feeling. She walked into the lunch room to see Jessica fighting a girl. 
“Are you the one giving Namjoon letters?” 
“I-I’m not! I swear!” 
Y/N eye’s widened and she quickly left. She clenched her shirt in panic and felt sick. She’s been giving him letters for years and never got caught. How could she get caught now? Now everyone is going to want to know who the mysterious person is. Especially Jessica. She started to run and she didn’t even know where she was running to but anywhere was better than here. She stopped and looked around her. She ran straight to the university park, a quiet place for her running thoughts. She sat on the bench and started crying. She didn’t want this to be known to the public or even Namjoon. Though he didn’t know it was her specifically it still made her want to die from embarrassment. 
She looked up to see Bora and Lin giving her a concerned look, “Are you alright?” 
She quickly wiped at her face and gave them a smile, “I’m not the best...I’m sorry. I’ll move,” 
She went to get up but was stopped by Lin, “Please stay. No one should cry alone.” 
Y/N listened and stared at the grass as a tear went down her face, “I feel embarrassed...”
Bora and Lin glanced at each other and nodded their heads. They sat on the sides of Y/N as Lin wrapped her arm around the girl, “Y/N, do you want to talk about it?”
“I don’t...I-I should go.”
Bora rubbed her shoulders and gave her a gentle smile, “You can just cry with us. We won’t ask any questions. Just cry.” 
Cry is what she did. She never felt so embarrassed but she couldn’t tell the world why she was. They wouldn’t believe her in the first place and she would get pinned down by Jessica. It would be a waste to speak about it but she could express it. The only way she could do it was to cry. She cried on Lin’s shoulder as she stared at the grass that was waving back and forth. Her secret is out even though no one knows it is hers. 
Namjoon looked at the folder and sighed. He kept all the letters in binders by his desk. He tries his best to reread them when he has time. It brought joy to his heart. They weren’t like other confessions he had received. This was different. The letters had affection that he had never received from another person. Whoever was writing these letters knew how to write from their heart.  
“What are you going to do?”
Namjoon looked away from the pink envelopes and saw Yoongi’s concerned face, “What do you think I should do?”
“Catch the person.”
Namjoon let out a laugh and closed the binder. He got up from his chair and walked towards the window, “They are not a criminal.” 
“I know you're curious about who they are.” 
Namjoon sighed and nodded his head, “Who wouldn’t be curious? The letters are beautiful. I kept each letter because the wording was moving. I never had a reason to look for the person but now I want to look for them.” 
“Is it because you wish it was Y/N.”
Namjoon stiffened at this and turned towards Yoongi, “Why do you ask?” 
Yoongi smirked and shrugged his shoulders, “No reason.” 
Y/N finally calmed down and continued to stare at the grass, “I’m sorry...”
Bora shook her head and pushed some of her hair away from her face, “Don’t be sorry. We all need to cry.” 
Y/N nodded her head at this and looked down at her fingers, “I appreciate the comfort.” 
Lin smiled at this and nodded her head, “I’m glad we could comfort you.”
Bora nodded her head and looked at Lin, “I was actually going to ask...if we could be friends.” 
Y/N turned towards Bora with wide eyes and pointed to herself, “Me?”
Bora let out a small laugh and nodded her head, “If you let me.” 
Lin smiled and pointed to herself too, “I want to be friends with you too.” 
Y/N looked at Lin and frowned, “Why?” 
“Ever since I saw you play last year...I wanted to be your friend. I saw you around but every time I wanted to talk to you, you would walk away. Did you realize how fast you walk?” 
Y/N looked down at the grass and frowned, “I-I’m sorry.” 
“Stop saying sorry. The time wasn’t right then but now it is.” 
“I suppose we can be friends...I-I’ll think about it...I just don’t know how to interact with people.”
Bora nodded her head at this, “That’s alright. Take your time.”
Y/N stood up and bowed at them before leaving. Her heart was beating fast and she didn’t know what she did to make them see her. Why is it so hard to be hidden away? It makes life easier to be hidden away. She entered the music room and saw Soo-Young who was giving her a worried look, “I was looking for you, Y/N.”
“I-I’m sorry-”
Soo-Young brought her into a hug and Y/N nuzzled her head into her chest. Soo-Young rubbed the back of her head as Y/N cried. Soo-Young kissed the top of her head and frowned, “I know about the letters.” 
Y/N pushed Soo-Young and gave her a shocked face, “H-How did you know?” 
“I was worried about you. You were taking longer than usual so, I walked down the halls to see you with the pink envelope. I wasn’t sure what you were doing but you looked flustered. One can put it together.” 
Y/N frowned and looked down at her shoes, “Now, he knows...”
“He doesn’t know it's you.” 
Y/N shook her head, “It doesn’t matter he still knows someone has been giving him letters...like a stalker.” 
“You're not a stalker. Just a person with a crush.”
“Some would say they're the same.” 
Soo-Young shook her head and rubbed her shoulder gently, “Do you love him?”
“Do you?”
Y/N looked outside the window and then back at Soo-Young, “I do...” 
“Let’s make it known that it's you.”
Y/N sat in the library as the day got darker. She told her parents she would be late and wanted time to herself. They understood but that didn’t mean they weren’t worried. She looked down at the empty page and let out a loud sigh. She couldn’t focus on anything and it just made life harder. Why does the mind like to play these games? It’s frustrating. 
She closed her notebook and stared down at the desk with empty eyes. She wondered how Namjoon reacted to the news. He’s probably sick of getting confessions. She heard the chair in front of her move and she looked up. There staring back at her was Jessica with a smirk, “I need you to do something for me, mouse.” 
“I know you won the poetry competition last year. I need you to write a letter for me so I can give it to Namjoon.” 
Jessica rolled her eyes and tapped her nail against the dark wood, “If you write this letter for me, I’ll stop messing with you.” Y/N shook her head and tried to gather her things but Jessica grabbed her wrist, “I wouldn’t do that.” 
“I-I can’t do it.” 
Jessica brought her nails into her wrist and Y/N bit her lip to keep her quiet, “You’ll do it, mouse.” 
Y/N glanced down at her wrist to see blood trickling down and nodded her head, “I-I’ll do it.” 
Jessica smirked at this and let go of her wrist. She looked at her nails and then back at Y/N, “I want a letter by tomorrow morning.” 
Y/N didn’t say anything but she watched Jessica leave the library with a hop in her step. Y/N glanced at her wrist and saw the blood coming down. She looked up at the ceiling and frowned, Why couldn’t she be the frame? She gathered her things and made her way out of the campus. Everything felt like a blur until she got to her car. She pushed her hair and opened the door but closed it when she heard her name. She turned around and saw the familiar brown eyes. 
Namjoon smiled at her as he set his things on his bike, “Fancy meeting you here.” 
Y/N nodded her head, “It is.” 
Namjoon glanced at her wrist and saw that she was rubbing it. He walked away from his bike and towards her, “Is everything okay?”
“It-It’s fine.” 
Namjoon gently took her hand and turned it to see the cuts. He glanced up at her with worry and anger in his eyes, “What happened?” 
“I hurt myself.”
“Y/N, I am not stupid. Don’t treat me like I am. Someone did this to you.”
Y/N looked away and shook her head, “I can’t tell you.” Namjoon sighed and intertwined their fingers together. She glanced at their hands and then at him, “What are you doing?”
“Taking you to the nurse. I can’t let you walk around with an injury. It would hurt me to know that you were hurt and I did nothing for you.” 
Y/N nodded her head and they walked towards the medical building. Y/N glanced at their hands and she watched his thumb gently rubbing her knuckles. She felt her heart speed up at the feeling but she tried to ignore it. He opened the door and everything went a blur. She sat on the bed and waited for him. He came back with a bandage and smiled, “Let me patch that up for you.” 
Y/N nodded her head and brought her hand up towards him. He took the bandage out of the package and placed it on her wrist. She watched him and then she looked away when he smiled at her, “Thank you.” 
“You don’t have to tell me anything but Y/N just know...I’ll protect you.” 
Her eyes widened at this and turned her head to look at him, “Pr-Protect?” 
He nodded his head, “I care for you. Let me walk you back to your car.” 
Y/N nodded her head and Namjoon put his hand out for her. She glanced down at his hand and then back at him with a confused look, “What?”
“I want to hold your hand. Is that okay?”
“Is that okay for you? Do you want to hold my hand? I don’t want you to feel-”
Namjoon intertwined their fingers together and walked out of the nurse's office. The halls were empty and she was glad that no one would see her. It would make her feel embarrassed. Today was a wild day for her and she didn’t need anything more to make it crazier but here she is. Holding hands with Namjoon. The person who she’s been in love with. 
Namjoon smiled at her and glanced at his bike and then at her, “Do you want to go somewhere with me?” 
Y/N pointed to herself and gave him a shocked face, “Me?”
“Yeah, I never have the chance to talk to you. This is the perfect time.” 
Y/N glanced down at her wrist and then back at him, “O-Okay...” 
Namjoon sat on his bicycle and turned towards her, “Are you going to be okay? You have to hold on to me.”
Y/N slowly nodded her head and looked at her fingers, “Is it okay?”
“Yes, Y/N.” She sat on his bike and put on the extra helmet he had. She glanced at his back and took a deep breath. She wrapped his arms around his waist and hid her face in his back. Namjoon glanced at her and smiled, “Are you ready?”
The ride was peaceful and Y/N gripped his waist tighter when a turn would happen. Her heart was beating so fast but unknown to her, his heart was doing the same thing. He stopped the bike and she looked up to see a small cafe. She tilted her head at him, “Sunflower?” 
Namjoon smiled and nodded his head, “My mom recently bought it. I thought it would be the perfect place to take you.”
They walked in and she looked around with a curious look. The cafe was nice and small. It was clear it was new. Namjoon took her in the back and they sat in the hidden space. She was surrounded by flowers and she looked at Namjoon, “What is this?”
“It's a hidden place. I asked my mom to create me one so I can hide from the customers.”
Y/N nodded her head and touched the white daisy with her fingertips, “It’s pretty.”
Namjoon smiled at this and pulled out a chair for her, “Please sit. I’ll get us some croissants.”
Y/N nodded her head and sat in the chair as she watched him leave. She looked around the place with a warm face. How did she get here? She was sitting with her crush in a beautiful garden. This couldn’t be real. She glanced down at her wrist and then back at the daisies. It didn’t feel real.
“I got you a bottle of water too.”
She looked over her shoulder and saw Namjoon wearing that smile she came to love. She nodded her head at this, “Thank you.” 
He sat down and took a bite of his croissant, “I was so happy to hear you play at Cosmic Hall.”
She nibbled at the croissant and her eyes became wide, “Really?”
“I was. I enjoy you playing. My sister told me that you stopped playing for a while...may I ask why?” 
Y/N glanced down at her croissant and then back at him, “I...I just wanted a break.”
Namjoon nodded his head and took a sip of his water, “Everyone deserves a break. You did tell me you have been playing since you were six years old.”
She felt shocked that he remembered that and he laughed at her expression, “You remember that?”
“I told you that I remember what you said to me.” 
She felt her heart flutter at this and took a bite of her pastry, “Thank you...I took a break because I mentally needed it. I went to Japan...it was nice” 
“Everyone deserves a break. I’m sorry you felt like that.” 
Y/N shrugged her shoulders and looked at the daisies, “I’m sorry...I’m not the best at conversations.” 
“That’s okay. I like to talk so we make a good pair.”
Y/N eyes widened at this and turned towards him, “A good pair?” 
The rest of the night was them talking to each other and she realized how easy it was to talk to him. He truly was a sun that brought warmth and comfort. As they talked, she knew what she had to do with Jessica. She was going to listen to Soo-Young and go against Jessica. She’ll take the abuse from her as long as she does what her heart wants her to do.  
Namjoon rode his bike back to her car on the school campus and smiled at her, “I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
She nodded her head at this and waved goodbye. She got into her car and was confused when she saw him waiting by her car. She rolled down her window and looked at Namjoon, “Aren’t you going?” 
“I wanted to wait for you to get in the car.” 
Y/N smiled to herself and nodded her head, “Thank you for tonight. I had fun.”
“Let’s do it again.” 
Y/N rapidly nodded her head and gave him a wide smile, “Yes, let’s do it again.” 
That night's drive was peaceful. She knew what she needed to do and she was going to do it. No matter what happens. Even if her mind tells her no, she’s going to do it. Everyone deserves to be spontaneous once in their lives. 
Y/N didn’t know how she did it but she did it. She avoided Jessica all morning and went straight to the music room. She began to practice her piece and she watched Soo-Young smile at the melody, “It’s beautiful. You can feel the love.”
Y/N smiled at this and nodded her head, “Do you think he will like it?”
“He would be an idiot if he didn’t.” 
Y/N smiled and gathered her things, “I guess it's time. Wish me luck.”
“Good luck Y/N. No matter what happens I’ll be here for you.” 
Y/N nodded her head and for once she felt the confidence going through her bloodstream, “Okay.” 
Y/N walked towards the student council and right before she opened the door, she felt her hair get pulled back. She let out a loud yelp and she fell to the ground. She looked up to see Jessica glaring at her. Jessica leaned down with a glare that could set fires in the forest, “Mouse, remember what I said. Girls get it.” 
Just then two girls came out of nowhere and grabbed her violin case. Y/N looked at her violin and then back at Jessica, “I-I’m sorry.”
“It’s too late to say sorry, mouse. I bet you were going to confess. Newsflash, Namjoon will never be an idiot like you. A mouse with no squeak.” 
Y/N glanced down at the ground and shook her head, “Yo-Your wrong.” 
Jessica pulled her hair harder and Y/N felt tears forming, “Don’t talk back Mouse. Nina, you know what to do.” 
Y/N turned towards Nina and watched her take out her violin, “Please don’t. I’ll write your letter.”
“Nope, you had your chance.” 
Just then Nina smashed Y/N’s violin and she sat there with a shocked expression. The violin that she came to love was now in pieces. Y/N was so shocked that everything around her became silent. She didn’t even realize Soo-Young came and pushed Jessica away. Nor did she realize that Bora and Lin pushed her goons away.
Her world felt like it was crushing down. The one thing she loved most in this world was destroyed. All this to show that she loved someone. Maybe Jessica was right. Namjoon wouldn’t love her. This felt like the universe was telling her to walk away before more bad things happened. 
Y/N slowly stood up and walked towards her broken violin. The broken instrument gave her confidence and now she has nothing. She let out a tear and shook her head. She ran away, “Y/N WAIT!” 
Y/N ignored the voices and ran. She ran towards the girl's bathroom and locked the door behind her. Maybe she was meant to be alone, all she does is make things more complicated. Life is already complicated, why would she make it more complicated? Love isn’t made for her. The universe made that very clear today. There was a soft knock at the door but she didn’t budge from her position on the floor. 
She ignored the pleas and after a while it became quiet. She sat on the tile floor as the coldness of the bathroom comforted her. She deserves this treatment. She tried changing and the universe didn’t like that. Obviously, she deserved the punishment. 
“As student body president and Chairman, Jessica deserves to be expelled.” 
The chairmen glanced at Jessica and then at Namjoon, “Go on.”
Namjoon glared at Jessica and looked back, “Without the help of my friends, Jessica would’ve continued to bully L/N Y/N.”
The chairman's eyes widened at this and stood up. He slammed his fist on the table and pointed at Jessica, “You dare to mess with the L/N family?” 
Namjoon smirked at this and bowed to the chairman, “I would love to stay but I have important business to attend to.” 
Namjoon didn’t wait for an answer, he ran out of the room with Bora smiling at him. Namjoon ran like his life depended on it. He hoped that Y/N was still in the bathroom. He couldn’t miss his chance. He stopped at the bathroom and was breathing heavily. He knocked on the door with fear, “Y/N, it’s me. Please open the door.” 
He looked at the ceiling and prayed that she was still there. If she wasn’t there then he wasn’t sure what he was going to do. The door opened and he turned towards the door but his expression dropped. 
Namjoon bowed to her and apologized. He quickly left and went towards the second place he knew she would be. He opened the music room and he saw Y/N crying. He quickly closed the door and made his way towards her, “Y/N…”
Y/N looked up and she saw Namjoon's concerned eyes. Y/N tried to look away but Namjoon wouldn’t allow her. He gently put his fingers under her chin and turned her head, “Please don’t look away from me.”
“Please don’t push me away. I just got you, I can’t lose you.” 
Y/N frowned at this, “Wh-What do you mean?”
“Y/N, can’t you see it? I love you. I love how you show your feelings through music and writing. You bring peace to my world, especially on days that feel like it’s erupting from chaos. I liked you the moment I heard you play. You are my sweet melody that brings paintings alive, my favorite melody. Please, please don’t push me away. I can’t bear this distance anymore.” 
Y/N stared at him and saw the truth in his eyes, “Writing?”
“Yes, I know about the letters. I knew it was you.”
Namjoon let out a small laugh, “I had a class with you. I saw the way you wrote and well…”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
Namjoon frowned, “I’m an insecure man. How could you love me? A man who couldn’t even comprehend a simple melody before I met you. I’m the heir to my fathers business but other than that, I have nothing more.”
Y/N shook her head and placed her hand against his cheek, “You are much more than that.”
“I want to hear you say it. I’ve read the letters but I want to hear your voice.”
Y/N took a deep breath and closed her eyes, “I don’t deserve a well composed man to love me. I can’t help feeling affection towards you especially when you're the only person to notice me. I…I love you. Whenever you talk about your speeches, I’m always listening. Your words move me like no other… I don’t know how to love nor am I good with my words…please be patient with me..give me a chance. I thought it was a mistake to fall for you. I felt like the universe was telling me I wasn’t worth loving someone. It felt like everyone was against me because I wanted change. I’m still so scared..what if the universe doesn’t want this for me?”
“Fuck the universe. Y/N just listen to your heart. I’ll help you with your anxiety and insecurities. Take a chance on me, take a chance on us.”
Y/N opened her eyes and saw how close he was and nodded her head, “I’ll take the chance.”
She didn’t realize how close he was to her. The air was thick and the desperation she saw in his eyes was a mirror of her own. She could feel the heat radiating from his body and it made her want more, “Y/N...do you have a boyfriend?”
Y/N shook her head and glanced at his lips, “I don’t.”
“Do I have permission to kiss you?”
Y/N smiled at this and put her forehead against his, “You do.” 
He leaned in closer and looked her into the eye once more before pressing his lips against his. She grabbed the front of his shirt and her fingertips became one with the soft fabric. One of his hands found its way behind her neck and brought her closer. The sound of kisses filled the room and she pushed away to gain her breath, “Joon...”  
He hums and his dark brown eyes told her everything she needed. He picked her up and sat her on the piano. She gently touched his face and gave him a gentle smile, “Serenity...” 
“I’ll give you that as long as you allow me. I am yours.” 
“I-I am yours as well.” 
He started to unbutton his shirt and she watched with nervous eyes. The more skin that started to show, the more real this became. She pushed his shirt off of his shoulder and her hands brushed against his bare chest. She leaned forward and placed a kiss on the center of his chest. His hands reached out to cup her cheeks and pulled her face towards his, kissing her deeply. 
After a moment he pulled back and slowly pushed her down on the piano. She gave him a small smile and a node. He pulled her shirt and leaned down to kiss her bare stomach as her fingers brushed through his hair. He moved back up and pulled her into a deep kiss. She slid her hands from his neck to his biceps. His hands tickled her bare skin. He cupped her face, running his thumb slowly over her cheek. They pulled away and she intertwined their fingers and she placed a kiss on his knuckles. 
He smiled at her and moved his lips back to hers as their tongues twirled around each other. After a moment of kissing, his fingers went behind her back and unclasped the material. He trailed his fingers down her arms as he pulled down the straps. He watched the goosebumps appear and he couldn’t help but feel proud. He gently dropped the fabric and took in what he was saying. He smiled and looked up to her, “You're so beautiful.” 
“Is this okay?”
“Anything with you is okay...I trust you.” 
He eagerly leaned down to take one of her nubs into his mouth. She covered her face and let out a small moan. He sucked on her nipple while gently rolling her other nub between his finger and thumb. He felt her hands brushing through his hair but that quickly turned into tugging it. He slowly let his tongue slide over her stomach again and reached her skirt. He pulled down the pink skirt with her underwear. He leaned up and there before him was the women of his dreams. He pulled down his jeans and leaned forward kissing her chest, “Are you ready?” 
He scooted a bit closer to her and placed his hands on her waist. He let his nose rub over her bare shoulder and placed a quick kiss. He slowly sank himself into her wet entrance and the both moaned, “Okay?”
“I’m okay.” She breathed as she closed her eyes at the feel of him. He started to move and Y/N couldn’t help but moan when she felt him slide in and out at a steady pace. She brought his face to hers and brought him into a passionate kiss. He placed two fingers over her clit and started to rub making her push back against him in pleasure. 
“Fuck, Y/N.”
He started to quicken his pace and she closed her eyes at the pleasure she was feeling, “Don’t stop...” She moaned as his fingers dug a little deeper in her skin as he pushed himself into her, over and over again. 
“You’re mine.”
She leaned up with her elbows and kissed his neck, “Yours. I’m going to-”
She felt her orgasm hitting her and Namjoon felt her walls clenched. The feeling was too much and he couldn't help himself. They both let out a loud moan and he fell forward with his head near her breast. She ran her fingers through his hair and kissed the top of his head. He looked at her and smiled, “Don’t push me away.”
“I won’t...” 
He pushed some hair away from her sweaty forehead and frowned, “I’m sorry about your violin.” 
She let out a sad sigh, “I’m sure I can find another.”
“I hope so...I would love to hear you play.”
“You already heard me play...”
He kissed her collarbone and then her neck, “A private concert.” 
“I would love to do that...we should get dressed.”
Namjoon nodded his head and helped her get dressed. When they were fully dressed, he brought her into a passionate kiss, “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you, Namjoon.”
“Did you hear about Y/N?”
“I did...she’s with the Kim's son.”
“Interesting matchup.” 
Today was Y/N’s father's ball for his business and she was dressed in something that was different for her. She was in a strapless tulle ballerina dress with a diamond necklace that Namjoon gifted her. She walked into the room with her heels clicking away. Soo-Young made her way to her and smiled. She pushed some hair off of her shoulder and smiled, “You look beautiful, Y/N.”
“Thank you, Soo-Young. You look beautiful as well. Green has always been your color.”
Soo-Young smiled and looked away with a smile, “He’s looking for you.”
“I kind of figured. He sent me a text saying he was dying to see him. Men are always the dramatic ones.” 
“Tell me about it. He kept saying he couldn’t wait one more minute for you. At least you know he's completely devoted to you.” 
Y/N smiled at this and nodded her head, “I suppose...I’m going to find him.”
Y/N walked around the ball and bowed at random people. Her eyes landed on Bora and she smiled. She quickly made her way and bowed, “Hello.” 
Bora and Lin turned around to give her a smile, “We were just talking about you.”
Lin smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder, “Good things. I wanted to see your dress.”
Y/N glanced down and then back at Lin, “Is it too much? My mother got it made and she wanted it-”
“Y/N you look beautiful.”
She looked to see Taehyung giving her a gentle smile and she nodded her head, “Thank you Taehyung.” 
“I told you to call me Tae.”
Jungkook scoffed at this and rolled his eyes, “She doesn’t even call me Kook, what makes you think she’ll call you Tae?” 
“I’m better looking, that’s why.” 
Bora rolled her eyes and turned towards Y/N, “Namjoon is with your parents.” 
She nodded her head and bowed again, “I’ll see you guys later.” 
Y/N quickly made her way to her parents and there he was in his black suit. Namjoon was talking to her father about something and she couldn’t help but smile at the closeness they created in a short time. Y/N slowly made her way towards them and Namjoon glanced over her father’s shoulder and smiled. He quickly excused himself and went towards him.
He picked up her hand and his finger gently traced her jaw. His eyes had sparkles in them as he looked at her, “You look beautiful.”
“I like your suit...”
He leaned forward and placed a kiss on her forehead, “I’m grateful for your mother’s taste in fashion.” 
She let out a small laugh and gently hit his chest, “Sorry, I kept you waiting.”
“It’s alright. I was dying to meet you. Being away from you can make the strongest cry.”
She smiled and glanced at the dancefloor, “Would you like to dance?”
“It’s my job to ask that. Y/N will you like to dance with me?”
“I would love to.”
They moved through the people until they were in the center. She smiled at him and he returned it. He wrapped his arm around her waist and they started to sway with the music. Y/N’s parents watched with pure happiness. Her mother leaned towards her father to whisper in his ear, “She looks so happy.”
Her father nodded his head and looked at them dancing, “I knew this day would come.”
“What day?”
“That I would lose my baby girl.”
“Honey, she’s not getting married. Stop being ridiculous.” 
Y/N and Namjoon became a couple after their moment in the music room. He took her to Sunflower and had a proper date. The campus was shocked that Kim Namjoon was with L/N Y/N. The fact that the class president was with the famous timid violinist made its round around campus. At first this bothered Y/N and she felt like she was bringing his image down but Namjoon told her otherwise. 
Y/N also became friends with Bora and Lin. They shared so many similarities, something that shocked her. They were very different in personality but she blended in perfectly fine. Lin’s mother gave her a fortune and everything seems like it is only going to get better. She even met Seungkwan and they became somewhat close. It’s amazing what a short matter of time can change.
Jessica was expelled and no one was shocked. There was finally peace at school but Y/N still had a feeling that there were more bullies hidden away. Waiting to come forward. There was one hidden enemy that she wanted to know who it was, Pen. Whoever Pen was, she was always close and always watching. Especially towards the legendary seven. She told Namjoon that it had to be someone close to them but he couldn’t think of anyone. They dropped the subject but she couldn’t stop thinking about this mysterious person that knows everything. It wasn’t a good feeling to know. 
Namjoon twirled Y/N and they placed their foreheads together, “Come to the garden with me.” 
“Of course.”
They walked out and went towards the place where Y/N first met Namjoon. He led her towards the garden that had purple roses and she couldn’t help but laugh. He plucked one and handed it towards her, “I have a surprise.” 
“Is it the rose? I love it.”
Namjoon laughed and shook his head, “It’s not the rose but if you like it then it's part of the surprise. Close your eyes.”
Y/N nodded her head and closed her eyes. Namjoon smiled and went behind the bench to bring out his surprise. He made his way towards her and let out a small cough, “Open your eyes.”
She opened them and her eyes widened, “Namjoon...”
“Open it.”
She opened the black case and her mouth dropped. The violin before her was covered in a daisy design; it was a beautiful piece of art. She gently took the violin out of the case and she couldn’t help but a smile, “I-”
“I wanted to get you a new one. This one is special. Turn it.” 
She turned the violin and she wanted to cry. It had their initials carved into the wood and her fingers gently touched it. She let out a small laugh and looked at him with pure love, “I love it.”
“I’m glad you do. Can I get that private concert?” 
She let out a laugh and nodded her head. He sat on the bench and she gave him one final smile before she started playing. This song felt like it belonged to a Jane Austen novel. It made you feel like you were in a love story and you can picture everything. He closed his eyes and started swaying back and forth. The music notes were clearer now and bursts of pastel colors erupted with each note. When she finished, he opened his eyes and clapped his hands, “That was amazing.”
“Thank you.”
He stood up and kissed the top of her head, “That was a new piece. Does it have a name?”
“It does.” 
He pushed some hair behind her ear and smiled, “What’s it called?”
“I called it Unread.” 
Namjoon let out a laugh, “Is it based on true events?”
“Somewhat...we should go back before my parents start looking for us.” 
Namjoon nodded his head but he wrapped his arms around her waist, “Let’s stay like this for a few minutes. Just you and me.” 
She let out a small laugh, “Let me put my violin away and then we can dance in the flowers.” 
Behind the hedges and hidden figure watched and wrote something in her notebook. She quickly hid the notebook in her jacket. She started to walk away but stepped on a branch causing Namjoon to look up, “Who's there?” 
The girl cursed under her breath and ran as fast as she could before they could see her. Y/N and Namjoon made their way towards the hedges and looked at each other, “What was that?”
Namjoon glanced down at the grass and saw that the person dropped something. He picked up the pen and saw that a name was engraved on it, “It says Pen.” 
Y/N’s eyes widened and she looked at the pen, “Do you think it's her?” 
“Maybe...” He put the pen in his coat pocket and sighed, “Let’s forget about this for now and dance in the roses.”
She glanced at his hand and nodded her head, “I would love to dance with you.” 
“I will always dance with you, my violinist.”
────°˖✧ ✧˖°────────°˖✧ ✧˖°────
Tag List:
@sumzysworld @futuristicenemychaos @joonlover1207 @mimidonut
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jjungkookislife · 3 months
Quarterly Fic Recs 2024: #2
Hello! It's that time again (I feel like this past quarter flew by! I enjoyed these fics these past few months, and I hope you'll enjoy them too! Please consider reblogging fics you enjoyed to share them with others! I love finding new fics to read! :)
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the leather loafers @jimlingss
summary: Yes. You went to the ball. Yes. You ran into the prince. Yes. The shoe fits. BUT-! You aren't that Cinderella bitch. THEY'VE GOT THE WRONG PERSON!
into the rush @minisugakoobies
summary: When your best friend Taehyung tells you he has the perfect thing to help you get over a broken heart, you’re surprised to learn he means dodgeball, the beloved game of sociopathic gym teachers everywhere. But even more surprising is the way you find comfort in the game, and so much more, as you fall into the rush with the help of another teammate - his brother, Seokjin.
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tiger layer @kth1
summary: You are here to serve your king. In any way he pleases.
minis: july 1874 @hobidreams
summary: time goes on, and so does your love stretch and grow alongside it.
sunder @sailoryooons
summary: Sunder (sun·​der) transitive verb : to break apart or in two : to separate by or as if by violence or by intervening time or space
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in good hands @/minisugakoobies
summary: Once again, another partner has left you feeling unsatisfied. Maybe it’s time to call in an expert. Don’t worry, Hoseok knows exactly what you need.
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none :(
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delicate @/gimmethatagustd
summary: After months of not talking to each other, Taehyung thinks he can charm his way into your life again. Thankfully, Jimin is there to help you work through your feelings.
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only here to sin @/gimmethatagustd
summary: When your genius of a boyfriend returns to Harvard for his sophomore year of college, you never would have expected to have his worst enemy keeping you entertained in his absence.
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valentine vixen @bunnyhugs77
stripper reader! x rich! jungkook
supercharged @btsmosphere
summary: It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won’t be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens?
fan identity [SMAU] @tteokggukk
summary: in which you and jungkook are both famous internet celebrities that have never interacted, but share a common secret. you both have fan accounts for each other where you actively show support and express your opinions. one day, you were both nominated for the same award, social media influencer of the year. lowkey rooting for the other, you both express your opinions on your secret fan accounts as certain interactions begin to arise from a famous fan account dedicated to your “opponent” nominee.
closer @sweetestofchaos
summary: being close to you is still not close enough
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OT7/Multiple Members
dirty, dirty boy @gimmethatagustd
summary: For Taehyung, the only revenge sweeter than fucking Namjoon’s girlfriend behind his back is fucking Namjoon from the back.
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bf snapchats @secretsecretbunny
supercharged @btsmosphere
summary: It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won’t be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens?
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day six [corruption kink] @euphoricfilter
gf gives him a blowjob @sugarlywhispers
slithered from Eden @aphrodijin
summary: in which your new lover is probably a fairy or a vampire, you’re not sure. all you know is that he’s too beautiful to be human, to be even real at all.
i hate u, i love u @jeonbunnie
summary: If loving Jin is wrong, you don’t wanna be right.
this is us @btsgotjams27
alternate timeline
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yours to keep @ugh-yoongi
established relationship au
twelve @sailoryooons
summary: When the red string of fate appears around your ankle, you have twelve days to find your fated partner or die. That’s how the spell works - that’s how fate has always run Her business. There is one, very inconvenient witch who keeps getting in your way, though, and you might just kill each other before your mark does.
pull it harder @multicitrus
summary: Yoongi has a slight hair-pulling kink.
every little thing @7ndipity
summary: When you overhear Yoongi talking about how clingy you’ve been lately, you decide to take a step back from your friendship to give him space. But your sudden absence goes far from unnoticed by him.
silk touch @jjkwifestyle
summary: where yoongi's touch drives you mad.
wishes and kisses @95rkives
summary: sneaking into his studio with burnt homemade cupcakes to celebrate his birthday.
boyfriend yoongi @perfectlyoongi
always, us @katnisspeetaprim
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scary good @7ndipity
summary: A spooky movie and needy Hobi? You couldn’t imagine a better way to spend Halloween.
hoseok drabble @dirtybtssnaps
fuck around and...? @kooksbunnnn
summary: Being neglected can bring out the brat inside you, little do you know that he loves to be the brat tamer.
retribution @kpopfanfictrash
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the morning after @7ndipity
summary: Namjoon’s reaction to you waking up sore after a night together.
needy @likeastarstar
he's a munch @kooktrash
established relationship
doom boy @soft4gguk
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prompt drabble @jl-micasea-fics
gf gives him a blowjob @sugarlywhispers
I'm here sweetheart @folkookie97
summary: Jimin comforts his wife during her crying spell.
i promise i'll say yes @taetaespeaches
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the one with the hall pass @eoieopda
summary: you and your boyfriend have everything important in common — especially your taste in men.
taehyung drabble @euphorajeon
ride with me @theharrowing
summary: While on location for Taehyung’s driving vlog, he shuts the camera off to make a confession.
it's definitely you @pt2change
baby @minisugakoobies
summary: It’s just another Saturday night out, drinking with your favorite people, trying to pretend that you’re not completely in love with your best friend.
fireworks ^
summary: Taehyung knows exactly why he doesn’t remember last year’s fireworks.
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paradise @minisugakoobies
summary: That sexy man on stage - the one currently giving your friend the lap dance of her LIFE - is your super shy neighbor, Jeon Jungkook?!
naked @btsgotjams27
summary: You’re selfish when it comes to him. He wants more, but you won’t let him.
late night calls @bangtaninborderland
summary: you get a call from Jungkook at 7am, struck with worry you pick up only to find your adorably tired boyfriend.
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OT7/Multiple Members
carnival of terror ch. 4 @theharrowing
summary: The carnival is in town, and it is unlike anything you have ever experienced. Will you make it out alive?
the one with the hall pass pt. 2 @eoieopda
summary: you and your boyfriend have everything important in common — especially your taste in men.
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jungkwok · 8 months
so this is love | knj fluff | bts disney series
jungkook | taehyung | jimin | namjoon | hoseok | yoongi | jin
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pairing: namjoon x reader
tags: fluff duh, princecharming!namjoon x reader, based off plot of 'Cinderella'
word count: 486 words
In the grandeur of the royal palace, you find yourself a princess married to Prince Namjoon. The magic of your love story extends beyond the fairy tale, and every day feels like a dream. Yet, amid the opulence, there is a secluded garden that captivates your heart, hidden away from the prying eyes of courtiers.
One afternoon, as you meander through the palace corridors, Prince Namjoon spots you gazing longingly at the entrance to the secret garden. His eyes, filled with love and curiosity, follow your every move. Sensing his presence, you turn, and the corners of his lips curl into a warm smile.
"Are you curious about the garden, my love?" he asks, his voice a gentle caress. You nod, the anticipation evident in your eyes. With a twinkle in his eyes, Namjoon takes your hand and leads you to the garden's entrance.
The moment you step inside, a serene world unfolds – vibrant flowers in full bloom, the soft rustle of leaves, and the sweet fragrance of nature in its purest form. Prince Namjoon, always attentive to your desires, watches as your eyes light up with wonder.
"Shall we dance, y/n?" he suggests, extending his hand towards you. The music, as if summoned by his words, begins to play softly, carried by an unseen breeze. You place your hand in his, and the two of you sway in a dance only the enchanted garden knows.
As you move together, Prince Namjoon looks deep into your eyes, his gaze filled with an unspoken emotion. "In this secluded haven, away from the constraints of the world, I want you to know that you are my greatest treasure," he confesses, his voice a symphony of love.
Overwhelmed by his words, tears shimmer in your eyes. "And you, my prince, are the beating heart of my fairytale. With you, every day feels like a happily ever after," you respond, your voice a delicate melody.
The dance continues, a dance of hearts intertwined, emotions laid bare. Prince Namjoon leans in, his lips brushing against yours in a tender kiss. The world around you fades, and for a moment, it's just the two of you, lost in the enchantment of your love.
Breaking the kiss, Namjoon cups your face in his hands, his eyes searching yours. "I love you more than words can convey. You are my Cinderella, the one who has brought magic to my life," he whispers, his breath warm against your skin.
You return his gaze, your heart echoing his sentiments. "And you, my prince, are the embodiment of all my dreams. With you, I've found a love that transcends any fairy tale."
In that secluded garden, surrounded by the whispers of nature, Prince Namjoon and you share a moment that transcends time. As the dance continues, their love story blooms like the flowers around them, an everlasting testament to the magic woven into their hearts.
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candysugarush · 2 months
BTS Profiles and Tales.
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Kim Seokjin :
Tale : Beauty and the Beast
Character : The Beast
Story : After being cursed into the form of a beast by a fairy for his heart of stone. He has until the last petal of his rose falling to learn to love and be loved for his true self. If he fails, he will permanently stay in this form.
You won't be cruel and leave him right? Believe me he can truly be a beast otherwise.
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Min Yoongi :
Tale : The Sleeping Beauty
Character : The Prince
Story : Loneliness and confusion reigned his mind his whole life about his identity from being born from a human father and ogre mother. A prince in title but a monster in the eyes of others. In the search of a just an ounce of affection he heard of the cursed sleeping princess and swore to be the one waking her.
After saving you, surely you won't run away from your hero? Please don't he will lose his last thread of humanity.
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Jung Hoseok :
Tale : The Ice Queen
Character : The Ice Boy
Story : What was once sunshine filled days by your side abrubtly came to an end when he was ripped away from you by his father back into his cold castle in the mountain to become the next monarch and casting a blizzard all over the land. Turning himself into the next Ice King, his emotions disappeared.
Are you ready to do anything to save him? If you don't he will just keep you in his everlasting snow.
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Kim Namjoon :
Tale : The Princess and the Frog
Character : The Frog
Story : Turned into a frog by a fairy for being too prideful and evil, he is cursed to stay in this form until someone loves him. Fortunately for him and unfortunate for you, he succesfully made you promise to love him if he helped you with retrieving your toy in the pond. Now as he stand with a froggy grin handing you the ball, the words you said in desperation sink in with horror.
Well you have to keep your promise right? He has make ways to make you.
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Park Jimin :
Tale : Red Riding Hood
Character : The Wolf
Story : Despite living in the forest he had it quite easy and as he was looking for his next dinner when food came on a silver platter in the form of you. The mischievous wolf did not need to use much trickery as you talked to him, how naive and innocent you are. He can already imagine his meal. And yet he is having second thoughts on this plan as you mistook him for your grandma.
Should you inspect him closer? Don't worry he doesn't bite unless you're into that.
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Kim Taehyung :
Tale : The Little Mermaid
Character : The little mermaid
Story : As far as he could remember, he had always been curious and interested in the world above the water, even if his family were against it and spoke of the danger of humans. Yet his curiosity was never sated until he broke out of the water one day to end face to face with you. Completely infatuated with you and your world, he vows to come to you. And he did, albeit looking different.
You won't abandon him after he sacrificed everything, right? He just wants to be a part of your world.
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Jeon Jungkook :
Tale : Cinderella
Character : The Prince Charming
Story : The golden boy of the kingdom is surprisingly troubled from his childhood, he had always gotten what he wanted on a silver platter and excelled in any field he tried, and yet all those things couldn't fill the missing piece in his heart at the loss of his mother at a tender age. This combined with the multiple military campaign he participated in once he became an adult, left him with a distaste and constant bore of the world around him. Nothing got him alive anymore. Until you stepped in that ballroom and took his breath away, the best part? You didn't even knew who he was as you spent your time with him.
Finally he felt alive again, and now you're saying you want to leave? Midnight already striked twelve, there's no need to run anymore.
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Which story are you jumping into?
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strxwberry-skiess · 3 months
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BANGTAN — 방탄소년단
❀ wip
❀ wip
❀ midnight ; cinderella au, romance, drama, angst
the ball is all anyone can talk about. for you, it's just another reminder of your dismal life, stuck with a spiteful stepfamily and endless chores. however, when you are blessed with a miracle, you end up falling into a world you never could have dreamed about.
❀ wip
❀ the one that got away ; angst, fluff, romance
despite being best friends with park jimin all your life, you always feared that one day, he would slip through your fingers. hiding your feelings from him would be your biggest regret.
❀ let's get this bread ; fluff, humor
working at a bakery has its perks, especially when an attractive customer likes to ask your opinions on your favorite breads.
❀ wip
❀ cliché tropes ; high school au, bullet point, fluff
bangtan boys as cliché high school tropes
❀ rosewood city ; 1920s au, drama, romance
february 14th, 1922. despite your status as a perfectly content spinster, seven suitors send offerings on valentine's day, ever hopeful theirs will be the one you cannot refuse.
❀ mount olympus ; greek god au, drama, romance, fluff
little is known to man about the gods who live on the mountain. fewer in number are those who have had an encounter with one of the said gods, for they are far from personal. however, you manage to catch the eye of one in particular.
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© strxwberry-skiess, 2024. all rights reserved. copying, reposting, or plagiarizing my work is strictly prohibited.
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sailoryooons · 1 year
🧡🎃 my queen. i have been sent here by the guardians of the moons to slip a drabble request of spooky-weenie love. we can keep it rated pg 13, imply relationship/smut if you desire. however i shall be here — looking for the young lad taehyung, dressed up as prince charming at a heavily intoxicated halloween party. frantically searching for his partner, oc!cinderella, as he realizes the strap to one of her heels have broke and she is walking around barefoot without her shoes on (typical cinderella amirite?) and as the goodest of boyfies — he is just trying to take care of his girl. oh, and he discovers — after searching throughout the entire complex — that she has accidentally gone overboard after her last intense and competitive game of beer pong and oc has found solace in a bush outside the house 😂😅🥹 to where her tiara sits crooked on top of her drunken head and her prince charming comes to assist her with whatever else has gone wrong 🤪🧡
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❀ Pairing: Taehyung x f. reader
❀ Summary: Taehyung loves being your prince charming, even if it means trying to find where you’ve wandered off to in the middle of a Halloween party without your shoes. 
❀ Word Count: 1,657
❀ Genre: Established relationship, Fluff, Drunken Silliness
❀ Rating: 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging and reading this content. It contains explicit content and any minors discovered reading or engaging with this work will be blocked immediately.
❀ Warnings: Taehyung is a simp!!! Recreational drinking, reader is absolutely tanked but in a funny way, Taehyung is drunk but not as drunk, general descriptions of being drunk, one very sweet kiss, talks about toes djgdogidjgid, one sexual thought slipping through Taehyung’s brain
❀ Published: October 10, 2023
❀ A/N: THIS IS FOR MY QUEEN MAGGIE!!! MY BEAUTIFUL, WONDERFUL SAILOR MAGGIE! Everyone is just going to have to accept the bit about the toes and the running around barefoot in this because listen - we had a vision and I stuck with it and!!! Taehyung just loves her even if she’s ten-toe hogging it around a party with no zappatos on!! This was so fun and sweet to write and my god I need to write Taehyung more because I’m so down bad  for him rgoidjgodijgdoigj. THIS IS ONLY GRAMMARLY EDITED SFODIGJ PLEASE FORGIVE ME EVERYONE. 
❀ Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment, or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real-life scenarios.
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When Taehyung sees the silver pair of heels kicked off outside of Jimin’s bathroom, he knows it’s over for you. He still can’t help but smile, bending down to scoop them up by the straps, dangling off of his fingers. 
Jimin’s house is full of creatures and goblins and ghouls and in Taehyung’s case, a prince. The itchy fabric of the Prince Charming costume is nearly insufferably where it rubs at his neck, the overcoat sweltering in the heated atmosphere of the Halloween party. 
Music thumps as Taehyung navigates out of the hall, swiveling his head as he goes. Fifteen minutes ago you had announced rather loudly - and with a wicked lean that nearly knocked over the beer pong table you’d been championing - that had to relieve yourself. Taehyung watched with a buzzed grin as you picked your way toward the hall, lifting the skirts of your Cinderella dress to avoid anyone tramping on it. 
Now, there’s no Cinderella dress in sight. 
Taehyung pops into the kitchen, hoping to find you drinking water. Only Yoongi hides in the kitchen, ripping off the cat ears Hoseok has stuck on his head. Taehyung spots the fridge and realizes that you might want water when he finds you. He needs water to find you, the room spinning a little and his mouth still awash with the aftertaste of the witches' brew Seokjin had plied him with. 
“Have you seen Cinderella anywhere?” Taehyung asks Yoongi.
Yoongi scowls as he wets his hands under the faucet and starts wiping at the cat nose on his face. 
“I think she went out in the backyard. Something about a pumpkin at midnight.” Taehyung snickers and shakes his head. “She was also missing shoes. And said something about pong champ.”
Taehyung holds up the items in question. “I think she might have crushed it a little too much at the pong table. She's running around barefoot”
“Well, it is Halloween. Maybe she’s in touch with the Hallow’s Eve or whatever Or your princess turned into a werewolf and is currently howling like a fiend.”
“Uh-huh. Good luck with your cat nose.”
“Good luck with your princess. Or werewolf.”  
Little does Yoongi know, Taehyung is always lucky with you. From the day that he bumped into you in a coffee shop, to the first date you went on, to years later, sharing an apartment above the coffee shop you love so dearly, Taehyung has been lucky every day. 
He grins thinking about it, opening up the back door and heading into the year. It’s a crispy night, cool air brushing against the sweat gathered at the back of his neck. He pauses for a moment to shrug out of the itchy, cornflower blue overcoat of his Prince Charming costume to reveal a white tee. 
Tying the coat around his waist, Taehyung surveys the yard. There’s no one outside that he can see, but the porch lights reflect all the way to the fence. Jogging down the steps, he glances up at the sky. It’s the perfect night, a thousand stars mapped across the world in perfect silence. 
It makes sense that you would come out here, he thinks. You love to look at the stars, but most of all, Taehyung knows you’d like to lie down somewhere and look at the skies after having something to drink. Knowing you, you’d have come out for fresh air after realizing how drunk you were in the bathroom, only to get distracted by the sky.
He loves that about you, though. Loves that he can somehow piece together the way your mind works, loves that the natural course of trajectory for you was through the kitchen and out into the yard with a flippant comment about a pumpkin. 
“Jagiya?” Taeyhung calls out, warm breath fogging in front of him.
Taehyung turns around to look at the garden. He raises his brows when he sees your legs sticking out from the mulch. He presses his hand to his mouth, trying to conceal his laughter and shock that you are crushing Jimin’s marigolds. 
He jogs over to you, finding you on your back with your hands tucked behind your head. You don’t seem to mind that you’re splat in the middle of flowers and dirt, your misty eyes fixated up on the sky with your mouth open in a dizzy smile. 
You look radiant. Bathed in moonlight, eyes wide and lost in the sky. Even if your crown is a little crooked and your dress is a little stained, Taehyung feels his heart rate speed up. You may be dressed as a princess for the night, but you look like a goddess. Ethereal. 
Taehyung feels a little dizzy. You reach for him and he complies, unable to say no to you as he sits and feels the marigolds crush under his ass. Your hands are warm and soft in his as you sigh in delight, thrilled to see him. 
“The stars are so wonderful,” you breathe. You turn your head. He notices the yellow petals stuck in your hair. Your face changes from wonder to something else. Adoration, he thinks. Taehyung’s stomach flips as you squeeze his hand. “Almost as beautiful as my Prince Charming.”
“My Cinderella is beautiful too.” He holds your shoes up. “Even if she is running around ten-toeing it, barefoot in the middle of the night.” 
You squeal, making grabby hands at the shoes. He lets you have them, laughing as you grab them and hold them to your chest, closing your eyes. Your head lulls to the side and he can see the sleepiness pulling at your edges. 
“You’re sloshed, huh?”
“Like a coke slushie from the movie, Your Princely-Highness-Lord.” 
He can’t fight his grin. “Have you had any water?”
“Champions don’t drink water.” He holds out the bottle of water to you anyway. You reach for it but miss several times before your greedy little fingers get a hold of it. As he lets it go, you loose  your grip and it hits you square in the face. “Motherfucker, the water is attacking the champion!”
Time to get you home.
“It’s after midnight, Princess Champion. We gotta hitch a ride on the pumpkin.”
“Get the cat to drive,” you mutter, not opening your eyes. “He was trying to wipe his nose off in the kitchen.”
Picking himself off the ground, Taehyung manages to get you up and dusted off. You sway in front of him, looking up at him with half-lidded eyes. He can see the desire boiling there, and though it makes the blood rush to his groin, he ignores it, knowing you both need bed. 
Kneeling down, Taehyung slips your shoes back on. He’s careful, lifting your feet by the ankle to delicately slide the straps up. You’re nearly asleep as he works, eyes fluttering as his touch skims along your cooling skin. It’s only then he realizes that your shoe is broken and that leaving it on your foot and having you walk is dangerous. 
Sighing, he takes them back off, intent to carry you to the Uber and up to your apartment. His fingers make you wake up a little, swinging your head down as you say, “Hey weirdo. I have a boyfriend - a prince, to be exact - and he wouldn’t appreciate you touching my toes. Those are his.”
Taehyung laughs and stands up. He looks down his nose at you. You have to tilt your head back to see him, breath coming out in sweet little puffs that smell like juice. “Oh,” you say as Taehyung lowers his mouth, nose brushing yours. “You’re my boyfriend. These are your toes.” 
“They are,” he agrees. He steals a sweet kiss from you. Your mouth is warm against his, lips softer than ever. A shiver ripples through him as you melt into his touch, content to put your weight on him and let him hold you up. He always will. “Let’s get those toes home and in a pair of Sailor Moon socks, hmm?”
The Uber home is quiet. You immediately lean into Taehyung, smashing him against the door as you knock out. He smiles all the same, wrapping a warm arm around you. He kisses your head before leaning his forehead against the window, feeling the cool glass bring him all the way back to sober. 
Lights blur by outside. Orange and purples of Halloween, smears of costumes, and partygoers coming and going from their haunts for the evening. Once you’re at your apartment, he rouses you and lifts you up, carrying you up the stairs as you go. Your crown only falls off your head once, which he dutifully sets you on the ground to collect so you don’t loose - in your words - the honor of your kingdom. 
You sprint the rest of the way to your apartment then, tearing through the halls in your bear feet until you’re inside and on the bed panting, completely in disarray. 
Two glasses of water, pajamas, and Sailor Moon socks later, you’re crashed in the bed, snoring lightly. Taehyung grins at your form, opening the drawer of the dresser where he stores his pajamas. Seeing you in your shared bed in his shirt, hand reaching out looking for him is the perfect end to this night. 
Sliding into a t-shirt and sleep pants, he moves to close the drawer before he hesitates. At the bottom of the drawer is a black, velvet box. It’s perfectly square, and Taehyung smiles when he sees it, thinking about the way your eyes were starry and lost as you looked at the sky. He pulls a shirt over it - it only needs to be hidden for a few more days. 
Shutting the drawer he turns to look at you. His sleeping beauty, now. 
Biting his bottom lip, Taehyung laughs. It’s after midnight, but your spell on him isn’t broken. It never will be. And he cannot wait to slide the ring on your finger instead of sliding slippers on your feet.
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softedges · 11 months
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BLUE ; a fluffy one-shot inspired by this short film.
The clock read 7:o5 AM.
Right now, Taehyung would be waking up. He’d be rubbing the sleep out of his eyes while belting out a lengthy and husky yawn. Then, he’d lay in bed for a few minutes, scrolling through Instagram or TikTok before finally deciding to get out of bed and get ready for the day.
Part of you couldn’t help but cringe, feeling a bit embarrassed by having his routine memorized down to the very minute. You didn’t do it on purpose. It just came with being his roommate for the last five years.
You met him at a dinner party seven years ago. Back then, you guys were fresh faces in your last year of college with nothing but time on your side. He was going to be a famous artist and you, a prolific photographer. It’s why you decided to move in together. There was no doubt in either of your minds that this would be your last true year together before your careers and lives took you elsewhere.
How wrong you were.
Your careers skyrocketed but you found yourselves becoming inseparable.
Your first apartment was a hole in the wall. A tiny studio with an even tinier bathroom in the heart of the city. The only thing granting either of you space was a thin white sheet you put between your respective mattresses. As crappy as the first apartment was, however, it was important to you. It was the place where you realized you were in love with Taehyung.
You and Taehyung spent many nights cuddled up on his side of the apartment, watching bad K-dramas, eating terrible junk food, and slow-dancing to Motown classics. On your side of the apartment, you taught him how to properly make mac-and-cheese, the choreography from the dance scene in ‘House Party,’ and playing the Brandy version of Cinderella until you both were reciting the lines out of context. That little apartment had become a little slice of heaven between two best friends.
Even though your careers had taken off and the cash flow was enough to sustain your own apartments, both of you decided to continue to live together. This apartment was an upgrade: two bedrooms, a studio, an office, and two and a half bathrooms. It was more than spacious but space wasn’t something you wanted from Taehyung.
You checked the clock again. 7:26 AM. He’d be getting out of the shower any minute now. It was time to put your plan into action.
This morning was going to be different. This morning, when you had your awkward bathroom run-in, you were going to tell him how you felt, and no matter the outcome, it was going to be great. Because even if he rejected you, at least you had gotten it off your chest.
Quickly, you rose from bed and began sifting through your closet and many drawers. What does one wear to a moment like this exactly? A robe? No. It looked too rehearsed, too staged. Lingerie? No, that looked even more contrived. Most women didn’t make it a habit to sleep in their extra-special-and-sexy lingerie. You looked down at what you had on: a simple white T-shirt and a pair of grey dolphin shorts. He had seen you in this a million times. You wanted to make a subtle statement. Something that would catch his eye but that wasn’t too obvious.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw it. You had nearly forgotten it was in your room. Taehyung’s favorite shirt: A baby blue Chet Baker shirt that you “borrowed” two weeks prior when you forgot to do your laundry. You quickly took off your T-shirt and slipped it on.
7:28 AM. It was time.
You took a deep breath, preparing yourself to see a very wet but very handsome man making his way back to his bedroom.
7:29 AM. You flung your bedroom door open.
He wasn’t there. The bathroom door was open but his was closed, and you could hear the faint sound of jazz music slipping from beneath the door. You had missed your chance. Defeated, you headed to the shower.
As the water rained down on you, you began to doubt yourself. It was a foolish, stupid, idea to tell him you were in love with him. Especially so early in the morning. No, you’d wait until tonight to do it. Over dinner. At least, that way, his rejection wouldn’t hurt as much. You could sleep it off and forget it ever happened by the time morning came.
Besides, were you really Taehyung’s type? The man was quoted as saying he liked women who looked like Lily Collins and you were the farthest thing from a white woman with a model-thin body. You had rich brown skin. Thick thighs. Wide hips. A voluptuous body. You two were just friends. If he had wanted to make a move, he would have by now. As you began to rinse off, a familiar voice floated through the air to you.
“Y/N?” Taehyung said softly. You’re too startled to respond. Your name falls from his lips again as you hear the bathroom door open slightly. “Y/N? Hey …”
“Yeah?” You call out from underneath the water.
“I’m stopping by the bakery before work. You want anything?”
“You.” The word climbs its way from your heart into your throat, through your mouth, and slips past your lips without your permission. There isn’t a word for how mortified you feel.
A silence followed. You wished for the ground to swallow you up.
“What was that?” Taehyung asked.
You shook your head. “Blue,” you lied. “A blueberry muffin. I’ve been craving one all week.”
Another silence. Taehyung eventually chuckled and said, “Of course. Anything for my favorite girl.”
Your heart skipped a beat. You leaned against the shower wall and cursed yourself for being so silly. Perhaps he hadn’t heard you at all.
After getting dried and dressed, you find your blueberry muffin and a paper cup of coffee sitting on the kitchen table. You grab your breakfast and head off to your first photoshoot of the day.
You think about Taehyung all day. You call your assistant by his name. You bump into a wall while daydreaming about him. You space out with thoughts of making love to him when he texts you, asking what you would like for dinner. You realize that you’re going to have to tell him.
But not tonight. You couldn't. It just wasn't the right time. The momentum had been lost.
He’s on the other side of the kitchen, at a counter, seasoning the steak you two decided on. You have your back turned to him on the other side, cutting up vegetables. Taehyung begins to revisit your old college days, how much fun the two of you had, and how you ought to reach out to some of your old friends.  Just as you’re about to agree with him, five little words find their way out of your mouth instead.
“I’m in love with you.”
Your heart drops. Taehyung is silent.
Clearing your throat, you say, “Olive juice. I mean – oil. We need olive oil. We should really try cooking our steaks in that instead of avocado oil. Mind putting it on the grocery list?”
“Mhm,” he replies and you can hear the soft thud of his feet as he makes his way to the refrigerator, scribbling your request on the large chalkboard hanging from it before he excuses himself to the bathroom.
You didn’t dare to turn around. You couldn’t face him.
Putting the knife down, you head to the fridge to grab a carton of mushrooms when you notice what he’s written on the chalkboard. Olive oil is nowhere to be seen in sight, but six little words are.
‘I’m in love with you too.’
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drmflm · 1 year
home sweet heartbreak | l.hs
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summary: you were supposed to be in then out. but the prince has other plans—plans to give you an evening you would never forget, filled with flowers, food, and a bleary black swan mask.
pairing: heeseung x gn!reader (ft. jake and txt’s taehyun, soobin, + yeonjun)
word count: 4.0k
genre: angst angst angst with comedic breaks in between
au: cinderella, spy, royalty
rating: pg-15
warnings: grief, mentions of death, infiltration (which is treason ig?), unhappy-ish ending
event: this is for @kflixnet's fic exchange event!! hi @flwoie!! i hope u enjoyed this fic 🥰 it was so much fun getting to know u and to become an engene as part of this!! <3
note: blame sona for the ending. I WAS PLANNING to make it happy but she wanted sad so. you get sad 😊 oh also, the reader uses a fake name for the first bit of this!!
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When the red carpet rolled, you strode.
“Don’t make eye contact with them. Remember, you’re above them,” the radio buzzed as you straightened up and handed the knight your invitation nonchalantly, trying not to look at him. “Good job.”
“For the announcer dude, just slip him the 20,000 bill we gave you earlier,” Soobin said over the radio as you neared the stairs where the steward would announce your arrival.
You couldn’t speak without sounding suspicious, and most especially could not in a setting such as this, so you hooked your thumb into Taehyun’s right pocket and offering a small bow to the small lens tucked into the clip of his tie.
“He’s not very good at his job,” Soobin replied, and you could nearly hear the smirk in his voice. “The guy’s a good friend of Jun’s, doesn’t mind repaying an old favour for a small price. He’ll let the knight know not to go snooping.”
“Are you sure he’s loyal?” you whispered to Taehyun, rubbing his arm softly. “You know that everybody always has their own agenda.”
He nodded, lips pursed as he stared at you for a moment too long through his mask and looking away. “People will always bow to money, and we have a lot of it.”
People loved gossip, but the only thing they loved more than that, was money itself. The more money you had, the more likely you were to succeed in this society. Did you agree with it? No. But could you escape it? Unlikely.
So you just took advantage of it instead.
“I do hope they’ll have those cookies again,” Taehyun sighed, looking at you with an overly wide smile and a scrunched eye smile. “What were they called again? They were absolutely divine last year at the Prince’s private ball.”
Establishing status, a commonality among the ultra-rich you noticed. Of course, Taehyun was less ostentatious about his wealth than others, but he couldn’t allow others to find him weak or subordinate in any way. He represented his family at any gathering, and at this one in particular, he had to establish himself as one of the highest and most important businessmen in the country.
And the easiest way to do that? Just tell people you know the royal family and you had it in the bag. You might not know it, but people always listen to power. It was evident in the way that the people in front of you, upon hearing Taehyun’s words, permitted you to skip ahead with 90-degree bows, until you reached the steward who would announce your arrival.
As the couple before you gave him their card and stood in the front, Taehyung pulled you flush against his side, where you sank your fingers into his pocket and curled it into your fist. As he let you go, you folded your hands in front of you.
He handed you your name slip nonchalantly as the steward announced Lady Jieun and her partner, before you slipped the man the bill, and quickly made your way to the front.
“Kang Taehyun of the Kang Family Corporation and his date, Kim Iseul,” he announced, before gesturing for you to make your way down the stairs.
“People are nosy gossips, but Taehyun’s always been known to go out sporadically—dating rumours have been confirmed and denied so many times that nobody really cares anymore,” Soobin said over the radio. “There might be some articles about it but nothing big.”
“I doubt anything will really make it to the media,” Yeonjun said over the radio as well. Taehyun tightened his grip in yours. “They’re more preoccupied with Lee Heesucks instead.”
You would’ve laughed at the name if it weren’t for the fact that you were there, in the limelight of a dozen of the ultra-rich. You didn’t stand out—not after Yeonjun and Soobin worked hard to make you look perfect—and you hoped you wouldn’t for the remainder of the night.
Everyone was clad in dresses made of silk, suits made of the finest fibres, and every mask you saw was more and more garish the more you looked. Some were animal themed, dipped in gold and silver, others were clad with diamonds and precious gems.
But it was all a feast for the eyes, more so than the heart. When you noticed how careless and shallow most of the people were as they picked glasses off trays, took one sip, then discarded them on the same tray, you felt yourself grow nauseated at the fact that you were sharing the same air as them.
“How long will we be here for?” you asked quietly once he guided you to the dance floor and began waltzing you around.
“Just long enough for Taehyun to look around. We need to get you out before midnight, otherwise it’ll look really suspicious,” Soobin said, and you tried to control your expression as Taehyun swung you around at the lively music. “Hopefully you can blend in, but if things go awry or Heeseung notices you, we need you to distract him as best you can, for as long as you can.”
You smiled, but it fell when he added, “but under no circumstances, Y/n, do you go approach Heeseung yourself. This is dangerous territory right now. You need to be careful.”
You nodded, smiling as the song ended and the trumpets blared. All eyes turned towards the staircase, where the steward would announce the next arrival.
Beside him, stepped out one a man clad in an all white suit, traces of gold wrapping up along the cuffs of his sleeves down the length of his arms, his torso, his legs. They caught the light and the gaze of all who looked at him—towards the diamond that rested on the centre of his chest.
His face was shrouded by the black swan of his mask, feathers trailing gracefully along his face. You couldn’t see his eyes, but you knew they were sweeping across the crowd, looking, searching for—
“Introducing His Majesty, Prince Heeseung of the Lee Family!”
“He looks like an overcooked chicken in that mask,” Soobin grumbled, but you could barely hear him over the enthusiastic applause.
“Okay Y/n, now that Heesucks is here and no longer in his room, Taehyun is going to start the operation now. We’re going to turn off your radio so we don’t distract you or worry you. If that sounds good turn off the camera.” Yeonjun said over the radio.
While Prince Heeseung descended, and all eyes were focused on him, you reached up to the centre of your mask and—under the guise of fixing your mask for anyone looking—pressed one of the stray diamonds by your nose.
“Okay we’re shutting it down in 3…2…1–“ Beep.
At this, Taehyun nodded at you with a smile before slowly, quietly slipping away.
The food was good, you noted as you had your fifteenth helping of the same treats you were eating all evening. They were these small, star-shaped cookies with an orange frosting and sprinkles—so many sprinkles.
Ever since you were a mere child, you always loved the taste of tangerines, of ripe oranges. They reminded you of your mother who had grown an orange tree in your backyard in respect of her good friend Seri—and always made the most delicious freshly-pressed orange juice.
So while you were caught up blending in on the dance floor, you indulged yourself in trying some cookies, reminded of your mother, the sweetness of her oranges, and the sweetness of your childhood.
Things changed a lot the last couple years. Things too big to say in only a few words. Oranges were banned, oranges were a fruit never allowed in your household. Not with their history of heartbreak. Not when oranges really only grew where the heartache wandered.
You wished Yeonjun would come back on over the radio. You wished someone would say over the intercom that this was stupid, that the two of them should just make up.
But you couldn’t. Not when you didn’t know the truth.
The whispers grew louder, more boisterous around you. You heard him before you saw him. The cookie in your hand felt like a deadweight the closer you felt him step towards you.
“May I ask who I owe for depleting the Solarian Cookie supply?” he asked, coming up beside you as he grabbed the one out of your hand. “I thought everyone knew that these are the cookies I fancy the most.”
Jerk. “Well, pardon me Your Highness, I was not aware these cookies were reserved,” you replied. “Please excuse my careless mistake.”
“Mistakes,” he corrected, before taking a bite. “You made more than one, as you ate more than 10.”
“And how can you be sure that, that was me?”
He shrugged, “intuition I guess.”
“But intuition isn’t facts,” you argued as you shoved another one into your mouth.
“I suppose it isn’t,” he mused, before turning to face you, and you instinctively turned in response. “But I think it is when it comes to my cookies.”
“What a lame excuse,” you laughed, before you remembered. You were not supposed to talk to him. Absolutely not. He was dangerous.
Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t. You couldn’t betray your family.
“Just this once I’ll let it go,” he said, staring at you intently. “You remind me of a friend. But no more cookies, do you understand?”
“Yes Your Highness,” you replied, bowing your head.
You waited for him to walk away, but his white shoes never left their place in front of you. You tentatively looked up. He stared down.
“Sorry if I did not make myself clear, I would like to grab my cookies, so would you mind moving aside?”
At once, you immediately moved aside, feeling the hot course of humiliation travel through every fibre of your being until the man grabbed his cookies and left. As soon as he got far enough away, you let out a silent, soft breath. The whispers around you grew louder.
“He can be quite intimidating, can’t he?”
You looked to your right where a man greeted you. His attire was different—with zigzagging lines of bronze up and down his maroon suit, lighter coloured streaks in his hair, and round circular specs on his face. Clipped to his tie was a flag you had never seen before.
“Indeed,” you replied, looking at the flag once more before making eye contact. “For a Prince he is quite cold.”
“Don’t let others hear you say that,” he said, and you could hear an unusual variation in his accent. “Allow me to introduce myself, I am Sim Jaeyun.”
“Kim Iseul,” you replied before raising an eyebrow. “And what might you do, Mr.Sim?”
“I am part of the Prince’s Foreign Affairs team,” he replied, smiling at you warmly. “Translating for him as well as offering advice on how to best interact with certain cultures.”
Like Hueningkai, you realized bitterly. This man was his replacement.
He noticed your gaze on his tie, “Ah, this is my Australian clip. It was given to me by my father before I left to come here.”
“How lovely. It must have been a long journey. Do you ever miss them?”
He shrugged, “Sometimes. But I don’t really have time to miss them since I’m here.”
The conversation took a deeper turn than you were expecting, one where you felt the time go by faster, less forced. Jaeyun was like you, he wasn’t from an ultra-rich family, and he was much more down to earth than the rest of the people there, including the Prince himself.
“Why is the Prince like that, if you don’t mind me asking?” you asked after a while. You two had relocated to a table off to the side. “Why’s he so cold?”
He thought for a moment, “There’s a lot of things. But, as you may know, the Prince has been waiting, a long time, for his beloved brother to return to him.”
“His brother?” you asked, looking at him curiously. “What do you mean?”
He just shook his head, “it’s of no importance, Iseul. Just know that his anger was not directed towards you, but rather, towards himself.”
Prince Heeseung feeling anger at himself? That seemed very unlikely.
“Ah, Jaeyun. Just the man I was looking for,” the Prince’s voice rang out as he neared you. Upon seeing you he halted. “Why are you with them?”
“I think you may have mischaracterized them, Hee,” was his reply as he stood up. “Don’t worry, I’ll go check on him, you have a good time. This is your ball after all.”
With Jaeyun’s departure, it was just you and him, face to face. When you bristled at the silence, he took a deep breath before sitting next to you.
“I apologize for my unsavoury behaviour earlier. That was unbecoming of me and I hope you can forgive me,” he said, not making eye contact as he fiddled with the strings of his bow tie.
“It’s okay, I understand,” you replied, looking at him. “Sometimes things are just as simple as having a rotten day. I get it.”
“Where’d you hear that from?” he asked, head lifting up to meet your gaze. “That expression?”
You blinked at him, “‘Having a rotten day’? That was a phrase my mother told me. Why?”
“No reason,” he replied, holding your gaze. “What is your name?”
“Kim Iseul, Your Majesty.”
“What is your real name?” he pressed, leaning towards you.
“That is my real name,” you replied, leaning backwards slightly.
“Pleasure to meet you, Kim Iseul,” he said at last, before offering you a hand. “May I have this next dance as an apology for my behaviour?”
You looked at him, trying to find any ingenuity. “But you’ve already apologized.”
“I know, but I want to.” He didn’t want to. He was just trying to be nice. But you entertained the thought, of just this once, under a mask made of midnight, that it’d be okay to pretend like nothing had ever happened.
That was the moment you knew, as he swept you away, that you would never be able to truly resist him.
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“For a mysterious partner of Kang Taehyun, you dance quite well,” he complimented as you waltzed to the palace musicians and basked in the limelight.
“Well, I only learned from the best,” you replied, gesturing to him. “You are a fantastic lead yourself.”
He smiles, “Useless flattery, Iseul. I’ve been ballroom dancing since I could walk.”
So have I. “You can tell, your footsteps are so graceful.”
“Again, useless flattery…” he paused, “Iseul.”
You maintained eye contact and he held you a few moments longer, even after the song ended. You knew people were staring, probably talking about how Taehyun had abandoned his date and said date was all over the Prince and—
“Why?” you whispered tightening your hold on his hand. “What’s wrong?”
“Did you think I wouldn’t recognize you as soon as I laid my eyes on you?” he asked, eyes piercing through the thin veil of his mask, right into yours. “Y/n,” he breathed, leaning in closer. “Nothing, not even Time itself, could ever make me forget you.”
“You’re not supposed to know I’m here,” you sighed, letting go and breaking apart. “Nobody is. I came because of the masquerade. Not for you. Not for anyone.”
“That’s not true,” he replied, grabbing your hand and leading you away. You ripped it out of his grip but followed him out the hall anyways. “You came here for a reason. Why? If not for me, why?”
“It was me, all me, Your Majesty,” you replied, fingers trembling in his hold. “I forced Taehyun to come here with me.”
“Stop lying to me,” he growled, once you the ballroom doors had shut. “Tell me you missed me, even for a second. Tell me you regretted it just once.”
You hesitated. You couldn’t see his face, but his shoulders slumped. “I see.”
You blinked back tears as you cleared your throat, “Both of you made many mistakes. The only thing I regret is not hearing both sides of the story. But Hee—I don’t hate the fact that you were crowned and he wasn’t. I hate the fact that I had to choose between you.”
“It wasn’t even my fault,” he sighed, before he reached up and took the mask off his face. Exposed, you saw every facet of his face, crafted by God and shimmering with tears. “I didn’t want this either.”
“What did you want?”
“To be with you,” he breathed, coming closer and grabbing your hand. When you didn’t yank it away, he grabbed the other. “I would have been happy a commoner Y/n, so long as I had your hand in mind. Please, believe me Y/n. Can’t we pretend, just for a few hours, like nothing had changed, that you never left?”
“Won’t that just hurt us both in the end?” you asked, pursing your lips and sinking your teeth into your bottom lip. “Can you promise me you’ll let me go when the evening ends?”
“If that’s what you want,” he sighed, tightening his hold before letting go and turning around to brush away his tears. “But please. A chance.”
And, just like when he offered you a dance, you took his hand, and let him lead you away once again.
Him, unmasked and exposing the imperfections of his face, the vulnerability of the beauty mark just along his jawline, the soft curls of his hair.
He was a black swan with a pretty smile but you—you were a gold shadow, there was nothing more to you than the shallowness of your own desires, of your own shadows, your own betrayals.
You couldn’t look him in the eye, not because he was above you, but because you stooped down to a level far too low for him.
He led you to a small, circular door at the end of a never-ending hallway, before fishing out a familiar key from around his neck. This was what you were searching for. All this time, all of Jun’s anger and heartache, was because of this key.
The key to his—and everyone else’s—dreams.
He took it off his neck and inserted it into the lock, before the lock clicked open. He led you in, where your eyes immediately latched onto the blooming flowers and the beautiful tree of tangerines before you.
The small, secret garden was a masterpiece; the way the flowers framed the tree was deliberate like the swing gently rocking in a cool breeze, thousands of stars the only witnesses to this small sliver of true, untouched beauty.
This. This was what Yeonjun always wanted.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” he asked after a moment, carefully stepping towards the flowers. “I never showed this to you when we were younger, because I always wanted to surprise you when we grew up. I wanted to save this for the day when I’d get down on one knee and—propose, Y/n. I bloom only for you.”
You heard it, you couldn’t see it though, as the darkness shrouded his face. You only saw the shadow of his tears in the dim light of a dozen fairy lights. Sanctuary. That’s what this was. Sanctuary.
“You always said you’d find your sanctuary. Is this—“
“This became it when I lost you,” he whispered, before stepping into the light, grabbing your hand and leading you towards the swing. “Y/n, all I could think about since you left has been all my mistakes, everything I ever did in the past. Just please—for one moment, let me pretend like all of that never happened.”
“I can’t, Hee,” you whispered softly. It was a sin to ruin the sweet silence of the night. “I can’t because this is what Yeonjun always wanted. How can I take that away from him? He always wanted his mother’s garden, he wanted to be with her, cradling her grave.”
Heeseung’s head dropped as he let go of your hands. You sat down on the swing, while he gently pushed you back and forth.
“I’m sorry. I kept the key because I didn’t want anybody to ruin it. I didn’t want the landscapers to come and bulldoze it down, I didn’t want anybody finding Seri’s treasure and ruining it.”
You were quiet for a moment before he stopped pushing you, “was that why you came here? For Yeonjun?”
You nodded, “Yeah I guess so.”
“Nothing else?”
“Y/n, we’re back. We need to get you out of there are soon as possible. Security has caught on that we’ve infiltrated the palace. Beomgyu, the idiot accidentally stole too many cookies and Jun’s friend slipped to the knight so now Head Guard Yang is currently trying to get rid of Taehyun. Meet him out back by the rosebushes ASAP!!” Soobin said over the intercom, startling you out of whatever Heeseung-induced self-doubt you’d put yourself in.
This wasn’t about you. This was about Yeonjun.
He looked at you with something heavy in his eyes. He heard Soobin, both of you did.
“Go,” he whispered, leading you out and ripping the key from his neck. He placed it in your hands. “Get out of here Y/n, I don’t want to see you ever again. I’ll hold the guards off for a few moments. Just go.”
“Hee, I’m sorry,” you started, but he held up a hand.
He slid the mask back over his eyes, “leave. You don’t belong here. Nobody belongs here. I thought that after Seri died, I lost a mother, but I didn’t think in my wildest dreams, that I would also lose the only people who had ever meant something to me.”
His lips curled up, “You changed Y/n. I hope you forget about me quickly. Taehyun looks like a nice man. He looks like he cares about you. Tell him I say ‘Thank You’.”
He pushed passed you and started running down the halls, running from you. You heard the radio buzz, you couldn’t do anything but stand there, paralyzed at the gravity of what you had done. At the person you lost and continued to lose.
Every step felt heavy, and you eventually ran, but you couldn’t walk, you couldn’t be left to the mercy of your thoughts—not when the key sat heavy in your palm, and the tears even heavier in your eyes.
You couldn’t because when Taehyun carried you down the steps, when you got into the car and sped out somewhere under the veil of midnight—nothing could fill that uncomfortable emptiness on your fourth finger, that empty void that nestled in your soul.
Even seeing Yeonjun’s face light up at the key in your hand, or hearing the rest of the guys celebrate, nothing could bring you back.
Not when you knew the life you had left behind. Not when you knew, you made the greatest mistake of your life.
Because you wouldn’t be able to forget him—a black swan who brightened your life with glittering jewels and twinkling eyes, the man who hoarded cookies and smelled like oranges: sweet, homey, and heartbroken.
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copyright ©️ 2023 skyjoong. all rights reserved.
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soft-bellied-tannies · 11 months
The Magic of Modeling
How is it already the second to last day of Chubtober!? I can’t believe it’s almost over.
Today’s prompt is Enchanted from fatguarddog’s list and there is a little cameo from my favorite gal.
Read here or on AO3!
Taehyung wasn’t even sure how it was brought up. They were all talking about Jimin’s latest fashion show and then somehow, they were talking about Taehyung’s modeling ability.
While he was incredibly handsome and his partners never failed to tell him that, Taehyung knew he was not the model type.
He had been chubby his entire life and he really enjoyed that about himself. Taehyung loved food, loved his soft belly, and loved his wide thighs. He was the perfect cuddler and his lap was the best seat for his partners.
Taehyung knew it was partially a lie as he said it, but it didn’t stop him from setting up what eventually would become a months long endeavor.
“I could definitely model.”
His partners seemed to fall silent, figuring out how to respond to him lightly until Yoongi took the burden on himself.
“Tae, you know I’m saying this with all my love and respect for you with no judgment, but we both know that’s not really true. The industry sucks and you would have to lose weight to be taken seriously.”
Taehyung knew Yoongi was right, unfortunate as the truth was, but he also didn’t want that to stop him. It somehow became a challenge for himself - a fixation to figure out how he could pull it off.
He didn’t feel that he needed to prove them wrong necessarily because they loved and supported him, enjoying his body and hyping up his look, but it almost was like proving the industry as a whole wrong. An unknown sleight of his own hand.
It started with a lot of research for Taehyung to figure out how he could be chubby…maybe fat if he were to be honest with himself and enter the modeling world.
That is when Taehyung remembered Hwasa, the granddaughter of his grandmother’s best friend.
They had been childhood friends and he trusted her to come up with a solution considering that she descended from a long line of witches.
Taehyung certainly wasn’t going to attempt losing the weight first because he would never give into the toxic industry and he honestly just didn’t have the willpower to do it.
After looking up types of charms and spells, Taehyung found a variation on a Cinderella-esque magical effect that could allow him to have the best of both worlds.
It would allow Taehyung’s true form to be as fat and happy as he wanted while also shifting into the “ideal” frame for male modeling.
He could maintain the perfect model image during certain hours of the day before returning home to indulge in his favorite meals and couch cuddles.
After meeting up at Hwasa’s shop and explaining his findings, she looked at him with a mix of amusement and disbelief.
“You’re serious about this?”
“Of course, I told you, I need to make this point. I have to prove them wrong.”
“But they aren’t discouraging you, it’s just realistic.”
“Fine, then I need to prove the industry wrong.”
“By finding a loophole to still have the body type they require and no one knowing.”
“I will know! That’s the point!”
“God, you are so dumb…”
“So, you’re not going to do it?”
“What? Of course I’m going to do it, sit down.”
In a matter of hours, Taehyung was looking a completely different version of himself in the mirror. He couldn’t remember a time that his jaw had such a sharp line or ever having definition on his abdomen.
Honestly, Taehyung hated it. It felt and looked wrong, like everything that made him Taehyung was gone - way too small and cold.
“Man, you look hot as hell, models should consider themselves lucky that you love food so much, but it also just looks so off. You sure about this?”
Hwasa’s voice startled Taehyung and he nodded. He couldn’t agree more that it was not the look for him, however, he knew that he could easily sell the model look long enough to make his point.
“Yeah, I just need to do this until I can book a project and then be done with it.”
“Let me help with that. I’ve got some contacts in the industry. You aren’t the only one who uses magic to cut corners.”
Taehyung managed to hide his little secret from his partners, not utilizing Hwasa’s perfect charm until she sent him the details for a shoot.
Showing up to the set gave him a lot of insight to Jin and Jimin’s experiences, Taehyung making a mental note to check in on them both considering how uptight and brutally honest everyone was.
He truly had a terrible time and was happy that he hadn’t changed his life and body to work toward this. Although, he did accept a few more shoots since Hwasa went through so much to help him.
However, Taehyung did draw the line at a certain point.
“Maybe we can get you a partner shoot with someone. One last project because we call it.”
“Woah, I’m trying to prove myself, not get in trouble. No partners besides my own.”
“I don’t understand you, Tae, but somehow, I respect you.”
What Hwasa didn’t tell him was that she did find him a partner shoot that did follow his rules.
When Taehyung showed up the following week on set looking trim and toned, the last person he expected to see was Park Jimin.
It took everything for him not to run in the other direction, wanting his plan to be a big reveal once his photos were published.
Jimin turns to greet his model counterpart, eyes widening as he immediately recognizes a version of his partner that he’s never seen before.
“Minnie, I can explain.”
“You better fucking explain! What did you do to yourself? Did you hurt yourself? Why-“
“Jimin-ah, please, let’s talk in private.”
After explaining his entire plan and the fact that it wasn’t permanent, Taehyung saw the relief form on Jimin’s face.
Showering him in kisses and gentle touches, Jimin explained how scared he was that Taehyung did something dangerous and how happy he was to know that his soft and warm Tae was still underneath the magic.
They did the shoot together perfectly, chemistry and intimacy flowing naturally between loving partners.
Jimin stole a few shots from his team to take home as proof, changing his tune as soon as they were in the car together.
Taehyung knew he was in for it based on Jimin’s adamance that he told the entire story to their partners that night.
He could barely get the words out before the scolding began, telling him it was a reckless decision for such a silly reason.
Also, Namjoon and Hoseok both lectured him, frustrated and concerned that he would look elsewhere for magic knowing that he had two perfectly capable magic users in the house.
Taehyung reasoned that it would ruin the surprise and used his photos with Jimin as proof, finding that the impressive shots silenced his berating partners who could see the appeal.
What Taehyung had not expected was for his popularity as a model to take off. His shoot with Jimin went viral and he was getting offers for more and more work.
Tae tried so hard not to be smug about it because he knows he's hot shit and in his mind, this was proving to everyone that he could have both - being fat and a top model.
Part of him was discouraged that he couldn’t just be himself though. The only reason he was not on the front page of Vogue as his true self was because the industry decisions makers were cowards.
With Jimin becoming his never ending hypeman, complimenting his modeling but never shutting about how hot he was at his actual size, Taehyung found it easier to continue.
He introduced Namjoon, Hoseok, and Hwasa who were able to maintain his secret charm, allowing him to have the best of both worlds throughout his career.
His partners would admit to having a weird satisfaction watching him grow to his normal size as Taehyung was completely transparent with them on his arrangement now.
However, they weren’t the only ones who couldn’t keep their eyes off Taehyung. He became an enigma of the modeling industry.
The man landing covers and centerfolds with Park Jimin and Kim Seokjin on his arms that also had a cheeseburger and a milkshake for lunch on set while the other models ate their salads and drank their green juice.
Taehyung never told anyone aside from his loving partners and closest friend ever learned of his perfectly enchanted weight - the key to his happiness and success.
And maybe his happiness grew a little more knowing that Taehyung had convinced Jin and Jimin to loosen up and relax, maybe sharing the love of his little charm and big appetite with his partners over the years.
No one had to know that the most successful trio of models in Korea looked much softer behind closed doors.
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armynatural · 2 years
Navigation || Help me find a fic 😭
My BTS Fic Recs
After All by @kayeallen-official jungkook x oc angst, slow-burn, has a theme song.
Lost Stars by @kayeallen-official jungkook x oc angst, drama
Oath by @bangtan-yeonghon jungkook x oc x taehyung angst, mafia, memory-loss, friendship, betrayal
Silver Spoon by @blameblamebts suga x oc x jin ongoing?, angst, romance, arranged marriage
Carousal by @yoonia suga x oc angst, arranged marriage, suspense, mature, ceo!yoongi
About Time by @yoonia jungkook x reader x jimin ongoing, angst, time leap, soulmate
Facade by @youmakemebacon jimin x oc angst, romance, arranged marriage
I want you to stay by @ahundredtimesover jungkook x reader ongoing, ceo!jk, assistent!reader, slow burn, strangers to lovers, mature
Escape by @jjkfire jungkook x reader
Silver Spoon by @happy-meo yoongi x reader office au!, romcom, fluff
Crave by @kayeallen-official taehyung x Charity (OC) angel!taehyung, human!oc, supernatural, romance, slow-burn Note: This was one of the best fanfics that I read. This fanfic is now available as a published book.
Empty Space by @ahundredtimesover jungkook x reader undercover officer!jk, angst, smut
Comfort Inn Ending by @joonbird jungkook x reader angst, smut
The Soldier and The Surgeon by @taeinmycup jungkook X reader soldier!jungkook, doctor!reader, based on "Descendents Of The Sun", currently on hiatus
The Kingdom Club by ocean398 (asianfanfics) cinderella (oc) x jungkook x lovelyz!yein angst, psychological, drama, hostclub
Affliction by @leefics jungkook x reader arranged marriage
Covert Affairs by @minisugakoobies jungkook x reader enemies to lovers, spies!au, mature, angst
Magic Shop by @jungkookiebus jungkook x reader angst, fluff, mentions of death
When She Loved Me by @jungkookstatts jungkook x reader terminally ill reader, mature, ceo!jungkook
To Protect You by @passionate-noona jungkook x reader bodyguard!jungkook, angst
Petals by @hayjeon jungkook x reader (ft. hoseok) hanahaki desease, angst
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piedpiperslists · 1 year
Taehyung One Shots (XXX)
* s - contains smut
Wax On by @moni-logues wc~3k / established relationship Summary: Your waxer cancelled on you last minute and there was no one else available. Your boyfriend volunteers and, against all your better judgement, you let him do it.
Replay by @hamsterclaw s wc~11k / college au, roommates au Summary: Taehyung's your roommate - you get along fine, you do your own thing and stay out of each others' way. Your relationship works perfectly the way it is, you don't want or need anything more out of it.
Who They Say You Are by @glassbangtan wc~9.7k / historical au Summary: Sewing is something you should be good at, but you’re not. It’s as simple as that - you just can’t do it. So, you are quick to snatch up Kim Taehyung’s offer of teaching you the basics.
Baddie by @kth1fics s wc~4.8k / gang member!Taehyung, situationship, PWP Summary: The bad boy in your life, Kim Taehyung, comes visiting once again for his basic needs to be met.
[...] If It’s Not You by @mercurygguk s wc~8.5k / exes to lovers Summary: Kim Taehyung grew up watching his parents fall more in love for each day that passed and he always longed for that great, passionate love himself. But if it’s not you? Then he doesn’t want it.
A Fair(y) Crime by @jimlingss wc~22k / fantasy au Summary: While you might hate fairytales, it doesn’t change the fact that you are the descendent of the fairy godmother. With a wand in your hand and magic running through your veins, you have to search for your Cinderella and grant them their happily ever after….but things might be a bit more complicated than that when you find out your little Cinderella comes in the form of troublemaker Kim Taehyung.
All In by @tattookoo s wc~18.5k / museum curator!Taehyung, strangers to lovers Summary: Hopelessly unlucky in love, you thought relationships and true love in general may not be for you. But that was until a spontaneous trip to las vegas for your old college roommate’s wedding changed the game entirely.
The Color of the Sea by @peekaboongi wc~3.7k / friends to lovers, mermaid au Summary: His hair is the color of the sea you call home.
Broken Rings & Queens and Kings by @gukyi s wc~24k / arranged marriage, enemies to lovers, royalty au Summary: To make a long, long story very, very short, you and Kim Taehyung have been sworn enemies ever since childhood, that is, until you find out that you’re betrothed to each other for the good of your kingdoms, and everything comes crumbling down.
Tattoos Together by @gukyi wc~5k / tattoo artist au Summary: You aren’t necessarily terribly particular when it comes to tattoos, and when you arrive at your favorite tattoo parlor one day in search of a new addition, one in particular catches your eye, but more importantly, so does the artist behind its creation. And slowly, you come to realize that art does not need sentimental value to be meaningful—it just needs to be loved.
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riaarivic · 1 year
HATE 8: EGO (M) I MYG x F!reader
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🌙 Pairings YoongixReader
🌙 Genres Mafia!AU, Smut, Angst, Action, Thriller, Enemies to lovers
🌙 Rating 18+ minors DNI
🌙 Summary  You were an INTERPOL Agent assigned to infiltrate the depths of the most powerful Gang in South Korea: The Seven Moons. Your objective: to impersonate the daughter of one of their leaders and destroy the operation from within. That is, if they don't discover you first.
And Traitors won’t have the mercy of a quick death
🌙 Warnings For this chapter: mentions of death, drugs and vioence, foul language, mentions of organized crime.
🌙 A/N At no time do I (the author) encourage this activity in life, it is important that you know that the criminal acts in this book are that, a crime, as well as harmful to health and should not be romanticized. This is all a work of fiction for entertainment.
Love, Ria
🌙 Chapter wordcount 3k
🌙 Series Index
1  2 3 4  5 6 7 8 9 10 11
HATE 8: EGO (M) I MYG x F!reader
I go back every day. To me of yesterday. To the life of giving up
I let myself go away. But in this world, you know. There are truths unchanged.
Han River Bay, cargo port, Seoul South Korea
Keep calm Jung Hoseok...
Keep calm.
There is a rumor that Jhope was the clansmen favorite son to inherit the Seven Moons. His talent for cleaning up a crime scene was almost as good as his amazingly good eye for new recruits. 
No one was as loyal as Jung Hoseok.
That made him one of Kim Dohan’s favorite sons.
And a ruthless son of a bitch too.
Most of the lower clansmen were quietly favoring Jhope to be their next leader. 
A rising star in Seoul’s underworld.
Like a twisted cinderella story.
He could really have a chance to become the heir.
But JHope wasn’t born with Clan’s blood.
Kim Dohan saw a lot of himself in the young gangster. In a decade of being in the Seven Moons he had managed to rise to the highest levels of the clan. He went from being a simple drug dealer to being one of the key leaders of their criminal organization.
You didn't see that every day.
Besides being the Clan’s Recruiter, Jhope's specialty was cleaning up his brothers' messes.
Whether it was the bloodied body of an enemy killed by Suga in a back alley.
Or JK getting a little out of hand in one of his fights.
Or that time Taehyung crashed a brand new Lamborghini into a historical sculpture in the city.
And let's not talk about the incident involving the Bengal tigers that Jimin asked him to bring to the club for one of his shows.
It still made him want to throw up every time he remembered it. Let's just say that in the end, they weren't cute kittens.
Anything that needed to be fixed Jhope would fix it.
Anything the clan asked for Jhope found it.
Anybody that had to dissapear...
You get the picture.
But even in all his years belonging to the Seven Moons he never thought he would witness a disaster the size of the one tonight. If someone had told him about it, he probably would have laughed in their face. His two brothers were fighting over the same woman.
In public.
At Jimin 's club.
Well, he wasn't so sure Namjoon really had feelings for you. The right hand was known throughout Asia as the most eligible bachelor. Hope knew of her brother's reputation with women. But Suga, he had never seen him behave like that. He never went to the club and when he did, he ignored all the angels. Male or female, he didn't care.
JHope was beginning to think that his brother had made a weird celibacy pact with the Leader.
Never in a million years did he imagine that he would witness Suga, the most indifferent man on the face of the earth. Who didn't care about you or anyone or anything, literally make out on an alley like a horny teenager during prom night. 
And to top that with the pretty pampered heiress of one of his father's allies. 
Unbelievable, really.
He really didn't want to be there when the Leader found out what happened in the club. The thought of it  sent a shiver down his spine.They would probably both end up castrated. Although that would not be very beneficial to the clan now that he thought about it.
If it left the two leading candidates to inherit the clan without the possibility of having children…
“Jhope, where are we going?” your voice croaked from the passenger seat.
He was so focused on his internal monologue that he had forgotten that you, the aforementioned daughter of a former clan chief, fiancée of the heir, possible mother of the Seven Moons' legacy....
He had lost himself in his thoughts again, 
“We must wait for things to calm down, Princess Nari '' he gave you a quick glance as he continued driving “Suga-hyung and Namjoon must be at this very moment extreme make overing each other's face with their fists and later when they get to the house, our father is going to finish what's left of them.”
You shrunk a little, he realized that your pupils were still very dilated, lips trembling as you were about to cry “Hey, princess calm down. We've all had a bad trip. Tomorrow you can say you don't remember anything and that you have low resistance to designer drugs. It's probably true, two doses of the new formula that arrived today from the labs mixed with alcohol? Wow, even I would have kissed Suga-hyung” That brought a smile to your face.
“Jhope, have you ever been to Russia?” he paused for a second to look at you, surprised a bit by the sudden question.
“Oh yeah, several times. It comes with the job, you know? I've been on several tours around the world, I like to call that my Mafia Tours. I'm sure you'd love it, if you take away the drugs, the guys with guns and the probability of getting arrested at an airport... Again “Jhope winked at the last part and the car came to a stop at a small warehouse.
“Let's go. You can have a hot tea and finish passing the Molly effect. And If you promise not to kiss me too, I'll tell you a bit of my story to keep you entertained” You nodded and got out of the van to follow Jhope.
Jhope’s small warehouse was on the outskirts of Seoul. It was a dimly lit space filled with stacked crates and boxes, casting long shadows on the concrete floor. The air was thick with the scent of musty cardboard and stale cigarettes, and the only sounds were the distant hum of passing cars and the occasional rat scurrying across the floor.
You noticed a few young men and women sitting on a table on the far back of the place. Most of them barely looked a day older than eighteen.
Some of them probably were still in highschool. 
Or at least supposed to be. 
They spoke in hushed tones, their faces obscured by the shadows, as they dealt in illicit goods and discussed the inner workings of their assignments. 
To put it in a simpler way. 
They were the clan’s runners. 
Rookies that were being trained by Jhope to push merchandise in the streets of Seoul. The real reason why he was also one of the Clan’s favorites to inherit the leadership. Is because he was in charge of recruiting and training the new generation of the clan. Raise them, to become ruthless gangsters like him.
And you guessed it. 
They were all extremely loyal to him.
Jhope guided you to a staircase that led to the second floor, secluded from the numerous containers that lined the place. Two men, more like boys, were guarding the front door and when they saw them arrive they bowed in respect. “Oh and Princess Nari, you can call me Hobi. That's what the people I like call me” 
He opened two heavy metal doors. Inside, the room was sparsely furnished with a simple wooden desk, a few mismatched chairs, and a filing cabinet pushed against the wall. The walls were bare, save for a few framed certificates and diplomas hanging crookedly, giving the impression that the space had been abandoned long ago.
“Let's see, first the tea and then the story. Come on, drink up” Jhope passed you a hot cup as you sat together on the small couch. You could see pictures and souvenirs from different parts of the world.
He was about to start his story when a quiet knock was heard on the other side of the office’s door. “Boss, do you have a minute?” Soo-jin, a young recruit, and one of Jhope’s favorites, was standing on the other side. 
“So-jin, I hope it's something too important for you to think you have the right to come into my office like this, when I have company." Jhope said.
She nodded strongly, "Yes, yes. Boss, you have to see this for yourself.
Jhope got up to follow the young woman. He stopped  before the doorframe to give you an empathetic look. “Stay here, Princess Nari. Then we continue our conversation”
The air was thick with tension in Jhope’s warehouse as he stood across Soo-jin. He knew the young woman since she was a scrappy teenager who just dropped out of school. In a way, he saw her as a younger sister. 
And he knew perfectly well that careful expression she had on her face right now. Like a kid who’s about to tell their parents they failed a class. 
He saw through the broken window and released a tired sigh "So, what did you find out about my brothers?" JHope leaned forward, his piercing gaze fixed on Soo-jin.
Soo-jin shifted in her feet, her eyes darting nervously around the room. "I...I followed them for a few days, like you asked me to," she began hesitantly. "And I found out that...they're both involved in shady business. I saw the right hand covered in blood leaving the Han-yong bath house last night. He is definitely the one behind the murder of the leaders."
"What about the Shadow?" he asked, his voice low and dangerous.
Soo-jin licked her lips nervously before answering. "I'm not sure, but it's something big. He was meeting with some men in a warehouse on the outskirts of the city. I tried to get closer, but one of them spotted me and I had to run."
“Boss” she continued, eyes trembling and her voice almost a whisper “Those men are the same that attacked the Shadow’s warehouse three months ago. It was staged. They were working for him”
Jhope’s face remained impassive, but inwardly he seethed with anger at the news. He had always known that his brothers were ambitious, but he never thought they would stoop so low as to betray their own family.
He leaned back on the wall behind him, his mind racing. He knew he had to do something to prevent his brothers from fucking everthing up with whatever scheme they were planning. 
But he also knew that he couldn't do it alone.
"Thank you, Soo-jin," he said finally. "You've done well. I need you to keep an eye on them for me. And if you find anything else, let me know immediately."
Soo-jin nodded, relief washing over her. She had been worried about what Jhopes's reaction would be, but he had always been fair to her, even when she made mistakes.
He stood up, his tall frame towering over her. "You can go now. I’ll take it from here," he said, gesturing for her to go down the stairs.
Jhope's mind was already working on a plan to stop his brothers. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to protect his family at all costs, even if it meant going up against his own flesh and blood.
Because Jung Hoseok’s specialty was cleaning up his brother’s messes. 
Even if he also had to take care of them.
Of course you had heard everything. 
The second Jhope left you alone in his office you bolted to the door and hid behind it. You already knew Namjoon was up to no good, but now you could link him to the murders of the ten Mob Leaders that were killed last night. You guessed that he did it behind his clan’s back by the way he was acting this morning.  But now you knew for sure that the only biological son of Kim Dohan was conspiring against his father.
And the shadow…
You had to dig deeper into the information about the attack on the main shipping port. Maybe you could use some persuasion techniques. 
Definitely not an excuse. 
You were just doing your job.
After giving several sips to your hot tea, you started to feel the effect of the drugs wear off. Looking at the pictures Jhope had scattered around his walls, you realized that most were from places where the most powerful clans, mafias and cartels reside.
Also some pictures with gang leaders you helped take down. 
Well, fuck.
“I look pretty handsome in that one. Right, princess?” You were so startled by his voice that you almost dropped your cup. 
“I- I got bored waiting for you” you said begging internally that he would believe you. He gave you a cheeky grin “I’m sorry, it took longer than expected. Are you feeling better? Do you want to continue the story?”
You nodded as you both walked again to the couch “Hobi, how did you end up in the clan? I mean, I know Namjoon and Jin were born into it. But what about you, did you always belong here?” 
“Uhmm you can say yes and no, princess” Jhope pursed his lips in a thoughtful gesture before continuing to answer “My family was involved for many years in the trafficking and smuggling of goods. Not at these levels, of course. But let's just say they were trading partners of the clan.”
“To make a long story short, my parents were caught by the police. My dad was convicted and my mom ran away, I haven't heard from her in many years” the man's gaze saddened and you let him continue. You couldn't help but feel a little bad to hear his story. 
You remember that from his file.
A father in prison.
A mother in exile.
And a sister who had left him more than 10 years ago.
Leaving him alone in the middle of their mess.
“I was left alone at a quite young age. For the 15 year old Jung Hoseok the best answer to that was drugs and dropping out of school. It wasn't easy, let me tell you” he let out a dark chuckle “I had to be pretty creative to get something to get high on the streets of Gwangju” 
He looked out of the office window deep in his own thoughts “Eventually that creativity led me to the Leader, our father. He offered me a roof over my head and free dope if I joined his clan. But the only condition was that I had to finish High School” Jhope laughed but his smile never reached his eyes.
“I was more than enthusiastic about the free drugs and not long after I discovered that I had a talent inherited from my parents for, you know, scamming. That made me a useful man to our father. The feeling that I belonged to something made me stay clean..... well, almost” Now he was silent, looking a little lost in his own memories.
“That's why I chose that code name, Jhope. Hope. Of never returning to my past self.” He said with a sad sigh.
15 years old. Too young to be an addict, you thought.
“Tell me about Russia” you asked trying to lighten the mood a bit  “Do you have friends there?”
“We mobsters don't have friends, Princess Nari. Only associates, acquaintances and enemies” Jhope again went back to his usual smile “But yes, in Russia I met someone some years ago. I convinced her to stay away from this world... ironic, isn't it? But for some reason, in the time I was with her I didn't feel so lonely”
The hell?!
He was talking about Anya. You were sure of it.
Does he know she works for Interpol?
Does he know you work for Interpol?
You could feel your heart racing and this time you were sure it wasn't from the effect of any drugs.  The image of the young woman in the store came to your mind. Jhope and Garam were too much alike, they had the same mannerisms when they spoke. The possibility that they were siblings perhaps seemed crazy, but to an agent's brain it made all the sense in the world.
It has to be...
“Hobi, do you have any other blood relatives? Like, you know, a sister?”
“What?” The man's expression turned completely dark in a second “Who. The fuck. Told you. About my sister?” he uttered every word approaching you, no longer looking like the friendly person he always was.
Maybe this was his true face.
But before you could even think about what she could answer him a clansman rushed into the office. “Boss! The dragon! The- they sent something again. I am very sorry to interrupt, but you need to see this” the young man's face was one of complete terror, as if he had seen the devil himself.
“The Dragon '' You furrowed your eyebrows at the name, remembering what you’ve read about the clan wars 20 years ago. But the report said that the whole Jade Dragon Clan was wiped clean by Kim Dohan. 
You thought that there were no survivors.
But you were wrong.
Very wrong.
“Stay here,Princess. Please.” He stood up quickly and rushed out of the door. Obviously, you were not going to stay there. You wanted to know what all the fuss was about.
It didn’t take a second to reject that you didn’t listen to Jhope.
You  failed to stop a scream of terror as you peeked over the railing of the stairs. Inside one of the containers were at least 30 completely mutilated and decomposed corpses stacked on top of each other.
Looking at them, it was hard to believe they were ever human.
And above of them a dragon's head made of solid gold, biting into a round piece of Jade. Watching you on top of that mountain of death. Hanging from the bodies was a message of victory, which seemed to have been written in blood:
This is how the devil pays for your loyalty.
That is when you realized that all of the corpses had the tattoo of the seven Moons on their necks.
They were clansmen.
And The Devil.
The note was referring to Kim Dohan making it clear that he had betrayed his own men.
That is how the Devil pays for his loyalty.
These were the men Namjoon had ordered to kill three days before.
The ones Suga was sent to disappear.
And you had a bad feeling that if you didn't find out what had happened there....
You would soon join them.
I tought a lot about publishing this chapter today or not. First I have to confess that i did not plan that Hobi's special chapter would drop the day of his enlistment.
But today has been a very weird/sad day and I needed to just change this feelings into something productive. So I finished translating/adapting this chapter.
Hate! Hobi is one of my ultimate fav characters, we love a dual king.
And for real life Hobi, we will miss you 💗
I hope everyone is doing well, I'll send you all a virtual hug.
Thank you so much for reading this story, it really means a lot to me.
Ria 🌙
Tag List @drunkzseok @allamericanuniverse
If you want to join the tag list. You can coment this post or send me an ask!
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taevbears · 2 years
Main Masterlist
☆ all written works © taevebears. do not steal or copy! ☆ most of these works are 18+, minors do not interact ☆ note that titles & summaries are not finalized and will likely change ☆ these stories have been cross-posted to AO3
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Recent Updates:
♡ Magic Shop Series - 12 | Posted Apr 20 2024 ♡ Magic Shop Series - 13 | Posted May 18 2024
♡ Dancing with Prince Charming - 01 | TBA ♡ Dancing with Prince Charming - 02 | TBA ♡ Dancing with Prince Charming - 03 | TBA ♡ Dancing with Prince Charming - 04 | TBA ♡ Dancing with Prince Charming - 05 | TBA ♡ Magic Shop Series - 14 | TBA ♡ Magic Shop Series - 15 | TBA
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Story by Member:
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⏤ To Be Loved | Beauty & The Beast ↬ Caught in a heavy storm, you and your rescued hybrid seek shelter in a mysterious old manor. The owner’s only condition: to go on a date with him. ↬ Hybrid AU ↬ Kim Namjoon x You | Mini Series | Completed!
CH. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 (End)
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⏤ Dancing with Prince Charming | Cinderella  ↬ In a strange turn of events, your one night stand with the town’s most eligible bachelor is now a scandalous affair.   ↬ Strangers to Lovers, Fake Dating  ↬ Kim Seokjin x You | Mini Series | planning
CH. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
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⏤ Distant Dreamers | Sleeping Beauty ↬ Everyone has a dream about their soulmate. But you’re certain you’ve been cursed to forget about yours.  ↬ Soulmate AU, Historical AU ↬ Min Yoongi x You | Mini Series | planning
CH. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
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⏤ In Blue Dreams | Peter Pan ↬ You know that place between sleep and awake? That place where you still remember dreaming? That’s where I’ll always love you. That’s where I’ll be waiting. ↬ Yandere, Faerie AU ↬ Jung Hoseok x You | Mini Series | planning
CH. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
⏤ Pandora’s Box | Birthday Fic 2024 ↬ Keep a fire burning, however small; however hidden. ↬ Angst, Lovers to Exes ↬ Jung Hoseok x You | One-Shot | posted ♡
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⏤ Untitled | Little Mermaid ↬ What would you give to be part of his world? ↬ Strangers to Lovers, Unrequited Love ↬ Park Jimin x You | Mini Series | planning
CH. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
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⏤ Untitled | Aladdin ↬ His only desire is to be with you. Little does he know, you feel the same. ↬ Mafia AU, Forbidden Love ↬ Kim Taehyung x You | Mini Series | planning
CH. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
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⏤ The Innkeeper’s Daughter | Snow White ↬ Everyone said she is the fairest of the land, but he always thought it was you. ↬ Adventure Guild AU ↬ Jeon Jungkook x You | Mini Series | planning
CH. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
⏤ Movie Night | Halloween 2023 ↬ When horror movies don’t scare you anymore, your boyfriend wants to figure out what you are afraid of. ↬ Horror, Yandere ↬ Jeon Jungkook x You | One-Shot | posted ♡
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⏤ Magic Shop Series ↬ Within the walls of a seemingly ordinary shop is a place of comfort, love, and most of all, magic. ↬ Magic AU, slow burn, found family, comfort/angst ↬ OT7 x You | Series | ongoing ↬ Series Masterlist & Schedule 
Pt 1: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 (final) Pt 2: 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | coming soon
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bangtanhoneys · 1 year
BTS MOMENT: OT8 - Winter Days
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Winter days at the Bangtan household/dorm
There's no log fireplace but Jimin wishes there was one as he spreads various blankets over the couch
Grace & Seokjin are in charge of the hot chocolate, as well as the chocolate chip cookies
Jungkook has promised he hasn't eaten three already
Taehyung has though (including some of the batter which isn't the same)
Yoongi has cleared the projects on his list so they can have a day like this
Namjoon as well and he's got a book picked out as well if he finds the movie too boring
Hobi had been in cleaning mode to make sure the living room was perfect and everyone had matching pyjamas
I'm thinking ones that look like candy canes
Yoongi took one look at them and refused but then couldn't say no when Grace looked at him
Everyone has matching socks with their names on
Taehyung has got Cinderella on the TV ready because he thinks snowy winter days calls for Disney
Grace wants Sleeping Beauty next
Jimin has Bambi cued up because he thinks the characters in it match them. Jungkook is Thumper after all...or is he Bambi because of his doe eyes?
This causes a long discussion as they all settle on various areas of the couch.
Grace has to be in the middle because Jimin has claimed one side and Jungkook has claimed the other
Taehyung has claimed her feet
Namjoon is content to stay at the corner end of the couch, where his plastic mug sits on the end table. His hot chocolate is topped with whipped cream and a flake
Hobi settles next to their leader, keeping his named mug away by cuddling it to his chest. There are no mini marshmallows or cream. It's boring
Seokjin has settled on the corner that's nearest to the kitchen because he'll be in charge of the snacks. He's gone all out on his hot chocolate
Yoongi is next to his eternal roommate and has also gone all out on his chocolate, no matter how much he complains about how sweet it is
"Ya! That's what you get for adding sugar to it."
Haha sugar for Suga
The kids are a mix of overloading their mug to the point it's overflowing or in Jungkook's case - can he fit a cookie on top of the mug and sip the hot chocolate threw it? No.
Grace is just content to pull her fluffy blanket around her lap, hold onto her 'Mum' mug and drink all the cream first to get to her hot chocolate.
She's acquired three cookies of her own. Jungkook, you can fuck rightly off because these are mine
She'll be asking Seokjin to make popcorn before Sleeping Beauty comes on though
The room is dimly lit, the heating is on and even though it's snowing up a storm in Seoul, the Bangtan dorm is warm tonight
They'll end up falling asleep where they are after pizza but no one complains
Maybe Yoongi but then his shoulder hurts
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candysugarush · 2 months
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬:
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Soobin (Fairy Godfather) & Jungkook (Prince charming)
- relation: never met
" So you're the one I should thank for letting me meet the love of my life?"
" Don't. It was a mistake, one that I fully intend to correct. She's not for you, stay away from her. Understood?"
.。.:*✧The Little Mermaid:
Taehyung (Little Mermaid) & Heeseung (Sea Witch)
- relation: contractual
" Alright, I have three days to get her to kiss me... It's- it's alright, everything will be fine. After all, she loves me! Even without my voice, she won't reject me!"
" This fool... There's no way he will succeed without his precious voice. And I will make sure he doesn't get close to her. She deserves someone better, like me."
.。.:*✧The Sleeping Beauty:
Yoongi (The Prince) & Jay (Thorns Fairy)
- relation : enemies
" They say there is a cursed princess sleeping inside that place... Well, I just have to get those thorns out of the way then."
" Another fool ready to meet his demise to my bramble. Step forward if you dare, but knows that I won't allow you to get a glimpse of her. She is mine."
.。.:*✧The Ice Queen:
Hoseok (Ice Boy) & Sunghoon (Ice Queen)
- relation: son and father (Hoseok's time)
" ...Father? "
" Who? There's seems to be a misunderstanding. I don't have a son. At least, not yet."
.。.:*✧Jack and the Beanstalk:
Jake (Farmboy) & Jaehyun (Giant)
- relation: Doppelganger and enemies
" So, in some sort of way, this whole thing is my fault? You know, since you're my counterpart and all."
" We're different, you tiny human. We may share looks and personalities, but I'm different in how I'm honest with my desire and act on them. Unlike you who hides everything. Also, you're weaker. Obviously, I'm the better one."
Taglist: @loumin908
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015friends · 1 year
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such stuff as dreams are made on vmin, 39k, cinderella inspired
"sir no one, may i have this dance?"
or: kim taehyung, a kitchen boy, sneaks into a royal masquerade. park jimin is the prince he never expected.
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